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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-08-07, Page 4
-aa ............ ........ Howdy Folks’ You can’t believe way you hear it. there was the man his wife’s cooking heart, when he really meant it gave him heartburn. everything the For example, who said that warmed his When a friend borrows ten dol lars, about the best security you can have is a chain and padlock, a pair dog. of handcuffs and a watch- And ing an drive it in here and "honk” just once. We will give you the finest service you can ask for—good gaso line and oils and expert mechanical workmanship. That kind of service will insure finer car performance for a long time to come. USED TIRES AT ALL TIMES DON’T RISK — BUY FISK if you want to keep on hav- automobile, we suggest you Win From Exeter Bill O’Brien allowed the Exeter Juveniles hut three hits Wednesday night at Community Park as the Zurich nine won handily by a 10-1 score. Murray May scored the only run in the second inning while Zurich scored two in the first and crossed the plate with runs in every in ning but the last when Duvar went in to relieve the mound and struck three haters in order. O’Brien backed with three of his two triples and a ter Southcott had single and Watson hit, a single. ZURICH—Krueger, ss; Doug O’ Brien and Don O’Brien, rf; Hess, c; Mickle, 3b; Bill O’Brien, p; Taylor, 3b; Stephen, cf; Schilbe, 2b; O’ Dwyer, If. EXETER—G. Rether, 3b; Tuek» ey, lb; Southcott, ss; Ellis, p and rf; Hunter-Duvar, 2b and p; Par sons, If; May, cf; Watson, e; Brint- THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 7th, 1947 I i Hunter- Ellis on out the up his pitching team seven hits, double. For Exe- a double and a got the other -.VJ.W.Jf J V* > YT Vj nell, rf; J, Rether, p and 2b. Umpires, Moore Score by Zurich Exeter innings: 5211 010 and Smith. R 10 1 222 0 000 0 H 7 3 E 1 o Clinton combines South End Service Station Russ and Chuck Snell Phone 338 > Hensall-Zurich Defeats The Hensail - Zurich helped their veteran catcher, Bert Horton, celebrate his 41st birthday by edging the Clinton R.C.A.F. crew 5-4 in a north section Huron- perth Intermediate OBA game. The tilt was played in Clinton Wednes day night. - Hensall Softball now all tied up as 20-10 trimming the handed the visiting I i i ExetepHensall Softball Semi-Finals Tied Up The Exeter semi-finals are a result of the Exeter lassies Hensail nine at Community Park; Wednesday evening. Previously Hensall had won one game and the two teams tied in the second. Friday night the deciding game is to be played in Hensall. Hensall 00 Exeter 235 37x Death mid Mnrrln#c are Inserted ire® Card of Thanks 5Oc. In Birth, A oxicem chargee. vara pl juuokk pvc, in Mpinprlam Aoticen 50c for Nlngde verse, 25c extra for each addi tional verisp, Fnixatreni entn 50 c Announcements t^l' ...“T Small Cost, Little Space, but Power to Burn , Times-Advocate Want Ads 3 412 10 20 17 18 Goderich Wins Tournament A tournament was held on grounds Civic Holiday large crowd. In the Goderich defeated the girls and Forest won from the Exe ter girls. In the final game tween Goderich and Forest in evening Goderich won score by innings: Goderich 1’20 Forest 000 GODERICH—Reed, tin, rette, Bisset, Freith, J. FOREST—Armstrong, Shipley, Core, Wellington, Ellerker, Lawrie, Passmore, Johnson, Baxter. DASHWOOD—Tieman, Tetreau, S. Guenther, R. Guenther, Webb, Wein, Love, Pfaff, B. Gaiser, M. Gaiser. EXETER .—_ Pickard, Richard, Hunter, Schroeder, Wells, Sweet, Hunkin, Gilmore, Elliot. Umpires—L. Mason, T. W. .Chap man. double-header girl’s softball the Casino before a afternoon Dashwood 12 to 5. 112 50x 003 002 be- the The 12 5 Garon, Mar- B. Baechler, Wetstone, iChar- Bisset, Freith, J. Baechler. Fraleigh, BIRTHS FLETCHER — At. Nursing home on ust 2, Ronald Blair), Blair. 1947, to Fletcher of Woodh Mrs, Hunter’s Saturday, Aug- Mr. and Mrs. (nee Isabelle ,m> a son, John HEYWOOD—On Thursday, July 31, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Heywood, of London, England, a daughter, Linda Mary. RATCLIFFE—At St. Joseph’s Hos pital, London, on Monday, August 4, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ratcliffe (nee Dorothy Johns), of Anderson, a daughter, Linda Dianne. ROWE—-At Dr. Fletcher’s Hospi tal on Friday, August 1st, 19 47 to Mr. and Mrs. Harold of Woodham, a daughter, Marlene. Rowe, Janet SQUIRE—At Dr. Fletcher’s tai on 1947, ■Squire, of Kirkton, a daughter. Elaine Marie. TRAQUAIR—At St. Joseph’s Hos pital, London, on Friday, August 1, 1947, ---- Traquair Of R. R. Alvin. Hospi- Saturday, August 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Orland to Mr. and Mrs. Murray (nee Evelyn 2, Kippen, a Wareing), son, James CLASSIFIED RATES 18 words or less.........._25c (additional words l^c) Succeeding insertions lc per word (minimum charge 25c) — PLEASE NOTE — When advertisements ask for ; reply to a box an additional charge of 10 cents is made, Classifieds will be accepted up till Wednesday noon FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS cl STRAYED STRAYED __ From Boundary, Usborne night steer, small eye. phone ton. Lot 14, N.E. Township, the one yearling white face, of July 30, black with patch of black under each For information kindly Aimer Stewart, 54r9 Kirk- 7* FOUND FOUND — In Exeter a week ago Saturday >a small purse with a small amount of money. Owner may have same by applying to Chief J. Norry and paying for advt. * FOR SALE—Well pump with cyl inder pipe and foot valve. Tra- quair’s Hardware, Exeter. 7c FOR SALE—6 dining-room chairs, antique, single steel couch. Ap ply to Mrs. Wm. Hatter, Exeter. 7c FOR SALE—1930' Plymouth sedan good condition. Phone 36r9, Dashwood. 7* FOR SALE—^Collie pups. Apply to Laverne Skinner. Phone Kirkton 25r8. 7* FOR SALE — Building, good as new, 16’x24', tongue and grooved siding, pine flooring, hydro, in sulated, building on skids. Ap ply to H. Faber, 1 mile south of Hensail. 7:21:28c FOR SALE—One new rubber-tired wagon, 600.16 tires. Gerald Mc- Falls, Huron (St. East, Exeter. Phone 232W. 7* FOR SALE—Blonde maple cedar chest. Apply over Harvey’s Store. 7* ANYONE GOING NORTH THI^ week-end and could take 2 pas sengers phone 259 Exeter, 7* WE ARE now making x arrange ments for fall whitewashing jobs, big or small, with spray motor machine. Wm. Watson, phone 35rl9 Dashwood, 7-1'2 rp CUSTOM Combining $3.50, Plow ing $2.50, One-Way Discing $1.50 per acre. Phone Leon Triebner, 171r24, Exeter. 15tp- PERSONAL SLENDOR TABLETS are effective* 2 weeks’ supply $1; 12 week® $5, at Robertson’s Drug Store. "FORGET YOUR FEET—walk on air; give them Lloyd’s Corn Salve care.” 50c at 'Robertson’s Drug Store. REAL ESTATE Load Capacity of Running Gear 5,000 Pounds Shipping Weight 800 Pounds Tires, Goodyear, First Grade 16-Inch (Not Implement Tires) KTJ Canada Packers Limited Exeter - Ontario % With the termination of the British Poultry Contract, the Canadian housewife is our best market for well finished poultry. She asks and de mands a well fattened bird weighing 5 pounds and over. Lighter birds and unfinished chicken are not in demand on the Canadian market and must be sold elsewhere at a considerable discount. Our Prices Today on Rail-Grade Poultry Dressed Chicken AMF BMF B Over 5 lbs. 34 32 29 j Four to Five lbs. 30 27 ' 24 Under 4 lbs. 25 22 19 Dressed Fowl A B C Over 5 lbs. 22 19 10 Four to Five lbs. 20 17 10 , ; Under 4 lbs. 16 12 5 I I j Dressing Charges - Five Cents per Bird FARM WAGONS ,7u>o Models [One with Springs, one Without) No Weave Perfect Tracking No Sway No Whip No Jiggle Fifth Wheel Type Farm Wagon Patented Circle Wagon Steer 28 DUKE ST, Inquire through YOUR LOCAL CO-OPERATIVE affiliated with UNITED FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE CO. LTD DEATHS East Wil-DAVIES—Suddenly, in liams Township on Wednesday, July 30, 1947, Robert B. Davies, ■beloved husband of Georgina Clark, 'Interment was tery. MAWHINNEY—Jn day, August 1st. Amy,, beloved wife of the William Mawhinney in her year. ENGAGEMENTS the late in his 76 th year, in Nairn Ceme- Kirkton, on Fri- 1947, Alicia late 71st May,Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. of Exeter, announce the engage ment of their only daughter, Mar jorie Gertrude, to Charles Douglas Richardson, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morison Richardson, of Sarnia; the marriage will take place at Huron College ’Chapel, London, Ont., August 23rd. * Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Tuckey wish announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Wanda June to James Allen Tuckey, eldest son of Mr. and Mrsv Clair Tuckey, of Cass City, take place Church the Mich., the wedding to in Main Street United latter part of August.* Mrs. Clarence Johns, ofMr. and Woodham, wish to announce the en gagement of their eldest daughter, Marjorie Grace, to Howard Florin Hodge, 'younger son of Mrs. L. C. Farrot and the late Robert Hodge, of Barrhead, Alta. The marriage will take place the latter part of August. c The engagement is announced of Hazel Edna, only daughter of Mrs. Frank Langford, of Lucan, and the late Frank Langford, to Arthur Franklin Hern, of London, young est son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William F. Hern. The wedding will take place in Centralia United Church on Saturday, September 6. * Mr. and Mrs. Milton W. Pfaff, of Exeter, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Helen Pauline, to Charles Ivor Harris, of London, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Harris, of Kirkton, the marriage to take place at an early date. * The engagement is announced of Evelyn Doreen, eldest daughter of Mr. Hector McPhail and the late Mrs, McPhail, of Cromarty, Ont., to Lome Raymond Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Agnes C. Taylor, of London, the wedding to take place August 30, tan United Church, London. Mr. and ................. _ ______ _ Staffa, Ont., announce the engage ment of their daughter, Leouu — _ _ —s, Mrs. Alex Fleming the wedding will' latter part of this 4 The engagement is announced of Dulcie Claire Wasson, daughter of the late Mr. and ■ Wasson, of Chipman, wick, to Donald John ly son of Mr. and Walker, Hensall, the take place on August 2:30 p.m., in Metropoli- Mrs. William Fawcett, ment of their daughter, Leuixu Ruth, to Mr. Archie Lyle Fleming, son of Mr. and Watford, Ont., take place the month. Mrs. Herbert New Bruns- Walker, on- Mrs. George marriage to 30 th in Indian Road Bapt'isf Church, Toron to, at 7.30 p.m. Miss Phyllis M. Hough, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Hough, of Sillsville, and Robert Wendell John F. the late ried on August 9th. Memorial Chapel, Queen’s Univer sity, Kingston. Miss Hough is an honor graduate in Arts from Queen's University and Mr. Camm holds a Master of Arts degree from the University of Western Ontario. CARDS OF THANKS Camm, younger son of Oamm, of Woodham, and Mrs. Camm, will be mar- in Morgan 's. Garnet Miners wishes to thank her many friends and rela tives for the cards, flowers and treats received while she was a pa tient in St, Joseph’s Hospital, Lon don. * FOR RENT FOR RENT—rA Webster paint spray outfit. Beavers Hardware. TENDERS WANTED be quoted the tracks stoker coal for at coal de Clinton, of the coal to he sub The Huron County Home Com mittee request tenders for the sup plying of 100 tons of for the County Home. ’ Prices to livered on Ont. Analysis mitted with the tender. Tenders to <be in the hands of County Clerk, Goderich, Ont., later than Tuesday, August 12. N. W. MILLER, Clerk, County of Huron. 7c the not TENDERS WANTED—For painting 2 classrooms. Trustees ply the paint. Tenders by August 9th. W. H. Sec’y. Smiles . . . will sup- to be in Hodgson. 31:7c he was in prison, Burglar asked if he would like to daily exercise in .any way replied Bill. “I’d like to have a cross-country run one day.” o------o Passer-by (having asked his way): “Er—don’t shout, please. I’m not deaf.” Native: loikes to While Bill was vary his “Yes,” “But Oi be deaf, an’ Oi ’ear what Oi be sayin’.” products cost more than“Farm they used to.” “Yes,” replied the farmer. “When a man is supposed to know the botanical name of what he’s raisin' an’ the zoological name of 'the in sect that eats it and the chemical name of what will kill it, some body’s got to pay.” o------o It was pouring. Two men who had quarreled went out in the rain to settle their differences. They fought until one got the other on his back and held him there. “Will you give up?” he asked, and the reply was: "No.” After a time the question was repeated, but again the reply was: "No.” "Then,” said the other, “will you get on top for a while and let me get under? I’m getting soaked.” IN MEMORIAM JOHNS—In loving memory of Mrs. Joshua Johns, who passed away ten years ago, August Sth, 19 37. Remembrance is a golden chain Death tries to break but all in vain, To have, to love, and then to part, Is the greatest sorrow of one’s heart; years may wipe out many things, this they wipe out never, memory of those happy days The But The When we were all together. —Ever remembered by husband and daughter. * TRIEBNER—In loving memory of my dear mother, Mrs. Fanny Triebner., who passed away three years ago, August 11th, 1944. dearer mother never lived, Nor one more fine and true; Nor was a mother ever missed More truly, dear, than you. —..Always remembered by daughter Florence and granddaughters, Birdine and Bonnie. * IRKINS- Mrs, passed away list 6, 0.1946, Just when brightest Just when God called To His eternal •—Ever remembered by her grand children. c PE •In loving memory of Madeline “ “ * one year ago Perkins Who Aug- her her her days hopes from rest, seemed seemed among us ■best, FOR SALE—Paint sprayer, slight ly used, also .farm wiring materi als. Phone Lloyd Bell, Kirkton 25r2, after 5.30 p.m, 7* FOR SALE—50 pound wooden ice box. Apply to Mervin Cudmore, Andrew street. 7c FOR SALE—Lot 1-5 acre, north west corner at 'Chiselhurst, good well on lot, site of general store that was burned. Mrs. (Frank. Ryckman, Hensall, Ontario. 7-3 tp. WANTING A FARM?—I hav©' them in 10 to 200 acre size, with with or W. FOR SALE—Model S Case tractor, „ like new. Snell Bros., & Co. Exeter. Phone 100. 7c FOR SALE—Child’s go-cart, ex cellent condition. Phone 20 6W Exeter. . 7 c FOR SALE — Good dining-room table; also buffet and electric light fixture. Apply at Times- Advocate. ‘ 7* FOR SALE—Hoover electric sweep er in good condition. L. Higenell, Zion Lutheran parsonage, Dash wood, Ont. 7c FOR SALE—Two months old fur niture, 1 chesterfield suite (two chairs), 1 kitchentte suite (two tables), all in perfect condition. Bargain for quick sale. Apply at Times-Advocate. 7 c FOR SALE—100 or more laying pullets, Sussex and New Hamp. Lyman Gratton, Grand Bend. Phone Dashwood 42rl8. 31:7* FOR SALE—Massey-Harris binder. Apply to John Kabat, R.R. 1, Clandeboye. 31:7:21* FOR SALE — Brantford binder twine. Place your order now. Cann’s Mill, Exeter and Whalen. FOR SALE — Certified raspberry plants. Write Box 754, Campbell ford, ‘ folder and growin; Don’t Ontario, for illustrated .g “know how.’‘ delay. Supply limited.' 24:31:7:21* WANTED WANTED—Baby crib, iron prefer red, in good condition. Apply at Times-Advocate. 7c WANTED—A number of little pigs, 6 to 8 weeks-old; also 100 chunks from 40 to 150 pounds. Phone John Hodgert, 184, Exeter. 7* WANTED — Furnished or unfurn ished houses, suites or house keeping rooms required’ immedi ately for married personnel of RCAF Airport. These are veter ans. too, and deserve your as sistance. Phone 316 and ask for Housing Officer. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED—Girl to do some house work and mind three year old girl afternoons and Satur day evenings. Apply Snelgrove Tire and Electric, Exeter. 7c NOTICES WEED NOTICE —The Council of the Township of McGillivray pay ratepayers 2c per rod for cutting weeds on road alongside proper ty and 3c per rod bottoms is included, cut to the approval superintendent' not Oct. 1, 1947. Fred J. Neil, Superintendent, Ailsa phone 615r33. wheii Weeds of the later fence to be s road than Road Craig, 7:21c NOTICE—All creditors of Mr. Leon Hicks will please file their claims with particulars with H. K. Eilber, Crediton, on or before the 15th of August. 31 7:14c TURNIP GROWERS It has been drawn to our tion that turnips infected ___ water core will not ,be permitted to he exported this year. In past seasons dusting or spray ing plants in their early stages has proven to be an effective measure against this disease. , In view of the above regulations it is very important that growers interested in market turnips take this precautionary measure serious ly. CANADA PACKER'S LTD., EXeter EDGAR CUDMORE, Exeter. 7C atten- with or without electricity, without equipment. Pearce,, Realtor, Exeter. C. .7* FOR SALE—4% acres with com fortable cottage. Hydro and town water. Large henhouse. Edge of Exeter. Immediate possession. IC* V. Pickard, Main St., Exeter. FOR SALE—Medium size, well- built, cozy house with most .con veniences, garage and a few acres in Crediton. W. C. Pearce,. Exeter. 7 * FOR SALE—'3 bedroom brick house well located in Exeter. Immedi ate possession. C. V. Pickard* Main St., Exeter. FARMS WANTED—If you have a farm for sale in the -Centralia district or in other areas adjoin ing Exeter contact us. We have buyers for fall or spring posses sion. 'C. V. Pickard, Exeter, Ont. FOR .SALE—2-storey brick house in Exeter, all modern conveni ences, has 2 complete bathrooms, hardwood floors throughout,, could easily be turned into a duplex. Apply at Times-Advo cate. 24*« FOR SALE—Block of 4 or 5 lots,, centrally located in Exeter. C.. V. Pickard, Realtor. FOR SALE—Some vacant building lots in Exeter. W. C. Pearce, Exe ter. 3tc FOR SALE—Immediate or fall pos session, 100 acres with good brick house and bank barn, good, water supply, 14 acres fall wheat, small bush, close to Exeter. O. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. BABY CHICKS A-l STARTED CHICKS at reduced prices: Barred Rocks, mixed; Sus sex x New Hampshire, mixed; White Leghorn pullets; Barred Rock x White Leghorn pullets. All from blood-tested stock. Write or phone A. H. Switzer Hatchery, phone 38-B Granton. 5-tfc STARTED CHICKS Mixed chicks and pullets—all varieties. NEU HAUSER HA TCHERJES 8.1 King Street, LONDON, Ontario. Open Evenings AUCTION SALES CLEARING AUCTION SALE PUREBRED HOLSTEINS, IMPLEMENTS, FURNITURE W. S. O’Neill, auctioneer, has been instructed by L. S. Mosure to sell by public auction at his farm, Lot 22, Con. 10, Blansliard Twp. 1 mile north of Prospect Hill and third farm west of No. 7 Highway, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 9th, 1047 at 1:30 D.S.T. His herd of IS Purebred HOL STEINS; 6 cows, 5 years old; 2 cows, 4 years; 3 cows, 3 years; 4 yearling heifers; 3 heifer calves; also 10 grade yearling heifers and 2 Durhams. 1 team horses; 2 brood sows, duo Aug. 31st. 50 hens; 150 chickens, 4 months; 5 geese. MACHINERY-—Wagon, hay rack, wagon box; set heavy sleighs with log bunks; Deering mower, plough, fertilizer drill, disc, drag harrows, cultivator; cream separator with power clutch; root pulper, scales, forge, seed and grain cleaner; other miscellaneous articles; cedar poets, ladder, cutting box. FURNITURE—-Quantity of good household furniture including drn— ing room set, stoves, phonograph, beds, lawn chairs, etc. No reserve; farm sold. TERMS—CASH LLOYD 0, MOSURE, Prop. R- 2> Granton, Ont. STAN, HOBBS, Clerk, W, S, O’NEILL, Auctioneer,