HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-05-08, Page 5I THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO,THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 8th, 1947 The Church The Church Needs You HENSALIL SA1NTSBURY ■W" JAMES STREET UNITED Rev. A. B. Irwin, B.A. Lawrence A. Wein Organist and Choir Deader Mother’s Day 10 a.m.—Sunday School and Bible Classes. 11 a.m.—'Morning worship conduct­ ed by the Minister. “The Fatherhood of God.” Rite of Infant Baptism. Choruses by Male Choir. Male quartette. 7 p.m,—-Evening worship conduct­ ed by the (Minister, “Holy and Reverend is His Name” Choruses (by Male Choir. Mon., 8 p.m.—Y.P.U., Christian Culture. MAIN street; united Rev. N. J. Woods, M.A., Minister Mrs. A. Y. Willard, Organist 11 a.m —Mother’s Day Service. Men’s Choir. Rite of Infant Babtism. The Minister. 7 p.m.—Public Worship. “And So God Made Mothers.” The Minister. Wed., 8 p.m.—.Midweek Prayer Ser­ vice in Caven Church. Rev. Hunt. Thurs., 3 p.m.—-W.M.S. at parson­ age. from West. thru PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE H. T. Kendrick, Pastor Special Evangelist Services May 6th to 18th, with John . commencing Tuesday night Friday night at 8 p.m. Saturday Night—Open Air Service Thurs. afternoon, 2:30 p.m. — W- M. 'S. 'Sunday School, 10 a.m., Supt. E. Cudmore. 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.—Evangelis­ tic services. Come and hear this firey young Ex-service Evangelist. Notice TO FARMERS Goderich elevator refunds are now available. The refund from the Goderich Elevator and Transit Co. Ltd. of overcharges made on grain loaded in bags during the period of August 16, 1943, to June, 1945, is now held in trust by the Federation of Agriculture of Huron County foi* distribution. AH farmers and feeders in the County who assumed this over­ charge may secure refunds by fur­ nishing proofs as to grain purchas­ ed on which overcharges were paid. A sheet of explanation as to proofs, etc., is being sent out to the township units and may be se­ cured from your local secretary. By agreement with the Goderich Elevator and W.P.T.B., the un­ claimed residue may be used for Junior Farmer organizations in the County. Anyone wishing to do so may assign their claims for this purpose. All claims must be made within thirty days of the above no­ tice to W. V. Roy, Secretary-Treas­ urer of Huron County Federation of Agriculture. Any Huron County farmers who purchased grain from Bruce Coun­ ty dealers, should present their claims to Bruce County Federation of Agriculture. 8:15 10 11 TRIVITT MEMORIAL Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Choirmaster, Esme Howard 5th Sunday after Easter Mother’s Day i a.m.—Sunday School. . a.m.—Morning Prayer and I mon. “Home Remembrance.” This being Christian Family Week, may each family be pres­ ent on Sunday. Ser- M. 10 ZION EVANGELICAL- UNITED BRETHREN Crediton E. Reuber, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. F. W. Morlock. Organist a.m.—“The Family and Its sibilities.” Holy baptism of dren. 11 a.m.'—Church School, Mr. Morlock, Supt. 7:30 p.m.—“God’s Love-Gifts.” 9 p.m.—E.Y.F. Pos- chil- Ray CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Minister Organist Mother’s with theWorship Baptism. p.m.—Prayer serv- Church. Rev. Mr. Rev. Kenneth MacLean, Miss Muriel Whilsmith, 10 a.m.—Sunday School. Day program. 11 a.m.—Public Sacrament of Wed., May 7, 8 ice in Caven Hunt, speaker. Thurs., May 8, 8 p.m.—Play under ■the auspices of Caven Y.P.S. in the Opera House. Mon., May 12, 4:15 p.m.—Mission Band in the Primary room. Mon., May 1'2', 8 p.m.—Y.P.S. at the home of Mr. Graham Mason. Thurs., May 15, 8 p.m.—Caven W.M.S. at the home of Mrs. Alvin Moir. MOTHER’S FACE * ** comes acrossThere’s a feeling me- Comes across me often now; And it deepest seems where troubles Lays her finger on my brow; Oh, its a deep, deep feeling, Neither happiness nor pain; 'Tis a mighty soulful longing, To see mother’s face again. ’Tis I suppose a natural feeling, Worse of me, I can’t control Myself no more; it seems to stir And thrill my very soul; Try to laugh it off—but useless. Gee my tears will fall like rain When I .get this soulful longing, I wish to see her' face again. i You won’t know how much you love her Your old mother, ’till you ’Way off where her voice reach you And with home. Then you’ll heart is- Think you When you get this mighty longing, Just to see her face once more Mother-Tender, loving soul, Heaven bless her dear old face; I’d give half my years remaining, Just to give her one embrace Or .to shower love-warm kisses On hei' lips and cheeks and brow And appease this mighty .longing, That I get so often now—for My Mother. A.L.S. strangers make know how big roam ■can't your your never1 loved before, SUNDAY, MAY 11th MOTHER’S DAY WEAR A CARNATION Send her Flowers or a Potted Plant CUT FLOWERS Roses Carnations Snapdragons Daffodils Tulips Sweet Peas POTTED PLANTS African Violets in pink and violet shades Hydrangea Box Pansies Cineraria Calceolaria We make up Containers for the Cemetery. EXETER FLOWER SHOP Ralph Bailey and Family Phone 276 FOR SALE — No. 1 Seed Peas, O.A.C. 181, also No. 1 Commercial Seed. Secure your requirements now. Phone 54. Cook Bros. Mill­ ing Co., Hensall. 8c —o— Mrs. Geo. Hess returned a pleasant motor trip to Mr. and home after Florida. Mr. and dren spent fives at Barrie. Rev. W. A. Young and Young, of Fergus, visited friends here last week. Rev, P. A. Ferguson, Mrs. guson, Roddie and Judy visited last week with relatives in Hamilton. Miss Violet McClymont and Miss Mary McAsh visited last week with the former’s mother, Mrs. McCly­ mont at Varna. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brock moved . to their new home in Exeter where Messrs. Roy and Lloyd Brock have purchased a bakery business. The W.M.S. of Hensail United Church will hold their annual birthday party in the schoolroom of the church on Friday,, May 9th. at 3 p.m, Mr.# and Mrs. Glenn Bell and family and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mac- Laren and Donald visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Johns at Elimville. Rev. Sanderson and Mrs. Sander­ son, who have spent the past few months with their daughter son-in-law, Rev. P. A. and Ferguson, left this week for home in Lundsen, Sask. The monthly meeting of the ning Auxiliary of Hensail United Church will be held at the hpme of Miss Margaret Glenn on Monday, May 12th, with Miss Michie assist­ ing, Members are asked to meet at Miss Ellis’ home at 7:45 p.m. for transportation to Miss Glenn’s home. You are urged to attend. Word was received here Friday of the death of Mr. Thomas Ryck- man who died in Washington 'Hos­ pital in Dakota while visiting his daughter. Mrs. Parsons, Hensail, is a sister, Mr. Francis Ryckman, of Hensail, and Mr. Archie Ryckman, Exeter, are brothers. A sister in Pollick, Dakota, also survives. Mr. Francis Ryckman, of Hensail, left Saturday to attend the funeral. The deceased visited here with his sister and brothers a year ago. He was in his 80 th year. The May meeting of Hensall Senior Institute will be held at t’he home of Mrs. A. E. Munn on Wed­ nesday evening, May 14 th, with Mrs. John E. McEwen. The roll call will be answered by written sug­ gestions for the year’s work. Mot­ to, “Let me think a little more of my neighbor and less of me,” by Mrs. R. Cameron. Demonstration, “Cereals,” by Mrs. S. Bell. Rev. R. A. Brook will be the gues’t speaker on this occasion. Social committee, Mrs. Munn. Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Chap­ man, Mrs. McEwen, Miss -Gladys Luker. A large Attendance is re­ quested. The members are requested to meet at the Town Hall at p.m. for transportation to Munn’s home. Bride and Groom Honored A large number of relatives and friends assembled at the Town Hall, Hensall. on Friday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Munn who were recently married. Dancing was enjoyed to music by Murdoch’s or­ chestra. During the evening the bride and groom were called -to the platform and present­ ed with a handsome chesterfield suite. The address was read by Mr. Ed. Corbett. The groom made a fitting reply. All joined in singing “For They Are Jolly Good Fellows.” Refreshments were served. Anyone of the Hensall District interested in organizing a Girls’ Softball team for 1947 are request­ ed. to attend a meeting in the Town Hall, Hensall, on Tuesday, May 13. at 7:30 sharp. Wohelo Class Meets The Wohelo Class met in the schoolroom of the United Church on Monday evening with Mrs. Wes. Jones presiding. The meeting open­ ed with “Breathe On Me Breath of ■God,” after which the Lord’s Pray­ er was repeated in unison. The scripture lesson, Psalm 27, was read ■by Miss Margaret 'Glenn. Audrey Walsh -favored with enjoyable musi­ cal selections. Mrs. 'Edison Forrest then most capably presented the topic “Soviet .Spies.” The business session followed. <Miss M. Ellis gave an interesting reading, after which Miss Edna Walsh rendered a pleas­ ing piano solo. (Following • the sing­ ing of “O Master Let Me Walk With Thee,” the Mizpah Benediction was repeated. Miss Barbara Michie con­ ducted several entertaining games. A dainty lunch was served at close. Woman’s Association The Women’s Association; Hensall United Church and Ladies’ Guild of St. Paul’; can Church were the guests of the Ladies’ Aid of Carmel Presbyterian Church on Tuesday evening. The president, Mrs. Roy MacLaren pre­ sided and opened the meeting with a sing-song using the numbers ‘Be­ lieve iMe If All Those Endearing Young Charms”, “Drink Only With Thine Eyes”, ■ Low Sweet Chariot” and “The More We Get Together.” A hearty wel­ come was extended to the guests by the president. Mrs. Lerraine Mrs. Gus Voth and the week-end with chil- rela- Mrs. with Fer- and Mrs. their Eve- 7:45 Mrs. the of the 's Angli- ■to Me “Swing Mr. and 'Mrs. H. Noels and family, of Aylmer, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Mc­ Donald. Mr. and Mrs. C. Ings visited in this neighborhood over the week­ end. Mr, and Mrs. J. Djckins were Saturday evening visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. McGowan, of Lucan. A delightful surprise was ten­ dered Mrs. Robt. Atkinson, of iGran- tonl formerly of the second con­ cession of Biddulph, on May 3rd, in honor of her 80th birthday, in the dining room of the Belvedere Hotel London. Twenty-eight mem­ bers of her family including daugh­ ters, sons and grandchildren sat down to a turkey dinner. Mrs. At­ kinson received many beautiful and useful gifts from the family includ­ ing a corsage of sweet peas present­ ed by her grandson, Master How­ ard Hodgins. Mrs. Atkinson was completely taken by surprise and expressed her thanks and pleasure in having her family all together for the day. The members of St. Patrick’s Church are celebrating the 75th an­ niversary of the church on May 18th. Morning service will be at 11 o’clock, evening service at 7:30, All interested are welcome. Rev, M. H. Elston will be the special speaker at both services. Mrs. G. Maines, of Lucan, will be soloist. THAMES ROAD Mother’s Day, May 11th. Wear a Carnation, .Bailey’s Flower Exeter. Miss Margaret Allison is ing a few weeks at home leaving for Regina where taking a position with her ,W. J. Allison. Miss Betty Mair spent the week­ end with Miss Jean Ingram at Hensall. Miss Jean Cann, of London, spent the week-end with her par­ ents. Miss Annie Elf ord, -of London, spent the week-end at her home. Miss Doris Elford visited in London over the week-end. v Miss Anne Morgan, of London, spent the week-end at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnson family, of Whalen, visited Saturday evening with Mr. Mrs. Robert Cann. Mrs. Delbert Morley, of Granton and Mrs. Wilson Morley, of Exeter spent Monday with Passmore. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. ited last Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie McClure and Mr, and Mrs. Frank .Smale, of Seaforth, spent last Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Passmore. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ferguson and Roy spent Sunday with Mr. and -Mrs. Norman Ferguson at London. Mr. Bert Gardiner, of London, spent the week-end at his home. Miss Goldie Getty, of Wheatley, visited with Miss Annie over the week-end. The ■Supper was Service young the and two adults membership. Mother’s Day held at the usual morning. Sunday a.m. with Mrs. Geo. Layton, of Exeter, as guest speaker. All par­ ents are invited to join with their children, at this service. Church service will follow Special music will for both services. The Y.P.U. will Shop, spend- before she is uncle, and last and Mrs. Percy Kirkland vis-i evening with Ballantyne, of Toronto, was guest speaker on -the subject “Handi­ crafts.” Mrs. Wm. Brown and Mrs. Harold Bell favored with a vocal duet. Mrs. Malcolm Dougall played a pleasing piano solo. The meeting closed by singing Ago.” A social was which refreshments Mrs. Fred Leibold Rev. P. Knauff, minister of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, of Stratford, officiated at the funeral services which were held for Mrs. Katherine Leibold, widow of Fred Leibold at the Heimbuch 'Funeral Home on Monday afternoon, May 5 th. Interment took place in the Mausoleum at Avon Cemetery. Mrs. Leibold’s parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Peter Woolley were Hensall residents some years ago. Mrs. Lei­ bold was a devout member of Zion Church and for many years she had taken an active part in various church activities. Deceased had been failing health for some, months. Surviving are her daughter (Es­ ther) Mrs. L. Farrow, 66 McNab St., Stratford, with whom she re­ sided and a son, Arnold Leibold, Detroit. The floral tributes were many and beautiful. Those attend­ ing from Hensall were Mr. and Mrs. R. Petske, Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Broderick and Miss Gladys Luker. A number of Zurich relatives and friends also attended. 9 Arnold Circle Evening Auxiliary The April meeting of the Arnold ■Circle Evening Auxiliary held their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Hilton Laing in Exeter on ■Monday evening. The president, Miss Jean McQueen, presided and. opened the meeting with a poem after which hymn “Lord of Light Whose Name Outshineth,” was sung. The scripture, Daniel 6, verses 1-10, was read by Miss Helen Moir after which Mrs. L. Baynham led in prayer. The hymn “Where Cross the Crowded Ways of-Life,” was sung followed by the business. Ar­ rangements were made to hold a ‘‘blossom tea” on Mrs. F. Bonthron’s lawn on June 14th. An interesting set of slides entitled “A Tour Through India,” was presented by Mrs. Roy Bell assisted by Mrs. Chas. Forrest. Mrs. A. W: Kerslake a poem entitled “Mothers.” meeting closed by singing “O ter Let Me Walk With Thee,” which Miss Jean McQueen led in prayer. An interesting exchange of gift packages was made and a so­ cial hour enjoyed during which the hostess was assisted by Miss Jean M-cQueen, Mrs. Norman Stanlake and Mrs. Broderick. Women’s Missionary Society The Women’s Missionary Society of the Hensall United Church held their meeting in the schoolroom of the church on Thursday with the president, Mrs. W. B. Cross presid­ ing and opened the meeting by sing­ ing, “What a Fellowship, What a Joy Divine,” after which the Lord’s Prayer was repeated in unison. The scripture reading, Prov. 3 1-6, was read by Mrs. E. McQueen aftei’ which Mrs. Geiger led in prayer. The minutes of tbe last meeting were read and adopted. The com­ mittees for the birthday party to be held on May 9th were read by the secretary, Mrs. Mickle. Mrs. R. A. Brook and Mrs. E. Geiger were ap­ pointed as a committee to buy wool for knitting for a 10-year-old girl. The roll call was answered by 18 members. A musical trio entitled “Let the Lower Lights be Burning” was sung by Mrs. T. Sherritt, Mrs. Milton Lavery and Mrs. Hedden. Mrs. Sherritt accompanied at the piano. The hymn, "Come, Sinners to the Gospel Feast,” 1 showing how men "and women "after | opened with the Theme Song fol- they have once learned something. lowed with prayer by Jean Willis, about Christianity are eager toJJQan Willis led in Bible Drill. The learn more. The meeting closed j roll call and minutes were read. “Long, Long enjoyed during were served. Sacrament of the observed at Elford Lord’s Church/ on Sunday morning. Four girls were membership two received into of the Church by transfer of services will be hour on Sunday School at 10.15' service. at 11.15 a.m.' be provided meet in ‘ the church basement Friday evening of cordial all the ZION Mr. and‘'Mrs. Bill Stewart and family, Sunday Brock. Miss visited Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hern. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hodgins, of London, visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs, Wellington Brock. Mr. and Mi's, Gerald Hern vis­ ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cloher, of London. Mr. Wm. Stephens, of Hamilton, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Eph. Hern. Mr. and Mrs. George Jaques, of E!xeter, visited with Mr. and Miss Helen visited ovei' Anna Brock. Mr. and Mrs. Eph. Hern visited on Sunday with Mrs. L. Kyle, of Exeter. Mrs. Allen. Westcott and Linda, of Exeter, spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs, Eph, Hern. of ’Benfield, visited on with nnd Mrs. Warren Gerta Hunter, of London, over the week-end with on Friday evening Mrs. Melville Hern. Sweet, of Exeter, the week-end with Enormous quantities of canned horsemeat have been purchased by UNRRA from Canada to relieve hunger in Poland, Czechoslovakia and Austria. read-was as follows; hymn 279; ing “What Great Men say about the Bible” by Florence hymn 19 0; scripture lesson Marian Mills; story “A Helping Hand” based on the1 scripture les- on by .Marian Mills; hymn 32 fol­ lowed by the Lord’s prayer in uni­ son; story “The Lesson” by Mar­ ion Rodd; poem “The Potter’s Clay” by Audrey Parkinson; hymn 220; story “Key to an Angry Heart” by Ombra Copeland; hymn 15 6 and the National Anthem. Jean Willis closed the meeting with prayer. Kirk; by I this week at 8.30 p.m. A invitation is extended to young people. Mrs. visited with Keith Weber Y.P.U. Social The Y.P.U. basement las with Caven Y.P.U, of Exeter guests fo-r the evening. The meet­ ing opened with hymn 4 followed ! with prayer by Rev. Mair. Wilfred I Hunkin, president, spoke a few iwords of welcome to the Caven (Y.P.U. Caven Y.P.U. then, took 'charge of the meeting. Hymn 384 was sung after which all repeated the 23rd Psalm. Mary Easton then -favored with a reading. Mrsj Simpson favored with a solo. Rev. K. MacLean gave a very interest­ ing talk on “Our Obligation to the Rising Generation”. Hymn 109 was sung and the meeting closed with Rev. MacLean leading in prayer. A social time was spent in games and contests after which the Thames Road young folk ser­ ved a dainty lunch of sandwiches cookies, coffee, ice-cream and cake. R. Williams, of her daughter, one day last Exeter, Mrs.' week. church evening as WOODHAM Miss Viola Jaques gave a tem­ perance talk at Fullarton Sunday School on Sunday. Miss Audrey Rodd spent the week-end with her sister, Miss Fern Rodd, of London.I Mr. and fMrs. Ernest Smith, of j London, spent the week-end with | the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. (Harry Rodd. Mr. and Mrs. Clarise Snell, of Exeter, spent Sunday with Mr. [and Mrs. Mitchell Willis. Mrs. Leonard Thacker Orrie and Elizabeth spent the week-end with relatives at Clinton. Misses Marion and Muriel Steph­ ens, of St. Marys, spent the week­ end at Mrs. Sunday bert quite ill. , Mr. George Wheeler has ed home from St. Joseph’s al, London, after having met with an unfortunate accident while load­ ing a bull to ship. He suffered some broken ribs. Mrs. Lawrence Joseph’s Hospital, ipected home this iproved in lieatlh. ! Mr. Graydon Camm, of Brant-1 j ford, spent the week-end with his father, Mr. John Camm. Young People’s Meeting The I Young people’s Union was jome, sinners, j Sunday evening with the to me woM.yi was sung. The (Ship committee, Marian and Ken- study book on India was then taken ' neth Mills in charge. The meeting read The Mas- after their Dave with Ross, home here. ■Stephens yisited on her brother, of Kirkton, Beckett, of St. London, is ex­ week much im- regular meeting Kt '0 Trouble On all m?ikes of cars and tracks SPECIALTY Drive in arid benefit * from our expert know­ ledge, skill and modern repair and maintenance facilities. See us for Service and save time and money! Snell Bros. & Co. General Motors and Case Dealers Phone 100Exeter MAKE BIG MONEY COLOURING SNAPSHOTS for FRIENDS & NEIGHBOURS Anyone Can Do It SNAPSHOT COLOURING l/|T Complete With’ Instructions **1 Box 285-Dept. B14-TORONTO Township of Stephen British Flood Victims Campaign Canvassers have been appointed for each Concession and each Police Village in the Township and will make a per­ sonal call for your contribution of good Clean Clothing, Canned Goods or Cash Donations. Canvass should be completed by May 17th. THE NEED IS URGENT AND THE RESPONSE SHOULD BE LIBERAL. This Week’s G> SPECIAL ELECTRIC TOASTER ■S' THIS IS A LOVELY TOASTER return- Hospit- Mr. Ro- who is This Week Only, $2.63 held on Citizen- STOP Feed Waste With Chek-R-Ton It pays to mix Chek-R-Ton with your chicken (.'hek-R-Ton- helps them laxative, tones petites and expels round­ worms. mash, keep up ap- Traquair’s Hardware with a livmn and the Mizpah Bene- J and adopted. Marian Mills then took charge of the meeting wlncWdiction May 14-15-16-17 The Jota Story’ Leavitt's Theatre