HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-01-09, Page 2Page 2 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 9th, 1947
Cxeter ®imeg=^iibocate
Pimen established 1873; Advocate established 1881
amalgamated November 19 24
An independent Newspaper devoted to the interests
of the Village of Exeter and Surrounding District
Member of the Canadian Weekly
Newspapers* zlssocia-xon; Member
of the Ontario-Quebec Division of
the CWNA
All Advertising Copy Must be in Our Hands Not
Da ter Than Noon on Tuesdays
$2.00 a year, in advance; six months, $1.00
three months 60c
A Good Inheritance
This title., “A Canadian Citizen,” is a title
that causes a man’s pulse to leap and his heart
to throb. We have been so busy getting things
done here in Canada, that we have forgotten
our national heritage, to a degree to which we
are scarcely aware. Sometimes we think that
our national birthday took place on the first
Dominion day. This is not the case. We were
born nationally, with Columbus and Cartier and
Champlain and the Pilgrim Fathers. We are as
old as any Ameircan city or village or hamlet.
We have our share in the fortunes of every
United States settlement or town or city. We
are as old as the earliest Canadian voyager or
runner of the woods. We have entered up the
labours of every Jesuit missionary and Pres
byterian missionary and Methodist circuit rider
and of the fine labours of Strachan and Ryer
son and of every woodsman who felled a tree
and of every fisherman who ever harvested
lake or sea. Adventurers threw their torches at
us and in the light of that torch we and our
fathers have carried on. We have in our veins
- that life of the broad-leafed maple of Canada
and something of the strength of the British
oak. We have something of the sagacity of the
Canadian beaver and the strength arid daring
of the British lion. May we live up to an inheri
tance so great and that has been won at a cost
so heroic. We love Britain none the less but
Canada the more because we now are Canadian
Right loyally we’re singing,
To all nations make it known,
That we love the land we live in,
And the king upon the throne.
* * # *
Glad To See Them Go
We confess that we’re glad to see the sub
sidies of one sort and another’ taking their
departure. While the war emergency was on
there'"'may have been some excuse for the giv
ing of subsidies to artificially stimulate pro
duction of some lines of goods. When the house
is on fire we do certain things that we’d never
think of doing under normal conditions. So it
is with trade, when a war is on. Unless condi
tions are altogether extraordinary, subsidies
arc bad for him that gives and him that takes.
Supply and, demand must set the price of com
modities. When that principle is thwarted
trouble is sure to follow. History demonstrates
that when one gets gain at the expense of an
other evil only evil results. We are to get our
bread by the sweat of our own brow, not by the
sweat of the other fellow’s brow.
* * * *
The Halesome
Two wealthy Americans came upon two
laddies as they approached Edinburgh. Strong
of foot, stout of leg and clear of eye the Am
erican curiosity could not be controlled.
“Hello, Bub,” they saluted. “My name is not
Bub. it’s Jock,” was the dour response. “Say,
what do you have for breakfast?” inquired the
man from the land Columbus discovered.
“Par-r-r-itch!” came the reply, “zknd for din
ner?” pursued he from the land of the free
man. ‘‘Par-r-r-itch,” was the surprised answer.
'“And for supper?” “Mare par-r-r-itch!”
«■ * * «
. Enforcement Makes Good
The Ontario government deserves credit
for its announcement that it intended to en
force the traffic laws without partiality and
in its most rigorous features. It is high time
that this sort of law enforcement was prac
ticed, not only on holidays but the whole year
through. Law officers and magistrates have
had a way of turning a blind eye on offenders.
This sort of thing kept up till a journey to the
magistrate was treated as something of a joke.
The second chance principle was overworked
to the ill of society and the offender. Laws
should be put into action or removed from the
statute book.w * * *
Britain and the Coal Industry
Britain has taken over the British coal pro
duction industry. A good many of us do not
like her doing so. We have grave fears that her
doing so will slacken individual initiative, les
sen the amount of coal for industrial and ex
portation purposes and tie up Britain’s efforts
as a manufacturing country, at a time when
she should be tops in every enterprise. These
forebodings are based partly on the Labour
government’s failure to get on with Russia
and her failure to better the conditions for
supplying food and heat and S'helter for the
very classes the labour government promised
so fervently to benefit. Nevertheless, we be-
lieve that the labour government should be
given every facility for fulfilling her promises
and for making good her much talked of theo
ries. The best way to show the badness of a
law is to support it and to enforce it to the
bitter end. The next three months are sure to
prove both difficult and testing to Britain.
The Grim Humour of It
Were not the circumstances so serious,
there would be a sort of grim humour about
the efforts the nations are putting forward to
secure a just and lasting peace, As soon as the
war was over, the nations were so sickened
by the long years of blood, sweat and tears
that they resolved that the earth never should
be cursed again by any such disaster. Accord
ingly they met to consider ways and means of
carrying out their good intentions. Scarcely had
they assembled before they became aware that
the leopards had not changed their spots over
night. Human nature was the same as before
the Great War. In spite of this terrible fact
they persisted in their efforts only to break up
without having completed anything like what
they hoped for. There followed two meetings of
a similar nature only to find again that east
is cast and west is west. And now it remains for
the governments of each nation to consider
what has been attempted. The attendants at
the gatherings find that all their work is of an
advisory nature. The governments find that it
is the governments that must declare war and
make peace, assemblies and councils and all
such meetings and bodies to the contrary. After
all, the tried rule of trial and error remains.
Progress is slow, human nature being what it
is.w * * w
Good Work
One of the outcomes of the Assembly of
Nations is the appointing of an international
commission to investigate the affairs of Greece
and her neighbours. That portion of Europe has
a way of being in constant turmoil resulting in
wars and bloody affairs generally. That state
of affairs has had a way of spreading like an
infection till the major part of Europe has
become embroiled. The commission to which we
♦have referred is expected to get at the root
cause of the trouble and to do some internation
al surgery designed to get rid of the trouble,
root and branch. This -is the sort of thing that
the world powers are well qualified to under
take.•A * * *
Queer, Isn’t It?
There is a good deal of talk about in
augurating conditions that insure a just and
lasting peace. This is’ all to the good. But why
do we not recognize that the occasion of war
comes in the world very much as a shot comes
from a pistol. Wars flare up from the brew
and stew of which -we are not aware. Nations
that have been getting on nicely without ade
quate rhyme or reason find themselves at each
other’s throats. It is the unexpected that hap
pens in such cases. Along with the talk of
lasting peace we have a great deal of talk
about uniformity of arms among the nations
who are confidently looked upon to stand to
gether should a global war again curse the
earth. Have we forgotten that nations that
should have seen eye to eye in the last two
great wars proved to be sworn enemies ?« *
Note and Comment
3 947 is made of very much the same stuff
as was 1946.
And don’t forget to keep the sidewalk
shovelled and swept.Jt
Russia seems to have a monkey-wrench
factory that is working overtime.* * * w
At any rate, those airplane disasters can
not be put down to the section men.
Over and over again we must take our
turn at the mill and grind out the golden grain.•* «
And what about our having safety zones
reserved for pedestrians. Jay walking should
be provided against.* * * *
Now that holidays are over we wish our
citizens the best of success as they take uj^ their
usual responsibilities.* *
We are waiting for the instalment of those
traffic lights. We hope that they will be re
spected by cai’ drivers and by pedestrians.* * *
The youngsters have had a fine long school
holiday. There has been good skating though
there has been some real shovelling to get at it.
X. « « 4
Exeter expresses grateful thanks to the
weatherman £ot keeping her free from many
of those storms that have made it harder for
many parts of the province.
* «- * *
We have had some bad weather and some
slippery streets and sidewalks but we have es
caped the real fury of those storms that have
made life disagreeable in many parts of the
province. We arc keeping our fingers crossed.
# # # #
And now that heartless and impersonal
party, the weatherman, is telling us to beware
of the new year. He has been having his ear
to the ground for something and he has been
getting bad news of coming meteorological
(Crowded out last week)
Mission Circle
The Thames Road Mission Circle
met at the home of Mrs. C. Bor
land for their annual Christmas
meeting. The meeting opened with
hymn followed by all repeating
the Lord’s Prayer in unison. Roll
call, minutes and business were
taken. It was decided to send $12.
proceeds from crockinole party to
the Protestant Orphanage in Lon
don, to help buy Christmas treats
for the children. It wos 'decided to
have a social evening, Thursday,
January 2 at the home of Misse^
Doris and Annie Elford for the
winners of best attendance during
the year, The losing side beiug
the entertainers. After the busi
ness part of the meeting the
Chrismas Candle Lighting service
from the Missionary Monthly was
carried out. Those taking the part
of India being, Annie Elford, El
eanor Hunkin, Mabel Selves, Lois
Pym. Those taking the Canadian
part, Jean Cann, Elsie Bray, Doris
Duncan and Lyla Borland. Dalores
Allison gave a reading an the
legend of the "Lighted Candle iu
the Window” and Mrs- Mair gavq
the story of the ‘Black Madonna”
The meeting closed with a Christ
mas carol and the Mizpah Bene
diction after which gifts were ex
changed and lunch served and a
social hour spent. Next meeting
in January will be held at the
The Thames Road School concert
which was held in the church on
Thursday evening, Dec. 19th, was
well attended and the children all
took their parts well. At the close
of the program Santa was there
and treats of candy and presents
were given to the children from
their teacher, Miss Howatt, and
candy from the Sunday School.
Arnold Cann, Donald Kernick,
Edwin Miller and Ronald Ell’ord
attended the three-day short course
for Junior Farmers sponsored by
the Ontario Federation of Agricul
ture at Western University in Lon
don last week.
The Hurondale Institute was
held at the home of Mrs. A. Mor
gan on Friday afternoon of last
Miss Helen Morgan, of London,
is holidaying with her parents.
Mrs. John Allison visited with
her husband in Victoria Hospital
Friday of last week. Mr. Allison’s
many friends will be pleased to
know that he is recovering nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. Harris, Mr. ant}
Mrs. A. Musser, of Exeter, visited
with Mrs. John Allison Monday
afternoon of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Duncan re
turned home on Saturday of last
week after spending their honey
moon on a motor trip to New Or
leans and poihli south.
The sympathy of the community
is extended to Mrs. B. Rock and
family in their sad bereavement.
Bruce Mair, of O.V.C., Guelph*
spent Christmas with his parents.
Allison Morgan, of the O.A.C.,
Guelph, is holidaying with his par
We are sorry to report that Mr.
Janies Anderson. Sr., is confined to
his bed at the home of his daugh
ter, Mrs. T. Creery, Winchelsea.
We wish him a speedy recovery to
health again.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
B. Williams, of Exeter, who cele
brated their fiftieth wedding an
niversary at the home of theiv
granddaughter, Mrs. K. Weber on
Monday, Dec. 23. Many friends
and relatives called both afternoon
and evening.
In the rabbit drive Tuesday
afternoon of this week 125 rabbits
and one fox were bagged.
Mr. and Mrs. John Selves and
Mabel attended the Darling-Motz
wedding in James St. church last
Messrs. Jack and Glen Stewart
are attending the O.A.C. short
course at Guelph.
Mr. Bruce Mair, of O.V.C.,
spent New Year’s at his home.
The W.M.S. and W.A. will hold
their regular meeting at the home
of Mrs. Thos. Ballantyne Wednes
day afternoon, Jari’ 8 at 2.30 p.mi
Election of officers for the W.A.
will taketplace at this meeting.
The sympathy, of the community
is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Duncan and family in the passing
of Mrs. Duncan’s father, Mr. Rob
ert Sillery, Saturday of last week.
Miss Alma Borland, of Toronto,
visited with her parents over the
Mrs. Chas. Johns returned home
Monday of this week after spend
ing several weeks visiting with
friends and relatives in the West
Mr. Chas. Harris, of London,
visited with his parents over the
Christmas and New Year’s holiday.
Mr. Robert McCurdy, of Kitchen
er, spent the holiday with liiS par*
Celebrate Wedding Anniversary
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs
Chas, Miller who celebrated their
35th wedding anniversary on New
Year’s Day. Among the guests
present were Misses Ina, and Alma
Dougall, of Atwood, Mr. arid Mrsj
Jas, Miller and children, Woodham
Mr. and Mrs. E. Miller, Zion, Mr.
and Mrs. J. Patterson and Miss Cj
Dougall, Honsall. Mr. J. Patterson
was also present at the wedding of
Mr, arid Mrs. Miller thirty-five
years ago.
There will be no Y.P.tL this
Friday evening but a meeting will
be held January 10th at 8.30 p.m.
Sunday service will be at the,
usual hour Sunday. Sunday School
10J1I5 ,a.m, and Church at 11.15
Visitors in and away from the
community for Christmas were;
Mr, and Mrs. Percy Passmore
and family with Mr, and Mrs, W.
Morley, Exeter,
6,000 Mile Navy Cruise
A. Graham Bell, telegraphist on
the destroyer "Crescent”, has just
■completed a 6,000 mile training
cruise with the -Canadian Navy that
took them from Halifax through
the Panama Canal to Esquimau,
B.C., where they received a great
welcome, iMovie pictures were made
of the trip with the final scenes
bing filmed at Hollywood when
Graham and other sailors of the
fleet were in the films. Graham is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bell,
of ElimviUe, There were 2,000 sea
men aboard the 18.00'0-ton aircraft
carrier, I-I.M.C.S. Warrior, the
cruiser Uganda, and the destroyer
Crescent. It was the first time an
all-Canadian force had developed
co-operation between big ships and
between aircraft and surface ves
The Young Girls’ Sunday School
Class of the 'Grand Bend United
Church Sunday School of which
Alma Holt was1 a member before
moving to Thedford, Ont,, met at
the home of their teacher, Miss
Marjorie Desjardine, and presented
Alma with a lovely gift, "'Hurl
burt’s 'Story of the Bible." The ad
dress was read by their assistant
teacher, Mrs. Howard Desjardine,
and the 'gift was presented by Miss
Marjorie Desjardine.
Dear Alma: —
We, the members of your Sunday
School Class, are gathered here to
night, to let you know 'how much
we miss you in our Sunday School,
although we are happy to know
you are re-united with your father.
As you attend another Sunday
School and form new friendships,
we pray that Jesus 'will ever be
your best friend, too.
There’ll always (be the journey
Along life’s -crowded road;
There’ll always be the chance to
A fellow-pilgrim’s load;
There’ll always be the tem-pter
To turn us from the 'way;
There'll always be the heavenly
For those who watch and pray;
There’ll always be the Bible
To shed a kindly light;
There’ll always be .the Voice
To whisper what is right;
There’ll always be the foot prints
Where Jesus’ feet have trod;
There’ll always be the Welcome
For those wjio talk with 'God.
As a remembrance of our good
times spent together we ask you
to accept this little gift.
—Signed on behalf of your Sun
day -School Class, Marjorie Desjar
dine, Mrs. Howard Desjardine.
The evening was spent in games
and music. A very danty Hunch was
served by the hostess. Alma replied
in a few well chosen words of
\ si? K ’’ \v' sz v ' * % *«fc
Please return empty beer bottles to
your nearest Brewers' Retail Store or phone for
pick-up service. Refund price is 72p for 2 doz;
pints, 60d for 1 doz. quarts.
ho! no! ntruM
Smiles . . . .Federation of Agriculture
Drunk (bumping into lamp post):
“Excuse me, sir!" (Bumping into
fire hydrant); "Excuse me, little
boy!" Bumping into, second lamp
post and falling down): “Well, I’ll
just sit here until the -crowd pass
A big husky from the neighbor
ing lumber camp was watching the
unpacking. “Wlhat’s them things?"
■he asked, .pointing to a package.
“Pajamas," replied the clerk. "'Pa
jamas? What’s pajamas?" "Night
clothes. Want to buy a suit?”
“Heck, no," said the lumberjack.
“I ain’t no social rounder. When
night comes, I go to bed!”
IDugald was ill, and this friend
Donald took a bottle of whiskey to
him. Donald gave the invalid one
glass and said: "Ye’ll get anither
awe in the mornin’.” About five
minutes- elapsed and then Dugald-
suddenly exclaimed: “Ye’d better
let me hae the ither noo, Donald;
we hear o’ sae mony sudden -deaths
; noondays.”
Holds Meeting in Clinton
The Directors of Huron County
Federation of Agriculture held an
important meeting in the Agricul
tural Board Room, Clinton at 1.30
p.m. on December 27th, at which
some important decisions were
reached. (
After considerable discussion
and debate, it was decided to ask
each Township to carry out an in
tensive Warble Fly Campaign in
tho Spring of 19 47, with the
hope that the whole County will
The following Executive was
chosen for 1947: Past President,
Harry L. Sturdy, Auburn; Presi
dent, Russell T. Bolton, Dublin;
1st Vice-Presiderit, Bert Lobb,
Clinton; 2nd Vice-President, 'Chas.
Coultes, Belgrave; secretary Treas
urer, W. V. Roy, Londesboro;
Robt. McKercher, Dublin; Gordon
Kirkland, Lucknow; Wm. David
son, Zurich; Bert Irwin, Seaforth;
and ,Orval Harrison, Monkton.
It was decided' to hold' tils’ An
nual Field Day in Exeter in 19 47
on June 11th, if arrangements
can be completed for that date.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cann and
family with Mr. and Mrs. James
McCallagh, Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Stone witl}
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dawson.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Stone with Mr.
and Mrs. W. Wein, Dashwood.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith with Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Wilson, Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Anderson and
family with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mc
Lean. Kippen.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Morgan and
family, Mr. and Mrs. W. Allison,
Exeter, with Mr. and Mrs. C. Alli
son. .
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ballantyne
and family and Mr. and Mrs. W.
Harper and family with Mr. and
Mrs. John Hackney.
Mr. and Mrs..Thos. Ballantyne.
Mrs. Wiseman. Mrs. Monteith and
Edgar Monteith, Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Johnston and family, Whalen, and
Miss Florence Anderson, St. Marys,
with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cann.
Mr. -and Mrs Arthur Gardiner,
Mary and Bert with Rev. and Mrs.
Wm. Gardiner, at Egmondville.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gardiner
with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletch
er, Winchelsea.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Alleip and
family with Mr. and Mrs. W. Kers-
lake, Winchelsea.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Frayne and
family, Mr. and Mrs. L. Parsons
and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Passmore, Exeter, with Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin Passmore.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lamport and
family with Mr. and Mrs. Lamport
at Centralia.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Selves and
Mabel with Mrs. Jaques. Woodham.
Mr. and Mrs. McNaughton and
family, Chiselhurst, and Mr. -and
Mrs, Alex MacBeath and Ross with
Mr. and Mrs. A. Hunkin.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Miller and fam
ily, Zion, Miss Ella and Mr. Leslie
Robjnson and Misses Ina and Alma
Dougall, of Atwood, with Mr. and
Mrs. -Chas. Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Johns and
family with Mr, and Mrs. Bierling
in Exeter.
MV. and Mrs. Wm. Ferguson and
Roy with Mr. and Mrs. C. Watson,
Science Hill. .
Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Smith.
Benita and Douglas, Winchelsea.
with ReV, and Mrs. Main.
Mr, and Mrs. S. Coward, ‘Mr. and
Mrs. B. Coward and family, Mrs.
M. Fletcher and Douglas, of Exeter
with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moodie.
Mr. and Mrs. John Coward and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Pliil Hern and
son, of Winchelsea, Mr. and Mrs,
Robert Maver and . family with MV.
and Mrs. Robert Dttncan.
Mr, and Mrs. Roy Coward and
Mr. and Mrs, A. Coward, of Kitch
ener, with Mr, and Mrs. W. Coates
Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Hodgert and
family with Mr, and Mrs. Miller at
At a recent meeting of Huron
Presbytery, United Church of Can
ada, the following resolutions were
1. That this Presbytery request
every minister in the Presbytery
to present to his congregation,
time to time, a plain statement of
the liquor question, stressing (a)
the importance of the problem; the
danger of the rising generation the
fallacy of excusing the evils of the
traffic because of financial gain,
(b) the need of reclamation of suf
ferers from alcoholism (both of the
■drinker and his family), (c) the
need of prayer and a righteous at
titude to this whole question.
2. That we recommend to every
municipality the holding of public
speaking contests ,in which our
young people will -be encouraged to
align themselves against the at
tempts to glamourize the traffic,
and to speak in opposition to the
use of alcoholic beverages.
3. That we plan if or the use of
films in the schools and churches
of our county.
4. That we request the authori
ties to cancel the permission given
to the liquor trade to advertise
their products, under the guise of
goo-d will advertising, such as ad
vertising Canada’s natural resourc
5. That clear evidence of infrac
tions of the County Liquor ILaws,
be brought to the attention of the
■Ontario Temperance (Federation,
again and again.
6. That the Presbytery request
the Attorney-General and the Coun
ty (Police 'Commission to . enforce
the liquor laws, without partiality,
and for all infractions1, of the law,
a maximum penalty be given.
7. That the 'Presbytery express
its appreciation of the elfforts, now
being made, to enforce the liquor
laws within our county, and, that
we 'draw the attention of the vari
ous municipalities, within the coun
ty that there are still some unsatis
factory conditions, thus,, we would
urge the various councils and po
lice commissions, -for a more thor
ough enforcement of these laws.
Perhaps, most important of all the Huron “ . — - ..
mously, to
Hospitalization Plan, available
both Urban and Rural people
throughout the County. A Health
committee was appointed last Aug
ust to make a thorough .study
of Co-operative Hospitalization and
concrete announcements will be
made in the very near future.
County Federation of
has decided, unani-
launch a Co-operative
Plan, available to
Butter Ration Reduction
Is Predicted
A possible cut in Canada’s 'butter
ration early in 1947 was -forecast
•before the Dominion-Provincial ag
ricultural conference at Ottawa, in
a report released December ,4th.
Reporting on butter production,
the federal ' agricultural supplies
board told the conference this
year’s output "may .not provide
sufficient stocks at the year’s end to meet "a six-ounce ration in the
first four months of 11)47.” The
■present allowance is six ounces a
Production of creamery butter in
19 46, the report said, will be 270
million pounds, a drop of 8 per cent,
from 1945. IDairy butter production
was estimated at 53,000,004), pounds.
This, had inot been sufficient to
■maintain a six-ounce ration
throughout 1946, the report said.
It added that, with -dairy produc
tion relatively stabilized at about
55 million pounds, creamery 'butter
■production would have ito total
about 29 5 million pounds to main
tain a six-ounce quota -during 1947
from .domestic production.
(In (March and April of this -year,
the -ration was slashed from six to
four ounces because of lowered
winter production and depletion of
reserve stocks.)
Butter requirements on the 'basis
of normal (non-ratjoned) consump
tion would amount to 345 million
pounds of creamery and 55 million
pounds of dairy products. This
would be 80 million pounds up from
the current year.
Skin Affections Ofien
Ganse For Unhappiness
Are you ashamed of your appearance because
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Too few people realize that these affections may
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To got relief from skin troubles, bolls and
pimples, try Burdock Blood Bitters. This vegetable compound acts on
tho bowels, kidneys, liver and stomach, It helps to eliminate wastes from
the system. The result may bo a smoother, clearer sldm
B.B.B, has brought relief to thousands of other Canadians suffering
from skm affections. It should do the same for you. Ask for if nt nnv drug counter, Specify Burdock Blood Bitters. Price $1.00 a bottle, 7
The T. Milburn Cfo.,- Limited, Toronto, Ont.