HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-06-26, Page 9$* THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 26tl>, 1947 Electric Fans $10.95 Just the thing you need for the hot summer season. Simms Humidifiers For the home, office or sick room—purifies the air, $26.95 Garden Hose Reinforced soft length with couplings, $4.95 Complete Line of WESTINGHOUSE APPLIANCES — Sales and Service — Beavers Hardware Phone 86 For Sa/e , ""■ 1 Land Packer Mower Rubber Tired Wagon 4-furrow Tractor Plow Used 6 ft. Grain Binder One-horse Scuffler Hay Rake Used 2-horse Corn Cultivator V. L. Becker and Sons | Sales and Service Phone 60W, Dashwood Lifeguard Safety Tubes TURN*BLOWOUTS INTO SLOW LEAKS GIVE YOU POSITIVE PROTECTION AGAINST BLOWOUT DANGER was u Ir­ an d bell M iscellaneous Shower On Monday, evening last, Misses Bernice and 'Myrtle Haist were hostesses to a number of young ladies 'that gathered to honor Miss Dorothy Amy, a ibride of Saturday, June 21st. The evening was spent in games after which Dorothy escorted to a decorated chair der an arch of pink, white silver streamers caught with a and continuing to a decorated table. The bride-elect opened her beautiful gifts and was also pre­ sented with a silver butter dish on behalf of the Living Links Class of the Evangelical U-B Church, Crediton. Dorothy thanked the ladies in a few well-chosen words after which everyone’ wished her much happiness. A dainty luncheon was served by the hostess.LIFEGUARD r LIFEGUARD Ordinary > tube has but one air chamber. If tire blows, tube blows too. The LifeGuard has two air chambers. If tire blows, only outer chamber flattens. INSTANTLY both tire aud tube go flat, frequently throwing car out of control. Air in 2-ply reserve air ohamber supports car for a safe, gra­ dual stop.J SEE US TODAY ABOUT GOODYEAR SAINTSBURY Miss .Janette is holidaying at Mr. and Mrs. tertained a few don on Weiner Roast. Misses Mayrene kinsoxx spent the theix* home. Dickins Re-union The Dickins re-union at Springbank Park oxx June 21. Dinner was Davis, of London, her home. Jack Dickins en- friends from Lon- Tuesday evening to a and Anna •week-end At- at held Lifeguard Safety Tubes SNELL BROS. & CO. General Motors Dealers Phone 100 Exeter Jerry; “My uncle is busy with some pretty shady undertakings.” Harry: “Why, I didn’t know that.” Jerry: “Yes, he hangs awnings.” was Saturday, served to around seventy. The afternoon was spent in sports and a ball game. The sports_were in charge of Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. given to member, Dickins and David decided to have their reunion next year the 3rd Saturday in June at Springbank. The following were appointed, president, Mr. Alf Dick­ ins, secretary, Mrs. Albert Dickins, sports committee, Mr. and Fred Dickins an,d Mr. and Bruce Baker. At. the close of meeting ence in ter who year. Frank Dickins and Mr. Jack Dickins. Prizes were the oldest and youngest they being Mr. Richard Baker. It was there was a minute honor of Mrs. Phin. , passed away during Mrs. Mrs. ' the ■ sil- ,H un- the JACK UP SAGGING FLOORS WITH PYRAMID CELLAR POSTS CENTRALIA Mr. and Mrs. 'S. Henry and fam­ ily, of Ustowel, were 'Sunday visit­ ors with Mr. and Hicks. Mr. Cecil Hodgson of Toronto, visited Mrs. L. Hodgson on Wednesday eve­ ning of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lightfoot and family, Mr. and 'Mrs. Fred Har­ rison and family spent -end at Cook’s cottage Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Mrs. Andrew and Elizabeth, with Mr. and the week- at Grand __.......... Hicks and Mr. and Mrs.' Fred Penwarden vis­ ited with Mr. and Mrs. O. Pollock at Ripley on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Skelton and Donald, of Lucan, Mrs. Julia Scan- drett and Corinne, of London, were Sunday evening visitors with Arthur Brooks and with Mr. Mrs, A. Proctor. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hodgins family attended the Decoration Service at the Grand Bend cemetery on Sunday. Mrs. Chas. Isaac has been under the doctor’s care for the past week. Her many friends hope that she •will be able to he around again in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. 'Geo. Baynham and Gordon attended the Decoration Service at the Grand Bend Cemetery on Sunday. Mrs. Clara Abbott Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Culbert in Lucan, The Centralia annual nic will be held on grounds on Friday evening of this week, Come and bring your lunch basket. Mr. and Mrs. L. Mills, Mr. and Mrs. C. Mills, Donna and Keith, of Woodham, visited Sunday evening with Mrs. H. Mills. Mr. and Mrs. B. Thompson and Billy, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Collins, of London, visited with Mrs. Par­ sons and Mrs. Kershaw on Sunday. (Intended for last week) Miss Winnie Field was in London on Wednesday afternoon of last Graduation Western University, R.N., was Misses Marjorie Richard and Margaret Wein spent the week-end at Grand Bend. Dr. Lannin and daughter, Aileen, of Hamilton, and Mrs. W. Lannin, of Winchester, visited with Mrs. John L. Stewart over the week­ end. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Edwards, of Watrous, Sask., visited with their cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Mollard last week. They also visit­ ed with IMr. and Mrs. Rd. Davis. Mrs. Davis was a former Sunday School teacher of Mrs. over sixty years ago. Edwards Mr. and and visited on her aunt, school pic- the school week attending the exercises at Miss Pearl Merriam, among the students receiving her B.Sc. degree. Woman’s Association The regular monthly meeting of the W.A. was held in the basement of the church for their June meet­ ing with twenty members present. With the use of a hymn Mrs. Lloyd Hodgson opened the devotional ex­ ercises of the meeting, after which all repeated the Lord’s Prayer. The scripture lesson was read from the 67th Psalm by Mrs. T. Boyes. The leader gave a reading from the Reader’s Digest, “A Missionary Who Went to Africa.” A musical num­ ber was given 'by Mrs. C. Skinner and Mrs. then took A couple read and for the strawberry supper reported. It was decided to leave the quilting over for another month. The meet­ ing was closed with the Mizpah Benediction. Lunch was served by Mrs. A. Hicks, Mrs. Andrew, Mrs. Reg. Hodgson, and Mrs. Parsons. Lovely Bridal In Mt. Carmel Our Lady of Mount Church was the scene of riage of Leona Ann, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur Dewey, Grand Bend, to George Joseph Coughlin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank 'Coughlin, Mount Carmel. Rev. W. H. Murray, C.S.B.? of Assumption College, Windsor, uncle of the groom, per­ formed the ceremony and sang the nuptial mass. The bride, given in marriage by hex’ uncle, Leon Jeffrey, was gown­ ed in pink sheer ovex- satin. Hex’ headdress was pink with a shoul­ derlength veil, and, she carried a colonial bouquet of blue iris and wore a pearl necklace with match­ ing earrings, the gift of the groonx. Mrs, Martin Larkin, twin sister of the bride, was matron of honor, wearing a gown of blue net over satin with matching headdress. She carried pink carnations. The groom’s brother, Joseph Coughlin, was best man, and the ushers were Tim Coughlin and Martin Larkin. Mrs. Dewey received the guests at a reception held at ‘Brenner House, Grand 'Bend, wearing a grey tailored suit with matching acces­ sories and a corsage of white car­ nations. The groom’s mother wore a navy ensemble with bouquet of pink roses. For tlxe wedding trip ton and Niagara Falls, chose $a powder blue black accessories. Mr. Coughlin will reside at Mount Car­ mel. Carmel the mar- a corsage to Hamil- the bride suit with and Mrs, Spraying oper- spurge will be with the co­ inspector Wil- McAllister. The president the chair for business, of cards of thanks were the different committees Association meeting, ations against leafy continued this year operation of liani Dougall R. Patterson, seed-cleaning and these will be Junior clubs, it was reported, are progressing well, and the short course at Exeter last winter was considered the best in the prov­ ince. , The junior livestock-judging competition will be held in con­ junction with the Federation of Agriculture field day on June 18 at Exeter; a grant of $100 was authorized for junior competition. weed and county engineer There are 10 or 12 plants in the county s graded. in 1948. it was BRINSLEY Word has been received o£ the marriage of Huis Witherspoon, of Los Angeles, California, only daugh­ ter of Jane Witherspoon (nee Jane Craven) and the late James Wither­ spoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Vaux and Mr. Fred Thursday B. Amos. Mrs. S. ed on Mrs. afternoon. Mrs. Myrtle Munce, of London, spent Wednesday afternoon with Miss Ida Hardy. „ Rev. and Mrs. Trueblood and Irene spent Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mor­ ley. After spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Morley, 'Mr. and Mrs. George iChesher, of Petrolia, left for Calgary, where they will spend the summer. Mr. Vic Manque, of Buffalo, spent the week-end with Mr. and David Morley. Rev. and Mrs. Trueblood Irene spent Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. James Trevethick. Mr. Dalton Lewis, who recently sold his farm, has moved to Lon­ don, where he will reside. Mr. Wilbert McKeen, Harrow, spent Friday with Mrs. Jack Trevethick. Miss Gladys Neil, of spent the week-end at the her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Neil. Mrs, Wm. Tweddle spent Satur­ day evening with her mother, Mrs. Margaret Gilbert, Mr. Garnet Pierce, of London, spent the week-end in Brinsley. t Mrs. Clover Lewis spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. Earl Paton, of Glanworth, and at­ tended the trousseau tea of hex- niece, Miss Eleanor Pearl Paton, daughtei’ of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Paton, formerly of Clandeboye, whose marriage to Mr. Jack Alli­ son, of London, took place in White Oak United Church. The Rev.. Waugh officiated. The wedding din­ ner was served at Glen Villa, Lam­ beth. Social The United flipper, of Toronto, spent evening with Miss Mary Berry, of Brucefield, call- Slack on Wednesday w~v Mrs. and with B.A., of Mr. and London, home of Fred J. Evening congregation of Brinsley Church held a social eve­ ning on the church lawn on Friday evening last in honor of Rev. and Mrs. Trueblood and Irene before their departure to their new field, presenting- them w’ith a purse of money. Miss Gertrude Amos and Miss Orpha Watson were convenors of the sports. After proceeding to the church where a sing-song com­ menced the program led by Mrs. Wes. Watson, the address was read by Mrs. Wes. Watson who also made the presentation. Mrs. Trueblood thanked them for their gift after which Mr. Trueblood made a very suitable reply in .his very kind man­ ner. Lunch was served by the ladies Following is the address: Rev. and Mrs. Trueblood and Family:— It was with keenest regret we learned of your decision to move to anothex’ Pastorate. The Sunday that Experienced Men - Modern Equipment is your guarantee of a top-notch welding- job, for that mat­ ter any kind of repair work. Big or small, once you put a job in our hands youi’ worries are over. We’re experienced in working on ears and trucks of any make. Exeter Motor Sales Dodge and DeSoto Sales and Service Torn Coates Phone 200 Fred Dobbs COMING - A Day of Reckoning “Vengeance is mine; I will repay,” Be faitli in NOT ® ® BUT in saith the Lord.—Rom. 12:19 accounted worthy to escape the judgment to come—have Christ— in good works in any living man ill Mary or any saints in joining any church or organization Him who alone can save. Tune In: PILGRIM’S HOUR 7 - 7.30 E.S.T. Sunday Evenings Local Station — CKLW, Windsor Old-fashioned Revival Hour—rebroadcasts on many station at various times. P.O. Box 123, Los Angeles 53, California “THIS WORLD NEEDS CHRIST” Chas. E. Fuller School, the Young J _ the Choir, the Ladies’ Asosciation, and all the organizations of our church have sincerely appreciated your diligence and earnest devotion to duty and also the hearty interest ever manifested in our welfare as a congregation. You will also be keenly missed in every social activ­ ity of our church to which you have given unsparingly of your time and talents. We regret that this step takes you from us, but we wish you a complete life, and hope, that in youi’ new home you Tvill find joy in service to others and to the Giv­ er of all good gifts. As a congrega- * People’s Society, I tion we ask you to accept this gift a of money which shows in but a small way oux- appreciation of your work among us. We hope that you and your family may use it in some way that will be a remembrance of Brinsley congregation and a pleas­ ure to yourselves. You may be sure it carries with it our very best wish­ es fox- your health and happiness.— Signed on behalf of the Congrega­ tion: Martin R. Watson, pres, of Young People’s; Mrs. (Fred Fenton, pres. W.A.; Mrs. 'Lin Craven, choir leader: Fred J. Neil, Board of Stewards; J. L. Amos, superintend­ ent of Sunday School. County Council (Continued from page 8) inmates, a motion by Reeves George MacEwan and B. W. Tuck- ey, that the committee draft a new bond provision, was endorsed. Ask Free Police Help Appi-oval was given a motion by Reeves Tuckey and N. R. Dorrance that the Ontario Provincial Police be petitioned to lend any assist­ ance to the six centres in Huron counity 'that maintain their own police forces—Wingham, Goderich, Seaforth, Clinton, Grand Bend, and Exeter—when requested by police ox’ officials in these centres, at no additional cost to the municipality. The ® Department of Highways will be -petitioned to pave Highway No. 86 at Amerley, and complete building Highway No. 87. Meeting Clinton’s Request A deputation from the Clinton Chamber of Commerce was advised by Reeve George Ginn, chairman, that provision had been made by the County Road Commission to surface the road between Clinton and Bayfield, after the deputation had appeared to request this work. Arrangements fox* the annual County Council picnic were left with the warden, county clerk, and treasurer. Passing of by-laws covering the business of the session, and a speech of appreciation foi’ the co­ operation accorded him, by Warden Smyth, concluded the busy session. Snow Removal Cost Heavy Little work other than mainten­ ance has been undertaken by the County Road Commission, it was stated in a report. Snow removal was responsible for the expendi­ ture of $65,000, an amount two and one-half times greater than that of any previous year. It is hoped the equipment on order for nearly two years will be on hand for next winter. Recommended road expenditure will amount to $294,000. Owners of rural mail boxes are urged to place them back far en­ ough so that they will not obstruct snow-clearing operations. Action on a request from the_ township of Ho wick that boundary be was deferred Bruce The agaixx xng. Continue Spray Program The report of the agricultural committee recommended that Reeve J. D. Beecroft be the dele­ gate to the Federated Agricultural A Aw car made Aier Drive a Pontiac - and envy no one & w - O Itt A Product of General Motors M Pyramid No. 3 PORCH POST can be adjusted under a sagging porch and . left there permanently. GrandforSummer Cottages. Another useful jack is the Pyramid No. 1 Builder’s Jack. It will lift up to 15 tons. Con­ tractors, Farmers, Road Builders, Boat Builders will also find Pyramid Jacks to suit their particu­ lar needs. SOLD BY PHI A SAGGING FLOOR means weak support some­ where. It is a dangerous condition and may cause costly damage. The Pyra­ mid No. 6 Adjustable Cellar Post will correct this; and by turning the adjust­ able jack screw J4 turn a week, you can slowly, safely bring floors back to normal level. the Howick-Carrick made a county road until the wishes of are learned.county council adjourned to meet at 10 o’clock Friday morn- Pontiac alone offers this combination of features for ALL-AROUND VALUE Distinctive Silver Streak Styling. Big, roomy Body by Fisher ® Triple- Cushioned Ride ® Shock-Proof Knee-Action ® Fisher No-Draft Ventilation • Ail- Weather Engine Temperature Control. Smooth, powerful L-Head Engines ® Full- Pressure Metered Flow Lubrication. Scotch-Mist Quick Warm-up Manifold • Gaselector ® Vacuunxatic Spark Control. Multi-seal Hydraulic Brakes ® Unisteel Body e Tru-Arc Safety Steering. P-447B We sincerely believe that no car is more generally satisfactory to its owners than a Pontiac. Year after year, Pontiac offers all that’s good and all that’s new — plus outstanding economy of operation and upkeep. It really leaves nothing essential to be desired —in performance, in comfort or in handling ease. And, always, it is one of the most beautiful cars to be seen on the streets and highways. The 1947 Pontiac Silver Streak is an example of what we mean. People who get it need envy no one — and the same will be true of those who get their Pontiacs in 1948, 1949 or 1950. Year after year, Pontiac is a fine cate —in every respect. When you need, a Jack buy PYRAMID!Snell Bros. & The stack of orders piled tip for the new Pontiac are gratifying testimonials to the quality and beauty of this finest of the famous Silver Streaks, Unfortunately, so many orders also mean that many who choose Pontiac must wait. So if your car-wise head and heart say 'Pont'ac' . , , your present car will give you hotter, safer service while you wait if you have it serviced by your Pontiac dealer.