The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-04-03, Page 9i, MODERN RADIO * ® FIVE TUBES—AC-DC @ IVORY FINISH ® BUILT-IN ANTENNA THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 3rd, 1947 J Iiiumyik ok -(-kt ♦ in a ® EASY VISION DIAL • Automatic VOLUME CONTROL Beavers Hardware Tires with Canada’s It’s speedway to be the safest Firestone © TRUCK @ CAR @ TRACTOR Equip your vehicle Number One Tire, testing has proved it and best. It costs no more than the ordinary tire. GRAHAM ARTHUR Your Studebaker Dealer — CREDITON Have you your Easter Flowers? You are invited to visit Bailey’s Flower >Shop, Exeter. The auction sale of the property owned by the late W. H. Brown has been postponed until April 5 th. Mi*. Ed. Chambers Mary Chambers attended era! of the late Fred Chambers in Woodstock on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Rodney of Windsor, spent a few days last week at the home of Mr. E. Guettinger. . Miss Clara Gaiser, of Bend, spent the week-end horn© here, Mr. visited Gaisei’ Mr. spent of his parents, Mr. and Fahrner. Mr. T. J. Wilson, of called on friends in town day. Mr. Albert Wolfe is all smiles. It is a brand new grandson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wolfe, of Exeter. We extend congratula­ tions. Crediton Women’s Institute The Crediton Women’s Institute held their March meeting in the Council Chambers on the 19 th with twenty members and two vis­ itors present. After opening exer­ cises, the minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted, We responded to the roll call by relating an Irish story. Mrs. Roy Finkbeiner reported $17.58 to be the net proceeds from the sale of sandwiches and coffee at the skat­ ing carnival. It was announced! that we are to have the election of officers at the April meeting and that we are to vote by ballot. After the business discussion Mrs. W. iMack took the chair for the following program. Song, “Dring to me only with Thine Eyes” Mrs, Wm. Smith and Mrs. Lloyd Hey, dressed in St. Patrick’s’ costumes favored us with a vocal duet. Mrs. Elmer Lawson gave a very inter4, esting address on her trip to Flor­ ida; pihno solo, Mrs. Freeman' Morlock, Mrs. Mack Beaver, won the prize for the best mended sock Lunch Mack, Roy Zwicker. A vote of thanks ladies, to those who took the program and to Mrs. was moved by Mrs.. J. and. was seconded by Mrs. land. Ladies’ Aid and W.M.S. The monthly meeting Evangelical Ladies Aid and was held in the Church rooms on March 9th. Mrs. Wein occupied the chair devotional period and Mrs, Emmery Fahrner opened with a musical selection, hymn scrip­ ture reading and prayer by Mrs. Ezra Faist. A duet was sung by Miss Arliss Wein and Miss Nola Faist. reading Faith”. current ject of Ezra Faist read an article on “Ra­ cial Discrimination”. Then differ­ ent members read papers on “Pre­ judice and Goodwill.” A hymnf closed the Devotional followed by the 23rd Psalnn In unison. Mrs. Albert Gaiser then took the chair for the business. The minutes were read and adopted and two members were accepted into Saturday, and Miss the fun-J Bowman, and Mrs. Grand at her Marys, John Lome Gaiser, of St. on Sunday with Mr. and Miss Clara Gaiser, Calvin Fahrner, of London, the week-end at the home Mrs, E. London, on Mon- was served by Mrs. W. Mrs. Clayton Sims, Mrs. Finkbeiner and Mrs. G. to these part in Lawson Woodall L. Eng- of the W.M.S. School Aaron for the program. Mrs, Ed. Hendrick gave a “The Power of Christian Mrs. Aaron Wein gave events paper on the sub- “Racial Prejudice”. Mrs; EMPLOYERS MUST OBTAIN NEW UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE BOOKS * All 1946-47 Unemployment Insurance Books expired on March 31st, 1947. New books will be issued by the National Em­ ployment Offices to employers, but only when old books are completed and turned in to the Office. Employers are urged to exchange Unemploy­ ment Insurance Books immediately. x Penalties are provided for failure to comply, Unemployment Insurance Commission new the organization. The play which was Exeter poned W.M.S. denial were made for a baking sale to be held on Saturday afternoon, April 5th. It was decided to have the next meeting on April 10th. meeting was closed with the pah benediction. Letter From Germany Blickershausen, Ubex Witzenhausen. Haus No. 46, Americ. Zone. February 12 th, Dear Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. C. Beaver - I am one of those German helpers you had last summer working with you in your beans. How often I remember those wonderful times we spent on your farm. Especially now that I am back home and I can see the difference between our poor country and that sort of paradise you have got over there. Our living conditions are so bad that even if I try to describe them you would not believe me. Our house, com­ pletely destroyed, any mother and my sisters, who are still alive are forced to live with the whole fam­ ily in two small rooms. All I have to do is to worry about getting some food and some heating mat­ erial. There is no chance to !buy any clothing, no footweal’, no soap and even little things like thread buy. Cigar­ luxury ar- , Now I am I hope to to have been presented for March 11th was until further notice, treasurer reported the offering of $23.21. : front post- The i self­ Plans The IVliz- 1947. Dr. Wood’s Norway Pine Syrup is a prompt, pleasant and effectual remedy for coughs, colds, hoarseness, sore throat, bronchitis, spasmodic croup, asthma and bronchial troubles. Safe, effective, inexpensive and dependable, Dr. Wood’s Norway Pino Syrup helps to loosen phlegm and mucus, clear the air passages and bring quick relief for coughs and •Colds. Got a supply of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup today. and even little things and needles you cannot ettes and tobacco are tides nobody can afford writing to you because get some help from those who can afford it. Sven a little means al­ ready a lot foi’ us here. What do you think? How grateful we were if you would enjoy us with a small charity parcel. Believe it or not would never dare could see another me heat from you Yours I to 'bother if I way. Please .let pretty soon. very truly, Willi Giesler. The T, “Milburn Oo., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Impressionable Poetry— A rush Of air­ Sound of dripping water Clank of metal— And the old man Finished his soup! Try Rollie’s Service For Better Values We Have on Hand Electric and Oar Radios Radio Batteries Tires of most sizes Fair line of Car Accessories - TRACTOR OWNERS — Wo are now taking orders for spring delivery of B-A Oils and Greases at tank wagon prices. renier Grand Bend Phone: 50r5 Dashwood Highland Cedar ON HAND Oft HAND e A. J. CLATWORTHY We Deliver Phone 12 Grantox TIMOTHYalfalfa All seeds are of highest quality, put up in our own plant. All types, of grass and plover mixtures, O.A.C, permanent pasture mixture. Parkland Brome grass, ALSIKE RED CLOVER SWEET CLOVERS THAMES ROAP Have you your Easter Elowers? You are invited to visit Bailey’s flower ‘Shop, Exeter. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Miller were Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Miller and children, of Woodham. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Allison, of Exeter, visited on Sunday with .Mr, and Mrs. John Allison. Miss Jean Cann, of London, vis4 ited with her parents over the week-end. Miss Annie Elford, of London, spent the week-end with her par­ ents. Mrs. Wilmer Ferguson and .in­ fant son returned home from Mrs. Hunter’s nursing home Monday of this week. Several from this community at­ tended the funeral of the late Mrs, Ann McCurdy in .Exeter last week. The Mission Circle will hold a Box social in the basement of the church on Wednesday evening Apr­ il 9. All ladies are requested to bring boxes. A program .will pre­ cede the box social. Rev. Mair officiated at the ser­ vice of the late Mr. Frank Tuffin, of Staffa, on Saturday afternoon in the absence of their owing to sickness. Miss Margaret Allison, don, spent the week-end home. Special services will be at Church on Sunday. A special Sunday School program at 10.15 a.m. and Church service at 11.15. a.m. Let us all worship together for these services on Easter Sun­ day morning. Mrs. Leeland Webber was taken suddenly ill on Wednesday evening of last week and on account of drifted roads the Doctor was able to attend her until when he was driven out erpillar storm v/hich made most passible last Tuesday will be last for this winter. Schools of this district were closed Tuesday and Wednesday of last week on account ere storm of Tuesday Wednesday. Mr. Edwin Miller Jr, Farmer’s’ meeting ton on Saturday ,of last week. Special Easter services will be held at Thames Road at 111.15 a.m. and at Elimville at 7.30 p.m. (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gollings, of Granton, and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gollings, of Toronto, were visitors in this community on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Watson and family, of Science Hill, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ferguson on Sunday. ( Mr. Fred Dawson visited with relatives in Toronto and Peterboro last week. Rev. and Mrs. Mair attended the King-Cooper wedding at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. andi Mrs. Bruce Cooper, at Elimville, on Saturday. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Milton McCurdy and family in the passing of Mr. McCurdy’s mother, Mrs. A. McCurdy in Exeter on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Allen andi family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen at Parkhill on Mission Band Meeting ■ The church service charge, hymn 405 followed by all repeating the Mission Band Purpose. Scrip-i ture lesson was read ,by John Pym. Minutes were read by Norma Bea­ ver followed by the roll call which was auswered by “Where I would like to visit.” A hymn followed after which Barrie Miller took charge of the program which was as follows, reading by Barrie Mil­ ler; reading by Barrie Jeffrey; ' strumental by Joanne Mair. tures scrap I sung took Book. 1 ed. ’ hymn followed by all Repeating the Mizpah Benediction. W.M.S. and W.A. Meeting The regular monthly meeting the W.M.S. and W.A. was held the .home of Mrs. John Bray Thursday afternoon of last week with Mrs Wm. Cann, vice-president of the W.A., in charge. The meet­ ing opened with hymn 399 follow­ ed by the Devotional from the W.A. program, Mrs. W. Cann tak­ ing part and Mrs. Elford reading the Scripture. Hymn 373 was sung and Mrs. Mair took charge of the W.M.S. business. Roll call was an­ swered with an “Irish Joke.” The minutes of W.M.S. were read and business discussed. Miss Edith Sparling, returned Missionary from ' China, is to be the guest speaker for the Easter Thank-offering on Sunday, April 27, the thank-of­ fering envelopes to be handed in>; that Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Cann then ' took charge of the W.A The minutes were read, was taken and business It was decided to have Tuesday, March 25 to walls and ceiling of the Sunday School room. It was moved that Mrs. Passmore buy a coffe percula- tor the the was and by Mrs. Thos. Alien; t Mrs. Stanley Coward; mental by Agnes Bray. thanks were read from those who had received boxes during their illness. Collection .was taken and the meeting closed with all repeat­ ing the Lord’s prayer1 in unison. Red Cross sewing was given out at the close of the meeting, ministei’ of Bon-* at her observed un­ Thursday on a bulldozer. We hope roads of the sev- and part of attended a in Palmers- Zwicker CREDITON Co. Limited PHONE 3W Be Sure of Getting Your Repairs in Time — FOR QUICK SALE — 1 2-base Tractor Plow with ace bottoms. 1 A437 Tractor Cultivator for Farmall A, 1 new 4 Corn and Bean Cultivator. See us for Tractor and Car Tires. V. L. Becker and Sons Sales and Service Phone 60w, Dashwood $19.75 $34.95 $24.95 $19.75 $19.75 Come in today See the Wonderful Values at FREE Yon get a lovely pair of full fashion pure silk hose absolutely free. It’s our Easter $24.95 season's nipped-in waist and Bottle Green, inverted pleat skirt, size 16, Beg. $27.50 Black Boucle, size 20 Herringbone, tan color, size 16 Hounds Tooth Tweed, size 12, Beg. $35.00 Powder Blue Novelty Cloth, size : Nile size These newest longer 14, Reg. $35.00 Green Novelty doth, 14, Reg. $35.00 Suits feature all the , trends jacket. TWEED MODELS 3 only Cheviot Tweed, sizes 14, 16 and IS in Sand; inverted pleats back and front—superbly cut and finished in detail. Clearance of Ladies Suits Sunday. in the church Mission Band met basement during hour with Gordon Maver in The meeting opened with in- Pic-1 of India were pasted in the book. Another hymn was after which Doris Duncan a chapter from the Study . The Beatitudes were review-! The meeting closed with a appear- new gift to you—don’t iniss it! A Top off your Easter ance with a new Hat by Allan or Highlander. Our selection includes everything that’s and smart for spring. $5.50 and $6.95 To keep you on sound footing. Wool; lyle and rayon by Can­ ada’s topnotch makers, handsome selection. 65c to $2.50 business. Roll -call discussedj a bee on wash the for the church. Decorating at Manse was left in the hands of Manse Committee. Th program in charge of Mrs. R. Maver consisted of an instrumental a reading by an instru- ; .Letters of Easter Suit? Easter Suits In a Hurry for Your — IN STOCK — 30 MEN’S SIFTS Worsteds - Woollens - Tweeds $25.60 - $27.50 - $42.50 — MADE-TO-MEASURE Rich. long wearing British wool­ lens tailored by Bonds. $35.00 to $50.00 A Smart Selection of SPORT JACKETS and ODD TROUSERS Gabardines And Cavalry Cords. i our neckline is the eyeline of everyone you meet. Be su're it boasts of a new Spring tic. Rayons, Brocades, and Silks. $LOO - $2.50