HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-01-30, Page 6stay Adair, of London, visitors with Mr, Holt. . crowd attended the THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 30th, 1947 v On Calling for Tenders MISERIES OF my ’foot,” book de-Nowap- London archi­ plans for the house at God' Huron County January 22 nd take it out, foreman. the Benediction lunch by the hostess. authoriz- Western construc- pan- 18 th. was i i i i j WKS VapoRub And Concrete Bridgman described the pro­ building, which will be of and reinforced concrete. was the Clin- A. Reid After the min- the Stimulates chest and back sur­ faces like a good, warming poultice i ,l I I ( iI Best-Known Home Remedy You Can Use Has Special Penetrating-Stimulating Action That Works Just Fine ; Main Street W.MrS. I The January meeting of the Main J Street W.'M.S. was held at the home i of Mrs. George Jaques with most ; of the members present. The presi- < dent, Mrs. Layton, opened the meet- »ing, After the roll call and minutes ; of the previous meeting the differ- J ent officers gave their reports. The treasurer, Mrs. Campbell, reported fifty dollars more than our alloca­ tion to the Presbyterial treasurer Hn 1946. Mrs. R. Balkwill was ap- i Penetrates deep into bronchial tubes with its special medicinal vapors Home-proved, VapoRub’s special penetrating-stimulating action starts to work mighty fast—and keeps on working for hours—to relieve such miseries of colds as coughing spasms, bronchial congestion, muscular tightness. When you rub Vicks VapoRub on throat, chest and back and see the results—you’ll know why it is a family standby in so many millions of homes. Grand for children and grownups, Try it. Its the Feed That Pays 1 Besides our regular line of feeds we can offer you—Beet Molasses by the gallon—Beet Pulp, a limited supply— Electropails*, 3000 watt and 1320 watt—Poultry Water Warmers—2 1/j.-liorse-power heavy duty single phase Motors —Howard’s Poultry Medicine and Stimulator—Rex Wheat Germ Oil—Calvetta Calf Savers— Small supply medium and heavy roll roofing—Dri-Kill—-Animal Insect Powder—-Some Poultry Fence and Hog Fence-—1 Cement Mixer. pointed oui* representative to meet with the Committee to arrange for the World’s Day of Prayer. It was unanimously decided to donate,?25 to the Chinao Relief Fund. Mrs, Layton gave a talk on the Youth , Movement in India, The theme of the Worship Service was “Fulfill­ ing Our Church (Membership by Witnessing for Christ.” Mrs. Camp­ bell, Mrs. Jaques, Mrs. Woods, and Mrs. Balkwill assisted in the wor­ ship service. Mrs. Penrose closed1 the meeting with prayer and bene- ! diction. [Trivitt W. A. The Senior W.A. of Trivitfi Memorial Church held their regu­ lar meeting on Tuesday, Jan: 2ilst at the home of Mrs. Ilenry Beir- ling. There were thirteen members and one visitor present, roll call and reading of the utes, 'plans were made for Worlds Day of Prayer on Feb. 21st and it was suggested that a cake supper_be held on Feb. After ‘ ~ served FORUM MEETING Elimville North Farm of Mr. For-' and FARM The um met at the home Mrs. Keith Weber with twenty­ seven present. There was quite a discussion as to what projects oui] Forum should undertake. Games were played and lunch served. The next meeting .will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Johns with “What Makes Prices?” subject for discussion. undertaken. The warden’s committee report­ ed meeting with the Huron (Joun* ty Plowmen’s committee and inspected and checked the accounts of the International Plowing Match and authorized the transfer of $1,855.12 to cover their deficit. A motion that the clerk prepare a by-law making a two-wire elec­ tric fence a legal highway fence in Huron was sent to the agricultural committee. Salaries Increased Huron County Council Friday endorsed the recommendations of the executive committee and raised the salaries of county officials. County Engineer T. Roy Patter­ son’s salary is increased to $6,000; county treasurer A. H. Erskine’s and county clerk N. W. Miller’s to $3,000 each/caretaker Geo, James’ to $1,500; salaries of Miss Evelyn Cooper, court reporter, and Miss Margaret Tudor, to $125 and $100 respectively. At the afternoon session, council set aside $12,000 for 'postwar ef­ fort, the warden’s committee to ad­ minister the fund. Any balance is to be returned to .the general fund.' Grants wore authorized of $2000 to the Navy League; $3,000 to the Red Shield; and $500 to the Cana­ dian Aid to China Fund. A grant of $5,000 was ed to the University of Ontario to be paid when tion on additional buildings is com­ menced. The 1946 council gave-a similar grant with the same condi­ tion. The motion by Reeves B, W. also that same the Phone 287 NOTICE—Would our members and patrons return as quickly as possible what bags they may have gotten with Co-Op feeds. Please see that they are clean and free from dirt. You wouldn’t want to buy a dirty bag—neither does the other fellow. Exeter District Cooperative Usborne Council The Inaugural and statutory meeting of the 19 47 Council was held in the Township Hall on January ll|3th. All members were present and . subscribed to the Dec­ laration of Office before the Clerk A. W. Morgan as follows: Reeve, Hugh Berry; Councillors, Welling­ ton Brock, Wm. A. Ellerington, Oscar Tuckey, James Simpson. All members subscribed to minutes of the last meeting on December 16th, 19 4 6 and were declared adopted by Reeve. Minutes of the nomination election meeting held on December 3 0th were read and adopted on motion .of Ellerington and Brock. A. W. Morgan tendered a letter of resignation as Clerk of the Township which was accepted on motion of Ellerington and Tuckey. On motion of Brock son the provisional appointment of H, H. G. Strang as municipal clerk was made absolute. Messrs. J. W. Morley and R. N. Creech behalf mittee China ing the held they the and FEED SERVICE ; Don’t Let a Drop in Egg Prices : Wipe Out Your Egg Profits Fifty-five cents of every dollar spent on poultry flocks goes ;to provide feed. The rest of the dollar is spent on taxes, ‘interest, labour, replacement of stock, etc. THAT IS WHY YOU SHOULD PAY PARTICULAR ATTENTION TO YOUR FEED SELECTION To make sure of EGG PROFITS as EGG PRICES decline, you need a high quality, low cost LAYING MASH. SHUR-GAIN LAYING MASH is properly fortified for really HIGH PRODUCTION Your hens need SHUR-GAIN LAYING MASH WE HAVE ALL EARLY CHICK REQUIREMENTS Shur-Gain Chick Starter Peat Moss Laketeria Chick Starter Baled Wood Shavings Have Your Seed Grain Cleaned Now Our new seed cleaning plant is fully installed and operating daily, We can clefin from the- smallest grass seed to the -coarsest grain including peas, beans, etc. Plart to have your seed grain 1. Cleaned by the latest Super Clipper Cleaner 2. Graded by the newest Carter Disc Separator 3. Treated by our tncidern Rock Kemp Treater; Clean it now before the spring rush. Exeter Whalen MM regretfully and Simp- interviewed the council .on of the Christmas Seal Com- and the Canadian Aid to Fund. On motion of Eller- and Brock a grant of $10Q was made to the Christmas Seal Committee, On motion of Brock and Tuckey $100 was granted to the Canadian Aid to China Fund. The Clerk was authorized to purchase all needed supplies foi] the year from the Municipal World of St. Thomas including tep. copies of the journal for the members of council .and officers. The Clerk was instructed to prepare the following By-Laws for presentation at the February meet­ ing: 1. Appropriation 'of $25,000 for road purposes for 19 47. 2. Bank Borrowing $25,000. 3. Adoption of the i ment Roll for 1947 I ed. j 4. Appointment of ! officials with salaries ! year: Clerk H. H. ■■■ Treasurer and Relief ' G. Clarke, Assessor ' Superintendent, W. J.! lector and School Attendance Of­ ficer, Wm. Johns, Township Audi­ tor, T. A. Wiseman, Sanitary In­ spector, Harold Valuator, Benson, cal Officer, Dr. Caretaker of Hall, “ Livestock Pasturing Officer; W. Routly, Down, Prance, _ . wood, PoUndkeepers± Earl Whiting Thomas Frank James . , Garnet Johns, Harold Hern, Heber Shute, Membership was taken In the Good Roads Association and the Association of Rural Municipalities Grants of ten dollars were made' to the Queen Alexandra Sanftor- ium and the .War Memorial Child­ ren's Hospital, both of London, Clerk was authorized to application for the balance of the 1946 road Subsidy. Road vouchers to the aum of $174.1119 were paid and accounts to the total of $167.95 wewe sett­ led and .the motion of Tuckoy and Simpson. It Was agreed that the regular monthly meetings should bo on the second Saturday of month. Council adjourned again on Saturday, February with limit of 1946 Assess- as -now requir- the following as of last G. Strang, Officer, N. and Road Routly, Col-, .Bell, Livestock Williams, MedL J. G. Dunlop, John Kellet, J. . Fenceview e’rs, Clarence Wellington Kerslake, John Wm, Doupe, James Hey- j Yellow, Ryckman, Anderson, Robert Jeffery, Ed. Alexander, Everett Skinner, Thos. C. Allen sign to held each meet 8 th Strang, Clerk L. G. Bridgman, tect, who prepared proposed new court erich, reported to Council, Wednesday, that plans have been almost com­ pleted for the architectural work and drawings. , “Several other counties are all eyes for this Huron project, and we want to give you a building of which .you will be proud” he stat- 'ed. After a careful study he would be ready in two months’ time he declared, to invite tenders; but be. felt council should proceed cau­ tiously >on account of fluctuations of prices and because of what ma- j terials are available, He also ques- i tioned Whether reputable contrac- j tors would give a stiplated price. A number are interested when architects are ready. Stone Mr. posed stone Heavy steel windows will be avail­ able. The roof will be concrete, The corridors will be marble part way, with colored floors. The in­ terior will be worked out in color?. Wood in the building will be con­ fined to cupboards. In advising the council to “go easy”, Mr. Bridgman said the steel and cem­ ent situation would be easier this summer. He estimated it will take one and a half years to complete the building. It was moved by Reeves B. W, Tuckey .and John Armstrong, and unanimously endorsed, that the council approve Mr. Bridgman’s suggestion that the calling or ten­ ders for the new court house be ■laid over until the June session. Approve Airport Lease The council endorsed a motion by Reeves Tuckey and Armstrong that the Clerk prepare a by-law authorizing the leasing by the county of Sky Harbor airport from the Department of Transport for five years for $1.00 a year The warden’s committee reported that it had leased Hangar No. 2, sewage and water systems, storage tanks, gasoline tanks and refuel­ ling- fac lities, and the administra­ tion building for a period of five years at $1.00 a year. Standing Committees The striking committee’s i of the standing committees presented and adopted as follows, the first named in each case being chairman,: Executive, Beecroft Tu­ ckey, MacEwan, Snyder, Matliieson Legislative, Alexander, Pepper Ker slake, M. Johnson, Bainton; Fin­ ance, Farrish, Ratz, Daly, G. Arm­ strong, Bain ton; Education, Amy, Kerslake, Snyder, Nicholson, M. Johnson, Property, Tuckey, Daly, Pepper, Falconer, Winter; County Home, Nicholson, Wheeler, Alex­ ander, Machan, Berry; Agriculture Beecroft, Hatz, Nicholson, Amy? Berry; Children’s Aid, Daly, Pep­ per, Winter; Police, Wheeler Pep­ per, Winter: Warden’s committee Alexander, Wheeler, Tuckey, G. Armstrong, Machan; Health & Hos­ pital, Cousins, Tuckey, Farrish, Wheeler, Falconer; Equilization R Ratz, Snyder, Farrish, C. Johnson. Mathieson; Good Armstrong Woods, Berry, Beecroft, Johnson Wheeler; Tuckey, Daly; uruuiuai auuu. Judge T. M. Costello, N. W. Miller IN. R. Dorrance; Library, MacEwan Kerslake, Nicholson. % Federation Asks $200 J. LeRoy Brown, Huron agricul­ tural representative, addressed the council in support of a requested grant of $200 to the Federation of Agriculture, which plans to have a greater number of demonstration plots this .year. The grant would take the place of membership fees and in this way it was hoped to make each reeve a member. , Hugh Hill discussed the warble fly in a brief speech. Last, year he said, an experiment was tried in Goderich township to determind whether the warble fly could be, exterminated by spraying the cat­ tle and it proved most satisfactory He advocated that legislation 'be passed making is compulsory, as, in order to have complete success, spraying would need to be general He suggested that this be done by the reeves’ promoting the idea in their townships. The machinery costs .$1800 and is built to operate! at 1,0 00 pounds pressure. He ask­ ed that the county give leadership in the matter. He suggested that) the council pass a by-law where­ by the cost would be assessed to the taxpayers. Engineer Asks Increase T. R. Patterson, county engineer in his report said: “A great deal of highway expenditure is made for improvements such as right-of- way, hill-cutting, etc., on which there is no depreciation. Munici­ palities have imver been able to borrow at such low rates as at present,- and since interest charges are among the biggest to be met in any financing the picture res­ pecting highway construction been transformed. This county has issued no debentures for highway work for nearly half a century, and may* not do so again.” Many other phases of the Work were discussed by Mr. Patterson, who concluded his questing that his creased comparable to that of gineers of other counties, The 1947 read program will elude the use of mote bituminous! dusMayer, and considerable mile* ---*.....------------------------age of low-cost surfaces will be[ and the library committee was au- Tuckey and J. D. Beecroft carried the recommendation the 19 48 council grant the amount. Agreement Rescinded ■Council passed a motion the agreement with the Depart­ ment of Transport in regard to ■Sky Harbor airport be and the matter ’be left in abey­ ance for .the present. , - The executive committee’s port was taken up clause ■clause with Reeve A. Nicholson grants Water a Ontario that rescinded, re- by in report > was Roads, Ginn, J. Reforestation ,H Alexander, C. Airport, Machan Criminal audit, address by salary be has re­ in* en- in­ GRAND BEND Mr. Dave Webb returned home this week after a month’s with his family in Detroit. Mrs. Sprout, who has been her neice, Mi's, Myres, has for her home in Voncouver. Spoat was Edith Robinson, with left Mrs. WllQ lived on the Mollard line as a girl Mrs. Gault, who is on the sick list, is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Richard (Dick) Hamilton visited in Toronto week. Mrs. Sarah Hamilton is on sick list at present. Mr, Sim Ireland has sold farm at Pt. Blake to Mi’, Melvin Des jar dine.The farm is 65 acres and a tidy sum , we hear, was real- ized. Quite a .lot of steel is being moved in to start work on the new dock, Mrs. W.P.Love,Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ulens,Miss Shirley Ulens and Mr. Huey were* week-end and Mrs. J. W. . Quite a good presentation given to the returned hoys on Wednesday night last it being the last of the boys to return Bill was limping badly. “What’s up?” asked the foreman. “Hurt yourself?” “No. Got a nail .in plied Bill. “Why don’t you then?” exclaimed the “What! On my lunch hour?” the chair. The following were authorized: Blue Highway Association, $200 and special grant of $300; 2____ Association of Rural Municipalities $10; Canadian Institute for the Blind, $600; War Memorial Child- Hospital, London, $50; God- Music Club, $200; show, $200; each of, the eight fall fairs ren’s erich seed fair, $200; held in the county, $200; each of three border fairs, $100; each school ,fair, >$2'5; hospitals at God­ erich, Clinton, Seaforth, Wingham, each $700; North and South Hur­ on Plowmen’s Associations, each $}H00; Lucknow library $25; Wing­ ham horse show, ,$200; each lib­ rary in the county, $40; Ontario Agricultural Council, $5'0'; 'Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, $50. W. McDougall Appointed William McDougall was reap­ pointed county weed inspector at 65 cents an hour and six cents mileage. Reeves J. D. Beecroft and R. B. Cousins were appointed delegates to the Rural Municipali­ ties Association meeting. Clerk “ council message Fox, of Ontario, ed the Hensall $50; Hensall spring, Clinton spring fair, N. W. Miller informed the that he had received a from Dr. W. Sherwood the University of .Western in which Dr. Fox assur- council that recognition had been given by the university to the late T. G. Connon for his discovery of the place of martyr­ dom of the Jesuits at St. Ignace near Midland. Further recognition, he said, would also appear this year in a booklet the university is issuing. The tender of the Seaforth Ex­ positor for the county printing was accepted. Reeve George Armstrong inquir­ ed at the afternoon session what the duties of the equalization com mittee were. He was told the com­ mittee could adjust but not raise the assessment and that the pres­ ent equalization is set until 1950. Tile report of .the education com mittee was endorsed appointing Deputy-Reeve A. J. Amy of St’eph- en a delegate to the Ontario Edu­ cational Association’s meeting. No Grant to Health League No action was taken -on the quest from • the Health League Canada for a grant. Endorsation was given the recommendation of the health and hospital committee that the ■’county enter into reement London, patients icable diseases. The consultative committee re­ ported that 570 pupils are receiv­ ing transportation ,to and from the secondary schools in four high school districts at Goderich, Clin­ ton, iSeafortli and Exeter. Many of these pupils are retaining ,a great­ er interest in their homes than would "be possible if they boarded in town, The committed promised its assistance to any 'municipal councils or school boards in any way possible. The warden and Beecroft will represent at the meeting of the riculturai Council. Coni IJorer Inspectors Elmer Pickering, R. Wood, and Glen Eckmier were ap­ pointed cem bofer inspectors, at 85 cents an hour and provide their own transportation. A grant of $200 was given to the Crop improvement Association re- of an ag- with Victoria Hospital, io pay $6.00 a day for suffering with commun- Reeve J. D. ,the council Ontario Ag- R. 2, Dash- tliorized to purchase a livery truck. Dr. F. G, Thompson pointed 'representative on ton Hospital Board; M. the Scott Memorial Hospital Board Seaforth; George G. MacEwan to the Goderich Hospital Board. A by-law was .passed authorizing the appointment - -- — ■ Jacob as assistant County Home at a Concurrence .was solution from Wellington county requesting the Department of High ways to contribute 75 per cent of the cost of snow-plowing on ,muni­ cipal roads. Several urban reeves felt the resolution should include urban streets, and a motion by Reeves Bainton of Blyth and R. Bl Cousins of Brussels was endorsed, requesting that the department .give aid in the removal of snow from the streets in towns and vil­ lages. of Mrs. Ervin matron at the salary of $600. given to a re- is the time to have those scars on your cai’ removed. Don’t wait until the spring rush. Our equipment and personnel combine to give you a first class job on those dinted fenders, bad body bruises or resurfacing that will - make your ear look like new. Drive in. AVe’ll be glad to give you an estimate. ?s Two Blocks East of Main Street on John Street. Rundown Feeling Is Often Caused By Nervous Trouble Strained, tense nerves are often the cause of restless nights. Improper rest, night after night, is quicldy followed by loss of appetite, irritability and a tired, run-down condition. For disorders such as these, Milburn’s Health and Nerve Pills are highly beneficial and, once tried, their medicinal value soon becomes apparent by the improved general condition of the health. The iron and other ingredients they contain help to improve the blood content, stimulate the nerve cells, and the appetite, aid digestion, thus helping to promote peaceful sleep. They have helped thousands of others. They should do the same for you. Milburn’s) Health and Nerve Pills are sold at drug counters everywhere. The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. BX 4 I I J « I i V” V DR. R. H. DOYLE PHYSICIAN and SURGEON X-Ray MAIN STREET, EXETER -> Telephone CO Dr. J. W. Corbett, D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON BELL BUILDING, EXETER Telephone 273 C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter Open every week day except Wednesday GLADMAN and COCHRANE BARRISTERS —• SOLICITORS EXETER, ONTARIO at Hensail, Friday 2 to 5 p.m. ELMER D. BELL, B.A. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Successor to J. W. Morley EXJBTER. ONT, DR. F. J. MILNER PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Corner of William and Sanders Streets, opposite the residence of the late Dr. J. W. Browning. Phones: Office 295W, Res. 295J EXETER, ONTARIO WM. H. SMITH LICENSED For Huron Special training property’s true Graduate of American Auction College Ternis Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Crediton P.O. or Phone 48-2 AUCTIONEER and Middlesex assures you of yow value On sale day Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Main Street, Exeter Office 36w Telephones Res. 361 Closed Wednesday Afternoons V ? FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER P.O. or RING 18# 4 E. F. CORBETT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Terms Reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed. EXETER, R.R. 1 Phone Zurich . 92r7 / ALVIN H. WALPER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron County FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed PHONE 57r2 DASHWOOD R. 1 / j1 V USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FERE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter. Ontario Pres................ WM. A. HAMILTON R. R. l,a Cromarty Vice-Pres. ........ WM. H. COATES Exeter DIRECTORS JOHN HACKNEY .... Kirkton, R. 1 ANGUS SINCLAIR .... Mitchell R. 1 JOHN McGRATH ..... Dublin, Ont MILTON McCURDY .. Kirktori, R. 1 AGENTS ALVIN L. HARRIS .......... Mitchell THOS. SCOTT ............... Cromarty THOS. G. BALLANTVNE: Woodham SECRETARY-TREASURER W. F. BEAVBHS ..... Exeter F. W. GLaDMAN Solicitor, Exeter B, ►' * » % «♦ y Y i