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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-04-17, Page 10
Page 10 **“""** • - „, „ What s Leavitt’s Theatre Previews Its Coming Attractions WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY — April 16th, 17th — Two Features — 'The Wife of Monte Cristo’ e John Loder © All Star Cast 'Singing in the Corn’ © Judy Canova FRIDAY and SATURDAY — April 18th, 19th Saturday Night Show commences at 7 p.m. 'Trail Street’ © Randolph Scott © Robert Ryan MONDAY and TUESDAY — April 21st, 22nd • 73 Rue Madeleine’ ® James Cagney ® Annabella ® Richard Conte • — The Story of the O.S.S. — WEDNESDAY — 1 NIGHT ONLY — April 23rd 'Humoresque1 ® Joan Crawford ® John Garfield ---------COMING---------- April 24th, 25th, 26th Walt Disney’s greatest and happiest production 'Song of the South’ in technicolor. Uncle Remus and Brer Rabbit and all the Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Da Songs. “Margie” “The Razor’s Edge” “The Jolson Story” The first show commences at 7.30 Phone 135 Exeter, Ontario Paper Collection This is a public service by the Exeter Boy Scouts • I Morning of Saturday, April 19 Please have your bundles tied and in a convenient place for pick-up. ..................................... .......................................... K THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 17th, 1947 Scrap Paper Drive The Boy Scouts stage a scrap paper urday morning next, in short supply. Perform a national service and help the Boy Scouts by having your old papers tied neatly and placed beside the curb for collection Saturday morning. of town will drive on Sat- Paper is still LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED AND REPAIRED If you have to talk to your mower to get your lawn cut—don’t do it! Bring it in and we will put it in first class cutting order. If you have any broken, castings or any parts wliich need welding, we will give your needs our prompt attention. MARSHALL REPAIR SHOP 1 block north of the Creamery Presentation and Dance for Mr. and Mrs. Emery Pfaff Tues., April 22 EXETER OPERA HOUSE Flannigan’s Orchestra Admission 50 cents ■— 3-ACT COMEDY — ‘Out of This World’ Presented by the Kirkton Young People Elimville United Church Monday, April 21st at 8:30 p.m. ADMISSION 35c and 15c This play was advertised to be held April 15th, but had to be postponed. A meeting of the Cream Producers OF USBORNE TOWNSHIP will be held in the basement of Plugtown School House Fri., April 18th at 2 p.m. for the purpose of voting for the proposed Cream Producers’ Marketing’ Scheme. All Cream Producers who have not voted are urgently requested come to tins meeting and vote it is their last chance to vote Usbome Township. By kind permission of Wing Commander D. E. Galloway. (M.B.E.), Commanding Offic er, R.C.A.F. Station, Centralia, Ontario, the Young Adult Club of North Street United Church, Goderich, will present an hilarious comedy entitled U Billy’s Goat” IN THE DRILL HALL R.C.A.F. Station CENTRALIA Fri., 8:30 p.m. 18th to as in ------------ ----------- -— BADMINTON CLUB DANCE EXETER ARENA ADMISSION 75c L----- - DRESS OPTIONAL Fri., April 18th DANCING 9.30 • 12.30 Lionel Thornton AND his CASA ROYAL ORCHESTRA COME FOR FUN ADMISSION 25c Saturday Night DANCING OPERA HOUSE, EXETER BOB MOORE and his 7-pieCe orchestra Dancing 0 p.m. to 12 p.m. Admission 50c The Canadian Legion, Exeter- Hehsall Branch 167 Items of Social and Personal Interest ... In and Around Town The Times-Advocate is always pleased to publish items of personal interest. We and our readers are interested in you and your friends . . Phone 31W j Schools re-opened Monday fol- •' lowing the Easter holidays. Mr, and Mrs. F. G. .Forrester are spending a few days in Ham ilton and Niagara Falls. Miss Ruth Hess, of Hensail, has taken a position as stenographer with Gladman & Cochrane. Miss Margaret Dougall was in Toronto last week attending the. music section at the O.E.A. Mr. and Mrs. W. Waddell, of Guelph, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Pickard. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Davis, of Kincardine, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Clark Fisher on Sunday. Mr. J. H. Grieve is having a basement dug for the erection of a new home on north Gidley St. Mr. E. Hunter-Duvar is preparing to erect a new home on John Street just east of his present residence. Mr. and Mi's. Albert Geddes were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. L. Hodgins, Lucan, during the week end. Mr. J. A. Traquair is impoving slowly following his He expects to be soon. Mrs. Muriel iSweet Helen have returned after spend ing Easter week with relatives at Cobourg. Miss Joan .Abernethie returned to Toronto Saturday after spending Easter week with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Buswell. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Sanders re turned home Monday after spend-j ing a couple of days with relatives in London. Miss Ilene Keener, of London, spent Easter holidays with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Sev- erne Winer. Mr. Oliver Hodgert, of Winnipeg is visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Hod gert and calling on friends in community, Mr. J. H. Hookey, Sr., who been confined to his bed for past two months is able to be and around. Miss Helen Buswell has returned to Toronto after spending Easter week with her .parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Buswell. Miss Jean Christie, of Toronto, spent Easter week with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Thomson, of Usborne. Mr. and Mrs. W. L Butler, of London, visited on Sunday after noon with Messrs. Bert and Rus sell Butler, of Cromarty. Mr. and Mrs. Z. Watson Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kenzie, Sarnia, visited with Mr. and Mrs: R. L. Beavers on Sunday. Donald Jolly has gone to Tor onto to complete his radio courseJ He will spend a month at Radio College of Canada. Miss Hettie Sweet and Mrs. Sweet, of London, spent a few during the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Sweet. Mr. and Mrs. John Hodgert at tended the Munn-Borland wedding at Thames Road Church on Satur day. Mrs. Hodgert was soloist. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. L. Butler, of London, called on friends in Exe ter on Sunday and also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Perkins. Jack Parsons, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Parsons, of Usborne, underwent an operation for appen dicitis in Victoria Hospital, London on Monday. Mr. J. W. Kinnell, of the Bank of Montreal staff, who has been in •hospital for Several weeks, has re turned to Exeter and is recuperat ing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Campbell, of Belmont, and Miller .Campbell, of London, visited with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Campbell for the week-end. Miss Barbara Hookey has re turned to her home in Sarnia after spending her Easter holidays with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hookey, and Mr. J. H. Hookey, Sr. A good many truckloads gravel were placed on No. Highway between Exeter and Dash wood last week to offset the dam age done from the recent flood. Rev, R. E. and Mrs. Southcott aqd son Jim, of Oil City, visited with ‘the former’s mother for a couple of days during Easter week. Mr. A. J. Amy was in Toronto last week attending the O.E.A. as a delegate from the Huron County Council. Mr. Amy is the chairman of the County Education Commit tee. Huron Presbytery will meet in James St. United church Thursday, April 24th and on the same day the Presbyterial will meet in Main St. United church. A beautiful basket of flowers adorned the pulpit of the James St, United church on Sunday in memory of the late Mr. and Wm. Fisher who died just year a.go. Mrs. Alda Simmons and Jack, of Hensall, and Mrs. Edgar Butt, of Seaforth, returned Friday last after visiting for the past six months with the former’s sisters at Santa Barbara, California. Mr, and Mrs. Beverley Acheson, Jane and Nancy, of Toronto, spent Easter with the former’s sister, Miss A. Acheson, at the Central Hotel. Jane and Nancy ihave return ed to Toronto after spending the] week here, recent illness, around again and daughter, this has the out Town Topics Mr, and Mrs. Cooper McCurdy ‘spent the week-end with friends in Simcoe. Maple syrup has been fairly plentiful and the price is chiefly $5.00 a gallon. Miss Nellie Pybus, of London, visited on Sunday with ,Mr. and Mrs. Win, Pybus, Mrs, Nelson Bakei’ spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cooper McCurdy, Miss Mary (Fletcher has returned to her studies at Branksome Hall, Toronto, after spending Easter week with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. IFletcher. Parents who contemplate sending their children to the Primary Department of the Exeter Public School at the beginning of the fall term next September are urged to register them at the office of the Secretary, W. H. Hodgson, at once. This is important owing to the crowded condition at the school. Do not delay. W. H. Hodgson. Toasters and irons Members of Exeter Lodge No. 67, I.O.O.F., will celebrate the anniver sary of the order by attending Divine service in Main Street Unit ed Church on Sunday, April 27th, at 7 p.m. Speaker, Rev. N. J. Woods. Members are requested to be at the lodge rooms at 6:30. Visiting breth ren are extended a cordial welcome. A. ,E. KEYS, N.G. A. E. HOWALD, Sec’y 17:24 Do you need either of these two appliances in your home? If so we invite you to come in and look over our fairly good • selection. We’ll be glad to show them to you. Please feel free to come in and look around any time. R. E. RUSSELL Optical Parlors Open ZURBIUGG OPTICAL PARLORS will be open. SATURDAY, APRIL 19th 9 to ^ o’clock. Mr. Shafer, of Toronto, will be in charge. Watch paper for future open dates. Exeter Markets Wheat, $1.26 Oats 65c Barley 80c * Creamery Butter. 45c. A A A Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Large 32c Medium 30c Pullet 24c 5 Phone 109 Exeter, Ont. "Tie-Ins” Y?.s, men! Perfect “tie-ins” with your Spring suit. We | have just received a fine lot of plain woollen Currie | cravats in green, blue, yellow, red, maroon, brown and = rust. = Storey’s Gloves English chamois cloth — creme unlined hercules sewn slip-on — creme pigtex. The smartest gloves we have had in some time. S the Nylons Bedspreads Don’t take our word for it but come in and see the bedspreads now on hand. Chenille spreads in green, blue, white, peach and rose. $12.95 $15.95 $22.50 $22.95 Cotton Bedspreads at $4.50 Will days How Does Your Mrs. Garden Grow? Fine, if you start out right with good seeds. We sell the old favorite Steele Briggs, also Dundee Certi fied. 5 and 10 cent packages 6 packages 25c Certified Irish Cobbler Potato Seed That’s right, ladies! We have a good selection of beautiful, sheer nylons. They wear longer which makes them practical for business and everyday wear as well as for special occasions. 42 gauge - $1.50 45 gauge - $1.75 Pure Wool Blankets Have a look at our downy soft pure wool blankets. We have many suggestions for keeping your tem perature up in shades of peach", pink, blue, green, red, brown and white. Some are plain while others have matching stripes. $8.50 $10.00 $13.50 Wallpaper Enhances V the Home For sheer beauty and practicability include our Sunworthy wallpaper in your spring decorating plans. Gay patterns appropriate for eVery room in the house make up our new Col lection. Make your selections today. Southcott Bros Phone 16 X r. * t a u r *