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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-03-13, Page 7
@ Chicken Shelters ® Brooder Houses made up /for early spring shipment. Get your orders in as early as possible as the supply is limited. 'Mr. Geo. Coleman, of London, a former resident of Exeter, visited in town Thursday of last week. Geo. said he just took a run up to see the snowdrifts. From 3 days to maturity they take special care. Our pamphlet, outlines treatments for While Diarrhoea, Broodei* Colds, Coceidiossis, Cannibalism, Lameness, Range Paralysis, Soft Shelled Eggs, Roup Canker, etc. Also helpful aid to cattle, horses, hogs and sheep. Bo sure to get our treatment for coceidiosis in baby chicks as soon ns you get your birds. It is a pre- ventiori as well as a cure. THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 13th, 1947 ZION Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brock and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Milne Pullen, of Whalen, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Westcott and Linda, of Exeter, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Eph. Hern. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern family visited on Sunday Mrs. L. Kyle, of Exeter. Miss Irene, Brock spent the week-end in Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Ross family visited recently and Mrs. Hector Taylor, and with past Hern with of Exeter. and Mr. EASTER AND NEW PERMANENTS Shirley’s Beauty Shoppe will open Monday, March 17, one block east of Trivitt Memorial Chnri'h, Finger Waves, Permanents, Facials, Manicures, Satisfaction guaranteed. Andrew St. Phone 230.J ELIMVILLE The Elimville North Farm For um was held Monday evening, March 10th at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Johns with twenty-one members present. Discussion for the evening was “Would social se curity solve the farm labour prob lem.1’ Th© next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Johns and the subject will be “Who will farm in the future?” Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Coultis vis ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.1 Harold Finkbeiner, of Shipka. Mr. Elgin Skinner, of spent the week-end with cuts. Messrs. Stephen, week-end and Airs. Miss Miss Mildred Miller, of London; spent the wbek-end with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bell, London; his par- Murray and of London, with their Charles Stephen. Florence Bell, It.N., Laurie spent parents, the Mr and SHIPKA Mrs, Herb Harlton is improving very slowly and is expected to go to London this week for X-Rays. Mr. Karl Guenther spent a few days in Chatham this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Finkbeiner and Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Baynham spent Tuesday in Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Scott, of Sea forth, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Love. Y our drugs at Thank You" or ‘I’m Sorry" For Birthdays, Anniversaries, Sick Rooms, Weddings and Funerals. MAY WE SUGGEST— Sweet Peas and Roses, Snapdragons and Stocks, Calandulas and Daffodils, with a few sprigs of real Scotch Heather. POTTED PLANTS— Cyclamen, Cinnerias, in lovely shades of lavender, blue and purple. EXETER FLOWER SHOP Ralph Bailey and Family Phone 276 Canada s * We now have a fairly complete stock of your favorite tires. Drive in and let us put them on your vehicle. They cost no more than the ordinary tire. © CAR © TRUCK © TRACTOR The Red Cross Needs Every Dollar You Can Spare as You Share in its Great Work Your Studebaker Dealer Prop. BIRTHS ELDER <— Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Elder, Hensall, Ont., announce the arrival of their son, Steven Eugene, at Victoria Hospital, on March 10, 1947. LEWIS—Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lewis wish to announce the safe arrival of Sandra Gayle on February 27 at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. PYETTE—To Marion Helen (Nee Brown) wife of Victor M, Pyette Exeter, at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Monday, March 10, 19 47, a son, David Armstrong. SCOTT—At Mrs. Godbolt’s Hospit al on Saturday, March 8. 1947,1 to Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Scott, of Olandeboye, a daughter. WALTERS—At Mrs. Hunter's nur sing home on Sunday, March 9 th, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walters, of Winchelsea, a daugh ter, Sandra Lee. WOODALL-—In Royal Hospital on Friday, 19 47, to Mr. and Woodall, a son, John William. Oak. Mich., March 7th, Mrs. Elgin DEATHS DEW—IN Usborne Twp., on Wed nesday, March 12th, 1947, Dan Dew, in his 75th year. Funeral service from the Hopper-Hockey Funeral Chapel, Exeter, on Fri day, March 114th at 2.30 p.m. with interment in Exeter ceme tery, Funeral private. ELSTON—-In St. Joseph’s Hospital. London, on Wednesday, March , Sth, 19 47, Laura Emma Neil, \ widow of the late Thomas Elston, in her 79 th year. / McCORM-ICK—At St. Joseph’s Hos pital on Saturday, March Sth, Charles McCormick, second youngest son of the late Stephen and Ellen McCormick, in his 7 0th year. The funeral was held on Tuesday to St. Patrick’s Church. Biddulph, where requiem high mass was sung. Interment at St ■Patrick’s Cemetery. MCDOUGALL—In Lucan on Friday, March 7, 1947, Mary Ann Henry, beloved wife of the late Allan McDougall, and dear mother of Mrs. Kenneth iM'cGoun, o>f London, and Allan McDougall, of Toronto, in her 86th year. Interment in St. James Cemetery, Olandeboye. SCHRAM—At his late residence in .McGillivray Township, on Thurs day, March 6. 1947, iPeter Schram beloved husband of Sarah Ritchie, in his 94th year. Parkhill Cemetery. VINE—‘In McGillivray Friday, March 7, McLeod, beloved wife of Hilliard Vine, in her 6 8th year. ZILER—In Dashwood, on Thursday, March 6, 1947, Elizabeth Mahony, beloved wife of Joseph Ziler. in her 73rd year. Interment, in Township on 1947, (Mary ENGAGEMENTS THAMES ROAD Miss Margaret -Cann, spent the week-end with Miss Dalores Alli son.Miss Myrtle Haist, of Credit on, and Miss Helen, Howait visited with Miss Alice Passmore over the week end. Miss Jean. Cann, of London, visit ed over the week-end with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Gardiner entertained a number of relatives at their home one evening last week. ,Mr. Bert Gardiner, of London, spent the week-end at his home. We are glad to report that Mr. Victor Jeffery, who has been con fined to his bed with pneumonia, is able to be up aud around again. Mrs. Kenneth Johns is visiting this week with friends in Goderich. Farm Forums met at the follow ing places Monday night: Lumley School House and the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cottle and Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Johns. Mission Baud will meet in the church basement Sunday morning during the church service hour, 'Mission Circle will meet at the home of Miss Elsie Bray on Satur day afternoon at 2:3". The girls are asked to have their “Every Day Card” money in at. this meeting, if possible. Be sure to keep Friday evening, March 21st, open for the play en titled, under the auspices of the Mission Circle and presented by the Avon- ton Y.'P.U. For further particulars see notice in this paper. Mr. J. Dykeman and Miss Leona Pym will have occasion to remem ber the snow storm «. week ago last Monday. They both left their homes at 7 p.m in Mr. Dykeman’s army truck 'bound for work in Kxeter but after fighting their way in the j blinding storm and drifting roads' for some six hours, Mr. Dykeman had to walk to Mr. L. Johns’ farm home for a team and sleigh, They were both taken to Mr. Johns’ home, their clothes wet and frozen with the snow and cold. Mrs. Johns gave them a warm drink and they got their clothes thawed out. Leona re mained over night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Johns and returned to her own home the next day with only a slight cold after lier experi ence. All roads in this community were blocked last week, many even im passable for horses. However, a snowplow and two caterpillar bull dozers cleared the Thames Road on Friday last aftei- being closed for ■ five days. The side roads are grad ually being opened this week but many are still blocked. There was no mail delivery on the route all last week. Mr. Bobbie Miller, elder son of Mr, and admitted ■pital in week for account had to be taken part way in a sleigh where he was met by the doctor with his car and admitted to hospital. Latest report is is recovering nicely and ■home soon. Church service will be usual School service Mr. family Walker Kerslake at Winchelsea on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gardiner visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher at Winchelsea. “Don’t Darken -My Door, I Mrs. • Robert Miller, was to Scott's Memorial Hos- Seaforth Friday of last an appendix operation. On of blocked roads Bobbie that will tlm he be ! hour on at 10:15 at 11:15 and Mrs. visited with Mr. the Sunday Church at Sunday: a.m. and a.m. Thos. Allen and and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Lorhe A. McNaugh ton, Cromarty, announce the en gagement of their daughter, Verna Mae, to- John George Duncan, son of Mr. John M. Duncan and the late Mrs. Duncan, of Toronto. The wedding to take place on Satur day, March i2 2nd, c Mr. aud Mrs. Cecil W. Rowe, of Exeter, wish to announce the en gagement of their only daughter, Muriel Kathryn, to Frank Paterson William MacKenzie and the late Mr. Mac Kenzie, of Lucknow. The wedding to “take place at 12 o’clock, April Sth, in James Street United Church, MacKenzie,son of Mrs, Exeter. CARDS OF THANKSCARDS OF THANKS Mrs.Alfred Coates wishes to friends and letters and flowers received during her recent illness. > ' * Harry Lewis, of Crediton, wishes to thank all those who so kindly remembered her with cards, treats and flowers and calls while a patient in Victoria, Hospital, Lon- thank the neighbors, W.A.for the cards, Mrs. don Mrs. E Nadiger wishes to thank all those who so kindly remember ed her in any way while she was a patient in St, Joseph’s Hospital and csince her return home. I The family of the late Mrs. Flor ence McKaig wish to sincerely thank their many friends and neighbors for the floral tributes, cards, and sympathy shown thein in their recent bereave ment, Special thanks to those who helped open the roads, also to Rev. of EgmondvlllO, •MacWilllam, of c other expressions William Gardner and Rev, Cromarty. W. A. of Some of the teachers in the dis-i trict taught at their schools and are trying to make up for so many lost | ; days duo to recent storms. ah Mr. Wm. Bibby is under the doc-I Mr. tor’s care and at time of writing is; day not at all well. Gerald Paul, while playing bock*' ey on the Exeter rink Friday night ■ Running a Classified in The for the Lunar team was accidentally ! Times-Advocate is like writing to hurt on the head causing a slight! 8,209 potential customers, concussion and also hurting his< log. He was unconscious for someJ time but was able to return to his * home that night. He is somewhat ‘ improved. No. 23 two large week. Mi’, and a few days with friends in London 1 and Sr. Thomas and while there ■ celebrated their 25lh wedding anni-l versary, 1 Mrs. Neil, r. and and j the late He is somewhat | j Highway was opened 'by < plows from Sarnia this Mrs. Hiram Hanna spent i CENTRALIA .. Frank Smith and Miss Bar- of London, visited with Mrs. Penwarden on Fri- attended the funeral of Mrs. Elston in Exeter. Page 7 Busy Corner The little village of Kirk ton was a busy spot. Saturday* morning after navigation opened for traffic, when the dairy men of the community delivered some 200 cans of milk, which 'was their four days’ supply of milk. They brought it to the cor ners on No. 23 Highway on sleighs where it was picked up by Mr, M, Morrison and taken by truck to the creamery at Moncton. Spring Rush Call now for prompt service. Ask to see pur new and latest designs in Sunworthy wallpapers. Stoy© front painting a specialty. McLean & Kenned; Painters and Decorators Phone 61 Exeter BELL CENTENNIAL Zf “ Z<2-Zz HHST COMMERCIAL TELEPHONE LEASED BY SON OF FOUNDER OF THE CANADA LIFE On the occasion of anniversary of the Alexander Graham Bell, Canada Life pays tribute to a famous scientist and to the great communication system which bears his name. the 100th birth of The leased the first telephone instru ment for commercial use. He and two other subscribers started the first telephone exchange in the British Empire. It is a matter of interest that in October, 1877, Hugh C. Baker of Hamilton, Ontario, son of the founder of The Canada Life, Thirty years before this epoch- making event,. The Canada Life issued its first policy. We look for ward with pleasure to our own centennial later this year. THE ASS U RAN C E COMPANY A MODERN COMPANY 100 YEARS OLD KIRKTON •Little Rosemary Francis, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lome Francis, of Stratford is holidaying with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy .Francis. ■Miss Audrey Scott, of Usborne, is assisting Mr. and Mrs. Lome Mar shall at the store. She commenced her duties this past Monday. Dr. G. H. Jose spent the past week in Toronto where/ he attended the Good Roads convention. Mr. Dan Hawkey, of Vancouver, is holidaying with 'his niece, Mrs. Russell .Morrison. Miss Mary Hannah, of London, was a week-end guest with her par ents, Mr. aud Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. C. A. the week-end with ronto. Mr. Gerald Paul, Lee Paul provided part of the pro gram at a musical concert which was held at Chatham Friday eve ning. Mrs. Ross Marshall entertained a number of little guests in honor of ■her daughter Patsy who celebrated her sixth*birthday March 1st. Mrs. Mary Gallop is holidaying with her daughter, Mrs. L. Barrens at Staffa, Mr. Maitland win Tufts and all of London, at their homes. Hiram Hanna. Campbell spent friends in To- Hammond, Mr. Ed- Miss Nonna Tufts, spent the week-end IN MEMORIAM ANDREW—In loving memory of Mrs, William Andrew, who passed away March 6th, 1945. We who loved you, sadly miss you As it dawns another year; Tn our lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of you are ever near. —Ever remembered by Mrs. Norman Knight aud Miss Mary Andrew. * POLLEN — la loving memory at Mrs. J. Edwin Pollen who passed away three years ago, March 13. 1944. There is a link death cannot sever, Love and remembrance live for ever, —Ever remembered by husband and family. B. M. FRANCIS, DISTRICT MANAGER W. H. Hodgson, Exeter — Agents — Fred Wilson, Grand Bend