HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-06-12, Page 6Phone 76 Premier ®WGEORGE Exeter We have on hand DeKalb Hybrid Seed Corn, early maturin varieties. We have on hand new and used Milking Machines. © New 7-ft. Binders, © Cream Separators, © New rubber-tired Wagons. ® Cement Mixers SUPERTEST PETROLEUM PRODUCTS will speak in the over the C.B.C. Ontario Trans-Canada Network THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 12th, 1947 Stephen Council The regular monthly meeting the Council of the Township Stephen Rooms, second day of June, o'clock with the following present: Amy. lots J. and Willis 1 the previous special meetin. read Harry Carried. Moved by Willis hy Harry Beavers, that By-law No. 659 appointing L. B. Hodgson as Treasurer of the Township ot Stephen having been read a first, second and third time be passed and the seal of the Corporation be attached there:o. Carried. Mr. A. Morgan and Mr. Ed. Chambers, representing the Exeter High School Board Avere present and presented a plan for a new addition to ihe Exeter High School They gave estimates of the cost and the amount that each village and Municipality would be asked to pay. The Council would take no action at present or until more in­ formation Avas available. The Police Village Trustees of Grand Bend, Mr. Lawrence Mason, Mr. Alvin Bossenberry and the sec­ retary, Mr. W. F. MacLaren Avaited on the Council re the enforcement of the Transient Traders Act and after much discussion it was de­ cided that would be not land transients No. 655 of ............. of was held in the Council Creditun. on Monday, the S 1947, at one, .‘. g members Roy Katz. Reeve; A. J. Deputy Reeve: and Council- i H. Dalton, Harry Beavers ■ Gill. The minutes of j meeting and of the g of June 2nd were . and adopted Beavers and on motion of J. H. Dalton. Gill, seconded I HARPLEY Mrs. Marie Hayter. who has spent the last six months in De­ troit. returned to her home here on Saturday. Messrs. Colin and Wm. Love at­ tended the annual Sunday Masonic Church service in Parkbill on day morning. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Miller Mi*, and Mrs. Willis Hayter daughter Sally, of Detroit, visited last week-end at the homes of Mr. .Fred McLinchey and Mr. Newton Hayter. Mr. Charles Wilton, whose house with contents was destroyed by fire a few weeks ago, has been able to obtain prefabricated material for a new house which with the help of loyal and kind neighbors, was put up last week and he and his family have moved in. Miss May Hodgins, of Toronto, is visiting at the home of her broth­ er, Mr. Mansell Hodgins. 8 UH' and and SAINTSBURY On Wednesday 4th the church W held a Blossom Tea ; in the Parish Hall and ed Guild Lucan, W.A., ery . Mission Work ied Rev and Mrs, ing as her afternoon June ladies of St. Patrick’s A assisted by the guild a Blossom Tea and bazaar ent er tain- members of the W.A. and from Exeter, Kirkton and Mrs. Cooper, of Stratford president of the Perth Dean- gave an inspiring address on She Avas accompan- Stratford , Mrs. of the manner is to be duty as the Gos- London, Huron by Mrs, Misses Calder in a pleasin. subject “ a Christian W.'A. members pel.” Mrs. Mattsen, convenor of curios of W.A. was on hand to display cur­ ios loaned by the Huron W.A. for the day. Rev. and Mrs. G. R. Par­ sons, of St. Marys, former Rector, delighted the gathering with their presence. Rev. Parsons in a few words expressed his appreciation for the kindness shown to he and bis family by the members of St. Patrick’s church in the past add­ ing his congratulations. Others taking part in the short program were Barbara, Kathpyn and Eliza­ beth Hunter, Alexia and Almarle Davis. Mrs. Heber Davis sang a solo accompanied by Mrs. M. El­ ston. The first part of the after­ noon was brought to a close with the benediction pronounced by Cannon James. The ladies spent a pleasant half quaintances ios from Jewish and the bazaar (booths. .A delightful ved from clung silver holders and centred with crystal bowl of tulips and lily the valley. Mrs. Cannon James and Mrs. (Rev.) Elston poured from a silver service at each . Mrs, James lit the 75 several . Calder Callard, addressed What it and our , spreading of the ladies. Mattsen London, meet­ taking HURON COUNTY FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE FIELD DAY second day of June 1947. Carried, Moved by J. H. Dalton, seconded by Willis Gill, that the Clerk ad­ vertise for tenders on the Centralia Drain Extension and the Shipka Drain to be in the hands of the Clerk by July 7th, Moved by A. J. by Willis Gill that counts be paid for as follows $50 .i; tc Moved 1 d by J j wing >r the E1 m er George S.60; 1947. Carried. Amy, seconded the Road Ac- tho month of Township of Ste- 7.54; Grand Bend P.V. ital $1,120.14. y Harry Beavers, second- H. Dalton, that the fol­ general accounts be paid month of May as follOAVs: owe, bounty on foxes 6.00; Hicks, bounty on foxes Eugene Houlalian, bounty on foxes lo.oo M. C. Swt itzer, stamps 18.0 0; Burroughs Adding Machine, repairs 1,20; Clifford Watson, am­ bulance service 6.00; L. B. Hodg­ son, telephone tolls, Nov. to May 7.5S; Desjardine Store, relief for Mrs. Carruthers 6.00; r & Miller, relief for Victor Tyler 16.00; G. A. Love, relief for Mrs. Vansteenkist 12.00; Mrs. Frank Smythe, care of Mrs. Davis 15.00; Provincial Treasurer, insulin 3.19; Hydro-Electric Commission, Twp. Hall and council rooms 8.10; 'Coun­ ty of Huron, hospitalization 113.25 Exeter High School Board, part payment 2.500.00; total $2,730.32. Moved by Harry Beavers, sec­ onded by Willis Gill, that the meet­ ing be adjourned to meet again on Monday, July 7th, A.D. 1947. L. B. Hodgson, Clerk. May phen 612.G Exeter Community Park Wednesday, June 18th CANN’S MILL LTD. S'hur-Gain Feed Service Exeter Whalen hour renewing and viewing t China, wing ac-i the cur- Japan, China, India. Canadian Indian and and home cooking ser- a in a of e h fl a license fee of $150.00 charged those who owners only rjfgulatin; passed. Also that J Chief Constable is force the By-Law. Dalton hnd Willis - ■Moved hy Willis Gill, seconded By Harry Beavers that the Council make a part payment to the Exeter High School Board of $2500.00 as part payment of the total ot $730 0.00 which the Township are asked to pay. Carried, Moved by onded by Willis Gill, that the reeve, Mr. Roy Ratz be appointed as rep­ resentative on the Conservation Authority. Carried. At 5 o'clock p.m.. the Engineer’s Report on the Shipka Drain was read with some of the owners of land affected by the said drain, present. Moved by Harry Beavers, seconded by A. J. Amy, that the re­ port he provisionally adopted this are or tenants hut and that By-Law ig the same he Lionel Kendrick, appointed to en- Motion by J. H. Gill- Carried.LISTEN TO STATION Harry Beavers, sec­ 1 t HANDS AT WORK - 'S • i '' • • • ft•♦••••■* 4 e • • • ©4 r© ROSS ANDREWS, R-O Eyesight Consultant For Appointment Phone 779 or 17 ST. MARYS, ONT A): y home tea was a table covered with lace cloth, pink tapers tea end Turner, past president, lit the 75 candles on the three-storey birthday cake. Mrs. (Rev.) Parsons blew out the Fred Davis, ’-the ,old- member had the honor was all present. The hall attractively decorated .g flowers. Restemeyer of the taljle candles. Mrs. est W.A. of cutting the cake which served to was most with blossoms and sprin_ the platform being the setting for a flower garden. The visitors voic­ ed their appreciation by the pleas­ ant remarks expressed on leaving. BRINSLEY Marys held home after­ M rs. Ro ss M acLean Sirs. Ross MacLean, a former well-known Hensall resident, died in Detroit Hospital, Detroit, Mich., Thursday, in her 52nd year, fol­ lowing a lengthy illness. The for­ mer Georgina Jackson, daughter of the late Mr. and Sirs. John Jackson, Sirs. SlacLean was born near Hensall and received her ear­ lier education here. After her mar­ riage to Mr. SlacLean they took up residence in Detroit. Surviving are her husband, one son, John, and one daughter, Donelda, both at home; three sisters, Sirs. Frank Brierley and Sirs. Wesley Coleman of Exeter, Sirs. William Smith, De­ troit; three brothers, Robert, of Hensall, Isaac and John, of High River, Alta. Funeral services were held from Crosby Funeral Home, swrMzaHsnn I# '<■ -f' LEARNING MOTOR VEHICLE REPAIR OXTAniO 'S progress and prosperi ty are directly dependent on her abili ty to produce goods in sufficient volume to meet domestic needs and the demands of world markets. To keep production lines moving requires thousands of vehicles, powered hy gasoline and diesel engines . , . and these vehicles must be maintained in first-class condition. Skilled main­ tenance men and operators are needed to keep a smooth and increasing flow of raw materials moving to industry ... to move workers to their jobs ... to speed produce to market. For those who master such skilled occupations higher wages, job security and better working conditions are within easier reach* Today, through the plan sponsored by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs and other agencies, thousands of young workers are being trained to meet the needs of motor vehicle trades and other industrial needs of the province. Graduates of these rehabilitation courses are now ready to take their places in Ontario’s industry. Available to yon are veterans, well started on the road to skilled motor trades such as motor mechanics, service management, service station operation, diesel mechanics and operation. Seek them out with confidence. They are your future craftsmen. Published by THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) DIESEL MECHANICS --------------- -Wgflggw.................. n.. The Diesel Course offers exceptional oppor­ tunity for the average experienced motor mechanic. Shop work, with a combination of theory, covers all phases of operation, and is designed to give the student all essentials for proper diesel engine main tenance. Course available at Hamilton only. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Wm. Morley is at present confined to her bed and her many friends hope for a speedy recovery. The Ladies Guild of St. Anglican Church, Brinsley, their regular meeting at the of Mrs. Slack on Wednesday noon last. Visitors at the home of Mrs. Wm. Watson on Thursday last were: Eleanor, Delores and Harrison Holtzman, Jr., of Detroit, Mich., and Mrs. Martin Morloek, of Galt. Mr. and Mrs. John Turner, of Arkona, spent Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Hodgson. We are glad to report that Jack Kirkpatrick, of Toronto, much improved in health and returned again to the Miss Mary B. Amos. Miss Orpha Watson week-end in on. Mrs. Earl St. Thomas, home after with Mrs. Roland Neil. Sir. and Mrs. Ansel Lee Sunday evening with his parents. Sir. and Sirs. Geo. Lee, of Ailsa Craig. Miss Slarvol Watson is spending a few days with friends in London. •Mrs. Sutherland, of Mount Bryd- ges. spent the Aveek-end with her sister, Mrs. Clover Lewis. Mrs. Roland Neil spent Tuesday last, in London. Entertains W.M.S. and W.A. Sirs. Earl Lewis entertained the ladies of the W.SI.S. and W.A. of Brinsley United Church on Wed­ nesday last. Sirs. Carl Pickering was in charge of the W.SI.S. and opened with hymn, “Jesus Saves.” Mrs. Wilbert Sholdice then lead in prayer. The scripture was read by Sirs. Earl Morley. Sirs. James Trev- ethick gave a reading entitled, “1 know something good about you.” Hymn, “All hail the power of Jesus name,” after which the minutes and roll call and business were discuss­ ed. Rev. E. R. Stanway, of Bruce- field, Avill address the W.SI.S. on August 31st, lie being a returned missionary, Sirs. Geo. Hodgson gave a chapter of the Study Book on India. The president of the W.A., Mrs. Fred Fenton, then took the chair. Hymn, “Take time to be holy,” followed by the Lord’s Pray­ er in unison. Sirs. Wilbert Sholdice gave a record of the W.A. for the past 25 years. Sirs. James Trevet- hick gave a contest which Avas Avon hy Mrs. Wm. Watson. Mrs. Martin Watson moved a vote of thanks for the home. The meeting with the Mizpah Benediction. Avas served by the ladies of tWO. Sarnia and Baker and home Mr, has has of thespent Port Hur- Eunice, of have returned to spending some their time spent closed Lunch group i ./X , jZ T ocational training courses in the fit arts, professions and trades are offered at training centres located in the Jolloieing cities and towns in Ontario: Toronto, Hamilton, Kitchener, Windsor, Ft. William, BroclcviUe, North Bay, Ottawa. ■< ■* '* ♦ CREDITON EAST George Fee and Ilensall, spent and Mrs. Aaron Mr. and Mrs. son Charles, of Sunday with Mr, Wein. Mr, Charles Anderson and Mrs. Jack Anderson and Mrs. LeRoy Schroeder, of Exeter, spent Thurs­ day in Sarnia. Mr. and of Toronto, the latter's J. Bullock, Mrs. Edward Darbey, are holidaying with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Detroit, Saturday, June 7th, at 1 p.m., with burial at Forest LaAvn Cemetery. Pallbearers Avere Slessrs. Louis Gable, Charles Craig, Lloyd McLean, Oliver Rowcliffe, William Horton and Al. Ingram. Relatives attending the funeral from a dis­ tance were Mr. John SIcLean, Sr., Sir. and Sirs, Robert SIcLean, Sir. and Sirs, ■ Lloyd SIcLean, Mr. and Sirs. Oliver RoAveliffe, Mr. Robert Hunter, Sirs. Frank Brierley, Mr. and Sirs, Wesley Coleman, Sir, and Sirs. Slilton SteAvart, Mr. Robert Jackson, Mr. and Sirs. Archie Hog­ garth, Sir. and Sirs. George Ingram, Mr. John F. Ingram. Wifey: “You musn’t. get angry and say bad things. You should always give a soft answer." Hubby: “Oh, mush!” Many People Suffer From Bheumatic Pain There are people who suffer from rheumatic pains year in and year out regardless of the season or the weather. These pains, whether they be in the joints or the muscles, may be induced by uric acid. Burdock Blood Bitters may bring relief from rheumatic pain for it helps to cleanse impurities from the body and tones up the digestive organs. It has helped thousands of Canadians who suffer from rheumatic pains, dyspepsia, sour stomach, biliousness, headaches or minor complaints of the liver or kidneys. It should do the same for you. . On sale for more than 60 years, Burdock Blood Bitters is available at drug counters everywhere. _ . The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. raziawKsww, Business Directory Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S DENTAL SURGEON Main Street, Exeter Office 36w Telephones Res. 36 Closed Wednesday Afternoons ELMER D. BELL, B.A. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Successor to J. W. Morley EXETER, ONT. DR. R. H. DOYLE PHYSICIAN and SURGEON X-Ray MAIN STREET, EXETER Telephone 60 ALVIN H. WALPER LICENSED AUCTIONEER , For Huron County FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed PHONE 57r2 DASHWOOD R. 1 FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Saiisfactior Guaranteed EXETER P.O. or RING 18flf E. F* CORBETT licensed auctioneer Terms Reasonable, Satisfact Ion Guaranteed. EXETER, R.R. 1 Phone Zurich '92r7 GLADMAN and COCHRANE BARRISTERS — SOLICITORS EXETER, ONTARIO at Hensall, Friday 2 to 5 p.m. Dr. J. W. Corbett, D.D.S., L.D.S< DENTAL SURGEON BELL BUILDING, EXETER Telephone 273 WM. H. SMITH LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex Special training assures you of yom property’s true value on sale day . Graduate of American Auction College Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Crediton P.O, or Phone 43-2 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario Pres...................... WM. H. COATES. Exeter Vice-Pres............ ANGUS SINCLAIR R.R. 1, Mitchell DIRECTORS JOHN HACKNEY .... WM. A. HAMILTON john mcgrath .... MILTON McCURDY ,. Kirkton, R. 1 ...... Cromarty . Dublin, Ont. Kirkton, R. 1 AGENTS ALVIN L. HARRIS Mitchell THOS. SCOTT Cromarty THOS. G. BALLANTYNE: Woodham SECRETARY-TREASURER B. W. F, BEAVERS ............ Exeter SOLICITORS Gladman & Cochrane, Exeter