HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-07-24, Page 10Meeting I 99 i Miss Dorothy Forrester, nurse­ in-training at Victoria Hospital in London is home on tlwee weeks vac­ ation.. TOWN HALL THURSDAY 8:30 p.m. Poor Honey Crop prospects for a honey cron this season are about the poorest we have-ever had. according to Mr. W. F. Abbott, the local apiarist. Honey, he says, at present will not average ten pounds to the hive. During the past two weeks owing to cold and wet weather the hives have gone back. This is determined by keep­ ing a record of the weight of the hive. What the buckwheat or late clover will produce in the way of honey is yet to be seen. Previews Its Coming Attractions FRIDAY and SATURDAY — July 25th, 26th Saturday Night Show commences at 7 p.m. "Ladies’ Man” @ Eddie Bracken • Cass Daley MONDAY and TUESDAY — July 28th, 29th — Two Features - The Fabulous Dorseys ® Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey The Red House” ® Edward G. Robinson ® Lon McAllister WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY — July 30th, 31st "Lady in the Lake M-G-M presents a revolutionary motion picture most amazing since talkies began! ® Robert Montgomery ® Audrey Totter • Lloyd Nolan “The Yearling” “It Happened in Brooklv^^’ . , ....................... . -jt** COMING——^.--’- and Dad” “Sea of Grass” | first show commences at 7.30 I Exeter, Ontario I AKEVIEW p ASINO L------GRAND U—BEND Dancing Nightly GORDON DELAMONT and his ORCHESTRA 1 f K. A Midnite Dance July 28th, 12.05 a. m. One of the most popular dances of the week! Sunday, June 27th 9 p.m. Lou Rayne: English Comedienne, return engage­ ment by popular request.. Bill Davies: Ventriloquist. Marian Knox: First appearance—a smart dancer. Bing Kelly: Yodeller and entertainer. SILVER COLLECTION A J Plan a Visit to the Bend During the Week * and Relax - There is Much Fun at a Very Small Cost n Squirrels Disp lay Wonderful Instinct The editor was sitting bark step at W. J. Beer’s at Grand Bend and Mr. Beer was vraeking some of lust year’s wal­ nuts with a heavy black coating and a, hard shell which he was ft eding to the squirrels. One of the squirrels came up to Mr. Beer he held a walnut in his hand, Mr. pro­ file and third the smelt the wal­ nut, took it in its paws, turned it- around several times and ran off with it and was soon its hind legs removing shell with its teeth. i discarded walnuts are said Mr. Beer, “and to we will crack them”. He did they were both decayed. Mr. Beer feeds the birds and the squirrels every day. Squirrels have been so tame as to crawl up Mr. Beer for peanuts, etc. One squirrel almost every morning will climb to a kitchen window that opens inward begging for breakfast and he is not often disappointed. The birds with their noise and their chatter usually announce their presence each morning. The Beers get a lot of fun from their furry and feathered friends. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. May are holi­ daying at Midland and in the Mus- koka district. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hopper, Joan and Rat are holidaying at Port Elgin. THE TIMES^ADVOCATE* EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 24th, 1947 Items of Social and Personal Interest . , . In and Around Town The Times-Advoeate is always pleased to publish items of personal interest. We and our readers are interested in you and your friends . . Phone 31W Women Prefer i | as I smelt it and darted away. Beer put the walnut aside and duced another. Baek came squirrel, examined the walnut scampered away again. The walnut was produced, and squirrel returned. C. is Jeekell, of visiting with Hooper, of Ontario, Miss L. Exeter, Mr. and Mr. and holidaying Mr. and Mrs. G. A. last week at Dunville. Mrs. C. Mrs. J. H. Jones at Grand Bend. Mrs, Carfrey Cann Cann spent a few are and days The Hoover Cleaner off on the outer “The two no good” show you and sitting Granton Institute Plans Broadcast Thirty-four members of Granton Women’s Institute met meeting of the branch of the president, Mrs. son, Blanshard. Mrs. for the July at the home George Wil- Wilson pre­ sided for the business which in­ cluded the appointment Clifford Hartwick, Mrs. Naughton, Mrs. A. Knox president as a committee tact CFPL regarding a Institute broadcast in the ture. Mrs. charge and a ducted Hodgson, a former member. The afternoon’s guest speaker was Mrs. Ernest Hobbs, secretary-- of North Middlesex omen's’ In­ stitute, who. SQdkft<'on “Citizenship” cb,AlJfgu£ing all the members to be "neighborly to new immigrants in Canada and to promote true free­ dom, with each individual observ­ ing the law. She referred to the possibilities of franchise pledges for Women’s Institute members but felt it should not be necessary for a W. I. member to .sign a pledge to realize her responsibility to vote. Mrs. Neil Langford read a poem and Mrs. Louis Mitchell sang a solo. Current events were reviewed by Mrs. Andrew Knox. A poem by Mrs. D. Spence, and a contest on “Con­ veniences Our Grandmothers Didn’t Have,” which was won by Mrs. L. Mitchell, was followed by a dem­ onstration of shell work presented by Miss Agnes Greason, a former patient at Byron Sanatorium. A game of lawn bowling con­ cluded the afternoon’s program and the hostess and her committee served tea from a table effectively arranged with embroidered tea cloth, centred with roses. The Aug­ ust meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. Norman Riddell when the history of Granton Village is to be given. Thomas of the memorial for the Of Mrs. D. Mc- and the to con- women’s near fu- was inGunning devotional period, service was con- late Mrs. James To find out “what’s doing’’ in Exeter and community, read these columns. ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND PRESENTS FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT THE FOLLOWING ATTRACTIONS WED., THURS., FRI., and SAT. July 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th ‘The Jolson Story’ —• in technicolor —- • Larry Parks ® Evelyn Keyes A truly great picture . . . One you can’t afford to miss ... or see again. — with — “BIG HOUSE BLUES” CARTOON MONDAY and TUESDAY July 28, 29tLove and Learn’ • Jack Carson ® Martha Vickers — with — STERLING HOLLOWAY COMEDY and Additional Short Subject WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY July 30, 31 ‘Nora Prentiss’ ® Ann Sheridan ® Kent Smith — ADULT ENTERTAINMENT — With — “HUSH MY MOUSE” CARTOON Miss Norma Fletcher, of Exeter, has been on vacation the past week. Misses Helen Dignan and Doro­ thy Davis Bend. Mrs. R. I allfornia, M. Jeckell. Mr Win. spent the week-end with Mrs. Ronald Fletcher. Mr. and Mrs. J. Pollard, Mrs. Greta Hodgins and Glen spent last week at Wasago. Mr. Wesley Willert, of California, is visiting for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Triebner. Mr and Mrs, Norman Moody, of Ottawa, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Hector Taylor. Mr, W. J. Lower, of La Porte, Indiana, is the guest of liis daugh­ ter, Mrs. John Taylor, Nelson St, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Howald are spending their holidays with Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Roulston at Simcoe. Mr. Geo. Kinney, of London, and Mrs. J. visiting ey, Mrs. visited the home of day last. Miss Jean her holidays with Mr. of Osliawa. Rev. R. E. and Mrs. Southcott and Jim, of Oil City, are visiting with the former’s mother, Mrs, C. A. Southcott. Mr. and Mrs. Oran Moir and Kathleen, who have been holiday­ ing with relatives have returned to St. Catharines. The Misses Anna Brock and Eleanor Hunkin left Monday for London to take a summer course at Western University. Miss Laurene Zurbrigg, in-training at Victoria holidaying with her their home in Exeter Mr. and^Mirti. L. RoxFLhrrie spent the week-end ’her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sandvik at Amherstburg. Mrs. Gladys Anderson, of Ot­ tawa, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Barnard at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Triebner. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Paisley, Jan­ et and David, of Toronto, have re­ turned home after spending holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Dunn. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Frayne family, of Sarnia, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Caldwell other relatives in town for a weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Blair, of London, and Exeter, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Usborne. Mr. Roy Kirk, clerk at Beavers Hardware, was taken to St. eph’s Hospital, afternoon for an pendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. R. : Jim Taylor were I Monday attending the their aunt, the late Day. Mrs. John E. Fletcher, Norma and Mrs. Arthur Day, of Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fletcher, of Usborne, spent a pleasant week-end visiting with relatives around Cros­ well, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Brown and grandson, Bobbie Arnot, of Cros­ well, Mich., spent the week-end visiting the former’s aged mother, at the home of Hal 4 highway, south of Mrs. George Smith and Richard, of Buffalo, N.Y., Miss Dorothy Kuntz, of Exeter, ited with Miss Ella Link and ■ and Mrs. Ward Fritz at the latter’s home recently.—Zurich Herald. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Remington and sons Roland and Jerry, of Detroit, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Tucker at Grand Bend. Mrs. Elsie Remington, ofe Detroit, spent last week-end with them. Messrs. T. 0. Southcott, Ted Davies, Ulric Snell and R. G. Sel­ don took part in the annual tourn­ ament of the Western Ontario Lawn Bowling association. They won one and lost two games. Mr. and Mrs. Trenton Brown and grandson, Bobbie Arnott, well, with Mrs. Ethel, London iRoad south, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Coward, of Usborne. Mr.\ and Mrs. Webb Harrison, Hudson and Mr. Watson, of Detroit, and Miss Hettie Sweet, Mrs. Wm. Sweet and Messrs. Ross and Pat Lenchan, of London, visitors with Sweet. •Mrs. wm. Alta., visited her cousin, and called Beck, who district, is of Ontario. E. C< Beacom, B.A., science mas­ ter at Stratford Normal School, a former inspector of South Huron public schools, has been appointed acting principal of North Bay Nor­ mal School. Me is at present in charge of the two .summer schools at North Bay. Mr, Beacom vrent to Stratford from, Seaforth in 1942., Hospital, week at Hensail, A. Kemp, of Toronto, are with Mr. and Mrs. K. Hock- Alfred White, of London, with her grandmother at Hal Brown on Satur- Kirk of London spent at her home here and and Mrs. Lloyd Wilson, nurse- Hospital, is mothet^-^at Beavers and with J. Yes, women prefer Hoover, the great name in vacuum clean­ ers. If you need a new one don’t fail to see, the *‘28”, the popular-priced model with denning tools and mothimizer in handy kit. If Beats-as it Sweeps-as it Cleans The unique triple-action cleaning principle made famous bv Hoover. R. E. RUSSELL IL Sanders and Britton, of London visited with Mr, and Mrs. F, G. Forrester on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. Art Wliilsmith are enjoying a motoi* trip to Niagara Falls, ,Buffalo and other points. Miss Ella Link is holidaying with Miss May Jones. Miss Link is re­ cuperating from a recent opera­ tion. Mrs, Win. McRann, of Clandeboye has returned to Victoria London, after spending a her home. Bert. Wren, of R.R. 1, is suffering from several broken ribs and injuries to his back, the result of a fall from a load of hay late Wednesday afternoon. Miss Alma Richards and Miss, Jeannie Jackson, of London, Mr. and Mrs. T, E. Jackson and Norene of Ingersoll, are enjoying a motor trip to Quebec, the Maritimes and eastern States. \ Miss Dorene Parsons has return­ ed to her duties at Southcott Bros, following two week’s holidays part of which she spent with her and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. iner at Meaford. Ken Hockey and Gordon were at Goderich Wednesday noon defending the Hunt Which they won in a Doubles tournament last They won two and lost two Mrs. J. B. Armitage ,and brothers William Ogden, of Lucan, James Ogden, of London, and Thomas Ogden, of Fillmore, Sask., returned home on Friday with relatives Mt. Clemens, Park, Mich. Exeter, Ont after .a week’s visit at Emmett, Mich., Mich., and HmToi uncle Gard- Phone 109 New Cloths Tweed suits can now be tailored you of a garment that you will be proud to wear. These include both worsteds and tweeds. May after­ Trophy Scotch year, games. Exeter Markets Wheat $1.42 Oats 65c Barley, 75c Creamery Butter 54c Eggs, A Large 34c Eggs, A Medium 31c Eggs, Pullet 26c Eggs, B 26c Eggs, C 22c their Geo. and with Mrs. Jas. Blair, of Ronald Fletcher, of Jos- London, Monday operation for ap- P. N. Tyerman McInnis and Mrs. > in Gorrie on funeral of Mrs. John Brown on town. and sons of Cros- Mich., spent the week-end Brown, Hal and Miss Mr, and were Sunday Mrs. Clinton of Coleman,Beck, for a few1 days with V, j. and Mrs. Kestle on other friends. Mrs. comes from a mining thrilled with the trees 9 Select your new suit from the grand array of Tip Top samples that we are now showing. A suit styled to your own haste ‘and in- _*./***** H ’’W • • ■» dividual measurement will assure with an extra pair of trousers.