HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-01-16, Page 10What's Doing © Walter Pigeon ® Roddy McDowall ® Jane Powell te» MONDAY and TUESDAY ® Johnny Weissmuller ® Buster Crab ® Eddie Bracken "Swamp Fire” By kind permission of Fit. Lieut. Edwards, D.F.C., D.F.M., Command­ ing Officer of No. 1, lAT.S. January 20th, 21st Two Features — The first show commences at 7.30 Phone 135 Exeter, Ontario ,R»ge 8 Dress Optional Minor OPERA HOUSE, EXETER Dancing 9 pan. to 12 pan. Admission 50c Red Cross Notes Packing Day this Friday, 17th ‘ ‘ Rooms. 3 p.m. forms- are brown with gold and comprise coat, trousers hat. Mr. Brilliant — Midgets — SEAFORTH at EXETER — Juveniles — GODERICH at EXETER THEATRE, LONDON BOB MOORE and his 7-piece orchestra Matinee — $1.80, $1.20, 906 Enclose Self-Ackfressed Envelope for Beturn of Tickets Out.of-Town Checks Must Include Exchange—Box Office Opens January 20 Evening — $3.00, $2.40, $1.80, $1.20 Tax Inc. Annual Meeting EXETER BRANCH CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY ockey EXETER ARENA THE TIMES-APVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNINC, JANUARY 16th, 1947 Property Transfers •Mr, 'Clinton Sweet hag disposed of his fine farm in Usborne Town­ ship to Mr, W. W. McBride, of Exeter, and in the exchange Mr. Sweet gets the home of Mr. Me* Bride, on William street. The transfers will be made April first. Town Topics Previews Its Coming Attractions WEDNESDAY — January 15th — 1 NIGHT ONLY Two Features — "Air. Ace” ® George Raft Western Feature — The Devil’s Playground” ® “Hopalong Cassidy” Boyd THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY — January 16, 17, 18 Saturday Night Show commences at 6 p.m. — M-G-M Special Technicolor Musical Comedy "Holiday in Mexico ® Jose Iturbi Hockey Thur., Jan. 16 Exeter vs. Lucan ADMISSION: 25c and 15c Canadian Management BRIAN DOHERTY Local Management HARRY G. LAW will be held in the No. 1 F.T.S. - Centralia Wed., Jan. 22 9:00 pan. 15-Piece No. 1 Air Command Dance Band in attendance, Refreshments - Prizes - Novelties ADMISSION 50c Monday, January 27th at 8:00 pan. LEGION ROOMS, EXETER AU interested are invited to attend this meeting. Alon., Jan. 20 DOUBLEHEADER Admission: 25c and 15c Exeter Arena Thur., Jan. 23 Hensail vs. Lucan Zurich vs. Exeter ADMISSION: 85c and 15c Saturday Night DANCING The Canadian Legion, Exeter- Hensall Branch 167 SATURDAY ft JANUARY 23 - 24 - 25 — (MATINEE SAT. AT 2.30) North American Premiere THURSDAY FRIDAY rHEAl RE GUILD te and JOHN C. WILSON in association with H. M. TENNENT LTD. pf«en(,jOHN GIELGUD'S PRODUCTION OSCAR WILDE’S GREAT COMEDY THE IMPORTANCE * MARGARET RUTHERFORD -k JANE BAXTER -k ROBERT FLEMYING -k RICHARD WORDSWORTH * DONALD BAIN An Evening of Sheer Joy ■LONDON DAILY TELEGRAPH EARNEST -)C -J* ■k PAMELA BROWN JEAN CADELL JOHN KIDD STRINGER DAVIS JOHN GIELGUD Gielgud is Nothing Short of —W. A. DARLINGTON WEDNESDAY 7-9 P.M. SATURDAY 2-9 P.M. By Appointment Only Men’s Suiting Material Also Odd Trousers Buy or §$11, twice as well, through The Times-Advocate Want Ads is suffer- shock suf- Taman is confined Mr. and Tom Walker Exeter Phone 286J Studio at My Home on V Main St. Leather Work Exeter All dresses in the store have been reduced in price. This is a splendid opportunity to obtain some very attractive designs and materials. this ex- a cheap- a large Flannel­ whippedIn the large sizes w’e have a few lovely crepes. These dresses have been reduced from $13.95. Now on sale at $7.95 Items of Social and Personal Interest , . . In and Around Town The Times-Advocate is always pleased to publish items of personal interest. We and our readers are interested in you and your friends . . Phone 31W Mr. and Ml’S. Wm. H. Wood spent ’ Er. E. £>. Steiner was in London Thursday of last week in Lambeth last week attending a meeting of with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wood. Miss Annie Handford, of London visited with Miss and Mrs, McAvoy Messrs, Chester Frank Knight, of rived last week and with relatives in this community. Mr. and Mrs. John Christie (nee Dorothy Traquair) returned to Cal­ gary by plane last week following their honeymoon <and a few days’ visit with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Traquair. Gerald Lawson, of Toronto, a student at the Ontario Training and Re-establishment Institute where he is taking' a course in HorologY, or watch repairing, visited at his home here over the week-end. Reeve B. W, Tuckey and K. J. Lampman, superintendent of the Exetei* Public Utilities Commission were in Woodstock tending a meeting with the conversion Power System from cycle. FO D. J, Miller, of the Centralia Airport, has purchased from Mr. and Mrs. David Kestle the home they have ing Street, occupying Davis on February (15th. Mr. and Mrs. M. Amy received word from Mrs, Amy’s brother, Nelson Hoskin, of South Dakota, informing them of the death of his wife who died quite suddenly on January 8th. The funeral took place on January 11th to be buried at Rockford, Illinois. Nelson’s friends will sympathize with him in his bereavement. Annie Sanders for a few days. Parsons and Tees, Alta,, ar- are visiting Wednesday at- in connection of the Niagara a 25 to a 60 been occupying on Carl- Mr. Miller is at present) the residence of Mrs. Ann Street. Possession Jan. at the Canadian Legion All articles to be in by Communion Service The first quarterly communion service for 19 47 was held at James St. United church Sunday morning with a large attendance. Eighteen new members united with the church. Secures Her R.N. Congratulations to Miss Birdine McFalls who has successfully ob­ tained her R.N. at the Ontario Registered Nurses Examinations held recently in. Victoria Hospital at London. Biddulph S.S. Trustees Biddulph Separate School elect­ ed- trustees for 1947 as follows: Austin Mcllhargy, Patrick Tooliey and secretary-treasurer J. W, ley. Kel- New Band Uniforms The new uniforms for the ter Band have arrived and when the band makes their next public appearance they will present a very striking appearance. The uni­ braid and Exe- Shipka Farm Forum On Monday, January 13, Farm Forum met in the school 27 present. After the discussion on forum questions it was decided to purchase one dozen folding chairs. Meeting will be in the school next Monday night. Everybody welcome Please bring lunch. the with Leaves for Atlantic City Mr, and Mrs. Arto Delve Wednesday for New York and — lantic City, New Jersey, where Mr. Delve will attend a canner’s con­ vention. They will motor to 'Chic­ ago and will stop in Newbraska and Iowa on their return to . Taber, Alta., where Mr. Delve is superin­ tendent of the Taber Canning Co. On Tour to Pacific Coast Miss Shirley Duncan, of Sarnia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Duncan ,of Usborne, left last week with a party from that city for the Pacific coast with an exhibition from the Polymer Corporation ex­ plaining the production of ic rubber. The tour will weeks and will take them couver. Harness and Western Ontario Veterinarians at the Hotel London. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Murdoch, of Hamilton, spent the week-end with Mrs. Murdoch’s parents, Mrs. Win. H, Wood. Mrs. Joshua Heywood ing from brusises and fered at her home Saturday when misfortune to fall of stairs. No bones she had the down a flight were broken. Mrs. W. W. to her bed through illness, having suffered a he.art attack recently She is improving nicely and I many friends will hope for speedy recovery. I Mr. Russell. Collngwood is I up with his left foot in a cast ing fractured a bone when he fell, from a roof at the store of W. W. Taman. He was shovelling off the snow at the time. Presented With Life Certificate The annual meeting of Huron Presybterial, W.M.S., was held in Clinton, January 14th, when an Honorary Life Certificate was pre­ sented to Miss L. M. Jeckell in recognition of her years of service. Mrs. K. MacLean, Mrs. H. II, Strang, Mrs. Sillery, Miss Jeckell I and Miss M, Brown attended the i meetin Property Changes Pearce, realtor, report^ following property transfers: acre, farm of Wm. Brooks, Whalen, to Alton Neil, possession J in April; loo acre farm, the For-j i rest estate at Varna, to F, Kyte. | i of Tillsonburg, possession in Octo-; ' her; the residence of Rev. W. II.! Yates, of’Crediton, to W. 0. Colton I of tho Centralia F.T.S. liav- Photographing Exeter Markets Wheat, $1.26 Oats 51c Barley 68c Creamery Butter, 45c. Eggs, A Large 3 8c Eggs, A Medium 35c. Eggs, Pullets, 31c- Eggs, B 2 8c. Eggs, C 24c. Come In and try the new OA. It’s a pleas­ ure to write with tills pen. Pens,Pencils mid Sets from $5*87 to the famous CA at $18,80. Use Eversharp and you use the best, I wish to announce that commencing January 15th harness and leather repair­ ing will be carried on at my residence, William Street, just south of Gidley Street. Your drugs at Phone 50 you’re staying home tonight be sure you have proper light for complete enjoy­ ment. We sell General Electric bulbs. They stay brighter longer. >. R. E. RUSSELL Phone 109 Exeter, Ont. Jost Arrived! Ta man’s Men’s We ar January Clearance of DRESSES For the young ladies we have a nice assortment of smartly tailored wool dresses for warmth and comfort. Sizes range from 13 to 18. Regular $16.95 for $12.95 Ladies, don’t overlook ceptionally good buy in er blanket. We have number of American ette designs which are singly. Size 70”x95”. Regularly sold at $3.25 Now $2.95 per pair IP answer. Per pair $1.00 synthet- last six to Van- left At- new line of and are hem- stock of your now and if you Five dozen Wabasso 40-inch Pillow Slips. They • are of fine quality cotton stitched. Take present supply find, you need more, here is the New Wallpapers Phone 16 A Boxer Wallpap­ ers have now been set up in our sample room. This new spring line consists beautifully . signed papers any room in house. The early buyer has choice.