HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-06-26, Page 2THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 26ft, 1947
Cxeter <imes«=^bbo£ate
yt it) A a established 1873; Advocate established 1881
amalgamated November 1924
.Aw independent Newspaper devoted to the interests
of the Village of Exeter and Surrounding District
Member of the Canadian Weekly
Newspapers’ Association; Member
of the Ontario-Quebec Division of
the CWNA
All Advertising Copy Must be in Our Hands Not
Later Than Noon on Tuesdays
$2.00 a year, in advance; six months, $1,00
three months 60c
THURSDAY, JUNE 26th, 1947
Vacation Time
It is generally agreed that most hard work
ers can do a year’s work in eleven months, but
not in twelve. Some because possessed of un
usually high vitality appear to get on very well
though working continuously. But even in such
cases we hear of something snapping in their
physical or mental system. These highly en
dowed persons receive many a warning to go
slow.” Finally nature administers a knock-out
blow and the excessively hard worker s day
is done. Hence the need of a vacation. Farmers,
business men, professional men, merchants, all
workers find it essential to unbend. They make
haste by taking a rest. The body needs to be
healed as well as exercised. The mind requires
rest and healing as well as a change of interest.
That minister was a philosopher as well as an
outstanding preacher who said, ‘‘I neither
preach nor pray when I am on holidays.” We
know of two high-grade professional men who
spent a month in the year tramping the roads.
They sent their baggage on ahead, but wore
non-descript rough clothing and went unshaven
from early Monday morning till late Saturday
night. They encountered many a wierd but eye-
opening experience. They brushed up vigorously
against human nature in the raw. At the end of
the month they were humbler but wiser men.
They had learned a good deal about human
nature. We know of a clergyman who had been
the underdog in his congregation for a couple
of years. When vacation time came after he. had
put in three years doing the other fellow’s bark
ing he secured a job as a street-car conductor.
He soon found himself roaring out to passen
gers, “Get back into the car, step lively now.
Here, pay your fare.” When he came back to
his church he had no difficulty in saying to a
fat deacon, “You should be ashamed of your
self, sleeping in church,” or to an elder, “Here
are the sick and shut-ins on your beat. You will
have visited them all by Friday night.” There
was now a new lift to his chin and a new ring
to his voice. His vacation had put new vim into
him, as it will put new vim into every man who
works hard enough to deserve a vacation.
* * *
The Winners
We refer to the farmers in Ontario and
tdswhere in Canada who have at this date a
large proportion of their farms well covered
with developing crops'. These farmers are not
of the “book” variety. They farm by oppor
tunity rather than by the calendar. They are
not conspicouous at ‘‘conferences” regarding
farm processes. Rather they are the sort who
work their land as well as they can and who
sow good seed thereon as circumstances per
mit. They give their time and strength to farm
methods that have stood the test of time. They
are to be found at one of three place—at home,
at church or at market. This year these farmers
sowed their seed on land prepared as the sea
son admitted. And now their fields give promise
of a fair return. Just now they are doing their
utmost to be ready to harvest a crop of clover
and alfalfa that promises to be better than the
average. Such farmers are well aware that the
weather has a veto power upon farm prosper
ity. Farm books and pamphlets, and lectures
are valuable to them only insofar as they sup
plement seasonal processes. Such farmers make
up the welfare of our agricultural life. They
are meddled with at the cost of national wel
« * * *
“Our Leaders”
We were trying to celebrate our victory
over the Nazis by erecting a carillon at the
(entrance to the Rainbow Bridge over the Niag
ara River. On one of these bells words some
thing like these were engraved, “To our leaders,
Churchill and Roosevelt.” Someone noted the
names of Churchill and Roosevelt and took
serious exception thereto with the result that
both names were removed, the reason for the
removal being that Churchill and Roosevelt
were not our leaders. Now, if Roosevelt and
Churchill were not our leaders, who where ?
In the darkest hours of the. war who but Chur
chill rallied and inspired the whole British Em
pire ? Canada, New Zealand, Australia, even
the most remote parts of the Empire felt the
throb of his mighty heart and caught the gleam
und glow of his prophetic eye. Who but Roose-
Veit caught the spirit of the mighty republic
over whose destinies he had been called to pre
side and led them to victory over the most evil
forces that ever threatened the liberties of the
race ? But now the powers that be have decided
that we arc not to recall these great hearts of
all time as the carillon peals out its glorious
music. We recall the words of the wise old
Greek who said, “When Greece forgets her
Zeroes she. will cease to be great.” Canada will
do well to consider the significance of her act
in removing the names of two heroic men from
the carillon at the Rainbow Bridge.
Let Us Not Forget
Church gatherings representative of the
major denominations of Canada are over for
another year. The coming months .will test the
value of such assemblies. What we wish to note
at the present time is that the church s real
work is not done in her councils, her assemblies
and conferences and Mich gatherings, important
as such gatherings before now have proven
themselves. Her real work is done bv the wo
man in the kitchen, the man behind the plough,
the clerk, the banker, the professional man and
the business man and all who toil for the wel
fare of the race. We sometimes fear that church
courts come to their conclusions without giving
due consideration to the workers they repre
sent. It looks as if at times the courts acted in
an atmosphere other than that breathed by
those who are doing the world’s work. The
church court does its best work when it enacts
from its members’ point of view, interpreting
the life of the church member and adherent
in such a way as to enable the church member
to take a forward step in the good life. Church
courts legislate best when they march forward,
shoulder to shoulder, with the men and women
and boys and girls in their ranks.
■* * < *
Going It Alone
Russia is unwilling to work with the west
ern powers of Europe, and the United States
in the rebuilding of devastated Europe. All that
humans can do has been done by the western
powers and by the United States to have Rus
sia on all fours with them in the effort to save
Europe from financial collapse. Of course Rus
sia wishes to see the devastated lands revolt
and their people fed, but she wishes this done
in such a wav that every country in Europe shall
be under the paw of the Russian bear, the other
nations of the world, meanwhile assenting to the
extinguishing of the lights in every window and
shop, but the lands dominated by her. The Un
ited States and the western powers are. heartily
sick of this sort of thing and are giving their
utlimatum that since Russia is determined not
to cooperate with the other powers, the other
powers will plow another furrow and leave
Russia behind her iron curtain. This policy is
being regretfully adopted but it is a policy that
looks to be inevitable. Two cannot walk to
gether unless they be agreed. Patience on the
part of the western powers is perilously near
the point where it has ceased to be a virtue.
-* •¥■ 44- <
An Opportunity
At its last meeting Huron Presbytery drew
attention to what is now the duty and privilege
of every Canadian, in meeting the army of dis
placed persons who are coming to Canada in
thousands. It was pointed out that hosts of
these newcomers are possessed of the spirit
found in our pioneer grandfathers who knew
the bane of oppression and something of the
blessing of liberty. They are coming to Canada
as to the land of hope. They will be sending
stories back to Europe as to their treatment in
this land. Will they tell of being given work,
shelter, of fair treatment? These people have
everything to learn of our Canadian ways. They
will be strangers in a strange land. We will
need to exercise patience with them but they
are our future Canadians. Should we have the
good sense to play the good neighbor’s part
with them they will tell of our fair play in many
a friendly letter sent to the lands whence they
came. Some of these newcomers will go back to
Europe and will tell of their treatment in the
land of the Maple and Beaver. What story will
we give them to tell? What we do for those
newcomers will, have more to do -with creating
international relations than we even dream.
• M
Help the Worker
Of course, we mean help the constructive
i worker. The intriguing, destructive man or na
tion whose sleep is taken away unless he para
lyses the welfare of some man or nation is world
nuisance and enemy number one. So President
Truman thinks and so General Marshall thinks,
and so the United States government believes
and intends to act. Both President Truman and
General Marshall have told Europe that unless
Europeans go to work and so help themselves
there will be no further- financial or other aid
from the United States. Uncle Sam has no in
tention of pouring hundreds of billions of dol
lars into the pockets of the thriftless and shift
less folk in Europe. Undoubtedly' Europeans
are in a tight corner. And undoubtedly Euro
peans are responsible for the hobble in which
they find themselves. They slept in sluggard
beds while their enemies stole their liberties.
They refused to heed warnings of the present
war storm. The stoned the prophets like Mr.
Churchill who told them that the walls of their
commerce, of their political freedom, and their
social, economic and religious liberties were
undermined and but waiting the touch of a
Hitler to blow European civilization to utter
destruction. Mr. Truman and General Marshall
see with perfect clearness that Europeans must
get down to first principles in all their living
before they can be effectually aided. They not
only have mouths to be fed and stomaches to
be filled but they have minds to be stirred, souls
to be lit up and hands to work. Both President
Truman and General Marshall have told Euro
peans till they see stirrings of the European
spirit in the way of self help, United States
coffers will be tightly hermetically sealed again
st them, This is not harshness on the part of
the United States government but the most
elemental common sense. No system of relief
or that has to do with the rebuilding of a pri
vate fortune or a community or a nation or a
continent has in it the elements of permanency
unless it is based on first principles.
Three persons lost their lives
when a plane crashed in a wheat
field of Mr. Archie Dewar, about
two miles east ot Woodham, about
7:30 Monday morning. Residents
of the district heard the roar of
the motor and from the clouds eye
witnesses saw the plane plunge to
the earth in one of the worst acci
dents of its kind in Western On
tario, The three men, all of Toron
to. met death instantly.
Members of the Lebanon Forest
Lodge A.F. and A AL, motored to
Centralia Sunday evening and at
tended Divine Worship in the 'Cen
tralia United Church where the
pastor, Rev, R. N. Stewart, deliv
ered a very masterly address. The
parade was headed by Rt. Wor.
Pro. T. Pryde.
The fastest mile to be paced over
any track in Ontario this year was
made at the Exeter races Wednes
day afternoon when Simcoe Har
vester, owned by J. T. Payette, of
Penetang, made the mile in 2.06%.
About eleven hundred persons were
Mr. E. Coomhes, of the Huron
Lumber Co., had the second fing
er of his right hand crushed while
piling lumber Munday morning. It
required six stitches to close the
Mr. Herman Ness, of Wein Bros.
Hatchery, met with a nasty acci
dent when he full from a wagon
at the Exeter dump recently. . He
landed on some -'lass and required
several stitches t<» close the wounds
sustained in his shoulders and
On Thursday m last week a dis-
astious fire wiped out a large barn
belonging to Mr. W. F. Abbott to
gether with a large portion of the
machinery and supplies used in
connection with his large honey
business. The work of melting down
some wax was in progress and the
party in charge had gone from one
building to another when an ex
plosion was reported to have taken
place and the interior of the build
ing was soon a mass of flames.
Nothing could be done to combat
the blaze.
On Sunday evening tlie members
of Lebanon iForest Lodge A.F. &
A.M. together with a number of
visiting brethren attended Divine
worship in Trivitt Memorial church
and listened to a very excellent,
sermon by Rev. G. H. Lightbourne,
of Stratford.
Miss Mabel Hay has been engag
ed by Jones & May to fill the va
cancy of Miss Thelma Taylor.
Mr. Jack Paisley, who has been
in charge of the Chainway Stores
in Exeter, <has been transferred to
the Sault Ste. Marie branch.
Mr. Lyle Statham, who has been
manager of one of the Standard
Drug Stores at Brantford, has been
transferred to one of the London
branches as store manager.
Mr. Fred Kerr, of Crediton,’ car
ried off further honors at the East
ern Canada Trap Shoot held in
Hamilton last week. He was third
in the singles championship event
■breaking 195 out of 200. In the
distance handicap Mr. Kerr tied
with another shooter for third
place. ’
Mr. Geo, Godibolt, of the London
Road South, met with an accident
on Saturday last at Mr. Camm’s of
town. Mr. Godbolt was cutting
wood with a gasoline engine and
circular saw. He endeavoured to
pull off the belt while the engine
was in motion and he was drawn
in. The engine was on the wagon
at the time and Mr, God'bolt struck
the wagon just as the belt broke.
He received a nasty crack on the
jaw and also in the ankle and was
stunned for the time.
A party of nearly one hundred
Junior Farmers from the County
of Middlesex traveling in about 20
autos visited Exeter on Tuesday in
a town of Huron County.
During the electric storm on
Friday evening last the lightning
burnt out an electric motor at the
Exeter Creamery.
Mr. Wenborne has resigned his
position with the Bank of Com
merce and will leave the first of
next month for Toronto where he
has secured another position.
Mr. John Spademan has this sea
son made many improvements on
his beautiful grounds at Grand
Bend. New walks have been laid.
Mr. Wm. Simpson, of Parkhill,
has leased the dining hall at Grand
Bend from Mr. John Spademan.
Meals and lunches will be served
at all hours.
An immense crowd of people as
sembled on Sunday last to join and
witness the Jubilee celebration un
der the Sons of England. A proces
sion formed at Victoria Park and
headed by the Exeter Band and
Town Council marched to the Triv
itt Memorial Church were an ap
propriate service- was held. Rev. f)r. Willoughby, of the James St.
Methodist Church, delivered a very
patriotic address followed by Rev.
Bray. The collection which was
very large is to be devoted to help
ing the poor of the town.
Smiles . . . .
The family and their guest had
just seated themselves at the table.
“Beatty,” said the mother, "why on
earth didn't you put a knife and
fork at Mr, Green’s place?” “He
doesn’t need any, , Mummy," re
plied Betty. “He said he eats like
a horse.*'
The Reader
Letters tQ the editor published
hereunder rcpreMent the view*
of Individual persona, We invite
our readers to make use of this
The Editor,
The Exeter Times-Advocate.
It is hard to understand why our
Municipal Council are not follow
ing the constituted rules of law and
order in the matter of having erect
ed 50 wartime houses in the vil
Have the people not a common
right to talk the matter over with
their council on matters involving
the expenditure of a sum of
$16,000.00 of which later they will
he called upon to pay, Is this not
a time when good will, and unity
should be fostered as our contri
bution toward a just and enduring
The citizens ot* .Exeter and com
munity, have proved themselves to
be fair-minded and generous when
called upon to make contributions
to the various demands to bring
peace and help in a war-torn world.
Then why not honor them with con
fidence in such matters as the war
time housing proposition, by sub
mitting a by-law to the ratepayers
tor their approval or disapproval,
which they have a perfect right to
have a say.
Are the council not taking a seri
ous risk in doing business of this
kind without the consent of the
ratepayers and a positive objection
by some, and put in writing and
signed and were supposed to go
before the Ontario Municipal Board.
In the face of it all, the ratepayers
have been ignored
S. M. Sanders.
Woodh am Boy
Receives M.A. D egree |
Mr. Wendell Camm, of Tweed,
younger son of Mr. John F. Camm,
of Woodham, received the degree
of Master of Arts (with honours)
at the convocation held recently at
the University of Western Ontario
in London. Part of the require
ments for .his degree were fulfilled
by the preparation of a thesis en
titled, "A History of the Great
Western Railway of Canada." This
railway running from Niagara
Falls to Windsor via Hamilton and
London is now part of the Cana
dian National Railways. It played
an important part in the opening
up of Southwestern Ontario in the
period before 188 0.
of the Woods isKenpra on the north shore of the Lake ...
the. holiday centre for hundreds of enthusiastic hunters
and fishermen from Manitoba, the United States and the
rest of Ontario. From the older parts of the Province,
you can reach Kenora by driving the newly-opened Trans
Canada Highway. Or you can go by boat to the Head *of
the Lakes and drive from there. In a hurry? Flan to
fly or take the train, For details on routes and
accommodation, write to Ontario Holiday,
Room 1004, Victory Building, Toronto.
We all profit when the
tourist comes to our
province or country, liven
if you have no connection
with hotels, oil companies
or amusements, their in
creased businesshelpsyou.
They have more money
to buy your products or
the ones your own cus
tomer sells. So it’s in your
interest to encourage
friends from other parts
to come and share our
Ontario Holidays.
There's fun fishing in the Lake of the Woods area.
needs fled, t&aut'ta -dzeA/"
One of a series of advertisements about
4^/7 Ontario Holidays published in the public interest by John Labatt Limited
Rundown Feeling Is Often
Caused By Nervous Trouble
Strained, tense nerves are often the cause of
restless nights. Improper rest, night after night, is
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For disorders such as these, Milburn’s Health
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their medicinal value soon becomes apparent by the improved general
condition of the health.
The iron and other ingredients they contain help to improve the
blood content, stimulate the nerve cells, and the appetite, aid digestion,
thus helping to promote peaceful sleep. They have helped thousands of
others. They should do the same for you. Milburn’s) Health and Nerve
Pills are sold at drug counters everywhere. " .
The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
ABOUT 1820 a mower was invented with
a circular cutting blade which revolved
against the grain, apparently imitating the
action of the old scythe blade.
A few years latter a mower was invented
in the United States which had a sharp
knife with teeth niQving sideways in a row
of iron fingers or guards. The first mower
of this type to be made in Canada was pro
duced in 1852 at the Massey works, the
little plant which has grown into the
Massey-Harris industry of today. And all
through its 100-year history this company
has been a leader in developing labor-saving
farm devices.
The use of modern Massey-Harris farm
machines has brought many benefits to
Canadian farmers. The Massey-Harris Side
Rake and Tedder turns the hay into light,
fluffy windrows, so the air can cure it
quickly. The Massey-Harris Hay Loader
builds a load of well over a ton in twenty
4 vkxx - mower' was built at the Massey
works as early as 1852.
minutes. The Massey-Harris Forage Har
vester enables a farmer to cut hay at the
right time—providing nutritious forage for
Massey-Harris machines mean speedy,
large-scale production. They have reduced
production costs per acre and have increased
the farmer’s yearly profit.
Massey-Harris No. 6 Semi-
mounied Tractor Mower
XJp'orks equally well with any type
of tractor. Power take-off driven.
Fast operation with safety. Built
for fast tractor operation.