HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-02-27, Page 9THE TIME5-APVOCATE, EXETER; ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 27ft, 1947 Page $ WHEN fl cpLD stuffs up’ the nose, causes mouth breathing, throat tickle and night coughing, use this time-tested Vicks treatment that goes to work. Instantly... 2 ways at once| At bedtime rub good old Vicks VapoRub on throat, chest and back. Then watch its PENETRATING­ STIMULATING action bring relief from distress. It PENETRATES to upper breath­ ing passages with soothing medicinal vapors. It STIMULATES chest and back surfaces like a warming, comforting poultice... and it keeps on working for hours, even while you sleep —to ease coughing spasms, relieve muscu­ lar soreness and tightness—and bring grand comfort! Try it to­ -night ... Vicks VapoRub. Hwrpn Men Teachers Hold Annual Banquet The public school men teachers of Huron county held their annu­ al dinner meeting at the Bedford Hotel, Goderich, ’ ... ’ „ Donald Lawless, president of the local federation, were present from all parts of the county, along with guests from Perth. School Inspectors 3. Kincaid and R. 0. Staples extended theii' greet­ ings to the members, E. R. Craw­ ford, of , Stratford, chairman of th© relations committee for Dis­ trict 15, spoke on the work of his committee while Ken, Jolley, Mit­ chell district president, and Grant Kropf Stratford district secretary, spoke on organization and federa­ tion policy. The speaker of the evening, G, Sleightholm, of Stratford outlined a few federation achievements and urged the men to be active work­ ers in their federation, and to be loyal to its policies. The slate of officers elected was' as follows: president, Donald Law­ less, Walton; vice-president, Peter Moffat, Seaforth; secretary treas­ urer, George McNichol, Brussels, I The following were elected to the executive as committee chairmen; M. J. Snider, Goderich; A. W. Smith, Dungannon; H. M. Sohach- leton Goderich; H. K, Jackman Goderich; George Jefferson Clin­ ton. Massey-Harris Saks and Service Phones; Office 88W; House 88j Friday evening'. presided. Men We Have for Sale Electric OhicK Brooders Pressure Water Bowls Used Milker Maple Syrup Equipment 400 Sap Buckets Cream Separators Oil, Gas, Tires © • 0 0 We will pick up, repair and de­ liver your machinery for spring, Now is the time! R. B. Williams Lee Jory, Mechanic ALAM BLOOMFIELD Funeral service was held at Mt, Brydges for Alam Bloomfield, who died at the home of his daughter, Mrs, Duncan Campbell. Born in McGillivray Township, he was a son of the late John and Mary Bloomfield. His wife, the former i Highland Cedar . POSTS$ ON HAND Anthracite Coke and Coke ON HAND nan CARNIVAL STAGED BY ZURICH LIONS CLUB The following received awards at the Lions Skating Carnival held at Zurich—'Best fancy costume: girls 12 and under, K. Kalbfleisch, B. Gascho, C. O'Brien and J. Wit­ mer; girls 16 and under, Barbara Gascho, B. O’Brien, G. Dietz, J. Merner, J. Mousseau; hoys 12 and under, ” ~ Fisher d’. O’Brien,. R. and under, J. Phone 12 We Deliver Grantor KIPPEN Mr. Grant Love, of Caro, Mich, spent a few days this week with relatives in this community. Mr. and Mrs.' Archie Parsons and family visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Linden, Den- field. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter and Mr. and Mrs. attended a farwell and Mrs. Elmore Zurich, recently. We are sorry Miss Sarah Sinclair Sandy were taken to Scott’s Mem­ orial Hospital in Seaforth " day last. Friendship Circle Meet The Friendship Circle Monday evening, February the Sunday School room Andrews United church good attendance. Mrs. Allan John­ son presided and opened the meet­ ing with a poem. Hymn “Day is Dying in the West" was sung and Mrs. E. Jarritt read the Scripture reading Psalm 23. The Lord’s prayer was repeated in unison and “Abide with Me" was sung follow­ ed by a sing song. Mrs. Gackstett­ er gave a reading “The Ladles Aid”: Mrs. Gackstetter’s group had charge of the program which followed. Marlyn Mousseau favor­ ed , with a piano- instrumental.' Mrs. Harold Jones and Mrs. Arn­ old Gackstetter sang a duet with guitar accompaniment. Miss Helen Love played a piano instrumental, in Jones and Mrs. the Harold Jones party for Mr Gackstetter, of to report that and brother. on Fri- met 17 th of with Two relay races followed charge, of Mrs. Johnson. Mrs. Ross advised group that Mrs. Winston Work­ man’s group is leading in attend­ ance points. Lunch waS the West .group. W.M.S. Observe World’s of Prayer The W. M. S. afternoon at the John Sinclair with ance. Mi’s. Robt. and the World’s program was followed with Mrs. J: Henderson, Mrs. J. Sinclair, Mrs. Winston Workman. Mrs. Harold Jones and Mrs. Eddie McBride as- The study “The Ministry was given by Mrs. ’ Norman “Sweet served by Day on Fridaymet home of Mrs, a good attend- Elgie presided Day of Prayer of Health in India" Mrs. Harold Jones. Long favored with a solo Hour of Prayer" Mrs. Harry Cald­ well gave a reading on hymns and Rev. 'What “All me” The their authors composed by Anthony. The hymns were ‘ a friend we have in Jesus” the way my Saviour leads and “Lead Kindly -Light", meeting closed by singing the Nat­ ional Anthem and the Benediction by Mrs. Elgie. Lunch was served by Circle No. 3. Funeral of the Late Mrs. Bell A public service was held in Si Andrews United church Kippen for the late Mrs. John Bell conducted by Dev. Anthony and Mr, Bichard- son. Interment was sail Union cemetery, ers were Messrs. Win. Kyle, Dune Thompson, clarence ehce were and Wm. Smillie, Bob Thompson, F. N, For­ syth, Robert Cooper, Robert Elgie, Bill Soldan and Russel BrodericK W. Hess, boys 16 Haberer, K. Parks; men, <E. Gascho, P. Hess. Best comic costume; girls 12 and under, M. Wagner, A. Hab­ erer, M. Fritz, C. Thiel; girls 16 and under, K. Hess, M. Rader, D. Hendrick; boys U2 and under, W. Yungblut, A. Miller, E. O’Brien; iboys 16 and under, D. O’Brien; ladie< M. Hoffman, B. Gaiser, B. Trammer; men, IR. Johnson, 'D. Britnell, L. Merner. Fancy and com­ ic costume: girls 8 and under, D. Oesch, M. Yungblut, D. Thiel; boys 8 and’ under, Pat O’Brien, R. John­ son, iM. O’Dwyer. Best National cos­ tume: Mrs. Seibert, R. Heimrich, T. Dietrich. Best Dressed Lion mem­ ber: I. Kalbfleisch. Oldest person on skates: J. Merner. Races: girls 12 and under, L. Heckendorn, _J. Regier; Hess, D. Britnell, W. O’Brien. boys 12 and under, W. O’Brien; boys' open, D. COMPANY HAS YEAR shareholders’ meeting Logan and Hib- was held in TELEPHONE SUCCESSFUL The annual of the McKillop, bert Telephone Co. Dublin on Wednesday of last week. Fine weather brought out a fairly good crowd. The financial state­ ment for 1946 showed $2,174,53 spent on the reconstruction of lines; the inventory of supplies on hand totalled $635.21 and the company showed a profit of $'202.62. It was the biggest year in revenue and ex­ penditures in the history of the company. Complete agement of dent when returned to tion. Messrs. Stapleton and having resigned, their places filled by Patrick Jordon and Worden. The 'board, of directors for made in Hem The pallbear- Emerson afid Cooper, Bert Riecliert Clar- •flower bearers Dockstator Goderich, JaS. Smijlie. rhe Mr. Ctttt, Mr. Mr. Freeman, of Forrest, George Glenn. CENTRALIA Mr, and. Mrs. McKenzie, of Kip­ pen, and Mrs. (McKenzie, of Hen- sail, were recent visitors at the home pi M**- Mrs, e. Lamport. Mrs. George Godbolt underwent an operation at Mrs. Godbolt's hos­ pital in Exeter last week. Her many friends wish her a speedy return to good health, Mr. and 'Mrs, Harold Lightfoot visited on Bunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Lightfoot in Creditom Mrs. Duffield is ill at the home pf Mrs. John Essery, We hope to see her around again in the near future. The members of the Y.P.U. met at the home of Sam Skinner xm Tuesday evening of last week for their regular meeting. The program was in chars© of Clare Wright, Fol­ lowing the worship service and top­ ic, games were played and very much enjoyed by all. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess. World Day of Prayer The World Day of prayer was observed in the church on Friday afternoon with a fair attendance. The service was led by the W.M.S. -president, Mrs. Geo. Hepburn, with other members of the Society tak­ ing parts. Musical numbers greatly appreciated, included a ladies’ quar­ tette consisting of Mrs. O. Brown, Mrs. G. F. Pen warden, Mrs. Wm. Essery and Mrs. L, Hodgson and a. solo .by Mrs. W. Skinner with Mrs,i Weir as accompanist, Mrs. Penwar-! den was pianist for the prayer ser­ vice, A very fine address was given , by Mrs. Weir. | Emhre Party I A very successful euchre party and social evening was held in the school on Friday evening. Mrs. T.; Kooey was winner of the ladies'' hie-h. Mr. Alton Isaac was the win­ ner of gent’s high and also the lone hands. Mr. Allan brought his violin along and added greatly to the en­ joyment of the evening with several selections. Christina Darling, predeceased him four years ago. Surviving are one son and four daughters. ESKSSSCanOCBCBKKOT CREDITOR - ■’Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Lawson re­ turned home on Friday, following a six weeks' trip, through the United. States to Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson made the trip by car, and bad a very enjoyable holiday, spending about four weeks in Flor­ ida- Mrs. Lawson attended the funeral of her brother-in-law, the late Mr. G. H, McIntyre, in London, on Saturday. Mr. Edward Schenk, of Kitchener, spent the week-end at the,/home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Schenk, We extend congratulations this week to Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Trevet- hick, who on Sunday celebrated the 49th anniversary of their marriage. Due to weather conditions Mr. and Mrs. Trevethlck spent the day quiet­ ly at tlieir home. Mr. John Gaiser spent a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs. Lome j Gaiser in 'St. Marys. j The interior of the Evangelical Church is being redecorated, which, When completed, promises to foe a marvelous improvement. Mr. Paris Anderson, of Ailsa Craig, has the contract. The World Day of Prayer service I was observed in the United Church I on Friday afternoon with members I of the Evangelical 'Church taking j part. Leaders in the service were Mrs. A. Gaiser, of the Evangelical Church and Mrs. Garfield Hill of the United Church. A vocal duet, “Pause at His Feet for a Moment of Prayer," by Mrs. H. Schenk and Mrs, E. iFahrner accompanied by Mrs. M. E. Reuber, was greatly en­ joyed. A very appropriate address, “Make Straight a Highway for our God," was ably given by Mrs. W, Ashfield. Mrs. A. Baker was accom­ panist for the service. Servicecs in both churches were withdrawn on Sunday evening on account of the stormy weather and impassable roads, Miss Nola Faist is visiting in Windsor, a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Bowman. Mrs. Lloyd Gaiser is visiting with relatives in Detroit, and attended the Cochrane-Moir wedding on Sat­ urday. l" Be Sure of Getting Your Repairs in Time — FOR QUICK SALE — 1 2-nase Tractor Plow with ace bottoms. 1 A437 Tractor Cultivator for Fanpall A. 1 new 4 Corn and Bean Cultivator, See us for Tractor and Car Tires. t V. L Becker and Sons Sales and .Service Phone 60w, Dashwood & confidence in the man- the company was evi- all past 'directors office without an were elec- Dill were Lyle The 'board, of directors for 1947 is as follows: James Scott, James Malcolm, J. J. Holland, Matthew Murray, Albert Sieman, Patrick Jordon, and Lyle Worden. The of­ ficers for 1947 are: James 'Scott, Cromarty, president; Matthew Mur­ ray, Dublin, vice-president; Gerald Holland, Dublin, secretary treasur­ er. all of this district. The floral tri­ butes were many and beautiful showing the esteem in which the deceased was held. Relatives at­ tended the funeral from Millbank. Cooksville, Detroit, (London, Ayl­ mer, Stratford, Goderich, Bruce- field and Hensall. James McOlymOnt Passes at Kippen The death occtired on Wednes­ day February 19 at his late resi­ dence at Kippen of James Alexan­ der McClymont, life-long resident of the village, in his 74tli year. Mr. McClymont has been in failing health due to a heart condition for nearly a year. Several years a- -go his wife the former Maggie Day man predeceased him and eight years ago he was married to Mrs Amelia McClincliey who survives, with a family of six, two daught­ ers, Mrs. Verna Terryberry once) of Cettam, rMs. (Louise), of London, Melville and Verner, Harvey, of Kalamazoo, Ray, of Windsor and Mrs. Crozier, of Stratford, to the storm the funeral was to have been held on day was held on Monday at from his late residence conducted by Rev, R. A. Brook, of Hensall United “ ’ made in pallbearers were Butt, Win Warren Schilbie Emerson Kyle end Bob Dayindh. (Flor- Geoghagan four sons, ■of Detroit. Mich, one ., and sister, owing Which SUtur- 2 p.m R. A. church Exeter Brooki interment was cemetery. The Messrs. Tommy Dietz, Robt. Copper Jones was sitting with his wife behind a palm on a hotel verandah late one night when a young man and a girl came and sat down on a bench near them, The young man began to tell the girl how pretty she was. Hidden behind the palm, Mrs,. Jones whispered to her husband: “Oh John, he doesn’t know we're here and he's going to propose. Whistle to warn him!" “What for?" asked Jones, one whistled to warn me." Dodge and DeSoto Sales and Service Tom Coates Phone 200 Fred Dobbs Will your car last the winter or be among the 140 going off tlie road every hour? Don’t take chances! Bring it to us regularly foi* our thorough and efficient greasing and oiling services. We sell the famous Sunoco products. Authorized Ontario Motor League GarageHousewife: “A dollar’s worth of steak, please." Butcher: “Lady, you said a mouthful." 1 evennow even more <~Xz/7 Canada welcomes the .J ■' ' - '< 1 Chevrolet dealers are displaying the new­ est creation of Canada’s largest producer of automobiles — the new Chevrolet for let ever built. It’s more beautiful in every way, both inside and out. It’s designed to out-style, out-value and out-drive all other 1947 — offering you an even greater meas- ure of BIG-CAR QUALITY AT LOW COST! See it and you will agree that it’s the biggest-lookin g, and best-looking Chevro- cars in its price range. And above all, it reveals that sterling Big-Car quality — in every phase and feature, in every part and pound of material — which buyers agree is exclusive to Chevrolet in its price range.