The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-04-17, Page 4Page 4 THE TIME^AQVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 17th, 1947 Gus Mclnnes Orchestra IS SUPERB FOR COLLEGE DANCES DEBUTANTE AND PARTIES James Street W.M.S For the Easter thankoffering meeting of the W.M.S. of James St. Church, flowers and candles decor­ ated the room. The president, Mrs. Down, was in the chair. After the business and roll call, Mrs. Arm­ strong’s group took charge of the meeting. An Easter devotional leaf­ let, “The Power of the Living Christ,v formed the basis of a wor­ ship period with Mrs. Armstrong and Mrs. Perkins leading. Mrs. Batten was the g1 very ably gave a synopsis Robe" by Lloyd Douglas. Shapton sang “The Old Cross.” Following the lunch was served by the charge. There was ance. ! leading. :uest speaker. She of "The Mrs. H. Rugged program group in ood attend- 236 Maitland St Phone Met. 5176 194 Elmwood Ave., London Phone Met. 499-W REMEMBER THE DATES 25 Rexall One Cent Sale 23 24 WOODHAM Miss Lorene Jaques attended the 1 Plaine-Stephenson wedding which took place at Glen Oak Church near Strathroy on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hern and family, of Toronto, spent Sunday with the former's .brother, Mr. Ar­ nold Hern and Mrs. Hern. Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Elliott, of St. Marys, spent Sunday with the latter’s sister. Mrs. John Selves. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Tufts and Leroy, of Kirkton, visited on Sun­ day with Mrs. Roy Kirk. Mr. and Mrs. William Thomson and family spent Tuesday evening with Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Rodd and family. Mrs. George Kincade, of Strat­ ford, spent last week with her sis ter, Mrs. George Webber and Mr. Webber. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Levy Rachel, of Transvaal, Mr. and Clifford Scott and Jean, of quhar, spent Sunday with Mr. Mrs. Robt. •Mr. and Sunday at Guelph. Mr. Donald few days with Rodd, Donald home after corvettes to China. Misses Muriel and Marion phens, of St. Marys, spent week-end at their home. Miss Bessie McCurdy spent day with Miss Jean Copeland. ■Mr. and Mrs. Dave .Spence Billy spent Sunday evening COMING EVENTS NOTICE — If you have livestock, implements, household furniture, etc., foi’ sale, contact Wm. H Smith Auction at Crediton, as I am holding the annual Commun­ ity Sale in the near future and will toe obliged to bill only what has been listed with me. Wm. H. Smith, Auctioneer, Crediton, •phone 43r2. FOR SALE FOR 'SALE — McClary’s 4-burner electric ranges wi/tli oven and heated warming closet, in excel­ lent working condition, $75. Ap­ ply Drysdale's Hardware, Hen­ sall. 17* LOST REAL ESTATE Phone Orders Accepted COLE’S DRUG STORE Phone 65, Exeter Prepare your Car For Trouble-Free Driving Be good to your car, and it will be good to you. Make sure of trouble-free driving this Spring by having our mechanics check it from bumper to bumper and tune it for perfect performance. Don’t wait—do it now! and Mrs. Par­ ana Rundle. Mrs. Geo. Wilson spent the latter’s home at Rodd is spending a Mr. and Mrs. Harry has just returned having transported Ste- the Sun- FOR SALE — 3-burner gas stove. Box 192, Exeter. 17* FOR SALE—A steam radiator, 3 2 inches high, 14 columns. Tele­ phone 112, Exeter. 17c FOR sale — 20-700 truck tire, new; tarpaulin, heavy duty, 12’ x 16’; cattle loading ramp for truck, 2%’ x 7‘; Princess 'Beth coal or wood cook stove. Phone 13r5, Exeter. FOR BALE—Young blue roan cow due this month. C. Faber, phone 89r4 Hensall. 17* LOST-—.22 bolt action single shot Cooey leather Shipka Finder with heavy stock and sling, 1 mile west of on Grand Bend road. please write FO. G. Gil­ bert, Box 124, Exeter, or phone local 18, Reward, 17* FOR BENT—50 acres of grass land. Apply to John Triebner, 16-3 6 Dashwood. 17* LOST—On Sunday a red kiddy-car on No. 4 Highway at Hensall. Finder’ please leave Reid’s, Hensall. WANTED at John 17* FOR SALE—3 0 acres choice grass land with running water. Apply to Fred Ford, R.R. 1, Centralia. 117* •FIOR SALE -— Brick cottage, barn and five acres of land situated on No. 4 Highway, south of Exeter, C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. all properties north Of Welling­ ton St.Copies of the By-Law governing the collection of garbage will be sent to householders. Anyone not receiving a copy may obtain one at the Clerk’s Of­ fice.Please note the important points the By-Law:1. All garbage cans must be placed at or outside the outer edge of the sidewalk. 2. All garbage must be placed, in suitable containers and wrapped. :34c o£ WANTED—Two wheels for No. T M.H. spreader, hubs are'all that is necessary, Gerald Lawson, ; phone 53rl7 Kirkton. 17* WANTED—About 100 good cedar w rail. Apply to Harold Hern, R.R. 1, Granton, phone 4rl4 Kirkton. 17c FOR SALE—Exeter North, on High­ way No. 4, Insul brick house, 3 bedrooms, ’ 3-piece bath, large modern kitchen >with hard and soft water, living room, large sun •porch, full basement, new hot; air furnace, laundry tubs: at­ tached garage; option of extra large lot with double garage. Apply R. Caldwell, Exeter. 17* REFUSE COLLECTION Commencing Tuesday, April 22, the municipality will make its an­ nual pick-up of refuse, including tin cans, bottles, glass, etc., but NOT including decayable garbage, paper or ashes. All refuse must be placed out­ side the outer edge of th? sidewalk. 17c WANTED—Mill helpers, must Ibe able to handle bags, experience preferred but not necessary. Ap­ ply to Exeter District Co-Opera­ tive. 17c WANTED—A quantity of. cattle for grass; also a quantity of timothy hay and H.H. seed drill, 13-hoe fertilizer attachment for sale. Arthur Anderson, phone 500r5, Hensail. 17:24* FOR SALE — Two adjoining lots. 50x100 ft., in Exeter, near busi­ ness section. Phone 130W. 17e FOR SALE—100 acres on paved highway; 4 miles west of Strat­ ford; choice land, good buildings, hydro.and watei* system, 45 acres plowed, only $10,500, move right in. We will accept your house or 50 acres as part payment. H. L. Snider, phone 64W, Exeter. 10c NOTICE TO PARENTS The faarbers of Exeter, having raised the prices of haircuts to 50c for adults and 35c for children un­ der 12, request that: the children •come for 'their haircuts any day tout Saturday, Children as well as adults will be charged 50c »on Saturday. _______________* WE ARE NOW READY to take or­ ders for cement and road gravel, also filler. We have two trucks and can assure prompt service. Truckers Roy and Wilmer Mc­ Donald, Box 179, Exeter, or call Miss Jean McDonald at 95 Exeter any day except Wednesday after­ noon and Sunday. Hensall, phone Glenn McLean 84r21. WANTED — Furnished or unfurn­ ished houses, suites or house­ keeping rooms required immedi­ ately for married personnel oi RCAF Airport. These are veter­ ans, too, and deserve your as­ sistance. Phone 316 and ask for Housing Officer. FOR SALE — 4 young sows, just bred. Phone Roy Dietrich, 24rl6, ■Crediton. 17 c HOUSE FOR SALE—Crediton, 1%- storey brick with hydro; immed­ iate possession. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. 10*and with Mr/ and Mrs. William Thomson. Misses Rhoda and Dorothy Thomson, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rodd and Donald visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Willis and Jean. Rev. Mr. Sanderson, of Hensall, conducted the church service in the absence of Rev. Mr. Laing who is still in a patient in 'St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. Rev. Mr. Wren, of 'Stratford, will conduct the .service on Sunday, April 20 th, when communion will be held. Mission Circle Meeting The April meeting of the Mis-, sion Circle was held in the church basement with IS members and one visitor present. The theme for the meeting, “Courage to face Dif­ ficulties”. Mrs. McCurdy gave the call to worship. Hymn 179 was sung. Psalm 26 was read respon­ sively. The scripture lesson was read by Jean Willis followed by the Lord’s Prayer in unison. Hymn 187 was sung. Roll call and min­ utes were read and adopted. A story; “He is Risen,” was given by Rhoda Thomson, and a poem, "Eas­ ter Dawn” was read fay Mrs. Nor­ ris Webb. Mrs. Oscar Brine then took charge of the 288 was sung. A Sugar Time,” was Copeland. A story, 'Easter Time,” was Vic Chatten. A poem, sionary Hen,” was read 'by Bessie McCurdy; poem, "To a Friend,” by Dorothy Thomson; piano solo by Lorene Jaques; poem, "Myself,” by Mrs. Webb; story, “I Consider­ ed the Lilies,” by Florence Kirk; ■poem, “Old .Hat,” by Mrs. Brine. Hymn 180 was sung followed by the National Anthem. The meeting was closed with prayer. A contest was then enjoyed. Lunch was serv­ ed by the committee and half hour was spent. Young People’s Meeting The regular meeting Young .People’s Union was Sunday evening with the ship and Worship committee, Phyl­ lis Wheeler 'and Clarence Thomson, in charge. The meeting opened with the theme song followed with prayer by Jean Willis. Roll call and minutes were read and adopt­ ed. Jean Willis then led in Bible drill. Call to worship was given by Phyllis Wheeler. Hymn 4 fol­ lowed with 'the Lord’s Prayer in unison. The scripture lesson was read by John Rodd. Hymn 174 was sung. A story, “Wish I Had One Hundred Dollars,” by Rhoda Thom­ son, Me’ditation by Marion Rodd. Hymn 438 was sung. Jean Cope­ land led in prayer. A splendid top­ ic, “World Conditions in Home Land,” was given by Mr. Milton Hooper. Hymn 191 was the sung. The meeting closed with the Young 'People’s Benediction. Your Red Indian Service Station GRAHAM ARTHUR With one eye to the future, why not be thrifty and take advantage of our large stock of tires and tubes, as well as our factory approved vulcanizing services, at the existing low prices. PASSENGER — TRUCK — TRACTOR Now is the time to have your tires inspected, free of charge, for breaks, cuts and undue wear and get trouble-free, care­ free driving this summer. * Snelgrove Tire and Electric Andy Snelgrove, Prop.Phone 18W, Exeter SERVICE STATION is now ready to serve you with GAS — OIL — GREASE AND MASSEY-HARRIS FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE—15 head of short-keep butcher cattle, Will feed until grass; also 75 good Sussex and Leghorn hens, one year old. Your choice from 100. Wilson Morley, Exeter, phone 226. 17c. FOR SALE—19 29 Ford Truck, al­ so two Jamesway electric brood­ ers. R. E. Pooley, Exeter. WANTED—Young married man as an accountant. Apply at Times- Advocate. 13c FOR SALE—Herd of sixteen Hol-j -stein cows and heifers and registered years old. iGaiser, Dashwood. WANTED — A stenographer and bookkeeper. Apply at Times- Advocate. 13c HOUSE 'FOR SALE—Exeter, nicely situated, 1^-storey brick in first class condition, newly painted, new roof, 3 rooms and breakfast nook, 3 bedrooms and 3 piece •bath, full cellar, furnace has air circulator, blower; exceptionally good barn; double lot, hydro; possession arranged. W. C. Pearce Exeter. 10* Holstein sire, Apply to Mrs. one two E. 17c IFOR SALE—Cedar posts, 4 sizes. Apply Lloyd Stewart, R.R. 3, Exeter. 17* I meeting. Hymn poem, “M>aple read by Jean “Traditions of given by Mrs. “The iMis- a social theof held on Fellow- Western Visitor in Town Mr. Warner Strum, of Wind- thoist. Sask., accomanied fay Mr. Otto Clark, of London, called on Mr. and Mrs. R. McInnis last Sun­ day. Mr. Strum has spent the last two months in Ottawa with his wife who is the C.C.F. member for the Qu’Appelle, Sask., While in Ottawa, constituency. Mr. and Mrs. Strum were guests at the recep­ tion for Viscount and Viscountess Alexander, the present governor­ general of Canada. Mr, Clark is a former schoolmate of the distin­ guished visitor and a nephew of Mr, and Mrs. R. Hedden, of town. Peter Defore Peter Defore, 85, a former Grand Bend and Klondike resident, died suddenly at the home of his son George, ip London. He had lived there for seven months. Surviving Frankare four daughters, Whiting of Sudbury, Mrs. Mrs, Albert Hantho of Calgary, Mrs. George 'Brown of Port Stanley, Mrs. George Rumpf of Blutcher, 'Sask.; one son, George of London, one sister, Mrs. Sarah Devine of Grand Bend, and 17 grandchildren, George WANTED TO BORROW $600.00 for business extension. Buildings security. Highest rate of interest, also bonus. Write Box R, Exeter Times-Advocate. c FOR (SALE'—Brick house and one- fifth acre of land, possession Ap­ ril 15th; frame house and four lots; also two vacant lots. Apply Geo. Barkner, Exeter. 3:10c FOR SALE — ’32. Pontiac De-Luxe sedan, 4 new tires, 2 spares, motor and brakes overhauled last October. Phone 174rl3, Exeter. 17* FOR SALE — A good used 15-30 English Fordson tractor on steel. Apply to Frank Anderson, Science Hill, R.R. 1, or phone Kirkton 12rl2. - 17* FOR (SALE— All/, kinds of seed grain—barley, oats, peas and clover seed. Cann’s Mill, phone 35W. 17tfc FOR SALE —■ Brantford kitchen cabinet, golden oak nut veneer; hardwood kitchen table, excellent condition. Times-Advocate. all in Apply at 17c FOR SALE—1937 Chev. standard coupe, heater, Phone eter. good tires and etc., privately 46 or write Box motor, owned. 72, Ex- 17* FOR SALE—Happy Thought range with warming oven and reservoir. Phone 53J, Lucan. 17:24* FOR SALE—Seed Cartier oats. Ap­ ply to Wm. Elliott, 'Centralia. 17* FOR SALE—Renfrew cream separ­ ators, hand or electric turned. Anyone in need of one, phone Hugh Thiel, Zurich 93r4. 17:24:1* FOR SALE — McCormick-Deering bean scuffler, McCormick-Deering manure spreader, Cockshutt oil­ bath mower, Anker-Holt cream separator with motor, Breeching­ harness and several good collars. Russell Broderick, phone 91-5 Hensail, R.R. 2, Hensail. 10:17* FOR SALE—2 purebred bulls, 10 months old, bred. Clarence Parke, Ont. Hereford Domino Zurich, 10:17* FOR SALE—2 red Shorthorn bulls, 11 and 12 months old. Apply John W. Brown, R.R. 3, Zurich, or phone Zurich 84r8. 10-3tp FOR SALE—Windmill and pump. Apply to the Exeter Cemetery Board, B. M. Francis, chairman. 10 tfc FOR SALE — Two-wlieel trailer, good tires. Apply Tom Walker 10* PERMANENT PASTURE—We have at our warehouse on the farm a limited quantity of special fer­ tilizer for Permanent Pasture; also fertilizer for all crops. N. Stanlake, Phone 36r2 Dashwood. cabinet, ‘ 6 ft. ins. wide and ins., made of condition, col- can be moved I FOR SALE—-Filing- high and 3 ft. 29 has a depth of 16 wood, is in No. 1 lapsible so that it easily. Apply at Times-Advocate. 6:13* PERSONAL Nervous, rundown men need VIG- ORINE—the ‘pep’ tonic, for hew vitality. 15-day treatment $1.00. At Robertson’s Drug Store, IF BACKACHES are Slowing you up, take RUMACAPS. Pains and aches are relieved after the first dose, Robertson’s Drug Store. WANTED TO BUY—Small house for cash in village or small com­ munity with hydro. Give full particulars. Apply Box L, Times- Advocate. 17:<2i4* FOR SALE—'Frame ibarn, 5 6x36, in fair condition. Apply to Box 142, Hensail, or phone 126 Hensail. 10:17* BABY CHICKS SPECIAL APRIL PRICES on Kit­ chener Big-4 Chicks. IPullets, cock­ erels, unsexed chicks. Some started. For immediate shipment. Or we’ll book your order for later delivery. You can hardly do 'better now than buy these fast growing, healthy, husky chicks, Canada Approved, breeders pullorum tested. Save time •by contacting local agent J. Earl Burr, R.R. 1, Dashwood, Phone collect Dashwood 32r4 PASTURE FARMS ARE SCARCE —We have two fifties in Hay Twp., no buildings. Close to Exeter. Also 100' in grass with good set of buildings. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. HOUSE FOR SALE—Brick house, with conveniences, well located in Exeter. Quick possession. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, HY-LINE CHICKS New kind of chicken bred like Hybrid corn. High speed layers. Lay 42% to 54% more eggs. The newest thing in chickens. Produced by crossing inbred lines. First time offered in Canada. Chicks now hatching. “Come in and see us and learn about Hy-Lines”. NEUHAUSER HATCHERIES 81 King St., LONDON, Ontario. NEUHAUSER LIGHT BRAHMAS Large, stately and magnificent. One of the old favorites. Great win­ ter layers. Extremely gentle and easily handled. Ideal for small 'back yard flocks. One of the best meat cliickens known. Yellow skin. Standard weights: Cockerels 10 lbs Pullets 8 lbs. Chicks now hatching. $17.00 per hundred. NEUHAUSER HATCHERIES 81 Iting Street, LONDON, Ontario. A-l BABY CHICKS, from blood­ stock; Barred Rocks; Type White Leghorns; Rock x White Leghorn; x New Hampshire; Red x Write or phone A. H. tes$Bd Large Barred 'Sussex Rocks. Switzer Hatchery, Granton, Ont., for price list. Phone 38-3 Gran­ ton. tfc DAY OLD CHICK BARGAINS for this week and next: Barred Rocks, New Hampshires, New Hampshire x Barred Rocks, Light Sussex x Barred Rocks, Light Sussex X New Hampshires, Barred Rock x New Hampshires, New Hampshire x Light Sussex: non-sexed $9.95, pullets $17.95, cockerels $4.95 per hundred. Assorted breeds $1.00 per hundred less. Cockerels: White Leghorn x Barred Rocks $1.9 5. White Leghorns 95c. Two week old add to day old prices $6.00 per hundred. Three week old add $11.00 for non-sexed and pullets, $8.00 to cockerels. Four week ’ old add and pullets, Five to six to non-sexed to cockerels, advertisement Four $16.00 to non-sexed $10.00 to cockerels, week old add $18.00 and pullets, $13.00 Shipped C.O.D. This must accompany your order to re­ ceive these special prices, TOP NOTCH CHICKERIES. Guelph, Ontario. 17:24c Doctor: "Was there any insanity in your’ family?” Draftee: "Well, most people thought uny fathef Was insane right up to the time of his death.” Doctor: "Why?” Draftee: "Well, up to that time, he thought he was boss of our house.” TWO ACREAGES FOR SALE — Edge of Exeter. 20 acres with good brick house; small faarn and hennery; hydro and water pressure throughout; 3 acres of garden land with good brick house, with modern con­ veniences; small 'barn. C. V. Pickard, Realtor. FARMS FOR SALE— 15 0 acres, rich, well drained land, hush, 'Stephen, buildings with hydro. 150 acres, fertile, well drained land, bush, Logan, buildings -with most conveniences. 100 acres, clay loam, near Lucan, hydro, (bargain. Other farms also. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. 27* MISCELLANEOUS RA'DIO REPAIR SERVICE — All makes of radios expertly repair­ ed. Satisfaction guaranteed. Leave radios at Beavers Hardware or phohe 26. DUPLICATE KEYS cut for most cars, and cylinder type locks. Beavers Hardware. BE' INDEPENDENT! Be your own boss! 9 00 Familex Dealers de­ rive an income of $35. to $'60. weekly, selling our 200 varieties, from door to door. Accept our methods and do as well. If you have an automobile use* it to establish a rural trade. Should you wish fo give this business a trial, you are WELCOME! FREE details and catalogue on request. FAMILEX, DEPT. I.., 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. 9 NOTICES NOTICE-—'Contracts for flax acre­ age have been filled. Chas. God­ bolt, 17c WARNING__Having set some traps to' protect my turkeys at night I wish to warn the neighbors to protect their dogs as I will not be responsible for any damage. Tom Harrison, R.R. 1, Exeter. GARBAGE COLLECTION The municipality will commence its regular collection of garbage on Monday, April 28th. For this pur­ pose the village has been divided into THREE SECTION 1: mencing •portion St., and •cept properties on__Main St. SECTION 2: Every Tuesday com­ mencing at 8:00 a.m., all that portion south of ‘Wellington St., and east of Main St.,- ex­ cept properties on Main St. SECTION 3: Every Wednesday com­ mencing at 8:00 a.m., all properties on Main St,, and sections as follows: Every Monday Com­ at 8:00 a.m., all that south of Wellington west of -Main St. ex- Tn. the Estate of WILLIAM HENRY SCHROEDER. ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the estate of William •Henry Schroeder, late of the Town­ ship of 'Stephen in the County of Huron Gentleman, who died on or about ’the 28th day of February, A.D. 1947, are required to file par­ ticulars of the same with Elmer D. Bell, Solicitor, of Exeter, Ont., fay the 6th day of 'May, A.D. 1947, after which date the estate will toe distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. DATED the 12th day of April,. A.D. 1947. ELMER D. -BELL, Exeter, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received- in­ structions to sell by public auction at Lot 21, Con. 3, Stephen Township 1 mile west of Exeter, on THURSDAY, APRIL 17tli, 1947 at 1 p.m., TERMS—CASH FRANK KING, Prop. GEORGE LAWSON, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction on William. Street, Exeter' just west of Browning's Drug Store- on FRIDAY, APRIL 18th, 1947 at 1 p.m., the following: Dining-room buffet; 6 dining­ room chairs; 3-piece parlor’ suite; 5 little tables; 4 rocking chairs; bedroom stand; iron bed; single­ bed; springs and mattress; feather­ tick; kitchen table, extension; couch; chemical toilet; large coal oil or gas oven; small 2-plate oven; nickel-plated tea kettle; meat chop­ per; bed, springs iand mattress; 2 children’s beds and mattresses; dresser; kitchen .table, chairs and .drop leaf table; hot dishes of all kinds; studio rocking chair floor lamp; basket; 5 odd vll CObvl j J cupboard; plate; couch; match; flower curtains and drapes; table; pictures, runners and other- articles. TERMS—-CASH FRANK (DOWN and 'GEORGE WRIGHT, Prop. GEORGE LAWSON, Clerk, (FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. and one to> radio table; chairs; rugs; dining-room AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction at CLANDEBOYE on SATURDAY, APRIL 19th, 1947 at 1:30 o’clock the following: Sherlock Manning piano and bench; chesterfield bed; dining­ room suite including 12 dining­ room chairs to match; several rock­ ing iand arm chairs; odd chairs; several end and parlor tables; one 4-piece bedroom suite; rug 10xi2; rug 6.9x10,6; other beds complete with dressers and stands; feather ticks; cupboard; trithk;(,« linens; bedding; silverware; dishes; small cook stove; Quebec heater; lawn mower; kitchenware; other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS—CASH ESTATE OF MRS. LAURA GEORGE, M, J, SIMPSON, Administrator, 'PRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer.