HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-02-27, Page 5< Church Support JAMES STREET UNITED Rev. A, R. Irwin, R.A. Lawrpnce A. Wein Organist and Choir Leader 11 ami.—Morning worship conduct­ ed by the Minister. « Theme; “An Holy Highway.” Choir Anthem: “Give Peace in Oui’ Time.” Ladies’ Quartette, 3 p.m.—The Church School. Classes for all,7 p.m,—(Evening worship conduct­ ed by the Minister. Theme; “A Few Features of the Kingdom.” Solo; ,Mr. Chas, Hoffman. Strangers and visitors are cordially welcomed. TRIVITT MEMORIAL Rector, Rev. M, A. Hunt Choirmaster, Esme Howard 2nd Sunday in Lent 10 a.m.—Holy Communion. 11 a.m.—Sunday School. .Bible Suedegraph, JZacchaeus. 7 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon. “Called Unto Holiness.” The Guild will meet at the home of Mrs. Wm. Chambers on Thurs­ day afternoon at 2 p.m. for work, MAIN STREET UNITED Rev. N. J. Woods, M.A., Minister Mrs. A. Y. Willard, Organist 11 a.m.—'Public Worship and Church School, the Minister. 7 p.m.—Public Worship, the Minister, Wed., 8 p.m?—Midweek -prayer ser­ vice in James Street Church. “The Seventh Commandment”, Rev. C. W. Down Tues., 7.30 p.m,—Young People’s. Tues., 8 p.m,—'Evening Auxiliary at the home of Helen Dignan, HARFLEY Miss Eleanor McLinchey, of De­ troit, spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Coot®, of Detroit, called on Mrs. Robt. Murray on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Ridley and Jean and iMr. and Mrs. Fred Mc- iLinohey visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. 'Stewardson. ■Mr. and Mrs. Colin Love spent Friday evening at tile home of Mr. IFred McLinchey. Owing to the drifting condition of the county road,, the school bus was unable to make the rounds on Monday. Consquently a, number of Exeter H.S. students had an extra holiday. THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 27th, 1947 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Kenneth MjicLean, Minister Miss Muriel WhRsmRh, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday 'School. 11 a.m;—Public Worship. Mon., March 3 4.15 p.m.—Mission Band in the Primary Room, Tues., March 4, 3 p.m.—The Caven Congregational Circle will meet at the home of Mrs, J, G. Cochrane. I PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE H. T. Kendrick, Pastor Wed.,, 8 p.m.—Prayer Service. The Pastor. Thurs., 2 p.m.—W.'M.S. Quilting. ,Fri., 8 p.m.—Y.P.S. Con^e, you are welcome. •Sun., 11 a,m.—Prayer and Worship.Sun.’ 2 p.m.—Sunday School. Supt, Mr, IE. Cudmore. Sun., 3 p.m.—“About the Pharisee” A second coming message. Come ■and enjoy it with us. The Pastor. Sun., 7.30 p.m.—Praise and Testi­ mony. Sun., 8 p.m.—“Is This the 'Day of Miracles?” The Pastor. BIRTHS GREEN—-At St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Wednesday, Febru­ ary 19 th, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. J, S, Green, time th er), of Exeter, John Albert. HODGINS—At pitl, London, ary 21, 1947, Percy Hodgins (nee Thacker) of Granton, James Hubert, JONES—At Mrs, Godbolt's al on Wednesday, iH947, Jones, of Douglas. ROWE—In Sarnia, on 1947. Rowe, a son (John Wesley). REGIER—At Mrs, Hunter’s nurs­ ing home on Monday, February 24, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Jos­ eph Regier of Mt, Carmel, twins a girl and a boy, WILDMAN Hospital, 20, 1947 Wildman Montreal) George. St. on to Mr. Hodgins to Page 5 ZION EVANGELICAL Crediton M. E. Reuber, B.A., B.D., Minister airs. F. W. Morlock* Organist 10 a.m.—Holy Communion, 11 post- a.m.—Church School. 7.30 p.m.'—Evening Worship. 9 p.m.—E.Y.F. Holy Communion services poned from last Sunday. Tues., 8 p.m.—Monthly meeting of W.M.S, and L.A. at the church. Special Lenten services every Thursday evening at 8 o’clock. TRIVITT MEMORIAL GUILD The regular meeting of the Lad­ ies Guild was held Thursday eve­ ning at the home of Mrs. Hynd­ man with a good attendance. The president, Mrs. Gibson took charge and opened the meeting by sing­ ing the hymn “Come to the Sav­ iour” followed by the Lord's prayer. Mr. H. Sturgis was then] asked to speak and gave a brief and very interesting outline of th® play “Disraeli”. A delicious lunch was then served by the hostess. Business was then discus­ sed. The hymn "O Master let me Walk With Thee” was sung. Mrs. Hunt closed the meeting with the Benedicition, Hogs and Cattle Need Minerals When hogs and cattle are confined they have a particular need of certain Minerals which are not present in sufficient quantities in their natural feed, such as grain, hay and. silage. Cattle and Hogs need numeral supplements for good health and growth. SHUR-GAIN Complete Feeds for liogs and cattle are properly fortified with all the essential minerals as well as the proteins and. vitamins. BUT the proteins and These feeds are not always have frequently in very short supply. We may them in stock. WE CAN SUPPLY YOU with Shur-Gain Essential Minerals for Cattle and Shur-Gain Essential Minerals for Hogs Shur-Gain Concentrates and Feeds Due to shortage of box cars we may be short on some feeds on account of grain shortage but We will have concentrates for our customers to make their own mashes, Laketeria or Shur-Gain Chick Starter give best results. Exeter CANN’S MILL LTD. Whaleh Joseph’s Hos- Friday, Febru- aud Mrs. Olive son,a Margaret Guen- a son, William Hospit February 19, Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Exeter, a son, Larry St. Joseph’s Hospital, Sunday, February 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bray Chicks have done well for others — why not for you? 100% Jive delivery guaranteed, Just let me know what you want. BRAT CHICK HATCHERT Phone ?46, Exeter Eric Carscadden, Manager ■r SS — At Dr. Fletcher’s on. Thursday, February to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar (nee Dorothy _Dowson, a _ . . .son,Frederick Coal Now is tlie time to order your brooder coal. We are ex­ pecting a car in any time, Do not wait till you get your chickens—order now. Orders filled us received. WE HAVE IN STOCK— Nut Coke Stove Pocahontas Stove Anthracite Pea Anthracite DEATHS ROBINSON—In Usborne on Tuesday, February Archie W. Robinson in his 52nd Resting at the Hopper- Funeral Chapel where will take place Thursday p.m. Interment in the ■cemetery. Funeral priv- Township, 25, 1947, year. Hockey service at two Exeter ’ate.•o- CARDS OF THANKS Mrs. Jack Tinney wishes to thank all those who remembered her while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital and also at home. Special thanks to the Red Cross Unit of S.S. No. 2, Hay. * Alma R. Johns desires to express her sincere thanks to the friends who kindly remembered her while a patient in Victoria Hospital and since returning ihome. ♦ Roy Ferguson takes this means of thanking his relatives, friends and neighbors for cards, treats and visits while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital and since returning home; also thanks to those who assisted in copening roads. I wish to sincerely thank all many friends who so kindly membered me with magazines, ters, cards, flowers, treats the ra­ le t- and visits while in St. Joseph’s Hospit­ al. Also special thanks to the snow plow crew and all the men who helped shovel snow to make it possible for me to get out. , Gordon Kraft* IN MEMORIAM ■MITCHELL—In loving memory of a deai- husband and father, Wil­ liam Mitchell, who passed away ten years ago, iF’ebruary 23rd, 1937. Nothing can ever take away, The love a heart holds dear, Fond memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps him near. —Fondly remembered by his and family. wife* the and last was THAMES ROAD Miss Mary Gardiner spent week-end visiting in London. Mr. Roy Ferguson returned home on Wednesday pf last week from St. Joseph’s Hospital after undergoing an operation for ap­ pendicitis. Rosemary ;and Nancy Passmore visited with Barbara Allison on Wednesday evening of last week, it being Barbara's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. K. Duncan enter­ tained a number of relatives friends- Wednesday evening of week at their home. , A very enjoyable evening spent in the Thames Road church Wednesday evening of last 'week when the Hurondale Institute cele­ brated the 50th anniversary of the Women’s Institute. , We are glad to report that Mr. John. Selves, who has been confin­ ed .to his bed for the past few days is able to be up again. Owing to the severe snow storm over the week-end .all church ser­ vices were cancelled on this ap­ pointment on Sunday last. Mrs. Wm. Ferguson, who spent the past ten days in ILondon while her son, Roy was in St. Joseph’s Hospital, returned home on Wed­ nesday of last week. Margaret Webber, duaghter of Mr. and Mrs. Leeland Webber, re­ turned home from the Children’s Hospital, London, Monday of this week, after spending the past week undergoing treatment on her ears. Mrs. Ken Simpson and infant son returned home from Dr. Fiet1 cher’s Hospital, Exeter, Monday of this week, Mrs. Gordon Stone returned home from Mi’s. Godbolt’s Hospital Exeter, .Thursday of last week. Miss Annie Elford, Of London, spent the week-end at her home, Mr. Lewis Johns had the mis­ fortune to be bitten’ by a dog while delivering bread one day last week. While helping to push a car out of the snow th® dog ran up behind him and .gl'abbed his leg witli. his teeth, gutting quite an incision in his leg. It required medical .attention. The Farm Forum home of Mr. and Mrs, Skinner Monday evening Week. The other were cancelled on conditions. Sunday services usual hour on Sunday* Sclwol at 10.15 a.m, and at 11.15 a.m. met at the Ftahklin of this Forums of road three account will be at the Sunday Church When in need of IFire, Auto, Sick and Accident or any gen­ eral insurance . . . Phone 33. Jas. P. Bowey Save Money . . . during the rest of the Heating Season. We have on hand Duo Therm and Norge Space Heaters. Come in and let us show you the superior' features of these Oil Burning Units. We have just received a shipment of Galvanized Gar­ bage Cans. Get yours now wliile they are available. BEAVERS HARDWARE WUERTH’S Black BT pair Shoes New Brown and OXFORDS $3.25 to $10.00 Men’s and BoyS’ to suit every pocket $2.60 to $7.00 pail* Work Socks and Home Knitted— leave your order for a pair of these good home knitted socks. Shoe and Rubber Repairing wliile you wait. Panco Soles, just like pre-war— wear like a pig’s nose! Wuerth’s Shoe Store Evening Service One garage will be open in Exeter on Sundays and dur­ ing the evenings throughout the week. Open tills Sunday and During - “ '■ ’ ; thethe Evenings throughout Week. LAING’S Service Station Income Tax Returns, Bookkeeping, Financial Statements for Farmers, Business Men, Professional Men, Garage Operators and others. Arthur Fraser Telephone: Exeter 17. P.O. Box* No. 118 Temporary Office at the holism of the late Dr H. K. Hyndman, Huron Street, Exeter. BRINSLEY The Young People of United. Church .held their on Monday evening last home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Morley. The .Ladies’ Guild of St. Marys Anglican Church, Brinsley, held their annual pancake supper in the basement of the church on Tuesday evening, Feb. 18th. A good pro­ gram was provided by the Young People of Centenary leadership of Taylor’s 7, McGillivray Twp. foot, daughter of Russell Lightfoot, ticket on a quilt auctioned. The funeral of McEwen, was held Stephenson and Son. Funeral Home on Saturday last. Interment was in Carlisle cemetery. Mrs. Bishop, of Parkhill, spent Monday with Mr, and Mrs. Fletch­ er Gower. Miss Hazel Lewis is spending some time with her brother, Edgar of Toronto. Mrs, Al Bazley and son, Bobbie, of Sarnia, are spending some time with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Wes White, of West McGillivray. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Sholdice, Mr. Art Thompson, of Lieury, and Mr. Ben Sheppard, of Sask., spent Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Morley. Mrs. Beatrice Dixon and Miss Mary Cooper attended the 50th an- niversary banquet of the Clande- boye W.I. on Friday evening last, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fenton have moved to theix’ new ,h°nie on the 4th con. of McGillivray Twp., which he purchased from Mr. Wes­ ley Dixon. Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Lee .visited on Thursday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Dixon, of .Centenery, Miss Lois McCallum ■(,_ __ week-end with friends in London Mr, J. L. Amos spent with his daughter, Mrs, field, of Parkhill. Mr.' Noble Greenlee is at present confined to Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don. We hope for a -speedy recov­ ery, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dalassio, of Blackville, 'N.B., spent last week while on their honeymoon visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dixon, Mrs. Dalassio was formerly LAW Helen Chevarie and was stationed Centralia. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kuhn family, of Ci'editon, and Florae Bishop, of Parkhill, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Gower on Sunday afternoon last, it being Mrs. Gower’s birthday. Congratula­ tions to Mrs. Gower. Word Day of Prayer Meeting The World Day of Prayei' was observed on Friday afternoon by„ Brinsley United’ Mrs. Earl the W.A.» the chair the meet* Brinsley meeting at the under the of Mrs* Guest, teacher Fublic School on Con. . Doris Light- Mr. and Mrs, held the lucky that was Dutch the late William from the Thos. spent the a few days John Scho- at and Mr. the ladies of Church at the home of Morley. The president of Mrs. Fred Fenton, took for the business part of ing. It was decided to donate $25. for the Chinese - — Carl Pickering, of the W.M.S., for the World Those taking part were Mrs. Mar­ tin Watson, Mrs. Ansel Lee, Mrs. Earl Lewis, Mrs.. Ken Sholdice and Mrs. Jack Trev’ethick. Rev. A. S. Trueblood gave an address. Miss Mary Cooper rendered a solo en­ titled “Does Jesus Care” which was enjoyed by all. The meeting closed Lunch Group Relief Fund. Mrs. leader of Group 2 lead the meeting Day of Prayer. by prayer by Mr. Trueblood, was served by the ladies of' 2. KIRKTON Pete Sparling, of .Saskatoon, an old Anderson boy, has visiting the C. few of this past week. Ward position in a don. Mr. Alvin spent the week-end with his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harding. A.Y.P.A. Box Social The A.Y.P.A. held a box social in the basement p£ their church Tuesday evening, Feb. 18 with a large attendance. Garth Blackler opened the meeting .with prayer. Burns Blackler read the scripture. A short program followed. Contests were conducted by Wilma Davis. Mr. Reuben Switzer acted as auc­ tioneer having some 50 boxes. Pro­ ceeds amounted to $30. Grace Collier received first prize, Wilma Davis second prize and Jean Hum­ phreys, third. The evening xas brought to a close by singing “God Save The King.” Mr. Sask., been Hodge in Mrs. J. the past Gardiner, her home Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Wes village. Gardiner, .who spent weeks with Mrs. R. Simcoe, returned to Allen lias accepted a butcher store in Lon- Harding, of Toronto, ZION Mrs. Edgar Baker spent several days during the past week with her parents, Mr. and iMrs. Wm. Thomp­ son, of Blanshard. The annual congregational meet­ ing was held in the school house on Monday evening last week with a good attendance. A successful business meeting was conducted by Rev. Laing and officers were in­ stalled for the new year. The ladies served a dainty lunch and a social half hour brought the meeting to an end, Mrs. Eph Hern visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Westcott, of 'Exoter. i The community meeting will be held in the’ school house on Friday evening at 8.30. Film Board pic­ tures will be shown and the school section is cordially invited to at­ tend. Miss Marion Kemp lias been sue* cessfui In passing another set of University exams. Congratulations, C5RANP BENP Mrs. Gibb 'Statton is on the sick list at present. The boye from Kincardine ware storm-stayed and could not get back to work till Monday afternoon. They are Sim Ireland’s men who are fill­ing in a big fill at the harbor there. Mrs* Danilans, of Hickory’s Cor­ ners, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ted Stanlake, at present. Mrs. Muriel Fallis, of Sarnia, vis­ ited with Miss Mary Yeo, who has been laid up with a broken leg. Mrs. Jones and little son, of Pt. Edwards have been visiting with Mrs. G, Station the past week. Mrs, Wells, of Exeterf visited mother, Mrs. Ettie Baker, over week-end, The citizen’s committee Monday night wifh a good attend­ ance. You are invited to another meeting in two weeks. Come out and boost your town. Will you be at the plhy, “The Girl of My Heart,” on Thursday night at the United Church. Mr. and (Mrs. Robert Pollock are visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Hayter at Thedford. Service HEADQUARTERS *. her the met Mi A Trucks ALL MAKES Snell Bros, & Co. General Motors and Cape Dealers Phone 100Exeter Barbecue Lunch and Meeting will be held at McKnight’s Hall on March 7th at 8 p.m. All farmers interested in growing soyabeans are invited to attend this barbecue and meeting, free of charge. The speaker will be Dr. Charles W. Cook, Director of Agricultural Research, Victory Mills Limited, Toronto. Soybean culture and de­ velopment, and crop rotation planning will be discussed and illustrated through actual colour photography slides. A slight of hand artist and magician will give additional entertainment. Cann’s Mill Limited Feed the Embryo As the accommodation is limited and admission is by ticket only, get your tickets early from at Exeter or Whalen Beatty Pressure System Warlo Water-Softener Sap Buckets Sap Spiles Fountains and Feeders Brooders Queen Bang© Oil, Coal and Wood, Electric, —from $24.50 to $47.30 ® Peat Moss Garbage Cans You’ll require garbage; cans for the new dispersal system now being planned. We have a good supply of heavy, durable metal containers in all sizes and all prices. Purina Mills put the necessary ingredients into their Turkey Chow Checkers to "feed the embryo” and produce vigorous poults. So if you are producing hatching eggs, feed Purina Turkey Chow Checkers. Remember, the quality of your poults is largely determined by the breeding and feeding of their parents before the eggs go into the incubator. * .f Spread" Occur, 4^ NO COMMON CHICK DISEASE f GERM CAN UVE IN , p DRINKING WATER WITH chek-r-tabs (Purina Water Tablet,) Use Chuk»R<>Yabs regularly Buy ’em when you buy your Startona Hardware