HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-05-15, Page 4FOR RENT NOTICES FOR RENT-—A Webster paint spray outfit. Beavers Hardware. FOR RENT—25 acres of good land to let on shares for beans. If interested see Merton Sholdice, l}-4 miles east of Centralia. 15c FOR RENT — Garage on William and Sanders streets. H. Blatch- ford, Exeter. 15* All persons having claims against THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 15th, 1947 FOR RENT—100 acres pasture, lot 8, Con. 7, Hay; bargain. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. * BABY CHICKS FOR SALE REAL ESTATE SALESMEN WANTED ! A-l BABY ‘CHICKS, from blood- tested Large Barred SussexRocks. „JU _ Switzer Hatchery. Granton, Ont,, for price list. Phone 38-3 Gran­ ton. tfc stock; Barred Rocks; Type White Leghorns; Rock x White Leghorn; x New Hampshire; Red x Write or phone A. H. NEUHAUSER CHICKS Thousands hatching twice weekly. Twenty breeds. Open evenings. Feed and Poultry supplies of all kinds. NEUHAUSER HATCHERIES LONDON. Ontario. FOR SALE—-McC,-Deering gasoline engine, in good running shape. Apply A. G. Hicks. Phone 172r6 Exeter. 15* FOR SALE—White Muscovy duck eggs, 5 cents each. Everard Cor- bett, R.R, 2, Ailsa Craig. 151'22* FOR SALE — Cabin trailer with furnishings, ready to occupy, Ap­ ply to P, R. Durand, next to Pentecostal Church. 15c FOR SALE—Two York brood sows due in May; also a child’s fold­ ing stroller. Gerald phone Exeter 178rl4. Godbolt, 15c FOR SALE — Large, fine building lot on Gidley Street, Exeter, dir­ ectly behind former Bernie resi­ dence. Phone 134, Exeter, 15c FOR SALE — Large brick veneer home and driveshed, 24x45, to be removed from property. Ap­ ply to Wilmer Scott, Clandeboye. 15:22:29* FOR SALE—2 extra large vacant building lots in Exeter. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. 8 * From $35. to $60. a week! and more for nggresive salemen ready to call from door to door in town or rural area in self owned car with over 200 guaranteed house­ hold products. Year round busi­ ness Particulars and catalogue FREE. Familex, Dept, B, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. i All persons having claims against the firm of J. Trevethick & Son, General Merchants of R.R. 2, Ailsa Craig and all those owing the said firm are requested to file their claims or pay their accounts to the undersigned not later than June 2nd, 1947. Dated; May 12, 1947. JAMES ORLAND TREVETHICK, R.R. 2, Ailsa Craig. 15:22 the firm of J. Trevethick & Son, General Merchants of R.R. 2, Ailsa Craig and all those owin'the said firm are requested to file their claims or pay their accounts to the undersigned not June 2nd, 1947. later than REN-O-SAL FOR CHICKS New kind of drinking water medi­ cine. Stimulates rate of chick growth and works like magic foi' Coccidiosis treatment NEUHAUSER HATCHERIES LONDON, Ontario FOR SALE—Moffat electric burner stove, oven at the Phone 13 6 Exeter before 6 foui'i side. p.m. 15 c FOR SALE — Two well-located building lots in Exeter. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. Dated; May 12, 1947. JAMES ORLAND TREVETHICK, R.R. 2, Ailsa Craig.15:22 WARNING TO DOG OWNERS Dogs have been annoying and killing our chickens and while we do not wish harm to any dog, if the same persists we will have to take measures to protect the chickens. Cecil Jones.8:15* i WARNING— Persons intending to t repairs within the Village of Exeter are warned that they must secure a building permit from the Council ~ V. LEEum&mo — Ontario Distributors — or make majorbuild before starting operation. C. Pickard, Clerk- innoculafe Your Seed! and three, of Stephen Jones, MacNaughton Seed Co Ontario Attention Bean Growers Enriches the soil — Promotes growth. Hardier plants — Greater yields. Recommended by all Agricultural Authorities. NOTICE On and after May 14th our office and warehouses will close at noon on Wednesdays. Jones, MacNaugliton .Seed Co. 15:22 Red Cross Totals $3,800 Total contributions to the Red Cross have now reached $3,800, The following donations have been received from the residents of Con­ cessions two Township. Collector, ton Dearing 5.00; Earl Triebner 2.00; Douglas Walker 5.00; Wm. Stanlake— Pres- $5.00; Harold Fahner Shapton 5.00; Frank Asa Penhale 3.0 0; Triebner 1.00; George 1.00; Wilfred Shapton Wesley Dearing 2.00: Fred Preszcator 2.00; Arthur Ford 1.00; John Quinlivan 2.00; Lewis Davey 1.00; Miss I. M. Willis 1.00; Henry Pfaff 2.00; Wm. Parker 1.00; Rus­ sel King 1.00; Melvin King 2.00; Chester Dunn 1.00; Bill Stanlake 1.00; James Stanlake 2.00; Hubert Cooper 1.00; Mrs. Peter Frayne 1.00; also from Lebanon Forest Lodge 25.00. GOVERNMENT APPROVED Chicks at reduced prices for this week and next. Day old: New Hampshire, Barred Rock, New Hampshire x Barred Rock, Light Sussex x Barred Rock, New Hampshire x Light Sus­ sex, non-sexed 9.95, pullets 17.95, cockerels 7.95. Assorted breeds, 16.95, White 'Leghorn x 1.95, ‘ “ . ' week old add 6.00 per hundred, three week old add 11.00 per hund­ red, shipped C.O.D. This advertise­ ment must accompany your order to receive these special prices. Also older pullets eight weeks to laying. TOP NOTCH CHICKERIES, Guelph, Ontario. FOR SALE—Baby basket with handles and outside frill, Apply •Mrs. E. Gilbert, in trailer be hind Hydro Office, 15* FOR SALE1—Immediate or fall pos­ session, 100 acres with good brick house and bank ‘barn, good water supply, 14 acres fall wheat, small hush, close to Exeter. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. 7.95, Assorted heavy non-sexed 8.95, pullets cockerels 6.95. Cockerels: Barred Rocks White Leghorns 95c. Two FOR SALE—Slightly used 34 cubic foot Kelvinator with cube trays. Oakland House, Grand Bend. 15:22c FOR SALE — McCormick 11-disc drill with grass seeder; also McCormick 13-tooth cultivator, new shovels last year, both in real good condition. Lyman B. Moore, Thames Road, phone 173rl5. 15* FOR SALE—Irish Cobbler seed po­ tatoes; also iKatatin, certified. Ed. F. Willert, R.R. 2, Dashwood 15* Open Evenings BROODER STOVES Electric, Coal, 'Wood, Oil and Nat­ ural Gas brooders in stock. NEUHAUSER HATCHERIES LONDON, Ontario. I FOR SALE—9 weaner pigs. Frank Lewis, Centralia, phone 40r24 Crediton. 15c FOR SALE—Iron pump for out­ door well. Apply to Thos. Elliott. 15c FOR SALE—-Used C.C.M. bicycle, Carfrey Cann, FOR SALE—One of Exeter’s most comfortable homes. This is a 3- bedroom house and has all mod­ ern conveniences. The whole property is in the best of repair. Quick possession. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 'FIOR SALE — Brick cottage, barn and five acres of land situated on No. 4 Highway, south of Exeter. C. V. Pickard. Realtor, Main St., Exeter. In the Estate of JOHN TREVET­ HICK, Deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of John Trevet- hick, late of the Township of Mc­ Gillivray in the County of Middle­ sex, Merchant, deceased, who died, on or about the 4th day of March, 1947, are required to file particu­ lars of the same with the under­ signed executors by the 26th day of May 1947 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Dated the 12th day of May 1947,. JAS. ORLAND TREVETHICK, R.R. 2, Ailsa Craig, Ont. GARNET WALKER TREVET­ HICK, 106 Metcalfe Str., St. Thomas, Ont. 15:22c AUCTION SALES Open Evenings NEUHAUSER WHITE ROCKS The finest meat chickens known. Yellow skin and full rounded breasts. No black pin feathers. Chicks available now. NEUHAUSER HATCHERIES LONDON, Ontario. FOR SALE — Second hand inside door and small window. Vera Rowe, Exeter. Miss 15c FOR SALE—A baby stroller, near­ ly new. Phone 197W. 15c 15c FOR SALE—19 37 Chev. coach in good condition. Apply to Graham Arthur’s Service Station. 15* MISCELLANEOUS LEAVE YOUR ORDER for Nut Alberta coal. Exeter District Co- Op. WE ARE NOW READY to take orders for cement and road grav­ el. also filler. We have two trucks and can assure prompt service. Truckers Roy and Wil­ mer McDonald, Box 179 Exeter, or call Miss Jean McDonald at 9 5 Exeter any day except Wed­ nesday afternoon and Sunday. Hensail, phone Glenn McLean 84r21. 8:4tp FOR SALE -— RCA Victor push­ button car radio, nearly new; a child’s crib in good condition; and' a low steel-tired farm wag­ on. Apply Emerson Anderson, I-Iensall, R.R. <2 or phone 100r4 Hensail. 15* FOR SALE--- 193 7 DeSoto deluxe coach in excellent condition with four new tires, radio, heater, and defroster. M. Ratz, 24r2 Credi- ton. 15c FOR SALE — 19 41 Ford, 4 new tires, $9 50.00. Apply at Times- Advocate. 15* FOR SALE—iy2 storey house, in- sul sided, full basement, new furnace, cistern, laundry tubs, living room, kitchen with built- ins, sinks, sunporch, 3 bedrooms, 3-piece bath; garages, acre land, option of extra acre; early .pos­ session; Exeter North. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. * HOUSES FOR SALE — Crediton, 1%-storey frame 6-room built- in cupboards, hard and water, barn, henhouse. 1 % -storey brick, vacant. 2-storey brick, newly interior decorated, furnace, hard and soft water, suitable for duplex, good barn. Electricity in all houses. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. * soft FOR SALE—133 acres clay loam, Blanshard, brick house with slate roof,’ basement barns, con­ crete stabling, silo; diriveshed, henhouse; hydro; quick posses­ sion. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. * FOR SALE — Cottage in Grand Bend, well located and in good condition; two bedrooms. C. V. Pickard, Realtor Exeter. WANTED WANTED — Housewife to handle AVON Products in spare hours, no experience necessary. Write Box L, Exeter Times-Advocate. 15:22 FOR SALE—Mixed soft body wood, $3.40 a cord delivered. Apply to Walter Diebold, Zurich, phone 57r5 Dashwood. 15:22:29* FOR SALE—Grey tweed suit, size 16. Apply at Times-Advocate. 15* WANTED —• Second hand % li.p. electric motor; baby carriage, reasonable. Apply Box B, Times- Advocate. 15* FOR SALE—2 pieces plate glass, in good condition, one 8Sx30 and one 88x8'1 ins. Apply John Ward, Exeter, 15* FOR SALE — Metal building, 5% ft. square, 6 ft. high to roof; used Axminster rug, 9x12 ft. with new rug pad. R. ‘Broderick, Hen­ sail. Phone 91r5, 15c FOR SALE — Verandah swing and stand, 2 electrical room fixtures, 2 light windows with screen and storm sash, large piece of linole­ um . Apply at Times-Advocate. 15* WANTED—■Girl or woman for gen­ eral housework, will pay good wages to a reliable party. Write Mrs. G. C. Ford, 13 Roy Street, Kitchener, or phone Kitchenei’ 77926 collect. 15c-----------------------------------------rrm. WANTED—.Furnished ,or unfurn­ ished •houses'', suites or house­ keeping rooms required immedi­ ately for married personnel oi RCAF Airport. These are veter­ ans, too, and deserve your as­ sistance. Phone 316 and ask for Housing Officer. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction, at Lot 13, Con. 2, Usborne Township on TUESDAY, MAY 20th, 1947 at 1 p.m., the following: HORSES—Clyde gelding, 5 years old; Clyde gelding, 8 years oldj Clyde mare, 9 years old. CATTLE—-9 cows with calves at foot; 2 2-year-old Herefords; 5 yearlings, Durham and Herford; 10’ small calves; Durham bull, rising 2 years old. PIGS—3 sows with litters from 2 to 3 weeks old; 9 pigs from 150 to 175 lbs.; 5 pigs, 40 lbs. 25 hens. IMPLEMENTS — M.H. binder, 6- ft.; McC. D. mower; McC. D. hay loader; stiff-tooth cultivator; team cultivator; land roller; spring­ tooth harrows, 3 sections; 4-section harrows; 3 disc harrows; tractor disc; tractor plow; walking plow; hay rake; wagon and rack; gravel box; root pulper; set of scales; fanning mill; sling ropes; 10-inch grinder, new, 50-ft. belt; Allis Chalmers W.C. tractor, in good con­ dition, starter and lights, new last year; set of double harness; M.H, fertilizer drill, 11-hoe; bean scuff­ le? with puller; water tank; Ren­ frew separator; set of sleighs; Vik­ ing separator; chicken shelter; brooder stove; chicken rests; forks; whiffletrees; neckyokes; chains; boxes; barrels; pails; Daisy churn; Coleman lamp; cans; sealers; and. many other articles. 50 bushels of oats; 25 bushels of barley; quantity of piping; quantity of lumber. TERMS—CASH NORMAN KLEINFELDT, Prop. GEORGE LAWSON, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer. FOR SALE — Registered Hereford bulls, serviceable age. Hirtzel Bros., Crediton, phono 36r3. 15* FOR SALE — 3 6x48 K.G. bean thresher on rubber tires. Apply to Edwin Dick, Cromarty, 8:15* OUTBOARD MOTORS, brand new, 1 h.p. $79.50, immediate delivery. Transportation prepaid. Chris­ tian’s Electric and Hardware, Osliawa, Ontario. 8: Gtc FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—McC. binder, 6 ft. cut, in good condi­ tion. Will exchange for a bunch of laying hens at $1.50 each or a bunch of weaner pigs at $7.00 each. Apply at Times-Advocate. 15c HELP WANTED HELP WANTED—Housekeeper for family of 3 adults on farm, no outside work, hydro. Apply Box W, Times-Advocate. 15* Wanted Clean woman or girl — good worker. Apply in person. KETHER’S “COFFEE SHOP” Exeter LOST J LOST—In Exeter, a ladies’ gold wrist watch. Finder please phone 155J. 15* FEMALE HELP WANTED............ ..-........... .... SUMMER WAITRESSES WANTED: Girls of neat appearance for “Snack Shop’’, Grand Bend; sea­ son May or June till Labor Day night; good wages; nice living quarters overlooking lake; very reasonable working hours; girls supervised; character references required. Apply in own hand­ writing to W. Eric McIlroy. Lakeview Casino, Grand Bend, Ontario. 24c ASSISTANTS for “Snack Shop” Kitchen: July to Labor Day. Ap­ ply to W Eric Mcllrov Lake­ view Casino, Grand Bend, 'Ont. 24c PERSONAL Nervous, rundown men need VIG- ORINE—the ‘pep’ tonic, for new vitality. 15-day treatment $1.00. At Robertson’s Drug Store. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND FURNITURE The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction on Lot 17, Con. 6, Stephen Township on WEDNESDAY, MAY 28th, 1947 at 1 p.m., the following: HORSES — Clyde bay mare; Clyde black mare, 7 years old,, eligible for registration; Percheron mare, 3 years old, well broken. 50 hens. IMPLEMENTS —• Allis-Chalmers tractor on rubber, Model C; Case tractor on steel; McC.D. manure spreader; M.H. binder; M.H. bean scuffler and puller; 11-hoe fer­ tilizer seed drill; 13-hoe seed drill; steel land roller; cultivator, 17 teeth; Bissel tractor disc; M.H. 14- plate disc; in-throw disc; 5-section harrows, complete; M.H. 2-furrow tractor plow, new; McC.D. walking new M.H. cutter light 2 steel-tired wagons; flat - ~ ‘ “■ 2009 . root 2 steel gas Radio Repair Service We have the very latest instruments for testing your radio and making necessary repairs. Try oiir repair service and let ns show you how well your radio Will perforin. If unable to bring your radio, call 86 and WO Will pick it up. Beavers Hardware m UA UVUUl JJlUVTj W f AY plough; M.H. 6 ft. mower; M.H. side rake; sulky, new; hay loader; turnip drill; with top; 2 top buggies; wagon; r .............. rack; power fanning mill; pound scales; grain crusher; pulper; corn cutter; £ __ drums; hydro motor; quantity of wood; 2 sets double harness, nearly new; single harness; iron kettle; wheelbarrow; sling ropes; set of sleighs; quantity of tile; forks; shovels; whiffletrees; neckyokes; chains; boxes; barrels; and other articles. 200 bushels mixed grain. FURNITURE—Dining-room and chairs; kitchen table chairs; 4 beds, springs and resses; dresser many table and . matt- , -------- and commode: 2leather rockers; odd chairs; elect­ ric washing machine; electric range; Findlay stove, new; small table; Congoleum rug; linoleum rugs; crockery; dishes; fruit seal­ers; pictures; 2 iron pots; 2 toilet sets; ice box; bed spread; lamp. TERM'S—CASH WM, OESTRICHER, Prop. GEORGE LAWSON, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR, WM. H. SMITH, Auctioneers. ric washing range; Findlay