HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-01-09, Page 5~---- -------------———————— attack of of Centraliahome af- Mr. Bill Russell during the Dodge and DeSoto Sales and Service Tom Coates Phone 200 Fred Dobbs THE TIMES-APVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 9th, 1947 Support JAMES STREET UNITED Rev. A. B. Irwin, B.A, Lawrence A. Wein Organist and Choir Leader 11 a.m.—Service of 'Holy Commun­ ion and Reception of new mem­ bers. • Duet: “Leave it There” Mrs. T, Coates and IMiss Reta Rowe. 3 p.m.—Sunday School and Bible Classes, 7 p.m.—Evening worship, “Dis­ appointed Fears.” Duet; “I Want to Live, His Loye to Share.” Mesdames Frank ’Creech and Chas. Hoffman. Mon., 8 pan,—Y.’P.U., Christian Culture, CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Rev, Kenneth MacLean, Minister Miss Muriel Whilsmith, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School, 11 a.m.—’Public Worship. Fri., Jan. 10, 8 ip.m.—The week of prayer meeting in Caven church. MAIN STREET UNITED Rev, N. J. Woods, M.A., Minister Mrs. A. Y. Willard, Organist 11 a.m.—Public Worship and Church School. 7 p.m.—Public Worship. The Minister. Thurs., 3 p.m.—W.A. at Mrs. Ferguson's Thurs., 8 p.m.—Prayer Service in Main Street. Rev. Hunt. Fri., 8 p.m.—Prayer Service Caven. Rev. Brook. Tues., 8 p.m.—Y. P. Union. Paul Balkwill’s group. J. TRIVITT MEMORIAL Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choirmaster, Esme Howard 1st Sunday After Epiphany 11 a.m.—'Sunday School. 7 p.m.-—Evensong and ’Sermon. “The Knowledge of God.” Tues., Jan. 14, 8.30 p.m.—The T.M.C. club will hold a literary meeting in the Parish Hall. Speaker, Mr. Eugene Howey. in ZION EVANGELICAL Crediton M. E. Reuber, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. F. W. Morlock. Organist 10 a.m.—“Eyes Which See Not”. 11 a.m.—Church School. 7.'30 p.m.—“Sons of the Kingdom” Fri., 8 p.m.—E.Y.F. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE H. T. Kendrick, Pastor Wed., 8 p.m.—Mid-week ’prayer ser­ vice. Thurs., Mrs. tion. iFri., 8 Prouty. . Sun., 11 a.m.—“Worship the Lord” ■Sun., 2 p.m.—Sunday School. Supt. Mr. E. Cudmore. Sun., 3 p.m.—“Starting the New Year 'Right,” the pastor. Sun., 7.3o P.m.—-Prayer and Praise. Sun., 8 p.m.—"Consecration,” the pastor. Speaker, Mr. Donald Jolly. 2.30 p.m.—W.M.S. Speaker, T. Jolly. Roll Call, IFounda- p.m.—Y.P. Speaker, Mr. T. GREENWAY The Harmony Class of the United Church are holding their meeting on Friday evening. All young mar­ ried couples are cordially invited to 'be present. Miss Eveleyn Bullock returned to Woodham on Sunday and Misses Mary and Ina Pullock returned to London after spending three weeks' vacation with their parents, and Mrs. Ed. Pullock. -■. Rev. IFink'beiner is ill at home of his niece, Mrs. Ervine Eg­ gert. We hope to see him out again soon. Mt. and Mrs. Russell McIntosh, of Detroit, spent last week at their home here. Mt. I-Iarold Pollock returned to Detroit on Sunday after spending the past week here. Mr. Tom Isaac went to the hos­ pital last Friday. We wish him a speedy recovery. ■Mr. the z* Floor Sanding Having purchased the lat­ est in electrical sanding equip­ ment I am now prepared to give better and quicker serv­ ice in floor sanding and re­ surfacing. If you arc electrically equip­ ped we will be glad to call at your convenience and give you estimates. Three years of practical experience on hard­ wood floors have proved ef­ ficient service. CONTRACT BARLEY GROWERS WANTED We will pay a premium for barley grown under con­ tract. Contact us. Murray Neil Hardwood Floor Contractor Phone 1OJ Crediton Geo. T. Mickle & Sons Phone 103 Hensall, Out. E IN THERE with eggs to sell, with cockerels to sell, as early in 1947 as possible. It promises to be a good poultry year. Be ready to cash in on that ’promise! The Dominion Department of Agriculture Marketing Service recommends buying chicks a month earlier this year, arguing that more eggs next fall and early winter will market. ■help hold our export DASHWOOD Skating is in full swing. Mr. Herb Wein returned to He troit after spending the holidays with his family. Miss Myrtle Gaiser returned to Preston after spending the holi­ days at her home here. Miss Eunice 0 estreicher has re­ turned to London after spending the holidays with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Qestreicher. Mr. Addison Tieman has open­ ed up a grocery store in connec­ tion with the butcher shop. Miss Lois Gaiser, of London, spent the holidays with her moth­ er, Mrs. Cora Gaiser, Miss G. Wolfe, of Kitchener,, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Sam Oestreipher and Carl. CREDITON Mr. and Mrs. Ed Yearley, of Windsor, visited last week at thq home of Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Year­ ley. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clark visit* ed with Mr. and Mrs. Clark, in Detroit, holidays. Miss Rachel Wilson, spent several days at the pome of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Beaver, Mr. and Mi's- Lloyd Hey spent New Year’s day in London. Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Green and daughter, Mary, of Montreal, visit­ ed during the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mr. and M'rs. New Year’s with Dr. and Mrs. H. Cowan in Exeter, Miss and Mrs. telegram • relatives ... .The many friends of Mrs. A. A. i forming them •Spencer are pleased to hear she is ; Harold Veale and daughter. ,__improving following her recent ill- j Ellen Veale had been involved in a ness. The many friend© of Mr, John Kaiser are pleased to hear he is somewhat improved .after his recent illness. ■Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker and Mrs. Enoch Parker visited recently with. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Parker in Exeter. Mr. Thos. >Shuter and sons spent New Year’s with Mrs. Shuter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Rich­ ardson in Goderip'h. Miss Margaret Glenn who under­ went an appendix operation in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, last week, is improving. Miss Norma Sangster and Mr. Douglas iSangster, of London, spent the week-enj with their mother, Mrs. Minnie Sangster. Miss Amy Lammiereturned to London after spending the holidays with her mother, Mrs. Lammie and sister iMiss Greta Lammie. Mir. Robt. Sangster left for the rehabilitation school in Kitchener after spending the holidays with his mother, Mrs. Minnie Sangster. The stores and all places of busi­ ness in Hensall will close at 10 o’clock on Saturday nights during January, February and March. Mrs. Stewart Bell had the mis­ fortune last week to jam her right hand in the cistern pump and in so doing fractured her thumb. Skating and hockey games have been much enjoyed on our local rink during the past week. The ice is reported to be in excellent shape. Miss Juen Brandon returned to he? duties as Intermediate teacher at the Public School after a pleasant vacation at her home at Bayfield. Mrs. Keith an operation pital, London, many friends recovery. •Mr. and Mrs. Don Evans and son returned to their home in Waterloo after spending the .holidays with Mrs. Evans’ parents, Mr. and iMrs. ■R. Y. MacLaren. Miss 'Goldie to her duties pital, London, eral-days last ents, Mr. and Miss Barbara Michie returned to her duties as junior teacher at the Public School after a pleasant holi­ day at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Michie, Brussels. 'Mr. and Mrs. W. A. MacLaren and daughter, Miss Marion, of Goderich, and Miss Lois MacLaren, R.N., of Kitchener, spent New Year’s with Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale. Mr. Ezra Kipfer accompanied by his daughter Erma and 'Cecil Kip­ fer, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Kipfer spent New ents, Lois Ivan visit. Rev. Heimrich, of Zurich, con­ ducted the funeral service for the late Peter Baker at Bonthron’s Funeral Home, Hensall, last Fri­ day, January 3rd. Interment was in Bayfield Cemetery. The pall­ bearers were C. Parke, C. McKinley, T. Dinsmore, Roy Lamont, Messrs. J. and W. Armstrong, all of Zurich. The monthly meeting of the Eve­ ning Auxiliary of Hensall United ■Church will be held at the home ■of Miss Edna Saundercock on Mon­ day evening, Jan. 13th. Miss Ellis will begin the new Study Book on “India.” Mrs. B. Kyle will have charge of the Devotional exercises.' Mrs. Shaddick, Mrs. Hedden, Mrs. Kyle and Miss Gladys Luker form the social committee. A large at­ tendance is requested. HENSALL Mr. T. 0. Joynt is in Montreal this week. , Miss Collins, of Brucefield, spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brock. Mr. Wilbert Dilling has been con­ fined to his room with an ‘ jaundice. Mr. Bill Elliott returned ter a week’s visit with Carson in London. Mrs. Q. M. Case spent a few days last week with Mrs. Mary Hennes­ sey in London, Miss Jean McQueen visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Don Rigby and Donna in Blenheim. Mr. Carey Joynt has resumed his studies at Osgoode Hall following the vacation spent at his home here. Mrs. Coxsworth spent the Christ­ mas holidays visiting members of her family in London ham. Green, H. K. Eilber spent and Chat- Buchanan underwent in St. Joseph’s Hos- Ofl Monday, and her wish her a complete Cross, R.N., returned at Westminster Hos- after spending sev- week with her par- Mrs. W. B. Cross. Year’s with the latter’s par- Mr. anj Mrs. Robt. 'Green and ■at Port Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. Kipfer are remaining for a Mary Chambers and Mr. Ed. Chambers received q on Sunday evening from in Hazelton, Penn., in- l that Mr. and Mrs. Miss motor accident, Mrs. Veale having received i Veale was Veale had escaped injury. Mr. and Mrs. Veale for ’several the many here their United Annual The United Thursday evening, Jan. 2nd with Rev. A. S. Trueblood presiding. Encouraging reports were .given relative to the past year’s work. The treasurer repoi'ted -a balance on hand of $161. The past Super­ intendent, Mr. H. Mitchell, expres­ sed his appreciation of the splen­ did support given him during the* yeai’ and evoked the same co-oper­ ation for the year just entered upon. Election of officers conduct- as Jasv Mr, ■and fatal injuries and Mr. 5 critically injured. Miss and Miss Ellen visited we'&ks last Chambers’ home friends during who will regret sad experience. Church S. S. Holds Meeting annual meeting the Church School Was held summer at’ and made; their to hear visit of thc-j on ed by the pastor resulted follows: Superintendant, Mr. Mawhinney; assistant supts. H. Mitchell, Mr. E. Chambers Mr. E. Lamport; treasurer. Mr. E. Chambers; envelope secs. , Eunicq King, Evaline Hill and Rosalie Mack; cor. sec., Mrs. J. Woodall; pianists, Winnifrid Mack and Joyce Chambers; paper librariarn, Euny ice King; teachers, Mrs. Ed. Lam­ port. Miss "M. Chambers; assistant Winnifred Mack; Joyce Chambers, assistant, Elaine Mitchell; married couples class, teacher, Ed. Cham­ bers; assistant, Mrs. Ashfieldr- The remaining organized classes have not as yet appointed their teachers and officers, convenor of Mission­ ary 'Com., Mrs. Garfield Hill; venor of Temperance Com.. Ed. Lamport; Mrs. F. W. Clark; assistant, Garnet Hill; auditors, Messrs, frid con- Mr. Cradle Roll Supt., Mrs. Wil- Mack and Garnet Hill. - - , ELIMVILLE Miss Patsy and Master Dobbs, of Langton, are spending a few weeks with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Mr. James London after holidays with son Woods. New Year’s and Mrs. Alex Mrs. M. Routly, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Routly. Mr. and Mrs. John Herdman, and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bradshaw and David, of Seaforth, with Mr. and Mrs. Squire Herdman Mr. and Mrs. Winchelsea, with Minor Dobbs. Mr. and Mrs. Minor Dobbs. S incl aii' spending Mr. and Terry returned to two weeks Mrs. Jack- were: Mr.visitors Crago and Billy and of Kirkton, with Ivan Brock, of Mr. and Mrs Donald Penliale and Sheridan, of Winchelsea, Mrs. Wm. Veal, Wilma. Ross and Norma of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murch. Donna and Launie and Mr. Mrs. Harry Murch, Sr., of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Harry and Shirley, of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Pym. Mr. and Mrs. Lenore and Floyd,- Ridley with Mr. and Bell. * Mrs. Garnet Johns, of Mr. and Mrs. Grant , Mr. and Grace and Who’s Your Repair Man? When having a. car serviced or repaired^ even if only for a lubrication^ it is very important to know the man you have to do it, The men who comprise our service department are * conscientious about giving you a complete, first class job, Let them service your car the next time, Mrs. D. Tieman, who was taken; next to Victoria Hospital, London, week, we are pleased improving slowly. Miss Hauser, who on. the 14th concession the holidays with her Rodney, Mr, and Mrs. Filkins, of Howell Mich,, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nadiger. Mrs. Nad- iger returned with thetn and spent the week there returning on New Years. The Ladies church well attended. Miss Dorothy Wein, nurse at Tillsonburg visited over the week­ end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Herb Wein. While here she tr-j ceived word from the Department of Health from Toronto that she was successful in passing all hen exams and is now a Registered Nurse. We extend congratulations Dorothy. to say, is is teaching Hay, spent parents in meeting is to be held last I January 18th at the home of ’ M. Dobson, For the next call the girls are to bring record books up-to-date, leaders, Mrs. M. Dobson and E, Watson our dresser the piping pads. The dainty refreshments. showed us how covers and how for around our hostess then on Mrs. roll their Our Mrs, to do to do chair served Squire, of Kirkton, Mrs. Jas. Anderson; Nelson. Lamport, of and Mrs. Fred Daw­ and Mrs. Mr. family with Mr, and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs, Almej? and Archie Morgan; Mr. and Perce Passmore and family, and Mrs, Robt. Mayer and to Banquet sponsored by the Aid of the Evangelical last Friday evening was KIRKTON and Mrs. Thos. Crew spentMr. the past week with their son Fred at Windsor. Mr, with Brown Mr. Marys, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Humphreys Quite a number from the vil lag© attended the Usborne nomina­ tion at Elimville last week. Mr H. Berry, Reeve and the council­ lors were appointed by acclamation there being an election of trust­ ees for the School Area. Ronald Paton returned home af­ ter spending a week’s holiday with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Sheppard, of Parkhill Jimmy McNaughton spent a few days visiting his cousin Lyle Paton New and Mr. Don and Glen Berry ham. New and Mrs. Emerson Paton Miss G. Paton and Mr. Dave of London and Mr. and Mrs. id Sheppard, of Parkhill. The Kirkton Skating Rink full swing with a good crowd last Saturday night and many more nights to follow, we hope. Mr. and and family, Mrs. Lloyd Hern -and Helen, Zion, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. ’Davis, of Winchelsea, spent Thursday even­ ing with Mr and Mrs. Harold Dav­ is. Mr. and Mrs. ‘Miller McCurdy, Mr and Mrs Roy Francis and Miss Grace Collier, of Kirkton, spent New Year’s evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blackler. Master David Christie, of Kirk­ ton, had a birthday party Monday Marshall, Janie Me- Jas. Brown is holidaying Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey at Strathroy. and Mrs. A. Paul, of St were New Year’s guests THAMES ROAD New Year’s visitors were, and Mrs. Jas. Wilson. Mr. Brooks, of Exeter, Mr, and Lewis Johns and family, of ville, with Mr. and Mrs. Smith; Mr, and Mrs. Arnold and family, of Woodham. Mr. and . Mr. Jas. Mrs. Elim7 Wm. Hern Mrs. Harvey with Mr. Mr, and Crediton, son and Perce Stone; Stewart and family with Mr. Mrs. Mrs. Mr, family, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gard­ iner, Mary and Bert, Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Duncan and Floyd and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gardiner with Mr, and Mrs. Gilbert Duncan; Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Cann, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cann and family with Mr, and Mrs. Earl Johnson, of Whalen; Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Bor­ land with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Dun- With chick season just around the cornei* we strongly recommend poultry raisers to have.their chicken houses in readiness. A/. ELECTRIC BROODERS DELUXE 350 or 500 size SPACEMAKER 500 size Royal, Gilson, McClary, Beatty were, Hills Dav- Mrs. and and Mrs. and ■and son r’s visitors with Mr. Emerson son Allen BROODER ‘ THERMOMETERS Pipes and ElbowsMcElrea and and Mrs. Harold, of Wood- afternoon with Billie Helen Humphreys and Naughton present. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd FOUNTAINS AND FEEDERS All Types and Sizes Mrs. Ed. Alexander of Lumley, Mr. and of COAL BROODER STOVES 500 and 1000 chick size is in CHICK Year”s visitors with Mr, Eric Humphreys were, Mrs. Russell Brock and Bill, of Burgessville, Mr. John Mr. Chick Starter (ret your young chicks off on the right foot with the old favorite of many poultry raisers. Feed them Purina Chick Startena for strong healthy birds. We recommend it as the best money can by. aio of "Disease Spread” Occurs $ NO COMMON CHICK DISEASE GERM CAN UVE 8N DRINKING WATER WITH CHEK-R-TABS (Purina Watar Tablot*) Use Chok-R-Tabs regularly Buy ’em when you buy your Startena and London, Jaques, Zion. Leona and Aldeen, Alvin Cooper, Mr. Johnny Mrs. Harold Mr. and Winchelsea, Ratcliffe, of Anderson, Mrs. Gilbert Johns, Edward, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Johns and Shirley, Messrs. Charlie and Stanley Cudmore with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Skinner, Laverne, Elgin and Ruth visited on New Year’s Day with Mr. and Mrs. Reg McDonald, of Exeter. Miss Florence Bell and Miss Mildred Miller, of London, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bell. Messrs. Howard Pym and Emer­ son Penliale returned home Mon­ day after spending four months in Alberta. They went to the coast before coming home. Mrs. Charles Stophen and family spent New Year’s Day with Mr and Mrs. Wm. Stephen, of Wood ham Mr. and Mrs. Howard Otis, o Woodstock, returned home after spending two weeks with the lat­ ter’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johns. The Farm Forum met last Mon­ day night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Johns with 26 present. Tho subject discussed was Agri­ culture is a Risky Business. Aftei) tho discussion a few games were played and then lunch was served by the committee in charge. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Johns. nn ®1 raquair s Pridham and family spent New Year’s Day with Mr. and Mrs. Lome Joliffe, of Mount Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross and family spent New Year’s Day with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thomson, Woodham. The Merry Maidens The Merry Maidens held their fourth meeting on January 4th at the home of Lois Sawyer. The roll call was answered by the girls telling the bedroom accessories they had planned to make. The to sell when the them, we have With British greater sell surplus eggs at other sea­ sons; and that helps keep the “floor” under our egg mar­ ket. Early chicks mean pul­ lets laying when prices- are at their best. There’s this thought, too— early cockerels usually hit a better market. The weighted in favor chicks. Early chicks are trouble to raise than chicks, if you have the ment. In fact, they're often easier because you have more time to look aftei- them. Think over the advantages of starting your .chicks a month earlier. Add to that the advantages of buying Bray Chicks — big, husky, lively, bred from flocks selected for years for egg size and full meat development. Every flock pullorum-tested. Get the best to have the best. Ask or write today for free, illustrated catalogue, giving prices and full information. 3 IN A ROW! Mrs. John M. Jeddrie, Plympton, N.S., wrote:— in 1044 — “My chicks growing splendidly and just what I want.” in 1945—“The cliicks doing fine and I have lost one.” in 1946—“The chicks in first-class condition, alive and smart —- wonderful.” eggs want 'bargaining -power to Hardware are are are not are iuoii, all - they’re odds are of early no more later equip- Bray Chick Hatchery, Exeter Phone 240 CREDITON EAST Ma*, and Mrs. J. „Bullock spent New Year’s at 'Greenway with t'he former’s mother Mr Marvin and Mr and Eber spent New Year’s with Mr. and Mrs. Alec Hamilton, at Grand Mr. spent’ home. Miss Marlene Cliffe has return­ ed to London holidays with Motz. Mr. spent Mr. New Lawrence Baynham Mr. and Mrs, M'rs. T. Bullock. ■and Mrs. Leonard Wein and and Mrs. H. Lewis ■and Mrs, Bend. Mark Mitchell, of Exeter; New Year’s at the Anderson after spending the Mr. and ’Mrs. Wm. Alvin l, of London, his homo here. Baynham spent Mr. and at Hensall Wes Wein and family, of Sharon, spent New Year's with 'Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wein. -Mr. Kenneth Kuhn, who was taken to Victoria Hospital, London, a week ago, is being operated on Tuesday for gall stones. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Anderson have returned to Toronto after spending the holidays at tho An- derson home Flynn, New Year’s at and Mrs. <Sam Year’s with Mrs, i Leavitt’s Theatre announces that the first show On Saturday evening will commence at 0 paua