HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-06-12, Page 3THE TIMES-APVOCAT& EXETO, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 12th, 1947
A. W. MORGAN Hensail
. Business
These business firms invite your
patronage. Dealing with them
gives satisfaction and helps to
make this a better community
Mr. Roy Webber, of London, was
a week-end visitor in town.
Miss Margaret Glenn spent the
week-end with Miss Barbara Michie
at her home at .Brussels.
Mr. Albert Spencer underwent an
operation in the London Hospital
last week and is reported to be
■Mrs. Ferguson, of London, spent
a few days at the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jones.
Miss June Saundercock, of Lon
don, spent the week-end at her
home here.
Mr. Wm, Reilly, of Goderich, has
purchased the grocery store from
Mr. John Henderson and gets pos
session June 20th.
Miss Mina McEwen, of London,
spent the week-end at her home
Mr. George gangster telephoned
his mother, -Mrs. Letitia Sangster,
from Winnipeg on Sunday.
Mr. Robt. Cooper has resigned
his position as manager of' the
Farmers Co-Operative and will be
succeeded .by Mr. Manley Jinks.
Mrs. Olive Hudson, of London,
was a recent visitor with Mr. and
Mrs. A. Foster.
Mrs. Janet Peck and Miss Elaine
Peck, of Toronto, visited recently
with Mr. Sidney MacArthur and
friends here.
Mrs. Mary Hennessey, of Lon
don, visited over the week-end with
Mrs. Elsie Cas&.
Mr, and Mrs. E. Shaddick, Judith
and Billy, were week-end visitors
in Toronto.
I Week-end ’ visitors with Mrs.
Daniels were Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
MacIntyre, of Port Stanley.
Mr. Frances Ryckman returned
home from Dakota last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Lavery, Gor
don and Bobbie, visited recently
with the former’s mother, Mrs.
Lavery, at Staffa,
Mr. Geo. Cowen and Teddy called
on friends in town on Saturday,
Mrs. Frank Parkinson spen t a
few days during last week with
Mrs. Gordon Docking, of Munroe.
: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Millson visit
ed in Kitchener on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Beckett and
{family. I
Airs. Geo. Squire, Doreen Chap-1
man and Gerald Wallis are con- •
fined to the house suffering from
Airs. Moeller, of Detroit, return
ed to her home on Sunday after
visiting with Air. and Airs. Wm
Morley and family for several
Air. and Airs. Edgar Squire were
guests at the Bilyea-Alorley wed
ding .on Saturday at the Lambeth
United church.
Airs. Archer, of London, and
Mrs. Batten, of Exeter, are attend
ing Airs. Walter Gunning who is
ill with pneumonia. Her manv
friends will he glad to learn at
time of writing her condition
shows improvement.
Mr. John Hazelwood is a pat
ient in Victoria Hospital, London,
suffering from a heart condition-
His many friends wish him a
speedy recovery.
Mrs. Moeller, Aliss Elva Morley,
Mr, and Airs. Alex Baillie and
Mrs. Gerald Chapman motored to
Niagara on Friday.
Those who attended Zion anni
versary and spent the day with
friends .were;
Mr. and Airs. Geo. Arksey, Aud
rey and Jean with Mrs John Hern’
Air. and Mrs. Bert Duffield and
Betty with Air.and Mrs.Welling-
ton Brock.
Air. and Airs.Melleville Gunning
and Muriel with Mr.and Airs. Al-
len Jaques.
Air. and Mrs. Alilne Pullen and
Donald with Air, and Airs. Nor
man Brock.
Donald Pullen took part in a
musical festival on Friday evening
at Kirkton.
V’s Beauty Shoppe
Be Lovely To Look At . . . with a
hair-do styled at Exeter and Dis
trict’s Most Modern Shoppe.
Cold Waves and
Eugene Heat Waves
Tel. 112 EXeter
Taxi Service
Phone 100
«- ——— —------------* 3
Dot’s Beauty Shoppe
(one doojr north of Bell Telephone)
Junior Choir .Assists Seniors
Amid a delightful setting of
spring flowers and singing canaries
an impressive morning service was
held in the Hensail United Church
June Sth. Using the theme, “Our
Father’s World,” the Junior and
Senior Choirs combined under the
direction of Mr. S. G. Rennie choir
leader, offered choral selections.
Rev. R. A. Brook, pastor, was the
narrator throughout the inspiring
service. Miss Greta Lanimie, A.T.
C.M., was at the console. /Following
was the order of service: selections,
“The Spacious Firmanent,” choir
and congregation: “This is My
Father’s World,” Ron Chuter, Billie
Fink, Gerald Rannie, Wallace Max
well; “His Marvelous Handiwork,”
senior choir; “God is Near,” Mar
lene Petske, Audrey Walsh, Mari
lyn Mousseau, Eudora Hyde;
“Break the Fetters,” junior and
senior choirs; “Holy is the Lord,”
senior choir; “The King of Love,”
choirs and congregation; “Praise
Him Eternally,” junior choir; “Open
Thou Our Eyes,” choir and con
gregation. At the evening service
Rev. Brook spoke on the subject,
“Danger of Short-Cuts.” Anniver
sary services will be observed in
the Hensail United Church on Sun
day, June 22nd, when Rev. A. B.
Irwin, B.A., of James St. Church,
Exeter, will be the special speaker.
An interesting musical program is
being prepared for the occasion.
Mrs. Geo. Ferguson Dies
Aliss Margaret Miller of Calgary,
visited recently with Airs. S, A.
Miller. She was called to Toronto
on the death of a brother’s wife
there. Margaret is at present mak
ing her home in Calgary and likes
it very much in that city.
Mrs. Taylor is at present visiting
with her grandfather, James Scott
Mrs. Taylor was formerly Margaret
AIcKay, a daughter of Rev. Mr. I
McKay, a former minister of Grom- I
arty. I
Mrs. (Rev.) Ritchie, wife of aj
former pastor of Cromarty Church, |
addressed a meeting of the W.AI.S., '
i Home Helpers and Ladies’ Aid in j the basement of the church on j
I Thursday last. A very good crowd
was present. Mrs. Ritchie is a pleas
ant speaker and the audience en
joyed the address. Her theme was
taken from the last chapter of
Proverbs where it dwells on the
woman taking her place in the
world of today. “A good woman
looketli well after the ways of her
household and the family.”
Miss Margaret Scott is at present
.spending a few holidays under the
parental roof.
A very heavy rain fell on Satur
day, leaving the fields in a very
wet condition. However we hope
it is. all for the best.
Naturelie Permanent Waving
Lustron Cold Wave
Dorothy G. Reeder, Prop.
Tel. 71 Exeter
Stewart’s Taxi
Phone 335 Exeter
Fingerwaves, Permanents, Facials,
Satisfaction Guaranteed
One block east <of Trivitt Memorial
Andrew St. Phone 245W
Mrs. George Ferguson, Hensail’s
oldest resident, died at her home
here on Wednesday night in her
94th year. Two years ago she suf
fered a fractured hip in a fall and
since that time had been confined
to bed, The former Annie Anderson
she was a native of Usborne Town
ship and came to Hensall ten years
ago. Surviving are one daughter,
Mrs. Thos. Ferguson, Seaforth; one
son, George Robert Ferguson, Lon
don; a granddaughter, Miss Violet-
Hyde, who resided with her; a
grandson, Mr. Harvey Hyde, U’s-
borne, and a granddaughter, Mrs.
Nott, of Seaforth; a sister, Mrs.
Eleanor Hunkin, Exeter, and a
| brother. Mr. Harry Anderson, Us-
I borne. A private funeral service was
held from the late residence Fri
day at 2 p.m., conducted by Rev.
P. A. Ferguson, of Carmel Presby
terian church. A quartette compris
ing Mrs. Malcolm Dougall, Mrs.
Norman Stanlake, Mr. R. Y, Mac-
Laren and Mr. Jas. Bengough sang
“The Old Rugged Cross." The pall
bearers were Messrs. James Ander
son, Oliver Anderson, Alfred Hun-
kin, John Dunkin, Fred Dawson,
and Percy Stone. Interment was in
Hensail Union Cemetery.
Kirkton Holds
Studio at iny Home on Main St.
Pilotos Taken lit Your Own Home
Child Portraitures a Specialty
Evenings and
Saturday Afternoon
Thos. H. Walker
Phone 286J for appointment
If you have to talk to your mower
to get your lawn cut—don’t do it!
Bring it in and we will put it in
first class cutting order.
If j on have any broken castings or
dny parts which need welding, we
will give your needs our prompt
1 block north of the Creamery
Party Auditions
Kirkton Hall was packed to cap
acity for the juvenile auditions for
the Kirkton Community Association
garden party of July 16.
Rev. W. D. Goodger, of Kirkton,
was chairman and Rev. Scott Dun
can was judge. Some 50 contest
ants of whom 20 were chosen for
the juvenile contest of the coming
garden party took part. The con
testants came from St. Marys, Mit
chell, Hensail and townships of
Usborne, Blansliard, Fullarton,
Downie and Ellice.
* Those chosen were: Vocal, Lois
Henderson, Hensail; Doreen Turn
ball, St. Marys; Alargaret Allen,
S.S. 3 Usborne; Junior Irvine, St.
Marys; Roy McKay, S.S. No. ’ 7
Downie; Donna Stone, S.S. No. 3
Usborne; Verla Wheeler and Merle
Hazelwood, Woodham; Grace Leslie
and Evelyn Richardson, St. Marys.
Instrumental: Dorothy Hender
son, S.S. 7 Blansliard; Beverley
Brown, St. Alarys; Muriel Levy,
S.S. 1 Blansliard; Grace Kemp,
S.S. 5 Blansliard; Betty Bickell,
S.S. 1 Blansliard; Gladys Switzer,
Comedy and novelty: Doris and
Doreen Brock, S.S. No. 7 Usborne;
Elaine Beer and Betty Moir, Hen
sall; Beverley Bickell and Lenore
Sparling, S.S. No. 1 Blansliard;
Donald Perkin, S.S. No. 3 Ellice
Township. Special, Wilma Walters,
S.S. No. 6 Usborne; Betty Bickell
and Gwen Stephen; S.S. No. 1
Blansliard; Grace Levy, S.S. No. 1
All money netted bY the concert
goes toward community activities
such as library, town hall, skating
rink, Agricultural Society, Wom
en’s Institute and improvement of
recreational facilities,
Worry Often Causes
Loss Of Sleep
Worry is probably the most common cause of
restlessness. Anxieties and fears, worries ever finan
cial and other matters, all take their toll of hours
of restful sleep,
Such a condition may eventually result in nerv
ousness and irritability, loss of appetite or fatigue.
If you sutler from a nervous condition or restlessness, why not try
MilburnJs Health and Nerve Pills? Over the past fifty years, thousands
of Canadians have found Milburn’s Health and Nerve Pills beneficial as
a general tonic to help build up the system and thus help promote
refreshing rest and sleep.
Ask your druggist for Milburn’s Health and Nerve Pills, identified
by the “Red Heart” on the box. ,
The T. Milburn Co,, Limitod, Toronto, Ont,
Geo. A. Willert
'George Andrew Willert, 58 well
known resident of Petrolia, lor
the past 30 years, died at his
home on Third street Thursday of
last week following an illness of
about two weeks. Mr. Willert, an
employee of the Canadian Oil Re
finery suffered a severe heart at
tack May 23 and his health declin
ed since that time. Mr. Willert
was born in Huron County and
lived in the Dashwood district un
til coming to Petrolia in 19.11. His
home and gardens have always
Sunday and
Evening Service
One garage will be open in
Exeter on Sundays and dur
ing the evenings throughout
the week.
Open this Sunday and During
the Evenings throughout the
Service Station
At all hours, in all
kinds o£ weather, she’s at
her post. You count on her
and she’s proud of it.
With switchboards busier
than ever because of the
many more telephones hers
is still "The Spirit, of Ser
vice”. More switchboards
are being added and more
operators trained so that
you may continue to have
the best telephone service
at the lowest cost.
Sh ower for Bride-El ect
Picnic and Field Day
M X Cl V IL;
Wednesday, June 18th
The reason? Goodyears’ extra-thick,
extra tough tread lasts longer, gives
greater traction. You get more miles
of safer service at lower cost-per-mile.
You can’t get a better tire buy—why
try? Come in. today for brand new
Dunsmore, Stratford;
St. Alarys; team,
Hwsall Seed Show
(Continued from page 1)
Introduced By Member
Reeve Alvin Kerslake of Hensall
expressed the official welcome of
the village to Air. Gardiner. Dr.
R. Hobbs Taylor- of Dashwood,
AI. P.P. for Huron, introduced Air.
Gardiner. “It is a pleasure for all
of us,” Dr. Taylor said, “that the
weather has smiled so well.” The
Dominion Minister of Agriculture,
he continued “comes to Huron to
get a clear viewpoint.” Dr. Taylor
conceded good-humoredly that he
does not always agree with Hon.
Gardiner, but went on to say
Air. Gardiner on many occas-
has given valuable service to
cause of agriculture in Can-
The executive
show included:
W. Armstrong;
McArthur and
secretary-treasurer, W
Judges were Prof. J. C. Steckley
of Ridgetown tor cattle, and Grant
Summers of Aylmer for horses.
Russell Bolton of Dublin, presi
dent. of the Huron Federation of
Agriculture, extended an invita
tion to attend the federation’s an
nual field day at Exeter June 18.
Prize List
Percheron and Belgian: Brood
mare in foal. Fred Gregg, Salford:
three years old,
in charge of the
president, George
vice-presidents, S,
R. E. Sliaddick;
R. Dougall.
The Day of the
Exeter District Co-operative
Phones Store and Office 287 Mill 336W
A pre-nuptial shower in honor
of Miss Doris 'Smale, 120 John St..
Stratford., was held at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Smale,
Staffa, on Tuesday evening of last
week. The guests were entertained
by a program consisting of a read
ing by Mrs. W- O'Brien, vocal duets
by Airs. Walter Marshall, of Fuller
ton and Aliss Fedelma Parsons, of
Munro, and by Mrs. Cliff Miller
and Mrs. Henry Harburn of Staffa.
and a mock wedding. An address
was read by Aliss Betty AlacKellar
and a pink and white basket of
gifts was carried in by Miss Louise
Case and Nyall Doig of Seaforth.
Refreshments were served.
Died in Crediton East
The death took place in Credi
ton East on Saturday of Mr. Os
wald Branksitv. . who passed away
at the age of years. Air. Drank-
ston was a native of Hartlepool,
Eng. and with Mrs. Brankston
came to this community a number
of years ago from Toronto. For
tile past year they have been liv
ing at Creditun East. Besides his
widow lie is survived by two sons
John and William, of Toronto,
and one daught-r in England, al
so two grandson.-, and two grand
daughters. Tlu funeral took place
from the Hopper-Hockey Funeral
chapel Tuesday afternoon, con
ducted by Ret, C. W. Down. The
sons and ,gramhans were bearers.
filly or
Heavy draught, team, Fred Gregg.
Light draught, filly or gelding
three years old, E. J. Atwell, Bel
ton, 1 and 2. Light draught team,
E. J. Atwell. Wagon or express
team, E. Schroeder, Hensall; A,
Merner, Zurich. Single wagon or
express, A. Alerner; E. Schroeder,
2 and 3. Roadster single, Wallace
Munro, Embro; Currie and Tervit,
W ingham; Woods an d
Wingham; Currie and
Woods and Fryfogle;
team, Wallace Munro; Woods and
Fryfogle; Currie and Tervit. Road
ster champion badge, Wallace Mun
ro. Single carriage, 'Wallace Munro,
I, 2, 3, and 4. Carriage team, Wal
lace Alunro, 1 and 2, Carriage
champion badge, Wallace Munro.
Draught filly or gelding any age,
Fred Gregg; Leland Dunsmore;
J. Atwell.
Grand champion, Fred Greg
Saddle Horses
E. J. Atwell; William Merner,
and 3; Peggy McGregor, Hensall;
Airs. Cecil Ashton, Clinton.
Hurdles: A. AIcGee, Goderich;
William Merner; Junior Merner.
Township prize, three horses from
one township, Wallace Munro; Fred
Gregg. Gentleman's turnout. Wal
lace Munro; Woods and Fryfogle.
Lady driver, Mrs. Wallace Munro.
Special four-horse team, Fred
Beef Cattle — Aberdeen-Angus:
Aged bull, Edwards Bros., Watford;
Emke Bros., Elmwood. Bull under
two years old, Emke Bros. Cow,
any age, Edwards Bros.; Emke
Bros., 2 and 3. Bull under one year,
Edwards Bros., 1 and 2;
Bros., 3. Heifers under two
old, Edwards Bros., Emke
2 and 3. Heifers under one
Edwards Bros., 1, 2, and 3; Emke
Bros., 4. Get of sire, Edwards Bros.
Emke Bros., 2 and 3.
Shorthorns: Aged bull, Parker
Bros., Denfield. Bull under one
year, Parker Bros., 1 and 2. Cow
any age. Parker Bros., 1 and 2.
Heifer under two years, Parker
Bros., 1 and 2. Heifer under one
year, Parker Bros., 1, 2, and 3. Get
of sire, Parker Bros., 1, and 2.
Herefords: Aged bull, O'Neill
Bros.. Denfield; Howard Wright,
Cromarty; Warren Brock, Granton.
Bull under one year, O'Neill Bros.;
Howard Wriglit; Howard Wright;
John McGregor, Hensall. Bull un
der two years. O'Neill Bros.; John
McGregor; Howard
any age. O'Neill
Warren Brock, 3:
4. Heifer under
Howard Wright;
Warren Brock;
Get of sire, O'Neill Bros,; 1
Wright; John McGregor.
Alarket cattle: Steer or
over 75U pounds. Warren
Robert Hern, Granton. I
steer or heifer under 750 pounds,
Emke Bros.; Parker Bros.: How
ard Wright, Cromarty; Warren
Herd, one bull and three females.
Edwards Bros.; Emke Bros.; O'
Neill Bros.; Parker Bros.; Howard
Wright; Warren Brock.
I 1 III 1 11 ■
wg urn
your &
Wright. Cow
Bros., 1 and 2;
Howard Wright,
two years old,
O'Neill Bros.;
John McGregor.
■ heifer
General Motors Dealers
Phone 100
Soy Beans
A Good Cash Crop
= 1
We have a supply of early varieties as follows:
Mandarin and O.A.C. $3.75 per bus.
It is not too late to plant Soy Beans—the price has recently
been raised to $2.75 per bus.
Jones, MacNaoghton Seed Co.
Fred Stride attended by the mem
hers of the lo<;4 Masonic Lodges
Interment was in Hillsdale Ceme
been a beauty spot. He was a
member of s Paul's United
Church md nt Washington 1 mdge
No. 260,A.F. ;rd A.M. and serv-
ed. sever al ye;n>as a membe r of
the fire com pa tty which had its
headquai ters at the East .End Fire
Hall. In 191"he married Miss
Laura Grob,if Dashwood,who
survives with o it* son, Alliert , of
Sarnia,a duo ’.liter, Airs. Albert
Bauman,Mt. C lemons, Mich.,one
grandson Bever ly Willert. of Sar-
ilia, two brothv rs, Nelson, Pontiac
Mich., and Wes ley, Burbank,Cal.
Funeral services were held in St.
Paul’s United church, Saturday af-
ternoon conduv ed by the Rev.