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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-01-23, Page 4
THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 23rd, 1946 A Photograph pf your children will be a treasured possession in years to come, Have one taken by Tom Walker WEDNESDAY 7-9 P.M SATURDAY 2-9 P.M, Phone 286J for appointment Trivitt Ladies1 Guild The Ladies' Guild met Thursday j evening erington present, meeting prayer discussed and the foliowin, were elected for the Honorary President, : Hunt; secretary, AMBULANCE HITS STORE AT KIPPEN at the with Rev. followed in unison. home of Mrs. Ell- a large number Hunt opened the by the Lord’s Business was g offic ers were elected for the coming year. Honorary President, Mrs. M. A. Hunt; president, Mrs. E. L. Gibson; secretary, Mrs. R. Gentt- ner; treasurer, Mrs. Homer Rus sell, Literary convenor, Mrs. Hynd man; Devotional convener, Mrs. M. A, Hunt; Social convener, Mrs. i Fraser; pianist, Mrs. A. Geddes. Rev, Hunt closed the meeting with the benediction after which a del icious lunch was served by the hostess. Prepayment of Taxes ,1ll Eight large windows, two veran da pillars and a gasoline pump were smashed at the Emmerson Kyle store at Kippen early Wednes day morning of last week, when an R.C.A.F, ambulance went out of control and crashed into the build ing. The ambulance, driven by Cpl. 'Boyer, of the training school, was returning from London. Boyer is said to have been blinded by the lights of an approaching car, drivet* was taken to hospital in don by Dr. J. C. Goddard, of sail, for X-ray examination. Damage to the store was mated to total several hundred dol lars. The ambulance was badly wrecked. Provincial Constable Frank Tay lor, of Clinton, and R.C.A.F. offic ers investigated. TO TRAIN FOR NURSES A GOOD INVESTMENT The following discounts “will be allowed for the prepayment of taxes in Exeter i First Instalment Discount allowed if paid on or before: February 1st March 1st April 15th Second Instalment Discount allowed if paid on before; or February 1st March 1st ... April 15 th 4% 3%% 3% Payments may be made to W. C. Pearce, Tax Collector, in the Town Hall, Jan. 31st and Feb. 1st. Hours: 9 to 12; 1.30 to 5 The Lon- Hen- esti- Miss present versity Tuckey, Victoria for atMarion Jean Cowen, a student at Western Uni- and Miss Wanda June of Exeter, will enter the Hospital Training School Nurses as probationers February 3rd. on i Wed. Wed., Wed., HOCKEY SCHEDULE DOUBLEHEADERS Exeter Arena, 8 p.m. Jan. 22—Thames Road and iSharon. Exeter and Crediton. Jan. 29—Sharon and Exeter. Thames Rd. and Crediton. Feb. 5—’Crediton and Sharon. Exeter and Thames Rd. GOOD NEWS FOR HOUSEWIVES G. A- Hawkins announces that he will soon have on exhibition and for sale in Exeter the new Beatty Automatic Washer. This is good news for housewives because the Beatty Automatic does away with 95% of the manual labor previous ly needed to wash and damp-dry clothes. The only labour required to op erate the Beatty Automatic Washer is that of placing the clothes in the machine .adding soap and water, and turning a switch. Within a few minutes the clothes will have been thoroughly washed) rinsed and damp-dried .ready foi’ 'hanging on the line. Tlie Washer even drains and cleans automatically— no soap scum to clean out. The new revolutionary 'feature of the Beatty Automatic is that the rinsing and drying is performed by hydraulic pressure. No installation costs are incurred in installing the washer in the home. It is vilbration- less and can be used in the laundry, kitchen or bathroom without any special (foundation. No special plumbing or water heaters required. The washer can be attached to taps as easily as a garden hose; watei’ can be heated on a the home is not equipped water heater. Simple construction is feature of the Beatty Automatic. It has less than half the number of parts of an ordinary wringer type washer. and stove if with a another LOOK AT THE LABEL 'KIRKTON Howard Sunday The label sheet of the Times- Advocate has been changed this week. Subscribers who have renew ed recently are asked to look at theii’ label to see that no errors have been made. LOSTCOMING EVENTSFOR SALE FOR SALE—Bell piano, plain oak case, in good condition. Phone 83rl8 Zurich. tfc FOR SALE—Set of McCormick- Deering 3-section lever harrows. Apply at Times-Advocate. 23* FOR SALE — Pea ensilage. The stack at Brucefield is now open. Apply to Elgin Thompson, Kippen P.O., phone 77r41 Hensall. 23* FOR SALE •—• 1 oil .'burner stove, medium size. Apply Tuckey Transport.___________________c FOR SALE—'Man’s (black fur-lined coat, size 4'0, with. Persian Lamb collar. Apply to Box 181, Hen sall, 23 c ANNUAL MEETING EXETER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY The annual meeting of the Exeter Agricultural (Society will be held in the Town Hall, Exeter, on Wed nesday, January 29th, 1947, at >2 p.m, for the purpose of receiving reports, election of officers and the transacting of any other .business in the interests of the Society. A meeting of the directors will be held at 1.30 o’clock p.m. Percy Passmore, Pres. ■Clark Fisher, Sec. LOST—On Friday between Hensall and Exeter, a 7x2>(Mnch rim, new, painted red. Finder please notify Wilson Allen, Hensall. 23* LOST—>In Exeter, a china earring, rose-shaped. IFinder please return to James Green, Exeter. 23c WANTED (FOR (SALE—2 month old male pup. Apply at Times-Advocate. 23* FOR SALE—.good leather rocking- chairs, centre table, electric table lamp. Phone 23 2M, Exeter. 23c FOR SALE—A. good Hereford cow, 4 years old, due 1st of February. Phone Ken Sholdice, 2Or5 Credi- ton. 23c FOR SALE—'Sow due next month, sow with littei* three weeks old; also young sow. A. Wright, Cent ralia. 23* ANNUAL MEETING Th© annual meeting of the Us- borne and Hibbert Mutual Fire In surance Company will be held in the Public Hall, Farquhar, on Mon day, February 3rd, 1947, at >2 >p.m., for the purpose of receiving the re ports of the Directory and Auditors for the past year, and for the elec tion of two Directors for a three year term, the election of auditors, and any othei’ business that may be in the interests of the Company. The Directors whose term of of fice expires, both of whom are elig ible for re-election are John Hackney and Angus Sinclair. B. W. F. Beavers, Sec.-Treas. WANTED—Dealers to sell Elmira Fertilizer. Something new and better, Do not order your fer tilizer until you see about this improved fertilizer. Phone Dash wood 36r2, Nelson Stanlake, R. 1 Exeter. tfc——------■-----------------------— - • WANTED — Ji Durham bull, about one year old. A. J. Penhale. R.R. 1 Exeter. Phone Crediton 17r34. 23* WANTED—' furnished wife and R103402 Centralia ■Two -or 1 apartment I 3 months LAG. R. Airport. tin’ee room by airman, i old infant. , Gordanic, 23c WANTED — Furnished dation for R.C.A.F. and two children. MacKay, Ground School, Centralia. ■accomo- Sgt., wife Apply Sgt. Instructional 16:23* Mr. spent Garnie Coupe, Mrs. (Milton some time with Mrs’ Watson, of Motherwell. iMr, Bob Roy and daughter Nor ma, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Garnie Doupe. Mr. Mac Howe and children and Mrs. Jim Howe, of London, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Miller McCurdy. A the Mr. Mr. Roy, of Stratford, with Mr. and iM/s. Gregory is spending of hockey was played on rink last .Friday night. 'Christie’s team defeated Marshall’s team. BIRTHS DETTMER—At Dr. Fletcher’s Hos pital on Friday, January 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Herman of Ayr, a daughter, FOR 'SALE — 1 No. 12 DeLaval cream separator; 1 Perfection fanning mill and sieves; 1 circu lar saw, manual; 1 young horse; also maple tops. Phone Harold Cudmore, 171r3 Exeter. 23* game local Roger Lome Several euchre parties have been held in the village this past week, including Mr. and Mrs. N. Doupe, Mrs. Russell Morrison and Mr. and Mrs. Miller McCurdy. The third line group' held a euchre party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Switzer. ■Mrs. I. N. Marshall has returned home after spending two weeks at her daughter’s, Mrs. W. Cluff who is recovering from an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Switzer and son Raymond spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. A. Robinson. Miss Sarah Mullen, 'who has been a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, passed away last Monday. We wish to extend our deepest sympathy to Mrs. Mary Gallop in the passing of her mother, Mrs Roach, of St. Marys. 1947, Dettmer, •■Barbara Jane. LIGHTFIOOT — At Dr. Fletcher’s Hospital on Thursday, January 16, 1947, to (Mr. and .Mrs. 'Clayton Lightfoot, of Crediton, a son, Ian Carlton. MacBEATH—At 'Mi’s. Saundercock’s Nursing Home, Hensall, on Thursday, January 16 th, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex MacBeath, of Kippen ,a .son (Glen Douglas)} a brother for Ross. STEIDEL—At the nursing home of iMrs. G. Hunter on Thursday, January 16th, 1947, to Corporal and Mrs. (Steidel, a son (Terry Arthur). MARRIAGES WINER—SABOURIN—At St. Mary’s Church, Hamilton, Ontario, by Rev. >F. Ryan, on Saturday, Jan. 18, 1947, Marian Theresa, daugh ter of Mrs. L. Sabourin, to John Donald Mrs. O. ton. Winer, son of Mr. and S. Winer; all of Hamil- DEATHS FOR SALE—A circular heater, in .good condition, burns coal or wood; also seven lengths of 6- inch stove pipes. Apply at Times- Advocate. 23* ANNUAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that the 72nd Annual General Meeting of the Hay Township Farmers’ Mutual Fire Insurance Co., will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Monday, January (27th, 19 47, at two o’clock reception of the a Statement of the Company, to elect and two Auditors WANTED—(Old or disabled horses for mink feed; good prices. Phone Kirkton 16-12, Norman Hazel- wood, R.R. 6, St. Marys. 2-4tp REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—215 acre, well known farm, registered as “Cloverdale Stock Farm’’, close to Crediton school, 4£ miles from Exeter; land is moderate clay loam, very productive, always kept highest state of fertility, ceptionally fine set of buildings, with all hydro, silo, never failing well; in fall wheat, bush; boundary provides abundance of grass, water and shade for live stock. Interested parties are ad vised to get in touch with the owner. Priced to Sell. W. C. F. Oestrieher. Crediton, Ont. 16.2>3c p.m., for the Annual Report, affairs of the three Directors in place of those whose term of office lias expired and the trans action. of all such business as may 'be done at a 'General Meeting. All members are invited to be present. Arthur Finkbeiner, President, Herbert K. Eilber, Secretary. Crediton, Ont., Jan. 9, 1947. 16:23 WORK WANTED—Young married man, capable, willing worker, wants work on farm. Small fam ily, separate house. State full particulars in first letter. Apply Box G, Times-Advocate. 23* (CONTRACT BARLEY GROWERS Wanted —. We will pay a good premium for barley grown under •contract. Contact us. W. G. ■Thompson’s Elevator, phone 32, Hensall. 23c BABY CHICKS Start Chicks Early This Year More Than Ever it Will Pay You to Start Chicks The Export Contract Calls for Plenty of Eggs in Late Summer and Early Fall To make the most out of your flock start your chicks in February. The most successful poultry men nearly all start chicks in February. An extra few weeks of production of large eggs next Aug ust will equal the cost of your Chicks. The price of A large eggs started to rise early in July last summer and by July 24 the price of A large eggs was 42c. We expect approximately the same rise in prices in 1947. Be prepared to cash in and start chicks early. There are several ways of increasing the space for early hatched chicks: 1. Sack your shelters and: place them on the barn floor or in an empty mow. When the chicks 4 or 5 weelu; old move at least part of them of the brooder house into the shelters, or . . . 2. Sack the shelters and place them close to brooder house, make an opening from the shelter to the brooder house and let the chicks run out into the shelters at 3-5 weeks of age. Quite a number of our customers have had good results by following one of these plans. are Out the Heavy Breed Cockerels — Cockerels hatched in January or February come on the market before the rush when prices are at their highest. Wein Bros. HATCHES WEEKLY We can supply limited number of day old chicks, pullets and heavy cockerels in most ruary. breeds for Feb- BROWN—At St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Tuesday, January 21, 19 47, William H. Brown, of Crediton, in his 87tih year. Rest ing at the T. Harry Hoffman funeral home in Dashwood. A public service will be held in the Evangelical Church at Crediton on Thursday, January 23, at 1.30 p.m. Interment in Crediton Cemetery. MjlDDLE'MISS — In Exeter, on Fri day, January 17th, 1947, Arthur •Middlemiss, in his 75 th year. ■ MOSSEY — In Blanchard Town ship, on Thursday, January 16, 19 47, James H. Mossey, beloved husband of Marice Jacques, in his 72nd year. ROACH—At the residence of her son, Nelson Roach, iSt. Marys, on Monday, Jan. 20, 1947? Margaret Ann Yule, beloved wife of the late James H. Roach, in hei’ 94th year. SPENCER—In Hensall, on Friday, January 10, 1947, Ada Minerva Horney, beloved wife of Albert aged 67 years. at his home in Hensall, Dr. Frederick H. Scherk, beloved husband of Olive Kathleen McCool. Spencer, SCHERK—Suddenly, Phond 78 or 92 STARTED PULLETS AND CHICKS COCKERELS 2-4 weeks old pullets and mixed chicks available January and first 2 weeks in February. AU started in brand new modern battery Brooders in air-conditioned Battery Room. 3,000 Heavy Breed Cockerels avail able January 28th . . . Sussex, Sussex x New Hamps., Fast Feather ing B. Rocks. Book your order NOW for later de livery if you find it impossible to start clucks in early February and be assured of the breed and date desired. Some breeds on certain dates practically booked up now* OFFICE OPEN SATURDAY NIGHTS TO 9 P.M. Exeter in the an ex painted equiped conveniences, ft. concrete 3 7 acres 20 acres of good Aux Sauble river as rear steel roofed, modern water, 40 FOR SALE—Well built brick house with furnace, cistern, hy dro, interior decorating new, ex good barn, henhouse, hydro. Crediton. Early possession. W. C. Pearce. Exeter. 23* FOR SALE — For immediate pos session, 1¥2 storey brown rug brick house on William Street, all modern wood floors and garage. Apply to Mrs. W. A. Balkwill, John St. Terms if desired. conveniences, hard- (SECURE YOUR HOME now. We have two good brick houses for sale in Exeter. .Both have modern conveniences, one has extra lot. Immediate possession on one, March 1st, on the other. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, (Main St., Exe ter. ■FOR SALE — 100-acre farm, 2% miles from Exeter, good 'brick house, bank barn; hydro t’hroug- out; never-failing water supply; very productive land; small bush. ■C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. ■FOR SALE—55 acres, all tillable, ■west of airport on which is L- shaped bank barn, silo, driveshed, . brick 'house, hydro past gate. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. 26* NOTICES TO THE HOUSEHOLDERS OF EXETER AND DISTRICT A number of Veterans now serv ing in tihe Permanent Royal Cana dian Air Force are stationed at the R.C.A.F. Station ,Centralia. We are advised that the number of such men will gradually increase. It is very necessary that these men find homes for their families here in this District as many of them will re main for sometime. If you have an apartment, rooms, part of a house or a whole house available please phone FO. (Miller, Exeter 316. Local 17, or leave 'the information at the (Clerk’s Office and it will be passed on to IF'O. ■Miller, who is chairman of the Housing 'Committee at the Centralia Unit. (Signed) tB. W. Tuckey, Reeve NOTICE—'Huron County 'Festival of Music in Goderich, May 5th,, 6th, 7th, 8th. Secure application blanks from Mrs. John See, |17 Bruce ~ . — - phone 24 th. Street, Goderich. Tele- 621. Entries close March 23c A representative of the Singer Sewing Machine Company, 78 'On tario Street, Stratford, will be in Exeter weekly. For any repairs, please get in touch with the Strat ford branch. A few new models are available. 4tc WELL SATISFIED says customer Mrs. E. Porter, of her BIG-4 CHICKS Pullets “grow quicker”. “1945 chicks exceptional,” she also says. ORDER NOW to save disappointment. Canada Approved, breeders pullor- um tested. Wide choice breeds, Save time, contact J, Earl Burr, R.R. 1, Phone collect Dashwood 32r4 crosses, agent Dashwood A-l BABY CHICKS, tested Large (Barred 'Sussex Rocks. 'Switzer Hatchery, Cranton, Ont., for price list. Plhone 38-3 'Gran ton. tfc stock; Type Rock x New Write from blood- Barred Rocks; White Leghorns; x White Leghorn; Hampshire; Red x or phone A.. H. NEUHAUSER HAMPSIHRES Hill Strain; all dams records eggs; wonderful NEW Pure Forest ■greed sired; 269 to 307 and size; real layers of large We guarantee livability. Hatching now. $16.00 per hundred; pullets $26.00 NEUHAUSER HATCHERIES, London. Ontario. pedi- from color eggs. CARDS OF THANKS Mrs. Charles Schroeder wishes to thank all the friends who so kindly remembered her with cards, letters, flowers and treats while a patient in Victoria Hospital. * Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd (Lindenfield would like to thank the many friends who remembered Mr. Middle- miss with cards and treats while at their ‘home, special thanks Rev. Hunt and Rev. Grigg. FOR SALE—7 5 acres, all 'tillable, 1 % .storey 'brick house, furnace, hydro, driveshed, basement barn, good stabling water pressure sys tem, silo, hogpen, henhouse, hydro; on highway close to schoo’, ohurch. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. 26* ill to* SAINTSBURY that the sick soon be Mr list, out We are sorry to hear Henry Hodgins is on All hope he will around as usual. Mi', and Mrs, Tom and Mrs. Gibson and Allen Elston of Mr. and Sunday. Mrs, Fred Davis spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Henry Hodgiils. Mrs. Heber Davis spent the week-end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Aaron Davis, of Lucan. .We are sorry to hear of their illness. Mr, and Mrs, Cliff Ings, of Lon don, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Maurice McDonald and family visited with Mi's. W J, Davis and family, visited Mrs. Coates, Kathryn at the home Fred Dobbs On Mi’, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Culbert and Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Dickins spent Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. Dobbs. Mr. and Mrs. Rd. DickinS enter* tained Mr. and Mrs. E. Atkinson and Mr. and Mrs. H. Davis and families to an oyster .. supper on Mrs. Atkinson’s birthday recently. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dobbs, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dickins attended the euchre party sponsored by the Eastern Star of Exeter. Mrs. Dick ins' was one of the prize winners Mrs. Cecil Atkinson, 'who visited with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Henry Hodgins, has left for her home in Sask. Mr.-> Tom Dobbs spent Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dobbs. One bright Spot these wintry mornings is the red school bus hurrying down the country roads picking up the pupils who attend Exeter High School, The (pupils are loud in their praise of this very comfortable and happy made of transportation. SPECIAL NOTICE All farmers and ratepayers Township oif Stephen being by Rural Miail Delivery are to move their mail boxes 17 feet back from the centre of the travel led portion of the road. This is made necessary because of the extra width of the wing on the new snow plough. It is suggested that the mail box be fastened to an arm extend ing from the post to the road in or der that the courier may be able, to reach the box but the arm should be high enough to permit the wing of the snow plough to pass under the arm. You will be given 30 days from the posting of this notice in which to make this change. The operators of the snow plows have been instructed to use extreme care not to break oiff any posts. The Township have the equipment for snow removal and .also competent operators anfl are anxious to give you service and we ask your co operation in moving back your mail box post so that the plows may operate with greater efficiency. . L. B. HODGSON, Clerk. PERSONAL of the. served asked NEUHAUSER WHITE ROCKS Two great egg producing strains— ■Holtzaipple and Blue Diamond. Known for their fast growth and early feathering. Pedigreed sired. Get them early. Hatching now. $16.0'0' per hundred; Pullets $26.00 NEUHAUSER HATCHERIES London, Ontario. AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE OF HORSES The undersigned will hold a sale ■by public auction of twenty-five horses and mares at his farm at EXETER WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29tli, 1947, at ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ These Belgian broken; must be I have no pl': __ J , one thinking of buying a horse this spring should take advantage of this opportunity. TERMS—CASH G. J. DOW, Prop. 2 o’clock p.m. horses are Percheron and breeding, quiet and well are on consignment and sold for the high dollar as „ place to keep them. Any- ❖ NOTICE TO CREDITORS SUFFERING FROM BACKACHES, .... ' Sciatica, Lum- necessary. Use Rheumatic Pain, bago is not ______ RUMACAPS at once for quick relief. Roberson’s Drug Store. rll m-ulea 1 ILaJLilJ (blood) __ tion. Try BunkersHerbal Pills to beat the cause at its source. Money back if the first bottle does not rntisfy. At Drug Stores. generally from a conges 'Swap it!' sen it! Rent it! Buy it! Use the Want-Ads. In the Estate of MIRIAM A. EILBER, deceased. ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Miriam A. Eilber, late of the Village of Zurich, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 4th day of Novem ber, 194 6, are required to file par ticulars of same with the under signed by the 23rd day of January, 1947, after Which date the estate Will be distributed, having regard °aly to those claims of ■which no tice has been received. ELMER D. BELL, Exeter, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors,