HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-06-19, Page 2Page 2 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 19th, 1947 Cxeter tEmies^bbocate Tliriea established 1873; Advocate established 1881 amalgamated November 1324 PUBLISHED EACH THURSDAY MORNING AT EXETER. ONTARIO An Independent Newspaper devoted to the interests yf the Village of Exeter and Surrounding District Member of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers* Association; Member of the Ontario-Quebec Division of the CWNA All Advertising Copy Must be in Our Hands Not Later Than Noon on Tuesdays SUBSCRIPTION RATE 12.00 a year, in advance; six months. 51.00 three months 60c I. M. SOUTHCOTT - - PUBLISHER THURSDAY, JUNE 19th, 1947 Ireland Ireland never is contented unless she is uneasy. She does not know what she really wants and had her mind made up that she’ll not be content until she gets it. Her chief diffi­ culty is her inability to forget her past wrongs and*to overlook the chips in her porridge. That is her wav and she does not seem able to get in­ to a better way. That is her spiritual condition and she seems unable to get into a better way of thinking. On the other hand England has been quite unable to understand the Irish nat­ ure. For this reason she has persistently rubbed the Irish sore when she should have brought the plaster. The miserable condition of Eng­ land’s relations with Ireland is the disastrous consequence. When Ireland has been happy under leaders who have understood her she has been at once the astonishment and the wonder of the race. Apart from a temperamental and racial reason. Ireland has suffered from too much politics, and too much ecclesiasticism. When Ireland has benefited by the schoolmast­ er and has kept steadily at work she has held her head high among the best spirits of the race. Her sons make the best speakers and leaders in the world. Her manufactures are of the finest. Hei* sons when they go abroad show the finest quality. Well may we ho@e that the day is not far distant when Ireland will be one of the brightest gems in the British Crown. •flfr 4r Pioneer Work Graduation exercises at Alma College, St. Thomas, -were marked by a notable utterance on the part of the Lieutenant-Governoi' of the province, who gave the address of the day. He drew effective attention to the international character of the work that Alma College has been doing in having students brought to her halls from almost every corner of the awakened or awaking world. Students are there from Japan, from China, from Cuba, from Trinidad, and from South America. These students eat together, they share the same dormitories, sit in the same classrooms, play the same games and share in the same student enterprises and projects. And this is not for a few days or weeks but, in many instances, for a term of years. The Lieutenant-Governor was quick to see and to applaud the effect this student life must have upon international life. Such vital­ izing contact of student, with student cannot but make for the peace and progress. No better missionary work can be thought of. « a- ‘ A Difficult Winter? It is not part of a newspaper’s duty to add to the dolefulness of a morning dove. At the same time it is not doing its duty when it fails to interpret as best it can the signs that tell of trouble ahead. We hear of provinces in the Dominion where only five per cent, of the usual .amount of grain has been sown. In other prov­ inces farmers tell that only forty per cent, of their grain has been sown. Reports keep com­ ing in that seed is rotting in the field. Experi­ enced hay-makers tell that the growing clovers and other hay crops, owing to excessive mois­ ture, will be so sappy that they will be very difficult to make into good hay. The ground is regarded to be over-wet and cold for the production of com that can be made into good silage. The lack of sunshine bodes iM for the production of good potatoes. Farmers who have been accustomed to buying large quantities of coarse grains for livestock feeding tell us that such grains are not to be bought. Fears are expressed for anything like an abundant supply of fruits, either large or small. We hope that our fears are not well grounded. It is well, aieverthelcss, for every citizen to remember that the men in the best position to be inform­ ed on such matters are hoisting economic storm signals. All will be delighted should the approaching winter prove to be a porb'd of abundance. At the .same time wise men are taking every reasonable precaution to provide food for man and beast during these summer days. Old-fashioned thrift and economy and hard work will prove themselves to be our best friends next January and March. - * * « To Be Commended One of our street corners was at one time the sight of a thriving industry. This enterprise was overtaken by the thirst for centralizing manufacturing industries. The machinery dis­ appeared from the village. The walls of the building vanished. Nothing remained of the £ine establishment but rubble. The corner was anything but attractive. It was an eye-sore on a fine residential street* However, the spot that some citizens looked upon as an ugly bit of property one citizen regarded as an opportun­ ity, He laid the foundation of a comfortable zcsidence, From cellar to garret this is one of the mo»t comfortable houses in Exeter. Before » he had finished the structure he sold it for a fail* price. Next he built another comfortable house on land adjoining. By dint of hard work the present owners of these two houses are beautifying the grounds. By so doing they are adding to the value of their own property and adding to the residential value of the village. But this builder did not stop with the erection of two houses. He is busy on a third house, nor is that all. He has purchased two vacant lots and. as circumstances warrant, we believe he’ll build two new houses thereon. We, know of a young couple whose occupation required them to move to the village. They sought for adequate housing accommodation, but were ob­ liged to put up with the most meagre sort of | shelter. From their cramped quarters they visu- I alize a house, In the meantime they got on with I such accommodation as their hands could pro­ vide. But that new home with its comforts of kitchen and cellar and dining-room and sleep­ ing quarters is surely coming should stability of occupation be their good fortune. Unsung heroes are still with us. « « » » Why Not Let Us Have Sugar? Some time ago we were told that sugar was rationed in order that there might be en­ ough sugar to go around. Hints are thrown out &that the same reason holds these days. On the other hand we hear that there is an abundance of sugar in the possession of the cane growers. Indeed all manner of conflicting theories are advanced. We incline to the belief that there is an abundance of pugar and that the present rationing of sugar is not in the public interest. Household canners see the canning season tumbling over them with the uncomfortable realization that their sugar supplies are low. Further, its was stated that when the United States removed sugar rationing, that Canada would follow in her wake. But rationing of sugar is w'ith us, though sugar rationing has been removed in the United States. The wise people are urging housewives to lay by every available pint of food they can get their hands on. Why then hamstring their efforts by limit­ ing the quantity of sugar? President Truman’s Visit Happy days were those spent by President Truman with the officials in Ottawa. The value of such a visit is difficult to estimate. The weight of genuine good will in international affairs is a consideration beyond price. That the President’s visit has enriched the good re­ lations between Canada and the United States no one doubts. They have twined the Stars and Stripes and the Union Jack fold within fold before now. We’ll do so again. He is an enemy of the race who would put them asunder. We have the two flags separate as the fingers but one as the hand, united by ties that are lighter than air but stronger than iron, a bulwark of freedom in this new world that already has de­ fended the best that the slow-moving centuries have given mankind in the old world. President Truman received not a party welcome nor a racial welcome but a Canadian welcome. The soaring eagle and the industrious beaver make an unbeatable combination. Need Attention Every praise is to be given the village council for its care of main street, though a nightly flushing of that fine highway would be entirely acceptable. When it comes to the care of some of the backstreets the story it not quite so good. For instance, the grass greatly needs cutting. Last Sunday morning churchgoers were obliged to proceed single file if they would not have their clothing soaking wet, provided, of course, they not ride luxuriously in a car. But all taxpayers do not have cars. Then there are a few sidewalks crying out for building. Further, many cellars have water in them that is anything but an asset. Summer is moving on to its longest day and work in behalf of the | village, is waiting to be done. We are hoping ! our village fathers will put first things first in these and in .other respects. * * * -* We Regret It It is too bad that we should be obliged to part with so many of our ministers just as we were becoming acquainted with their fine quali­ ties of mind and heart. For years they were our social companions. They were our friends in troubled hours. They baptized our children, they instructed us in the Sabbath school and in the church. They married our youth. They buried our dead. And now they are going to other fields of labor. They take with them our heartiest wishes for success. We wish to as­ sure them that they leave behind them in the hearts of the people of Exeter many a frag­ rant memory. * * * ^ Something Hideous About It When the war ended many people said that Winston Churchill had done “very well'’ as a war prime minister. These critics conceded that much, ‘‘but.” they added, “he is too old and unfitted to be a peace prime minister.” Such a remark was vitriol to his sensitive spirit. Just now, in Canada, we have a large number of critics who are talking loudly and unfeeling­ ly about Mr. Mackenzie King. They urge that he is “hanging on to his mighty office foi’ purely selfish reasons, In the case of both Mr. Church­ ill and Mr. King we fail to see that their hands are. unfit to hold the reins of government. Any­ one who desires to test their ability in the House of Commons or in any other walk of national life will find that their touch has lost none of its former power. Both have found the secret of perpetual mental and spiritual viril­ ity. Surely it cannot be right to be setting forth the days when men who are serving splendidly should be relegated to the realm of the awk and the dodo* LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED AND REPAIRED If you have to talk to your mower to get your lawn cut—don’t do it! Bring it. in and we will put it in first class cutting order. If 5 ou have any broken castings or any parts which need welding*, we will give your needs our prompt attention. MARSHALL REPAIR SHOP 1 block north of the Creamery Bachelor Warden Opposes School Holiday Proposal When Reeve Arthur J. Amy, of Stephen township, reported to Hur­ on County Council that the Ontario Educational Association had sug­ gested that school holidays be stag­ gered to one month in the summer and one in the winter, a storm of protest was voiced. Reeves Amy and Stanley Snyden, of Colborne -townships, were dele­ gates at the O.E.A. convention. Several reeves contended pupils could do little work in the hot sum­ mer days and “would be 10 times better out in the open air.’’ Sum­ mer afforded* students an oppor­ tune time for working to provide cash for the education. The bachelor warden, Brown Smyth, championed the cause of the boys and girls by warmly dis­ approving the suggestion. FOLLOWS IN YOUR FOOTSTEPS 1O YEARS AGO Over six hundred persons paid their way into Exeter's new Arena Wednesday night of last week to see the famous donkey baseball with teams made up of players from Hensail and Exeter. The game was played in the arena on account of rain. The players after batting the ball had to mount a bareback donkey and try to make first base. The player was out when thrown twice. The fielder likewise had to field the ball on a donkey. The spectators had many a hearty laugh. There were a goodly number turned out for* the weekly bowling jitney on the local greens Friday evening of last week. There were ten rinks in play. The winners were Mrs. H. Carey, S. B. Taylor, ■ E. j. Wethey and R. N. Creech with three wins plus 13. Second prize went to Mrs. W. H. Pollen, W, Rivers, J. Moffatt and W. H. Moise with two wins plus 7. Third prize was won by Mrs. Wm. Smith, Graf­ ton Cochrane and George Anderson with two wins plus 10. Mr. Joseph F. Kernick, of the ■Exelter Lodge, I.O.O.F., is attend­ ing Grand Lodge in Toronto this week. Mr. T, C. Joynt and Mrs. Alice Joynt were in Toronto on Thurs­ day last attending the graduation of Dr. William T. Joynt, youngest son of Mrs. Joynt. Mr. Joynt grad­ uated with first class honors in dentistry, from the Faculty of Dentistry, Toronto University. 4? 15 YEARS AGO Two very effective and colorful services were held in Main Street church on Sunday last by the Wo­ man’s Association. The front of the church was decked with a profu­ sion of blossoms and canaries sang in every window. In the morning the boys and girls formed a pro­ cessional to the pulpit where they presented their flowers which were placed on a cross. The district annual, meeting of the South Huron Women’s Insti­ tute was held in the Town Hall, Zurich, recently. Miss N. Keddy, the district president, presided at both morning and afternoon ses­ sions. Members of the Exeter Tennis Club were in London on Saturday and played the London Tennis club. The Exeter club won three out of five events. The games were for men only. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Howey ac­ companied by Mrs. T. O. Southcott motored to Toronto and attended Convocation exercises at Toronto University on Friday when the former’s son, Eugene, secured his B.A. PROSPERITY It springs from the rich earth furrowed by your plough. It is born of the wheat and the corn and the barley and all the food you produce. Yes, your crops are the very foun­ dation of our nation’s prosperity, because food is an absolute necessity for every man, woman and child . . . because the growing of food is Canada’s most important primary industry. And the greater your har­ vests r- the more solid is prosperity’s foundation. The food you grow is also helping to build a lasting peace by warding off famine in the war-ravaged coun­ tries of Europe, during these years of reconstruction. Indeed, yours is a tremendous re­ sponsibility ... to the nation and to the world. But Canada is fully con­ fident that you will continue to pro­ duce all the food you possibly can . . . that your foot­ steps will never falter in the van­ guard of prosperity. IV Bank, of Montreal working with Canadians in every walk of life since 1817 D1O5S THE B of M has worked with Canadian farmers since the days of its foundation, 130 years ago — providing financial aid and helpful advice. If you need a loan to improve your farm, drop in and talk it over with your nearest B of M manager. Ask, too, for our folder "Quiz for a Go-Ahead Farmer”. 25 YEARS AGO The London Silver Band of the Salvation Army gave an open-air concert at Victoria Park Sunday evening. One of 'the largest crowds that was ever present, assembled in the park. Shortly after the serv­ ice had started a wind storm came up followed by a very heavy down­ pour of rain. The storm was ac­ companied by sharp lightning and thunder. The park was filled with cars and most of them had to be assisted through .the mud. Most of the people were drenched with the rain. Major W. J. Heaman and R. N. Creech won the Merner trophy at the Scotch doubles bowling tourney at Seaforth on Wednesday of last week, open to Huron County. This makes the third time ‘that Exeter bowlers have won this trophy and it now becomes their permanent property. During the thunder storm Satur­ day evening lightning struck the Main Street Methodisit church but fortunately the damage was only slight. The lightning struck the top of the roof close to the front of the church. A number from town motored to Goderich Monday evening and took in the moonlight excursion on the steamer Greyhound. Fred Kerr, of Crediton, won second place in the Grand Inter­ national Handicap at the Grand International Trap Shooting Tour­ nament held in St. Thomas last week. He was defeated by only two shots. HARPLEY Miss Barbara Hayter is staying with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hutchin­ son for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Oestricher and daughter, Eunice, ol’ Dashwood, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Robt. Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hardy, of Lucan, and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love of Shipka, called at the home of Mr. Mansell Hodgins on Sunday evening. Mrs. Mark Miller, who has been visiting with her mother, Mrs. Maria Hayter, returned to her home in Detroit on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Mellin, of Corbett, spent Sunday evening at Mr. Maurice Murray’s. Miss Donna Hayter is spending the summer at Grand Bend. MiNARD^S LINIMENT 35< large economical ► Rub on freely, and note quick relief. Greaseleaa. Fast-drying. No strong odor, 18-46 “What’s the difference between ammonia and pneumonia?” “Why, ammonia comes in bottles and pneumonia comes in chests.” 50 YEARS AGO The Conservative mass meeting in the Skating Rink Saturday af­ ternoon was attended by a couple of thousand people. The crowd gathered to hear Mr. Whitney, the Conservative leader. The business houses were gaily decorated with flags and evergreens. The Exeter Brass Band played patriotic airs and headed the procession from the hotel to the rink. Dr. Rollins pre­ sided. The members of the Independ­ ent Order of Foresters, No. 123, attended divine worship in the Trivitt Memorial church Sunday last. The brethren numbering about 75, were marshalled by Bros. M, Eacrett and Geo. Anderson. Rev. H. E. Bray had charge of the serv­ ice. Mr. W. E. Browning who has been attending college at Mont­ real, has returned. Rev. 0. Fletcher, of the Thames Road, is attending the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church which is now in session at Winnipeg. On Friday afternoon last a Re­ form Convention was held alt Hen­ sail to select a candidate to con­ test South Huron in the next pro­ vincial elections, Mr, M. Y. Mc­ Lean, M.P.P., was made the un-1 animous choice of the meeting. An Excellent Medicine An excd&ent medicine I That’s how many cold sufferers describe Dr. Wood’s Norway Pine Syrup, a quick and pleasant remedy for coughs, colds, sore throat, spasmodic croup, asthma and bronchial troubles. Pleasant tasting, safe and effective, Dr. Wood’s Norway Pine Syrup takes hold almost instantly. It helps to loosen the phlegm and mucus, soothe the irritated membranes, stimulate the bronchial organs and clear the air passages. ' Dr. Wood’s Norway Pine Syrup has been a popular family remedy for nearly 50 years- „Get a supply today and be prepared to combat coughs and colds. Price '_?a bottle; the large family size on sale at all drug counters. The T. Milburn Co., Limited. Toronto, Ont. 1877 - 70 YEARS OF SERVICE - 1947 Z7 ^^4 fa, ewJup Suffa INSIDE AND OUTSIDE — for sale by — Huron Lumber Company Limited ■■MIMmm..... iiiHii.il I —------------------- --------------