HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-06-19, Page 6THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 19th, 1947Page 6 Victoria Harbour, near Midland CENTRALIA | and Mrs. Truman Mills and David, of Sarnia, visited last week with the former’s mother, Mrs. H. Mill's. Miss Lucy Tellier and Miss Mar­ jorie Flynn, of Welland, spent the week-end with Mrs. Edith Flynn. Mr. Sieve Molnar, who has been attending the Radio Toronto, returned to last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Miss Winnie Field were Sunday guests at the home of Miss Norma Urquhart at Kirkton and attended the church Mr. and of Clinton, and Doreen were in London tending the •at Chalmers Presbyterian church. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hodgins and family visited on Sunday with Mr. ............. in Lon- College in his home Hicks and anniversary. Mrs. Cameron Proctor, Mrs. Andrew Proctor and Mr. Arthur Brooks on Saturday at- Powe-Player wedding WUERTH’S — JUST ARRIVED — MEN’S WORK SHOES Metal ” * BROWN at MEN’S Toes, Metal Heels CANVASS OXFORDS reduced! prices DIAMOND SOCKS attractive colow Repairing promptly and neatly i tended to while you wait. Wuerth’s Shoe Siore. at” I s Death clothes pin race, Audrey Campbell, Ruth Whiting; necktie race, Gar­ net Patterson, Nola Love; relay race, Fergus Turnbull's side; step in the plate, Mrs. Percy Campbell, Fergus Turnbull; suck race, Lome and Jimmie Love. Sumptuous meals were served during both the dinner and supper HENSALL Mr. E. L. Mickle made a business | trip to Toronto this week. Mrs. J. Henderson visited recent­ ly with Mrs. J. Morris in Goderich Mr. and Mrs. Otis Minor, Joanne and Jackie, of Port Huron, visited recently with MaeLaren and Miss Goldie Cross, R.N., of Lon­ don, spent a few days last week at -ilie home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. XV. B. Cross, The Arnold Circle Evening Aux­ iliary held a most successful “Blos­ som Tea” in the schoolroom of the Carmel Presbyterian Church on Saturday. Little Patsy Jones entertained a number of girl friends at a birthday party in her honor at ‘her home on Wednesday, June 11th. Patsy was the recipient of many lovely gifts. Mrs. Harx’y Joynt and daughter Judith, of London, are spending the summer months with Mrs. Al­ ice Joynt. Dr. Harry Joynt, of To­ ronto, will join them later. Miss Amy Lammie, of London, spent the week-end ■with her moth­ er and sister, Mrs. Lammie and Greta. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lammie and Bobbie, of Centralia, visited with them on Sunday. Holy Communion Service was held in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning conducted by Rev. P. A. Ferguson, when iten new members joined the membership of the church. Special music was con­ tributed by the choir under the direction of Mrs. Malcolm Dougall. Evening’ Auxiliary Picnic The spacious lawns i of Mrs. E. Shaddick lovely setting for the ning Auxiliary picnic, was held Wednesday June 11th, with many mothers and children, members and guests in attendance. A delicious luncheon was enjoyed by all. Much credit is due Mrs. Shaddick and her assist­ ants for this successful affair. There was an attendance of 6 0. Miss Jueii Brandon and Miss Erma Kipfer, sports committee, arranged the following entertainment: run­ ning race, 6 and 7 years old, Connie Corbett; 3-legged race, 10 years and older, Jean Lavender and Marg. Stephen; 5 years and under, Stevie Kyle; hopping race, 8 and 9 years old, Bob Lavery; kick-the-slipper, Miss Michie; treasure hunt, Audrey Walsh, Orion Stephen, Judy Shad­ dick, Gordon Lavery. Hensail Minister Honored The 70th anniversary of St. Paul’s Anglican Church was marked 'by a special service which included a presentation to the departing min­ ister, Rev. M. A. Hunt, popular rector for the past 12 years who is leaving to take charge at Mit­ chell. Rev. Hunt was presented with a purse of money following the service, by Mr. John Henderson, people’s warden. Mrs. Kennedy and Mrs. Scholl of Carmel Presbyterian Church, assisted the choir at the morning service. Rev. M. H. Elston of Centralia, was guest speaker at the evening service. Miss Catherine McEwan Private funeral service for Miss Catherine Isobel McEwan, pioneer district resident, was held. Monday afternoon from her late home one mile west of Hensali, conducted by Rev. P. A. Ferguson. Deceased was in her 81st year and was born and lived all her life at her late resi­ dence. She had the misfortune some time ago to fall and fracture her hip and leg. A member of Carmel Presbyterian Church, Miss McEwan is survived by three sisters, Miss Mary McEwan at home; Miss Nes- sie McEwan, Vancouver; Mrs. Flora Salmers, California; two brothers, John and Duncan, Grand Prairie, Alberta. Interment was in Hensail Union Cemetery?' Women’s Missionary Society The Women’s Missionary Society of the Hensail United Church held their regular meeting on Thursday, June 5th, at 3 p.m. in the school­ room of the church with Mrs. XV. B. Cross presiding. The meeting opened with singing “More Love O Christ to Thee,” followed by prayer by the president. The roll call was answered by sixteen mem­ bers. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. The visiting committee reported having made 19 calls during the month of May. Arrangements were made to hold a home-baking sale and tea, also a picnic in July. The hymn, “Yield not to Temptation” was sung and Mrs. E. Geiger took the devotional thians, chapter discussion was McQueen, Mrs. B. Cross, Mrs. showed that we must do all we can if we want our boys and girls to grow up pure and just. The Study Book was then taken and Healing” showing- more hospitals, doctors there are today since has been spread throughout the land. This was very much enjoyed by all present. The meeting dosed by singing “Rescue the Perishing” and the Mizpah Benediction. Love-Forrest Reunion The Love-Forrest Reunion, an annual event and the 40th success­ ive gathering, was held at Bayfield Monday, June 9th, A large attend­ ance was present and the following is 'the events: Norma 6 and Desjardine; Billie and Tom Love; boys 12 and tinder, Ronald Webb, Alex, Love; hoys 15 and under, Keith Blau* shard, Bob Love; young Audrey Campbell, Betty young men, Keith Blanshard, Ross Keyes; married men, Percy Camp­ bell, Ellison Whiting; kick-the* slipper, Mrs, C. Moir, Betty Love; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Donald. nour, alter which the slate of officers was brought the coming year as follows: dent, Ross Love, Hensail; president, XVm. Love, Grand secretary-treasurer, Hugh 131 for presi- vice- Bend: Love, Hensail. It was decided to hold the reunion at Grand Bend in 1948 on the King’s birthday. Members of the. clan attended from Hensail, Zurich, Grand Bend, Exeter, Lon- desboro, Seaforth, Saskatchewan and Clinton, The event was an out­ standing success. i I Bray Chicks have done well for others — why not for you? 100% live delivery guaranteed. Just let me know what you want. BRAY CHICK HATCHERY Phone 246, Exeter Erie Carscadden, Manager This is a difficult time for poultry raisers, Hot damp weather brings on disease and death. You can buy highly expensive remedies but if you want to raise poultry at a profit see us i’oi* prevention as well a.4 treatment. XVe leave you a profit. Mrs. Harold MitchellFrom the seven-miie stretch of beach at its southern dp, to the rockbound coast of the northern shore, Georgian Bay is one of the most colourful resort regions in Ontario. And there are islands . . . tens of thousands of them! Colling­ wood, Midland and Parry Sound are some of the holiday centres of this popular play­ ground . . . each within an easy afternoon drive from Toronto ... or a few hours by train ... a little longer from Ottawa and the border. Like more details? Write to Ontario Holiday, Room 1004, Victory Building, Toronto. TOURIST BUSINESS IS GOOD BUSINESS . , . FOR EVERY CITIZEN! We all profit when the tourist conies to our province or country. Even if you have no connection with hotels, oil companies or amusements, their increased busi­ ness helps you. So it’s in your interest to do all you can to encourage friends from other parts to come and share our Ontario Holidays. Godbolt relatives attended , and Mrs. Harvey family visited with at Kirkton on, Sunday and the anniversary Mr. and Mrs. ilv. of Listowel. days last week Andrew Hicks. Harry Swartz was able to home front St. Joseph’s services. S. Henry and fam- spent a couple of with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. return ? Hospital. London, on Friday of last i week. i a Your drugs at i f■a NEXT FRIDAY NIGHT IN PERSON America’s Incomparable Rhythmic Stylist xv as by re­ in CHRISTMAS SEAL SALE FP 354 P.C. IN HURON © - One of o series of advertise­ ments about Ontario holidays published in thepublic interest by John Lahati L; FARE AND ONE-THIRD FOR THE ROUND TRIP Good going all day Monday, June 30th, until 2 p.m. Tuesday, July 1st. RETURN LIMIT: Leave destination not later than midnight Wednes­ day, July 2nd. Standard Time Consult any Railway Agent. Her many friends wish her speedy recovery. Mrs. George Hay. of Exeter, was recent visitor with Mrs. H. Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Powe at­ tended the Powe-Player wedding in ' London on Saturday.| A strawberry supper and pro- i gram will be held at the Centralia ■ Church on Wednesday evening, I June 25th. j W.M.S. Meeting | The Women’s Missionary Society met at the home of Skinner for their June I Tuesday afternoon of ■ Mrs. Arthur McFalls i Lome Weiberg the Worship other members theme of the and Build.” Thousand Tongues to Sing up. Light. were “The was ports these was < i Hepburn , ess. set j ing i quilted for the Missionary bale, the.; I top having been donated by Miss Rachel Wilson. At the close of the ■ meeting a delicious lunch i served by the hostess assisted Mrs. Norman Mitchell. Mrs. Cecil meeting on last week, and Mrs. were in charge of service with several taking part. The service was “Arise The hymns “O for a " “Rise and “Lord of Outshinetli” program leafier Back in Asia” the latest being done closing prayer McFalls. Mrs. the busin- i the date Dur was O -Men of God’’ i. Whose Name sung. The Church Comes u*u*d bringing of the work ■ fields. The offered by Mrs. presided over i November 14th was or the W.M.S. banquet, the afternoon a quilt County clerk N. XV. ‘Miller report­ ed to Huron County Council on Friday that the Christmas seal sale in Huron totalled $9,405, an in­ crease over 1945 sales of 354 per cent. Ammounts received included: from the county of Huron, $1,000; Goderich area, $2,011; Seaforth, $1,473; Clinton, $1,244; Whigham, $2,219; Exeter, $1,456. IN CONSEQUENCE of a Duel } RETURNING FOR YOUR ENTERTAINING AND DANCING PLEASURE 7 ---- Early POLICIES of the Canada Life a hundred years ago contained clauses such as this: !-‘The Policy will become void ... if the Person having assured his or her Life, shall die... in con­ sequence of a duel.” During the past century, Canada Life policies have been progressively im­ proved to anticipate the changing needs of Canadians. From the Founders onward the chief purpose of the Company has been — "to extend to our fellow-citizens the comforting protection of life insur­ ance.” Reaffirming this principle at the 100th Annual Meeting the president added >,. "All our assets are but the savings of the people, left with us for a while, to be repaid later on at a time when they will be needed more.” THEC/> 100 YEARS OLD W CANA ASS U R A N C E ri COMPANY COLIN C. O’NEIL, C. L. U., Manager B. M. FRANCIS HERMAN HODGSON Now Now is the time to buy your winter’s D. & D. & supply of Fuel— H. Anthracite Stove H. Anthracite Nut Pocahantus Stove Domestic Stoker “Oil Treated” Alberta Lump Jas. P. Bowey Phone 33 — Exeter New Books Purchased By Exeter Library Board The Public Library has recently purchased an interesting number of non-fiction volumes which will pro­ vide profitable reading for its mem­ bers. A few short sketches of some that the Book Committee consider­ ed interesting follow: “Reindeer Trek” by Allen • Roy Evans—'This gives us the story of the momentous journey of 2.000 miles, along the north shore of Alaska from Buckland Bay to the Mackenzie Valley in Canada, of 3,0 00 reindeer. This herd, purch­ ased by the Canadian Government with the project of introducing reindeer into Northern Canada, was in charge of Andrew Bahr, a Lapp. The story of the long trek, which covered a period of five years, the terrific battle wild animals ates one from gives one an and Eskimos darkness of the cold Arctic. “Of True Experience” by Gerald Campbell—During the years Sir Gerald Campbell High Commissioner to Canada, book is a blend of autobiography, reminiscence and comment on Am­ erica and Americans seen through the eyes of a Britisher. Known for his radio addresses while at Ot­ tawa and latei’ in Washington his hook should prove interesting read- against winds, snow and darkness facin- beginning to end and idea of what Lapps can endure in the Sir war was This Caven Circle Meets The June meeting of the Caven Congregational Circle was held on Tuesday afternoon in the Sunday School room of the Church. Mrs. Rose Russell the president, was in charge and opened with the hymn Pilot Me”. Mrs. read the scripture and led in pray- er. The members responded to the roll call by naming a fictitious character. The minutes were read and ' approved, after which busin­ ess of the meeting was discussed. Mrs. N. Stanlake was in charge of the program which consisted of a lovely vocal solo “I’ll Live For Him” by Mrs. XV. Cillery with Mrs. MacLean as accompanist. Miss Jeckell gave a humorous reading, “The Ladies’ Aid”. Mrs. XV. Hatt­ er moved a vote ,of thanks to all those taking part in the program. closed with a hymn Refreshments were in charge will Mrs. the meeting “Jesus Saviour F. Whilsmith The meeting and prayer, served by the committee The September meeting held at the home of Simmons. HEARN—SMALE be W. Doris Isabel William H. Stratford, marriage of to Mr. Gregory son of Mr. and Mrs, 3OS Queen St at the home provided a annual Eve- which event r afternoon, 1st Corin-from eight. A temperance taken by Mrs. E. E. Geiger, Mrs. W. E. L. 'Mickle which on “Health how many and nurses Christianity g i i s Si * Count ★ r AND HIS FAMOUS ORCHESTRA Featuring Talented JAMES RUSHING on Vocals ★ 1,000 ADVANCE TICKETS AT $L00 Regular Admission $1.25 - • . Advance tickets now on sale in London at Heintzman & Co. Record Dept., Embassy Restaur­ ant, Freddy’s Smoke Shop, Hotel Ridout and Arena Box ^Office. In St. Thomas at Anthony Music Store, 527 Talbot St ' REW A CANAOA'S FINEST BALLROOM. Bus iness Directory Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.DJS DENTAL SURGEON Main Street. Exeter Office 3Gw Telephones Res. 36 Closed Wednesday Afternoons ELMER D. BELL, B.A. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Successor to J. W. Morley EXETER. ONT, GLADMAN arid COCHRANE BARRISTERS — SOLICITORS EXETER. ONTARIO at Hcnsall, Friday 2 to 5 p.m. Dr. J. W. Corbett, D.D.S., L.D.S.. v DENTAL SURGEON BELL BUILDING, EXETER Telephone 273 DR. R. H. DOYLE PHYSICIAN and SURGEON X-R;gy MAIN STREET, EXETER Telephone 60 JOHN WARD Chiropractor and Optometrist MAIN ST., EXETER Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday. Phone 348. The Smale Hearn, Hearn, was solemnized at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al­ bert Smale, Staff a, Saturday after­ noon, June 7th. Rev. A. H, Day- nard officiated. An internationally known physi­ cian recommends a single exercise for reducing: Pushing yourself away from the table while still hungry, list of winners of sports girl's race 6 and under, Love, Katherine Love; boys under, Gerald Love, Russel boys nine and under, ladies, Love; FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Saiisfactloi Guaranteed EXETER P.O. or RING !«« WM. H. SMITH LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex Special training assures you of you property’s true value on sale day Graduate of American Auction College? Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Crediton P.O. or Phone 43-2 E. F. CORBETT licensed Auctioneer Terins Reasonable. Satisfact Ion Guaranteed. EXETER, R.R. 1 Phone Zurich '92r7 ALVIN H. WALPER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron County FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed PHONE 57r2 DASHWOOD R. 1 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter. Ontario Pres.................... WM. H. COATES Exeter Vice-Pres.......... ANGUS SINCLAIR R.R. 1, Mitchell DIRECTORS JOHN HACKNEY .... Kirkton, R, 1 WM. A, HAMILTON ...... Cromarty* JOHN McGRATH ..... Dublin, Ont. MILTON McCurdy .. Kirkton, R. 1 AGENTS ALVIN L, HARRIS ....... THOS. SCOTT ........ THUS, G. BALLANTYNEP . Mitchell Cromarty Woodham' SECRETARY-TREASURER Ef. W. F. BEAVERS ............ Exeter SOLICITORS Gladman & Cochrane, Exeter