HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-06-19, Page 8Page 8 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 19th, 1947 District This Law Are yon ready for Ontario’s revised Financial Responsihil- 1. are in July law there situations have to prove responsibility ;ht to drive. act is before auto accident, the easiest expensive way — adequate automobile ity I. Under many which your or lose jour rigl The time to your ami least through i insurance. For complete information about Lumbermen’s automo­ bile insurance, its low cost, nationwide claim service and dividend savings see or write: aw, effect ive the new added you may financial Ernest G. Harvey Insurance Agency Phone 47 Exeter Old? Get Pep, Vim With IRON; plus supplements CALCIUM, VITAMIN Bi , KjH WOMEN old. weak, worn-out es> i hausted. Take Ostrex. Contains tonic often i needed after 40 —■ by bodies old just because lack- ; lug Iron: plus calcium, Vitamin B,. Thousands now i feel peppy, years younger. Try Ostrex Tome Tablets I TODAY. Get Introductory size now for only 35c, : For sale at all drug stores everywhere. Quick Belief From Summer Complaints To get quick relief from diarrhoea; intestinal pains, sea­ sickness or summer complaint, use DOCTOR FOWLER’S EXTRACT OF WILD STRAW­ BERRY. This dependable family remedy is one of the most effective and best known medicines for bowel complaints. Insist on DOCTOR FOWLERS EXTRACT OF WILD STRAWBERRY. | | Stratford Delegates Visit Local Junior Institute ! A ’ and fox d tion 4. T and Strati' game o’ch ing Ode 1 Jem Dawson stitute.” Fede Day. Institut each girls . the Marion Rundle ; tion that she demonstrated were Vege­ table Salad, Gelatine Salad and { Plain Salad. The meeting adjourn­ ed for the joint meeting. I I he joint meeting was held at the gymnasium with the Junior Farmers, Eleanor Dunkin, 1st vice- president presided. {was the I i KIRKTON A.Y.P.A, Meeting The A.Y.P.A. meeting was held in basement of the ( evening, June ■kier led in prayer, read the scripture. (Cfyurcl) ilteetings O—- AV. A. and AVALS, monthly meeting A. wai John moon Fergi Thames Road School Board of Exeter Dist was held in the High School Thursday evenin.June 5 th. sent G . He:is. The minutes of the ' The reg ul< regular■ met’ting Maj-5tli, and the the W .M.S. , special meeting .May 2 6 were read the h»>me oami upipruvt >d.on AV edne>d Mr.E. 1).Bell w as invited U> ad-week with dre^s the Boar d ciimcerning the ! charge.. The mal l'lfinunci;al ne■eds •of the Community devotioPark Board ami ti suggest tierms Iv tak,en hv nil whh 11 that rg anization was call, minute:prepart ‘d to off ig a lcmg term b;‘ase.etl. Le tiers ( ar an >f L The gard ihv for laid A II. .J j. ill u TS tin ;ked the day Blai son made for the Sunday School picnic Mrs. < China. an gave mid iele Doris Blackler contests. Refre at the close. Perth Deanery The spring meeting of the Perth Deanery was held Monday, July 9 at St. Paul’s Church, Kirkton. I was very largely attended. Serv­ ices began with the celebration of Holy Communion at 10 a.m., cele­ brants being the Rural Dean, Rev. M. Far, and the rector, Rev. Canon James. After this service an ad- dross of welcome was extended to the Women’s Auxiliary by Mrs. James. One of the features of the morning was a presentation of a life membership certificate to Mrs. Spearn, of St. Marys. Mrs. Spearn lias been an active member of the W.D. for nearly 50 years and sec­ retary-treasurer of the deanery for 11 years. At 12 o’clock noonday prayers were taken by Rev. M. Jen­ nings, Stratford. These were fol­ lowed >by a fine address by Mrs. J. Robertson, of Kitchener. At 12:30 dinner was served. The af­ ternoon session began at 1:45 p.m. with prayer and the roll call. The Deanery chapter met at the rectory the At for as- ■hureli Tues- Il rd. Garth Leona Dob- Plans were delegation of Junior Farmers Institute memlu rs from Strut' visited the Exeter orgauiza- on Wednesday ev wo mixed team; Exeter rd lastt and rted. opened irock read Plans wen on of Ag. 01 at t ‘iiing,J une mi Str:it ford ball with •rious.The about Hine 'gular meet- nd AV Mr v a ’ Mn luce mi J Mrs and ' tha the ir played being vi ■‘d until then th The W the me presi a pap Dm of uson opened uiary M- rguson. ‘SS bi -in' a ip. nee 1 businc moved letter Institute f- received for r Canon James gave a topic on i. Alice Blackler favored xvitli instrumental. Leona Dobson a reading followed by a see- edition of read by (i Leona followed by the Kirkton Chron- artli Blackler. Miss directed games and diluents were served ■tmg Missii s. Fi L bui inks nd; st ri lie ‘tin ding r m’s Institute g with Miss Eleanor Our ln- -ui; 11< rg ar for “shut gave towards!) •nipe and ■S a fi iXi r-t mt made for the ,’nltnre Field re­ mt s. Bell was •ning. tr, J. as up- Guentlier qiH’l illli it'd ;> in 1 the evt MeAlIist reecli w: Mr. ,’ts. J ones Mickle son an up a: cnance t hauls .nd nu ing Chairman his visit ti ox or till later if and R. N > intervie bus by J E. the in J. . Ci ontrae II. -tion: .1 gr Mr. utter (i delegation Hies, pointed t< regarding Moved ended by Board pay Mr amount to mall of a year’s salary less superannua­ tion and income tax payments. Car­ ried. In the absence of the Principal his report was read by the Secre­ tary. Moved by E. L. Mickle and seconded by E. R. Hopper that the. report be adopted and that, tlie Board’s congratulations be convey­ ed to Principal Sturgis on the high standing obtained in his recent ex­ aminations for the degree of Bachelor of Pedagogy. Carried. Moved by J. H. Jones and sec­ onded by E. R. Hopper that the Secretary-Treasurer pay the Vil­ lage of Exeter the balance between the debenture payment and the payment due to the Board, amount­ ing to 556.84. Carried. The Secretary was instructed to render an account for the Village’s share of the Recreational Direct­ or’s salary. The correspondence was tabled and the expenses itemized for ap­ proval. Moved by A. AV. Morgan and seconded by J. McAllister that the expense accounts be approved as read. Carried. The Cash Journal organized ac­ cording to Departmental regula­ tions was presented for inspection. A committee of the Chairman, E. R. Hopper, and Principal Stur­ gis was authorized to purchase 30 desks providing they meet the proper standards and price on mo­ tion of J. H. Jones and J. McAl­ lister. The ported their the proposals for a new school. It was decided to -hold a special meeting on June 23 at 8 p.m. Day­ light Saving time and to invite the Council members of the Municipali­ ties to a discussion of the project of a new High School. ■Moved by E. L. Mickle and sec­ onded by E. Chambers that the Board ask the Community Park Board to reconsider their fee and we will enter a contract for one year pending further plans for more accommodation. Carried. Adj ournment 12:45. E. D. Howey, Secretary. L. Wil; and see- tliat the additional e.ven-tenths eeivpi read, on * Pym A. cu; i'Ctt the di tlie fro Mrs. ’hristian ;ave roll ■sod. ary 3 IIuroiidaL ars convention read til McCurdy was in charge of ram which was as follows Mrs. R. Miller and Mrs. topic by Miss Pearl and a reading by Mrs. R Collection was taken. m . El .i ( ill; S Te cull It w send were a ding Mrs. reading. ?ss was that the of thanks the assisting dinner. Mrs. Scripture lesson re 'natii A Junior Farmer and a Jun member booth. The are to help guests at .re to help in Junior Institute serve dinner for the gave on salad making Field Day. a demonstra Three types W. dis se- to ! leu at Borland Mrs. M. I the pro^ duet by Thos. Allen; i Duncan i Dunean. Collection was Hymn 376 was sung and the meet­ ing closed with prayer by Mrs Ferguson. of the Junior Institute Business of the evening planning of the South Huron Junior Farmer’s picnic to , be held on the second Wednesday -in July at Stratford Park, Mr.’ Drummond, .of Mitchell, who is the ; Junior Farmer Representative " Huron and Perth counties on Provincial Board spoke. He spoke on the projects they were doing and gave a word of encouragement to our stooges, Jaques couple The meeting adjourned and was served. Junior Farmers Meeting The South Huron Junior ers opened their meeting Wednesday evening, June 4 in Exeter gymnasium with the call being answered by giving radio THIS YEAR ALONE we are spending $3,500,000 so that more farms will have telephones with fewer people on each line. ArtKippen AVALS. The W.M.S. met afternoon, June 4th ! Mrs. H. Jones with ' Murtrie as co-hostess. There was a , large attendance and Mrs Ernie ’ Cliipehase presided. The meeting {opened by singing hymn 5 26 and , the Lords Prayei’ was repeated in ■ unison. The poem for the day was I given by Mrs. Winston Workman ' Hymn 171 was sung. Mrs. Hinton i read a poem which appeared re f cently in the Danville, Quebec, pa- • per composed by Rev. Mr. Hinton • during his long illness. The title of • the poem was "Sowing foi* Seed Time." A. duet entitled "Higher Ground” was sung by Mrs. A. Gackstetter and Mrs. Harold Jones. Mrs. Henderson had charge of the Study assisted by Mrs. A. Johnson, Mrs. AV. AVorkman, Mrs. E. Chip­ chase, Mrs. Alec McMurtrie, Mrs. M. Cooper, Mrs. Harold Jones, Mrs. N. Long, Mrs. A. Gackstetter, Mrs. E. Anderson, Mrs. R. Peck AV. Alexander and Mrs. Caldwell. Mrs. Montieth prayer. Hymn 16 was Chipchase pronounced diction. A dainty lunch by Circle No. 1. on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Alec Mc- I members of the Board re- on their interviews with various councils regarding She wore a an Kemp- Hamilton Before an arch of evergreen and apple blossoms banked with fern and spring flowers, Rev. AV. A. McWilliam, Cromarty, united in marriage Anna Marguerite, daugh­ ter of .Mrs. Hamilton and the late Mr. John Hamilton, Cromarty, and Mr. Alvin Edwin Kemp, son of Mrs. Kemp and the late Mr. Edwin Kemp, Munro. The ceremony .took place at the home of the bride Saturday, June 7 at three o’clock. The wedding music Lohengrin’s Bridal Chorus was played by Miss Sarah McKellar, aunt of the bride. She also accompanied Miss Hazel Hamilton who sang ‘Always” dur­ ing the signing of the register. The lovely young bride, given in marriage by her brother, Robert/ wore a floor-length gown of tufted nylon marquisette. Her finger-tip veil was held in a headdress of orange blossoms, strand of pearls and carried arm bouquet of American Beauty roses with maiden hair fern. As matron of honor, Mrs. Lome Elliott, Statfa, wore a floor-length gown of turquoise net with finger- tip veil of pink tulle. She carried an arm bouquet of pink carnation? with maiden hair fern. Mr. Arthur Kemp, Staffa, was his groomsman. The wedding luncheon ved to thirty-five guests John Duncan, Mrs. Ormand Prid- liam, Miss Agnes Hocking, Mrs. Andrew Hamilton and Miss Sarah McKellar. Guests were present at the wedding from Woodstock, Kirkton, Exeter, Mitchell, Munro, Cromarty and Staffa. For light navy accesories. they groom’s farm near Munro. The groom's gift to the was a chest of silver, to the matron pf honor, a pearl necklace, to groomsman, a bill fold, to •pianist and soloist, cups saucers. brother’s was ser- by Mrs. travelling the bride wore a blue gabardine suit On their will reside on the with return bride- bride the the and for the For best results from your telephone organization. The namely Ken Hern, and John llern of very humorous three Cliff sang a songs, lune n Farm- held on the roll the pro­ Mrs. Harry led sung, the was in Mrs. Bene- served James Street AVALS. The Afternoon Auxiliary of the James Street W.M.S. met Thursday afternoon with Mrs. C. W. Down, president, in the chair. The meet­ ing opened with prayer by Mrs. Down followed by the singing of a hymn and the Loi'd’s Prayer in unison. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Maude Heywood fol­ lowed by the minutes of the last, meeting and the business part of the program. Mrs. Irwin then took charge. Mrs. Irwin and 'her group entertained the Baby Band and their mothers, in showing them by slides, the different pictures of children of all lands, with their teachers and leaders, which was very interesting as well as instruc3 tive. Richard iMcFalls of the Mis­ sion Band favored with a reading, and two girls of the Mission Band, Nancy Cudmore and Nancy Arm­ strong, sang two lovely duets with Mrs. Cudmore, Mission Band lead­ er, accompanying them. There was a promotion exercise from the Baby Band to the Mission Band of sever­ al members who were received by Mrs. Taylor. The meeting closed with a hymn, and prayer by Mrs. Irwin. Lunch was served ait close. the BLANSHARD TO PURCHASE WEED SPRAYING EQUIPMENT Blanshard Council has decided to purchase weed spraying equipment capable of exiting up to 1,000 pounds of pressure at the nozzle. The outfit will be mounted on a suitable truck and fully* equipped with a tank of at least 200-gallon capacity. A by-law providing for compulstory treatment of warble fly within the township in accord­ ance with the War.ble iFly Control Act of 1947 was also passed. 1. Keep calls brief. 2. Space your calls. 3. Avoid "listening In." 4. Give right-of-way to emergency calls. • • • For the best telephone service, remember the master rule, ”Do unto others as you would like them to do to you—and do it first! ” where various phases of church’s work were discussed. 12:30 adjournment was called dinner. At 1:30 the meeting sembled and continued until 3:15 when a joint meeting was called at the church, where two most in­ spiring addresses were given by Rev. Ralph Latimer, of London, followed by Archdeacon Town­ shend, the Dioces and secretary­ treasurer, At the close luncheon was served by the ladies of St. Paul’s Church. to gymnasium with Mrs hope was Mrs, they Farmers The Farmers The growing demand for the new Chevrolet is setting an all-time record. We cannot hope for many months to fill all the orders pouring in. If you arc among the many who have sei your sights on Chevrolet's fiig-Car Quality at Low, Cost, we suggest that while you wait, you rely on your Chevrolet Dealer's service to keep your present Car running smoothly and safely. •Chappell (nee and Mr. A- Mich., returned all the members. It TELEPHONE. at the on Moni for the uanie of your favorite gram. The minutes of the. previous meeting were read and adopted. The treasurer, Bill Rowcliffe, gave the financial report. Bob Simpson was appointed to get in touch with the Clinton Junior Farmers to see about getting the from their club our best players Junior June 27. J unior cussed and it was decided to get buttons for was also decided that if any mem­ bers wanted “J.F.” sweaters they are to leave their name with the secretary. A delegation from ,the Stratford Junior Farmers attended the meeting and following business were introduced. Armstrong, of the who was winner .of judging, outlined points on judging. the meeting adjourned and a joint meeting was held with the Junior Institute. good ball players to go along with to Guelph to the Field Day on matter of buying buttons was dis- the Elmer Stratford Club, a silver cup for a few mam Following this THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA No masculine muscles needed to drive a Chevrolet! The gearshift on the steering column lets me shift gears with one finger—without shifting my grip on the wheel. And because every control responds so readily to the lightest touch, I can drive a Chevrolet all day long without strain or effort . . . park it quickly and conveniently whenever I choose. TUCKERSMITH COUNCIL RAISES DOG TAXES Because of the amount of damage done throughout the township by dogs, Tuckersmith council, at its regular monthly meeting, raised the dog tax from $2 to $3 for the first dog and from $4 to '$5 for the second. The tax whs raised on a female from $4 to $5 on the first and from $6 to $7 on the second During the past month the town­ ship was required to pay $472 as compensation for poultry killed. Seaforth Fall Fair was granted $100. Seaforth Town Council was given a grant of $300 towards cost of building a rest room in Sea­ forth. The council promised a grant to the Scott Memorial Hospital Board, hut the matter was laid over until the board could give a def­ inite figure as to needs. James A. Hay was appointed as­ sessor and dog tax collector at a salary of $275. Robert Tyndall was appointed sheep and poultry valuator, owing to the death of Hugh M. Chesney. Reeve Arthur Nicholson was appointed telephone commissioner to the Tuckersmith Municipal Telephone System. HENSALL CHILD INJURED Kay Bennett, daughter ofKay Bennett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Bennett, of Hen­ sail, while playing with her broth­ er Frank at the school grounds, suffered a deep gash under her ichin which required five stitches. The accident happened when her .brother, who was on a teeter, jump­ ed off. The girl fell and her chin. WOODHAM (Intended for last week) Mrs. Norman Johns and daugh­ ter, Dorothy Jean, are spending a few days at the home of her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Stephens. Mi*, and Mrs. William Moore and family have moved to Rannoch. Quite a number from this com­ munity attended Zion anniversary on Sunday. Mr. Wilbur Wynne, Mr. William Mills, Mr. Cecil 'Camm, Mrs. John Camm, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mills and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Vodden attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Talbot at Bayfield .on Thursday last. Mrs. Vodden is a daughter of the late Mrs. Talbot. Mr. and Mrs. John Tomlinson are spending a few days in Niagara Falls and Toronto. Mrs. Elizabeth Elizabeth Prouse) Stickle, Marlette, home on Monday after spending a few days at the former’s nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Brine. We are sorry to report that Harry Rodd is quite ill. We for a speedy recovery. Family Gathering A happy family gathering held at the home of Mr. and Oscar Brine on Sunday when had as their guests Mrs. Elizabeth Chappell and Mr. A. Stickle, of Marlette, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Wal­ ter Brine, Phyllis and Thelma, of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Brine and David, Mr. Lloyd Brine, of Base Line, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Brine and Nancy Jane, Mrs. Jack Crosthwaite and Anne, of St. Marys. Mission Circle Sleeting The monthly meeting Mission Circle was held home of Mrs. Vic Chatten day evening, meeting was lowship.” read by Mrs. 252 was sung by Mrs, McCurdy. The Prayer was repeated in Leonard Thacker of the program which was “ poem . ...... by Evelyn Willis; Housecleaning Carol” Mr. and Heather The theme “Toward World Fel- The opening words were jack Smith. Hymn followed with prayer Lord’s unison, then took struck along “Ter­ guy I Pat: “How do you get with the new boss?” Mike: rlble. He’s the meanest know.” Pat: "How’s that?” Mike: “He had the legs sawed off the wheelbarrow so I couldn’t sit down and rest.” Mrs. charge __ . . _ as follows: hymn 123; ‘‘Come Forth” 1. ’ poem “Housecleaning Carol” by Norris Webb; reading “An Honorj ary Mother” by Mrs. James Miller, a contest led by Rhoda Thomson; poem “Just This Minute” by Evelyn Bullock; poem ‘Keep Mum* by Jean Copeland; reading “Lift the Latch” by Mrs. Vic Chatten; hymn 47. The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction. Lunch was served by the ( hostess and Committee and a social half hour Was spent by all. "If you’re like me—if you value appearance—-you’ll lose your heart to the winning charms of Chevrolet. You’ll love its long, sweet lines, its roomy and luxurious interior, its rich upholstery. It’s truly the most beautiful car we’ve ever owned.” "I never worry about delays or unexpected breakdowns in inconvenient places . . . now that 1 drive a Chevrolet! I wear my smartest, gayest costume, my most frivolous shoes—knowing I can depend on Chevrolet to carry me over good roads and bad, mile after mile, month after month, with never a need for even a minor repair. Yes . . . it’s Chevrolet . . . the car that offers Big-Car quality at low cost. You’ll recognize this Big-Car quality in Chevrolet’s Big-Car beauty, Big-Car comfort, Big-Car safety, and in the many vital features found only in Chevrolet and higher-priced cars. And every model brings you the great plus value of Chevrolet’s traditional economy of operation and low cost of maintenance.