HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-01-02, Page 9THE TIM^-APVOCAT^, iJXET®, ‘ONTARIO, THURSDAY MOKNINQ, JANUARY J947
Best Wishes
‘Voodoo 1947
by Joseph Chadwick
luced Jim. Shelby shook Jim’s
hand. He had a firm grip.
“So you two are engaged,” he
said. “That’s fine. But it’s a sur
prise to me. I can’t keep pace with
the younger generation’s love af
fairs.” He smiled broadly, but his
eyes were expressionless. “I thought
there was a romance between June
and Scott Agnew, but now Scott is |
playing around with Manuela—and
June is to marry you. It’s more con
fused than business is these days.”
June wag not listening. 'She was
watching the florid-faced amateur
magician. Shelby noticed that and
he drew Jim aside.
Lowering his voice, Shelby said,
“See here, Britten—I’m pleased
about your engagement 'to June.
Marry her as soon as you can, so
.she will get her mind off the -mess
(her stepfather’s in. .See what I
’Not exactly, sir,” Jim told him.
“You know about her stepfather,
don’t you?”
“I’m afraid not.”
Shelby frowned. “Well, I’ll have
a talk with you . . He let his
voice trail away as Jupe glanced
toward him. A moment later, he
moved away -and joined Bert Quayle
who stood apart from the magician's
audience. Jim had the impression
that Quayle was watching him—or
June Vernon.
The audience was growing. The
man playing magician now stood on
a chair and was skimming cards
out over the heads of the audience
and making them return to his hand
like boomerangs. One of the white-
jacketed servants now came with
two napkins and a hammer, -and
the magician put aside his -deck of
cards. He wrapped one of t'he nap
kins about his head for a turban;
the other he spread out on the t-aOtjle
before him. He held the hammer
up to command silence, then began
speaking phony magician’s patter.
“.Now the great mystic, Sahib
Sam Benedict, will perform his most
amazing feat . . He grinned at his
audience, “It is the great watch
trick. Does any gentleman in the
crowd have a valuable watch — a
timepiece costing perhaps a thous
and dollars?”
There was laughter. And a man
called out: “Nobody would trust-,
you with a watch, Sam Benedict—
even if you didn’t -have that hammer
in youi’ hand. Everbody knows what
a rascal you are!”
The magician pretended to be of
fended. Then he -said, “Since there,
are no gentlemen present, is there
a lady in the au-dience who will
risk 'her vanity case? Any lovely
lady at -all . . .” He pointed with
the hammer. “What about the love
ly blonde in the flowered dress?”
He was pointing at June Vernon.
The girl laughed, but there was
a look in her eyes that made Jim
wonder. It was an .uneasy look. She
opened her little evening bag and
took out her compact. It was gold,
and square and flat. She held it out
to Sam Benedict. Jim Written could
n’t understand it, ibut some sixth
sense warned him that something
was happening here.
Jim stepped up to her, bent and
whispered in her ear, “What is all
■this, anyway?” But she merely
shook her head.
Going through ridiculous mo
tions, the magician wrapped t'he-
vanity case in the napkin on the
table. Then, muttering nonsense,
he raised the hammer an-d brought
it down with a crash. He unwrap
ped the napkin, an<i groaned. The
audience laughed. A vanity case lay
there shattered, and Sam Benedict’s
dismay seemed -almost genuine. He
was effusively apologetic to June
Vernon, and as he talked he picked
up -a 'glass from the table He hand
ed the glass to her.
“Drink this,” he instructed, “and
you’ll feel better about it.”
The vanity case, not a cocktail,
was in the 'glass. Sam Benedict was
pretty good, for an amateur. But
Jim Britten was still puzzled.
There was more imagic here than
met the eye.
Manuela appeared beside him.
She was smilinig, and she coaxing-
ly said, “Aren’t you going to dance
with me, Mr. Britten?”
“Certainly—if my fiance has no
Manuela slipped her arm through
his. “She -has none. Besides, Scott
Agnew wants to talk to her about
a prowler who broke into the oil
refinery—and -Scott is her boss. She
won’t miss you.”
Jim danced with Manuela, and it
was exciting. Manuela herself gave
him a strange heady feeling like
too much wine. He was too much
aware of the igirl for comfort. Manu
ela’s dark eyes were provocative.
The story thus far: June Ver-[
non’s encounter with a prowler in
the offices of the Trans-Union Oil
Co. near Puerto Blanco leaves her
slightly unnerved but she still has
the problem of -Scott Asnew on her
hands. Scott, Whose affections have
recently turned from June to her
cousin, Manuela Shelby, is attend
ing a party at the Shelby estate on
Rendezvous Cay to which June is
also invited, and, June is determined
' by a
him to
to make her appearance. To
her pride she impulsively
herself to be “picked up’
young newcomer to Puerto
an American, and persuades
pose as her fiance and escort her
to the affair. The American, Jim
Britten, is wary—for reasons best
known to himself—tout consents.
He is surprised -at June’s revulsion
toward the Cuban cigarettes he
smokes, and is strangely silent
when she explains that the prowler
at the plant that night left a burned
stub of the same brand on the
The music started again, and Jim
Britten turned to June Vernon to
ask if she would like to dance. -She
nodded absently in reply, for her
attention -had followed
Scott had -begun to
Manuela Shelby, and
had a bleak look. It
see that she "was stfll
the man in an all-out
“All you need do,”
to wait a little while, Manuela will
break his heart, and then he’ll come
back to you.”
June gave him a chill look. “He’ll
not come back,” she said. “Once a
man strays, it’s the end—With me.”
“Then I’m wrong about you.”
“If you think I’m trying to win
Scott away from her—yes.”
“Pride?” -
“I know what I want in a man,”
she said.
Jim looked at her and wondered.
Across the patio, the man who
had ferried them in the cruiser to
Rendezvous Cay was pointing June
Vernon and him out to another
sman. There was not mistaking the
Jim said, “Is your uncle a big
man with a granity jaw and iron-
gray •hair—and a bulldog
“That does describe
Shelby. Why?”
“Quayle is pointing us
“Quayle is probably tellin-g
I brought a man along,
everything to his boss.”
“Would that interest
“Perhaps. It depends
and what the man is.”
“Supposing 'he is your fiance?”
“That would be quite all right,”
June said.
They were dancing close to the
end of the patio, over by the or
chestra, so the other dancers kept
June from seeing Q-uayle and her
uncle. She said:
“Tell me, was there another man
with them? A short fat man with
a florid face?”
“A middle-aged fellow who looks
like everybody’s friend?” Jim
asked. He was* tall enough to be
able to see the table across the
patio. “A fellow who looks like the
traveling salesman in the movie?
Opens his mouth wide when he
laughs—and shows a -gold tooth?”
He had meant to be amusing,
but June was frowning sober.
“He’s the man I came
“I thought you came
prove to Scott Agnew that
a fiance.”
■She gave him a thin smile. “I
guess my motives are a bit con
fused,” she told him. Then: “I’m
afraid this isn’t much .fun for you.”
“Its all right,” Jim said. “After
all, twenty-five dollars is—twenty-
five dollars. This is an all right
way to make some easy money.”
He had no qualms about deceiving
her; he had long ago learned that
deceit was a .game tw;o could play.
When the orchestra ended the
waltz, June said that she would
have to pay her respects to their
• host. Jim walked with her across
the patio, and when they approached
- Richard Shelby's table other =guests
gathering there.
Scott Agnew,
dance with
June’s eyes
was easy to
in love with
Jim said, “is
out to
He reports
his boss?”
uipon who
.here to
was drawing
tricks. He
the guests
The florid-
an audience
was 'pretty
were being
Shelby came and greeted
scowl was igone and lie
June. His
was .playing the jovial host by tell
ing her that his party would have
been a failure if she had stayed
away. June told him that she had
been late in arriving because she
had worked late, then she intro-
Rundown Feeling Is Often
Ceased By Nervous Trouble
Strained, tense nerves are often the cause of
restless nights. Improper rest, night after night, is
Quickly followed by loss of appetite, irritability and
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For disorders such as these, Milburn’s Health
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condition of the health.
The iron and other ingredients they contain help to improve the
blood content, stimulate the nerve cells, and tlie appetite, aid digestion,
thus helping to promote peaceful sleep, They have helped thousands Of
Others. They should do the same for you. Milburn’s Health and Nerve
Pills are sold at drug counters everywhere, Price 50c a box,
Tho T> Milburn Co„ Limited, Toronto, Ont.
May you enjoy health,
happiness and every ad
vantage of the glad New
Year. May your share ol!
good fortune bring you a
heaping measure of con
tentment and satisfaction
during 194-7.
Ed’s Machine Shop
Two Blocks East of Main
Street on John Street.
Mr. Gardiner Hauled
Cream in 1900
When speaking at the Ontario
Creamery Association -Convention
at Niagara Falls, The Honourable
J. G. Gardiner, Minister of Agri
culture, referred to his early as
sociation with t'he dairy industry
in Ontario, and said he drove a
cream -wagon hauling cream to the
Winchelsea Creamery in Huron
County, Ontario, in 190-0. 'Concern
ing the future -of -dairy production
the Minister stated: “It is certain
that unless feed grain supplies are
increased the production of live
stock products, including dairy
products, cannot be maintained at
its present level.”—The 'Farmer’s
Rev. John Pollock has resigned
as minister of Ailsa Craig and
Nairn Presbyterian churches. Ill-
health has forced his resignation.
Mr. Pollock and Mrs. Pollock will
likely occupy the manse until it
is needed by his successor.
flirtatious. Perhaps it was because
of the exotic quality
that Jim wondered if
had made with
wouldn’t have been
dark-eyed girl in June’s place. ‘I-Ie
imagined that Manuela would have
brought a little romance into such
a bargain^
Manuela said, “So you are in love
with my cousin.”
“Naturally,” Jim lied.
“And you came all the way to
San Cristobal to marry her?”
“That’s anout right.”
“Your arrival must have been
pleasant surprise for her.”
Jim smiled at her. “A love af
fair should be full of surprises.” He
was finding it easy to talk to Man
uela Shelby. .“Don’t you think so?”
Her eyes kindled-. “But, of
course!” she said.
They had -danced close to a gate
way in the patio wall, and Man
uela suddenly stopped dancing. She
said she was tired of dancing, that
she would, like to iget away from
the crowd for a little while and
walk in the gardens. There was an
invitation in her eyes, and Jim fol
lowed her through the gateway.
They walked through the fragrant
gardens. They could look out
across the sea. The surf was (break
ing against the beach of Rendez
vous Cay in long white lacey strips.
The moon was * ‘
Manuela finally halted and lifted
her face to the
were bright, her lips parted in a
lialf-smile, and Jim knew that she
expected him to kiss her.
She said, “Do you like it at Ren
dezvous Cay, Jim?”
“It would pass for paradise,” lhe
to'M her.
“If the company was right,” she
said, facing him. “Don’t you like
me, Jim?” She waited, her smile
fading when he didn’t answer.
“Most men do like me,” she added.
Jim said, "Kissing you would be
fun, but I am an engaged man.”
“So?” The girl was angry as a
spoiled little girl. “Then I’d better
return you to your fiancee—.safe
and sound, and virtuous!”
They returned to the patio, and
Jim saw that most of the guests
were now inside the house. There
was an intermission, and the or
chestra was gone from it’s plat
form. June Vernon approached
them as they crossed the patio, and
Jim saw a bright excitement in her
eyes. He thought she might -be an
noyed because he had walked In
the moonlight with Manuela. But
it was something else. The blonde
girl was upset.
“Jim—” Her voice was unsteady.
“Jim, I’d like to ■Speak to you-—-
alone.” She dismissed Manuela (by
ignoring the girl’s presence.
(Continued Next Week)
Murder is committed and a truth
is revealed.
of her beauty
the bargain he
June Vernon
fun with this
high and bright.
moon. Her eyes
There was a special Christmas
service in the Elimville United
church on Sunday, December 22nd.
Special music was rendered by the
choir. Church will be at 10 a.m. on
Sunday, January Sth.
Mr. James Sinclair, of London,
is spending his Christmas holidays
with Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Woods.
Mr. Steve Molnar, of Toronto, is
spending the holidays with his par
ents, Mr, and Mrs, S,
Mrs, Wm. Bowden
couple of weeks with -her daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
■Mr. and -M'rs. Scotty Raynham, of
Toronto, are spending the holidays
visited for a
iQinitu i» To-
Mr. Harvey Sparling, of London,, with the former’s -parents. Mr, and
witli~ Ws Mrs. Geo. Baynham.
■I Mrs. Wm. Hodgert is visiting with
1 her daughters, Mrs. Whitney Coates
i and Mrs. Roy Coward in Usborne.
"" j Miss Rachel Wilson is visiting
and Mrs. i with Mr. and Mrs. Beavers at -Credi-
is spending two i
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Spar
Miss J
with her parents,
Thomas Bell. We are sorry to re
port that Mr. Bell has been confin
ed to his bed. We all hope for a
speedy recovery to
Miss Mildred Miller
Murray and Laurie
London, spent the
theii* homes.
Mr. and Mrs,
and Malcolm, of
visited -on Sunday
Mrs. Samuel Pym.
to report Mr. Pym
his back. We all wish him a speedy
Miss Norma Veal, of Exeter,
spent a few days with Miss Aldeen
Mr, George Kellet, of London,
is spending a few days with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kellett.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ratcliffe, of
Anderson, visited on Wednesday
with Mr, and Mrs. William Johns.
is spending a few days j
the best of f!
and Messrs.
James Kirkland
with Mr.
We are i
fell and hurt
, and
-Christmas visitors
munity were:
Mr. and Mrs.
family, Mr. and
son and family,
Dora Stewart, 1
Hazel Stewart,
Mr, and Mrs. Warren Brock,
Mr. and
Mrs. Earl
in the cnm-
of Denfield,
of Lucan and
, of London,
Stewart and
Tom Dickin-
Mrs. Phil Hern
of Winchelsea, Mr.
Hern and family,
Gerta Hunter,
Miss Gerta Hunter, of
London, Mrs.. J. T. Hern, Ken and
Jack with "Mr. and Mrs. Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon ,Ryckman.
Mr. ..............................................
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jaques
and family, of Thames Road. Mr.
and Mrs. Sam Bowers and Wayne,
of Exeter with Mr. and Mrs. Wes.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bailey
family, of Winchelsea, with
and Mrs. Milton Brock.
Mrs. Wm. McGuffin, Wesley
Margaret, of Brynston Mrs. Harold
Guest, of Parkhill, Mr. and Mrs
Jack .Johns and Tennyson, Mrs.
Gordon Sudgeon with Mr. and Mrs
George Brock.
Mr. Harvey Herbert,
ton, visited during the
vacation with Mr. and
Christmas visitors out of
community were:
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern
family. Mr. and Mrs.
Brock and family with Mr.
Mrs. Milne Pullen, of Whalen.
Mr. and
Mr. and
Mr. and
and family
Harold Hunter,
and :
with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Morley,
of Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Melville
and .Mrs. Gerald Hern
and Mrs. M. Spence, of
Mr. and Mrs. Tom
family with Mrs.
Dashwood. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Baker
David with Mr. and Mrs.
Thomson, of Blanshard.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Miller, Freddy
and Earl with Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Miller,” of Thames Road.
Mr. and Mrs. Angus Earl with
Mi*, and Mrs. .Norman Hannon, of
Mr. and Mrs. George Davis, of
Winchelsea, Mr.
and Mrs.
Mr.- and Mrs. H. Theander, Mr,
and Mrs. Borden -Smyth and families
of London, were 'Christmas visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smyth,
Mr, Harold Flynn, of London,
Miss Marjorie Flynn, of Welland,
Mrs. Murdoch, of Clandeboye, with
her daughter and son-in-law spent
Christmas with Mrs. George -Flynn.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hodgins and
family and Mrs, Steeper and ti’amilj
were -Christmas Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Ken ’Hodgins.
Among those who spent -Christmas
with relatives away from home
Mr. and Mrs. A. Proctor and
Doreen, and Mrs. Arthur Brooks
with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Skelton in
■Mr, and Mrs. Harold Lightfoot
and family with Mt. and Mrs, Alvin
Mr. and Mrs. George Hicks, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Hicks, FO. and Mrs,
Jack Andrew with Mr. and Mrs.
Alex Wells at iLondesboro. Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Hicks returned home in
the afternoon and spent the .remain
der of the day with -Mrs. Hicks’
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lee
near Ailsa Craig.
Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Skin
ner and Arlene with Mr. and Mrs.
Heywood at Elimville.
Mr.and Mrs.K.Hodgins and
family with Mr.and Mrs. Norman
■Mr.and Mrs.IF.Bowden and
Howard Kerslake
family, Mr. Charles Kerslake,
L. Kyle, of Exeter,Mr. and
Orville Snell, of London, Mr.
Mi’s. Eph. Hern with Mr. and
Ross Hern.
and Mrs.
of • Bramp-
Morris Hern with
Cecil Camm. of
Wellington Brock
with Mr. and Mrs.
', of Eden.
. and Mrs. James Earl, Mr.
Mrs. Allan Jaques and Ray
Hern, Mr
with Mr.
and Mrs. Harold
of Kirkton. spent Christ-
with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hern
Christmas guests at the
of Mr. Joseph Carruthers were Mr
and Mrs. George Hodgins, -of Ced
ar Swamp, Mr. and Mrs. T. Dixon
of Parkhill, Mr. and Mrs. Willis
Hotson and family, of Grand Bend
Christmas guests at the home
of Mrs. Robt, ,Murray were,
and Mrs. Wm. Hodgins, Mr.
Mrs. Wes. Mellin, of Corbett,
Hector Murray, who, has
rived .home from Midland;
Lewis, of Parkhill, and
Mrs. Trick and family.
to report Mr. T,
Line, in London
We are sorry
Isaac, of .Molard
Mr. and Mrs.
Jean, Mr.
son and .Mrs.
Grand Bend, were
Rev. F.
Mr. and
John Ridley and
and. Mrs. Ed. Steward-
Ann Ridley, of
. guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Langford Ridley in Park
Mr. and .Mrs. Newton Hayter
and family spent 'Christmas with
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Statton at
Grand Bend.
Miss Helen Love, R.N., of Lon
don, is spending a few days at her
home here.
■Guests With Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Love on Saturday evening were
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gill and family
and Mrs. Mary Gill, of Grand
Bend, Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Love
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ellison
Whiting and family and Mr. and
Mrs. R. Whiting, of Centenary.
family with Mr. and Mrs.
Schroeder at Clandeboye.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harrison
family with Mr. and
Smith, at Woodham.
Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hicks and
M-r. and Mrs. Andrew
Mr. and Mrs. S. Henry at Listowel.
Mrs. T. Willis, Mr. and Mrs.
Harris West and Bette ILou -with
iMr. and Mrs. Whitney Coates
Mr. and Mrs. R. -Gates spent
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. -G. R.
Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Hodgson and
daughter were Christmas visitors
with Mir. and Mrs. Lloyd Hodgson
H. Mills spent Christmas
Hicks with
with Mrs. Parsons and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Wim. Essery,
aid and Mary Margaret and Miss
Helen Essery, of London, and Mr.
and Mrs. W. .Stephens and family,
of Woodham, were
ors with Mr. and
Mr. Clarence
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. Wm. Walker and Emerson,
of London, spent Christmas with
Mrs. Walker and family.
-Mr. and Mrs. E. Knight spent
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Davies
in Exeter.
M!r. and Mrs. Jack Essery
family spent 'Christmas with Mr.
and Mrs. Alvin Essery.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray ILammie and
Boby spent -Christmas with Mr. and
Mrs. George Dunn, Hurondale, and
with Mrs. Agnes and Miss Amy
Lammie in Hensall.
Mr. and Mrs. Madge, of Simcoe,
were recent visitors at the home of
■Mr. and Mrs. E. Knight.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Robinson
and Glenn spent Christmas with
-Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Isaac.
Mr. and Mrs. -Harold Lightfoot
and family were -Friday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Light
foot at Crediton.
Mr. Elmer Dunn, of
was a Friday visitor with
Mrs. Ray ILammie.
Christmas visitors with
Mrs. E. Lamport -were
Mrs. Grant Amos and family, of
Ailsa Craig; Mr. and -Mrs. Roy
Lamport, Mr. and Mrs. -Nelson
Lamport, Mr. and Mrs. E-. (Lamport,
of Crediton; Mr. and Mrs.' Wim.
McKenzie, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lam
port and family, oif Thames Road.
Mr. an-d -Mrs. W. Essery and
family and Mrs. John Essery were
among the Christmas guests at the
home of Mrs, B. Hicks.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith and
family and Miss Flossie Davey
spent Christmas with Mr. and M|rs.
Richard Davey.
■Mrs. Fred
The regular meeting of the Wo
men’s Association will be held on
Thursday afternoon,
the home of Mrs,
beiner at 2 ,p.m.
Congratulations to
Stuart Sweitzer who
on Saturday, December 21st in_the
United church parsonage
Miss Violet Sharpe,
Station, is spending her
at the home of her 'brother.
Mr. and Mrs.
Douglas spent
Catherines. Mrs. Russell and Doug
las remained for the week.
Miss Ruth Ratz has been con
fined to her home the past week
with the mumps.
Communion service
■on Sunday, January
United church. Rev.
mas were, Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Love
at Seaforth, Mr. and Mi’S, Harold
January 9 at
Harold Fink-
Mr. and Mrs.
were married
at Fen-
of Iona
Cliff Russell and
Christmas at St.
will be lielcl
5 th in the
A. S. True*
in charge.
and Mrs. Milton Sweitzer
-Christmas at Welland.
pf town visitors for Chrisb
In Appreciation ...
. . . of your thoughtful consideration and pat
ronage during t#e hectic twelve month period
that has now ended. It is our hope and desire
to serve you more fully during 194-7. We extend
New Year greetings to all friends and customers
and may 1947 be a bigger, brighter year for
Finkbeiner at Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs
Chris. Baumgarten and Verna at
Alvinston, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ratz
and David at London, Mr. and
Mrs. Wray Sweitzer and Ronald at
Kirkton, Mr. ,and Mrs. Gordon
Ratz and Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. Ir
vine Ratz and Larry at Greenway,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pickering and
Patricia at B-rinsley.
Christmas visitors in the com
munity were, Dr. and Mrs. Sanders
of London, at the home of
and Mrs. A. Finkbeiner, Miss
Ratz, R.N., of Peterborough
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Miss Nola Sweitzer, R.N., of
don, .with her parents, Mr.
Mrs. M. Sweitzer, Miss
Baumgarten, nurse in training in
Toronto Hospital with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. C. Baumgarten, Mr.
and Mrs. B. Dinney and baby,
Exeter, at the home of
Mrs. Albert Gaiser, Mr.
Roland Neil and Gerald
Sales and Service
Phones: Office 88W; House 88J
Now is the time to have your
tractor and machines overhauled,
for spring.
Mrs. Major Baker.
We Wish Everyone
R. B. Williams
Emery Cavers, Mechanic
Mr. Russell Blackwell, -of
don, visited over the holiday
friends in Hensall and the
Line. ■ /
Mr. Howard Atkins gave a
at his home in honor of the wed
ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs.
Wilfred Weido. A good time was
enjoyed by all.
A few friends and neighbors of
Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Denomme
held a social evening. Cards and
dancing were much enjoyed.
Rose Denomme, of
Alexander Hugh Crerar, prom,
inent Hay Township farmer, died
Monday, Dec. 23 rd at Scott Mem
orial Hospital in Seaforth. Death
followed an illness of about two
weeks. He was in his 69 th year. A
native of Molesworth, Mr. Crerar
had resided in Hay Township for
20 years. He was a member of
Carmel Presbyterian
and one son,
vice was held from
dence. Rev.
officiated. Interment was at Fair
view cemetery, Listowel.
Church, Hen-
He is survived by, his widow
Funeral ser-
his late resi-
A. Ferguson
Blue Water highway, visited for a
few days with her uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. Garfield ~
of the Parr Line.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Howe, of
Toronto, visited Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Jas. McAllister and fam
Bill Finch, nine-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Finch, of
Hensail, fell from a pipe in his
father’s Shop Monday and suffered
a slight concussion. The lad was
treated at his home by Dr. J. C.
Goddard. Bill was said to be swing
ing from the pipe when he lost his
grip and fell to the concrete floor
of the shop. His condition is not
believed serious.
Kidney Pilis
Help Back Ailments
Backache is frequently caused by
disorders of the kidneys. Conse
quently, if you suffer from backache,,
Doan’s Kidney Pills may be helpful
to you. Because of their stimulat
ing action on the kidneys and uri
nary passages, Doan’s Kidney Pills,
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At the beginning of 194-7 make a firm resolution
to have a full share of happiness, contentment
and good cheer that
offers. And may we
Happy New Years for
this blight New Year
wish the happiest of
May we at this time say thanks for the con
fidence you have placed in our efforts to serve
you and also to wish you
Your Red Indian Service Station
The Dawn of a