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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-03-20, Page 5
THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 20th, 1947 Church JAMES STREET UNITED Support Red Cross Drive W© 1) Heaman .50 Rev, A, B, Irwin, B.A. Lawrence A. Wein Organist and Choir Leader 11 a.m.—Morning worship conduct ed by the Minister, Theme; “The True Vine,” Anthem; “Look to the Lord for Light.” Duet: Mrs. tP. McFalls and MV. A. E, Wuerth. 3 p.m.—Sunday School Class. 7 p.m.—Evening worship by the Minister. Theme: “What Jesus To Do.” Solo: Mr. Walter Cutbush. The Easter Communion Service will be observed on Sunday, March 30 at 11 a.m. and Bible conducted Wants Us PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE H. T. Kendrick, Pastor Wed., 8 p.m.—'Mid-week prayer service. The (Pastor. Thurs. Afternoon—W.M.S. quilting. Fri., 8 p.m.—Y.P.S. Special speaker, Dean Smith, of the London Uni versity. Sun., 11 a.m.—Prayer and worship. Sun., 2 p.m.—Sunday School. Supt. Mr. E. Cudmore. Classes for all ages. Sun., 3 p.m.—Subject “United in Christ.” The Pastor. Sun., 7.30 p.m.—Praise and Testi mony. Sun., 8 p.m.—“A Fishing Expedi tion.” The (Pastor. Don’t miss these services. A Veal treat for you. MAIN STREET UNITED Rev. N. J. Woods, M.A., Minister Mrs. A. Y. Willard, Organist 11 a.m.—Public Worship and Church School, the Minister. 7 p.m.—Public Worship, the Minister. Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayer service in Trivitt Parish Hall; Rev. Sander son, of Hensall. Fri., 4:15—Murray Mission Band. Evening Service One garage will be open in Exeter on Sundays and dur ing the evenings throughout the week. Open this Sunday and During the Evenings throughout the Week. GRAHAM ARTHUR Garage msf WUERTH’S FOR MEN AND BOYS — See us before you buy your footwear. Special in Rubber Boots, 28” in height. We have plenty of Rubbers, Work Shoes, Oxfords and Wool and Cotton Socles. Procure a pair of those good hand knitted socles. old NOW ... is the time to dig your shoes and have them repaired and ready for the warm weather. Bring ’em and we’ll take care of their soles and heel them. up Repairing done while you wait (spot service) The Work of the Red Cross Must Continue—Please be Generous. are the best Counter Check Books made in Canada. They cost no more than ordinary books and always give satisfaction. We are agents and will be pleased to quote you on any style or quantity required. See Your Home Printer First EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Kenneth MacLean, Minister Miss Muriel Wliilsmith, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School, 11 a.m.—Public Worship, Thurs., March 20, 8 p.m.—Caven W.M.S. will meet at the home of Mrs. Wesley Simmons. ■Sun., March 30, 7 p.m,—The Young People of Caven Church will con duct a Young People’s service. Everybody welcome. TRIVITT MEMORIAL Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Choirmaster, Esme Howard 5th Sunday in Lent Passion Sunday —Sunday School. . •Evensong and Sermon. “The Promise of "Eternal Inheri tance.” Thurs., 8 p.m.—The Ladies’ Guild will meet at the home of Mrs. E. Irwin. 11 a.'ir 7 p.m.- M. ZION EVANGELICAL Crediton E. Reuber, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. F. W. Morlock. Organist a.m.—'The .Christ of the Cross’ a.m.—Church School. /ID 11 7.30 p.m.—“Man’s Life in God” 9 p.m.—E.Y.F. Lenten services continuing each Thursday at 8 p.m. k/Rkton and Mrs. Wes. Hodge have two grandsons, Murray and Stephen, of Anderson, ■holl- Mr. their Burns daying with ‘them. Rev. and Mrs. W. D. Goodger ‘have the latter’s father, Mr. Graham i’of Toronto, spending some time with them. Miss Joan Parker, of London/ spent t'he week-end with her moth er, iMrs. Geo. Hall.j 'Master David (Christie is holiday ing with ihis grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Christie at Roy’s Cor ners. Miss Marian Copeland left on Monday to accept stenographer with in Stratford Mr. J. Elliott, a position as a the Royal Bank of Hamilton, a government inspector fox’ the R.O.P. has been testing some dairy herds in this district. We are' glad to report that Mr. Russell Morrison is much improved and returned to his work at Bramp ton having spent several weeks convalescing at his home in the village. ■' " Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Hanna en tertained a large number of their friends and neighbors Friday eve ning in Aberdeen Hall, Kirkton. The evening was spent with euchre and dancing. At the close refresh ments were served. Hiram and Mrs. Hanna were called to the platform and Mr. Harold O’Brien read a well Worded address and Mr. L. Flet cher made the presentation of an electric heater. Hiram very fitting ly replied on behalf of he and Mrs. Hanna. This was where the surprise came in as’Hhey didn’t know any thing about the gift. The large numbex* present showed the esteem with which the Hanna’s are held in the community. W.A. and W.M.S. Some 25 ladies of the Kirkton United church, met at the home of Mrs. I. N. Marshall Wednesday af ternoon. Mrs. Earl Watson led in the worship service and also pre sided as president for the W.M.'S. meeting. Miss A. L. Urquhart took the study book on India. Prayers were offered Iby Mrs. G. H. Burgin and Mrs. Wes. Batten. Mrs. T. Tufts and Mrs. F. ‘Switzer sang a duet. Mrs. Wes. Doupe presided ovex* the W.A. meeting. Aftex’ dis cussing some ’business and plan ning for a social evening April 11, Mrs. E. Watson favored with an instrumental. The meeting closed with a hymn. The immediate relatives of the bride gave a presentation to Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Hanna at the home of Mr. and M!rs. Ray Mills, Wood ham, Tuesday, March 11, in honor of tlxeix’ 25th wedding anniversary. The evening begaxx with a charivari which brought the bride rushing to the dooi’ and remarking, “Oh, they’re all here.” Aftex’ some noise, they entered the house and pro gressive euchre followed. The prize winners were Mrs. Russell McCal lum, ladies’ high; Mrs. Lorne Walters^ ladies lone hands; Miss Doro thy Hawkey, ladies’ consolation: Floyd Pridham, gent’s low hands. Allan McDougall, gent’s consolation The bride and groom of 25 years were escorted to their chairs. Miss Noreen' Waltex* gave a reading on “How Pa and Ma Met.” Mrs. Lorna McCallum read a very appropriate address. Mrs. Mildred Mills present ed the couple with a presto cookdr aftex* whiclx the groom responded with a few words of .gratitude, also adding he hoped to be visiting with ■the family another 25 years. All joined in singing “Foi* They Are Jolly Good Fellows,” Dainty re freshments were served including a beautiful wedding cake decorated by Mrs, Cliff Moore, of Exeter. Hello Homemakers! Faced with the problem of getting home after five o’clock from a meeting, or the office, many homemakers have been asking us for easy-to-prepare foods. Dishes which save precious mo ments and yet are nourishing at the same time are often based on par tially-prepared products such as condensed soups, canned meats and the spaghetti or macaroni pieces. Budgeting will make you conscious of the advantage of using many commercially-packaged foods in combination with other home-grown items. In these few recipes we offer today there is good flavour—and note the variety. potatoes, 1 can condensed to mato soup, 1 cup grated cheese. Pile rice, spaghetti or cooked po tatoes on hot serving plates. (If leftovei’ potatoes are used, heat in top part of double boiler.) Heat condensed tomato soup. Pour ovex* mounds of rice, spaghetti ox* pota toes. Sprinkle grated cheese on top. cress,Garnish with parsley or Yield: 4 servings. * >l‘ TAKE A TIP CREAMED ECGS 4 hard-cooked eggs, yz cup milk, 4 slices toast, 1 can con densed mushroom soup, 1 tbsp, chopped parsley. Cut hard-cooked eggs in slices or chop. Heat mushroom soup in 'top part of double boiler. Add milk and eggs. When hot add chopped pars ley. Pour over toast. Yield; 4 serv ings. QUICK FISH CASSEROLE 1% cups flaked cooked fish, 1 cup canned' peas, or diced cooked celery, 1 bag potato chips, 1 can cream of mush room soup. Put fish, potato chips and peas in layers in greased casserole dish, re serving enough potato chips for top. Dilute mushroom soup with milk according to directions on can. 'Pour over fish and vegetables in casse role. Top with remaining potato chips. Bake in electric oven (350 degs.) from 20 to 30 mins, or until heated thoroughly. Yield: 4 serv ings. Quick Supper Menus 1. Tomato juice; Creamed Eggs; Cabbage Salad; Johnny Cake with Syrup; Hot Chocolate. 2. Meat Cubes in Tomato Sauce; Boiled .Potatoes; Boiled Onions; Applesauce and Cookies; Coffee. 3. Mushroom Corn Pudding; Sausages; Banana Cream Pudding; Tea. 4. Hot Weiners with Spicy Sauce; Country Club Potatoes—Raw Carrot 'Sticks; Canned Peaches—Cheese Wafers. 5. Quick Fish Casserole; Carrot and 'Raisin Salad; Prunes (cooked night before); Graham Wafers filled with pea nut butter; Tea. * 6. Tomato Cheese 'Supper Dish; Grated Turnip and Prune Salad; Jellied Cherry Dessert (made day before): Tea Biscuits: Coffee. MEAT CUBES IN TOMATO SAUCE I make dump juice and like are light and Inch cubes of canned meat, 1 small onion chopped, % tsp. salt, dash pepper, dash sage, 1-3 cup quick-cooking oats, 2 tbsps. dripping, 1 can conden sed tomato soup, y2 cup water, U tsp. chili powder. Combine cubed beef, onion, seas onings and oats. Brown in skillet then place in greased casserole. Combine tomato soup, water and chili powder. Pour over meat; cover and bake in electric ove,n at- - -- - 4 * « THE SUGGESTION BOX .Mrs. G. A. says: lings with tomato them because they look attractive.m * Miss S. T. says: A piece of cinna mon added to waffle battei' gives a spicy tang. d4 Mrs. ‘C. D. says: Small meat balls can be made by forming the meat into a long roll, then cutting it into one-inch pieces. I borrowed my and painted the 350 degs. for 20 mins. Yield': servings. TOMATO CHEESE SUPPER DISH 4 cups hot cooked rice, cook ed spaghetti or diced cooked Mr. A. J. says: ■wife’s nail polish house key on my key ring, and hers too. Needless t,Q say, it saves much time and troublK searching for this elusive key. ♦ * V Anne Allan invites you to write to her %Tlie Times-Advocate. Send in your suggestion on homemaking problems and watch this column for replies. Circle Meeting monthly meeting of the Circle was held on Monday at the home of Mrs. Oscar WOODHAM Miss Fern Rodd, of London, spent the week-end with ,her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rodd. Quite a number from this com munity attended a party held in Kirkton Hall in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Hanna’s twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. William Thomson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.’ Robert Ross, of Kirkton. | A numbex’ from this community went to Granton to skate on Satur day evening. Mission The Mission evening Brine. The theme “Perseverance to see it through” was given by Mrs! Ira McCurdy. The Scripture Lesson was read by Mrs. Brine. Hymn 34 8 was sung followed with prayer by Mrs. McCurdy. The twenty-third Psalm was read responsively. A Vocal solo was given by Jean Wil lis and prayer by Mrs. McCurdy. Hymn 112 was sung followed with the Lord’s Prayer in unison. Roll’ call was taken and minutes were read .and adopted. Hymn 25 6 was sung and a poem “Don’t Quit” was given by Mrs. Vic Chatten followed by a story “Texx Ten Dollars” by Mrs. Dave Shamblaw; a piano sola by Rhoda Thomson; a poem “Life' Mirror” by Mrs. Norris Webb; a poem “The One Who is Missed” by Mrs. Bill Rundle. Hymn 480 was sung._ Mrs. .McCurdy pronounc-) delicious the hos- a social ed the Benediction. A lunch was then served by tess and committee and half hour was spent. Shower for English Bride On Wednesday evening week a shower was held home of Mr. and Mrs. John Tomlin son in honor of Mrs. Tomlinson, a recent bride from England. A chorus was enjoyed and the follow ing program was given, reading by Mrs. Vic Chatten; poem “Surest “An English Bride” by Mrs. James Miller; contest led by Lorene Ja ques; poem ,“Aix Evening at. Home” by Mrs. Viv Chatten; poenx “Surest Treasure” by Florence Kirk; contest; poem Home” “Right and a m/ide. was carried in and presented to Mrs. Tomlinson. Mrs, Tomlinson' opened them and Mr, and Mrs. John Tomlinson thanked the girls very touch £or .their gifts. All join ed in Singing "For they are jolly good Fellows.” A delicious lunch .of at last the by Florence Kirk; a' “Prayer .for a New by Mrs. Jack Smith; poem Girl” by Mrs. Oscar Brine chorus, A bride’s book was A Shower of kitchen gifts carried in and presented Tomlinson, Mrs, Mr, was then served by the committee in charge and a social half hour was spent. Box Social The Young People’s Union held a Box Social on Friday evening with a good crowd in attendance. The evening was spent ,in playing games and contests. Ray Mills led in community singing with Grant Mills at ,the piano followed by a reading by Rhoda Thomson; piano duet by Dorothy and Rhoda Thom son; reading “Levinskey at the Wedding” by Jean Willis. Ray( Mills then, auctioned the boxes off and a social time was spent by all. Proceeds for the evening $26.00. Young The Young Sunday evening with the ship and Worship committee, Phyl lis Wheeler and Clarence Thomson’ in charge. The meeting with hymn 293 followed by the Theme song. Jean Willis led in prayer. Roll call and minutes were read and .adopted. Bible Town and Bible Drill was led by Jeaix Willis. The Call to Worship was given by Clarence Thomson. Hymn 60 was sung followed by the Lord’s Pray-} ex* in unison. Scripture Lesson was read by John Rodd followed by a poenx “The Greater Ombra Copeland; a Crosby” by Florence 55; topic “Faith” by People’s Union regular meeting People’s Union was were the.of held on Fellow- opened Strength” by story “Fanny Kirk; hymn Rhoda Thom son; piano solo by (Lorene Jaques;1 poenx “God is Everywhere” Audrey Parkinson. Hymn 56 sung followed by the National them. Rev. Laing pronounced Benediction. The Class That Counts Meeting There were foui'teen members at the March meeting Thursday, Mar. 13tlx when Mrs. Roger Christie .was hostess fox’ the Class That Counts. With the president, Mrs. Paton presiding .the meeting opened with hymn 388. The Scripture was a Psalm read in unison, A committee was named to arrange programs for next three months and is Mrs. Fred Roger, Mrs. Jim Willis, Mrs. Eric Humphries and Mi'S. Russell Morrison. Mrs. Fred Roger gave a splendid paper on “Bearing Life’s Burdens.” A humorus reading “What Happened to Harry” given by Mrs. Emerson Paton, closing Mizpah unison, ducted Served by the hostess and commit tee in charge end a social time was spent by all. hymn was sung and Benediction repeated Mrs. Clarence Switzer a soap contest, Lunch (Continued from Jory 5.00; Norman Roy Dewar 1.00; Ches. Mawhinney 1.00; e. Appleton 2.00; W, Taylor I, 00; E. J. Green 10.00; Alice Pfaff 5.00; Mrs. Anne Lawson 1.00; Lorne 1.00; Kestle J. A. 1,00; Bill Hooper .75; Les. Thomp son. 1.00. Shapton and Fybus, (Canvassers) -—Jas, VanCamp $1,00; 'Mr, and 'Mrs, John Thomson 2.00; Garfield Thomson 2.00; R. E. Pooley 3.00; ‘Mrs, G. K. Crocker 2.00; Mrs, Min nie Strange 2.00; Geo. Teskey 1.00; Mrs. Mary Willard 5.00; Richard Johns 2,00; Samuel Johns 2.00; Rev. A. B. Irwin 5.00; Mrs. Ed. Johns 3.00; Richard Davis 1.00; Mrs. Sidney Davis 1.00; Chas. Schroedex* 1.00; Johix Chambers 1.00; Ewart Pym 1.50; Wm. Hor ney 1.00; Wm. Frayne 25.00; Elmer Reeder 1.00; Mrs. M. Finkbeinex* 1.00; Mrs. A. Francis 3.00; Wesley Johns 5,00; Edgar Broderick 2.00; Ruby Miners 1.00; James Squire 2.00; Mrs. F. (Boyle 1.00; Edgar Fanson .50; Wm. Baker 2.00; Mr, Jensen 1.00; Mrs. Geo. Hunter 2.00 Mrs. Frank Coates 3.00; Mrs, E. A. Marshall 2.00; Laverne Heywood 1.00; Walter Cutbush 2.00; Olive Prior 5.00; Mrs. Roulston 10.00; Wilbur Martin 5.00; Frank Coates 2.00; Wm. Pybus 3.00; E. J. Shap ton 3.00; Mrs. A. Fraser 1.00; Mrs. Hyndman 1.00; Mrs, J. Schroeder 1.00; Ada Andrew 1.00; S. <M. San ders 2,00; Mrs. John 'Smith 2.00; Mr. and Mrs. Wta. Annie Sanders 1.00; 1.00; Mrs. John Snell Mrs. W. D. Sanders Baker 1.00; L. Day and (Son 10.00; Mrs. 'Milo Snell 10.00; Earl Parsons 1.00; Cliff Brintnell 2.00; John Mc Gregor 3.00; (Mrs. Valeria Arm strong 2.00; C. and Nettie Reddy 2.00; Mr. and Mrs. A. P. McKillop 1.00; C. W. Christie 1.00; Mrs. T. H Shapton 2.00; Mrs. Fred .Sharp 10.00; Mrs. Newton Bakei' 5.00; Russell Balkwill 5.00; Mrs. Hannah Taylor .50; Evelyn Broderick 2.00; Mrs. Anne L. Veal 1.00; ‘Mrs. Alex McFalls 1.00; Mrs. Alice .Cudmore 1.00; M'rs. Agnes Westcott 1.00; C. M. Farrow 3.00; Wm. Snell 1.00. Howard and Ryckman (Canvass ers)—John Northcott $1.00; John (Prance 1.00; Frank Glanville 2.00; Robt. Higgins 2.00; Cecil Stewart 2.00; John Venton 3.00; Percy Mol- lard .50; Eva Delbridge 5.00; Jas. Taylor 2.00; Reuben -McGinnis 1.00 Wm. 2.00; Greb 5.00; Cornish John 2.50; 1.00; thur Lillie Miller- 2.00; Wm. Marshall 1.00; G. S. Howard 5.00; Thos. Walker 1.00; Arthur Campbell 1.00; 'Stuart ©ick .50; Ashley Smith 1.00; Arthur' Frayne 1.00; E. L. Johnston .50; Annie Fish .50; Wein Wein 2.00; 1.00; Huston 5.00; A. J. 5.00; Mawhinney 1.00; Luther Reynolds 1.00; Henry Kestle 1.00. May and Francis (Canvassers)— Verna Coates $2.00; Geo. Wright 2.00; Ray Coutanche .50; Willa ■Culbert 2.00; Ed. Lindenfield 5.00; Wes Simmons 5.00; /Mrs. W. E. Cavers 5.00; Bruce Rivers 5.00; Fred May 15.00; Thos. Pryde 10.00; Exeter Co-Op. 5.00; Harold Murray 2.00; Amelia Fisher 2.00; H. E. Pinkerton 5.00; Cann’s Mill 25.00; B. <M. FTancis 10.00; D. G. Apple ton 2.00; Fred Newton 2.00; C. L. Robertson 5.00; Myrtle Haist .50; C. V. Pickard 5.00; Norman Hockey I. 00; Hopper-Hockey 10.00; W. H. Hodgson 5.00; Marion Bissett 5.00; J. W. Morley 25.00; Doris Mitchell .75; Nellie Carmichael 2.00; Meta Salter 2.00; Dorene Parsons 2.00; E. A. Howald 1.00; W. G. Cochrane 5.00; E. W. Gladman 20.00; 'Dr. Corbett 3.00; Elmer Bell 25.00; Wong’s Cafe 1.00; Geo. Wong 5.00; A. E. Wuerth 1.00; Geneva Elliott .50; Mayfair Rivers 5.00; 5.00; R. G. Sheere 1.00; Dinney Al joe 1.00; Carroll 1.00; S. Oke 1,00; Stanley Green Ross Herbert 1.00; Victor 5.00; Nelson Staniake 5.00; Brintnell 2,00; Fred Daters B. Cutting Norval A 5.00; by was An- tli e was The the in con- was Fraser 2.00; Mrs. McAvoy 3.00; Mr. and 5.00; Violet Jones Simon Fred 2.00; Cecil Reid 1.00; Friend 5.00 W. R. White .50; Peart 1.00; Lawrence Wein W. Ryckman 2.00; N. Heaman Norman Stanlake 5.00; Ar- Amy 2.00; W. G. Medd 4.00; 2.00; ~ Howard 5.00; 1.00; Arthur Arthur' Frayne 1.00; Thos. Elliott 1.00; .50; Lome Johnston Wein 3.00; Margaret E. C. Harvey 5.00; 25.00; Howard Ince Maida 2.00; Bros. Geo. Earl 2.00; John Stire Roy Webber 1.00; Misses Robt. Belling 1.00; ■Sweitzer 1.00; Nat Ogden Lavina Bawden 1.00; Thos. Bakery 5.00; H. C. Chambers & Darling Seldon 5.00; Frank W. W. Tamaxx 2.00; 5.00; Edgar I-Iunkin Sanders 5.00; Ruby .Fred Huxtable 10.00; Jack Delbridge B. Taylor 10.00; H. 'O. 15.00; Dorothy ©avis Brock 1.00; Marg. Mel- Mel. Alderson 1.00; Leo 1.00; T. O. Southcott R. C. 1.00; King Earl 1.00; Soutlxcott 1.00; Jean ville 1.00: Hennessey 15.00; Geo. Hawkins 10.00; Percy Browning 5.00; Alice Handford 2.00; I.O.O.F. 50.00; J. Pryde 5.00; B. W. Tuckey 10.00; Annie McAnsh 2,00; ~ ...........Leavitt’s Theatre 105.00. Welsh (Canvasser) —Richard F. C. Beaupre 5.00; 5.00; E. R Welsh $5.00; ■Mathers Bros. 5.00; E. L. Gibson $2.00; James Grassick .50: Harold Simpson $1.00; Richard Yellow 5.00; Edward Yellow 3.00; Bor don Clark 1.00; Jessie Sanders 1.00; Arthur Bierling 2.00; William Vale 2.00; Henry Green 2.00; Joseph Davis 1.00; Arthur Willert 1.00; Herman Kernick 5.00; Ansley Neil 1.00; Cora McPherson 3.00; Melvin Edwards 2,00; Joe McDonald 2.00; John Caldwell 1.00; Ed. Coombes 1,00; Charles Elson 2.00; Andrew Biommereart 1.00; Moses Amy 1,00; Victor Hogarth 5.00; William (Park er 2.00; A, J. McKorral 1.00; Percy Hewitt 1.00; Lyman Moore >2.00; John Kydd 1.00; Patrick Reid 1.00; Rhode Lutman .50; Harold Harness .50; Percy Tyermann 2,00; Robert Kydd 1.00; Wesley .Hacktiey 1,00; Kirkton Libwy Board Holds Meeting Elizabeth (Smith 1.00; Fanny Hat ter 2.00; William Hatter 10,00; Reports at the recent annual meeting of the Kirkton Library re vealed that a most successful year I has been concluded. The librarian! reported a total circulation of 3144 books. There were 28 adult and 47 juvenile members, Over $100 was invested in new books during 1946,1 The auxiliary distributing centre at Russeldale handled 128 books and received three travelling (boxes. The Huron County Library Ass’n supplied four boxes of books at Kirhton, in additioix to the travel ling boxes from the Department of Education. Insulbrick siding was put on the library building and more improvents are to follow. The report of the secretary-treasurer showed finances to be in a healthy condition. The following were re elected to the Board for 1947: Mrs. W, D. Goodger (chairman), Mr. O. E. Sawyer (secretary-treasurer), iMrs. C. A, Campbell, Mrs. Truman Tufts, Mrs. G. H. Burgin,Canon R. W. James. New members of the Board are Mrs. Eric Humphreys, Miss Florence Kirk, Mr. Wm. Simp son, and one yet to be appointed. Mrs. Russell Morrison is the effici ent and faithful librarian who has completed 23 years of service with the library. ■ WE’RE HERE TO HELP YOU... Keep Your ’Car or Truck Running Efficiently Until the New Models Arrive Efficient, Economical PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE on All Makes of Vehicles Mrs. Clarence Taylor 1.00; Riney Keller 1.00; Harold Beavers 1.00. Bowey and Elliot (Canvassers)— Norma Wilson $2.00; Harvey Pfaff 1.00; Earl Russell 10.00; Bert Bor land 2.00; Orval /Ford 1.00; Ed ward ‘Brady 5.00; Harold Preszcator 1.00; Harvey Pollen 10.00; Wm. Triebner .75; Glenn Bonnallie 1.00; A. O. Elliot 10.00; Dalt Finkbeiner 1.75; Robt. Southcott 1.00; Harry Parsons 2.00; Doug. Pryde 1.00; Frank Creech 10.00; Eilene Johns 2.00; Ethelene Johns 2.00; J. M. Southcott 10.00; Anna Brock 2.00; Ardys McFalls 5.00; Catherine Batten 1.0 0> Wilma Veal 1.00; Kathleen Hay 1.00; J. A. Traquair 10.00; Lillian Traquair 1.00; Reg. Beavers 5.00; B. W. F. Beavers 5.00; May Jones 10.00; Iiene Snell 1.00 Notice Snell Bros. & Co. General Motors and Case Dealers Phone 100Exeter Excavating and Levelling Apply Chas. P. Dietrich Municipal Contractor R.R. 3, Dashwood. Phone 23r5 Crediton To Flax Contractors As the government at Ottawa has set the ceiling price flax at $5.00, the Middlesex Seed Co. is prepared to pay .00 per bushel to those who have already signed contracts and for any future contracts. For anyone desiring a contract, I will be at Wes. Sim mon’s shop Saturday afternoon after two o’clock. on $5 Chas. God bolt It Won’t be Long This week marks the first of spring and it won’t be long now before the sap will be running. Be ready for syrup making time and get those needed supplies now. SAP BUCKETS—Made of galvanized iron. We have both the long and short sizes. SPILES— Both the Eureka and the SMP spiles are available. GARBAGE CANS We have them in sizes, containers complete, lids and handles will lxxeet the requirements for the garbage collection. HOG TROUGHS Of galvanized iron in three sizes of I- ft., 5 ft. and 6 ft. three ■These heavy metal with Queen Oil-Burning BROODER STOVES The brooder stove that pro vides even heat in all kinds of weather. It has the pot type triple combustion burner that saves up to 30 per cent, on fuel bills. Exclusive features eliminate, fire hazards. Help the Red Cross Carry On — Give Generously v> "•ft1 A Out of and into your plans for healthy livestock that pays big dividends comes Purina feed. The proof is in the eating and when you give your stock scientifically prepared^ blended Purina feed, you can count on healthy, profit producing animals. It is vitamin and mineral entiched, Hardware