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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-08-07, Page 3
THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 7th, 1847 m the World STANDINGS Seven runs in the first two. in nings gave the Exeter Intermediates a flying start in an exciting tussle with the Centralia R.C.A.F. at the local diamond Tuesday evening. From there on, the home team punched in two more to edge the airmen 9-8. Moore and Naugler went the INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE Lumberman’s Mutual Casualty Co. World’s Greatest Automobile Mutual. FIRE Mill Owner’s Mutual Fire Insurance Co. A dividend paying company for ever seventy years, HOSPITALIZATION Mutual Benefit Health and Accident Association The largest company of its kind in the world. Ernest C. Harvey Insurance Agency Phone 47 Exeter Business Review These business firms Invite your patronage. Dealing with them gives satisfaction and helps to make this a better community ---—— — © V’s Beauty Shoppe Be Lovely To Look At . . , with a hair-do styled at Exeter and Dis trict’s Most Modern .Shoppe. Cold Waves and Eugene Heat Waves VERA C. FRASER, Prop. Tel. 112 EXeter H .....................................—----—B Snell’s • Taxi Service Phone 100 31 ■■ ——■— 111 ■ Dot’s Beauty Shoppe (one door north of Bell Telephone) Naturelle Permanent Waving Lustron Cold Wave Dorothy G. Reeder, Prop. Tel. 71 Exeter route on the mound with the Exe ter twirler scattering 8 hi>ts fairly well throughout the nine innings. In the fourth frame the airmen got their most with three. Naugler for Centralia allowed nine hits, five of which the locals bunched in the first inning. Moore struck out eight batters, five in the third and fourth, while Naugler whiffed four. Both teams came up with some smart fielding plays but at times were very eratic. Fifteen errors in all were scored, eight to • the win ners. Burns grabbed in a nice fly ball in centre off Robinson’s bat ir- the fifth while Harry Holtzman picked off a grass cutter to rob Robertson of a hit in the eighth. After McNabb had crossed the plate in the first half of the open ing inning for the first score the locals retaliated, but fast, with four in the last half. Hennessey, first man up, made the initial sack on Naugler's wild throw. Robinson singled, as did Harry . Holtzman, Elson, Moore and Smitli with the first four reaching the home slab. Came the second and the airmen repeated with another run. This time Rimer singled and came in, Exeter continued their hot lead-off pace taking advantage of three er ror's and Smith’s double to score three runs. The score at the end of two complete innings read 7-2. The locals got but one in the next three frames while the airmen added one in the third and two in each of the fourth and fifth, to creep up within one run. Moore held Centralia scoreless in the sixth, seventh and eighth while he him self crossed the plate in the seventh after drawing a walk and coming in on Smith’s second double. In the first half of the ninth the airmen started a rally after two were out. Mesier reached first on an error and scored on Burn’s double. With the tying run on sec ond Thayer was sent in to pinch hit for McDougall ,but the threat was snapped when Moore struck him out. For the winners Smith with two doubles and a single in four times at bat and Rimer with two singles in four times at bat were the lead ing sluggers. CENTRALIA—McNabb, rf; Long c; Mesier, 3b; Burns, cf; McDoug all, If; Rimer, lib; Coleman, ss; Robertson, 2b; Naugler, p; Thayer (batted for iMoDougall in 9th). ■Umpires, H., R. and >G. (Schenk. EXETER—Hennessey, lb; Rob inson, ss; Reavley, cf; Har. Holtz man, 2b; Elson and Brintnell, If; Moore, p; (Smith, c; Penhale and Cann, rf; How. Holtzman, Sb. Score by innings: R H E ■Centralia 111 220 001 -8 8 7 Exeter 430 100 lOx 9 9 2 Exeter 6, Lucan 4 Friday night in Lucan the Exe ter Intermediates took a close 6-4 decision from the Lucan Irish in a six-inning Huron-Perth game. Gerry Paul, making his first start of the season tossed the game for Lucan and allowed seven hits. Jack Elson was the winning hurler allowing the Irish four singles. Neither team scored in the first two frames. However, in the third Exeter jumped into the lead as Smith singled and came in on a wild pitch. Befort the inning was over McRob'rts and Paul had put the Irish out in front 2-1. The winners pushed in three runs in the fourth and two in the fifth to go in front while Lucan scored single runs in the fourth and fifth. At bat Hearn had two for three for Lucan while Creech and Hen nessey had the same for Exeter. Juvenile— Zurich 11, Exeter 5. Intermediate W L Pct. St. Marys .12 3 .800 Centiraliu ...10 5 .666 Exeter ...............8 7 .533 Dashwood .....3 8 .273 Lucan .........3 10 .231 •)I- * 4 * —RESULTS —» Intermediate ORA Exeter 6,Lucan 4. Exeter 9,Centralia 8. Lucan 6, ;Dashwood 5. Centralia 8, Lucan 1. St. Marys 4, Dashwood 1. crepiton east Mr. and Mrs.. HanoJd Swartzen- truber and family, of Dashwood, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrsi Charles Glanville. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis and Eber and Mrs. L. Wein and Mar vin spent Sunday at Grand Bend with Mr. and Mrs. Alec Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Neil Beverley spent the week-end Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Sims and in and son, of London, spent a few days last week with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. H. Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. English, of London, visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Motz. When Children Suffer From Bowel Complaint SHIRLEY’S BEAUTY SHOP Fingerwaves, Permanents, Facials, Manicures Satisfaction Guaranteed SHIRLEY BROCK, Prop. One block east of Trivitt Memorial Church Andrew St. Phone 245W Stewart’s Taxi Phone 335 Exeter EXETER AB R I-I E (Smith, c ......4 1 1 0 Robinson, ss ..‘3 0 0 1 Reavley, cf ....3 0 0 0 Har, Holtzman,12b .3 2 1 0 Elson, p .......3 1 1 1 Creech, If .....3 1 2 0 Hennessey, lb . 3 1 2 0 Dinney, rf ....8 0 0 0 How. Holtzman 3 b .2 0 0 1 Farrow, cf ........0 0 0 0 Cann, 3b ......... 1 0 0 0 28 6 7 2 LUCAN AB R H E Lankin, cf ....2 1 0 0 SnvRTRign, c 3 0 1 3 Barnes, If .....>3 0 0 0 Chown, lb ............2 0 0 1 Hearn, ss .......3 1 2 0 Revington, 3'b ...... i w .>2 0 0 1 Kilmer, rf .....2 0 0 0 McRoberts, 2,b . 3 1 0 1 . 2 1 1 0 a Hodgins ....... 1 0 0 0 b Murray ........... 0 0 0 0 -——- 23 4 4 6 Gills’ Softball— Exeter 15, Hensail 15. game of semi-finals). (First Scanning the SP0R1S By “SCOOP” The Exeter Intermediates wound up the regular schedule with two wins, one in Lucan and the other on the home diamond against Cen tralia. This gives them a .5 33 per centage having won eight games and lost seven. They tied one game with Lucan which will be re played only if it affects the stand ing of the teams. This it may do as Lucan and Dashwood are having a close race for the fourth spot.* * * ♦ No definite word has been hand ed down by the South section 'as yet whether two or four teams will be in the playoffs. If four, Exeter will likely play St. Marys and the Airport either Lucan or Dashwood. * * * * In the girls' softball semi-finals Exeter and Hensall played to a 15- all draw last week in their first game. The second is to be played this Wednesday night. From what we understand Dashwood and Lu can have each * ExeterThe looked like a won a game. * * * Juveniles certainly different team -over THAMES ROAD Misses Alma and Ina Dougan, of Atwood, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Miller a few days last week. The Hurqndale Institute met at the home of Mrs. P. Passmore on Wednesday evening of last week with a large attendance. The Juni or Institute put on the program which was enjoyed by all. A delici* ous lunch was served and a social time spent over the tea cups. The Mission Band will hold their annual jpicnic on the church lawn Wednesday afternoon at 3 o’clock. All Mission Band members are cordially invited to attend. The Y.P.U. will ’ have a picnic on Friday of this week at Strat ford Park. Each one is asked tA bring a lunch basket and silver ware, Supper will be served be ginning at 6.30. All young people are cordially invited to attend. Miss Jane Morgan returned home this week after holidaying for a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. Whyte, Seaforth. Miss Betty Mair visited over the week-end with Miss Barbara Hunter at Eden. Miss Lila Pym, ited over Sunday Mrs. E. .Pym. The W.M.S. and of Exeter, vis- with Mr. and W.A. was held at the manse Wednesday -of this week. Miss Eleanor Hunkin home last . week from in Zurich last Thursday evening, visited wi minntr cim-urpri a int moTP. nen even week-end.They showed a lot more pep even when they were trailing. Pete Ellis who pitched part of the game turn ed in a nice effort for his first time on the mound, Besides collected two of the three * * * » Lome Lee, Alfie Moore’s winning pacer stepped the evening returned Western University where she took a short course in Leadership Training. ■Mr. and Mrs. Tennant, Harvey and Doug, of Toronto, visited ov er the week-end with Mr. .and Stanley Coward. ■Congratulations to Mr. and Harold Rowe on the arrival baby daughter. Miss Patsy Mitchell, of Hensail, visited with Margaret Cann over the week-end Miss Shirely Duncan, visited with Mrs. Mrs. of a of Sarnia, her parents -over the •Mrs. Richard Baynes? of St. Marys, were during hot summer months all of Us, but especially children, are more Susceptible to diarrhoea, intestinal pains and summer complaint. At the first symptoms mothers use DOCTOR FOWLER’S EX- TRACT OF WILD STRAWBERRY, This time-tested remedy is fast acting and dependable for adults Or children. Be sure to specify the name —DOCTOR FOWLER’S EXTRACT OF WXL® STRAW BERRY. (a) batted for Revington in the 6 th. (b) batted for Kilmer in the 6 th. Umpires, H. and R> Schenk. Score by innings: RHE Exeter 001 320 6 7 3 Lucan 002 110 4 4 6 Additional Sports On Page 4 Once again the sergeant was go ing over his instructions to a rather timid recruit taking his first turn ©f duty as a sentry, “Understand this!” he snapped, “If anything moves,' you shoot.” “Yes, sergeant,” replied the re cruit, speaking firmly for once; “and if anything shouts, I move!’ Mr. and and Linda, Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Elford. Miss Mary Gardiner entertained her Sunday School class to picnic at Springbank Park Wednesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. E. Pym and Pym visited at Wingham one day to better her mark set on the Ex-past week and on returning home eter oval. The classy horse went; Mr. Wm. Pym, brother of C. in 2.09% in Exeter for this ,year’s record. Then in Kincardine Fred Thrower’s Kitty Bars was clocked in J2.09 but Lome Lee again set the mark in Stratford for this sea son’s Ontario track record. that he hits.a on money- v___ ___ mile in 2.08, Civic Holiday in Stratford, Juveniles Drop Game in Zurich Although the Exeter Juveniles showed considerably more hustle in Zurich strong first-place home club out on top 11-5. Exeter teed off with in the first inning with six ters receiving free pas'ses and Ellis singling. From then on the locals went scoreless although 'in the second, fourth and fifth they loaded the (bases but" were unable to score. O’Brien scored the first run for Zurich in the second while in the following frame the winners went in front with six runs. Pete Ellis relieved Johnny Kether at the last of the inning and although it was his first time on the mound showed plenty of promise. Hau^h, brought in fourth and fifth. Ellis got hits while J. Kether _ O’Brien and iBedard and Taylor each hit singles in two trips plate for Zurich. EXETER G. Rether, 3>b Tuckey, lb ... Ellis, rf, p ... Southcott, ss Parsons, If ... Hunter-Duvar, J. Rether, p, May, cf ........ Watson, c .... last Thursday night the came five runs bat- Pete i c. Pym days rela- accompanied them- for a few and also visited with other Lives in the community. Sunday visitors Mrs. E. Pym Ed. penhale wood. Mr. Geo. visited over Mr. and Mrs. Misses Mitchel], Lois Alexander visited on Sunday with. Misses Nona and Lois Pym. Sunday services usual hour on School at ,10 a.m. vice at 1,1 a.m. Wo are sorry Mr. misfortune to .break, a blood vessel in his arm while working one day last week and required medical attention. Norman McDonald had the mis fortune to fall from a load of hay while working at Mr. Percy Pass more’s one dav last week injuring five with were Mr. and Grace, •Mr. and of Dash- and Mrs, London week-end Andrew, of the E. Pym. Margaret Cann, Betty McDougall with Patsy and will Sunday. and Church to report James Anderson Jr. had Mickle and Bedard three more runs in the Stephen scored in the two of 2,b rf .. ZURICH Krueger, ss ......... Lavender, If ..... Haugh, rf, 2b, lb Mickle, lb, p ...... O’Brien, 2b, p .... Bedard, 3b ........... Taylor, cf, rf ...... Hess, c ................ E. Bedard, p, rf ... Stephen, If ......... O’Dwyer ............... Fee, cf ..... Exeter’s three got the other. to the R 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 H 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 E 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 11 Umpires, Youngbkitt and Score 'by innings: Exeter 5 Zurich ( 3 H 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 9 0 6 Gesek. RHE 5 3 2 :i 6 1 2 E 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 e 1 John B. Forrest John B. Forrest, Hensall resident, died Tuesday following a illness, In his 76th year, he was born in Hay Township where he farmed successfully for many years before taking up residence in Hen sall a number of years ago. In 1902, he was married to Annie Lipphardt, who predeceased him in 1922. Theft’ family consisted of three sons, Ward, Stanley, Cooper, of Hay Township, Louis, Niagara Falls; two daughters, Mrs. W. Blackler, Clinton, Mrs. T. Laven der, Hensall. In November, 1943, he was married to Matilda Allan, who survives. Also surviving are two sisters, Miss Edith Forrest, Hensall, Mrs. Harry Manuel, Lon don; two brothers, George, Mani toba, Oliver, London. He was a member of Carmel Presbyterian Church. Funeral services will be held from Carmel Presbyterian Church to-day (Thursday) at 3 p.m., conducted by Rev. P. A. Fer guson. Interment will be in Hensall Union Cemetery, B.well-known at his home two weeks WINCHEJLSEA Quite a number from this com munity visited the summer resorts on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Johns visit ed on Sunday with friends at Lis- Miss Ola Johns is having a week's vacation this week. Miss Kathleen Hay, of Exeter, visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. 'Gordon Prance. Misses June and Wilma Walters returned home after spending a week with relatives at Whitby, towel, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brock and family, of London, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wal ters. Mr. Ronald Fletcher is all smiles these clays—-it’s a boy! Mr. and Mrs. Joe White, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond of Lockport, friends in this nesday last. Mr, and Mrs, George Davis en tertained the Davis family and their families at a picnic supper on their lawn on Sunday evening, August 3. Members numbered 40 of the fam ily, and were present from Dela ware, London, Goderich, Seaforth, Kippen and Stratford. White and daughter, N.Y., renewed old Community on Wed- JUVENILE GENIUS FINDS BETTER USE FOR OLD MEDICINE the Ricinus com- most to a to everybody and homes, the oil has radically different aircraft enthusiasts, who A new use has been found for oil extracted from munis plant. Well-known found in been put use. Model held a two-day meet at London, sought a more efficient fuel for their tiny, high-compression en gines. They found that methanol and the oil in question made an excellent fuel. The oil is more commonly known as castor oil. Buy or sell, twice as well, through The Times-Advocate Want Ads. he theSunday j ser-, that j the i i his head which required stitches to heal the wound. Sunday School Picnic The Sunday School picnic well attended at Seaforth Park on Wednesday afternoon of last week but with the rain coming on, the supper hour was than usual. The was shorter ; the up to Helen Glen girls Truck Maintenance We’re specialists in keeping trucks rolling—in greasing and oiling jobs, we can’t be beat! We’ve complete facilities for the repair and maintenance of trucks of all kinds. GRAHAM ARTHUR Your Texaco Service Station .f T■..........— -------------——-------——-------------——— —~—-—.— ---------. NOW ... Is the time to have that new Livingtson coal stoker installed. Available in all sizes, domestic and commercial Your Living ston stoker will save you from 25% to 50% of your previous fuel costs. Domestic Model on display this week at Exeter Home and Auto Supply Phone 342 George M. Racey, Prop. i For Sale 1 1 7-foot grain binder 6-foot grain binder, nearly new 1 7-foot tractor disc-harrow 1 corn picker Twine, Rope, Fencing, etc. Custom Hay and Straw Baling Done. V. L Becker and Sons Sales and Service Phone SOW, Dashwood & Goderich Grand Labor Day Celebration Monday, September 1st, 1947 Grand Parade Starting at 10 a.m. from Victoria Park All parade events open to the entire county of Huron. Several Hundreds of Dollars in Prizes for Parade: Industrial Floats Decorated Cars much, results of sports weie as follows: girls 5, Margaret Anne Coward, Ballantyne: boys up to 5, Thompson, Howard Jaques; 6 to 8, Nancy Passmore, Marlene Jaques; boys 6 to 8, Barry Miller, Bobby Beavers. Donald Ballantyne, tie; girls 9 to 1!2, Marion Lamport, Irene Beavers; boys 9 to 12, Bobby Miller, John Pym; girls T3 to 16, Margaret Bray, Mabie Selves; boys 13 to 16, Malcolm Kirkland, Grant Morgan; ’young ladies, Lois Pym, Marion Hodgert; young men, Ross Hodgert, Reg Hodgert; married ladies, Mrs. Bob Maver, Mrs. Lloyd Ballantyne; married men, Orville Beaver, William Lamport; wheel barrow race, Margaret Bray and Mabie Selves. Helen Passmore, and Gordon Maver; kicking the slipper, young ladies, Marion Hodgert, Dol ores Allison; married ladies, ’Mrs. Bill Lamport, Mrs. Bob Maver; men, Arnold Cann, Ross Hodgert; clothes pin race, Ross Hodgert, Reg Hodgert, Jack Stewart, Bill Lamport; slipper contest, Reg Hod gert and Dorothy Scott, Gordon Maver and Helen ’Passmore; tie contest. Jack Stewart and Marion Hodgert, Bill Ferguson and Doris Elford. The ball game stopped be- cause of rain. The captains were Ross Hodgert and Arnold Cann. The sports committee was Agnes Bray, Annie Elford, Wilfred Hun kin and Edwin .Miller. Bicycles and Tricycles $35 $15 $ 5 $25 $10 $15 $ 5 Merchants Floats $ 3 $ 2 Farmers Display Comic Floats $25 $25 $20 $15 $15 $10 $10 $10 $ 5 Special Prize for Best Clown in the Parade, $25 All entries to be on hand at 9 a.m., at Victoria Park for placement in the parade. Prominent speakers will be heard from the bandstand on The Square immediately ing the parade. Afternoon and Evening Program A sparkling variety program at the grandstand will consist of: Magicians Comedians 'Dancing Girls Musicians Ventriloquists Balancing Acts Impersonators Male Quartettes Singing Cowboys A Tug-of-War between Goderich and a team selected from the Townships. There will be 11 full acts at the evening show by artists outstanding in their respective fields. DRAW FOR VALUABLE PRIZES will take place in front of the grandstand at Agriculture Park after the evening HURON’S BIG DAY OF THE YEAR follow- show. SPONSORED BY TOE GODERICH TRAD ES AND LABOR COUNCIL. Nelson Crick, Chairman of Parade and Floats Committee.