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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-06-05, Page 5
THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, Rev. A. B. Lawrence Organist and JAMES STREET UNITED Irwin, B.A. A. Wein Choir Leader School and Bible The Church Needs You 10 a.m.—'Sunday Classes. 11 a.m.—Morning worship conduct ed by the Minister. “Temptation and Deliverance.’’ Anthem: “Teach Me O Lord.” Solo; Miss Helen Penhale. The evening service will he with drawn in favor of Rev. M. A. Hunt’s farewell service. Wed., June 11th—-Young Adult Group picnic at Turnbull’s Grove. MAIN STREET UNITED Rev. N. J. Woods, M.A., Minister Mrs. A. Y. Willard, Organist 11 a.m.—'Sunday School Anniver sary. Rev. E. R. Stanway, M.A., of Brucefield. The Paul Brothers of Kirkton, will assist the choir, A junior choir will sing. 7 p.m.—Evening service with drawn in favor of Rev. Hunt’s farewell service in Trivitt Mem orial Church. Thurs., June 5, 3 p.m.—W.A. at the home of Mrs. Geo. Layton. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE H. T. Kendrick, Pastor The Revival Services continue each night this week at 8 p.m. Wed., 8 p.m.—Mid-week prayer meeting. Fri., 8 p.m,—Y.P.S. Speaker, Mr. E. Prouty. Sun., 10 a.m.—Sunday School. Supt. Mr. E. 'Cudmore. Sun., 11 a.m.—Morning Worship. Sun., 7:30 p.m.—Praise and Testimony. Sun., 8 p.m.—Evangelistic. Come, the tide is rising higher each week. The next meeting of the Huron- dale W.I. will be held on June 25 in the evening at the home of Mrs. Ben Williams. $35.00 Demonstrator Addison DANSATONE Record Player with self-contained ampli fier and speaker . . . plays independent of your radio. Regular Price $49.95 SPECIAL $35.00 Beavers Hardware Phone 86 Exeter Preserve THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE Sth, 1947 — With "SCOOP” — WOODHAM Mrs. Martin Byrne, of Detroit, attended the Nyhus-Willis wedding on Wednesday of last week, Mrs. Byrne remained with Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Willis for a few days. A number from this community attended 4he Young People’s Rally held at Tavistock on Friday eve ning. Woodham Y.P.U. were in charge of the worship service. We are sorry to report that Mr, Arthur Rundle had his hand badly injured in the wringer of the wash ing machine one day last week, also that Mr. William Thomson dis located his shoulder in a fall last Tuesday. Quite munity services United Church, Mr. William Mills, Kenneth and Marion Mills and Mr. Grant Mills spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Paul, of Kirkton. Miss Muriel Stephens spent Sun day with Jean Humphrey, of Kirk ton. Miss Blanche Mills, Mrs. Nettie Wynne and Mr. Wilbur Wynne spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Duffield, of Whalen. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rodd spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Foster, of Whalen, Mr. Graydon Camm, of Brant ford, spent the week-end with his father, Mr. John Camm. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chatten and son, of St. Thomas, spent Sunday with the former’s mother, Mrs. Chatten. Mrs. John Shamblaw, Bobby and Lorene, of Stratliroy, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Dave 'Shamblaw. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Shamblaw, Ronald and -Helen spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bryant, of Strathroy. Mr. and Mrs. attended Roy’s on Sunday and Mr. and Mrs. Russeldale.We are glad Lawrence Beckett is improving af ter his recent accident when his head was injured by a flying stone while at work at Lucan. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Johns on the birth of a daughter. Mrs. William Ladbrook, of To ronto, spent Tuesday with her brother, Mr. William Thomson and Mrs. Thomson. Nyhus—Willis ................................ Arranged with apple blossoms, brother-imlaw ”o"f " the I tulips and honeysuckle and glowing with candlelight, the chancel of St. Marys Baptist Tabernacle, banked in green, formed a beautiful setting when Jean Merle, younger daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Willis, became the bride of Tron Peter Nyhus, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lars Nyhus, of Grand Prairie, Alta. Rev. L. G. Hunt, pastor of the church, performed the double-ring cere mony. Miss Ruth Currelley, of St. Marys, played the wedding music. The bride entered the church on the arm of her father to the strains of the Bridal Chorus. The bride was lovely in floor-length gown of white nylon sheer with finger-tip veil and carried a white Bible with lily-of-the-valley and little rose buds knotted in white velvet streamers. Her attendants were her sister, Miss Evelyn' Willis, and Lieut. Gerd. Nyhus, of the 'Salva tion Army of Winnipeg, sister of the groom. Miss Willis- wore a gown of coral pink chenille mar quisette with matching headdress and carried a bouquet of rose snap dragons, carnations and fern. Lieut. Nyhus wore a gown of yellow taf feta and matching headdress and carried a bouquet of yellow snap dragons, carnations and fern. At tending the groom were Mr. Lloyd McBeth and Mr. Donald Swartz, both of London. The ushers were Mr. Guy Currelley, and Mr. ception held at parents. served to the guests by eleven girl friends of the bride. The bride’s mother chose a flowered silk jer sey dress for her daughter’s wed ding and wore a corsage of car nations and fern. The bride’s table was and tier pink was a student at, the London Bible Institute. The groom is a student at Edmonton University. He was a pilot officer in the airforce during the war. Mr. and Mrs. Tron Nyhus left on an extended wedding trip to Niagara Falls and other points. The bride travelled in a nile green suit with black accessories. They will reside in Edmonton. Guests were present from Detroit, Zurich, Ailsa Craig, Kirkton, Exeter. You Need The Church Scanning TRIVITT MEMORIAL Rector, Rev. M. A, Hunt Choirmaster, Esine Howard 1st Sunday after Trinity 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 7 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon. "The Loveliness of Christ,” This will be the /Rector’s farewell ser vice. You are all cordially invited to this service. a number from this com- attended the anniversary on Sunday at Whalen Church and at St. Paul’s Kirkton. ZION EVANGELICAL- UNITED BRETHREN Crediton E. Reuber, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. F. W. Morloclr. Organist a.m.—'Children’s Day Message, a.m.—Church School. -MISSIONARY CHILD- 10 11 7:30 p.m.- REN’S DAY PROGRAM. 9 p.m.—E.Y.F. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Kenneth MacLean, Minister Miss Muriel Wliilsmith, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—Public Worship. CREDITON Jones-—Ratz , Crediton Evangelical parsonage was the scene of a very prettyi wedding on Saturday, May 31st, when Dorothy Irene, eldest daugh ter* of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ratz, of Crediton was quietly united in marriage to Ray Gladwin Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Jones. Rev. M. E. Reuber officiated. The satin heart veil was held in place with sweetheart headdress. She Better Times roses and English carnations. Her sister, Gertrude, was the bride’s attendant gowned in pale blue net, trimmed with satin and carrying a nosegay of sweet peas and English carnations. Bill Allan, L— groom, was best man. A reception followed at the Central Hotel, Exeter, after which the guests were invited to the bride’s home to see the gifts. The bridal couple left by motor to Tor- The bride crepe and bride was lovely in white fitted gown, with sweet neck line. Her finger-tip a carried onto and the States, travelled in soft blue with black accessories coat. Miscellaneous Shower Mrs. Jacob Ratz was hostess at a miscellaneous home on May Ratz, bride-elect guest of honor a basket filled unwrapping Dorothy dress shorty shower at her 23rd for Dorothy of last week. The was seated with gifts. After the attractive thanked the donors. before gifts A delicious lunch was served by the hostess and hei' daughter. Classified Ads work 168 hours a week. Don’t Gamble With Your Good Health Good health is a priceless asset that should always be protected. For good health, once lost, may never be regained. If you are troubled by restless nights, irrita bility, or nervousness, try Milburn’s Health and Nerve Pills. ' , Manufactured under the supervision of experienced chemists and pharmacists, they contain only the purest of ingredients. For more than 50 years Milburn’s Health and Nerve Pills have been used by thousands as a tonic for frayed nerves or a general run-down condition. They stimulate the nerve cells, help to improve the blood content, increase the appetite and thus help to promote peaceful sleep. ^Milburn’s Health and Nerve Pills are sold at all drug counters. - .. The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont, Don’t Gamble With Your Good Health Good health is a priceless asset that should always be protected. For good health, once lost, may never be regained. If you are troubled by restless nights, irrita bility, or nervousness, try Milburn’s Health and Nerve Pills* ' , Manufactured under the supervision of experienced chemists and pharmacists, they contain only the purest of ingredients. For more than 50 years Milburn’s Health and Nerve Pills have been used by thousands as a tonic for frayed nerves or a general run-down condition. They stimulate the nerve cells, help to improve the blood content, increase the appetite and thus help to promote peaceful sleep. ^Milburn’s Health and Nerve Pills are sold at all drug counters. - The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont, Along with many other things ball activities have been dampened by one Mr. Jupiter Pluvius so far this season. Out of the thirteen games scheduled up to Tuesday night only four have been played as far as The Times-Advocate can learn. In, the baseball, Exeter’s op ening game Monday night was call ed off with Centralia R.C.A.F. This Friday night they are to go to Lucan and the opening game here now will be with Dashwood next Monday night, Exeter returning to Dashwood Dashwood played so A special meeting of the Huron- Perth OBA was held in Hensall Monday' night to decide whether the Zurich players wefe eligible to play with Hensall or Dashwood. It was left to president Leroy O’Brien to clock the distance between these towns and make a decision accord ing to a ing. motion made at the meet- Ray Mills and Betty Anniversary service spent the day with Floyd Pridham, of to report that Mr. ,. of St. Marys, Kenneth Parkinson. A re- for about 80 guests was the home of the bride’s A buffet luncheon was prettily decorated with pink white streamers and the three wedding cake was centred in and white ribbon. The bride „g, Stratford, St. Marys, Woodham, Brantford and of having a new arrival little Johnnie an- Proud in his home, nouncod to his school teacher that he had a new sister and she had cost more than a hundred dollars. "Goodness,” teacher replied. “Isn’t that a lot of money for a tiny 'ba by?” “Yes, hut think how long they last!" was Johnnie’s reply. on June 13th. The Lucan- game is the only one far. That was May 24th. * * * * * * * •se same meeting the Juvenile was drawn up. This league include the Hensall-Zurich and a Midget In the girls’ softball Lucan and Dashwood hooked up with Dash wood winning handily and on Tues day night Exeter won from Hen sall. Out of a busy men’s schedule only one game has been played the best of our knowledge and that Seaforth edged Centralia. « ’X- Greens in Shape The Exeter bowling greens been in playing shape since 24th but only a few bowls been trundled towards the kitty. The first fine night should the bowlers on the green. * * * At the schedule will include the combines, Exeter ; team from Clinton. ■X* "X* Win First Game The local girls’ softball nine got off to the right start Tuesday night by winning their first game Hensall •X* •X’ to in have May have find * Ball Schedul es by a 29-10 score, •X** * In the Jack have been track are showing with great promise season, At Sarnia Black Joe won three firsts Super Volo finished 4, 1 and Acton on May won three firsts placed 4, 2, 3. * Money Morrissey's trained * from thattwo pacers on the Exeter excellent form for the racing on May 31st Super and Black 24th while 2. At Volo Joe * * KIRKTON d Mrs. Wm. Hazelwood and son Bill, of Detroit, spent the week-end with Mr. Walter Hazel wood. Miss Ruth Middleton, teacher at Stratford, spent the week-end with her friend, Miss Nonna Tufts. Dr. and Mrs. Thos. Waghorn, theii’ daughter and son-in-law, Mn and Mrs. Andy Bradley all of Tor onto, were week-end guests with Mr. and Mrs, I. N. Marshall. Mrs. S. N. Shier, of Bryanston, Mr. and Mrs. M. Dryden, of Los Angelis, visited with old friends in the village Saturday. Mr. Ralph McNaughton, -of Lon don, spent the. week-end with friends in the village. Mr. and Mrs. George Davis, of Winehelsea, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davis. Mr. and Mrs. W. Blatchford and daughter Marilyn. of Detroit, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. R. Dobson. We extend sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Allen and family in the death of their mother and grand mother, Mrs. J. Birthday Party Mrs. Maitland tained quite a guests Saturday or of her daughter she- celebrated her 9th birthday. The afternoon was games of various dainty lunch was served, Mr. and Mrs. John Sawyer have returned from a very pleasant hol iday spent in the Niagara district this past week accompanied by their son, Dr. and Mrs. Glen Saw yer, of St. Thomas. , Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Batten ara holidaying with friends in London this week. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Miller McCurdy were Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Racey and son Arth- ru, of Parkhill, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Switzer with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Kay, of Kip pen. were Sunday guests with Mr- and Mrs. Oliver McCurdy. Miss Muriel Stephen was a Sun day guest with Miss Jean Humph reys. Bring in your car regularly for lubrication and a check-up SERVICE that SA VES © C. Gardiner, Hammond number of afternoon in Shirley enter little hon- when II spent with I kinds and a Saves your CAR Saves your MONEY ALL MAKES Cars Trueks Snell Bros. & Co. General Motors and Case Dealers Phone 100Exeter J Anniversary Services Despite the rainy weather large numbers attended the anniversary services at St. Paul’s Church, Kirkton, Sunday June 1st. Rev. R. S. Skinner, L.TH., of London, preached very excellent sermons in the morning and evening. Special music was choir. At the evening quartette composed of Mills, Grant Mills, of Gerald Paul, Kirkton Atkinson, of Anderson sang “Dear to the heart of -God’’. Spring flow ers decorated the church. evening. given by the -church service a Mr, Ken Woodham, and Goldie You Would be Well Advised Jusf Arrived Pigtab Granules the at at score was 34 to 7 for The highlights of the the homer by Shirley the bases loaded in the Zurich. Exeter. and and the of last at Dashwood. Lucan. at Centralia, at Exeter. De- her M«- Lucan. Hodgins; Dashwood. Smith, Smith and night, May 30 th. Goderich ladies in Grand Bend. A carload of that good PURINA OYSTER SHELL and Mrs. Dean Brown Mrs. Elzar Mousseau of Kippen, spent in Hamilton and Niagara A Priceless Possession A Portrait of You as a Bride. Intermediate Baseball South Section of Huron-Perth May 24- May <27- June June June June June June June June June June June June June June June June June June July Julj July July July- July July July July July' July July July July July July July July July -Lucan at Dashwood. -St. Marys at Lucan. 2— Centralia at Exeter. 3— Dashwood 4— St. Marys 6—Exeter at 6—Dashwood 9— Dashwood 10— Centralia 13—Lucan at 13 Centralia, at Dashwood. Exeter. at Centralia, at Exeter. at Dashwood, at Lucan. at Lucan, at Centralia. Lucan. at St. Marys, at Exeter, at Lucan. St. Marys. Exeter at Dashwood. 16—Exeter at St. Marys. 16—Lucan at Centralia. 19— Exeter at 20— St. Marys 23—-Lucan at 24.—Dashwood 27— St. Marys 30—Centralia 30— St. Marys 2— Dashwood at St. Marys. 3— Centralia at Exeter. 4— 'Lucan at St. Marys. 7— Lucan at Exeter. 8— St. Marys at Centralia. 11—Exeter at St. Marys. 11—Lucan at Dashwood. 14— Dashwood at Exeter. 15— Centralia at Lucan. 18—St. Marys 18—Exeter at 21— Dashwood 21—St. Marys 23—Centralia at St. Marys. 25—Lucan at Centralia. 25—Exeter at Dashwood. 28— Exeter at Centralia. 29— -Dashwood at Lucan. 31— Centralia at Dashwood. «•* * Juvenile Baseball June J une July July July July July July Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. 23—Clinton at 3 0—Clinton at 4— Zurich at Exeter. 10— Exeter at Clinton. 16—-Exeter at Zurich. 21—-Zurich at Clinton. 25—Clinton at Exeter. 31—Exeter at Zurich. 5— Zurich at Exeter. S—Exeter at Clinton. 11— Clinton at Zurich. 15—Zurich at Clinton. •» * -x- * Girls’ Softball 2— Lucan at Dashwood. 3— Exeter at Hensall. 5—Hensall at Lucan. Exeter at Dashwood. 10—-Dashwood at Exeter. Lucan at Hensall. 12—Exeter at Lucan. 16— Lucan at Exeter. 17— Hensall at Dashwood. 19—Dashwood at Lucan. 24—Hensall at Exeter. 26—Dashwood at Hensall. Exeter at Lucan. 2— Exeter vs. Dashwood at Grand Bend. 3— Lucan at Hensall. 8— -Lucan at Exeter. 9- ^.H<uisall vs. Grand 10- —Dashwood 11— Exeter at 15— Dashwood 16— Lucan vs. Grand 22—Hensall at 24—Hensall at Exeter. Dashwood at Hensall. June June June June June June June June June June July July July July July July July July July July July Dashwood Bend, at Lucan. Hensail, at Exeter. Dashwood Bend. Lucan. Dashwood Trims Lucan The first game of South Huron Ladies Softball series was played with Lucan at Dashwood Tuesday night. The Dashwood. game were Smith with third inning and the heavy hitting of Ruth Guenther who crossed the plate seven times in seven trips to bat. The batteries were: Appleton and : Tetreau and Webb. On Friday Dashwood tied a 16-16 tilt at . Exeter plays in Dashwood Thursday night. * * Seaforth Edges Airport The softball season was launched in Seaforth a week ago Tuesday night with an‘ 8-5 victory for Sea forth over Centralia. It was a slug ger’s night; four home runs were driven out, by Woods and Cameron of Seaforth, and Chapetta and Hub'bs of Centralia. Seaforth pitch er Hal Deneau kept the visitors scoreless for the first three innings; he had trouble in the fourth, when Hubbs homered, Miller tripled, and two runs scored. Centralia also had a big fifth inning, including a hom er with no one on, and a triple with two on for three runs. Frank Kennedy replaced Deneau on the mound for Seaforth, and held Cen tralia scoreless for the remainder of the game. The score was tied with a single by Don Smith that scored two runs, and a long fly by Boussey that let one run score after the catch. The winning run was driven home by Wood’s double in the sixth inning. Seaforth; B. Smith lb, Lee 2b, Woods 3b, Cameron ss, Boussey rf, Eisler cf, I). Smith If, O’Shea c, Deneau p, Kennedy p. Centralia: Miller lb, Hubbs 2'b, Foster 3b, Coleman ss, McMillan rf, Chapetta cf, McDougall If, Hamil ton c, Rhade p. GREENWAY Mr. and Mrs. Harold Detloft and Richard and Mr. Claude Det- loff, of Detroit, spent the week end with their aunt, Mrs Albert Pollock. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murray, St. Thomas, spent a few days week with Mrs. W. T. Ulens Miss Eleanor McLinchey, of troit, spent the week-end with parents, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Lindley. Mr. and Mrs. Russell McIntosh, of Ferndale, Mich., spent week-end .with relatives here Mr. Mr. and Marilyn, week-end Falls. Mr. London. Mr, and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Detroit, Mrs. W and Mrs. Walter Tolls, of visited on Sunday with Lawrence Pollock. Ed. Matthews, of spent the week-end with T. Uleus Record your Wedding Day with a fine bridal Portrait and you will have forever a fond remem brance of that day of days, your Wedding Day. By Appointment Only Jack Doerr Photographer Tf you are contemplating the installation of a new fur nace you would be well advised to place your order at once owing to tlie shortage of steel. Experienced air conditioning men will gladly look over your home and adiise you on your requirements. We have a large stock of furnaces on the floor including air conditioning types. See these 1047 models. Wormy pigs can’t make the best use of feed—they become unthrifty—because worms get so much of their feed. You can’t afford to feed worms. Use Pigtab Granules. Hardware