HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-04-24, Page 6j THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 24th, 1947 I wish to announce the opening in the near future of a photographic studio above the law offices of Gladman and Cochrane. Main Street. Exeter. I will be prepared to do camera portraiture,, wedding and group photography, with equipment of the latest and most modern design. An opening date will be announced later. i I Caven W.M.S. The Easter Thankoffering meet- of Guven Auxiliary, Women’s held on in the from were India Clyde, Hymns. AU especially the Photographer 2SRi®aeftBHJ!H3 ■M officiated. Burial was in Hensall Union 'Cemetery. The infant was the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Cook. Presentation At a recent meeting of the Wo­ men’s Missionary Society of Carmel 'Presbyterian Church, Mrs. George Walker, who has been a most ef­ ficient secretary of the Society for the 'past twelve years, was honored. Mrs. Annie Logan presented Mrs, Walker with a gold W.M.S. pin. Mrs. Basil Edwards read the ad­ dress. Mrs. Walker, although com­ pletely taken by surprise, express­ ed her sincere thanks to the So­ ciety. Following is the address; Dear Mrs. Walker; We, the members of the Hensall W.M.S., wish at this time to express to you our appreciation of your very devoted and efficient service rendered as secretary -these past twelve years. There has been try­ ing times in performing your work but somehow yoxi had the happy ability to smooth doivn the rough edges and keep things running smoothly. We have always found you capable and willing to help whenever you could, no matter how often our call for help came your way. We want you to know that we have not been wholly un­ mindful nor unappreciative of your loyalty, In recognition of 'the im­ portant part you play in our church life and especially the faithful ser­ vice to our organization for these many years, we ask you to accept this pin as something tangible to express our thoughts and Council Meeting The regular meeting of lage Council was held on April 1st, at 8 p.m., in the Coun­ cil Chamber ing present, regular and read. 'Parke minutes be _ ried. Keith Buchanan appeared ask­ ing permission to cut down some small trees and shrubs south and west of his property, also request­ ing some gravel to be applied on the road in front of his property, same granted. Brown and Middle­ ton: that K. (Buchanan be granted permission to remove grove of trees in front of his property; carried. P. L. McNaughton appeared re the assessment for 1947 and was ad­ vised that he could start any time now. W. R. 'Davidson and F. Small- ecombe appeared as a delegation from the Park Board asking for a grant for park purposes. .Middle­ ton and Twitchell: that a tax rate of 1 mill be granted to the com­ munity Park Board to carry out the looking after and upkeep of the Park, same payable in advance of tax collection, and that the Clerk ■prepare a by-law confirming same; carried. J. A. Paterson, tax col­ lector, reported re the tax arrears as being $227.18 for 1946. Parke and Brown: that the remaining un­ collected taxes on the tax roll for 1946 be returned to the County Treasurer as .uncollected; carried. The Clerk also presented the logs of the wells drilled Iby iF. L. David­ son at the Park and at the rear of the hall. The auditors’ reports were presented and considered. Middle­ ton and Twitchell: that the audi­ tor’s report as presented 'be accept­ ed and the salary paid, also that sufficient copies of the same be printed; carried. Brown and Parke: that the school board be charged $20.00, hydro $20.00, library '$5.00, park $5.00,. as their share of the auditing expenses; carried. iPark and Twitchell: that the constable proceed to collect all dog taxes and the same be completed on or before May 1st as per by-law; carried. Parke and Brown; that the Clerk be instructed to invite the Women’s Institute to use the Hall for their regular meetings; carried. Corres­ pondence was read as follows: Canadian Aid to Greece, Municipal Finance Officers’ Ass’n, (Fire Mar­ shall’s reports, Monteith .& Mon­ teith, Hagersville Asphalt Paving Ltd., Dept, of Highways, Exeter District High School Board, Oliver Amos, Levy Auto Parts Co., Muni­ cipal World Ltd., C.N.R., The Art Metropole, County Engineer, Wes­ teel 'Products Ltd., Zurich Lions Club, Gladman & Cochrane, Dept, of Agriculture, Huron County Fed­ eration of Agriculture—same con­ sidered and filed. Twitchell and Middleton: that a by-law engaging Monteith & Monteith as auditors be prepared at a salary of $125.00 per year; carried. 'Bills and ac­ counts were read as follows: The Art Metropole, maps $2.06: Huron County, hospitalization 20.95; Bell Telephone, service 5.31; W. R. Davidson, coal rink 5.40, hall 65.10, 70.50; F. G. Bonthron, postage 5.00; Monteith & Monteith, salary 75.00, expenses .75. 75.75; J. A. Paterson, salary 125.00, expenses 6.00, 131.00; T. Kyle, salary 73.80; W. L. Geromette, special police­ man 5.00, expenses 1.50, 6.50; Hydro Commission, hydro hall 20.43; E. Fink, repairs fire truck and supplies 23.95; W. O. Goodwin, club bags for returned boys 140.00; T. C. Joynt, club bags for returned boys 80.00; W. Allen, snowplough­ ing streets 60.7 5; W. 'Dabus, labor, S.R. streets 1.80; C. Kipfer, labor, S.R. streets 10.00; L. Noakes, labor S.R. ‘ ' labor, labor, labor, s ter, Schwalm, labor R. Dick, ■ G. Beer 18,75; H S. R. streets 15.75. ing, S.R, streets 7,50; Twitchell and Middleton and accounts as read be paid ried place re policing and the Constable was instructed to be more strict. Twitchell and Brown: that we now adjourn; carried. HE-NSAUU Miss Vera Shedden, of London, visited with friends here last week. Mrs. Mary Hennessey, of London, spent the week-end with Mrs. G. Case. Mr. and Mrs. Cornish, of Bruce- field, visited recently with Mr, and Mrs. Boy Brock. Mr. and Mrs. R, D. Bell, of Lon­ don, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stewart, of Seaforth, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Coleman, Mr. Bruce Glenn, of London, spent the week-end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Glenn. Mr, and Mrs. A. D. McEwen vis­ ited recently with the latter’s par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sparrow at Paisley. Mr. and Mrs. W, A. MacLaren, Misses Marion and Lois, of Goder­ ich, visited with friends here re­ cently. Misses Evelyn and Mae Taylor visited over the week-end with Mr and Mrs. Jack Dougall and family at Ingersoll, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Parker and family were recent visitors Mr. an’d Mrs. Russell Keyes family at Mitchell. Miss June Saundercoek friend, of London, spent the week­ end with the former’s mother, Mrs. Annie Saundercoek. Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Davidson visited recently with relatives at Wingham. Mrs. Davidson is remain­ ing for a week owing to the illness of her sister. The Girls’ Dance Club are spon­ soring theirolast dance of the sea­ son in the Town Hall. Hensall, on Thursday, May 1st. Music by Ted Pudney’s orchestra of London. A three-act mystery play entit­ led "Second-Story Peggy,” will be presented in the Town Hall, I-Ien- sall, on Thursday and Friday, Ap­ ril 24th and 25th, by the Young People’s Society of Carmel 'Pres­ byterian Church. The April meeting of the Arnold ■Circle evening auxiliary of Carmel church will be held at the home of Mrs. Hilton Laing, Exeter, on Mon­ day, April 28 th, at 8:30 sharp. Miss Jean McQueen will be hostess. Please d0 not forget bring the gifts for the bazaar. Infant Daughter Dies Private funeral service was held ■from Bonthron’s funeral home on Tuesday, April 15th, for Julia Ann Cook, six-weeks-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook, Wind­ sor, who died at Hotel Deiu Hospit­ al, Windsor, on 'Sunday. Rev. R. A. Brook, of Hensall United Church. Special Speaker Mrs. Lereine Ballantyne, of To­ ronto, will be the guest speaker at Carmel Presbyterian Ladles’ Aid on Tuesday, April 29th, at 8:30 p.m. Her subject will be "Handi­ craft," and the meeting is open to the ladies of the ■community. This will be your only opportunity to hear Mrs. Ballantyne, who comes highly recommended. r> ing of Caven Auxiliary, Missionary Society, was Thursday evening, April 17, Sunday Schoolroom. Films the Exeter Film Council shown as follows: two on one on Shipbuilding on the and one on Marine proved interesting, two on India, in connection with the Study Book of this year on India. Reports from the meeting of the Hamilton-London Synodical Society were brought and given by Mrs. Mac Lean and Miss Jeckell. This waa the first meeting since the change over from a Provincial Society to three Synodical Societies, Montreal-Ottawa, Kingston-Toronto and Hamilton-London, giving mem­ bers a closer touch with the syn­ odical society in their district. The next regular meeting will be held on May 15th at the home of Mrs. A. Moir and a special meeting of Caven and Carmel (Hensall) Aux­ iliaries will be held on May 22nd when Miss Williamson, a mission­ ary teacher on furlough, will the address. i ) t 1877 with and SHIPKA regular meeting of give and s NICE TO for children. co- to Let us help pion your trip Drop in at any Canadian National ticket office and talk itover. JFe will he pleased to help yon. Canadian THE RAILWAY TO EVERYWHERE IN CANADA ALFALFA RED CLOVER TIMOTHYALSIKE SWEET CLOVERS All types of grass and clover mixtures. O.A.C. permanent pasture mixture. Parkland Brome grass. All seeds are of highest quality, put up in our own plant Zwicker Seed Co. Limited CREDITON PHONE 3W the W.A. will be held Thursday even­ ing. May 1st, at the home of Mrs. Geo. Love. Mrs. Verne Sharpe and Miss Nola Sweitzer, R.N., of London, are spending this week in New York, Mr. Roy Ratz is attending the Evangelical Conference this week. Varnishes • Paints Enamels - Wax YEARS OF SERVICE - 1947 /7 jaa evefuf INSIDE AND OUTSIDE — for sale by Ml A / 1 f I feelings. the Vil- Tuesday, with all members be- Minutes of the last special meetings were and Brown: that the adopted as read; car- Huron Lumber Company Limited All meals are expertly served in Canadian National * dining cars. ■BMP lAAL5L3t * * * 4 / 4 4 'Daniel Smith celebrated his 95th birthday 'Monday at his farm home. Blue Water highway, just west of Zurich. >Mr. Smith has a remarkable memory, is active and in good health. J-Ie has three sons, Clayton, at home: Chester, publisher of The Zurich Herald, and Irvin D., of ■Hamilton. I LCCAN WOMAN DIES Mrs. Margaret Emma Burnett, widow of James Burnett, died Friday in Lucan in her 9 7th year. The funeral took place from the home of her daughter, Mrs. M. De­ mos, 181 Clarence street, London, on Monday with interment in St. James Cemetery, Clandeboye. r k I “Dinner now being served in the dining car”, is welcome news on Canadian National trains. Appetizing food, moderately priced, is some­ thing you will always find in the congenial atmosphere of Canadian National diners. Choose coach, chair car or per ... in any of them youTl find Canadian National ser­ vice adding much to the pleasure of your journey by train. streets S.R. S.R. S.R. labor 10.00; N. streets 10.00; streets 8.40; streets 10.00 , S.R. Oils and Greases At Tank Wagon Prices Farmers, get your supply of oils and greases for your farm machinery at your Red Indian Service Station, We have | | oils in five and fifteen gallon drums and greases in five | and twenty-five pound cans. These are obtainable at tank | av agon prices. f I Aviation, Red Indian and Valor Oils | Texaco Marfak Greases | GRAHAM ARTHUR Your Red Indian Service Station I »• I 4 i * or g° i TOURIST BUSINESS IS GOOD BUSINESS ...FOR EVERY CITIZEN When a ^visitor to our province pays for food or accommodation or gasoline or amusement, we all benefit. Yes, you will be better off for every cent the tourist business brings to Ontario even if you have no direct connection with any of our visitors. So let us all do every­thing we can to "AlrzZ’t? them want to come back!" 'HcaoPe l!deatnc -LazeA/* One Of a series df advortisemonls about Ontario Holidays published iri the public intorosl by John Lobalf Limit od ’ Moron ° •Roorrr tbe^^-betber McEwen R. Smale. R> Todd. D. iSang- 4.00; G.streets streets 4,00; streets 4.00; S.R. streets teaming, II. Bell, team­ total $820. : that bills car- Considerable discussion took S.R S.R,labor teaming, Armstrong