HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-01-30, Page 9THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 30tb, 1947 Page 7 S' Serial story by Joseph Chadwick Moon’ ui^tWiiiaiiiffiniffiiiiBiiiimiiwiiHiiiiaiiiBiiimiimiiiiBiiimiiiiaiiigiiiKiiiiHiiiHiiBiiiQiii^iiiKsiiisiiiiBiii The story thus far? Aftex’ Man­ uela Shelby helps him escape from ; her father, who seems determined i to fraxne him fox* the murder of i S, Benedict, Jim Brittexx admits to the girl that he is an agent of the U.S. State Department and was sent to Puerto Blanco to investigate the mysterious Hetrick case. It was rare luck that made June Vernon, Man- uela’s cousin and an employee in Richard Shelby’s oil refinery, select Jim out of the crowd in a Puerto Blanco night club and offer him a chance to make $25 'by posing as hex’ fiance at a party given Iby Shelby at Rendezvous Cay. It was rare luck for Jim, but not for June, who now believes him to be the murder­ er of Sam Benedict, another of the many persons involved in the Het­ rick case. He and .Manuela are plan­ ning to leave the island in Shelby’q cruiser, but when Jim boards the boat he finds June waiting for him and armed with a revolver. said, once. flying They SALSBURY SAL CHAPTER IX For a moment, while the jolting surprise lasted, Jim Britten could ■only stare at the girl. He saw the chillness of hex* eyes, and her twist­ ed sxxiile, then his glance dropped to the revolver’ in hex- hand. It was a small thing with a bright barrel, a .2i2 caliber, but dangerous if she knew how to handle it. And evident­ ly she did. t,“You were quite clevex* with the guard,” she said. “But there’ll be no chance fox' you to be clever .with me. You’ll turn about and march ahead of me to the shore. And drop that rifle!” Jim snapped out of lxis surprised shock. Appraising the situation, at the same time remembering the bad time he bad spent hiding out, he knew be wouldn’t give iix to this June Vernon. She had played him fox’ a fool once too often. He let the rifle drop to the‘ cabin deck and it made a noisy thud in the static stillness, at the girl, turned to the door. iShe followed as he was about to step ovei’ the coaming, and then he caught her. .He didn’t intend to hurt her. He simply struck out with a backward sweep of bis right arm, but the blow sent her reeling against the cabin bulkhead. Hex’ blond head' struck with a nasty thunxp, and her eyes quickly glazed. She went all limp and slid dowxi the bulkhead to the deck, the guxi falling from her 'hand, and she lay in a heap. There was no feeling in Jinx as he stood over her. But when he bent down and lifted hex’ in his arms he wqs aware of a stab of self-reproach. No matter what she was, no matter what sort of game she played, she wasn’t the sort a man could handle roughly without regret. I-Ie carried hex’ to one of the bunks and lay her upon it. Hex’ eyes were closed 'and hex* face had a chalky pallor. She didn’t move at all; .she didn’t seem to breathe. An icy feai’ ran through the heart of Jim Britten as he bent ovex’ her. His gently probing fingers found a swelling, blue-tinged lump over hex’ left temple. He touched her left wrist and the pulse was almost too feeble for him to feel. He heard a footfall on the pier’s wooden planking, and ihe whirled and grabbed up the revolver from the deck. He opened it, found the cylindex’ full of cartridges, and with it in his hand he left the cabin and went warily up the short com­ panionway. Manuela was on pier.’ “Jim—?” “Here,” he called, and came the deck. Manuela was carrying a He looked speculatively then shrugged and guard?” was unsteady. “I tool; care of him,” Jim "We’ll have . to leave at iDad and Bert Quayle 'aren’t to Kingston as I thought merely went to the refinery at Puerto Blanco. They intend to re­ turn to Rendezvous Cay tonight.” “Where do you intend to take me?” “To wherever you will “I’ve a job to do, you iShe looked directly at ing, “I think I can help that, too.” Then, seeing him frown: “Don’t worry about me. What I’m doing may make Scott Agnew furious—it may even make my fath­ er see red—but at least I’ve found some way to get ovex’ being hope­ lessly bored.” “I should put you ashore,” he told her. “All right,” she said. “(But how then will you find out about Het­ rick? I shan’t 'tell you what I’ve found out until we’re out to sea. And are you sure you can handle the cruisex’ alone—and the naviga­ tion?” Jim’s face was darkly intent with troubled thought. “You’ve got me there. I axn a landlubber, and at sea I never know which is north and whch is south. Still, I don’t like using you like this.” Manuela touched his arm. “Don’t think I’ll consider you obligated to me,” she said. “I’m asking nothing in return—nothing except what you feel is due me. I like you, Jim— maybe I’m ixx love with you. I’ll be honest with you from the start. But my liking you doesn’t mean that I’m a scheming woman. After I’ve helped you, you can thank me and go youx’ way. I’ll say, ‘All right, Jim —icheerio!’ and go mine. (Fair enough?” “Manuela, you’re'almost too good to be true?” She laughed, and then a startled expression replaced hex* amusement and froze on hex* face. She was look­ ing beyond him. Jim swung about and saw June Vernon looking up from the -cabin doox*way. The blond girl must have gotten to hex’ feet ’the moment she regained conscious­ ness. (She now stood swaying un­ steadily there in the doorway and she looked as collapse again. . slipped his arm tried to break and breathless, in his arms and carried deck. She chokingly said, down—let me go!” He put her down on leather seats in the cockpit, held hex' head in hex’ hands, ■didn’t know what to do about The girl suddenly looked up. eyes were bright with hatred Jim Britten. “You won’t get away with she told him. “They’ll hunt down by plane. I’ll tell them where you’re going.” .Hex’ furious glance swung to 'Manuela. “And you—be- , fraying your own, fox’ this man!” Hex* fury must have given 'hex* a false strength. She rose and moved • unsteadily across the boat to climb • onto the pier. Manuela was watch­ ing 'her with smoldering eyes. Jinx 'felt uncertain. He abruptly said, “We can’t let hex’ tell them where we’re bound-. We’ve got to t$ke hex’ along.” He i went after her and he didn’t give her an opportunity 'to put up the , spirited fight he knew she . 'capable of. He bent down be safe.” know.” him, say- you with «<• onto _______ _ ______w reed hamper which apparently contained food supplies. iShe still wore the blouse and slacks and sandals, but she had put on a short white coat. Her eyes were bright with excite­ ment, and her voice, asking, “The Highland Cedar FENCE POSTS ON HAND Anthracite Coke and Coke ON HAND A. J. CLATWORTHY We Deliver Phone 12 Grantor HEADQUARTERS __ FOR POULTRY . * HELP i/sten, boss, i'm W//I K seething, Give me something to ease my breathing, Spray me with someChH-PHO-SAl Then i bet ill sure fee! swell," DR SALSBURY'S CAN- PHO-SAL helps loosen mucus <md phlegm-T-(<om nostiiIs and throat —helps chicks breathe easier Don’t let those birds suffer needlessly Use CAN-PHO-SAL 4$ a spray, inhalant or cleansing nasal wash Hay Council The council of th® Township of Hay held its inaugural meeting for the year 1947 in the council cham­ bers of the Hay Township Hall, Zurich, on Monday, Jan. 13th, at 11 o’clock a.m, The reeve arranged the seating positions for the year and thep called upon the Clerk to administer the declaration of of­ fice oath. Rev. E. fered prayer and both being very the occasion. The the council members and upon each during the judgement in deciding the many issues that council, asked to say a few words so doing they conveyed the that they would legislate good of the township, The was then adjourned fox’ W. Heimrich of- a short address, appropriate for reeve welcomed called member to co-operate year, and to use good L.■a Phone 266 Exeter though she would Jim went to her, about her waist. She away but was weak Jim picked her up •her to the “Put me one of it,” you was and caught hex’ about the knees, so that in straightening up he had hex’ help­ less ovex* his shoulder. He carried June Vernon down into the cabin and dropped her on a bunk. She leaped up and tried to get to the door, but he closed it after him and tuxmed the key in the lock. She was beating on the door ibex* fists as he ran forward to the engines . . . Rendezvous Cay fell astern. The cruisei' drove steadily ahead through the dark sea. Jini 'Birtten listened to the pulsing beat of the engines and the smooth powei* of the craft was a comfortable thing. iManuela was at the wheel. San Cristobal lay a mile to starboard, a dark patch in the night. Jim went aft and said, “Is our prisoner still kicking?” “No,” Manuela told, him. “All is quiet below.” Jim lighted a cigarette, ,one along with the other crimes I’m accused of, there will be a kidnap­ ping charge. Even a state depart­ ment agent can’t get away with that,” And Manuela said, “I didn’t want you to bring hex’ along.” “It wasn’t a mattex’ of choice.’ “She’ll cause you trouble no mat­ ter where you go, Jim. She’s work­ ing hand in glove with iScott Ag­ new.” He looked at hex' curiously. “So Scott Agnew is the man behind all that happened —. Hetrick's disap­ pearance and Benedict’s murder?” He meant it as a lead question, not really thinking the girl would re­ ply. When she didn't answer he went on: “It’s funny, you having a romance with a man like Agnew.” “He’s attractive,” “And I was bored to “You were in love iShe hesitated a Then: “No, I wasn’t in love with him. ‘He amused me. I didn’t really mean to take him away from June. She may have him, fox* all I care.” Jim lifted himself uip and sat on the cabin roof. The sea was glassily black and the cruiser’s running lights were reflected upon the smooth surface like bright jewels. .Manuela handled the wheel easily, j expertly, and it was obvious that she was enjoying this adventure. ! The rush of air was tousling her raven-black hair. “You're sure you know where we’re going?” Jim asked. “You needn’t worry,' she amused­ ly told him. “I’ve sailed these wa­ ters fox’ a long time—1___ ________ with Scott, and even with Bert Quayle. We used to always travel by boat before dad bought the plane. I know my way about these islands and I wouldn’t be afraid to head fox’ -Jamaica—or 'Cuba.” She paused, smiling at some secret thought. “Cuba might be the place to head for. Havana is gay . . . and San Cristobal law can’t get hold of you there, Jim.” “I’m not running from the law,” he said. “Once I clear up this Het­ rick business I- mean to go back to San 'Cristobal and cleai’ myself of suspicion in Benedict’s death.” (He leaned forward. “Manuela, it’s time you talked. What happened to Het­ rick—and who was Sam Benedict?” The girl was looking beyond the prow of the racing cruiser. She swung the helm a little to port. Then: “I brought a change of clothes fox* you, Jim. A yachting outfit belonging to dad. It should fit you. You'll find it packed be­ neath the food in the ihampex’ I brought aboard. Youx’ present pearance isn’t very romantic, know.” Jim smiled at the evasion. go.t down from the cabin, tossed his cigarette overboard and took up r M Manuela said, tears.” with him?’ long moment. XV3VL uaeeo V, J with dad and j will come before the Each member was then and in opinion for the meeting dinner, Which was given by the Reeve to the new council and Rev. E, W. Heimrich as part of the inaugural ceremony. At 1.30 p.m. the council resumed its sitting and the following busi­ ness was transacted. The following correspondence was presented: Let- tex* from Clerk of Usborne Town­ ship of Dec. 9, re Wildfong Drain; ‘Hospital for Sick Children. The motions were: Moved by Sam Hend­ rick, seconded by Earl Campbell: That the engineer’s report on the Cann-Mitchell Drain as incorporat­ ed in the by-law received from the Township of Usborne on October 26, be provisonally adopted and that the Clerk be authorized to have a sufficient number of copies printed and served as called fox* in the Drainage Act, and that court of revision on the above drain by­ law be held at the Township Hall, Zurich, on -March 3, 1947, at 3 p.m. That the signing officials for Hay Township fox* 1947 be the Reeve, Geo. Armstrong, and Clerk- Treasurer, H. W. Brokenshire; fox’ Zurich Police Village, the chair­ man, 'Mildred Schilbe and .Secretary, H. W. Brokenshire; for the Zurich Hydro Electric System, M. iSchilbe, O. Witmer and Milton Oesch. That a grant of $25 be given to the Chinese Relief Fund and a grant of $100 to the Huron County Christmas Seal Commitee. That the money borrowing by-law, No. 1, foe passed authorizing Reeve and Treasurer to ‘borrow $25,0100.00, if necessary, for the year’s expendi­ tures. That the annual meeting of the Hay Municipal Telephone Sys­ tem be held on Monday, Feb. 3, at I. 3 0 p.m. before the regulax’ town­ ship meeting. That the Clerk be authorized to subscribe for copies of the Municipal World for the council, road superintendent, clerk, assessor and weed inspector. That the following be appointed to act as road patrolmen fox’ Hay Township for 1947 and that a by­ law be drawn up confirming the appointments: (Road No. 1, Percy Campbell, Hugh 'McEwan, J. L. Lostell; No. 2, Charles Aidworth, Wesley Coleman, Garnet Whittaker; No. 3, Charles Alclworth, Alex Mousseau; No. 4, Alfred Reichert; No. 5, Horace Pfaff, Stewart Black- well; No. 6, William Watson, Arn­ old Merner; No. 7, Petei’ Deichert; C. C. F. Meeting A large group of delegates from the constituencies of S. Wellington N. and S. Waterloo, Berth and Huron-Perth attended a CCF zone council meeting at the Y.M.O.A. Stratford Wednesday evening, Jan. ?li5th. The meeting was presided ovei* by Mr, John Walters, of Kit­ chener. Aftex' the routine business a discussion was held on ways means of furthering interest CCF work. Mr, John Walters reminded group that scientific of plant growth had proved the and that into and come into general use despite the objections raised. Refreshments were served by the Ladies Auxili­ ary of the Stratford CCF Club, The next meeting will day, Feb, 19 th Murray Grainger, guest speaker, and in the observation that growth of plants came in fits starts. I-Ie also reminded them when electricity first came use only a few understood it many condemned it, yet it had Jnk WSS •with start ------------ of those Manuela had brought to his hiding place on the island. The glare of the match showed the dark itnentness of his face and an un­ easy look in 'his eyes. Jim was fax’ from sure of himself. The match •went out and the night seemed darker than before. The moon was hidden by -a solitary black cloud. “I just realized,” he said, “that, Feel Slutted and Opsei After Enjoying a Meal? If you suffer from dyspepsia, sour stomach, biliousness, headaches, minor liver or kidney* com­ plaints—use burdock Blood Bitters. This is d popular preparation that will help tone up tlxo stomacli, kidney and liver, aid digestion and bring quick relief from indigestion and constipation. Safe, effective and dependable, B.B.B. contains no harmful ingredi­ ents nor liabit-forming drugs. t You’ll be agreeably surprised how quickly B.B.B. aids digestion, assimilation, elixhinatiOn, and liow much bettor yoxx feel, Ask for it by name—Burdock Blood Bitters—on sale at drug “counters everywhere. , *' * Tlio T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. he held Wednes- at which Mr. Varna, will be No. 9, Kenneth Weber, Alfred Meidinger, Ed. Erb; No. 10, Elmore Mwxxxvr, Frank Den- 11, Rudy Becker; No. Turnbull; No. 13, Rudy No. 14, Percy Campbell, Ken Weber Ed. No. 15, Paul Du- nine Prepayment of Taxes A GOOD INVESTMENT The following discounts will be allowed for the prepayment of taxes in Exeter his cigarette overboard the hamper. “I’ll have to send wildcat up to you,” he “I’ll be delighted to have my cousin’s company,” Manuela said, and made a wry face. Jixn went down the companion­ way and unlocked the cabin door. June sat up on her lbun.k. swung her slender legs over the side, reached up a hand and pushed tawny hair 'back from 'her forehead. 'She had a sulky look. Her voice was flat, saying, “What do you want?” “I want the cabin fox’ a few min­ utes,” he told her. above—but behave put the hamper on ____ ____ ___ searched among the cans and pack­ ages of food fox’ the yachting out­ fit. The girl said, “You’re pretty clever, using 'Manuela like this. How did you -win hex* over?” “Maybe I’m not as dumb as yoxx think I axn.” “I see that now. You’ve won this round, but you won’t win the last,” Her voice took on a fine edge * of contempt. “You know, I don’t think I ever disliked anyone as much as I do you. I hate you so much that when I think about it I feel choked “Well, I didn’t expect you to love 3,” Jim told her. “Now, lxow about clearing out?” .She still didn’t move, so he began unbuttoning his torn shirt. When he pulled it off, June hastily rose and made for thd door­ way. Hex’ cheeks were suddenly bright and Jim laughed as the door closed. the blonde said. “You can go yourself.” He the table and (Continued Next Week) The sea turns against them. Suspense, chills, excitement . . . mystery at its best over CFRB. For you thrill-fans, spine-tinglers are presented currently every week . . . part of this station’s policy of offering the most BALANCED broadcast schedule in radio. For example, be sure to hear . . . First Instalment Discount allowed if paid on or before: February 1st March 1st .. April 15 th .. Datars, Roy Merner omme; No. I" ' 12, Ed. Becker; Adelbert Smith, Kalbfleisch; charme; No. 16, Road Superintend­ ent; No. 17, Frank Denoxnine, No. 17, • Z.P.V., Road Superintendent; No. 18,' D.P.V., Reuben Goetz. That by-law be drawn up coxx- firming the following appointment fox* the various offices for 1947: Clerk-Treasurer, H. W. Broken­ shire; Secretary-Treasurer Hay Municipal Telephone System, H, W. Brokenshire; caretaker, Mrs. Fanny Bender; .Membex’ of Board of Health,' Josiah Geiger; sanitary in­ spectors, Dashwood and vicinity, C. ,F. Pfile; Eastern Division, Cnarles Aidworth; Zurich and vicinity, Gideon Koehler; attendance offic­ ers, Eastern Division, Ge6rge Tin­ ney; Western Division, G. Patter­ son; weed inspector, Wesley Cole­ man; .assessor, Wm. H. Edighoffer; poundkeepers, J. F. Ingram, Oscai’ Greb, Hy. Clausius, Simon Hoff- xnan, David Scliwartzentruber, Ed. J. Walper, Roy Merner, Jacobe, Fergus Turnbull; valuator, Bertram Klopp; viewers, Edgar Munn, Alfred Pfaff, Lloyd Hendrick; chairman of Board of Health, 'George Armstrong; M.O.H., Dr. P. J. O’Dwyer. That a by-law be drawn up con­ firming the following rates of pay to foe paid to laborers doing work on Hay Township roads for 1947; One man, 40c; one man and team, 70c; patrolmen, 45 c; snowplow helpers, 50c; snowplow and gradex’ operator, 55c per hour; tractor on grader or pulling brush, $1.50; tractox’ hauling brush, snow *fexice, $1; team and mower, $1; other of­ ficials; Township Clerk-Treasurer, $6 0i0; Secretary-Treasurer Hay Municipal Telephone System, $600; assessor, $200, plus postage; selec­ tion of jurors: Reeve, $3; assess- ox’ $3; Clerk $6; Board of Health meetings, $2 per inspector, 5 0c pex’ age 10c one way; ipei’ meeting, plus mileage 10 c one way; stock valuator, $2 plus mile­ age, 10c one way; road books, $150' per year; sanitary inspectors: Fox’ placing and removing cards ixi rur­ al sections, 50c; for .placing and re­ moving cards Zurich, 45c; dwelling, 50c; fox* inspecting Zur­ ich, $2; fox’ inspecting Dashwood $1.50; for inspecting Blake, $1; fox* inspecting dairy barns and tour­ ist spots, $1.50, mileage 10c pex’ mile one way where called for; school attendance officers, 50c per hour plus 1'0c pex’ mile one way. Moved by Oscax’ Klopp, seconded by E. J. Willert: That Hay Muni­ cipal Telephone System, roads, re­ lief and Hay Township general ac­ counts be paid as per voucher: Hay Township Roads—Alphonse Masse, $87.15; Dennis ‘Charrette, $30.60; Harry Armstrong, $2; Maurice Masse, $105.30- Ross Cor­ bett, $1.40; Fred J. Haberer, $1.80; Jacob Decherit, Koehler, $36.85; $2.80; Walter Weston, $4; James Masse, $39,101; H. W. .'Brokenshire, 60c; Louis Masse, $54.58; Donald Mousseau, $2.60; Pierre Ducharme, $14; Bill Coleman, $2.55; Percy Willert, $1.20; Carl Haberer, 80c; Peter Deichert, $1j0'.07; Hugh Mc­ Ewen, " ’ $4.50; F. C. Total, Hay —Bell Stromberg-Carlson, them Electric Co., $709.11. Unemployment Relief—Mrs. iSuplat, $25; Emma Bassow, $8.90; Mrs. Edith Mason, $15; A. Heide- man, rent, $3; total $51.90. General Accounts—Geo. R. Hess, $3.50; I-L W. Brokenshire, oil, $6.69; Municipal World, $l'0‘.89; Clifton Prouty, $3; Hugh McEwen, $3; Garnet Jacobe, $3; Ervin Schilbe, $3; A. G, Hess, $3; Ed. J. Stire, $3; C. F. Pfile, $4.60; Fred Ducharme, $5.10; Jas. Masse, $4; B. Horner, $4; Wm. J. Petty, ; Ontario Municipal Association, ; Chas. Thiel, $1.03; Wesley Colexnan, $6; Wm. R. »B611, $4.60; James McAllister, $8.60; Lee O’­ Brien, $4- Daniel Oswald, $4.20-: Hiltoix Truemner, $4.60; Treasurer Hay Municipal Telephone System, Carl Oestreicher, $3.60; Corriveau, $3; Bruce Tuckey, Earl Guenther, $4; Bank of W. Morley, Seal Com., Garnet stock fence- i meeting; weed hour and nxile- fenceviewers, $'2 in for Dashwood and disinfecting a $1.80; Bruce Jack Hading, - 2% iy2% . 1% Second Instalment Discount allowed if paid on ox’ before: February 1st , March 1st April 15 th ..... .. 4% 3%% BUYER iraamciB&aairw^wr^ii^^ Payments may be made to W. C. Pearce, Tax Collector, in the Town Hall, Jan. 31st and Feb. 1st Hours: 9 to 12; 1.30 to 5 BEWARE In insurance the buyer is warned . . not against the seller . but against his own unfamiliarity with a technical tricate subject— and in- ( as costly set up an W. H. Hodgson “The Insurance Man”< It may be just for an amateur to insurance program as it is dangerous for a layman to to be his own doctor. For in both knowledge, ability, and ex­ perience <are essential. We represent the buyer in plan­ ning, negotiating and ser­ vicing the entire insurance program . . . with “no axe to grind but yours” and at no additional cost. cases, technical 8 pan. MONDAY Inner Sanctum Mystery of the Week 7.30 pan. DAILY $15.75; Rudolph Mousseau & Parkins, Kalbfleisch & Son, $457.30. Municipal Telephone Telephone Becker, $3'0.60; $7.25; .System 'Co., $332.40; $155.92; $220.79; Nor­ total, John $8)00,00; Ed. " $4; . , Montreal, '$.25; J. Treasurer ‘Christmas $100; total, $1,088.41. George Armstrong,'“Reeve, H» W, Brokenshire, Clerk. Phones: 24 - 162J u PUBLISHED »N THE PUBLIC I N T gjt E S T B V JOHN L A B A T T ll M IT ED Mease return empty beer bottles to your nearest Brewers' Retail Store or phone for pick-up service. Refund price Is 72$ for 2 cIoju pints, 60^ for 1 dox. quarts. u j i mi u-in mi u mu ii-mji ui| mi mu Liu u. r n i - —................. J One nearly new Sleigh with log bunk One Portland Cutter. One light Sleigh. Tires—600x16 and a few 17. Tractor Tires, all sizes. Have your tractors and farm machinery overhauled now for spring. V. L. Becker and Sons Phone 60w, Dashwood