HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-03-20, Page 2Page 2 Times established 1873; Advocate established 1881 amalgamated November 19 24 PUBLISHED EACH THURSDAY MORNING AT EXETER, ONTARIO A.n Independent Newspaper devoted to the interests of the Village of Exeter and Surrounding District Member of Newspapers’ of the the Canadian Weekly Association; Member Ontario-Quebec Division of the CWJfA Must be Noon on SUBSCRIPTION : $2.00 a year, in advance; three months I. M. SOUTHCOTT AU Advertising Copy Eater Titan in Our Hands Not i Tuesdays RATE six months. $1.00 60c PUBLISHER THURSDAY, MARCH 20th, 1947 The Hand-Writing on the Wall Reds will use any means to get control of labor unions says a report from the Lnited States Chamber of Commerce. A similar situa­ tion prevails in Canada according to Pat Sulli­ van, founder and boss of the Seaman $ union for a dozen years. “From what I have seen of the underground activities of the C ommunist Party I am now convinced that in the interests of Canada, and particularly in the interests of organized labor, their activities should be ex­ posed,” said Mr. Sullivan. The leading nations of the world, have been bled white to maintain freedom and justice. Canada will maintain an army, a navy and an airforce, to be prepared in case of future wars. Police force is maintain­ ed to preserve law and order but w’hat is being done to stem the tide of the forces whose am­ bitions are comparable to that of Hitler s am­ bitions for world power and whose methods of operation are different but none-the-less dia­ bolical. Statesmen may read the signs of the times but will politicians heed them? ***** Where Oh Where? increases now being proposed and all members of the Ontario Legis- cost the taxpayers of Ontario ap- An in- * Salary tabled for lature will _ . proximately $150;000 more annually. crease of from $2,000 to $3,600 has been recom­ mended by a five-man special committee. In face of a studied report whom are we to say that the increase is not justified. This country needs good men in parliament and no man ^whether a member or a cabinet minister should have to tap his own resources to serve his coun­ try. The same thing might be said in connection with our educational system. The hope of the world is in the youth of today and Germany has taught us what can be done with the youth in a single generatoin. Adequate remuneration to maintain a home with a decent standard of living, raise and educate a family*is the right of every man that makes teaching his profes­ sion. Standardizing of salaries, however, is a matter for discussion as living conditions arp far from equal. Qualifications must be consider­ ed. There is a vast difference in a public school teacher who spends a few months or a year at Normal and one with a university training. Ex­ perience that comes with the years is a valuable asset. Equal pay for equal service just doesn’t seem to fit in with the teaching profession. What is a good salary to maintain a high standard of living for a single lady teacher would be entirely inadequate for a married man with a family and in our humble way of thinking and laying ourselves open to getting our hair pull­ ed, should be considered. Salaries, of from $1400 to $1600 now being offered unmarried teachers is away ahead of anything like what is being paid for efficient service in other lines of work in this community. * * “Gotten”? confused by the critical certain words and terms “Got” or Many readers are discussions concerning which appear in our columns from time to tim/e. However, there are those who retain a real in­ terest in good plain English. Let us take so simple a word as “got”. Some people claim this word is obsolete. A question of taste in the choice of words is one thing. A question of the correctness of the word chosen is another thing. “Got” is not obsolete but is a perfectly proper word. In fact we couldn’t get on without “got”. Shakespeare uses “got” more than a .hundred times; and any man has a right to fol­ low him in the use of ordinary English words. Eve preferred “gotten” to "got”; and some grammarians think that grammatically speak­ ing, she had a right to do so. A. Professor of English, on the contrary, says; “The prejudice against the word (get) and its inflection “got”, which prevails among half-educated people, is an affectation. Such is especially the preference for ‘gotten’ instead of ‘got’,” The implied charge of being half-educated and affected does not, of course, rest against Eve but against the translators and revisors. Dr. Withers gives an excellent illustration of the legitimate use of "got” and “get” as fol­ lows : "I got on horseback within ten minutes after I got your letter. When I got to Canter­ bury, I got a chaise for town; but I got wet through before I got to Canterbury; and I have got such a cold as I shall not be able to get rid of in a hurry. I got to the Treasury about noon, but first of all I got shaved and dressed, I soon got into the secret of getting a memorial before the board, but T could not get an answer then; however, I got intelligence from the messenger that t should most likely get one in the morning. As soon as I got back to my inn, I got my sup­ per, and I got my bed, It was not long before I asked nu- 3.20; bad- ice the That read.: vicinities Becker’s Monday to attend moving R. Smale, labor " 7.60;. H, B. inches of river above has dam V. Cann expects to the tires of the car the driver of the car The car struck the Mr. Tuckey’s trailer was THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 20th, 1947 J got to sleep. When I got up in the morning, I got my breakfast, and then 1 got myself dressed, that f might get out in time to get an answer to my memorial. As soon as I got it, I got into the chaise, and got to Canterbury by three, and about tea-time I got home. I have got nothing for you, and so adieu.” No; there’s got to be a great change in the English-speaking world before “got” has be­ come obsolete. * * * * Who Is Responsible? The present shortage of decent housing is a tragedy of the first magnitude, It appears that the condition will continue so long as the gov­ ernments; which still respect the dignity of the individual; do not remedy the serious situation by law, The. urgency for proper housing is brought home to us when we consider the bad effects of inadequate and jerr y-built housing. Health suffers from improper housing. Family life suf­ fers. Individuals are adversely affected. The gravest of all however is the dearth of homes for the young people who have mar­ ried during the war, It is difficult to assess the detriment to our people and the difficulties of these young people in the most vital period of their lives. The government appears to be trying by all means in its power to do something about it by lending money and expediting materials but when efficient and cooperative builders cannot produce sufficient homes at low enough prices we must look for other causes. At the root of the problem lies the failure of the building industry to organize its efforts in such a way as to produce satisfactory houses at a price ordianry people can pay. There are many causes, too numerous to mention, for this sad state of affairs. One thing, that stands out, however, is that speculation and profiteering in housing are every bit as reprehensible as the satfie practices in handling necessary food items, In both, advantage is taken of a basic human need to pile up personal profits. Our procedure during the war and since- has been wrong so let us have a change of pol­ icy at once. This may not fill the shortages of materials and skilled men but it should help to prevent a similar shortage in years to come. * « « » Note and Comment To be or not to be—Daylight Saving. That’s the question! * Something of what price controls mean may be seen in the prices now being asked for maple syrup. With, the lifting of the price control; prices now range from $4-.00 to $8.00 per gal­ lon and one producer in the Glencoe district said he would not make syrup unless he could sell it for $9.00 a gallon. At a meeting of the Oxford County Maple Syrup Association it was unanimously agreed that $4.00 to $5.00 per gallon can was a fair price. The ceiling price; just lifted; was $3.25 per gallon. Cost of fuel enters considerably into the cost of syrup. No Virtue in Mere Bigness Minister of Health Russell Kelley was re­ ported as having told an Aylmer Cham'ber of Commerce meeting that Toronto’s policy of “hogging industry” in Ontario was both “crazy and asinine.” He has since declared he was “misquoted”. According to the Globe and Mail despatch Mr. Kelley said the establishment of ten new industries a month in Toronto only make condi­ tions in Toronto worse, add to the—congestion of population, make housing more difficult to secure, and the. preservation of public health more difficult. As we. see it Toronto is too big now. Many people live ten or more miles from their work and spend almost two hours a day on crowded street cars. Far bettei- if they lived in a small town where they could walk, to their places of occupation, and go to their homes at the noon hour instead of lining up in an ill-ventilated restaurant, and eating food which is hurriedly and often not too carefully prepared. Midland and Penetanguishene have it all over Toronto as places for comfortable, healthy liv­ ing. The big city has many advantages of course, but the joy of being able to reach the wide open spaces of God’s out-of-doors in a few minutes more than offsets them. And one who lives in the sticks can, if he wishes, pay occasional vis­ its to the big town to enjoy what he cannot get at home. There are mighty few small-town boys and girls who would willingly trade places with their city cousins. Certainly they would not do so in the summer when the lakes, the rivers, and the beaches with all their joys are close at hand for the taking. And in the winter what town boy would trade the right to ski over the hills and valleys of North Simcoe for the privilege of wading through the slush of Toronto ? Town Chambers of Commerce and Boards of Trade will do well to set their sights on the quality of town life rather than on mere growth and bigness. If every man in a town has an op­ portunity to work it is far better to spend muni­ cipal energy in the development of parks, pro­ viding adequate and worth while recreation facilities, improving hospitalization, bettering the schools and libraries, lifting housing stan­ dards, and generally making the town a better place to live in than it is to be constantly seek­ ing new industries which bring with them new problems. No town should be contbnt to be static, It should be remembered, however, that bigness is secondary to many other things which are much more vital and worth while, *J— Midland Free Press Herald. IP YEARS AGO Perseverance in the making pf ice for Exeter’s new Arena, after many fruitless attempts., were re­ warded last week. The band, was present Thursday evening and again on Saturday evening. Much credit for the ice making is .due to Mrl Chas, Triebner. Mr. William Hatter has installed a new automatic bottling machine and capper to be used in connection with his dairy business, Mr. ^Hatter increased his business by .taking over the route of Mr. II. N. Taylor. The 30-mile stretch of road from Strathroy to 'Grand Bend will be taken over as part of the .provincial highway system, it was announced on Friday afternoon. The post office department has announced that a new, non-com- memorative regular issue of Cana­ dian postage stamps, bearing the portrait of King .George VI will soon be available in denominations of one cent, green; two cents, brown, and three cents, red. Over 9 50 farmers of the Dash­ wood, Exeter and Zurich gathered in Mr. V. L. Dashwood warehouse on and Tuesday of this week the different lectures and Jv,AYing picure showings sponsored by the International Harvester Company of Canada, and Mr, Becker, Mr. F. W, Huxtable, Exeter, Fred Love, Park­ hill, and- Ge6. H. Beatty, of Varna, agents for the company. Hensall Council The regular meeting of the lage -Council was held March at 8 p.m. in the Council Chamber with all members being present. Minutes of the previous meeting were read. Brown and Parke: the minutes be adopted as carried. S. G. Rennie appeared and the Council -about taking over the lane at the rear of the stores on the north sjde of King street, was ad­ vised to arrange the same amongst the owners of the properties. '** Reeve A, W, Kerglake and J, A, Paterson reported re the convention in, Torontp stating the proceedings in detail, -also the conversations that took place with the different officials at the Parliament Build­ ings namely 'Dept, of Municipal Affairs, Dept, of Provincial -Police, Dept, -pf Agriculture and Commun­ ity I-Jalls, Dept, of Welfare. Communications were read as fol­ lows; F. L. 'Davidson, County En- ginner, Dept, of Municipal Affairs, County Treasurer, Mirs. Milton Love, Aux Salbles River Watershed Auth­ ority, C. R. Hagey Engineering -Co., W. 'L. Geromette, Canadian Aid to China, Ontario Association of 'Rural Municipalities, Chemical Specialties Co,, Ontario Provincial Police, Dept, of Highways, Zurich .Lions Club, Dept, of Agriculture, Composers, Authors and Publishers Association, -Canadian Legion (Exeter), Mon­ teith & Monteith, Bell Telephone, Armstrong-Anderson .& Co., same considered and filed. Bills and accounts; A. W. Kers­ lake, expenses at Toronto $20.00; J. A. Paterson, express, telephone, expenses Toronto i21,10; J. Pfaff, teaming and labor, sidewalks, rink, S.R. ------ — - . S.R. S.R. rink •S.R. 15 YEARS AGO This community, as well as merous Ontaiho cities and towns, is suffering from a mild form of in­ fluenza. The High and Public schools have been closed for a few days. On Saturday last while Mr. Eric Campbell was on his way to To­ ronto with Benson Tuckey’s new truck he met with an accident near Clappison’s Corners. While meeting a cai- one of blew out and lost control, rear end of bending the axle, The car ly damaged. About six formed on the and Mr. S. J. cut and harvest his supply. The ice is not of the best quality. Mr. William Hatter, local dairy­ man while delivering milk one eve­ ning last week had the misfortune to upset the wagon in making a sharp turn spilling about *40 quarts of milk. Harness and wagon were silghtly damaged. On Sunday evening a special ded­ ication service was held in Trivitt Memorial Church when a lectern to be used in the Parish Hall was icated. The livered ,by Vivian. special sermon was the rector, Rev. ded- dQ- Mr. YEARS AGO by winning from Exeter in Stratford, by the score of 6 to 3, and then holding the locals to a two all tie in Exeter on Monday night, put the locals out of the .N.H.L. by three -goals. The locals were without Hindmarsh at Strat­ ford. The game on Monday night was played in mud and water but it was hockey all the way through. Mr. Wm. Treble, Exeter’s veteran in the line of moving buildings, has disposed of his moving outfit to Mr. Winegarden, Exeter North. Mr. Andrew Campbell sold his farm in Usborne Jas. Turnbull. Mr. Patrick Hanlon and Centralia, have sold their business store and dwelling to Messrs. Baker and Richardson, of London. About twenty members of the Salvation Army motored to Strat­ ford on Monday to attend special evangelistic services there. 25 Stratford recently to Mr. being held AGOSO YEARS The maple sugar commenced. Mr. Zinger has leased the Metro­ politan hotel for a term. The heavy windstorm on Satur­ day night and Sunday morning did considerable damage to several roofs and fences in town. The Postmaster General proposes to -commemorate Her Majesty’s diamond jubilee by th© issue of a new 3-cent postage stamp, .approp­ riate to the occasion. Wm. Abbott left for-Montreal on Monday where he will assist his brother Charles, in the commission business. Mr. Geo. Smith is again in .charge of the Central Hotel stables, Mr. Phil Rowcliffe having resigned the position. Mr. Chas. Fritz, popular boot and shoe maker at Dashwood, dis­ posed of his shoe business on Sat­ urday last to Mr. Mike Fenn, who Will conduct the harness and shoe business together. He has engaged Mr. Hdiglioffer, it practical shoe­ maker. Mr, Thomas J. Berry ahd Mr. Robert Bell, who have been in the Old Country with horses, returned home Monday. They met with .very good -markets but had a somewhat rough passage across both ways. season has Peter was playing at Jimmy Brown's house. When it was time to go home it started to rain, Mrs, Brown offered to lend Jimmy’s raincoat and goloshes. “Don’t take' so much trouble, Mrs. Brown” said Peter, politely, “I’m sure your mother would do as milch for Jim­ my,” she replied, “My mother would do more,” said Peter. “She'd ask Jimmy to stay to supper. 27.60; W. Coleman, teaming 12.00; E-. Chip-chase, teaming 3.00i; r Todd, labor -S.'R. 9.60. 5.60, 15.20; J. 'Smith, labor 6.40, rink 2.80, 9.20; R. Dick, labor.-S.R. 9.60 rink 6,00, 15.60; J. McBeath, labor S.R. 3.20; C. Kipfer, labor S.R. 1.60, rink 4.80, 6.40; C, Schwalm, labor S.R. 9.6-0:, rink 4.80, 14.40; - ~ S. R. 1.60, rink 6.00, Horton, labor 'S.R. 8.00; R. Pepper, labor S;R. 4.8 0; J. Gangster, labor rink 4.00; H. Smith, labor rink 1.60; D. McKinnon, labor rink 2.80; W. Dougall, labor rink 1.2-0;; G.. Glenn, labor rink ,2.60; F-. Soldan, labor rink 2.80; D. -Hueston, laboi' rink 1.20; I. Geiger, labor rink 2.80; L. Noakes, labor rink 47.40; T. Kyle, salary 73.80; T. Richard­ son, labor S.R. 3.20; W. Allan-, snowplowing streets 87.75; G. M. Case, coal rink 10.9 0; 'Hydro Com­ mission, hydro -hall 21.89; Drys­ dale’s Hardware, supplies 13.46; Westeel Products, Hall 17.81; total $463.31. (Parke and Twitchell: that the -bills and accounts as read be paid; carried. Twitchell and Brown: that- P. L. -McNaughton be appointed Assessor at a salary of $75.00 per ried. Parke and Middleton: laws No. 9-10 be given second reading; -carried. Twitchell and Brown: Laws (No. 9-10 'be given final readings and finally passed; carried. Parke and Twitchell: that 'the clerk be instructed to notify -all holders of Band instruments to return the same in good -condition at once; carried. Reeve A. W. Kerslake reported as having received a request 'by phone from W. R. Dougall, Sec’y-Treas. of the Spring Seed and Stock Show 'for the usual grant, same laid over until the next meeting and the dir­ ectors are asked .to -appear then in support oif the grant. The Council as a whole went into the reading room to look over the toilet situation and make recom­ mendations, same done. Parke and Twitchell: that the ■property -committee -be instructed to go ahead with the installation of toilets in the Hall; carried. Twitchell and (Middleton: that we now adjourn; -carried. I f hall signs year; that first That third car- By- and By- and r GRANTON WEDDING CHURCH SCENE wedding was solemnized afternoon at Granton A pretty Saturday United 'Church parsonage when Rev. M. G. Cook united in marriage JJhirley Irene daughter of ,Mr. and ‘Mrs. William Cook, Granton, to Nelson 'Maxwell Bilyea, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. 'Nelson Bilyea, 10th concession, Blanshard, The ibride was charming in a floor-length gown of white net over taffeta, styled with sweetheart neckline and long, fitted sleeves. Her three-quarter-length veil was caught to a satin halo and she car­ ried an arm (bouquet of red car­ nations and sweet peas. She wore ■the groom’s gift, a strand of pearls. Miss -Mary Bilyea, sister of the groom, wore a gown of blue net over taffeta with a matching liead- "dress. She carried an arm bouquet of pink carnations and sweet peas. The flower girl 'Miss Lillus Cook, sister of the bride, wore figured taffeta in a floor-length gown with veil caught to a pink floral net hbaddress, Her dainty colonial bouquet was of sweet -peaa. Budd Rudd, -Denfield, was best man. At a reception in the Windsor Hotel, St. Marys, the bride’s mother received guests wearing a rose dress with black accessories and a corsage bouquet Of Carnations, Mrs Bilyea, mother of the groom, chose a gray suit with black -accessories and a corsage bouquet in yellow tones, The couple left later on a wed­ ding trip to Toronto and Eastern Ontario. For traveling the 'bride wore a fuchsia suit with black top­ coat and accessories. They will re-* side on the groom’s farm in Blan­ shard on their return. Are' You Seeding Out A Pasture This Year? We prepare and r.ecommend the Pasture Mixtures: following Permanent Long This is the O.A.C. formula Term Pasture Mixture «A» Orchard Grass 4 lbs.. Brome Grass 5 lbs. j Meadow Fescue 3 lbs. 1 Alfalfa 4 lbs. 1 Timothy 4 lbs. 1 Blue Grass 2 lbs. / White Dutch Clover 1 lb. Ladino Clover 1 lb. 24 lbs.Per Acre A nurse crop of Early Oats or Rye Grass is r< with above. Long-Term Pasture Mixture « g» Meadow Fescue 4 lbs. Orchard Grass 5 lbs. Brome Grass 5 lbs. Canada Blue Grass 2 lbs. Perennial Rye Grass 3 lbs. Domestic Rye Grass 3 Ibs. Timothy 4 lbs. Crested Wheat Grass 2 lbs. Ladino Clover 1 lb. White Dutch Clover 1 lb. No nurse crop required with this mixture, the Rye Grasses serving this purpose. Under normal growing conditions and proper care in plant­ ing either mixture will provide an abundance of pasture annually from early spring until late fall for from five to ten years and will graze 2 to 3 animals per acre. Complete seeding instructions in every bag or we will gladly mail on request. All ingredients new crop Grade No. 1 Seed prepared according to approved scientific standards. PRICE PER LB. 45c Also a complete line of all Clovers, grasses and forage crop seeds. Jones, MacNaughton Seed Co Box 213 — Telephone 207 EXETER, ONTARIO. An Excellent Medicine An excellent medicine! That’S how many cold sufferers describe Dr. Wood’s Norway Pine Syrup, a quick and pleasant remedy for doughs, colds, sere throat, spasmodic croup, asthma and bronchial troubles. Pleasant tasting, safe and effective, Dr. Wood’sX xUctOcXIXu vi.vDUll-lgj j BcV-LvJ <XJU.U. vHvuvlVv* JL/J. * VV VvU. «□ Norway Pine Syrup takes hold almost instantly, it helps to loosen the phlegm and mucus, soothe the irritated membranes, stimulate the bronchial organs and clear the air passages. , Dr. Wbod’S Norway Pine Syrup has been a popular family remedy for nearly 50 years nGet a supply today and be prepared to Combat coughs and colds. Price ’a bottle; the large family size on sale at all drug counters, The T. Milbum Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.