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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-01-09, Page 4
I i 'Page 4 The Dashwood Planing Mill wishes to thank all its ctiS- toniers I’m* their co-operation (luring- th© past year and hope that we can supply your needs again in 1047. We also wish to announce beginning January ,1st, 1917, we are switching to a cash policy unless credit arrange ments are made. Anyone wishing to do any insulating . . < we have at the present time a large stock of the standard types of insulat ing material. 0 the TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURS DAY MORNING, JANUARY 9th, 1947 Harness and Leather Work I wish to announce that commencing January I Sth harness and leather repair ing will be carried on at my residence, William Street, just south of Gridley Street. .................. I Try our Classifieds—They pay! There’s nothing more aggravating than trying to start a sluggish car. And cold -mornings make it all the worse. That’s why you’d better bring your car to Graham Arthur’s right away for a complete check-up. Sports , , . (Continued from page 1) Lucan Win Second Tilt Iix the second tilt Lucan came from behind in the third period with three goals to take theii* first game of the season by a 3-1 score. Early in the first period Stade sank a long shot ifroxn the blue line that dribbled through Lucan’s pads, Zurich staved off tjie Lucan thrusts till the third period al though Chown gave the Zurich sup porters quite a scare when he went in alone on Schroeder but was rob i bed by a smart sprawling save. In the third Lucan took command with Fred Bevington banging in the equalizer’ from a scramble. Hearn put the Irish one up flip ping in McRobert’s passout from the cornei’ while game in the bag, rebound. LUCAN — Goal, Hindmarsh and Chown; wings, subs, Baynes, F. Revington, Stretton, Hardy. ZURICH — Goal, Schroeder, de fence, Youngblutt and Stade; cen tre, O’Brien; wings, Krueger, O’ Dwyer; su'bs, Turkheim, Schilbe, Decker, Mittleholtz. Referee—Cy Creech, Exeter. First Period Stade. Penalties, Hind- Revington. Second Period none. Penalties, Chis- Electors’ Cards of Thanks TO THE ELECTORS OF EXETER I wish to take this opportunity •of expressing my sincere apprecia tion for the splendid support given me at the polls on Monday. * w. C. ALLISON •* i # I k WANTS ADS TAKE THE ‘‘CHASE” OUT OF PURCHASE I >> Chown potting put the his own Lucas; Hodgins; Hearn, L_ Revington, D. Chisholm and defence, ua, centre, McRoberts; TO THE ELECTORS OF EXETER i I wish to take this opportunity of thanking all those who were kindI enough to support me at the polls on M'onday, j_________REGINALD L. BEAVERS I TO THE VOTERS OF EXETER I wish to express my sincere thanks to all who voted for mo in the election Mlonday, and to extend nxy congratulations to the winners. ROBERT C. DINNEY Help Wanted Cook, or woman with some cook ing experience wanted, Good pay for reliable person. Apply in person at RETHER’S COFFEE SHOPPE Exetei’, Ontario, LOST AND FOUND .Hess, TO THE ELECTORS OF THE VILLAGE OF EXETER I take this opportunity of again thanking you for the support ten dered me at the polls on Monday and will ’do my best to serve you through this year of 1947. Sincerely yours, c A. J. SWEITZER FOUND—In Exeter a gold double strand necklace. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for advt. Apply at Broom’s Butchei’ Shop. 9* STRAYED FOR SALE BABY CHICKS Zurich, marsh, F. FOR SALE—Chemical closet, only used for three months. Sam Johns Exeter. 9* FOR SALE—Good collie dog, about three years old. Apply box 179, Exeter. 9 * FOR SALE — Good cutter, buggy, single set of harness. Phone 44, Exeter. 9 * FOR 'SALE — One pure-bred York hog; sire, Elmira Wonder; weight about 40'0' lbs.; price $100.00. Phone 12rl3, Dublin. C. J. Walker, R. 1, Cromarty. 9:16* Your Red Indian Service Station GRAHAM ARTHUR Immediate Installation G. K. CROCKER FESS L HEATING Well Worth Waiting For! 30 Years of Satisfactory Performance—Your Best Assurance of Dependable, Low-Cost Oil Heat for Your Home Installed by Experts — Satisfaction Guaranteed Limited number of Space Oil Fleaters available. See us for your commercial refrigeration needs. Authorized Kelvinator Sales and Service Phones 299, 59w For Sale One nearly new Sleigh with log bunk. One Portland Cutter. One light Sleigh. Tires—600x16 and a few 17. Tractor Tires, all sizes. Have your tractors and farm machinery overhauled now for spring. V. L. Becker and Sons Phone 60w, Dashwood GILSON POWER Oil Burners for Furnaces Opposite Cann’s Mill Main Street, Exeter INVESTIGATE THOROUGHLY BEFORE BUYING Experience, reliability, economy and trouble-free perform ance arc what you look for when choosing oil heating equip ment for your home. Scoring holm, Turkheim. Third Period Lucan, F. Revington (Chisholm); Lucan, Hern (McRoberts); Lucan, Chown. (Penalties, Krueger, Hind- max-slx, Hodgins. * * * * Exeter Wins Second The Exetei’ Legion Hockey took their second straight tilt on Tuesday night in Dashwood by trimming the home crew by a 7-1 count. Shaw again was the big gun driving in six of the Exeter goals. Ross Tuckey scored the other on a solo rush. The Dashwood counter* was scored by J. Willert in the second period. EXETER — 'Goal, Bierling; de fence, Ryckman and Fletcher; centre, MacDonald; wings, Trites and Shaw; s-ubs, Tuckey, Preszcat- or, Hennessey, H. Brintnell, >D. Brintnell and Stire. DASHWOOD — Goal, Weido; de fence, Hayter and Willert; centre, Schroeder; wings, Hayter and J. Willert; subs, Tieman, Haugn, Gaiser, Guenther, White, Kraft 'and Ness. Referee—Cy Creech, Exeter. * * * * Club FESS OIL HEATING offers you a complete and satisfactory answer to every requirement—backed by a long-established record of service in thousands of Canadian homes. Because of continued shortages of accessories that measure up to FESS high standard of quality, production has not been adequate to meet the demand. Increased, production, however, is expected and FESS OIL HEATING will be avail able shortly for early Spring delivery through selected FESS distributors, who provide complete service—engin eering1 survey—custom-built installation. TO THE ELECTORS OF EXETER I wish to thank the voters of Exeter for the splendid support given me at the polls on Monday and 1 will endeavour to serve the Municipality, to the best of my ab ility. STRAYED — Yearling red heifer with horns, pig ring in left ear. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. Chas. Prout, phone 178rll Exe ter. STRAYED — Onto lot 16, con. 7, Hay, 1 yearling steer, red with white head. Apply to Bruce or Oscar Tuckey, phone 174r4, Exe ter. 9* JOHN CALDWELL TO THE ELECTORS OF USBORNE TOWNSHIP • May I take this opportunity to thank the Electors of Usborne Township for their support at the polls on .Monday and I wish one and all a very Happy and 'Prosper ous 1947. * HAROLD HERN TO THE ELECTORS OF USBORNE TOWNSHIP For the splendid support accord ed me at the, polls on Monday, I wish to express my sincere thanks. CLARENCE DOWN TO THE ELECTORS OF USBORNE TWP. SCHOOL AREA Having been elected a member of the Usborne Twp. School Area Board, I wish to thank all who voted for or supported me in any j way on Monday. I hope to serve in I the best interests of the whole area. * MILNE PULLEN Juveniles and Midgets Both Lose to Goderich Monday night local fans saw the very classy^ Goderich Midgets and Juveniles put on a smooth display of hockey to take the “ 10-2 respectively. While both scores one-sided efforts the put up a surprisingly good show against the powerful Goderich out fits, (For two periods the Midgets held the visitors to two goals a period but in the third the winners went to town and -dumped in five goals. In the opennig minutes of the game Mickle in the Exeter nets turned in some nice saves to stave off the flying visitors before Hol land finally scored on a screened drive. Holmes scored on, another long -drive through a maze of on Meriam’s passout from the nei’ before the period ended. Holmes and McPhail pulled same stunt to open the scoring iu the second and McPhail let go a tlrive to the fax* cornex* of the net from the left boards only seconds latex’ to give them a 4-0 lead. / Came the third canto and Goder ich put on a scoring spree of five goals. Meriam scored two of them with McPhail, Willis and Smith garnering the othex- three. EXETER—Goal, Mickle; defence, Watson and MacKinnon; centre, Hayter; wings, Wein, M. Brintnell; subs, K. Brintnell, Cann, Armstrong, Belling, Kirk, Tieman and Hern. GODERICH — Goal, Donaldson; defence, Doak and Holmes; centre, -McPhail; wings, Smith and Meriam; subs, Westbrook, Holland, Costello, Willis, Dixon, Goddard. Referee—Bud Worthey, Goderich Goderich Juveniles Win Ixi a thrilling opening period the local Juveniles jumped into the lead when Haugh netted t'he disk from 'his own rebound as Exeter hemmed the visitors in theix’ own end. Then Goderich began to turn the tables and Southcott made a couple of nice saves before IL Warren scored the equalizer. Newcombe and H. Warren again combined on the sec ond goal as Goderich jumped into the lead. However it was short lived when Kirk beat Johnson on a nice solo rush. The two Warren brothers, Don and Harold, were the potent at tackers in the second. Harold scored two and Bon one while Needham added another counter to bring the count Up to 6-2. In the final session Don Warren grabbod off two more and his lino-mate Newcombe scored a brace of goals as well. EXETER — Goal, Southcott; de fence, Ellis and West; centre, K. Brintnell; wings, Kirk and Hanni gan; subs, 'O’Brien, I-Iaugh, Krueg- Waghorn, Tuckey and F. Brint- TO THE ELECTORS OF USBORNE SCHOOL AREA May I take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to those who supported me in the election and to offer my .congratulations to ■the successful candidates. * Yours sincerely, ROSS MARSHALL locals 9-0 and appear to be Exeter teams legs cor- tht- I TO THE ELECTORS OF USBORNE TOWNSHIP :I wish to take this means of thanking those who made my elec tion to the Township Area School Board possible. With the confidence you have placed in me I will endeav or to do my utmost to fill the posi tion. * HAROLD TAYLOR LOST—In Exeter a bunch of keys on a ring. Finder please leave at Times-Advocate. Reward. 9 c REALLY PRODUCING what custoinex* Mrs. N. Agnot, Ft. William, says of ker BIG-l CHICKS This year, you should -get the best chicks available, and order now fox’ delivery as soon as possible in 1947 to catch summer and fall markets. CANADA APPROVED BREEDERS PULLORUM TESTED Wide choice breeds, crosses, strongly urge early ordering deliveiy any time, especially Jan.-Feb, Agent here is Earl Burr, R.R. 1, Dashwood Phone collect Dashwood 32r4 is * < X We fox* J. * 1 r FOR .SALE—One Clare range, cream enamel, and shelf, almost like ply at the Kippen Phone 94r4 Hensall. Jewell reservoir new. Ap- Garage, 2:9* FOR SALE—1 6-year-old horse, 1 ifarm wagon, 1 McCormick man ure spreader, maple tops. Phone Harold Cudmore, 171r3 Exeter. 9* NEUHAUSER WHITE LEGHORNS Pure Tom Barron and Creighton strains. Large type vigorous birds, bred especially for large eggs. Our 3A special matings consist of our best females sired by pedigreed, males with dams records of 251 to 330 eggs. $14.5'0' iper hundred. Pullets $29.00. Now hatching. NEUHAUSER HATCHBRIE'S, LONDON, Ontario. < #. * STRAYED — On Lot 22, Con, 6, Hay Township, a red yearling steer with a punch hole in tip of left ear. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. 19:2:9c FOR SALE—1 purebred Hereford bull, 11 months old, Domino Breed; also 1 3-year-old Apply -to Clarence Parke, ich. Phone 96r9 Zurich. colt, Zur- 9q i Main St. S. S. Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the Sun day School of Main Street Church was held on Thursday evening in the primary room of the church. The Pearce presided ovex’ Aftei’ the paying of it was revealed that balance was left in and that the school in every way, had had a good year. The resig nation of Mr. Pearce, because of ill health, as superintendent, was regretfully accepted by the meet ing. The minister, Rev. N. J. Woods then took charge of the election of officers, the result of which was as follows: Honorary Superin tendent, Mr. B. W. F. Beavers ? Superintendent, Mr. Leonard Mc- Knight; assistant superintendents, Mr. Benson Tuckey, Mr. Frank Wildfong;- secretary, Mr. C. Aid worth; assistant secretary, Mr. Clifford Quance, Mr. A. J. Sweit zer; treasurer, Mr. A. J. Sweitzer, assistant treasurer, Mr. Glen Mc- Knight; pianist. Mrs. McLean; as sistant pianist, Mrs. R. Balkwill; Cradle Roll Superintendent Mrs. Glen McKnight; Primary Dept. Superintendent, Mrs. A. Frayne; Home Dept. Superintendent, Mrs. Webber'; assistant,’ Mrs. Pi Lantern operators, Ross Bill Tuckey, Milton Mc- Librarian. Mrs. G. Mc- Missionary Superintendent Murray; Temperance Sup- FOR SALE—1 Polled Angus bull. Phone Bruce Tuckey, 174r4, Exeter. 9 * superintendent W. C. meeting, accounts Mr. the all a substantial the treasury FOR SALE — Spanish guitar; sink 30 x 18 ins.; man’s fur-lined coat; lady’s black seal cape; 30 gal. galvanized tank; man’s white shirt, size 15. J. W.’Powell, Exe ter. 9 * NEUHAUSER CHICKS The power to live is just as impor tant as the powei' to lay. Neuhauser 3A chicks are guaranteed to live, and are sired by males with dams records 206 to 336 eggs. The finest we have ever had. Get them earlier this year—it will pay you well. Hatching Now •—• All Breeds. NEUHAUSER HATCHERIES, LONDON, Ontario. * to, ■? NOTICES FOR SALE — Registered Yorkshire boars, ready for service. Apply Douglas Gill, R.R. 3, Parkhill, phone Dashwood 38r20. 9c LOST—iln Exeter on Monday after noon, a blue towel in a shopping ■bag. Finder’ please leave at The Times-Advocate. 9 * FOR SALE—Bell piano, plain oak case, in good condition. Phone 18r3 Zurich. tfc FOR SALE —■ 1 oil (burner stove, medium size. Apply Tucke> Transport. c FOR SALE — Lady’s 'black velvet overshoes, size 6%, in good con dition. Phone Exetei* '259. 9c FOR SALE—Large heavy duty coal heater, in good condition. Apply to Bierling’is General Store, Exe ter North. 12tfc r SATURDAY NIGHT CLOSING This office will be closed Satur day night at 6.30 p.m. commencing January 25th, 1947. 2tc TUCKEY TRANSPORT * * i TO THE ELECTORS OF USBORNE TOWNSHIP I desire to thank the ratepayers of Usborne who voted for me at the election on Monday and to those elected I extend my congrat ulations. WARD HERN TO THE ELECTORS OF HAY TOWNSHIP For the splendid vote that was polled in my behalf at the polls on Monday I wish to express my thanks. I hope to merit the confi dence that you have placed in me. OSCAR KLOPP TO THE ELECTORS OF HAY TOWNSHIP I wish to thank all those who placed their confidence in me by electing me to the Township School Area Board on Monday. I will strive to do my best to further the in terests of the school children of Hay Township as a whole. Wishing you the best of everything in 1947.* BRUCE AV. TUCKEY TO THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HAY I wish to thank you one and all for the support given me at the polls on -Monday. I would especially thank those who worked and drove cars. I will endeavour to work for the 'best interests of the township and to the best of my ability as I have done in the past. Sincerely yours, * EARL CAMPBELL 'l'O THE ELE(,TORS OF HAY TOWNSHIP To those who voted, fox- me or supported me in any way in M-on- 'day’s election I extend my sincere thanks. In Township and County matters I will endeavour to serve to the best of my ability. c GEORGE ARMSTRONG GODERICH—-Goal, Johnson; de-; fenefx, Needliam and Hamilton; cen-1 tre, H. Warren; wings, B. Warren and Newcombe; subs, Beacom, Ful ford, Moore, Stoddard, Price, and Jenkins, Referee—(McKay, Goderich. HOUSE PURCHASED Mr, Merviu Cudinote has pur chased from W. J. Heaxnan, of Lon don, the residence on Andrew street formerly owned by Jos. Senior. The residence at present is occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Max Harness and Mr. < and Mrs. T. Page and family. The transfer was put through by C. V. 1 Piel>ard, realtor. R. Merkley; Tuckey, Cullagh; Knight; Mrs. H. erintendent, Mr. W. C. Pearce. An executive was appointed consisting of the Superintendent, ter, Mrs. Frayne, Mr. Mr. B. W. F. Beavers, Mr. Medd. the Minis- G. Skinner: W. G. BIRTHS COWDREY—At Mrs. Hunter’s on Wednesday, January 8th, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cowdrey, of Woodham, a son. DEATHS ATKINS'—In St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Thursday, Jan. 2, 1947, Louisa Atkins, beloved wife of the late Johnson Atkins, in her 78t’h year. BROWN—At the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Henry Huys, in San Diego, California, on Satur day, Dec. 28, 1946, Mary Ryder, beloved wife of the late Edward Brown, of Biddulph, in her 86th year. The funeral was held fron- the Home of her son, Edward Brown, lot 16, con 7, Biddulph HODGINS—In London, on Sunday, January 5, 1947, Mary Hennes sey, beloved wife of James Wesley Hodgins, in her 64t'h year. Interment was in St. James Cemetery, Glandeboye. SURERUS—Suddenly at her late residence, Zurich, Jan. us 85th on Thursday, 2, 1947, Mrs, Daniel Surer- (Gertrude Weber) in her year. ENGAGEMENTS Louise Sabourin, of Hamil-Mrs. ton, announces the engagement of her youngei’ daughter, Marion Teresa, to Mr. John Donald Winer, soh of Mr. and Mirs. O. ,S. Winer, formerly of Exeter. The marriage will take place on January 18th in cSt. Mary’s Church, Hamilton. IN MEMORIAM FINKBEINER — In loving memory of Lome IFinkbeiner, who passed away four years ago, Jan. 8, 1943. They say time heals all sorrow And helps us to forget, But time so far has only proven How much ■We miss him yet; God gave us strength to bear Arid courage to face the blow, But what it meant to lose him, No one will ever know. —-Ever remembered by Wife and family. it, <3 WANTED WANTED — Commuting daily to London would like passenger to share expenses. (Phone 28 4W. 9c WANTED—Old or disabled horses for mink feed; good prices. Phone Kirkton 16-12, Norman Hazel wood, R.R. 6, St. Marys. 2-4tp WANTED—Airman and wife would like 2 or 3 room furnished apart ment by Jan. 2'0th or shortly after. 2:9* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—10 0 acres in Usbprne with full set of buildings, "silo, water in .barn, sugar bush. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. 2* FOR SALE—100 acres, mostly till able, bank barn, silo, hogpen, frame house, Dashwood, spring possession; bargain for cash. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. 2* FOR SALE — Foi’ immediate pos session, 1% storey brown rug brick house on William Street, all modern conveniences, hard wood floors and garage. Apply to Mrs. W. A. Balkwill, John St. Terms if desired. hard- TWO HOMES FOR SALE—Immed iate possession, 6-roorn rug brick bungalow with all modern con veniences; also five-room cottage with hydro and three -piece bath; both well located in Exeter. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main .St., Exeter. FOR SALE'—In Exeter, two houses with modern conveni ences. Spring possession. Pickard, Exeter.0. V. FARMS . FOR SALE—In Mt. Car mel district, 100 acres with good brick house and barn. Buildings in good condition. Hydro passes. Immediate possession. On third Twp.,concession of Stephen ■50 acres of land.*' The greater part under cultivation. In Hay Twp., 150 acres, all in grass, good water supply, good bush with some timber. Most of mhd is tillable, C. V. Pickard, Main street, Exeter, Realtor. PERSONAL PILES are ■•.aused (blood) TT t. i tion' fcttnkersHerbal Pxlls to treat the cause at its source. Motxej back if the first bottle does not satisfy. At Drug Storks. generally from a conges- HURON COUNTY COUNCIL MEETING The next meeting of the Huron County Council will 'be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, commencing Tuesday, January 21st, at 2.00 p.m. All accounts, notices of ■deputa tions'-and other business requiring the attention of Council should be in the hands of the County 'Clerk not later tlxan Saturday, .January 18 th. N. W. M'ILLER, County, Clerk, Goderich, Ontario. 9:16* SPECIAL NOTICE All farmers an.d ratepayers of the Township of Stephen being served by Rural Mail Delivery are asked to move theii’ mail boxes 17 feet back from the centre of the travel led portion of the road. This is made necessary because of the extra width of the wing on the new snow plough. It is suggested that the mail box he fastened to an arm extend ing from the post to the road in or- dei* that the courier may be able to reach the box but the arm should be high enough to permit the wing of the snow plough to pass under the arm. You will be given 30 'days from the posting of this notice in which to make this change. The operators of the snow plows have been instructed to use extreme care not to break off any posts. The Town ship have the equipment fox’ snow removal and also competent operators and are anxious to give you service and we ask your co operation in moving back your mail 'box post so that the plows may operate with greater efficiency, L. B. HODGSON, Clerk. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of MIRIAM A» EILBER, deceased, ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Miriam A. Eilber, late of the Village of Zurich, in the County of Huron, who died On or about the 4tli day of Novem ber, 194G, are required to file par ticulars of same with the under signed by the 23rd day o>f January, 1947, after which date the estate will be distributed, having regard only to those claims of which no tice has been received. EILMER D. BELL, Exeter, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. In the Estate of ISAIAH TET REAU, deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of Isaiah Tet reau, late of the Township of Stephen in the County Of Huron, farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 30 th of October, 1946. are required to file particulars of the same with I-L K. Eilber, Credx- ton, on or before the 20th day of January, 1947, after which dat©' the estate will ,be distributed liav- nig regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Dated the 2nd Of January, 1947. 'MRS? PEARL E'ISENBACH, Grand Bend, IRA TETREAU, Dashwood, —Executors. 9:16: A 4 * J A * t t I > V *• f- 4