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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-01-16, Page 7
THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 16ft, 1347 Supplement CREDITON EAST Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Smith and son, of Exeter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J, Sims. Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Kenney and daughter, of Khiva spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Eli Sims. Mr. and Mrs. H, Lewis and Mr, Charles Anderson visited Sunday in AUsa Craig Sam Rawlings, Mr. Kenneth erated upon Victoria Hospital, is getting along as well as can be expected. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Motz and son Ronald, of Exeter, spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Motz. With Mr, and Mrs, Kuhn who was op- for gall stones in These business firms invite your patronage. Dealing with them gives satisfaction and helps to make this a better community Main Street W. A. The January meeting of W.A. was held at the home of John , Ferguson with a good atten dance. Mrs. I< Jensen had charge qf the devotional her theme ' Beginnings." Mrs, R. Blowes. Russell, business. were read by Mrs. R. Hopper. The treasurer's reppi*t was given and it showed a substanial balance in the bank. The meeting was closed .by singing a hymn after which the Mizpah Benediction was repeated, Bunch was served by the group charge. > the Mrs. period taking as ■years and New was assisted by and Mrs. Claude Mrs, Earl ’‘New ’ She Balkwill The president, then took charge of the The roll call and minute? in R. is Mr, Satisfaction Guaranteed Mrs. W. E. Cavers, Prop. Exeter Phone 245 V’s Beauty Shoppe Exeter and District’s Most Modern Beauty Shoppe. The date of tea for our patrons is postponed foi’ a few weeks. Watch this ad, for further announcement. Cold Waves, Eugene Machine Waves All Lines Beauty Culture. VERA C. FRASER, Prop. Tel. 112 EXetcr WINCHELSEA Messrs. Wilfred Hudson and S. Vance, of London, spent a few days the past week with Mr, and Mrs. Fred Walters. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Dickey, of Woodham, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne. Mrs. Smith, of Toronto, spending a few weeks with and Mrs. Clarence Smith. Mr, Jack Delbridge. of Exeter, visited on. Sunday at the home of Mr. Chas.* Delbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davis, of , Kirkton, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. George Davis. Mi*, and Mrs. Wm. Elford and family, of Elimville, spent Friday evening with Mr, and Mrs. Penhale. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walters Margaret visited on Sunday Mr. - - Farquhar. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Collier and Grace, of Kirkton, visited on Sun day Mr, Don and with and Mrs. George Frayne, of with Mrs. Collier's parents, and Mrs. H. Bailey. 'B ffl' Snell’s Taxi Service Phone 100 B GRAND BEND Mr. and Mrs. Mansel Mason ited in London over the week-end. Miss Muriel Fallis and Miss Mj Mollard, cf Sarnia, visited with Mrs. W. A. Mollard over the week end. Mrs. Mollard had the misfoi't- une to fall and as what was thought at first was not so bad turned out to be a broken arm near the shoulder and was taken care of by Dr. Dunlop, of Exeter and Dr. Pever, of London. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson and daughter, of London, have moved here to live. We welcome them to our village. Mr. Wilson has vied on a woollen store in mer for some years back. Mr. Geo. Coughlin, who vis- car sum- last WOODHAM (Crowded out last week) Mr. Mitchell Willis left Tuesday for the West, A number of people in this com munity have the flu. Mr, and Mrs. Ira McCurdy and family spent last Tuesday evening with Mr- and Mrs, Kenneth Lang ford. Mrs. Mitchell Willis spent New Year’s with Mrs. Harry Rodd. » ■Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Jean Mr, and Dot’s Beauty Shoppe (one door north of Bell Telephone) Naturellc Permanent Waving Lustron Cold Wave Dorothy G. Reeder, Prop. Tel. 71 Exeter Stewart’s' Taxi has been taking care of the Dalton’s store for the past yeai’ has been replaced by Jimmie Breen, well- known in this district. A social evening was held at the Brenner House Wednesday eve ning when the last -of ths return ed boys received a welcome and a presentation was also made to each boy. It has been a hard time to suc ceed in getting the skating rink in shape as the weather turns mild so quickly. Mrs. Lawrence Mason visited in London and Forest recently. Word ha-s just been received that Mr. and Mrs. McIlroy are leaving (Florida (for California, re porting a nice trip so far. Phone 335 Exeter V. L Becker and Sons Sales and Service Phone 60w, Dashwood One nearly new Sleigh with log bunk. One Portland Cutter. One light Sleigh. Tires—600x16 and a few 17. Tractor Tires, all sizes Have your, tractors and farm machinery overhauled now for spring. ' 1 iP ECONOMICAL SIZE THROAT SORE? (COMMON SORE THROAT) RUB IN A Mother’s Favonrite For Coughs And Colds For nearly 50 years Dr. Wood’s Norway Pine Syrup has been a favourite remedy for coughs and colds. Mothers everywhere know that children like its pleasant taste and. will take it without fuss or bother.It embodies medicinal properties of the pine . . _ and cherry barks, skilfully combined With other cold-combating ingredients. Dr. Wood’s Norway Pino Syrup is quick-acting and effective. It helps to loosen phlegm and mucus, soothe irritated membranes, clear the air passages and stimulate the bronchial organs, Get Dr. Wood’s NorWay Bind Syrup at your favourite drug Stofe today, -1 - ■* " **., . . , TlioT. Milburn Oo., Limifod, Toronto, Ont. Ross and family, of Kirkton, and Miss Lynn Kernan, of St. Marys, spent New Year’s with Mr, and Mrs. William Thomson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Paynter and Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Kemp, Ruth and Marion, of Kirk ton, with Mr. and Mrs, Dave Spence and family. Miss Marion Parkinson, nurse-in training at Victoria -Hospital, Lon don, spent the holiday with her father, Mr. Harvey 'Parlcison. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Langford and Walter, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Langford, Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Langford and Shirley Ann spent New Year’s with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Langford, of Lucam Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thacker, Orrie and Elizabeth spent New Year’s with Rev. and Mrs. Ralph Waugh, of Lambeth. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomson, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomson, Ann and Murray, Miss Ada Hopkins and Mr. Herb Hopkins spent New Year’s with Mr, and Mrs. George Hopkins, of Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Pringle and Kenneth, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Vyles, of London, spent New Year’s with Mrs. D. Copeland and Mrs. M. Cope land and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roger and Shirley, of Kirkton, Mr. and Mrs. Ira McCurdy and family spent New Year’s with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doupe. Mr. Dave (Stephens, Mr, and Mrs. Norman Johns, of London, Misses Muriel and Marion Stephens spent the holiday at their home here. Mr. Edgar Mills, of London, spent the holiday at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. William Dickey and family and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rodd spent IFriday evening with. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rodd. Mr. and Mrs. William Thomson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rodd ©pent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Spence. Mr. .and Mrs. Adam Gordon and Winnie spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Vic Chatten. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Alice Mills is on the sick list. We hope for a speedy recovery. Miss Ruth Harding, of Kirkton, a student of Stratford Normal School is practice teaching at Wood ham public school this week, The young people’s annual crok- inole party was held Friday eve ning, January 3rd, in the basement of the church with a fair crowd in attendance. Progressive crokinole was played with the winners as fol lows: high score, Grant Mills; high centres, Gladwyn Hooper; low score Ronnie Chatten. A short program followed consisting of a piano solo by Miss Dorothy Thomson; a humor ous reading, "Caleb’s Courtship” by Mrs. Dave Shamblaw; vocal duet (by Kenneth and Grant .Mills with Miss Marian Mills at the piano; followed ‘by the National Anthem. A bountiful lunch was then served by the committee and a so cial half hour ‘was spent. Young People’s Meeting' The regular meeting of Y.'P.U. was held on 'Sunday evening January 5th, with the (Fellowship and Worship committee, Phyllis Wheeler and Jean Copeland in charge. Phyllis Wheeler was in the chair. Jean Willis, the president, took charge of the 'first part of the meeting. The meeting opened with hymn 154 followed with prayer by Jean Willis. The roll call and min utes were read and adopted. T-he call to worship was read by Phyl lis Wheeler. Hymn 241 was sung followed 'by the Lord’s Prayer in unison. Lorene Jaques read a story "Make Your People Mighty-Proud/' Poem, "Another Year is Dawning.” Comments on the scripture were read by Clarence Thomson. Two stories, "Happy (New Year” and "The New Road” by John Rodd. Hymn 171. Poem, “Father of Light” by George Levy. .Piano solo by Rhoda Thomson. iStory by Jean Willis. Hymn 120, followed by the National Anthem. Jean Willis closed the meeting with prayer. 'Officers elected for 19 47 were: president, Miss Jean Willis; vice-president, Miss (Florence Kirk; secretary, Miss ■Dorothy Thomson; treasurer, Miss Om’bra Copeland; .pianist, Miss Bes sie McCurdy. Glenn Copeland; press reporter, Mr Roy McCurdy sistants Miss Phyllis Wheeler Gopeland; missionary, Rodd, Miss Rhoda Thomson; citizen ship, Mr. Kenneth and Miss Marion Mills; literary, Misses Lorene and Viola Jaques; recreation, Messrs. Grant Mills, LaVerne Rodd, Misses Audrey Rodd and Rhoda Thomson. Pentecostal-W.M.S. The January (meeting was held, on Thursday, January 9th, in the basement of the new church. The president, Mrs. R. McDonald, took the chair and opened the meeting by singing hymns, “Speak to My Soul” and "Honey in the Rock.” Mrs. H. Butler led in prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read. Roll call was answered by scripture on "Foundation.” Misses Jean and Dorothy McDonald fav ored with a duet "Whispering Hope.” Business was then dealt with- Hymn, “My hope ig built on nothing less,” was sung. Mrs. Thos, Jolly then gave a very interesting address. She chose Luke 10, verses 1 to ?0 for her scripture, reading alternately- “ — - - - asked God’s blessing on His word. Mrs. Jolly then chose for her theme "Our Need for the New Year “ read a beautiful poem: The New Leaf He came to my desk with quivering lip—— t The lesson was done. "Dear teacher, I want a new leaf,” he said, "I have spoiled this one.” I took the old leaf, stained and blotted, And gave him a new one all spotted, And into his sad eyes smiled “Do better, now my child.” I went to the throne with quivering soul— The old year was done. “Dear Father, hast Thou a new for me? I haye spoiled this one,” He took the old blotted. And gave me a spotted, And into my sad “Do better now, my child.” Mrs. Jolly explained how God able to give us a new clean page our lives in place of the one blotted and stained with sin. She also point ed out that only a revival can solve this world’s problem. Mrs. McDon ald then read the prayer bulletin before we went to -prayer with many individual -prayer requests. Hymn, "I’ve anchored in Jesus,” was sung after which (Mrs. John Perkins dis missed Mrs. Kendrick then She +4 un- lea. the ass’t pianist, Mr. Convenors and As- fellowship and worship, Miss Jean Mr leaf, stained new one, all heart smiled and un is In the meeting with prayer. HENSALL- Margaret Hemery, recently from England, and Mrs. Bartlett, of Thamesford, during the holidays at the and sister- Stewart Me- Are You Ruptured? OUR SERVICE XS DjqFFRRRNT, WE SELL YOU A FIT IN OUR PBIVATE TRUSS ROOM- Orr extended cordial thanks to Mi’s. Geiger, Mrs. Cameron and all who had provided the -delightful eve ning. The National Anthem was sung. The February meeting takes place in the Hensail United Church- The hostesses will be Miss Greta Lammie and Mrs. Hess, Slides will be presented by Miss Consitt. Roll call, “A Current Event”* This meet ing will feature the theme, ‘"Edu cation." (Social committee, Mrs. Goodwin, Mrs. Schwalm, Greta Lam- mie, Mrs. Chipchase, Mrs, Gross, Mrs. Hess, Gladys Luker., Refresh ments were served by Mrs. Geiger, Mrs. Cameron and members of the social committee, Mrs. W, (Smale, Mrs. H. Faber, Mrs. H. Horton and Miss .Swan, onp in the study Book on India cm the our ........................... . The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. W. B. Cross, Mrs. J. McAlliP- ter, president of .the Women’s Association, then took charge and a slat© chosen, ed for annual 29 th, Mrs. Albert Spencer Mrs, Albert Gpencer passed away suddenly at her home early Satur day morning following •& short ill ness. The former Ada Minerva Horney, the deceased was born in Usborne Township. She was mar ried in Exeter in 1906 and residpd in Kirkton and Exeter before mov ing to Hensail several years ago. The deceased was a valued member of Hensail United Church, a life member and past secretary of the Women’s Missionary Society. Sur viving are her husband, one daugh ter, Mavis, of Toronto; a son, Wal ter, of John R. Statham Robert (funeral the late residence Monday afternoon conducted by Rev. R. A, Brook. The floral tributes were very beau tiful showing the esteem with which the deceased was held. The pallbearers were Messrs. Thos Welsh, Alfred 'Clarke, Mervyn Brown, T. C. Joynt, E. L. Mickle, and George Hess. The flower bear ers were Messrs. John Farquhar, Roy Brock, Lloyd McDonell, Russell Love, Lyle Statham, Edward Spen cer, Wm. Horney and Arnold Gack- stetter. Interment was in Exeter Cemetery. Evening Auxiliary Miss Edna Saundercock was hostess for the monthly meeting of the Evening Auxiliary members at her home Monday, January 13th, when Miss Barbara Michie, the 1947 president, presided. The theme song was used after which the hymn, "O Master Let Me With Thee,” was sung. The tional period consisting of ture lesson, John 1, verses 1 an appropriate talk and prayer, was conducted by Mrs. Byron Kyle. The hymn, “All the Way my Saviour Leads Me,” was sung. The .minutes of the last meeting were read. In answer t0 the roll call membership fees were received. Encouraging reports were then read as follows, first, treasurer’s report; second, secretary’s report by Miss 'Gladys Luker; third, .Stewardship Report by Miss Violet McClymont. These reports were accepted as read. The offering was taken. It was decided to hold the excutive meeting at the home of Miss Ellis on February 21st for the purpose of arranging yearly program sheets, etc. Miss Ellis then urged that those having Red Cross supplies on hand have same ready at once. The opening chapter of the Study Book dealing with ’India was interestingly re viewed by Miss Ellis. During her talk several members took part in a quiz. The closing hymn was "O Happy Band of Pilgrims”, after which the Mizpah Benediction was repeated. During the social hour a dainty lunch was served toy the hostess assisted by Misses Margaret Shepherd, Gladys Luker, Mrs. Byron Kyle and Mrs. Saundercock. Thanks are due to hostess and her mother for the enjoyable evening. Hensail Women’s Institute On Wednesday evening, Jan. 8th, the monthly meeting of the Hen sail Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. E. Geiger, there being in attendance a large repre sentation of members and visitors. Mrs. Cameron assisted the hostess Mrs. Kerslake presided. Following the singing of the Ode and the “Maple Leaf,” the minutes were read. Many worthwhile comments were expressed in response to the roll call, ‘’Some cooking error ifrom which I have learned a lesson.” Collection was taken. The follow ing letters of thanks were read: Dear Friends of the Institute:—- Please accept my sincere thanks for the basket of treats sent to me at Christmas time, by you. Such a love ly gesture—you will never know how much that basket contained for me at that time. My very best wish es to you all for 1947. — Yours, Letitia Sahgster. Dear Mrs. Kerslake:— Please ex tend our sincere thanks to the mem bers of the Women’s Institute of Hensail for their box of wrapped gifts which were sent to the child ren at Christmas time. W'e sincerely appreciate this further expression of yotir continued interest and good will. With best wishes to you all, I am—(Yours very sincerely, Alice G. Servent, Secretary, War Memor ial Children’s Hospital, London. The business was discussed as follows: Moved by Mrs. >S. Bell, sec onded by Mrs. R. MacLaren, that we order 50 new song sheets; car ried. It was intimated that no speaker had been secured for the February meeting of the Zurich In stitute. Mrs. (S. Bell kindly consent ed to assume this responsibility. Mrs. iScherk stressed the present urgent appeal, “Aid to China Fund” Elizabeth Street, Toronto. It was decided to forward a $50.PO con tribution to this needy cause. An enjoyable vocal duet, “Sing Along” was contributed by Mrs. Kennedy and Mrs. Ferguson, rest accompanied, skit, settled by Mrs. Stewart Bell and Mrs. Roy MacLaren* Mrs. Middle ton gave a helpful talk on "Frozen Foods.” Taking as her example, the Laxton Giant Pea, she throughly outlined the preparation, process ing, etc., prior to placing in the locker. Also mentioned were other vegetables and fruits. Many ques- toins were brought up and answer ed 'during this demonstration. Mrs. -threshold of ft hew lite since Missionaries have gone there. of officers Committees the ,pot-luck meeting to for 1947 was were oppoint/ supper at the be held Jan. Hensail; two sisters, Mrs. McDonald and Mrs. W. J. , London; one brother, Horney, London. Private services were held ifrom Walk Devo- scrip- to 11, Trusses, Belts, Supports of all kinds. SATISFACTION .GUAKANTJEE?DM Over 15 years experience. Your drugs at ROBERTSON’S Phone 50 Mrs. arrived Percy visited home of their brother in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Queen. Mrs. Alexander Smillie, who has been confined to illness, is Mr. Charles at his home heart attack. Miss Margaret Glenn, who cently underwent an operation St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, turned to her home on Sunday. Miss Kathleen Jones, of Toronto and Mr. and London, spent their parents, man Jones. The many friends of Mrs. Keith Buchanan are pleased to hear she is improving after her recent oper ation in St. Joseph's Hospital. London. Mrs. Nelson Pfaff, went an operation Hospital last week, improved. Miss Florence Schwalm, of Lon don, spent the week-end at the home of her mother, Mrs. Violet Schwalm. Mr. Eugene Westendorpe. of London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. E. Hemphill. He was accompanied back to Lon don by Mrs. Westendorpe, who will take up residence there. Mrs. Annie Saundercock. Misses Edna and June Saundercock visit ed on Sunday with Mrs. Russell in Exeter. Mr. Joyce friends Young The Carmel Presbyterian 'Church held their meeting in the schoolroom of the church on Monday evening with Miss Margaret MacGregor presiding. The meeting opned by singing a hymn. The scripture, Luke verses 39 to 52, was read by Miss Audrey Campbell after which Rev. P. A. Ferguson led in prayer. (Sev eral cards of thanks were read. Ar rangements were made to hold a skating party on Monday- evening, January 20th. Rev. Ferguson pre sided over as follows: Ferguson; nedy; vice Campbell; Bell Campbell Brown; ■_ The meeting concluded by singing a hymn and the benediction. w.m.S. Meeting The W.M.S was held ,on Thursday, Jan. 3 p.m. in the school room church with the president, W. B. Cross in the chair to her room owing somewhat improved. Cooper is quite haV'ihg suffered ill a re in re Mrs. Ferguson, ‘ of the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Nor- 5HURGAIN ■John A man arrived home in the small hours of the morning and, -having a Wholesome fear of his wife, de cided to proceed with caution. Taking off his boots, he crept noiselessly upstairs, stealthily op ened the bedroom doOr, and, With he greatest care, crawled into bed With a sigh of relief he went off to sleep. In the morning he looked around (tor 'his Wife, and suddenly remem bered die had been staying with an aunt fob the past fortnight. who under in Clintou is very much Bi Chick Starter Season Is Here Again! and Mrs. Jack Faber visited on Sunday at Glencoe. People Elect Officers Young People’s Society of and with 22, the election of officers honorary president, Rev. president, Mr. C. Ken- -president, Miss Audrey secretary, Miss Alma assistant secretary, Elmer ; treasurer, Mr. William pianist, Mrs. C. Kennedy. regular aneeting of the of Hensail United Church 9 th at of the Mr si . The, meeting opened by singing “Happy The Man Who Finds The Grace" followed by the Lord’s grayer in unison. The Scripture, Psalm 133 was read by Mrs, J. Smillie follow ed by prayer by Mrs. ,R. A. Brook. The minutes of the previous meet ing Were read and adopted. Re ports of 1946 Ware read showing a balance on hand from every or ganization. The roll call, was am swered by fourteen members, After the offering Was received Miss Annie Consitt presented chapter . Mrs. C. For- An interesting "Souvenirs," was then pre- Inquiries for our Chick Starters have been coming in for the last two weeks now. Our first order for this season was placed and filled on January 4-th and it looks like a big year for early chicks. Watch that your Chick Starter is fresh. For the first few weeks until the season gets well under way we make up our orders for Starter individually so that the feed is consistently fresh. Early hatched chicks have particular need for a well formulated feed. Their vitamin requirements are high, and their needs for minerals for good bone growth put a heavy responsibility on the quality of the feed they receive. f Shur-Gain Chick Starter Shur-Gain Chick Starter has been especially designed to suit the needs of newly hatched chicks and provide them with nutrients that assure fast feathering, fine bloom and leg colour^ rapid growth, health and vigour. Give your chicks the advantages of Shut-Gain Chick Starter and watch them grow. Laketeria Starter Laketeria Chick Starter is also manufactured in our mill and designed to meet the requirements of every chick. It is supervitamized with cod liver oil, cereal grasses and powdered milk, ensuring good health. It is highly palatable and a chick that eats well will grow well. All Laketeria Chick Starter feeders are repeat feeders. Try it. MANUFACTURED AND SOLD BY Exeter A Whaleh