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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-08-21, Page 4
Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 21st, 1947 Exeter District HIGH SCHOOL Students who wish to attend Exeter District High School should enroll with the Secretary. Address E. D. Howey, Box B, Exeter, or telephone 297R giving your name and address including the lot and concession. Principal H. L. Sturgis, B.A., B.Paed., will be in the school office for consultation on August 21, 22, and 23, from 9 to 12; and from 1:30 to 4. School telephone 298 r.S’REAL ESTATETHAMES ROAD Mr. and Mrs. Forthe and daugh ter, Gail, and Mr. and Lloyd, of Schomberg, Sunday with Rev. and Mrs. Mair. Grant Lloyd, who has been visiting 'with Rev. and Mrs. Mair for the past two weeks, returned home with them. A family gathering was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Allison on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs, Chester Merkley and Roy, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bunker and Bruce, of Oshawa, visited with relatives in this community this past week. Miss Jean Cann, who has been employed for the summer months at Grand Bend, spent Wednesday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Passmore and Alice visited with Mr. and Mrs. Tookey at London on Sunday, and Mrs, H. Wright and Arva, Mair i i Academic Subjects to University Entrance Commercial Options and Special Commercial Home Economics and Shop in Grades IX, X, XI New Department of Agriculture. wishes to announce that he has purchased the taxi business formerly operated by Snell Bros. & Co., and can assure the people of Exeter and district that the efficient service in the past will be continued. Temporary Phone No. 146 FOR THOSE WHO “CARE” WE’LL CUT YOUR HAIR. Al and Walt BARBERS Special attention to Children’s Haircutting Men Wanted Laborers - 70 Cents per Hour Rough Carpenters for Form Work $1.00 PER HOUR Apply Looby and Looby CONSTRUCTION OFFICE BETWEEN EXETER AND DASHWOOD © Haircutting © Shaving © Shampooing ® Massaging and Scalp Treatments Al Tomlinson Walt Bentley Mrs. K. G. visited -on FOR SALE— In Crediton, some houses worth your consideration. On highways, some houses with acreages t® fit youi^ needs. Farms in Huron, Middlesex in the others of the very found. Consult W. Realtor, Exeter. Perth and cheap list, best to be C. Pearce, 21* Classified Directory Small Cpstj Littk Space, but Power to Burn . . . Times-Advocate Want Ads FOR SALE—Lot on John street, Exeter, with cellar dug and drains in. Apply to Chas. Hoff man, next door to lot. 21* FOR SALE NOTICES Rev. family, of and Mrs. week. Bobbie this week days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hunkin in Belmore, Stanley Johns visited last week in Exeter with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Bierling. Norman Howald, of Denfield, visited for a few days with his cousins, Bobby and 'Stanley Johns. Mr. and Mrs. H. Shriner, of New York, returned home on Tuesday after holidaying with the latter’s father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. John Allison. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Roy Coward is still in St. Joseph’s Hospital. We hope she will soon be well enough Mr. Bert visited over parents. Mr. and and Marilyn end with friends Essex. Sunday services on Sunday. a.m. and Church at visited with Rev. Tuesday of last returned homeMiller after visiting for a few to be home again. ■Gardiner, of the week-end London, with his Mrs. Melvin visited Gardiner ■over the week in Sarnia and will be at the Sundayusual hour School at 10 11 a.m. The Y.P.U. Thames Road ning of last the evening was taken Iby Rev. H. Mahoney of Main St. Church, Ex eter, with which They where lunch was served by Mrs. Mair and a social time was spent. The Mission Band under the leadership of Misses Mary Gardiner and Doris Duncan were entertain ed to a picnic on the church lawn Wednesday afternoon of last week. After the regular meeting sports were enjoyed on the church lawn and lunch and Results of the lows: boys, 6 Beaver, Wayne under, Ruth Allen, Doreen Pierce; •boys 7 and 8, Barry Miller, Don. Ballantyne; girls 7 and 8, Barbara Allison, -Palsy Scott; boys 9 and 10 Donald girls 9 Pierce; Maver, 12, Labelle Coward, Passmore; wheelbarrow race, Bob bie Miller and Gordon Maver; pap er bag race, boys, Donald and Gor don Maver; paper bag race, gsirls, iLabelle Coward, Irene Beaver, Rosemary Passmore. of Roys met at the church on Friday eve- week. The topic for Mrs. Mahoney also favored selections on the accocdian was much enjoyed by all. then gathered at the Manse ice cream served, races were as fol- and under, Bobby ERowe; girls 6 and Maver, Lome Ballantyne; and 10, Irene Beavers, Ellen boys 11 and 12, Gordon Bobbie Miller; girls 11 and Labelle Coward, Rosemary MOUNT CARMEL Margaret Ryan returned from Quebec where she took a course in French. lEleanor iting with Shirley Barber Shop located in connection with Bus DepotI BABY CHICKS STARTED CHICKS Mixed chicks and pullets--all varieties. NEUHAUSER HATCHERIES 31 King Street, LONDON, Ontario. Open EvdiiingS New Hampshire, mixed; Leghorn pullets; Barred Ryan, of Chicago, is vis- Mr, and Mrs. M. Ryan, and Rose Mary Regan have returned to St. pital training school three weeks vacation and at ’Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Tuffield Ducharme visited with Mrs. J. Mahoney and took a trip to fit. Anne De Beaupre, Montreal and Ottawa, accompanied by Mrs. Mahoney. Mr. and Mrs. Etue, of Detroit, visited at Hifbert Carey’s. Mrs. Joe Glavin returned from a visit in Detroit. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Bob Denomme to our midst. Mr. Ray Foster is working on the wartime houses at Exeter. Joseph’s Hos- after spending at their home GRAND BEND Mr, and Mrs. Fred Shetler, Buffalo, are visiting for a few weeks with Mr. ’and Mrs. Elgin Webb. Mrs. Elgin Webb is spending this week in Toronto with her son-in- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William Whyte. FOR RENT of FOR RENT—Service .Station With good established business. Good opportunity for the right person. Apply Box T, Times-Advocate. 21c A-1 STARTED CHICKS at reduced prices: Barred Rocks, mixed; Sus sex x White Rock x White Leghorn pullets. All from blood-tested stock. Write or phone A. H. "Switzer Hatchery, phone 38-B Granton. 5-tfc FOR SALE — 100-acre farm, Ste phen township, clay loam, well tile-drained, bank barn 72x45, stone stable, brick house, nearly new; % mile from highway, 3 miles from Crediton or Mt. Car mel, terms can be arranged, session first of November, further particulars, apply Frank H. Glanville, Exeter. 21-5tp pos- For to --------------- ---------------—- ---- ---------- FOR SALE—Lot 1-5 acre, north west corner at 'Chiselhurst, good well on lot, site of general store that was burned. Mrs. Frank Ryckman, Hensail. Ontario. 7-3tp FARMS WANTED—If you have a farm for sale in the Centralia district or in other areas adjoin ing Exeter contact us. We have .buyers for fall or spring posses sion. C. V. Pickard, Exeter, Ont. FOR -SALE — Main Street United Church trustees offers the vacant lot north of the church by ten der, the highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Sealed tenders to 'be in the hands of the secretary not later than Aug. 30, 1947. W. C. Pearce, Sec’y. 21c FOR SALE—Block of 4 or 5 lots, centrally located in Exeter. C. V. Pickard, Realtor. WANTING A FARM?—I have them in 10 to 200 acre size, with or without electricity, with or without equipment. •Pearce,, Realtor, Exeter. w.c. .7* FOR SALE—Some vacant building lots in Exeter. W. 0. Pearce, Exe ter. 3tc FOR SALE—-Medium size, well- built, cozy house with most con veniences, garage and a few acres in Crediton. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. 7* FOR SALE—Immediate or fall pos session, 100 acres with good brick house and bank barn, good water supply, 14 acres fall wheat, small bush, close to Exeter. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. !FOR SALE—2-storey brick house in Exeter, all modern conveni ences, has 2 complete bathrooms, hardwood floors throughout, could easily be turned into a duplex. Apply at Times-Advo cate. 24* LOST LOST — Between Crediton and Beach >O’ Pines, a baby’s high chair. Finder please phone 334W, Exeter. Reward. 21* FOR SALE—Massey-Harris binder. Apply to John Rabat, R.R. 1, Clandeboye. 31:7:21* FOR SALE — Brantford bindei' twine. Place your order now. Cann’s Mill, Exeter and Whalen. FOR SALE — Certified raspberry plants. Write Box 754, Campbell ford, Ontario, for illustrated folder and growing “know how.’- Don’t delay. Supply limited. 24:31:7:21* FOR SALE—'1931 Chevrolet coach with ’34 Chev, motor, 4 new tires. May be seen at Mathers Garage, Exeter North, $300.00. 21* FOR SALE — 200 yearling White 'Leghorns. Sol Gingerich, phone 84r3 Zurich. 21c FOR SALE—An inner spring mat tress, double size, and an auto matic record player. Phone 311 J. 21c FOR SALE — Good collie pups. Phone Jl4rl2, Crediton. 21* FOR SALE—John Deere Model D tractor, new tires, new block and pistons and 3-furrow plow. John Kahle, R.R. 4, Mitchell. 21:28* FOR SALE—.Set -of steel trucks in good shape. Wm. J. Thomson, Centralia, phone Kirkton 48r4. 21* FOR SALE—Two months old fur niture, 1 chesterfield suite (2 chairs), 1 kitchenette suite (2 tables). Apply at Times-Advo cate. 21* FOR SALE—McClary three-burner low over electric stove, Tudhope rangette, electric iron. R. E. Balkwill, Exeter. 21* FOR SALE — Pure-bred Hereford bull, 10 months old, Domino breed; also man’s C.C.M. bicycle, in good condition. Apply to Clar ence Parke, Zurich. 21c FOR SALE—6 white York sows, ready for breeding. Apply to Robert 'Springett, Lot 22, Con. 3, London Twp. No phone. 21c FOR 'SALE—250 Leghorn pullets, ready to lay. Apply to Harry Hayter, phone 47r5 Dashwood. 21c FOR SALE—Little pigs. Apply to Hubert Heywood, phone 32rl4 Kirkton. 21c FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY — .Sherlock-Manning piano, apart ment size, finished in art walnut with bench to match. W. Martin. Exeter ‘South. '21* FOR SALE—Seed fall rye. 'Cann’s Mill Ltd. 21c NOTICE — Miss Margaret Dougall will resume teaching 'Sept. 15. Pupils please note. 21:28* WEED NOTICE — The Council of the Township of iMcGillivray pay ratepayers 2c per rod for cutting weeds on road alongside proper ty and 3c per rod when bottoms is included, cut to the approval o£ the superintendent not Oct. 1, 1947. Fred J. Neil, Superintendent, Ailsa phone G15r33. Weeds later fen«e to be s road than Road Craig, 7:21c NOTICE TO CREDITORS zz:—r-:----------- chen, bathroom with built-in tub on ground floor, two-piece bath room upstairs, laundry tubs and toilet in basement, on part of Lot 716 in the Town of Goderich. This home was recently built to pre-war standards and is finished with oak floors and trim stairs, hot water heating, piping and oil burner. The sale will take place house on Saturday, the August, at 2:00 p.m.. ject to a reserved bid. Dated August 12th, For further information, applv to: LOFTUS E. DANCEY, K.C.. Vendor’s Solicitor. 21:28c down- copper at the day of30th and is sub- 1947. LOST — On Saturday morning, a billfold. Reward. Finder please return to Times-Advocate. 21c PERSONAL SLENDOR TABLETS are effective. 2 weeks’ supply $1; 12 weeks $5, at Robertson’s Drug Store. “YOU’LL WALK ALONG on happy feet, when corn or callous with Lloyd’s you treat.’’ Lloyd’s Corn Salve—50c at Robertson’s Drug Store. TENDERS WANTED TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE I TENDER CALL FOR ? TILE DRAINAGE WORK ; The Township of Usborne, Huron ■ County, will receive Tenders up to ’ the hour of 9 'p.m. Thursday, Sept. 4th, 1947, for the Contract to dig, lay, and backfill the tiled portions of the >Cann-Mitchell and Wurm Municipal Drains in the Township of Usborne. The work calls for the installation of 11.720 feet of tile drain, including 480 feet of sixteen inch tile and 1900 feet of fourteen inch tile. Township will supply all the tile. Plans, specifications, and En gineer’s estimates may be seen at the office of the undersigned. Ten ders must be accompanied by a certified guarantee to the amount of ten per cent, of the Tender price Lowest oi' any tender not neces sarily accepted. H. H. G. Strang, Municipal Clerk. R.R. 1. Hensail. Ont. Phone Exeter 177rl6. 21:28 FOR SALE One Pedestal Fan, 20-inch, $70.00; Aircraft Engines, complete with boxes, $25.00, box ideal for chop boxes; Forty-Gallon Phomite Fire Extinguishers; Link Trainer Desks, ideal for light assembly benches or ■home workshop benches, complete with 2 drawers with locks, $-10.00; Hydraulic Cylinders, various sizes and capacities, ideal for buck rakes, hoists, arbour presses, etc., $2.50 to $10.00 each; Hydraulic Hand Pumps with reservoirs, $15.00; Hydraulic Pumps, engine driver type, while they last $15.00; Five Stage Spencer Turbines, ideal for building furnace cleaning equip ment or central vacuum systems complete with % h.p. 25 or 60 cycle motors $75.00, a fraction of the original cost; Two Link Trainers, Service Type E, complete with desk and recorder $150.00 each—these trainers are at present listed at $-4 0 *i. 0 ; Battery Chargers, 12 battery capacity, while they last $25.99; Hundreds of feet of 1^” and 2^2” Fire Hose, write for prices; New Respirators, ideal for industrial plants, $2.00. Huron Engineering and Research f r I Co., Ltd., Box 300, Phone 51, Goderich, Ontario. HELP WANTED WANTED 7 PRIVY WANTED—If you have as outdoor privy for sale, write Box E, Times-Advocate. 21c WANTED.-Would like to care for invalid or aged person at my home. Qualified to give profes sional care. Phone 161, Exeter. 21* WANTED — Furnished or unfurn ished houses, suites or house keeping rooms required immedi ately for married personnel ol RCAF Airport. These are veter- anBc too, and deserve your as sistance. Phone Sift and ask for Housing Officer. In the Estate of William Harold Victor Wells, deceased. ALL "PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the estate of William Harold Victor Wells, late of the Township of .Stephen, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on or about the 13th day of July, A.D. 1947. are required to file particu lars of the same with Elmer D. Bell, Solicitor, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 9 th day of iSteptember, A-’D. 1947, after which date the estate will be distributed, having regard only to those claims of which no tice has been received. DATED the 16th day of August A.D. 1947. ELMER D. BELL. Exeter, Ontario. Solicitor for the Administrator. 21;.28:4c In the Estate of Thomas Mathe son Bell, deceased. 1 All persons having claims against the estate of Thomas Matheson Bell, late of the Township of Usborne, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, who died on or about the 27th day of June, A.D., are required to file particulars of the same with Lloyd G. Bell, R.R. 3, Exeter, Ontario, by the 2nd day of September, A.D. 1947, after which date th< estate will be only to tice has Dated A.D. 1947. LLOYD. G. BELL, Executor, R.R. 3, Exeter 21:2€c distributed having regard those been the claims of which no received. 19 th day oT August AUCTION SALES Strathroy, .Saturday, August 23rd. 100 stock cattle; good feeder steers; trucks to deliver. A. G. Mc Alpine, Auctioneer. 21c AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Mr. Wm. H. Smith, auctioneer, has received instructions to sell by public auction at Main Street, Crediton SATURDAY, AUGUST 23rd, 1947 at 1:30 p.m., the following: HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Din ing room table and 6 chairs; 2 rockers; 2 upholstered chairs; fernery; piano stool; dresser; 3 beds; lamps; 1 %-bed; cupboard; electric heatei’ stove; electric plate; floor lamp; library table; foot stool; radio; churn; 2-burner oven; screen door; 2 arm chairs; wringer Victrola; 3 wash bowl sets; 2 wash stands; mirrors; pictures; trunk; stove pipes; hanging lamp; desk; kitchen table; 6 chairs; stove; clock; 2 oil lamps; dishes; kitchen utensils; electric iron; electric bat tery; camera; tools; boiler; lawn mewer; and other articles. REAL ESTATE—I also have re ceived instructions from Mr. 'Clay ton Lightfoot to sell by auction subject to a reasonable reserve bid 1^-storey brick house situated on Main Street, Crediton, with 1-5 acre of land, 5 rooms, summer kit chen with woodshed, full basement and hard water. TERMS — Household effects, cash. Terms of real estate made known day of sale. JOE LAWSON, Proprietor. E. SMITH, -Clerk, WM. H. SMITH, Auctioneer. Crediton, Phone 43r3. AUCTION SALE in the VILLAGE OF HKNSALL corner of Richmond and Albert Streets, on THURSDAY, AUGUST 28th, 1947 at 8 p.m. 4 roomed cottage, full basement, WANTED—A cook for the Huron : good well and barn. County Home, Clinton, Ontario, Salary $85.9*) per month, board ; and lodging provided. Appli cants please apply to the Matron, M, E. Jacobs, (Mrs. County Home, Clinton, Ontario. 21c '■ ■E HELP WANTED—2 men immedi- ately. Apply -Cann’s Mill Ltd. 21c | WANTED—Girl. Apply at Avalon Sandwich Shoppe. Phone 11, Ex- ( eter. 2-lc << ‘ .7.. ’ —' ‘ Sold subject to reserve bid. TERMS; 10 per cent, day of sale, balance in 30 days. VINCENT SISLER, Prop. ED. CORBETT, Auctioneer. Low Rail Fares to the CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION AT TORONTO AUG. 22 - SEPT. 6 FARE AND ONE THIRD For the Round Trip Good Going Thursday Aug. 21 to Saturday Sept. 6 inclusive Return Limit — Sept, 10 Full Information from any Agent CANADIAN NATIONAL ALBERTA Deep Seam Lump ALBERTA Brazeau Briquettes HAVE JUST ARRIVED. Now is the time to order them when we have it in stock, as this coal will be scarce this winter. One particularly good feature of these Briquettes is that they do not clinker. Jas. P. Bowey Phone 33 Auto, Fire and General Insurance Car Topping Material We have recently received some car topping material. If the top on your car leaks bring it to Ed’s. We’ll fix it as good as new. Ed’s Machine Shop Two Blocks East of Main Street on John Street. Elimination Of Waste First Rule For Health Regular elimination of wastes from the body is one of the para mount rules for good health. Mil burn’s Laxa-Liver Pills are of help to faulty elimination. The combina tion of laxative and tonic drugs contained in these pills make them one of the most useful and best remedies for disordered condition of the eliminatory organs. Milburn’s Laxa-Liver Pills help' to stimulate the liver, clean the coated tongue, sweeten the breath and eliminate waste from the sys tem. As an t(after-dinner” pill they relieve that bloated feeling and help indigestion. Sold at drug counters everywhere. Price . ’ • a package. The T. Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont MISCELLANEOUS .........................—....................... FREE—Between 30 and 40 truck " loads of cellar earth, if taken.. away before Sept. 1st. J. H, ' Grieve. AUCTION SALE OF MODERN RESIDENCE in the TOWN OF GODERICH an AngJewea Street. Formerly home of the late George Gordon Mr-Iftirdy, a South ern AmerP.au genfieman who came built this house which is uow for eaie. for his own 21* WE AR® now making arrange ments for fall whitewashing jobs, 'i big or small, with spray motor" machine. Wm. Watson, phone.. and wtal, an/J aa he and his 35rl9 Dashwood. 7-12tn ; b''fh 4ead the property has..... \ frz- Xr z> » .'X 4- Viz. X. J. a CUSTOM Combining $3.50, Plow ing $2.50, One-Way Discing $1.50 per acre. Phone Leon Trieibner, 171r24, Exeter. 15tp got to to sold for the purpose of winding up estate. it, cowiw trf. a modern .brick residence corn.Mning four bedrooms, two living rooms, (fining room, kit- a Highland Cedar FENCE POSTS ON HAND Anthracite Coal and Coke ON HAND A. J.CLATWORTHY We Deliver Granton