HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-09-04, Page 5THE TIMES-ADVOCATE. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 4th, 1947
Church Services
Rev. H. J. Snell, Pastor
Mr, Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M.
Musical Director
10 a.m.—Sunday School.
11 a.m.—-Morning Worship.
Evening service withdrawn in fav’
or of Trivitt Memorial Anniver
— Anglican —
Rector, Rev. C. L. Langford
B.A., M.A.
Organist—Robert Cameron
■Sunday School.
-Communion Service.
Mr. Thos. Tapp, of Detroit, is
visiting with his sister, Miss Mary
Mrs. Catherine Creech visited
during the past week with rela-
Grand Bend Couple Return
Rev. Harry J, Mahoney, B.D.
Mrs. A. Y. Willard, Organist
11 a.m.—“Jesus, the Light of the
12 noon—Sunday School.
Evening service is withdrawn. You
are invited to worship at Trivitt
Memorial Anniversary.
7 p.m.—-Anniversary Service.
E, Reuber, B.A., B.D., Minister
Mrs. F. W. Morlock. Organist
a.m.—“The Faith of Our
11 a.m.—Church School.
7:30 p.m.—“Things That Cannot
Rev. Kenneth MacLean, Minister
Miss Norma M. Knight, Organist
10 a.m.— Sunday School.
1(1' a.m.—Public Worship.
Fri., Sept. 5, 8 p.m.—The meeting
of Caven Auxiliary, W.M.S., will
be held in the Sunday School
H. T. Kendrick, Pastor
, 8 p.m.—Prayer.
8 p.m.—Y.P.S.
'Sir Walter Scott’s brother Tom,
served in Canada as a paymaster
with a British regiment, died
this country and is buried in
•Matthew’s Anglican Church
Quebec City.
Sat., 9 p.m.—Open air service.
Sun.. 10 a.m.—Sunday School,
Supt., Mr. E. Cudmore.
Sun., 11 a.m.—Morning
Sun,, 7:30 p.m.—Praise
Sun., 8 p.m.—Power to
Dead on the World’s Opposition
to Christ.
“Behold I stand at the door and
knock.” Rev. 3:20.
raise the
fives in Windsor
Mr. and Mrs. .Art Campbell re
turned last week after a pleasant
holiday spent in Vancouver.
The Labor Day holiday was
spent quietly in Exeter. Many
spent the day at Grand Bend.
Mr. Sidney Sanders is visiting in
Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. R. A.
Dale and is taking in the Exhibi
Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Luxton called
at the home of Mr. John Luxton
on their way home to Avon Park,
Mr. William Passmore has re
turned after spending three weeks
in Victoria Hospital, following aD
Messrs. '
few days :
Mr, Robt, Ellerington left last
week for the west on the harvest
er’s excursion.
Mrs. Armstrong, Ned and Bill
and Tom Penhale were in Toronto
attending the Ex,
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Martie, of
Ancaster, spent the holiday with
Mr. and Mrs. .R. E. Balkwill.
Rev. M. A. and Mrs. Hunt, of
Mitchell, spent Tuesday at i
home of Mrs. Fred Ellerington.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hoist, of
Marlette, Mich., are visiting this
week with Mrs. W. Dearing and
other friends.
Mr. Reg. McDonald, a patient in
spent a
home here
Birth, Death and Marriage
Nfftlee* are Inserted free ot
ehur^e. Card of Thank* 50c. In
Menioriam Notices 50c for Mingle
yerne, 25c extra for each addi
tional verse. Kagageni ent* 50a
E. R. Hopper and T, 0.
were in Toronto for a
last week attending the
BARNARDA — At Mrs. Hunter's
Nursing Home on Tuesday, Sept
ember 2, 1947, to AC1 an$
Mrs. Robert Barnarda, of Exe>
ter a daughter, Margaret Louise.
HARRIE-—At Mrs. Hunter”s Nurs
ing Home on Monday, September
1, 1947, to L.A.C. and Mrs,
Harrie, a son, Brian Robert.
McCRAE—To Mr. and Mrs. Ken
neth McCrae (nee Gertrude
Hoffman), Dashwood, a daugh
ter (Bonnie Heather) at St.
Joseph’s Hospital, London, on
August 28th, 1947, a birthday,
present for mother,
HURST—WELSH —At Devine St.
Church, -Sarnia, on Thursday,
August 28th, 1947, Olive Fern,
R.N., eldest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. E. _ Welsh, to Win..
Hurst, of iSarnia, by Rev. Irwin.
Mr. and Mrs. Emery Desjardine
returned recently from a motor trip
through the Canadian West to
Vancouver Island, visiting friends
and relatives in Winnipeg, Bounty,
Sask., Halkirk, Alta., and Vancouv
er, B.C. Stops were also made at
Banff, Lake Louise, and Calgary.
They are both agreed that the
friendliness and hospitality of the
western people has never been
over estimated. The return trip was
made through the United States,
where stop overs were again made
at points of interest including Yel
low Stone Park. Mr. and Mrs. Des
jardine feel that they were extreme
ly fortunate in that they drove
7,500 miles without changing a
tire or seeing even a minor acci
dent. They found the roads and
tourist accommodation excellent
throughout the entire trip. They
were accompanied on the trip by
their son Murray and their nephew
Bracken, Drew to Speak
At Conservative Annual
Friday, Nov. 14, has been set as
the date for the 26th annual meet*
ing of the Western Ontario Pro
gressive Conservative Association,
Secretary Gordon M. Reid announc
ed at London Tuesday.
Dominion Leader John Bracks
en and Premier George Drew are
scheduled to speak. The Women’s
Progressive Conservative Associa
tion of Western Ontario, will also
meet, at a time and place to be
announced later.
Officers drawing up plans for the
meetings include: William H. Gra
ham, St, Marys; Charles E. Rich
ardson, St. Marys; Thomas Pryde,
Miss Emma Johnston
A /Message to
Our Saturday banking hours are being changed.
Effective next Saturday, your B of M branch will
be open from 9 to 11 o’clock instead of 9:30 to noon as
The purpose of the change is to ease the burden on
our staff who have been working long hours ever since the
early years of the war. At many of our offices our staff
have been obliged to work until late in the afternoon on
Saturdays, and we are anxious to correct this situation.
Please do your banking early in the day . . . your
co-operation will be much appreciated by all of us at the
B of M.
and Heaters
give you the
of the leading
Don’t wait until cold weather
sets in before buying your
kitchen stove or heater. It
may be too late then as these
items are going to be scarce.
Our Findlay, Beach and Mc
Clary models
choice of three
best coal and
you to let us
FINDLAY CONDOR — This is one of the
wood cook stoves on the market. We invite _
show it to you. It is exceptionally well constructed and is
designed for the modern kitchen.
QUEBEC HEATER — We have them in three sizes and are
made by Beach, Findlay and McClary.
OIL HEATERS — These modern heating units are avail
able at present in three sizes. They are made by Findlay
and Coleman.
Give Your Flock a Lift
Now is a good time to feed growing pullets, laying hens and
growing turkeys that Purina conditioner, Chek-R-Ton. It
helps prevent Coccidiosis and range paralysis and it also
gives them a /lift” if the disease has already hit your flock.
Feed Them Purina
Growena Checkers
birds in nPurina Turkey Growena is famous for growing
hurry and fitting them for top market conditions. It’s econ
omical, too, because a little of it goes a long way. So for
fast gains try Purina Growena Checkers. It’s used by many
of the successful turkey raisers.
Westminster Hospital,
couple of days at his
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. T. O.
of town and Miss June
Toronto, motored to
for the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Farrow
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. ’Southcott
taking in the Toronto Ex. the
ter part of this week.
■Mr. Thos. Lee, of Detroit,
Rawlings, of London,
Wednesday with their
■C. A. Southcott.
Mrs. Wilbert Munns, of
and Misses Betty Coates
Gordon, of
Mrs. Rd.
visited on
aunt, Mrs.
Mr. • and
and Mary Gardiner were in Toron-,
to attending the Exhibition.
Mr. and Mrs. David Keeton and
son. Eddie, of Detroit. Mich., were
holiday visitors with LAC. and
Mrs. Lewis Busselle, of Crediton.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Hoist and
daughter and Mr. Harry Cornish,
of Kingston, J^ich., visited with
Mrs. Will Dearing and other friends
last weak.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Woods, Of
Brantford, and Miss Ruby Wood,
of Ridsetown, were holiday visit
ors atr the home of Mr. and Mrs
John Luxton.
Mrs. Wm. Ferguson and son Roy,
of Thames Road, left Thursday
morning for Moosimin, Sask., where
they will visit with the former’s
sister, Mrs. Elgin White.
Mrs. M. McAvoy and Miss Annie
L, Sanders spent the past ten days
with Mrs. Ida M. .Sanders and Dr.
and Mrs. C. B. Sanders in London,
returning home on Sunday.
Mrs. Margaret White, of Steph
en, accompanied her son, San
ford and his wife from Windsor,
on a motor trip to Midland and
Toronto over Labor Day week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Harvey
and family spent the past week at'
Grand Bend. Mrs. Laura Harvey
and daughter, Mrs. Hennon and
son are spending this week there.
Miss Helen Penhale, who has
been employed at the Toronto Uni
versity during the summer months,
spent the holiday week-end with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. J.
Misses Lois Schwartz and Marion
Hodgert, of town, attended the To
ronto Ex. last week and spent the
week-end with the former’s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schwartz at j
Mrs. E. A. FoHick, who has been
visiting in Exeter for the past two
months returned to Toronto Thursday. She was accompanied by Missess
Stella and Florence Southcott who
will spend a couple of days at the
Mr. Douglas Hendry has return-t
ed home after spenidng the sum
mer with the International Paper
Co. in the Gatoneau Hills north
of Ottawa. He intends returning
to the Toronto Art School at the
end of the month.
Billie McFalls, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Garnet McFalls, of Usborne,
underwent an operation for the
removal of his tonsils on Tuesday
of last week. He suffered a hem
orrhage on Wednesday but is im
proving nicely.
Miss Donna McFalls, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Garnet McFalls, of
Usborne, underwent an operation
for an acute attack of appendicitis
Monday at noon in St. Joseph's
Hospital, London. Her many
friends wish her ,a speedy recovery.
Mrs. Ricci and two children,
Douglas and Theresa, of Hamilton
and Mrs. Mitchell, of Toronto, are
visiting with
and Mrs.
as just
ISAAC—In Stephen Twp. on Tues
day, September 2, 19 47, Wesley
John Isaac, beloved husband of
the late Annie Dearing, in his
82nd year.
HUXTABLE — In Children’s War
Memorial Hospital, London, on
Tuesday, September 2nd, 1947,
Margaret Elizabeth Huxtable, be
loved daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Wilfred Huxtable, of Centralia,
in her 4th year.
JOHNSTON—In London on Sunday,
August 31st, 1947, Emaline
Johnston, of Hensall.
POOLEY—-In England on August
2, 1947, A Pooley, of Helston,
England, aged 86 years, father
of R. E. Pooley, of Exeter.
Miss Emma Johnston, prominent
Hensall resident, died in St. Jo
seph’s Hospital, London, Sunday
night aftei' a week’s illness there.
She was a member of St. Paul’s
Anglican Church, of the Women’s
■Guild and of the choir. She was
prominent in social life of the town.
Surviving are a sister, Mrs, R. J,
Ferguson, Minneapolis, Minn., and
a brother, James Johnston, Riley,
Alta. A public funeral service was
held at the residence on Wednes
day at-2:30 p.m., with Rev. M. A.
Hunt, of Mitchell, officiating. In
terment was in Hensall Union
Brucefieid Firemen
Hold Gala Night
Brucefieid firemen’s frolic was
a decided success with music by
the Bannockburn pipe band one
of the highlights.
Raffle prizes were won by Mrs.
William Smith, Exeter; Mrs, W.
McBeath, Brucefieid; Thomas Car
ter, Clinton and Mrs. L, Beatty, ,
Varna. A lovely quilt was won byj
Mary Scribbens, Clinton. Proceeds
of the frolic, will be used in pur
chasing a new fire engine and
Officers of the fire department
are Harry Dalrymple, president;:
J, Hohner, vice-president; J. K.
Cornish, secretary; William Mc
Intosh, treasurer; H. F. Berry,
fire chief.
Just bring in your car
regularly say once a
month — for lubrication
and inspection.
Snell Bros. & Co.
General Motors and Case
Exeter Phone 100
The engagement is announced
Barbara Grace Kirkby, daughter
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Kirkby,
Kirkton, to Mr. LaVerne H. Rodd,
son of Mr. .and Mrs. Edgar Rodd,
of Woodham, the marriage to take
place Sept. 20th. in Kirkton United
Mr. and Mrs. James D.
Rae, Parkhill, Ont., announce
-engagement of their youngest
ghter, Rita Mary, to Gerald Fran
cis Gooding, son of John Gooding
and the late Mrs. Gooding, Lon
don; the marriage to take place
Saturday, September 6, at
Peter’s Cathedral, London, at
all for their
during the
them in the
and solicit
extend thanks
neighbors for
them durinc
Miss Marion Webber wishes
thank all those who so kindly
membered her with cards, flowers
letters and treats while a patient
in 'Sb. Joseph’s Hospital, London. *
We wish to thank
generous patronage
time we have served
Cromarty community
the same for oui’ successor. Mr.
Christie, of Kitchener. — Mr. and
Mrs. Darrel Parker.
The Horton family
to their friends and
kindnesses shown
their recent bereavement, for flow
ers. loan of cars and also to Rev.
Malionev and Rev. C. W. Down,
the soloist Mrs. J. Hodgert, and
Mr R. C:. Dinney. “
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coward wish
to thank their many friends for
cards, treats, flowers and visits
while Mrs. Coward was a patient
in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London,
and since returning home. *
Mr. Wm. Passmore wishes to
thank all those who sent letters,
cards, flowers, treats and visits
while a patient in Victoria Hospital,
also those who called since return
ing home. *
Mrs. A. E. Delbridge sincerely
wishes to thank all who so kindly
remembered her with cards, flow
ers and treats while a patient in
cVictoria, Hospital, Londoif.
Mrs. Bert O’Brien wishes
press her appreciation for
letters and flowers while
ient in Victoria Hospital, London, c
Ronald Squire wishes to thank
all those who so kindly remember
ed him with flowers,
cards during his recent illness.
JACKSON—In loving memory Of
dear mother, Mrs. John Jackson,
who passed away two years ago,
Sept. 7th, 1945.
„ how oft she comes before us,
Her dear face so sweet' and true,
Resting now in peace with Jesus.
Loving hearts still long for you.
—Lovingly remembered by the
familv. *
treats and
their parents, Mr,
J. Payne. Mrs. Mit-
returned to Toro
. J. A, Kirkby,... Of
Mrs, A. 0. Ready,
13. C., are spending
Mr. B. W. F. Bea-
Myrtle Brown. Mrs.
St. Marys, and
of Vancouver,
the week with
vers and ’Mrs. . ............
Kirkby is a sister of Mr. Beavers
and Mrs. Ready is a sister of Mrj
The marriage of Ena R. Bennett,
daughter of Mrs. Thos. Nichol, of
Priceville, and tile late Thos. Nicol,
to Mr. Clarence 8. McLean, son of
Mrs. Jas. B. McLean, of ’Exeter
and the late Jas. rB. McLean, was
solemnized at Colborne St. United
Church, Wednesday, Sept. 3rd,
1947 by Dr. A. Murray Stu-a«t. Af
ter a wedding 8ri.p to Quebec City
and the Saguenay, the couple will
reside in London,
Mrs. Levina Davis
Mrs. Levina Agnes Davis died at
the home of her nephew, Arthur
Rundle, lot 8, con. 7, Blanshard
Township, on Tuesday, in her 88th
year. Born in Usborne Township,
she was a daughter of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Creery. She lived
most of her life in Usborne Town
ship. She is the last surviving mem
ber of a pioneer family. Surviving
are nephews and nieces. The body
rested at the L. A. Ball funeral
chapel in St. Marys until Thursday,
w hen it was taken to Kirkton Ang
lican Church where a service was
held. Interment was in Clandeboye
Cemetery. ,
Wins with Herefords
H. C. Wright of Cromarty brought
Perth into the prize-money lists in.
Hereford classes at the Canadian
National Exhibition. Animals from
the Wright herd took first and third
for summer yearling heifers, second
for aged bulls, second for aged cow,
third for junior herd and second
for graded herd.
------to the Music of the-------
CKNX Golden Prairie Cowboys
Dancing - 10 to 1
Friday, September 12th
“The Tops in Entertainment”
Wednesday & Thursday, Sept 17th-18th
Monster Parade
Commencing at 1:15 p.m. sharp at the South
End Pillars
. 2
$8 $6
5 3
Best Business Float
Decorated Car
Freak Outfit
Decorated Bicycle
Best School in Costume: 1st prize $8; 2nd $6;
all others $3 each
School Drill, open to rural schools in Hay,
Stephen and Usborne: 1st prize $8; 2nd $6;
3rd $4.
Dance at Night
Norm. Carnegie and his 8-piece band
Exhibits Must Remain on Grounds Until 5 P.M.
Admission 40c Children 25c Cars 25c
Dr. R. Hobbs Taylor, M.L.A. for
Huron, will officially open the
Exeter Band
will be in attendance
P.A. System
with Tory Gregg
Saddle Horses
W. Eric McIlroy, of Lakeview Cas
ino, Grand Bend, donates $35 for
best saddle horse, divided $.20, $10,
Trials of Speed
2.26 Trot or Pace
2.17 Trot or Pace
Purses, $200.00 each
(3 heats)
5 to enter or no race
Every Heat a Race
Prizes ■— 40; 30; 20; 10
3% to enter
See the Fair From the Covered Stand
Preston Dearing, President. dark Fisher, Sec’y-Treas. ..|