HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-09-04, Page 10Page 10 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBBRMth, 1947 Leavitt’s Theatre Previews Its Coming Attractions WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY — September 3, 4 — Two Features — Red Cross Notes An executive meeting of the Ex­ eter Red Cross will be held in the Canadian Legion rooms Monday, Sept. ”8th, at 3 p.m. Hail stones, the size of walnuts, tell in Exeter during a short storm Monday afternoon. A few panes of glass have been reported cracked or broken. W. J. Smith gathered up a few of the hailstones and put them in the ice compartment of his refrigerator and kept them for a couple of days.l »■ *Items of Social and Personal Interest , . . In and Around Town The Times-Advocate is always pleased to publish items of personal interest. We and our readers are interested in you and your friends . . Phene 31W FRIDAY and SATURDAY — September Sth, 6th ® William Holden MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY Sept. 8, 9, 10 (See advt. on page 4) Worn and Dad3 s '‘Cigarette Giri’ 'The Guilt of Janet Ames’ • Rosalind Russell ® Melvyn Douglas 'Blaze of Noon’ Ann Baxter ® William Holden ® Sonny Tufts ® William Bendix • Sterling Hayden The first show commences at 7.30 Phone 135 Exeter. Ontario Musical Comedy­ COMMUNITY PARK This Thursday Legion Bingo 10cAdmission 25c Students EXHIBITION Softball will be held m Community Park (weather permitting) at 8:30 p.m. at 6:30 p.m. D.S.T. BELL TELEPHONE of London vs. EXETER Saturday, September 6th DON’T MISS THE FUN SATURDAY NIGHT Exeter Legion Rooms . 1 TOWN HALL This meeting is called to discuss possibilities of entering Intermediate O.H.A. Action must be taken at once if this is to be made possible. Hockey Meeting Thursday, September 4th 8.00 p.m. ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND PRESENTS FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT THE FOLLOWING ATTRA CTIONS FRIDAY and SATURDAY September Sth, 6th ‘Spanish Main’ — in technicolor — © Paul Henreid ® Maureen O’Hara with “RACING SLEUTH” Sport Short and “LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING” Cartoon MONDAY and TUESDAY September 8th, 9th — in technicolor — ® Cary Grant © Alexis Smith with “KITTY CORNERED” Cartoon WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY September 10 th, 11th y‘What a Woman EXETER RECREATIONAL COUNCIL MAY WE HAVE YOUR SUPPORT AT THIS MEETING. ® Rosalind Russell ® Brian Aherne with GLEN MILLER ORCHESTRA Short and SCREEN SNAPSHOTS Short visited home week. with her of Mrs. Chicago, hex' par- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stewart, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Bowey. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Johnston, Bobby and David spent the week­ end in Goderich with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston. Rev. C. W. and Mrs. Down re­ turned home last week after holi­ daying with their son Jack and Dalyrmple Lake near Oril- Miss M. E. Brown is spending a few days with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. (\ Allison are on a motor trip east to Ottawa and Montreal. . Mr. Lou Bailey, of town, is at present in Saskatchewan assisting with the harvest. Mr. Donald Davey, of Stephen, left this week for the west to assist with the harvest. Mrs. Chas. Box daughters at the Frank Taylor last Mrs. Stanley Mosier, of spent several days with ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schroe­ der. Mrs. Chas. Holtzman, of Pontiac, Mich., spent the holiday week-end with her brother, Mr. Frank Tay­ lor. Miss Kathleen May is visiting in Toronto the guest of Miss Jean Christie and taking in the Exhibit tion. S. J. Sweitzer, your Hobby Pal, spent Labor Day at Goderich and won 1st prize as best dressed clown. Mrs. Glen daughter are parents, Mr. Niagara Falls Mr. and Mrs. John M. Broderick and son, John, of Regina, visited over the week-end with relatives in town and district. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ramsden who reside with Mrs. W. Dearing, are spending a two week vacation in the Haliburton district. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Frayne family, of Sarnia, visited with and Mrs. J. Caldwell and Mr. Mrs. Clayton Frayne over holidays. Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Ford and and Mrs. Frank Taylor motored to Niagara Falls and also visited with Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Randall, of London. Mrs. John McCullagh returned to Exeter Monday evening after spending a few days with her son and family, James McCullagh, of Gravenhurst. i Mr. and Mrs. Percy Merkley and family and Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor and family spent the week­ end holiday visiting in Hamilton and district. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Gillies, of Midland, spent a few days last week visiting with Mr. and Mrs, E. C. Harvey and with Mrs. Gillies’ mother, Mrs. S. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Fisher and Yvonne and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Campbell, Alvin and Eric visited ovei- the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. James McCullagh, Gravenhurst. Mrs. W. H. Keddy and daughter Miss Beulah and Dr. and Mrs. E. R. Sluyter and Miss Virgene, of Fenton, Mich., visited over the week-end with Miss Nettie Keddy. Mr. and M'rs. Howard Ford and •Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Strangway, of Brampton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brierley and Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Ford over the holiday. Mrs. John Strange is visiting in Toronto and taking in the Exhibi­ tion, from and him. Mr. Ross Sutherland, of Toronto visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Rowe for a few days. Mr. Elmer Rowe returned to Toronto with him and attended the Exhibi­ tion. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ford and daughter, Diane, of Detroit, return­ ed home Sunday after holidaying at Wasago Beach. Collingwood and with Mrs. Ford’s sister, .Mr. Mrs. Frank Taylor. Rev. and Mrs. E. Clemans, Pentecostal Tabernacle at Sudbury, and former pastor of Exeter Pente­ costal Tabernacle, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cudmore the first of the week. Miss Zeta Lena Heywood, a for­ mer student of Exeter High School now of the Royal Victoria Hospital Staff, Montreal, Quebec, has been successful in completing Post Grad­ uate courses in Obs, and Gyn. Mr. and Mrs. T. Coates, Mrs. F. L. Grieve. Mrs. M. Sandra motored to and North week-end and visited with Mr. Freisen at the Camnus-in-the- woods. Mrs. Freisen and Sandra are remaining for a few days. Mrs. Hyndman held an auction sale of merchandise at the Friend­ ly Gift Shop at Grand Bend on Friday, Saturday and Monday and the sale was a grand success. Mr.. Frank Taylor was the auctioneer Mrs. Hyndman has conducted the shop at Grand Bend during the summer months. 'Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Taylor, Shir­ ley and Lorna returned home Thursday of last week after a plea­ sant motor trip to Sherbrooke, Richmond, Quebec City and Mont­ real visiting many of the relatives and old friends of Mr. Taylor whohi he knew before coming to Exeter twenty-two years ago. A. W. Pendergast, Indiana, IL S. A., who has one of the largest col­ lection of wooden Indians and old time cast iron Banks, called on S. J. Sweitzer, of town, last Wednes­ day. Mr. and Mrs. A, W. Pender­ gast are travelling through Ontario on a holiday trip. Mr. Pendergast remarked that S. J. Sweitzer has one of the finest .collections of its kind ho had over seei^ Bonnallie and little visiting with and Mrs. her Barr, of Mr. Cyril Strange was up Toronto Sunday, August 24, Mrs. Strange returned with daying wife at lia. Rev. and Mr. son, of and Mrs. Alfred Hicks week-end. Mr. Ed. Sprague, of Robt. Hicks, of London; and Mrs, Robt. Hicks and Toronto, visited with Mr. over the Toronto, and Mrs Frank Sprague, of Exeter, England, have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pooley. Mr. Sprague flew over from England. Mrs. Armstrong and Miss Forbes of the Exeter Public School staff, attended the 29th annual meeting of the Ontario. Women Teachers’ Federation which met in Toronto August 25 th and 2 6th. Notice Ex-Servicemen Mr. Miller Campbell, of London, spent the week-end at the home of his .parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell returned with him and attended the Labor Day celebration in Lon­ don, Misses Kathleen Hay, Norma Fletcher and Amelia Fisher, of Exeter, and Ruby Church, of Zur­ ich, spent the week-end attending the Exhibition in Toronto and en­ joyed a boat trip from Toronto to Queenston, Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Weekes and Billy, of Woodstock called on Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Beer and Miss May Skinner at Grand Bend on Wednes­ day of last we'elc. They left that day for Vancouver, B.C,, where Dr, Weekes has been appointed Medical Officer to the Health and Occupational Centre of the Depart­ ment of Veteran’s Affairs. W® have recently received some car topping material. If the top on yoiir car leaks bring it to Ed’s. We’ll fix it ns good as new. Ed’s Machine Shop Two Blocks East of Main Street on John Street, radio is going to the utmost are suggesting Longer evenings ahead mean that your to be used much more. To enjoy your set clear reception is a must. That is why we that you let us check over your radio if it isn’t working as you would like. It will get the best possible attention if you do. All Types of Batteries for Radios Now on Hand R. E. RUSSELL Phone 109 Exeter, Ont. A Large 44c A Medium 41c Pullets 32c B 27c C 22c and Mr. and the Mr. ARRIVING ZONE DRUMHEAD SERVICE will be held in Blytli on Sun­ day, Sept. 14th. It is desired to have a good representation from the Exeter branch. In order to help with trans­ portation arrangements all members planning to be on parade are asked to write name on bulletin board in Legion Rooms or phone Pres. Pooley or Sec’y Easton before MONDAY, SEPT. 8th. Exeter Markets Oats 65e. Barley, 75c Creamery Butter 54c Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, I Give Your Looks a Break . . . Wear a Morgan Hat To be well turned out, it is important to have a hat to suit you — in style and shade. Select your early fall model from our grey, brown or blue shades in Morgan styles. FALL TOPCOATS ARE Have You Joined finest Fall Fabries are here awaiting your Freisen and Gravenhurst Bay for the holiday *11 The _ . selection. Come in and make your choice now and sew for fall. WOOL CREPE—We can’t emphasize too much the lovely fine quality of this wool crepe material. It will make up into a beautiful dress for fall and winter. It is 5/1” wide and in colors of powder blue, turquoise, rose, green, gold. Per yard $2.25 ALL WOOL PLAID—The very thing for school misses’ skirts. 'Red background, 54” wide. Per Yard $4.50 FEATHER FLANNEL — Ideal school dresses for fall and winter, turquoise, royal blue, and brown for children’s Colors are red, 42” wide. Per yard $1.25 ALPINE—A nice material from which to make your own skirts and dresses. Shades include navy, brown, dark green, lime green, red, powder blue, 54” wide. Per yard $2.25 CORDUROY — This exceptionally fine material has been sanforized to avoid shrinkage. In red and brown only, 36” wide. 'Per yard $2.95 Southcott Phone 16 We are very pleased with the list of names who have already joined our blanket club. It has proven a popular idea with many of the womenfolk and we think you, too, will sign up af­ ter seeing the many soft, woolly blankets that we have. This is the easy way to buy yourself a blanket. You pay 50 cents a week and before you know it you have it bought. Beautiful designs in Kenwood, Mohawk, Strathdown and Ot­ tawa Valley. White Fl armelette Here is your opportunity to purchase some very fine white flannelette. This last shipment eomeSft in two qualities, The cheaper flannelette is a nice ■yveight while the other is a love­ ly heavy weight. The material is a yard wide and you may pur­ chase as much as you wish. Per yard 35 and 45 cents Bros.