HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-04-03, Page 6Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 3rd, 1947 COMMUNICATION 1 •S’ Motorists Beware March 27, 1947 HENSALL (continued from page 3) The operetta entitled “Green Cheese” which was postponed ow­ ing to weather conditions will be presented in the Town Hall, Ilen- sall, on Monday, April 7th. under the direction of Mr. S. C-. Rennie. This operetta comes highly recom­ mended and is presented by stud­ ents of Ailsa Craig High School. The Hensall Senior Institute will hold their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. C. Cook on Wednes­ day April 9th. with Mrs. J. Mac- Reath, co-hostess. The theme is “Agriculture aud Canadian Indus­ tries.” Roll call-—payment of fees, a Canadian product and it’s Motto, “If we see no fault in work, we shall never do any ter,” by Mrs. J. McAllister. The funeral of the late Mrs. ney MacArthur was held from Carmel Presbyterian Church on Friday at 2 'p.m,, conducted by the Rev. P. A. Ferguson. The hymns, “Thy Way, Not Mine, O Lord,” and “Asleep in Jesus,” were sung. The floral tributes were very beautiful. The pallbearers were Messrs Wil­ liam Bell, W. O. Goodwin, G. M. Drysdale, E. L. Mickle, T. J. Sher- ritt and Sam Dougall. The flower- ibearers were Archie MacGregor, Allen Crerar, Russell Moore and H. Bell. Interment was in Exeter ceme­ tery. Arnold Circle Meets The March meeting of the Arn­ old Circle Evening Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. William Brown on Monday evening with Mrs. Melvin Moir, co-hostess. The president, Miss Jean McQueen, pre­ sided and opened the meeting with . the call to worship after which hymn, “Thy Kingdom Come, O God” was sung. The scripture les­ son, Matt. 5: 1-20, was read by Mrs. L. Raynham after which Mrs. A. Orr led in prayer. The Roll Call was answered by an Easter Bible verse. The business was discussed and the offering received. Mrs. Chas. Forrest contributed a delight­ ful piano solo entitled “Narcissus’’. The hymn “There Is a Happy Land” was sung and Mrs. -Glenn Bell very ably presented the topic on “The Beginning of Foreign Missions." The meeting concluded by singing “Arm of the Lord, Awake,” and Miss Jean McQueen led in prayer. A quiz followed after which re­ freshments were served by the 'host­ ess and co-hostess assisted by Miss Violet Hyde Y.P.S. Meet Carmel Y.P.S. held ing Monday at S:30 p.m. Clark Kennedy, presided over the meeting. The worship period open­ ed with a prelude of music “The Lost Chord” after which a hymn was sung and Rev. Ferguson led in prayer. The scripture lesson was I conducted by Mr. C. Forrest and read responsively, Luke 23rd chap­ ter. Hymn, “Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross” was ..sung. The ’business, roll call and minutes followed. Rev. Sanderson favored with a delightful solo, “Beautiful Isle of Somewhere" which was enjoyed by all present. The topic was a questionnaire on our missionary work in India taken by Rev. Ferguson at the close of the questionnaire. stressed the many needs of India, one, being medical help in particu­ lar.'The meeting closed by singing “What a Friend and the Lord’s Wolielo Class Wohelo Class March meeting of the United evening, March 24 th, with Mrs. Wes. Jones, president, -presiding. The meeting opened ‘by singing, “Father, lead me day by day,” af­ ter which the Lord’s IPrayer was repeated in unison. Minutes were read, the roll called and the collec­ tion taken. The business session followed. Mrs. Ross Forrest read the scripture lesson, John 15: vs. 1 to 17. Miss Barbara Michie, the guest speaker gave a very interest­ ing address “I’m a Canadian", in which she stressed the need of unity/ and she mentioned many problems facing Canadian citizens, etc. A humorous reading was con­ tributed by Miss Ellis. The closing hymn was “O God, Our Help In Ages Past,” after which the Miz­ pah Benediction was repeated. Several contests and games were then enjoyed under the direction of Miss .Margaret Glenn. Refreshments were served bringing the enjoyable evening to a close. Community Park Board Meets A meeting of the Community Park Board was held on Wednesday evening, March 26th, at 8 p.m. in the Council Chamber with the fol­ lowing members present: W. R. (Davidson, R. H. Middleton, Lloyd Cook and F. Smallecombe. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. The secretary report­ ed re the securing of the land for an entrance and stated the same- would be completed in the very near future, also reported re the inter­ view he had when in Toronto with the Department of 'Agriculture re the stands, also toilets for the.Park, and presented two circulars of each to the meeting. W. R. Davidson re­ ported re the stands and stated that they were very nearly completed and stated the approximate costs of the same to be about $400.00, seat­ ing 300. Correspondence was read from J. A. Carrol of the Dept, of Agriculture. Bills and accounts were read and ordered -paid: W. Dinnin, ’ labor, seats $13.00; Hydro pommis- sion, balance hydro for lights 42.00, It was motioned that W, R. David-- son and F. Smallecombe appear be­ fore the council asking for a grant for park purposes of about $400.00. The meeting was then adjourned,— J. A. Paterson, Sec’y-Treasurer; W. R. Davidson, Chairman. ** The Editor: Times-Advocate, Exeter, Ont, Dear Sir: Congratulations on your editorial of March 27th, “Working Up a Blind Alley’’. The following excerpt would stand re-statement. “Without any definite information as to what are the government plans for the fu­ ture Exeter is launching a program for the erection of fifty wartime houses. There is a rumor that seems to have some authenticity that the contract has been let for twenty-five houses to be built at the airport. But what is fifty or seventy-five homes if four to five hundred are needed. If it is a per­ manent thing these young couples are entitled to decent homes and decent standards of living. They fought for it. Are they getting it?’’ Yours truly, R. II. Doyle. Evening Servicewaagia One garage will be open in Exeter on Sundays and dur­ ing the evenings throughout the week. Open this Sunday and During the Evenings throughout the Week. The Ontario Legislature is enacting a law — if your automobile is involved in an accident and judgment is ob­ tained against you and you are unable to pay, your auto­ mobile and driver’s or chauffeur’s permit will be taken and kept from you until you pay the judgment and file proof of financial responsibility. Much better to have your automobile insurance before the accident and judgment occur. Much better to have automobile insurance and not need it than to need it and not have it. W. Herman Hodgson ES 13times atoa/cd fa Exeter Motor Sales Dodge and DeSoto Sales and Service Tom Coates Phone 200 Fred Dobbs How to Reduce Your Car’s ’’Waste” Line Do you want to reduce driving costs this spring . . . get more miles per gallon . . . assure smoother, more pleasant travel­ ling? Then drive in tomorrow for our complete spring tune- up service. We’ll put you car in top flight condition to with­ stand warm weather driving and to assure thriftiest possible performance. Authorized Ontario Motor League Garage WRECKER SERVICE DAY AND NIGHT ELIMVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kirkland and Malcolm, of Thames Road, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. S. Pym. Mr. Montmorency, of Toronto, is spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Russell King have arrived home moon and spent latter’s parents, Bruce Cooper. The sympathy is extended to Mrs. I-Iubert Hey­ wood in the death of her father, Mr. Bibby, of Kirkton. Mr. Elgin Skinner and rie Stephen, of London, week-end at their homes Miss Annie Elford, don Normal School,, this week practice Exeter Public School, Mr, and Mrs. J. ’G. Duncan, of Toronto, spent a few days lasb week with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Johns. Shower For Bride-Elect A pleasant evening was spent' last Monday at the home of Mrs. Chas. Stephen when the ladies of Winchelsea and Elimville met to honor Miss Marion Murch, a bride­ elect qf next Saturday. Marion was escorted to a nicely decorated chair and Miss Eilene Johns read her an address. Little Betty Ann Stephen, dressed as a bride, drew in. a wagon loaded with Wear-Ever Aluminium ware for the kitchen. Marion received many other beau­ tiful gifts. and after she had open­ ed all the gifts she thanked the friends in her own pleasant way, Some musical contests were then, enjoyed and lunch was served. The following is the address: Dear Marion: Another important event about to take place in this com­ munity and we are gathered here to-night to show our appreciation’ for all you have done here. You. Marion have always shown great interest and have taken your part willingly in everything that you have been asked to take part in.i We consider ourselves very lucky that you are not leaving this com­ munity and hope you will continue to be as. interested as you have al­ ways been. It is right and natural that everyone should desire a life partner and have a home of their own. While it would be very ro­ mantic to live on love, it has been found that many things are nec­ essary for your comfort and con­ venience and we wish to help you begin your brighten up you a long, wedded life row and “little troubles’’ to make yours and your partner’s life a success. We hope you will have as much pleasure in using these ar­ ticles as we in giving them. •—'Signed on behalf of your Elim­ ville and Winchelsea .friends. from their lioney- ; Sunday with the Mr, and Mrs. of the .community Mr. Lau- spent the here. the Lon- sp ending in of is teaching is household duties and your home. We wish prosperous and happy with enough joy, sor- Something New in a Paint- Just mix the required amount of powder with water and paint it on. Not only do you have a nice appearing job but the D.D.T, in it kills the flies. We have 1 roll Electric Weld Fabric, 1 roll Chain Link Fabric Wire. STOCK-GRO'—A by-product of milk. Try it for your chicks and hens. Helps to prevent coccidiosis in chicks. Chick Supplies, Chick Grit, Chick Oyster Shell, Peat Moss. We expect a car of Shingles very soon. Leave your orders. ANNUAL MEETING—APRIL 11th. Keep date in mind. Speaker: Ralph Staples, President of the Canadian Co-Op. Union and director of the United Farmers’ Co-Operative. BUY FROM Exeter District Cooperative Phone 287 South End Service Station Business Review These business firms invite your patronage. Dealing with them gives satisfaction and helps to make this a better community V’s Beauty Shoppe Be Lovely To Look At . . . with a hair-do styled at Exeter and Dis­ trict’s Most Modern Shoppe. Cold Waves and Eugene Heat Waves VERA C. FRASER, Prop. 112 EXeterTel. ffl Snell’s Taxi Service Phone 100 Dot’s Beauty Shoppe (one door north of Bell Telephone) Naturelle Permanent Waving Lustron Cold Wave Dorothy G. Reeder, Prop. Tel. 71 Exeter Stewart’s Taxi Phone 335 Exeter nraus WINCHELSEA We are sorry to report Mrs. H. Bailey is quite sick under the Doctor’s care. We 1 for a speedy recovery. Mrs. Collier, of Kirkton, is waiting her. Quite a number of this commun­ ity are confined to the house wlih flu. Mrs. Philip Hern and son re­ turned home on Saturday from Mrs. Godbolt’s Hospital. We are sorry to report that Mr. Clarence Hawkins received injuries to his leg being thrown off the snow plow on Saturday while help­ ing to shovel ahead of the plow. His leg was placed in a cast. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Goldwin Glenn, of! Brinsley, visited one day last week with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Brock. Miss Kathleen Hay, of Exeter, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Prance. Miss Dorothy Pooley, of Exeter,! spent Monday night with Miss Gladys Batten. Quite a number from this vicin­ ity attended the shower for the bride-elect. Miss Marion Murch, at +he home of Mrs, Chas. Stephen on Monday night. thab and hope Alf. ; on Jones: “I’m going to get a di­ vorce. My wife hasn't spoken to me in a month.” 'Smith: “You’d better go easy. You'll never get another wife like that!” It SHIRLEY’S BEAUTY SHOP Fingerwaves, Permanents, Facials, Manicures Satisfaction Guaranteed SHIRLEY BROCK, Prop. One block east of Trivitt Memorial Church Andrew St. Phone 245W Floor Sanding New Floors Laid and Sanded Old Floors Re-surfaced with Latest Equipment Estimates Free MURRAY NEIL Hardwood Floor Contractor R. 2, Centralia - Phone Crcditon 10 J Studio at my home on Main Street Phono 2SGJ for appointment Last year we completed 7,400,000 more calls than in the previous year yet Long Distance operators connected eighty-five out of every hundred while the customer held the line. It has been a tremendous job to keep up with the ever increasing use of Long Distance. ■ »««that’s the length of Long distance Lines installed in 1946 Our vast construction programme involving more lines, more switchboards, more operators is being rushed at top speed so that "-Long Distance” will continue to give the best communication service. THE BELL TELEPHONE QO COMPANY OF CANADA and Mrs. Stewart Bell. Presbyterian Church their missionary meet­ evening, March 24th, The president, Mr. Mr. Ferguson We Have in Jesus’’ iPrayer in unison. members held their in the schoolroom Church on Monday l 24th, president, will speak on PREMIER Business Directory C. E. ZURBRIGG GEORGE DREW “(mo is wt .FOR SALE over the C.B.C. Ontario Trans-Canada Network From 10.30 io 10.45 p.m M0HIHL APRIL 7th LISTEN TO STATION C B L Optometrist at Exeter Open every week day except Wednesday GLADMAN and COCHRANE BARRISTERS — SOLICITORS EXETER. ONTARIO at Hensall, Friday 2 to 5 p.m. DR. R. H. DOYLE PHYSICIAN and X-Ray MAIN STREET, Telephone SURGEON EXETER 00 FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER P.O. or RING 13® WM. H. SMITH LICENSED For Huron Special training property’s true Graduate of American Auction College Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Creditor P.O. or Phone 43-2 AUCTIONEER and Middlesex assures you Of value on sale day yom E. F. CORBETT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Terms Reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed. EXETER, R.R. 1 Phone Zurich 92r7 Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.DJS- DENTAL SURGEON Main Street, Exeter Office 36w Telephones Res. 361 Closed Wednesday Afternoons ELMER D. BELL, B.A. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Successor to J. W. Morley EXJETER, ONT. Dr. J. W. Corbett, D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON BELL BUILDING, EXETER Telephone 273 ALVIN H. WALPER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron County FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed PHONE 5712 DASHWOOD R. 1 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO a IP ANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario .................... WM. IL COATED Exeter Vice-Pres...... . ANGUS SINCLAIR. R.R. 1, Mitchell DIRECTORS JOHN HACKNEY .... Kirkton, R. 1 WM. A. HAMILTON ..... Cromarty JOHN McGRATI-I ..... Dublin, Ont. MILTON McCURDY .. KirktOn, R. 1 AGENTS^VIN L HARRIS ......... Mitehell THOS, SCOTT <».<>>,..Cromartv THOS. G. BALLANTYNE: Woodham secretary-treasurer B. W, F. BEAVERS ............ Exeter SOLICITORS Gladman & Cochrane, Exeter