HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-04-24, Page 4FEMALE HELP WANTEDWUERTH’S THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 24th, 1947 I .......................i ■ . ■ . . : ................................ ......... ....... ................ BABY CHICKS Your assurance of quality—Try on Gteb and Sterling Bros, arch built shoes with ortliO’-mbber heels for comfort. We have a complete line of Work Shoes, the best grade, ranging from $2.60 to $6.25, leather soles, pane© soles, leather heels, rubber heels and iron heels. SUMMER WAITRESSES WANTED: j Girls of neat appearance for j “Snack Shop”. Grand Bend; sea-: son May or June till Labor Day j night; good wages; nice living quarters overlooking lake: very J reasonable working hours; girls ’ supervised; character references j required. Apply in own hand-' writing to W. Eric McIlroy, | Lakeview Casino, Grand Bend.. Ontario. 24c' w. 55c Men’s Sport Oxfords for knockabout wear (in brown only). SEE THESE VALUES! Work Socks for hard wear 25c - Dress Socks 25c to $2.50 Shoe Brushes (fine camel hair) ■ 25c to $1.25 Metal Shoe Trees 79o pair 2 pair for $1.50 adjustable to keep the shoe in . proper shape. Polishes, black Capo only, 2 for 21c Shoe repairing promptly attended to. Have those shoes resoled with ASSISTANTS for “Snack Shop” Kitchen: July to Labor Day. Ap­ ply to W Eric Mcllrov Lake­ view Casino, Grand Bend. Ont. 24c S3 our new stitcher. Wuerth’s Shoe Store TEACHERS WANTED w —--—“*7 ........——a—— THE USBORNE Township School Area Board is offering $1500 for normalite Protestant teachers and $1650 for experienced Protestant teachers to fill the vacancies in the several schools. Duties are‘ to commence Sept. 2. Applicants; please give previous Inspector’s' name. A, Garnet Hicks, Exeter.1 Ontario, See’y-Treas. u r i |J DAY OLD CHICK BARGAINS for! this week and next: Barred Rocks, New Hampshires, New Hampshire x Barred Rocks, Barred Rock x New Hampshires. New Hampshire x Light Sussex, Light Sussex x New; Hampshires, Light Sussex x Barred ’ Rocks, non-sexed 9.95, pullets.17.95, cockerels 4.95. Assorted ’ Heavy breeds, non-sexed S.95, pul-' lets 16.95, cockerels 3.95, Cocker-j els: White Leghorn x Barred Rocks 1.95, White Leghorns 95c, Two week old, add 6.00; three week old. add 11.00 to non-sexed and pullets, 8.00 to cockerels. Shipped C.O.D. This advertisement must ac­ company your order to receive these special prices. ; TOP NOTCH CHICKERIES, Guelph, Ontario. 24:1c COMING EVENTS WANTED FOR RENT Exeter Motor Sales Dodge and DeSoto Sales and Service Tom Coates Phone 200 Fred Dobbs Better Get New Tires Before Your Old Ones Get You! Can you afford to risk the danger and remorse that goes with badly worn tires? Don’t let old tires cause you sorrow this spring. Do the proper thing. Let us equip your car with a set of Goodrich tires for safe, sane., enjoyable driving. Then your tire troubles are over. Authorized Ontario Motor League Garage WRECKER SERVICE DAY AND NIGHT It s New! It’s Here OPEN 'MEETING — Exeter Red Cross Branch will hold an open meeting Monday, April 28, at S p.m., in Trivitt Memorial Parish Hall. The program will consist of musical numbers and reports of the delegates to the Annual ■Convention. NOTICE — If you have livestock implements, household furniture, etc., for sale, contact Wm. H Smith Auction at Crediton, as I am holding the annual Commun­ ity Sale in the near future and will >be obliged to bill only what has been listed with me. Win. H. Smith, Auctioneer, Crediton. phone 43r2, FOR SALE WANTED- Small quantity of cattle for pasture. Apply Reg. Hodgson, Centralia, phone 18r3, Crediton. 24c WANTED—A number of chunks of pigs, 50 to 125 lbs.; also some six weeks old pigs. John Hodgert, phone 184, Exeter. * 24c WANTED — Superior litter carrier, or parts, any condition. Ross Horn, R.R. 1, Granton, 24* WANTED-—A building to be moved or wrecked. Phone Exeter >276. 24c WANTED—Warehouse man, living I quarters available, married man i preferred. Apply at Times-Advo­ cate. c ROOM TO RENT—'Furnished bed­ room for gentleman, breakfast if desired. Apply Box 221, Lucan, Ontario, 24c FOR RENT—100 acres pasture, lot 8, Con. 7, Hay. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NEUHAUSER AUSTRALORPS Heavy Black dual purpose Australia for the English meat qualities. Full well rounded breasts. Yellow skin. This breed is fast growing in popularity. Straight run chicks $16.00 per 100 NEUHAUSER HATCHERIES Essex, Ont., London, Ont., Chatham, Ont. Australorps. A real fowl. Bred up in egg production from Orpington. Splendid FOR SALE—Mixed gladioli bulbs, 30 cents a dozen, Mrs. Jackson Woods, phone Kirkton 25r4, 24c TURNIPS FOR SALE—Come and get them at 5e per bus. Clarence Down, R.R, 1. Hensall, phone 177r2. Exeter. 24c FOR .SALE—’28 Essex car in good condition, W. A. Ducklow, Huron St. 24* FOR SALE — Bay horse, 8 years old. Apply to Hubert Hunter, R.R. 1, Woodham. 24* WANTED — Permanently posted Airforce couple require unfurn­ ished dwelling, no children, will furnish references. Apply Box A, Times-Advocate, 24* WANTED—Young man to work on tobacco farm. For further parti­ culars, apply to Karl Weiberg, Centralia. 24:1 WANTED — Truck driver, living­ quarters available, married man preferred. Apply at Times-Advo­ cate. c IN THE ESTATE OR WALTER SOVEREIGN, of the Village of Lacan in the County of’ Middlesex, Printer, Deceased, ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above mentioned person, who died at the Village of Lucan, on the 15th day of October, ’19 46, are required to file proof of same with the under­ signed Solicitor for the Estate, on or before the 10th day of May, 1947. AFTER THAT DATE, the assets of said Estate will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been re­ ceived. DATED at London, Ontario, 27th day of Mlarch A.D. 1947. ELDON W. MITCHELL, Barrister, Solicitor, Etc., No, 169% Dundas Street, LONDON, Ontario. plow; Cockshutt riding plow; Bissell Cultipacker; M.H. Drill, 13-hoe with fertilator attachment; 4-section harrow; McC.-’Deering two-horse scuffler; disc; M.H. binder, 7 ft. cut; Deering mower (nearly new); new Cockshutt hay loader, rake-bar style, with green feed attachment; Deering hay rake; flat sliding rack (new); rubber-tired wagon, 16.600 tires; wagon stock rack; sleighs; low stock rack, tires: ru'bber-tired buggy; Portland cutter, with doors; power fanning mill; cutting box; hog scales and 2 pig crates; 2 bag trucks; 2 steel water troughs; 2 basswood sills 3” x 7” x 16’; 1 h.p. electric motor, newly rewound; % h.p. electric motor; electric brooder; new Cy­ clone grass seeder; 1 ton chain lift; Viking cream separator, 600 lb. capacity; Daisy churn; ice cream freezer; sausage stuff er and lard press; oak vinegar barrel with vinegar; 2-burner electric hot­ plate; -gasoline engine; pump jack; pipe. 7 tons of hay, box with shelves; light wagon; bob- 2-wheel trailer with 7% ft. box, 16.600 this 24:1c ■ HY-LINE CHICKS 1 New kind of chicken bred like Hybrid corn. High speed layers. Lay 42% to 54% more eggs. The ne-west thing in chickens. Produced by crossing inbred lines. First time offered in Canada. • Chicks now hatching. “Come in and see .us and learn I about Hy-Lines”. NEUHAUSER HATCHERIES 81 King St., LONDON, Ontario. ■ FOR SALE — Earlyana soybeans, grown from registered seed, well adapted to Western Ontario, very good yielder, cannot be beaten for combining; also some Ajax oats. Phone 831’5 Hensall. 24:(1* CAN TAKE IN about 15 head of young cattle for pasture. Apply to Silas Stanlake, Exeter. 24* FOR SALE — Mixed hay, child's crib and stroller. Whitney Coates, R, 1, Centralia, phone. Kirkton 4Sr3. 24* WANTED—A quantity of cattle for grass; also a quantity of timothy hay and H.H. seed drill, 13-hoe fertilizer attachment for sale. Arthur Anderson, phone 500r5. Hensall. 17:24* S I _ ________ ! FOR SALE—Black Percheron stal- -4c ■ lion “La Carmel.'’ Apply to Eli ‘ King, Crediton. 24* t I A-l BABY CHICKS, from blood- tested ’ " " ~ Large Barred Sussex Rocks. Switzer Hatchery, Granton, Ont., ( for price list. Phone 38-3 Gran- : CONNOR Thermo Washers design- tfc i stock; Type Rock x New Write Barred Rocks; White Leghorns; x White Leghorn; Hampshire; Red x or phone A. H. FOR SALE — A quantity of feed turnips; also McCormick-Deering engine in good running shape. Apply to A. Garnet Hicks, Exeter, Ont. WANTED — Furnished or unfurn­ ished houses, suites or house­ keeping rooms required immedi­ ately for married personnel oi RCAF Airport. These are veter­ ans, too, and deserve your as­ sistance. Phone 316 and ask for Housing Officer. WANTED TO BORROW $6 00.00 for business extension. Buildings security. Highest rate of interest, also bonus. Write Box R, Exeter Times-Advocate. c In the Estate of WILLIAM HENRY SCHROEDER. ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the estate of William Henry Schroeder, late of the Town­ ship of Stephen in the County of Huron, Gentleman, who died on or about the 2 Sth day of February. A.D. 1947, are required to file par­ ticulars of the same with Elmer D. Bell, Solicitor, of Exeter, Ont., 'by the 6th day of May, A.D. 19 47, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. DATED the 12th day of April, A.D. 1947. ELMER D. BELL, Exeter, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. quantity of 1% ” FEED — About mostly alfalfa. SEED—A small ore seed barley. Colony house, 6' REAL ESTATE — At the same time and place there will be offer­ ed the farm, lot 21 and south half of Lot 22 in the Township of Stephen; 150 acres more or less. On the property is situated a good L-shaped bank barn, implement shed and garage, good brick house, all wired for hydro; 15 acres of good bush, 11 acres of wheat, fall ploughing done, .farm in good state of cultivation. Farm sold subject to reserve bid. TERM'S — On Real Estate made known on day of sale. Chattels—• pocjH * GEO. LINK, Prop. GEO. LAWSON, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. quantity of Gal- x 10’. 1 I ton.ed to solve washday problems, a life time washer. We now have some in stock. If you are inter­ ested in a new washer give us a call. Wm. J. Thomson, dealer, Centralia, phene Kirkton 4Sr4. 24c WANTED TO BUY — Small house for cash in village or small com­ munity with t hydro. Give full particulars. Apply Box L, Times- Advocate. 17:<24* AUCTION SALES JUST WHAT YOU'VE WAITED FOR It’s the New 1947 Without Touching a Record! 30 MINUTES OF MUSIC Automatic RADIO-PHONOGRAPH for Only $149*^0 Just think!—how satisfying—to sit back in your comfortable chair and enjoy a full half hour program of your favorite selections with­ out having to get up and change every record. The same Deluxe Admiral Automatic Record Changer that you would expect in an expen­ sive console is found in this handsome Walnut veneer radio-phonograph. Take it to any room if you wish. Radio or Records—you have your choice— could any combination offer more, and only $149.50 complete. The radio is powerful, selective and easy tune with the widely spaced illuminated tuning dial and slide-rule pointer. You'll thrill to the wondrous tone quality of bass compensation, the beam power performance, the auditorium tonal range, the exclusive Admiral “Aeroscope” which eliminates aerial and ground. Beautiful Streamlined 1947 Model Model 6T02 only $42.50 (Ivory $43.95) gpm wit f w ZIP! Changes a record in 5 secs, “Childproof” Record Changer plays twelve 10- inch or ten 12-inch records automatically, 25 or 60 cycle. Big Dynamic Speaker, Permanent Needle, "Featherweight” Tone Arm, Record Rejector. Genuine Walnut Veneer Cabinet. All of These Outstanding Features WHEN you BUY ADMIRAL you GET THE MOST FOR YOUR MONEY Exeter Home and Auto Supply GEORGE RACEY, Prop.t Expert Radio Servicing - All Work Guaranteed Just Received - Man’s Bicycle -j J FOR SALE—Ennis piano, medium ! size, plain case, with bench. W. j Martin, Exeter South._______24* , _____ ’ with 2 boxes carbons (will tanf. l ! FOR SALE—Rug 6 ft. 9 ins. x 9 ft., also R.C.A. Victor mantle radio. Phone 311 J, Exeter. 24c FOR SALE—Vitamin D Sun Lamp Write Mrs. M. Ravelie, Grand Bend, or phone 46r2. 24:1c NOTICES I I I I NOTICE—Would the party who in error took man’s beige gabardine topcoat by mistake from Legion dance. Saturday, April 19th, in Exeter, kindly contact Edwin Waun, of Parkhill, and get his own coat or phone C.N.R. Station, Parkhill. 24c FOR SALE — Two-burner electric plate with oven; leather uphol­ stered rocker; round extension dining' table. Apply to L. B. Hodgson, Centralia, Ont. Phone 40r22 Crediton. 24c FOR SALE—Timber ’"barn, 9O’x21’, 13% ft. post, good condition, might consider selling half or all, could be moved. Apply Box H, Times-Advocate. 24* FOR SALE—3 geese and a gander. Tom Lamport, phone 24rll, Crediton. 24c FOR SALE—Brown tailored suit, size IS; black tailored suit, size IS, in excellent condition. Apply at Times-Advocate. 24* i I t FOR SALE-—13-hoe Deering seed drill, in good condition, Roy Bal- lantyne, R.R. 1, Kirkton. 24c FOR SALE— 2 pieces plate glass in good condition, one 88x30 and one 88x81 ins. Apply John Ward, Exeter. 24* FOR SALE — Two-wheel trailer, good tires. Apply Tom Walker 10* FOR SALE _ 20-700 truck tire, new; tarpaulin, heavy duty, 12’ x 16': cattle loading ramp for truck, 2%’ x 7’; Princess Beth coal or wood cook stove. Phone 13r5, Exeter. FOR SALE — All kinds of seed grain—barley, oats, peas and clover seed. Cann’s Mill, phone 35W. i7tfc . FOR SALE- --Happy Thought range with warming oven and reservoir.1 Phone 53J. Lucan. 17:24* FOR SALE Renfrew cream separ­ ators. hand or electric turned. Anyone in need of one, phone Hugh Thiel, Zurich 93r4. 17:24:1* FOR SALE—2 red Shorthorn bulls, 11 and 12 months old. Apply John W. Brown, R.R. 3, Zurich, or phone Zurich 84r8. 10-3tp FOUND I FOUND--In Exeter, >a bone-handled knife. Owner can have same by proving property and paying for advt. Apply at Times-Advocate. 24c M’ND—A. pair of glasses in a brown leather case. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for advt. Phone Emery Fahner, Crediton 5, 24c WARNING — .Persons intending to build or make major repairs within the Village of Exeter are warned that they must secure a building permit from the Council before starting operation. C. V. Pickard, -Clerk. GARBAGE COLLECTION The municipality will commence its regular collection of garbage on Monday, April 28th. For this pur­ pose the village has been divided into THREE sections as follows: SECTION 1: Every Monday com­ mencing at 8:00 a.m., all that portion south of Wellington St., and west of Main St. ex­ cept properties on_Main St. SECTION 2: Every Tuesday com­ mencing at 8:00 a.m., all that portion south of Wellington St., and east of Main St., ex­ cept properties on Main St. SECTION 3; Every Wednesday com­ mencing at 8:00 a.m., all properties on Main St., and all properties north of Welling­ ton St. Copies of the By-Law governing the collection of garbage will be sent to householders. Anyone not receiving a copy may obtain one at the 'Clerk’s Of­ fice. Please note the important points of the By-Law: 1. All garbage cans must be placed at or outside the outer edge of the sidewalk. 2. All garbage must be placed in suitable containers and wrapped. 17:24c / Fishermen Note We are offering a prize of any $10.00 Reel in largest 1 son on Rod or $10.00 our store for the fish caught this sea- any tackle purchased in this store, of Contest posted in store. BEAVERS HARDWARE Your .Sporting Goods Headquarters Rules LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED AND REPAIRED If you have to talk to your mower to get your lawn cut—don't do it! Bring it in and we will put it in first class cutting order. If you have any broken castings or any parts which need welding, we will give your needs our prompt attention, MARSHALL REPAIR SHOP i block north of the Creamery CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM, FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND FEED W. E. Nairn, auctioneer, will sell by public auction on ' Lot 9, Concession 9, Hibbert Twp. 2 miles east of 'Staffa, on MONDAY, APRIL 28th, 1947 commencing at 1 o’clock, the fol­ lowing: HOR'SES—Bay gelding, 7 years old; Ibay gelding, rising 2 years; 2 aged horses. CATTLE —- Holstein cow, with calf by side; roan cow, with calf; 2 Hereford cows, freshened; 2 Dur­ ham cows, freshened; red heifer, freshened; Durham’ heifer,, due in I May; Durham cow, due in June; 2 4 steers 2 ’ ’2heifers, 2 years old; years old; 7 yearling heifers; yearling steers; 4 small calves. •HOGS—Sow with litter of sow due time of sale; 9 shoats, 10 0 lbs. each. POULTRY—75 hens, 1 year FEED — 200 bus. mixed 'grain; 10 ton hay. IMPLEMENTS — 'McD. binder; seed drill; M.H. cultivator; Oliver team scuffler; Quebec sulky plow; 2-furrow riding plow; walking plow; 5-section root pulper; rubber-tired steel-tired wagon; new sleighs; disc harrow; 3-drum steel roller; Viking cream separator; colony house 10x12; set of double harness; other articles too numer­ ous to mention. FARM'—Consisting of 10 0 acres with large bank barn, water in barn, cement silo, implement shed and hen house; ’1%-storey brick house; 35 acres fall ploughed, 7 acres bush, 7 acres fall wheat, bal­ ance in hay and pasture. TERMS — On stock and imple­ ments—cash. On farm—to be made known on day of sale. ESTATE OF THE LATE CHAS. TUFFIN, W. E. NAIRN, Auctioneer. old. l-furrow harrow; wagon; set of AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND REAL ESTATE The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell (by public auction on Lot 21, Con. 15, Stephen Twp. •on THURSDAY, MAY 1st, 1947 at 1 p.m., the following: HORSES- ‘ ’ brown mares with white white legs, good quality; black Percheron gelding, bread or milk wagon. CATTLE---Grade and dual-purpose Shorthorns: ed cows with calf at foot cows, with calf at foot, safe in calf; 3 registered heifers, 6 grade yearling vaccinated against Bang’s; Angus steers, 2 years old. Angus heifer; 3 Shorthorn, steers; registered dual-purpose R.O.P. Shorthorn bull, dark roan (this bull was placed secbiid in a large class at the C.N.E., also Royal Winter Fair in 1930; sire, imported, was grand chain pion 3 times ^at Royal and C.N.E.). The entire herd has been tested for T.B. and Bang’s. HOGS—York brood sow; 4 young pigs. (IMIPLEMENTS—M.H. cultivator; M.H. walking plow; Fleury walking -Matched team of dark •faces, attractive ideal for registered 5 register- 2 grade 4 cows, vearling heifers, 2 choice ; choice AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE AND CHATTELS Wm. H. Smith, Auctioneer, has received instructions to sell by pub­ lic auction at . Crediton East on SATURDAY, MAY 3rd, 1947 at 1:30 o’clock, the following: REAL ESTATE — 1% storey frame house with % acre of land on Main St., Crediton East. Sold subject to a reasonable reserve bid. CHATTELS—4 beds; 4 springs; 4 mattresses; 2 feather ticks; 2 dressers; 2 stands; bureau; 2 small tables; large chair; 2 rockers; folding cretonne screen; dining­ room table; 6 dining-room chairs; sideboard; buffet; folding couch; couch; 3 large trunks; 2 kitchen tables; 3 kitchen chairs; sink; oil stove; 2 cook stoves; small oil' burner; lawn mower; dishes; kit­ chen utensils; lamps; doilies; table oilcloth; table cloths; can; quantity of coal and wood; cooking range; electric Spacemaker- brooder; S-day clock; Model-A ’Ford with new tires and recently over­ hauled; table. TERMS OF SALE — Chattels, cash. Terms of real estate made- known on day of sale. The Property of Elizabeth Rau ’ C. HILL, Prop. E. SMITH, Clerk, WM. H. SMITH, Auctioneer. Crediton, phone 43-2. 5 gal. oil auction Twp. 1947 AUCTION SALE OF LIVESTOCK The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell -by public on Lot 29, Con. 3, Usborne on WEDNESDAY, MAY 7th, at 1 p.m., the following: Herd of dual-purpose Shorthorns^ pure-breds and grades — Clearing Sale. Herd Sire — Pansy’s Model —264306— 3 years old, bred by G. L. 'Smith, of Meadowvale, good beef conformation and plenty of milk in ancestry. COWS— Weldwood May Chieftan —284800— red cow due to at time of sale; Two-year-old daughter of __ above cow, red, tattooed, eligible for registration, and nursing a calf; Two-year-old red heifer out of a Weldwood cow, tattooed and eligible- for registration, bred to herd sire and due last of September; Red cow, milking, bred to herd sire and due early in October; Pure-bred, but not registered, heifer calf; Two-year-old daughter of the- above cow, nursing a heifer calf from herd sire, and bred again; Roan grade Shorthorn cow nurs­ ing two calves; Two-year-old grade lieifer nurs­ ing a heifer calf and bred again to- herd sire. YOUNG CATTLE— One 2-year-old white face heifer suitable for beef ring; One grade Shorthorn yearling heifer; Two yearling Shorthorn steers. FIGS—Yorkshires Two boar pigs, 4 months old at time of sale, pure-bred, tattooed,, eligible for registration. 'Several sows from the same litter. 35 Stocker pigs, _—q116 aged team. -About 20 cords of six-foot, dry limb wood, mixed, <cut last sea* HORSE'S- WOOD— 25th calve- the son, IMPLEMENTS — McCormick-Deer­ ing dump rake. TERMS—CASH HARRY STRANG, 'Prop. G. W. LAWSON, -Clerk. F. TAYLOR, Auct.