HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-07-10, Page 6SALADA’ Graham Arthur A. 0. Elliot with Mt. and Mi's. N. SET THE MOST ( FOR YOUR MONEY trewowe Exeter Home and Auto Supply %■ Attention Please bwuisbs JUST RUB IT IN IS ► Apply freely, and rub. That’s alll MINARD’S is greaseless, fast-drying. No unpleasant odor. Brings quick relief—pleasantly. Get a bottle today; keep it handy. 1 j QUICK RELIEF We please your car and you with plenty of attention where it counts most! Your ear is our baby, too. Drive in now for a super-duper tune-up and check-up, Exeter Motor Sales Dodge and DeSoto Sales and Service Tom Coates Phone 200 Fred Dobbs THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 10th, 1947 hensall Billie Fink and Bobbie Buynham spending ten days at the Pres- erian ’“amp for boys at Killtail, and Mrs. E. L. Mirkle and are spending a month’s va- at their cottage at Rondeau family cation Park. Mr. Jean : . _ da:ion with relatives at Dorchester and Lindsay. Audrey Walsh is holidaying at the home of her grandmother at Bly th. Mrs. Goodfellow. Dr. Alice Good­ fellow and Dm Norma Cook, of To­ ronto, are spending two weeks va­ cation ’ „ 7 Cook and family at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Glenn en-! joyed a pleasant holiday in Detroit. . Group two of the Ladies Aid of j Carmel Presbyterian Church held a ; most successful home-baking sale j and lawn tea at the home of Mrs. • Lome Luker on Saturday. Miss ‘Caroline Parlmer, of Wind- . sor, is spending the summer holl- j days at the home of her grand-t parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher. > Mrs, Harris returned home after spending a few days at the home of j her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Harris. , Mr. and Mrs. E. A. McAsh, Mrs. t E. Munsliaw, London; Dr. J, Me- i Ash, Innerkip; called on Miss Mary j McA/11 and Miss Violet McClymont j on July 1st. They were joined later i by Mr. and en field. Janet Brintnell s. Janet Brintnell, widow of ial<i (.Don) Brintnell, died at her in Hibbert Township on Fri­ ll her 77th year following a y illness. Born in Hibbert, as the former Janet Drover md was a member of the Chisel- I’nited Church. Surviving are diiers. (Ednai Mrs. W. ,n. Cromarty; Isohel, of and (Mae) Mrs. J. Mc­ Lellan. Toronto: four sons, Thomas and William, Hibbert Township; Wilson, Kirkton; and Clifford, of Exeter. Public funeral service was held from her home on Monday at 2 p.m., conducted by Rev. R. A. Brook. Interment was in McTag- gart’s cemetery. United Church Choir Picnic A large attendance of members and guests attended the Hensall United Church choir picnic held at Turnbull’s Grove on Wednesday, July 2nd. A delicious picnic sup­ per was enjoyed by all after which sports were featured under the dir­ ection of Miss Ruth Hess and Bill Mickle book Mickle, Jinks; dale, Mrs. Sherritt; softball, S. G. Rennie, Lee Hedden, H. McEwan; open running race, Bill Mickle; exchange of grapefruit, girls’ side. The following choir members were responsible for the successful affair: social committee, Mrs. Drysdale, Mrs. Broderick; sports, Ruth Hess, Bill Mickle. At the close, softball was indulged in, the score being 9-7 in favor of the men. W. M. S. Meeting The Women’s Missionary Society of the Hensall United Church met on Thursday, July 3rd, at 3 p.m., on the church lawn. The meeting opened with the president,, Mrs. W. B. Cross, in the chair. The beau­ tiful hymn, “O Jesus, I Have Prom­ ised,” was read in unison followed by the Lord’s Prayer. Miss Annie Consitt took the devotional from Psalm 23 and Mrs. R. A. Brook led in prayer. The roll call was answer­ ed by nine members and one visitor. The study ‘book chapter was then presented and enjoyed -by all pres­ ent. The offering was received fol­ lowed by the Mizpah benediction. Mrs. E. L. Mickle had charge of the following games: kick-the-slipper, Miss Violet McClymont; needle and thread race, Mrs. Cross and Mrs. Sherritt: potato race. Mrs. Blatch- ford; throwing the ball, ’ Mrs. Manns; prize for the oldest member Mrs. Lammie. The ladies then sat down to a delicious picnic supper, the tables being most 'beautifully decorated with red roses donated by Mrs. E. L. Mickle, whom the ladies wish to thank for her work in making the picnic such a splen­ did success. and Mrs. Clark Kennedy and are enjoying two weeks va- E. and Mrs. J. J, Richardson oyed a family picnic at Bay- with the following results: balancing contest, Betty Ruth Hess and Bernice Mrs. Broderick, Mrs. Drys- men, throwing Hern Family Reunion After an absence of seven years owing to the war t!m Hern family reunion held their picnic Wednes­ day afternoon, July 2nd. on the Zion school grounds with an at­ tendance of over one hundred. Dur­ ing the afternoon a. ball game was enjoyed and the sports committee, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hern and Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hern, had a fine program arranged. A strawberry supper was served in the church shed. A short business meeting fol­ lowed and it was decided to hold the 1948 picnic at the same place. Arnold Hern was elected president; Kenneth Johns, vice-president, and Mrs. Louisa Kyle, secretary-treas­ urer. An arrangement <‘00111111166 and a sports committee were ap­ pointed. The secretary read a letter from Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jewell, of Porthcawl, S. Wales, Eng, The re­ sults of the sports were as follows: under 5 years, Summie Reeve, Ralph Hprn; 6 to 8 years, Rosemary Dobson, Betty Hern: 8 to 12 years girls, Elaine Hern, Phyllis Hern; 8 to 12 years boys, Robbie Dobson, Bobbie Johns; young ladies, Chris­ tine Dobson, Marilyn Hern; young men, Jack Hern, Ken Hern; married men, Russell McKeen, Tom Hern; married ladies, Mrs. Laurene Snell, Mrs. Loreen ‘McKeen: three-le; race, Ross Dobson and the slipper, men. Ross forwards race, Hern; race, Ken Hern’s team: Malcolm Spence; hoop parcel race, ; clothespin race Pristine Dobson; grounds, Garry and Mrs. Philip s; oldest on the :gged Marilyn ladies, Dobson; Phyllis toothpick agd Ross Hern; kick Marilyn Hern; backwards, and Bobby sealer ring sack race, race, Ken Hern’s team; Gerald Hern’s team Jack Hern and Cl youngest on the Hern, son of Mr, Hern, age 3 month grounds, Mrs. Hannah Reeve, 86. SHIPKA Wedding bells are ringing in vicinity in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Sherritt Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sherritt and Danny, of Brantford, called on rela­ tives here on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nicols and son Billy and Harold Keys, of De- here ontroit, visited with relatives Friday last. Communion service will in the United church on next at 10:30 a.m. Rev. Mr. Hann will be in charge. Everybody wel­ come. Mr. and baby have the late John Merriott. Miss Gertrude Dinsdale, of Lon­ don, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ratz. El Worry Often Causes Loss Of Sleep Worry is probably the most common cause of restlessness. Anxieties and fears, worries ever finan* cial and other matters, all take their toll of hours of restful sleep. Such a condition may eventually result in nerv­ ousness and irritability, loss Of appetite or fatigue. If you suffer from a nervous condition or restlessness, why not try Milburn’s Health and Nerve Pills 1 Over the past fifty years, thousands of Canadians have found Milburn’s Health and Nerve Pills beneficial as a general tonic to help build, up the system and thus help promote refreshing rest and sleep. Ask your druggist for Milburn’s Health and Nerve Pills, identified by the "Red Heart” on the box, The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Gill-Reunion The annual Gill reunion was held at Government Park, Ipperwash, on Saturday, June 28th. A good crowd was present and old acquaintances were renewed around a well-laden dinner table. The afternoon spent in sports and swimming, following are the results of races: girls 5 and under, Mary Barbara Fahner; boys 6 and undet. Jimmy Augustine, Jerry Love; 7 years, Beverley Wilson, June Aug­ ustine; 8 years, Wayne Fahner, Nancy Fahner; 9 years, Joan Gill, Keith Gill; 10 years, Wilson Augus­ tine, Norma Wilson; 12 to 13 years, Ruth Wilson, Alex Love; 14 to 15 years, Harriet Wilson, Colleen Gill; young ladies, Olive Gill, Eva Fah­ ner; young men, Ellison Whiting, Bill Wilson; married men, Carl Wilson, Eddie Gill; three-legged race, Harriet and Ruth Wilson, Olive and Eloise Gill; get-acquaint­ ed race, Feme Love; paper bag , Keith Charlton’s side; shoe , Willis Gill and Harriet Wil- Russell Gill and Ruth Wilson; bringing the most people, Ar­ thur Baker; oldest person present; Mrs. Mary Gill, and her grandson, Brian, son of Mr, Mrs. Eddy Gill, the yo-ungest. following officers were elected for next year: pres., Russell Gill; sec.* treas„, Eva Fahner; lunch and sport committee, Marjorie, Frances and Gladys Wilson. was The the Gill, little and The □ We Have For Immediate Sale One Car Red Cedar Shingles Huron Lumber Co. Limited GLADMAN and COCHRANE One garage will be open in Exeter on Sundays and dur­ ing the evenings throughout the week. TOM COATES Service Station Open this Sunday and During the Evenings throughout the Week, Evening Service Oil)' a Business Directory BARRISTERS — SOLICITORS EXETER, ONTARIO at Hensall, Fridafy 2 to 5 p.m. SURGEON EXETER 60 WM. H. SMITH Pres. fcXETER, R.R, 1 and son they open girls and .three boys. She spent entire life in McGillivray with exception of a few years spent Strathroy and Glencoe before marriage to Mr. Wilbert Young of his and AUCTIONEER and Middlesex assures you of you value on sale duj William A short at the in the USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario Lloyd Lavern died six years, and Ida the age of three Harold Brophey Phone Zurich 92r7 SOLICITORS Gladman & Cochrane, Exeter Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.DJ5 DENTAL SURGEON Main Street, Exeter Office 36w Telephones Res. 36 Closed Wednesday Afternoons LICENSED For Huron Special training property’s true Graduate of American Auction f College Verms Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Crediton P.O. or Plume 43-2 ELMER D. BELL, B.A. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Successor to J, W. Morley EXETER. ONT. BELL BUILDING, EXETER Telephone 273 DR. R. H. DOYLE PHYSICIAN and X-Ray MAIN STREET, Telephone JOHN WARD Chiropractor and Optometrist MAIN ST., EXETER Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday. Phone 348. E. F. CORBETT LICENSED AUCTIONEER, Terms Reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed, ALVIN H. WALPER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron County FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed PHONE 57r2 DASHWOOD R. 1 1877 - 70 YEARS be held Sunday Mrs. Douglas Bezzo and moved into the home of FREE AIR Howdy Folks! Ann; ‘‘This dance floor is cer­ tainly slippery, isn’t it?” Dan: “It dear, I just isn’t the dance floor, had my shoes shined.” “Are yoxiCustomer: are new potatoes?” Grocer: “New. Why, haven’t even got their yet!” sure lady, eyes these 01 "*"■ But you’ll have your eyes opened if yon have your car repaired and tuned-up regularly at the South- Elul Service .Station. We strive al­ ways to give prompt efficient serv­ ice, for we know that’s the way to make satisfied customers! They are the ones who customers. - bring us still more See the B-A paper. —o— Ads in your daily South End Service Station Russ and Chuck Snell Phone 328 YOU, TOO, CAN WALK ON AIR If you use cooling, refreshing ICE-MINT to rid your feet of aching, burning callouses and corns. Tired Muscles respond quickly to the first application of soothing, creamy-white medicinal ICE-MINT. The refreshing, tin­ gling sensation as you apply the cream tells you that it’s going right to work On the foot pains that put the wrinkles in your brow. Get a jar today — Small size 504; 4 ox. economy size 11.00. AT ROBERTSON’S AND ALL DRUGGISTS Highland Cedar FENCE POSTH ON HAND !e Coal ON HAND A. J. CLATWORTHY We Deliver GrantonPhone 12 SERVICE - 1947 fan. eu&uf- INSIDE AND OUTSIDE — for sale by — GREENWAY The Harmony Class of the United Church are having an ice cream party on Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd,,Broph- ey. All members of the class are cordially invited to be present. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hodge and daugh­ ters and Mr. Claude Dettloff, of Detroit, spent the week-end with their aunt, Mrs. Albert Pollock. Mr. and Mrs, Keith Hayter, Eu­ gene, David, Beverley, and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stump and Violet, Monroe, Mich., visited with grandmother, Mrs. J. Brown other relatives last week. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Wood­ burn and Leona spent the week­ end with relatives in Waterloo. Mrs. E. Mason, of Sarnia, is vis­ iting with 'Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Pollock. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Winterburn, of Toronto, spent a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Bullock. We extend our sympathy to the family and relatives of the late Mrs. Wilbert Youiig. Miss Eleanor McLinchey returned to Detroit on Sunday after spend­ ing her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred McLinchey. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Brown and Carol Anne yisited recently with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ‘Smith, of Collingwood. Mrs. Wilbert Young Mrs. Wilbert Young (Edith Em­ ma Horner), a highly respected citizen of McGillivray Township, passed away in her 69th year on June 30th. Mrs. Young was born on the Sth concession of McGilliv­ ray, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Horner, a family of six her the in her on May 6th, 1902. Since that time, she has lived on the N.B. of Mc­ Gillivray and. was the proud mother of six children, at the age of Alice died at months. (Elsie), Gordon, Wilbert the loss Mrs. Youn, of the Greenway United having served in offices in almost all organizations in the Church and Church School and was ever ready to serve and do her part in all community activities. She will be greatly missed. Mrs. Young was de­ ceased by her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. William Horner, and three sisters, Mrs. Louis O’Neil (Lizzie), Clandeboye; Mrs. Robert McIntosh (Mary), Mrs. Henry Bell­ ing (Phoebe), McGillivray; and one brother, Fred, killed in action in France in World War No. 1. The remaining members of the Horner family who are left to mourn her loss are Mrs. Ida Campbell, Strath­ roy; Mrs. 'Bertha Mollard, Mr. Jos­ eph Horner, Sr., and Mr. Horner, all of McGillivray, prayer service was held house followed by service Greenway United Church on Wed­ nesday conducted by her pastor, Rev. W. T. Cleave. Interment fol­ lowed in the family plot in the Parkhill Cemetery. Her pallbearers were six nephews, Carl O’iNeil, of Clandeboye; Robt. Belling, Exeter; Ted Mollard, Stanley Mollard, Har­ ry Horner and Joe Horner, Jr., all of McGillivray. Mrs. Young’s grand­ children acted as flower bearers. They were Paul Brophey, Ronald Brophey, Garry Gibson, Kenneth Isaac, Gerald Isaac, Jean Brophey, Inez Brophey, Carol Isaac and Jean Young. Young flowers funeral, at the mark of the respect in the niunity for Mrs. Young. Pol ish Veterans Arrive Four strapping Polish veterans arrived at the Employment Service office at 'Goderich Thursday, and were met and welcomed by four Huron county farmers. Joseph Od- cecki said he left Poland when he was 14 to live in England, Joseph Balarvejder left his native land in 1939, went through Hungary, to Italy, and finally to England. The others, Stanley Pluzaki, and Chester Gudowski, had spent two years in Russia at forced labor. The farmers awaiting them were Gilbert Dow, Exeter; Bert McBride, R.R. 1, Zur­ ich; Irvin Ratz, R.R. 3, Dash­ wood; and Gordon Turner, R.R. >2, Bayfield. One Car of Rock Wool in bags and bats. One Car of Asphalt Shingles in bundles and rolls. J. M. Asbestos Siding Shingles, while they last. Rolled Brick Siding in Red and Buff. Insul Brick Siding in Red: Lined and Hard Wall Plaster. Arborite—the new sensational table top coverings and trimmings. Oh, yes! And we have no Cement! Mrs. iMrs. Harry Isaac (Ruby), Raymond, and her husband Young, are left to mourn of a dear mother and wife. g was an active member Church Keith Young and Marilyn were too young to carry but were present at the The very large attendance funeral was an outstanding com- FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Saiisfactlo: Guaranteed EXETER P.O. or RING 188 Dr. J. W. Corbett, D.D.S., L.D.S DENTAL SURGEON MITCHELL VETERINARIAN INJURED AT MOUNT FOREST Dr. C. A« Houze, Mitchell veter­ inarian, is a patient in the Strat­ ford General Hospital following an accident, at Mount Forest, Thurs­ day. Dr. Houze had taken his har­ ness horse to Mount Forest to race it in one of the competitions in 'Connection with the Old Boys’ Re­ union there and was on the track warming up for the race when the horse kicked him. Dr. Houze was not seriously hurt, suffering only lacerations. It is expected he will -be in hospital only a couple of days for observation, . WM, H. COATES Exeter Vice-Pres............ ANGUS SINCLAIR R.R. 1, Mitchell DIRECTORS JOHN HACKNEY .... Kirkton, R. 1 WM. A. HAMILTON Cromarty JOHN McGRATH ...... Dublin, Ont. MILTON McCURDY .. Kirkton, R. 1 AGENTS ALVIN L, HARRIS ....... Mitchell ■ THOS, SCOTT .......... Cromarty THOS. G. BALLANTYNE: Woodham SECRETARY-TREASURER B. W. F, BEAVERS ............. Exeter.