HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-06-19, Page 5THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 19th, 1947 Irwin, B.A. A. Wein Choir Leader School and Bible The Church Needs You You Need The Church JAMES STREET UNITED Rev. A. B. Lawrence Organist and 10 a.m.—(Sunday Glasses. 11 a.m.—'Worship conducted by Rev. R. A. Brook of Hensall United Church, Anthem: “O Happy Band of Pilgrims.” •Solo: Mr. A. E. Wuerth. 7 p,m.—Worship conducted by Rev. R, A. Brook. Solo; Selected. The Sacrament of the Lord’s Sup­ per will be dispensed on Sunday morning, June 29th. 10 11 TRIVITT MEMORIAL Rector, Rev. C. L. Langford B.A., M.A. Choirmaster, Esme Howard 3rd Sunday after Trinity ) a.m.—Sunday School. a.m.—Morning Prayer and Sermon. i M, ZION EVANGELICAL- UNITED BRETHREN Crediton E. Reuber, B.A., B.D., Minister Airs. F. W. Alorlock. Organist a.m.—(Morning worship. a.m.—Church school. MAIN STREET UNITED Rev. N. J. Woods, M.A., Minister Airs. A. Y. Willard, Organist 11 a.m.—Public Worship and .Church School. The Minister. 7 p.m.—Public Worship. The Minister. Sun., June 29, 11 a.m.—Commun­ ion (Service. 10 11 7:30 p.m.—Evening worship. 9 p.m.—E.Y.F. Friday at 8:30—Mission Band the home of Mrs. Henry Pfaff. June 29—Decoration Day. at PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE H. T. Kendrick, Pastor 3'ho Revival Services continue each night this week at 8 p.m. Tues., 8 p.m.—Prayer and Bible Study, 1st Corinthians, 4th Chapter. Fri., 8 p.m.—Y.P.S. Speaker, Mr. F. Ridler, Stone Church, Toron­ to. Sat., 9 p.m.—Open air (weather permitting). Sun., 10 a.m.—Sunday School. Sup't. Mr. E. Cudmore. Bring your children, Sun., 11 a.m.—Morning worship. Sun., 7:30 p.m.—Praise and testi­ mony. Sun., 8 p.m.—Evangelistic Message. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Kenneth MacLean, Minister 10 a.m.—Sunday School. .Morning Worship. 8 p.m.—-W.M.S. 11 a.m.- Thurs., June 19, Home Helper’s meeting at the Manse. the Pure in Mrs. Harold HENSALL Air. and Airs. Bert Fowler and son, Mansell, of Wolseley, Sask., are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John E. McEwen. ■Air. and Airs. J. W. Bonthron spent the week-end with their daughter, Mrs. McAllister Greer at Orchard Beach. Mr. Thos. Chuter opened his ser­ vice station opposite the public school on Monday, June 16th, with a full range of British-American products. Miss Blanche Thomson, R.N., of Stratford, visited over the week­ end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Thomson. 'Mr. and Mrs. Kerby and daugh­ ter Roberta, of Windsor, moved into the Cook on cated by and Mrs. Mr. and .'Mrs. Norman Jones have moved into their new home and are getting nicely settled. Members of the Masonic Lodge attended divine United iChurch ing. ■Airs. Goddard visiting with her son and daughter- in-law, Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Goddard. 'Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Paterson left in Sunday for a 'trip to Western Canada Hensail The scheduled Hensail Community Park on Wed­ nesday afternoon, June 25tli, at 4:30 o’clock. Bear in mind the roll call, “Sing, Say or Pay.” The com­ mittee in charge will be Airs. W-.' Sangster, Mrs. J. Sangster, Mrs.. G. Schwalm and Mrs. C. Forrest. Mrs. Shortt and Miss Tate will have charge of the sports arrangements. Please bring your picnic cups and silverware. Each may invite a guest. W.M.S. Birthday Party The W.M.S. of Carmel terian Church held their birthday party in the schoolroom of the church on Thursday after­ noon amid a beautiful setting of residence of Main Street, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kaiser. N. E.Mr. recently va- Ben Kaiser worship in Kipipen on Sunday morn­ from the West is and the Coast. Institute Picnic annual Institute picnic is to take place at the lunch, member Presby- annual I I peonies and spirea. Mrs. C. Hud­ son presided and opened the meet­ ing by singing “The Lord is my Shepherd,’’ using the old coven­ anter’s tune. Mrs. McKenzie led in prayer. The scripture, Psalm 91, was read ‘by 'Mrs. R. Cameron. The hymn “Blest are Heart,” was sung. Simpson, of Exeter, contributed a delightful solo entitled “My Cath­ edral,’’ accompanied by Mrs. Doug- all at the piano. Mrs. Hudson intro­ duced the guest speaker, Mrs. Gor­ don Bissett, Presbyterial president, of Goderich, who gave a splendid account of the synodical meeting held in Stratford April 14th to the 16th. Following the address, Mrs. Paterson and Mrs. Edwards extend­ ed a vote of thanks to the speaker. Mrs. J. W. Bonthron sang a solo entitled “Thinking of Thee,” com­ posed by a lady 9 4 years old.’Mrs. Dougall accompanied at the piano. The meeting closed by singing “O My Saviour Lifted,” followed by the Lord’s Prayer in unison. A dainty luncheon was served. WINCHELSEA Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher attended the annual Hodgins re­ union held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Mullins, of Strathroy on Friday evening. Mr. Clarence Ford, of Kitchener spent the week-end with his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ford. The Elimville Mission Circle held their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Clarence Smith on Thursday night. Aliss Kathleen Johns, of ham, spent Sunday with June and Wilma Walters. Aliss Wilma Veal, of Wood- Misses Exeter, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Don Penhale. Attend Convention Mr. and Mrs. Robt. M. South- cott and Miss Florence Southcot't were at Ottawa attending the con­ cention of the Ontario and Quebec division of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers. Among the entertain­ ment provided was a visit Friday afternoon to Rideau Hall where the members of the press and their ladies were presented to the Governor-General Viscount and Lady Alexander and afternoon tea was served. At the association ban­ quet Friday evening at the Chateau Laurier Gratton O’Leary delighted the gathering with his reminis­ cences of Canadian statesmen. On Saturday morning the party were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Bracken for breakfast at the Chateau and ‘during the day the association :paid a visit to the ex­ perimental farm where they were entertained at a lunch. | pASHWOOD Mr. and Mrs. Milford Alerner, Mrs. E. Bartliff, of Clinton, and Mr. Addison Tieman spent Sunday in Detroit. Mr, and Airs. George Clarke, of London, and Mr, and Airs. Gordon Hewitt and Nancy, of Collingwood, were Sunday visitors with Air, Airs. T. H. Hoffman. Picnic at Springbank Making the trip by chartered about thirty-eight members of Ladies’ Aid of Zion Lutheran Church enjoyed a picnic at Spring­ bank Park on Tuesday. The after­ noon was spent playing games and contests, prize being Mrs, J. Schroeder, Weiberg, Mrs. R. Keller, Merner, Mrs. Lloyd Rader, Merner, Mrs. Art. Willert others. A delicious picnic supper was followed by a ballgame. A ride on the “Springbank Flier” finish­ ed an eventful day. Weiberg—llauer Fresh flowers adorned the altar of St. Waterloo, for the nice Wilhelmina daughter* of Mr. Bauer, Waterloo, Lloyd Weiberg, of Waterloo, of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Weiberg, of Dashwood. Officiating was Rev. C, S. Roberts, Miss Anna Hymmen was at the organ and Airs. Dorothy Goman, soloist, sang “The Lord’s Prayer” before 'the ceremony and “Because” during the signing of the register. Air. Bauer gave his daughter in marriage and the bride was dressed in a formal white gown with point skirt. med cascaded from a heart-shaped head­ dress into slight train. She carried red roses and white sweet peas with maiden hair fern. The matron of honor, Mrs. Howard Bauer, sis­ ter-in-law of the bride, wore a torso style powder blue silk jersey dress which featured three-quarter length sleeves and braid trim. She wore blue elbow-length gloves and a floral blue tiara with shoulder- length veil. Her flowers were roses and white sweet peas. Loreen Weiberg, sister of bridegroom, as bridesmaid, dressed in pink silk jersey on lines with sequin trim. She matching elbow length floral tiara and carried similar to that of the honor. The flower girl, ricia Bauer, sister of wore a yellow taffeta floor-length gown with mauve trim and. puffed sleeves. She carried yellow roses and mauve sweet peas. Mr. Howard Bauer, brother of the bride, was best man. Ushers were Leonard Bauer, brother of the bride; Garnet Weiberg, brother of the groom; and Clare Schnarr, cousin of the bride. A wedding dinner was serv­ ed to about 15 0 guests at the bride’s home, followed by a recep­ tion. The bride’s- mother wore a rose faconne crepe floor-length gown with lime accessories. The groom’s mother chose a fuchsia and lime flowered silk jersey afternoon dress with accessories, pink roses The bride fuscliia flowered silk jersey frock with white accessories and a cor­ sage of white flowers. On their re­ turn from a motor trip north Air. and 114 and hus, the various winners Mrs. F, Mrs. S. IMrs. E. and John’s Lutheran marriage (Martha and Mrs. and 'Mr. Church, of Ber- Bauer, Harold Hubert son satin bodice, net yoke, lily­ sleeves and bouffant net White satin embroidery trim- her floor-length veil which pink Miss the was torso wore gloves and a 'bouquet matron of Miss Pat- the bride, sequin trim and white Their corsages were and white carnations, chose for traveling a Mrs. Weiberg will reside Union St. E., Waterloo. at KIPPEN The teachers and officers of United church Sunday School were very pleased on Sunday morning with such a large. attendance for the opening of the Sunday School at the new hour of 10 a.m. with eight new teachers present. The Huron Lodge A.F. and A.Al. attended Divine Worship in St. Andrews United Church on Sunday morning last. A very inspiring message was delivered by Rev. Air. Hinton. Special music was ed by the choir. Air. and Airs. Roy Esper and Mrs. Leonard Kuoon of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bowerman, of Toronto, were recent visitors with Air. and Mrs. W. Workman. Mr. -and Airs. Archie Parsons and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Parsons in Hensall. Mr. and visited on Mrs. Bob Jeffery of the furnish- and Mr. Kawski, Announcements 11 Birth, Death Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. pard of Thanku SOc. In ftlemorinm Notices SOe for single verse, 5£3c extra for each addi­ tional verse. Engagement!* 50c BIRTHS BROCK—(On Monday, June 9 th, 1947 at Woodstock Hospital, to Air. and Mrs, Russell Brock, of Burgessville, a son, David sell. SIMPSON—At Dr. Fletcher’s pital, Exeter, on Friday, 13, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Simpson, of Mooresville, a DEATHS RUS- Hos- Jun« Wm. son. PFAFF—In Creditor! on Wednes­ day, June 1*. Pfaff, widow Pfaff, in her WEBSTER—In June 13th, Wilcox, beloved wife of the late Thomas Ezekiel Webster, in her 75 th year. ENGAGEMENTS 1947, Elizabeth <>f the late Henry 8Mh year. Exeter on Friday, 1947, Mary Jane The engagement is announced of Grace Ilene, only daughter of Airs. Mabel Brock, and the late John Hunter Brock, of Exeter, to Robert Emmett, son of Mr. Mrs. Thomas Synett, of Galt, The wedding to take place ait Church on July 19th. CARDS OF THANKS and Ont. Galt* thelike to thank of R.R. 3, Parkhill helped us out when We would many friends district who our home burned down on May 21st, 1947 on the 19th concession of Stephen, also Mrs. Brown and family for taking us in until our home was built and also a big thanks to the men who helped to build it, Thanks to the Red Cross for their help and the Wilton family their help and the of Wallacetown, Ont. c ■Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wilton J. H. Hookey, Sr., wishes to all his friends and neighbors Mr. thank for the lovely cards and also those who called on him while a patient in Westminster Military Hospital, London. * Glen Brenner extends her appreciation to all her (Mrs. sincere friends and relatives who called or sent cards, flowers and treats while a patient in Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don. c Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ellis wish to thank all those who so kindly re­ membered Mrs. Ellis with cards, letters, flowers and treats *\nd those who called to see her while a pa­ tient in Victoria Hospital. * i MoffatkKydd A pretty wedding took place j Saturday afternoon, June 14th, in (.’aven Presbyterian Church, Exeter, when Dorothy Grace, youngest daughter of Air. and Airs. John L. Kydd, became the bride of Eldred Alfred (Tony) Aloffatt, of London, son of Mr. and Airs. D. A. Moffatt, of Kippen. Rev. Kenneth MacLean performed the ceremony. The church was nicely decorated with earnations, peonies and lily-of-the- valley. The wedding music was played by Airs. A. Y. Willard and Miss Alargu erite Hogarth, of Lon­ don, sang “Until” and “Because.” Entering the church on the arm of her father, the bride was charm­ ing in a white gown with lace bod­ ice and full net skirt over taffeta. Her gown featured a sweetheart neckline and long sleeves which tapered to points over the hands. Her full-length veil was caught to her hair with tiny white roses and she carried a cascade bouquet of white carnations and stephanatis. Her only ornament was a necklace of pearls, the gift of the groom. Airs. Wm. Kydd, Jr. cousin of the bride, and Airs. J. P. Sanders, sis­ ter of the bride, attended her as bridesmaids, the former in pink flowered rayon taffeta, the latter in blue flowered rayon taffet'ta. Their gowns were styled alike with sweetheart necklines, tiny sleeves and very full skirts. They wore mitts of matching material and cairied corsage bouquets of pink roses which matched the flowers in their hair. Miss Alargaret Wil­ lard, cousin of the bride, as junior bridesmaid, was gowned similarly to Mrs. Sanders. Aliss E'thel Kydd, sister honor, dress blouse buttons to the waist and extended to a tiny peplum. She wore match­ ing mitts, flowers in her hair and carried pink roses in corsage bou­ quet. Gerry Aloffatt was his broth­ er’s best man and ushers were Wayne Hayter, Robert Kydd, Stuart AfcBride and J. Peter Sanders. The church cheon ceived series with black accessories, corsages of Better Time roses. Six of the bride’s cousins, Misses Mar­ ion Soeder, Joyce Willard, Airs. Urquhart, Mrs. AIcDonald, Mrs. Graper and Airs. Frank AIcKenzie served while Airs. Walkin, of Lon­ don, and Airs. Bierling, of Exeter, poured tea. For a motor trip to New York, the bride donned a pink printed silk blue pink and London. Guests were present from London, Detroit, Alt. Hope, Mit­ chell, Varna, Kippen and Hensail. I of the bride, as maid-of- was gowned in a two-piece of pink rayon taffeta. The featured a round neckline, reception was held in the parlors where a buffet lun- was served. Mrs. Kydd re­ in grey with black acces- and Mrs. Moffatt in white Both wore dress, white accessories and shortie coat. Her corsage was roses. On their return Mr. Mrs. Moffatt will reside in aaia'imimii EXPERT LUBRICATION .l. RIGHT .ii« at the quantities Bring your car to u§, and you’ll know it is lubricated right. Snell Bros. & Co. Chevrolet, Pontiac, Oldsmobile, Buick, Case Tractors and Implement Sales PHONE 100EXETER EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY AFTER 6 P.M. If you require ice, we suggest you place your order in advance. We have been advised that for the next three months, the quantity will be limited. E, R. WITMER Cole and family wish to their grateful appreciation kindness and sympathy ex- to them during their be- IMrs. express for the tended reavement, also for the floral of­ ferings, the use of cars, and to Rev. N. J. Woods and Messrs. Hopper and Hockey. * . IN MEMORIAM DOWN—In memory of Mrs. Frank Down, who passed away two years ago, June 23rd. This day brings back sad memories Of a dear one gone to rest, And those who think of her today Are those who loved her best; Always so true, unselfish and kind, Few in this world her equal you will find, A beautiful life that came to an end, She died as she lived, everyone’s friend. —Sadly missed by her husband, Clarence, Katie and families, c WEIGAND—‘In loving memory of I our deal’ wife and mother, Mrs. i Henry Weigand, who passed j awav five years ago, June 17th, 1942. i God knows how much we miss her, f Never shall her memory fade. i Loving, thoughts shall ever wander To the spot where she is laid. —Remembered by her husband and family. * , Mary Jane Webster Mary Jane lade Thomas the home of Friday. June Wilcox, wife of E. Webster, died her son William, 13th, in her Thames Road Sunday School. ANNIVERSARY Sunday, June 22nd at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. SPECIAL SPEAKER—-Rev. Harold Snell, of Auburn. Children’s Choir at Morning Service and Cromarty Church Choir in the Everting. Tuesday Night, June 24th IN THE CHURCH BASEMENT A Strawberry Supper and Play by Brucefield Young People entitled “Happiness Ahead” Admission: 75c and 40c This is one of the Season’s events — Try and Come! 7 Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter Sunday with Air. and Jeffery and Mrs. Wm. Thames Road. Sympathy extended to the passing McClinchey. Air. and and Irene who have visited in this community for the past two weeks have returned to their home in North Dakota. IMr. and Mrs. J. Woods, of Sea­ forth, visited on Sunday with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Har­ vey Damm. hip Circle Hold Picnic Friendship Circle of Andrews United Church held picnic at the Lions Club Seaforth 113 with a good turn the highlights of the the presentation blanket to Ab's. organise the Circle and who at the end of the school year leaves us to take up her home in Goderich address was read Caldwell and Airs- made the presentation in a few well ed the group Gackstetter on group thanked work of arrangin winners years, of the community is Mrs. Emerson Kyle in of her mother, Mrs. Mrs. David Ryckman WILLIS—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Thom­ as Willis, who passed away June 23rd, 1935. , Memories grow sweeter as time travels on, Always longing for gone, Deep in our hearts kept, smiles that are 'the memory is We loved him too dearly to ever forget. —Sadly missed ily. by wife and fam-sK Air. E. AL Dignan who has been ill in Victoria Hospital, London, for several weeks is improving nice­ ly and expects to be home within a few days. the at on 75 th year. She was born in England hut tbe majority of her life has 'been spent in Exeter. Surviving are three sons, William, of Exeter; Cliff and Alfred, of Detroit; two daughters, Mrs. A. Easton, of Exeter, and Mrs. Hayden, of Neufane, N.Y.; one sis­ ter in England and one brother in Mitchell; 12 grandchildren and two great grandchildren. The fun­ eral was held Monday afternoon from the Hopper-Hockey Funeral Chapel conducted by Rev. .Mr. Lang­ ford. The pallbearers were Messrs. H. Bierling, P. Hewitt, T. Walper, W. Hatter, J. Elliott and E. Pollen. Attending the funeral from out of town were Air. and Airs. Gus Hay­ den, of Neufane, N.Y., Air. Alfred Wilcox and family, Mr. Clifford Webster and family, of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Reeves, Mrs. Les. AIcNarin, Airs. Barney Hildebrand, Mr. Fred Reeves, Airs. Chas. Reeves, of Seaforth; Airs. Jim Nott, of Clin­ ton; Air. Chas. Webster and son, of Mitchell, Mr. and Airs. Wm. Bradt, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Smith, of London. Floral tributes were re­ ceived from Mr. and Airs. A. C. Hayden, Air. and Mrs. C. J. Hayden, Trivitt Memorial Church, Exeter Band, Joe and Will Bradt and fam­ ily, William Webster and family, employees of Canadian Canners, Cliff Webster and family, Rosebud Creamery, Detroit; Exeter Chapter No. 222 O.E.S.. Andy Easton and family, Mrs. Florence Avery and Airs. Frank Leatt, Patt, Dolly, Elsie and Stella Wilcox, Rose Bud Social Club, Detroit. St. their Park June at the , on Friday evening, out. One of evening was a Kenwood who helped of Ross An by Mrs. Harry Emerson Kyle Mrs. Ross chosen words thank- for the gift. Mrs, behalf of the West the East group for ,g the sports. The are as follows: 1 to 5 Marie Sinclair, Nelson Me- Clinchey, Margaret Jean Broadfoo 3-legged race, Ken Bob Caldwell Gladys Virginia McClinchey; years, boys 6 to son Chapman, boys 9 to Grant Mac Wilma Kyi 12 and up, Consitt side, ....Kuon Kawski; men kick the slipper Don Horney. Harold Jones; baloon race Tom Kyle, Don Horney, Jack Cal d'well, guessing table wer Caldwell. Alii: Tel. 179W Water Softener are made in Prevents Dishpan Hands Enjoy Luxurious Shampoo Protect Your Fine Fabrics This wonderful new water softener merely slips on the hot or cold tap and makes water as soft as rain. Exeter Tile-Tex Flooring Announcing TILE-TEX, the best in flooring. Durable, easy to keep clean. TILE-TEX comes in a wide variety of colors and patterns,, that your taste and sense of design are afforded almost unlimited scope. TILE­ TEX Floorings Canada. Insist on genuine Tile- Tex for complete satisfaction. Your local dealer has a full stock of all popular colors for immediate delivery. SEE US IN REGARD TO YOUR FLOORING PROBLEMS Huron Lumber Co. Limited The New Soft Flow FAWCETT MODEL No more ring in the basin. The Soft Flow extracts soap­ scumming hardness from water. Mildest soaps are wonder­ fully sudsy and you require only half as much. This new softener can be used indefinitely. It can be restored by merely adding a little table salt. We have tried it ourselves and can enthusiastically re­ commend it. Four Staffs Men Unhurt in Crash Blinded by the lights of an ap­ proaching car, James D. Norris. Staffa, swerved while traveling on Huron St., Stratford, Friday night, skidded over the sidewalk and crashed into a hydro pole. The right side of the car was wrecked by the impact but none of the four occu­ pants were injured. Norris told police that as he ap­ proached the Avondale avenue in­ tersection, U ’-“-i lights Avondale, caused his car to skid, sendin, up over the sidewalk and against the pole. The right side of the car was shoved in, and th© frame bad­ ly bent by the crash. Damage was estimated at $600 to the car, and $10 to the hydro pole and guy wire. The other occupants of the Nor­ ris car, who escaped injury were: Kenneth and Russell Miller, and Gordon Parsons, all of Staffa. For Fast Gams Purina Turkey Growena is famous for growing birds in a burry and. fitting them for top market conditions. It’s econ­ omical, too, because a little of it goes a long way. So for fast gains feed Purina Turkey Growena.McLellan and Chapman and girls 6 to 8 Bonnie Kyle; Ronald Ander- years, Gladys McClinchey; Bob Caldwell, and up, boys Ray Ross’ Jean ie Sinclair, s years, 9 to 12 Virginia. 12 years, Gregor; girls 1 Edna Broadfoot Howard Dayman hoop race, Mrs. ladies kick the slipper. girls The winners of the bean contest at the supper ■ Joe McLellan and Mona I he wag blinded by the if a car traveling south on The sudden swerve g it Pigtab Granules Wormy pigs can’t make the best use of feed—they become unthrifty—because worms get so much of their feed. You can’t afford to feed worms. Use Pigtab Granules.