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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-01-30, Page 5
THE TIMES.ADVQCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 30th, 1947 FagG $ Support Your Church V JAMES STREET UNITED Rev, A. B. Irwin, B.A. Lawrence A. Wein Organist and Choir Leader 11 a.m.—Worship conducted by the Minister. “A Light in Dark ness.” (1st in ,a series of pre Easter studies). Anthem “When Morn is in the Sky.” Male Quartette. 3 p.m.—Sunday School and Bible Class. 7 p.m.—Worship conducted by the Minister. “What To Do About Worry.” • Strangers and visitors welcomed. TRIVITT MEMORIAL Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choirmaster, Esme Howard Septuagesima Sunday 10 a.m.—Holy Communion. 11 a.m.—Sunday School. 7 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon. “Christian Citizenship.” Thurs., 8 p.m.—.Lantern Slides on Study Book in the Parish Hall. Feb., (1,8th—Pancake supper will be served in the Parish Hall convened by the W.A. MAIN STREET UNITED Rev. N. J, Woods, M.A., Minister Mrs. A. Y. Willard, Organist 11 a.m.—Public Worship and Church School. The Minister. 7 p.m.—Public Worship. The Minister. Wed., 8 p.m.—Midweek prayer seri vice in James Street Church. Tues., 7.30 'P.m.—Y.P. Missionary Meeting. The Congregational meeting (has been postponed until Friday February 7. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Kenneth MacLean, Minister Miss Muriel Wliilsmitli, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—Public Worship, Mon,, Feb. 3rd, 4.15—Mission Band in Primary Room. Tues., Feb. 4 th, 3 p.m.—Caven Congregational Circle at ’the home of Mrs. F. Whilsmith. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE H. T. Kendrick, Pastor Wed., 8 p.m.—Mid-week prayer service. Speaker, Mr. E. Cud- more. Thursday afternoon — W.M.S. quilting. Fri., 8 p.m.—Y.P.S. Speaker, Miss M. Cudmore. Sun., 11 a.m.—Praise and worship. Sun., 2 p.m.—Sunday School. Supt. Mr. E. Cudmore. Missionary Sunday. Sun., 3 p.m.—Communion Service. Sun., 7.30 p.m,—Praise and Testi mony. , Sun., 8 p.m.—“A Christian’s Res ponsibility to God, an Answer to Modernism by the Word of God” ZION EVANGELICAL Credicon M. E. Reuber, B.A., B.D., Minister Sirs. F. W. Morlock. Organist 10 a.m.—“The Marks of Faith”. 11 a.m,—Church 'School. 7.3'0i a.m.—Discussion Period. 9.00 p.m.—E.Y.-F. Fireside at Dashwood. Thursday, Feb. 6th, 8.15 ip.m.— Monthly meeting of 'the W.M.S. and L.A. at the home of Mrs. H. Schenk. Feb. 9—IDay of Prayer Service. WINCHELSEA Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher spent Friday with Mrs. Fred Davis, of Saintsbury. Mr. John Batten, of Exeter, spent Saturay with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Batten. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clark spent Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fisher, of near Exeter, the occasion being Mr. Clark’s and Amy Fisher’s birth days. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Johns spent Thursday evening with Mr: and Mrs. Grant Ratcliffe, of An derson. Mr. Garfield Brock, of Exeter, spent the past few days visiting in the community. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Foster, of near Grajiton, visited on Saturday with Mr.’ and Mrs. Garnet Johns, i Mr. and Mrs. George Davis and Mr. and Mrs’. Lloyd Hern and Helen visited on Sunday with Mr) and Mrs. Bdd Alexander,, of Lum ley, Mr. and Mrs. Alf Collier and Grace, of Kirkton, visited on Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. H. Bailey. For Good Starting Have your motor checked carefully by experienced mechanics. There are many factors which contribute to this end and they all should be adjusted and looked after properly. ® Spark Plugs ® Points ® Carburator • Starter © Generator » Regulator ® Proper Lubrication Have a. new Exide Battery installed and hove the regulator checked. South End Service Station Russ and Chuck Snell Phone 326 WUERTH’S Stock Taking Sale Odd lines of Shoes and Oxfords to clear at reduced prices. Wo now have a good selection of Men's Work Socks. Skates Sharpened—crosswise or lengthwise. Have those rubbers resoled and heeled. Shoe repairing done neatly and prdmptly. Several pairs of good used skates for sale. Wuertb’s Shoe Store THAMES ROAD Misses Jean Cann and Annie El ford, of London Normal School, spent the past week teaching iq the Exeter Public School, this be-, in.g part of their Normal course. Several from this community at) tended the reception for Mr. and.: Darling which was held in Exeter last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Johns re* ceived a friendly lettei’ last week from Germany written by one of the German prisoners who worked on their farm during the war yeq>u 19 45 and who was stationed at the prison camp near Exeter. Sunday services will be at the usual hour on S.unday. Sunday School at 10.15 a.m. and Church service at 11.15 a.m. The Y.P.U. will meet Friday evening in the church basement at 7.15 p.m. Please note the change of time for this meeting. Mr. Orval .Beavers sold his farm, last week to Mr. iSnow, of Exeter. Mr. Beavers has bought the farm of Mr. James Ballantyne and will take possession the first of March. Mr. and Mrs. K. Maver, of thd West, are visiting with his brother Mr. Robert Maver. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Coulthard, of Clearwater, Manitoba, visited with Mrs. Geo. Monteith for a few days last week. Relatives in this community have received word of the death in Indianapolis of Mrs. H. M. Banks. Mrs. Banks was formerly Misq Margaret Leigh. After receiving her R.N. from the Johns Hopkins Hospital she married Dr. Horace M. Banks, her now bereaved hus band. Miss Marion Hodgert, of the Bell Telephone Staff, Exeter, vis ited with her parents for a couple of days during the past week. The Farm Forums met at the following places Monday night: Lumley School House and the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Jef frey, Mr. and Mrs. Keith .Weber and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hodgert. Mrs. Leeland Webber was ad mitted to St. Joseph’s Hospital Saturday evening of last week where she underwent an operation for appendicitis. Her many friends will be glad to know she is recov ering nicely. A large crowd attended a recep tion at Farquhar Hall last Friday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs, John Duncan who were married recently, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan were the recipients of a lovely sil ver tea service. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cann visited with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ratcliffe, at Anderson, Thursday 'evening of last week. Elmer Passmore and Alice Pass- more spent the week-end with rel atives in Elmira. Miss Myrtle Reeder, of Exetert spent the week-end with Miss Jean Cann. Annual Congregational Meeting . The annual congregational meet ing of the Thames Road United1 church was held Tuesday evening in the church basement. Rev. Mair acted as chairman and Wm. Cann, secretary for the evening, The vari ous reports were given, increases shown in all and especially In the M. & M. Fund, Thirty-six new members were added to the Roll during the year, The two now members to the Board of Stewards are Mr, Percy Passmore and Mr. Ray McCurdy, General business was discussed and a vote -of ap* preciatien tyas given to the differ* Hello Homemakers! AU eyes are on the potato. A serving of pota toes every day is demanded by food rules for good health. Some people follow this rule without giving it a thought. But not every one is quite that enthusiastic about our good friend the potato which puts it up to the cook to do a spot of luring, with a different .presentation of the valued vegetab le as bait. There are some who have boasted that they need not serve potatoes twice ,the same way in a whole calendar year. • I do not approve too much of that procedure myself, looking at the question from the dietic point of view. There are some ways to serve potatoes which make them much more valuable, ^nutritionally, than other ways can ever do—and so these should be featured. It is well established that the best part of the .vegetable lies just beneath the skin too closely allied to that for us to hope to do any peeling in the raw state .without cutting away very valuable constituents. So, of course our best practice is to cook the potato, skin and all—which means for the most part, steamin oi’ boiling or baking. The last me thod is supreme favourite, both' from the enjoyment and the nut ritional point of view. But there are other factors to be considered besides the straight question of what is the one best thing to do with a food product. Potatoes can be substituted for many expensive or hard-to-get foods .For example, mashed pota toes can be used to thicken soups instead of flour and bacon fat, to thicken sauces instead of flour and butter, to substitute ,for crumbs in poultry dressing, in pancake batter for flavour, in yeast mixture for good texture, add to omelettes to make more of this dish, in dump lings (cooked or raw), also iu many supper dishes as potato-fish pie, scalloped potatoes with saus ages, split weiners filled with mashed potatoes, potato' souffle, pigs in ’taters, potatoes in half shell, potato-celery and nut loaf and vegetable plates. , POTATO CELERY LOAF % cup diced celery, % cup chopped nuts, 3 cups mashed potatoes, 3 tbsps. fat, 1 egg (beaten), 1 tsp. salt, Vs tsp. paprika, 2 tsps, grated onion. Cook celery until tender in small amount of .boiling salted water. Drain off liquid. (This may be used for soup stock.) Add re maining ingredients in order listed Mix well, pack in greased loaf pan and 'bake in electric oven (350 degs.) 35 minutes. Serve with tomato souce. Serves 6. GRATED POTATO SOUP 6 cups soup stock or con somme, thin slice of garlic, 1 medium onion (minced) 6 po tatoes (grated). Heat stock ,to boiling and add remaining ingredients. Simmer 20 minutes or until vegetables are tender. Season > with salt and pep per. Serves 8. -5 POTATOES WITH SAVORY SAUCE 4 potatoes, 2 small onions cut into rings, 4 tbsps. fat 2, ent organizations of the church by Mr. Mair. At the close of the meet ing lunch was served and a social hour spent.. Y.P. Meeting The Y.P.U. met in the church basement Friday evening with thd vice-president, Jack Stewart, in charge. The meeting opened with hymn 233 followed with prayer by Mrs. Mair. Business was then dis cussed. Betty Mair was appointed assistant secretary. Program con veners were named for the next meeting, Elsie Bray and Alice Passmore being chosen. Wilfred Hunkin, Arnold Cann and Donald Bray were appointed, as a commit tee to' make arrangements for a skating party to be held in the Exeter Arena as soon as weather permitted and the rink could be obtained. Mrs. Mair announced about the Ontario Temperance Fed eration Convention which is to be held in Carlton St. Church, Toron to, Feb. IU2 and 13. Appointing of delegates to this convention was left over until the next meeting for further discussion. Jack Stewart then asked a few riddles. Hymr| tbsps. floui^ 1 cup milk, 2 tsp salt, ’4 tsp. pepper, 2 tbsps. chili sauce, grated cheese. Pare potatoes and cut into long matchlike strips. Cook them in boiling salted water until tender. Drain and place in a warm serving dish. Brown onion rings in fat, add flour and blend add milk salt pepper and chili sauce and cook, stirring constantly until thickened. Pour over hot cooked potatoes anc| sprinkle with grated cheese. Serves four. SCALLOPED POTATOES 6 medium potatoes, salt and pepper, 2 tbsps. flour, 4 tbsps butter, milk. Pare potatoes and cut into thip slices, Place in a greased baking dish in -3 layers 1 inch deep, sprinkling each layer with salt, pepper and flour and dotting with butter. Add milk until it can be seen between slices of potato, cov- er and bake in electric oven (350 degs. F.) until potatoes are tend er when pierced with a fork, 1 tq I1G4 hours. Remove cover for the last 15 minutes to brown. Serve from baking dish. Serves 6. •* With Ham — Prepare scalloped potatoes and place a 1-inch slice of ham on top. Do not cover. Bake as above. Ham may .be cut into servings and arranged in layers with the potatoes. Bake as above. PIGS IN ’TATERS 6 large potatoes, 6 tbsps. butter, 4| tsps, milk, 11 tsps, salt, dash paprika, 1 pound small sausages. Boil scrubbed potatoes for 20 mins. Cut a slice from 1 side of each then use coring knife, take out part of centre; fill with saus ages. Bake in moderate oven (350 degs. F.) until potato is brown and sausages are thoroughly -cook ed, about 15 to 20 mins. Serves 6. THE SUGGESTION BOX Mr. G. C. sends us these recipes Spicy Pot Roast 3 lbs. beef (rump or chuck) 1 cup .vinegar, 6 cloves, 1. tsp. salt, 1 cup carrot chunks, 1 cup sliced onions (or tiny whole onions), 2 cups water, 1 bay leaf, 11/ tsp. brown sug ar. ' Combine the vinegar, water, spices and sugar. Pour over the beef and let stand for an hour or two. (Overnight .if you have the time.) Pour off the liquid and save it. Dredge the meat with flour. Brown it in hot fat. Turn into an oven casserole, add the spiced vinegar, carrots and onions. Cover and cook slowly foi* 21 hrs. at 350 degs. or in pressure cooker for 40 mins. and Country Club Potatoes 4 cups cooked potatoes, 1 can condensed mushroom soup 2 tbsps. finely chopped pars ley. 1 Slice the cooked leftover pota toes. Combine all the ingredients. Heat in greased casserole at 350 degs. for 15 mins, or on top of the stove (if you haven’t an oven) until piping hot. DASHWOOD Donald Restemeyer and Miss Jean Woods of Rondon, spent the week end with his -parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Restemeyer. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Saunders and twins, of Hensan, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs, T. Harry Roffman, Mr, and Mrs. K. Streets, of Clin ton, were -Sunday visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Tieman. Mrs. Hartman Elsie is at present in St, Joseph’s Hospital, London, where he underwent an operation. Mrs, Edgar Restemeyer is spend ing a few days in. Kitchener and Toronto this week. * Andy Anderson is at present in Victoria Hospital, London, with a fractured bone in his hip, not in St. Joseph’s Hospital as mentioned last week. The choir of Zion’s Lutheran church held their annual meeting and the following officers were elected: President, Mr. Edgar Restemeyer; vice-president, Alvin Walper; secretary-treasurer, -Mrs. Edgar Restemeyer; librarian, Gerald Higenell, Hubert Miller,’ Mrs. Elgin Merner was elected to con tinue serving as choir leader and Helen Nadiger as assistant leader. It was decided to present a prog ram some time after Easter. -Follow ing the meeting a social hour was spent followed by lunch and a sing song. Friends of Mrs. Edgai’ Restemey er gathered at her home Thursday night to celebrate her birthday. Tables of crokinole, euchre and solo were arranged. Later in the eve ning a delicious lunch was served, after which the guests gathered around the piano and enjoyed music provided >by Mrs. Wm. (Stade playing the guitar and Duncan Snider, the violin. A sing-song led by Alvin Walper 'brought a delight ful evening to a close. The .Dashwood (Business Men’s Club held their weekly -Monday eve ning meeting iwit-h twenty-seven members being present. A very en joyable evening was spent in the way of a Progressive Euchre party with first prize being won 'by Jack Wein and second going to Sproule Currie after very -close -competition for both. Thomas Hopcroft won for himself the ibooby prize and upon opening his gift found a bundle of pennies spilling through his fingers. Zion Lutheran churc-h held its annual meeting last Monday. The financial report of the congregation and organizations within’“the church were presented and all of them showed a healthy state of affairs. Mr. Valentine iBecker and Alvin Walper were elected as trustees for a term of three years and the care taking was given to Mrs. Herb Wein and Mrs. (Elgin Merner as choir leader and organist with Miss Helen Nadiger as assistant. I KIRKTON -Owing to the snow storm of the past week the school bus was not abl© to make the return trip from St. Marys. The Stone Town people very hospitably made reservations for these young students and they returned safely the following night Miss Christina Dobson is hack to school having nursed a nice case of chicken j)ox. Mr, Maxwell Gray has returned to his home in the village having spent the past month with his son Harvey Gray, of Toronto. Reeve Hugh Berry met with the Huron County Council at an inau gural session at Goderich this past week. Miss Norma and Mr. Edwin Tufts, of London, spent the week end with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Tufts. Mr. Russell Morrison, of Bramp ton, spent the week-end at his home in the village. Mr. and Mrs. S. Gambell, of Sea forth, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Truman Tufts. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Duncan visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Musser, of Exeter, this past week. Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Marshall I were Sunday guests with Mr. and' Mrs. Eli Coultis, of ExOter. Who saw the muskrats swim ming down the creek Monday morning, Jan. 27? Quite unusual. Word has been received by rela tives of the death of Mrs. Geo. Myers (nee Ethel Shier) ,of Strat ford. She was a former Kirkton girl. Roll call and minutes were read and adopted. Jean Willis closed the first part of the meeting with two verses of Scripture. Viola Jaques gave the Call to Worship. Hymn 4 was sung and the Scrip ture Lesson was read, by John Rodd. The following program wa^ given: reading by Ombra Copeland prayei’ by Viola Jaques; poem "All This is Mine” by Bessie McCurdy; | reading "Suddenly I Could See” by Grant Mills, vocal solo by Helen Webber; poem "Day Dreams” by Rhoda Thomson; readings by Lor- ene Jaques and Dorothy Thomson, hymn 3 2; reading by Phyllis Wheeler; poem "God Made a Gar den” by George Levy. Viola Jaques then led in a quizz on the Books of the Bible. Hymn 56 and the Na tional were sung. The meeting closed with the Young People’s- Benediction. It’s better sind CHEAPER to prevent trpubk then tp correct it • Preventive Maintenance Will Keep Your Car Fit s It’s costly to wait till you must have your car repaired. It’s far better to give it regu lar attention to keep it in good running con dition. Specialists in Preventive Maintenance Snell Bros. & Co. General Motors and Case Dealers Exeter Phone 100 Phone 327 EXETER ONTARIO For Expert Workmanship on PAINTING, Interior and Exterior PAPERHANGING and TINTING No Fuss — No Muss P. R. DURAND Warner’s Delux Electric Brooders 245 was sung and in the absence of Mr. Mair, Mrs. Mair took the topic her subject being "Charac ter.” Hymn 269 was sung and the meeting was brought to a close by all repeating the Mizpah Benedic tion. A recruit was being given an in telligence test in the army. "What would -happen if one of your ears was cut off by a bay onet?” asked the examiner. “I couldn’t hear so well.’ “Wjhat would ,’hapipen if your other ear was cut off?” “I couldn’t see.” “What do you mean?” “My -hat would (fall down over my eyes.” That reminds me of the time a good natured little ifellow rushed into the composing .room declaring he had come ‘to kill a printer. "Any printer in particular?” asked the foreman. "Oh, any one will do,” the fellow said. "I prefer a small one, but I’ve got to make some sort of show at a fight or leave home since the paper called my wife’s tea party a 'swill affair’.” Single Copies of The Times-Advocate 8 Can be bought at the following places, at 5c a copy —• COLE’S DRUG STORE BROWNING ’S DRUG STORE ROBERTSON’S DRUG STORE THE TIMES-ADVOCATE OFFICE WOODHAM The sympathy .of the -community is extended to the relatives of the late Mr. Mervin Swallow, of Kings ville, a former native of Woodham who passed away on Thursday of last week after a week's illness. Mr. Wilbur Wynne attended the funeral of his nephew, the late Mr. Mervin Swallow, at Kingsville on Saturday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Mills, of Tor onto, visited with the former’s grandmother, Mrs. A. Mills, who is quite ill, and other relatives over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rodd, La- Verne and Audrey spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. William Stephens and family. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Stone, of Kirkton, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rodd. Owing to the storm on Tuesday of last week the school bus was not able to leave St. Marys, as a result the high school pupils were obliged to stay in St. Marys over night. Mr. Russell Laing, of Guelph, and Miss Marjie Laing, of Galt, spent the week-end at the parson age. \ Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dykemari and family, of Galt, Mrs. Doris Shier, of Ingersoll, Mr. Ralph Mc Naughton, of London spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mc Naughton. Mr. Norman Jafrot, of London, is spending some time with Mr. Chas. Upshall. Mrs. Chas. Upshall is staying at the Pine Hill Rest Home, London, foi’ some time. Mr. Earl Carroll, of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Atkinson and George, of -Centralia, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carroll. v Mr. and Mrs.' George Webber and Bobby visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hanna, of Sea forth. We are very sorry to report that Mr. Duncan McNaughton had the misfortune to fracture his right wrist. Mr. and Mrs. Vic Chatten at tended thq funeral of their cousin, the late Mr. Mervin Swallow, at Kingsville on Saturday last. Miss Merle Razelwood is ill with the quinsy. Mr. Wesley Shier is under the doctor’s care. Mrs. Chatten, Sr., Barbara and Ronnie Chatten and Mr. John Tomlinson visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Fred Thomson and Mrs. Jack Thomson. Mr. George Beckett is laid up after having torn the ligaments in his back. Young People’s Meeting The regular meeting of the Young People’s Union was held or Sunday evening with the Literary committee, Lorene and Viola Ja ques, in charge, Viola Was in the chair. The meeting opened with hymn 12. Jean Willie led in pray* er followed by the "Theme Song.” There is nothing finer in electric brooders than this Warner Deluxe model. It is an efficient, workmanlike beau tiful job in every detail. This brooder is a heavy, rigid model with reinforced metal hover. It is aluminum coated giving it triple insulation that conserves heat in cold weather and means economical operation. The patented convex-concave radiant triple chromium- plated steel reflectors—genuine chromolax heat rings that emit infra red rays as well as an abundance of heat—the very finest control and ventilation devices—sturdy, adjustable legs—rigid, free-turning four blade reel to prevent roosting on the ridge are features that make this brooder Warner’s master model. If interested, by all means don’t delay. Our supply is very limited. 500 Chick Capacity We Have a Good Supply of Poultry Equipment Remove Soot from Furnaces and Pipes—Use Chimney Sweep Chick Starter Get your young chicks off on the right foot with the old favorite of many poultry raisers. Feed them Purina Chick Startena for Strong healthy birds. We recommend it as the best money can When you buy your startena in preparation for the poults don’t forget to get some Chek-R-Tabs. These are great help in pre venting spreading of disease through the drinking water. That’s how 90% of chick and poult troubles spread through the flock. Add one tab to every quart of water to destroy germs in water . . . kill fungus organisms . . . also act as a bowel astring ent. They’re real 3-in*l protection and it’s Cheap insurance. Traquair’s —-----——Hardware,----———_—___—J