HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-05-22, Page 4THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 22nd, 1947 NOTICES I I wish to announce that my photographic studio situated above the law offices of Gladman & Cochrane, Main St., Exeter, will open on NOTICE—Saturday being a public holiday, the Mayfair Bakery will be open Friday evening. Restaur­ ant is open every Wednesday af­ ternoon. c w The finest and most modern photographic equipment avail­ able is used to produce fine quality camera portraits, group and wedding photographs at moderate prices. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY WILL THE PERSON who received the large black skirt by mistake about 2 months ago please return it to Brady Cleaners and get the small one. 22:29c ma «r r lesr Dodge and DeSoto Sales and Service Tom Coates Phone 200 Fred Dobbs When Your Motor Balks I All persons having claims against the firm of J. Trevethick & Son, General Merchants of R.R. 2, Ailsa Craig and all those owing the said firm are requested to file their claims or pay their accounts to the undersigned not later than June 2nd, Dated: JAMES R.R. 1947. May 12, 1947. ORLAND TREVETHICK, 2, Ailsa Craig. 15:22 WARNING — Persons intending to build or make major repairs within the Village of Exeter are warned that they must secure a building permit from the Council before starting operation. C. V. Pickard, Clerk. MISCELLANEOUSBABY CHICKS 15:22c WANTED FOR SALE WANTED-’—Girl for general house­ work in small home in London and willing to go to Port Stanley for summer. Good home and good pay. Write to 17 Chalmers, Ave, London. 22c FOR SALE — International ’38 % ton stake truck, recondition­ ed, priced reasonable. Apply to Harold Dignan, 3 miles west of Hensall, or phone Zurich 91rl8. 22*j WANTED—Used ice box, in good condition. Apply at Times-Advo- eate. 22* FOR SALE—-Quebec cook stove in good condition. Apply Box 46, Hensall. 22c WANTED—-Cistern pump and sink. Apply at Times-Aclyocate, 22* FOR SALE—.One choice building lot, desirably located, size about 58 feet by 11<2 feet deep, priced reasonable for quick sale. Mj Alderson, Albert Street. 22*WANTED—Can take a few cattle for pasture. R. D. Hunter, phone 133W, Exeter. i22c FOR SALE—Tandem disc, 14-plate, nearly new. Apply to Earl Hern. Kirkton, phone 9rl0, Kirkton. 22* WANTED — A male bookkeeper; also a licensed mechanic. Phone 76, Exeter. 22c WANTED — Fair size cook stove for summer kitchen, prefer not all enamel stove, must be good baker, give price and particulars. James McCarthy, R.R. 3,. Ailsa Craig, 22c FOR SALE—Truck load of cedar posts; also some potatoes. Lloyd Stewart, R.R. 3, Exeter, 22* FOR SALE — Cement and cinder blocks, agricultural tile 3 to 16 in. Write or phone your require­ ments to Wm. J. Veitch, Parkhill, R.R, G, or Ailsa Craig 623r4. 22:29:5* WANTED — Housewife to handle AVON Products in spare hours, no experience necessary. Write Box L> Exeter Times-Advocate. 15:22 FOR 'SALE — Westinghouse 3- burner hydro stove. W. H. Hod­ gson, Exeter. 22c WANTED — Furnished or unfurn­ ished houses, suites or house­ keeping rooms required immedi­ ately for married personnel 01 RCAF Airport. These are veter­ ans, too, and deserve your as­ sistance. Phone 316 and ask for Housing Officer. FOR SALE—23 good weaned pigs. Earl Ratz, phone 24r22 Crediton. 22c FOR SALE—1928 Model A Ford, good running shape; low steel truck wagon. Apply Dennis O’­ Rourke, Dashwood, R.R. 3. 22:29* STRAYED ■FOR SALE—Iron pump with about 30 feet of piping; also good screen door. Apply Luther Rey­ nolds, William St. 22*STRAYED—There has strayed on­ to the premises nf John Klumpp a young dog, color dark brown, with two white front legs and white tip on tail. Owner please call 19r42 Crediton. 22c OUTBOARD MOTORS, brand new, 1 h.p. $79.50, immediate delivery. Transportation prepaid. Chris­ tian’s Electric and Hardware, Oshawa, Ontario. S:6tc STRAYED—A stray collie, black with white neck and white tip on tail is lost in Exeter. Owner please contact Times-Advocate. FOR SALE—An Enterprise cook stove, all steel top, white enam­ el with reservoir and warming­ closet, includes clean range burner, also coal and wood grates, practically new. W. D. Glenn, Grand Bend. 22:29cFOR RENT FOR RENT — Bed-sitting room for Airforce couple with or with­ out small child, newly papered, hydro, washing machine, can board in the house. Mrs. Harry ■Sparling, Elimville, phone Kirk­ ton 32rl8. 15c FOR SALE—White Muscovy duck eggs, 5 cents each. Everard Cor­ bett, R.R. 2, Ailsa Craig. 15:22* FOR SALE—Baby basket with handles and outside frill. Apply ■Mrs. E. Gilbert, in trailer be hind Hydro Office. 22*FOR RENT—Comfortable furnish­ ed room for single person. Apply at Times-Advocate. 22* FOR SALE—Slightly used 3 4 cubic foot Kelvinator with cube trays. Oakland House, Grand Bend. A-l BABY CHICKS tested Large Barred Sussex Rocks. Switzer Hatchery, Granton, Ont., for price list. Phone 38-3 Gran­ ton, tfc , from blood­ stock; Barred Rocks; Type White Leghorns; Rock x White Leghorn; x New Hampshire; Red x Write or phone A. H. LEAVE YOUR ORDER for Nut Alberta coal. Exeter District Co- Op, CHICK BARGAINS for this week and next. Barred ‘Rocks, Hampshires, New Hampshire Barred Sussex, shires, 16.95, Heavy Breeds, non-sexed 8.95; pul­ lets 15.95, cockerels 6.95. Cocker­ els: White Leghorn x 'Barred Rocks 2.95, White Leghorns 95c. Two week old add 6.00; three week old add 11.00 per hundred. Shipped C.O.D. This advertisement must ac­ company your ordei' to receive these special prices. Also eight week old pullets to laying. TOP NOTCH CHICKERIES. Guelph, Ontario. Barred Rocks, New New Hampshire x Rocks, White Rocks, Light Light Sussex x New Hamp- non-sexed 9.95, pullets cockerels 7,9 5. Assorted WE ARE NOW R&ADY to take orders for cement and road grav­ el, also filler. We have two trucks and can assure prompt service. Truckers Roy and Wil­ mer McDonald. Box 179 Exeter, or call Miss Jean McDonald at 95 Exeter any day except Wed­ nesday afternoon and Sunday, Hensall, phone Glenn McLean 84r21. 8:4tp AUCTION SALES 22c 15:22 FOR RENT—100 acres pasture, lot 8, Con. 7, Hay; bargain. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. FOR RENT—A Webstei' paint spray outfit. Beavers Hardware. . . . bring it to the Exeter Motor Sales Garage. Our mech­ anics will not only do a thorough trouble-shooting job but when the misbehaving part is found they will also do an expert job of putting it into first-class running condition. Today Britain needs help. This is our chance to pay back some of our debt. On and aftei’ May 14th our office and warehouses will close at noon on Wednesdays. FOR RENT—^-Furnished apartment, hydro and bath. Apply at Times- Advocate. 22c Jones, MacNaughton FOUND FOR SALE—Westinghouse Deluxe refrigerator; also Quebec heater with pipes. Phone 69 Exeter. 22c FOR SALE —- A folding stroller. Apply at Times-Advocate. 22c FOR SALE—‘Little pigs. Apply to Hubert Heywood, phone Kirkton 32rl4. . 22c FOR SALE — Potatoes. Apply to Harry Haist, 'Crediton. 22* FOR SALE —■ Fox terrier pups. Clifton ‘Brock, R. 3, ‘Exeter. Phone Kirkton 25r21. 22c FOR SALE—Used McClary electric range with side oven. Phone 4Sr22 Lucan, , 22c ‘FOR SALE—Mixed soft body wood, $3.40 a cord delivered. Apply to Walter Diebold, Zurich, phone 57r5 Dashwood. 15:22:29* FOR SALE—Nash Big Six, 5 pas­ senger sedan, royal blue, new paint job, in good condition, Model 6 29, year 1930. Best of­ fer. Ira Geiger, Hensall, Ont. 22c FOR SALE—Cocker Spaniel puppy. Apply to Herbert Pfile, Grand Bend. Phone 62r5 Dashwood. 2 2 c FOR SALE—Man’s light blue suit, tropical worsted, 3-button style, no signs of wear, size 38; priced reasonable. Harry Parsons, Exe­ ter. FOR SALE—’31 ‘Ford panel truck, 5 good tires, good running con­ dition, Apply W. McLean, Mel­ ville Inn. 2:2'* ASSISTANTS for “Snack Shop” Kitchen: July to Labor Day. Ap­ ply to W Eric Mcllrov Lake­ view Casino, Grand Bend, Ont. 24c Authorized Ontario Motor League Garage USE SUNOCO OILS AND GREASES All Canadians acknowledge that they owe much 'to Britain for the time when she stood between us and the enemy. Money Donations will continue to be received by the Bank. The Times- Advocate, C. V. Pickard, J. P. Bowey and R. N. Creech. MAKE YOUR PAYMENT GENEROUS CHICKS FOR SETTING HENS It is no more trouble for the old hen to mother a full brood than half a one. Come in and get some extra chicks. All breeds available. NEUHAUSER HATCHERIES 81 Iking Street, LONDON, Ontario. Open Evenings FEMALE HELP WANTED NEUHAUSER CHICKS Hatching Twenty Breeds. Chick days Tuesdays and Fridays. Some started chicks available. NEUHAUSER HATCHERIES 81 King Street, LONDON, Ontario. Open Night- and Day AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND FURNITURE The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction on Lot 17, Con. 6, Stephen Township WEDNESDAY, MAY 28th, 1947 at 1 p.m., 0 the following: HORSES — Clyde bay mare; Clyde black mare, 7 years old, eligible for registration; Perclierort mare, 3 years old, well broken, CATTLE—2 Shorthorn bulls, the property of John Brown, will be sold at this sale. 5 0 hens. IMPLEMENTS —• Allis-Chalmers tractor on rubber, Model C; Case tractor on steel; McC.D, manure spreader; M.H. binder; M.H. bean scuffler and puller; 11-hoe fer- tilizei’ seed drill; 13-hoe seed drill; cultivator, 17 disc; M.H. 14- disc; 5-section M.H. steel land roller; teeth; Bissel tractor plate disc; in-throw harrows, complete; SUMMER WAITRESSES WANTED: appearance for Bend; sea- Labor Day nice living lake; very hours; girls character references Apply in own hand- to W. Eric McIlroy. Casino, Grand Bend, 24c Girls of neat “Snack Shop’’, Grand son May or June till night; good wages; quarters overlooking reasonable working supervised; required, writing Lakeview Ontario. MISCELLANEOUS Demonstrator Addison DANSATONE Record Player . with self-contained ampli­ fier and speaker . . . plays independent of your radio. NEW PRICE $49.95 Wanted Clean woman or girl — good worker. Apply in person. RETHER’S “COFFEE SHOP” Exeter FOR SALE — No. 1 Commercial oats and barley; No. 1 O.A.C. 181 peas $3.75 bu.; No. 1 Hors­ ford canning peas, 10c per lb., 10 lb. or more; Hybrid seed corn, priced right. Scott’s Ele­ vator, % Ervin Scott, phone 63, Lucan. 22c Radio Repair Service We have the very latest instruments for testing your radio and malting necessary repairs. Try our repair service and let us show you how well your radio will perforin. If unable to bring your radio, call 86 and we will pick it up. Beavers Hardware Phone 86 NOTICE TO CREDITORS JOHN TREVET- FOR SALE—Three broadcast, one- horse seeders, two with seeder attachments, Beatty hay car for steel track, approximately 225 ft. of pre-war manilia %” rope, slightly used, good as new; Doherty high oven range, equipped with both hot water jacket and boiler, grates in good condition, cheap; also 1 table,( 2 bedsteads, 3 bed springs, 1 wringer, 2 curtain stretchers, bed pan and rubber sheet. Ira Geiger, Hensall, Ont. 22c. grass best offer: FREDDIE DAWSON and His Orchestra Freddie Jias just completed a very successful Winter Season at Hotel London. MAKE MAY 24th A DATE AT “THE BEND” EVERYTHING FOR YOUR PLEASURE WILL BE READY* Plan Your Picnic Now, and Make Reservations as Soon as Possible by Writing or Phoning W. Eric McIlroy Lakeview Casino presents one of the best known Canadian Orchestras for ONE NIGHT ONLY! LEN HOPKINS and his CHATEAU LAURIER ORCHESTRA ffi Direct from Ottawa ® You hove heard him for 11 years on UBU radio pro­ grammes broadcast from coast to coast . . . This is your grand chance to see him! • ALSO — THE SAME NIGHT o TED PUDNEY and his ORCHESTRA An Orchestra you should hear before his summer engagement at Wonderland Gardens, London. FOR SALE—1932 Pontiac sedan; excellent condition. Apply Robt. Cook, Hensail, phone 63. <2-2c . ADMISSION $1.00 .FOUND—-A lady’s pair of glasses in 'brown leather case. Owner may have same by proving prop­ erty and paying for advt. Apply at Times-Advocate, 22c having of John claims Trevet- of Mc- Middle- In the Estate of HICK, Deceased. ALL PERSONS against the estate hick, late of the Township Gillivray in the County of sex, Merchant, deceased, who died on or about the 4th day of March. 19 47, are required to file particu­ lars of tile same with the under­ signed executors by the 26th day of May 1947 after which date the estate will be . distributed having legat'd only to which notice has Dated the 12th JAS. ORLAND R.R. 2, Ailsa Craig, Ont. GARNET WALKER TREVET­ HICK, 106 Metcalfe Str., St. Thomas, Ont. 15:22c those claims of been received, day of May 19 47. TREVETHICK, IN THE MATTER of the Estate of KATHERINE MARY McFAUL, late of County cd. ALL against Katherine Mary McFaul, who died on the 24th of January 19 47, are hereby notified to send them to the Canada Trust Company, 353 Rich­ mond Street, London, Ontario, Executor, or Gladman and Coch­ rane, Exeter, Ontario, its Solicitors in this matter, duly verified, on ur before the 10th day of June 1947. AFTER the last-named date the assets of the said Estate will be distributed among the persons en­ titled thereto, having regard only to claims tor or its notice. DATED day of May 1947. The Canada Trust Company, Executor. GLADMAN & COCHRANE', Its Solicitors. the Village of Exeter, in the of Huron, Spinster, deceas- PERSONS having claims the Estate of the late of which the said Execu- Solicitors shall then have at Exeter, the Fifteenth 2-furrow tractor plow, new; McC.D. walking plough; M.H. 6 ft. mower; new M.H. side rake; sulky, hay loader; with top; wagon; rack; pound pulper; drums; wood; 2 sets double harness, nearly new; single harness; iron kettle; wheelbarrow; sling ropes; set of sleighs; quantity of tile; forks; shovels; whiffletrees; neckyokes; chains,; boxes; barrels; good deep­ well iron pump with 40 ft. piping; cistern pump; electric fencer; and numerous other articles. 200 bushels mixed grain. FURNITURE- and chairs; chairs; 4 beds, resses: dresser leather rockers'; ric washing range; Findlay table; Congoleum rug; rugs; crockery; dishes; 2 iron pots; mower; new; turnip drill; 2 top buggies; 2 steel-tired wagons; power scales; corn hydro M.H. cutter light flat 2000' root fanning mill; grain crusher; cutter; 2 steel gas motor; quantity of —■Dining-room kitchen table springs and and commode: odd chairs; elect­ machine; electric stove, new; small linoleum tiuvneij, uisueti, fl'Uit Seal- ers; pictures; 2 iron pots; 2 toilet sets; ice box; bed spread; lamp. TERMS—CASH ‘WM. OESTRICHER, Prop. GEORGE LAWSON, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR, WM. H. SMITH, Auctioneers. table and matt- 2 AUCTION SALE OF PROPERTY in VILLAGE OF HENSALL on WEDNESDAY, MAY 28th, 1947 at 8 p.m., D.S.T. Stucco house on corner lot known as the Anglican Church Rectory; four bedrooms and a bathroom, newly decorated; downstairs: din­ ing room, living room and kitchen; new furnace; good roof; also a barn and garage combined; running hard water. Terms made known time of sale. HAROLD JACKSON, Auct. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction at Con. S.W.S., Pt. 23, Dashwood on SATURAY, MAY 31st, 1947 at 1:30 p.m., D.S.T., the following: Light wagon with hay rack; rub­ ber tire top buggy, in good con­ dition; Portland cutter; harness; 3 horse collars; swetii, pad; lawn mower; double-trees; cant hook; forks; % in. rope, 75 feet long; cross-cut saw; pulleys; bag holder; grain bags; blanket; 2 robes; broad axe; crow bar; post hole auger; sifter; snow shovel; sledge; lantern. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Din- nette suite, 6 pieces, new; side­ board; 4 leaf dining-room table; 5 dining-room chairs; new Wil­ liams sewing machine; couch; liv­ ing room heater; 2 piece chester­ field; hall rack; flower stand; stove pipes, Axniinster rug, 9x9 ft.; 2 mats to match; tapestry rug, 9x9 ft.; wooden bed, springs and matt­ ress; white wooden bed, and mattress white cleaner pots; pans and dishes; wash board Connor -*--'■■• boiler; table; sweeper board; heater; rack; 2 and many articles too numerous to nie»yon. Everything in the best of condition. TERMS—CASH Auctioneer.Milford merner, cierk DAVID SCHROEDER, Prop. table; ; ■picture single sweat horse axe; ash 2 spades; white dresser pictures; s frame; springs •; small vacuum sealers; electric washing machine; tub; ironing board; 2 leaf 4 kitchen chairs; carpet > 1 coal oil stove; glass cup- 1^"1..........' circulator magazine kitchen stove; rocking chair, __ frying pans; sausage press