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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-01-02, Page 4
THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 2nd, 1947Page 4 LOST AND FOUND WANTEDELECTION CARDS election shall takesaid day of December,11thFOR SALE V. Pickard, Clerk.C. STRAYED No. 2B at the 2* and Frank ■hereby re- and govern No. '2A at the (Street, Richard Gerald Lawson, horses Phone Hazel- 2-4tp FiOR SALE — 1,110 ft. hardwood flooring, suitable for house. Exe ter District Co-On. 2c FOR SALE—Hydraulic hoist with 3 yard box, also & large turning lath. Apply to W. C. MacDonald, Exeter. 2* FOUND—dn Exeter before Christ mas, a lady’s small change purse with sum of money. Owner may have same by (proving property and paying for advt. ’ c FOR SALE—Collie pups. Apply to ■Nelson Stanlake, phone Dash wood 3 6r2. 2* FOR SALE—A new Massey-Harris 10 -inch grinder, W. J. Thom son, Centralia, ©hone 48r4 Kirk ton. 2c FOR SALE—Cabinet battery radio. Philco in A-l condition. Apply to Edmund Erb, R.R. 2, Zurich. 2* WANTED---(Old or disabled for mink feed; good prices, Kirkton 16-12, Norman wood, R.R. 6, St, Marys. FOR SALE—2 rubber-tired wagons, 1 steel-tired wagon. 2 new sets of sleighs, 1 cream separator. Massey-Harris Sales & Service. 2c W1ANTED — A good used folding baby carriage. For information, apply at Times-Advocate 2c LOST-—In Exeter on Saturday, Dec. 21 the ration book of Wil bur Wynn, ’Woodham. Finder please leave at Times-Advocate. 2c WANTED — Jack rabbits, market, price. Gibson’s Service Station. 5-4tcFOR SALE — Men’s tube skates, size 7, in good condition. Apply to Oliver Jaques, Kirkton R. 1, phone Kirkton 37rl7. 2* STRAYED—From .lot 5. Con. 11, Usborne Twp., about Dec. 22nd, an aged York sow, lame in one hind leg. Please phone Irvine McElrea 221T9 Kirk-ton. WANTED-—-Airman and wife would like 2 or 3 room furnished apart ment by Jan. 2'0th or shortly after. 2:9* WANTED—Some chunks of pigs 50 to 100 pounds also some 6 weeks old. Phone John Hodgert, 184, Exeter, 2 * Be A Good Citizen! from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m To Vote is a Right and a Duty. If You Have a Vote, it is Your Duty. Where to Vote Polling Subdivision No. 1: WM. BAKER’S RESIDENCE, MAIN ST. To the Polls Phone 100 Sne//’s Taxi Polling Subdivision No, 2A: THE TOWN HALL. Polling Subdivision No. 2B: THE TOWN HALL. Polling Subdivision No. 3: ROY WEBBER'S RESIDENCE, MAIN ST. Polling Subdivision No. 4: ? WM. WEBSTER’S RESIDENCE, HAY. lowing question; “Are you in favor of a regular system of garbage col lection being established.” TAKE NOTICE That the foregoing are correct TO THE RATEPAYERS OF THE VILLAGE OF EXETER I wish to take this opportunity of thanking you for returning me as Reeve otf Exeter for 1947. I ap preciate the confidence you have so placed in me. Having been your reeve for the duration of World War II, I have done all in my pow er to co-operate and to prosecute the war to a successful end. If ever in doubt I 'have endeavoured to go ahead' and use the best com mon sense that I have been /blessed with. If I have erred, and ho doubt I have, I ask your forbearance—I have only done the best I knew how. I promise you the best I have for 1947 'having always in mlna your uersonal interests —• 'and the good of the village of Exeter. Wishing you all everything that is good for 1947. BENSON W. TUCKEY TO THE ELECTORS OF EXETER Ladies and Gentlemen: Having been on the Council for a year I have enjoyed serving the municip ality to the best of my ability and I again solicit your vote and in fluence in returning me for an other term. If experience counts I should be the -better able to serve you. A car will be available if you phone 40. Greetings. c W. C. ALLISON FOR SALE — Spanish guitar, zinc 30 x 18 ins.; man’s fur-lined ■coat; lady’s black seal 'Cape; 30 ■gal, galvanized tank; man’s white shirt, size 15. Phone 233, Exeter. 2c WANTED—A cook foi‘ the Huron County Home, Clinton, Ont. Salary $S5.’0'0 per month, board and lodging provided. For in formation. please contact Mrs. M. B. Jacob at the Home. N. W. Miller, Clerk, County of Huron.c STRAYED — Yearling red heifer with horns, pig ring in left ear. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. Chas. Prout, phone 178rll Exe ter. 1. JU.. statements of the questions to be submitted to the vote of the elect ors entitled to vote on money by laws at the same time and at the- same places as the annual election for the Municipal Council, -and the deputy returning officers appointed to hold t'he the vote. Dated this 1946. VILLAGE OF EXETER MUNICIPAL ELECTION Public Notice is hereby given that as more candidates for the office of Council have qualified than are re quired to be elected, an election will be held on MONDAY, JANUARY 6tli, 1917 when polls shall be opened from 9 o’clock a.m. until 5 o’clock p.m. at the following places with the undermentioned officers in charge as fixed by Village by-law, viz: Polling Sub-Div. No. 1 at the residence of Wm. Baker, Main St. Edward Treble, D.R.O., and Earl Parsons, Poll -Clerk. Polling Sub-Div. Town Hall, Main Welsh, D.R.O., and Poll Clerk. Polling Sub-Div. Town Hall, Main Street, John Camp bell, D.R.O., Alta Hennon, Poll Clerk. Polling .Sub-Div. No. 3 at the resi dence of Mr. Roy Webber, 'Main Street, George Jaques, D.R.O., and Mrs. Webber, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub-Div. No. 4 at the residence of Mr. William Webster. John L. Kydd, D.R.O., Mathers, Poll Clerk. And all quested to themselves C. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE VILLAGE OF EXETER Having been nominated and urg ed by a number of leading citizens to allow my name to appear on the ballot for councillor for 19 47, I have decided to do so. I ask for your co-operation and votes, and if elected will do my best to fur ther the interests of t'he Village. REGINALD L. BEAVERS STRAYED — On Lot 22, Con. 6, Hay Township, a red yearling steer with a punch hole in tip of left ear. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. 19:2:9c electors are take notice accordingly. V. PICKARD, CLERK. Exeter, December 10th, 19 4 6 TO THE ELECTORS OF USBORNE Ladies and Gentlemen: As a can didate for Trustee of the Township School Area, I respectfully solicit your vote and influence at the .polls next Monday. If elected I will serve the Board to the best of my ability To one and all I extend the Sea son’s Greetings. W * W. CLARENCE DOWN FOR SALE—One Clare Jewell range, cream enamel, reservoir and shelf, almost like new. Ap ply at the Kippen Garage. Phone 94r4 Hensail. 2:9* Darling-Moiz James Street United church was the setting for the wedding of Miss Shirley Margaret, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Motz. Exeter, to Alfred James, only son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Darling, of town. It was a beautiful candle light ser vice with baskets of flowers adorn ing the altar. Mr. Lawrence Wein presided at the organ. The bride, given wore a floor-length blue satin bodice, S weemean .uki/iuiuc, skirt with short train, long sleeves forming a point over the hands.; Her long veil was held in place by a coronet of quilted ice-blue satin. The bride wore the groom’s gift, a single strand of pearls with ear rings shower roses and white bride’s attendants were Mrs. Grace Schlimme, sister of the groom, as matron-of-honor, wearing a long gown of fuschia crepe, headdress and long gloves of ice-blue and I carried a bouquet of blue and ' white mums. Mrs. Lois Snell, sister Christie-Traquair Before an alter banked with flowers and ferns, in James Street United Church, Exeter, on Satur day, December 28. 1946, at 4.30 p.m., a lovely -candlelight ceremony was solemnized before many inter ested friends when Dorothy Lillian Janet, Mrs, . ter, John Mrs. Alberta. Rev. A. B. Irwin officiating clergyman. Given in marriage by her father the radiant traditional bridal satin with fitted large draped bow full skirt extended in a train. The yoke of the bodice was finished with a peter pan collar and the long fitted sleeves extended over the hand in points. The bridal veil of full length was of embroidered , of the groom, and Mrs. Alta Hen- swiss net with bridal crown c- pearls and embroidery. The bride carried a shower bouquet of Sweet heart rose buds tied with satin streamers caught with rose buds> She wore a triple strand of pearls, a gift of the .groom. Attending, as matron of honour, was Mrs. K. Marty, of An caster, friend of the bride, who was attired in a floor length dress of blue silk net and lace over taffeta with blue gloves and shoulder veil caught to her hair with pink roses. Her bouquet was of pink roses and blue flowers tied with pink streamers. Donald Traquair, brother of the bride, was best man. The ushers were K> Marty, of Ancaster, and Johnny Downs, of London. Mr. Lawrence Wein presided at the organ. Mrs. Harold Sturgis was soloist, accom panied by Mr. Sturgis on the piano. Before the ceremony Mrs. Sturgi^ sang “The Lord’s Prayer” and during the signing of the register “I Love You Truly.” A reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents, the bride’s mother receiving in a floor length gown of black crepe trim med with vivid beading and an ostrich tipped black hat. She wore a corsage of Better Times roses with streamers caught with rose buds. Those assisting at the recep tion were Mrs. Mrs. Johnny Shirley, all of Jack Traquair, ■of the bride. For going away the bride -chose a carmal brown suit with hat, bag and shoes to match, and wore a Muskrat coat with a corsage of roses and fern. On their return from a short trip to Ldndon an,d Other points of interest, the bridal couple will spend a few days in Exeter before returning by air tq Calgary, Alberta, where the happy couple will make their future homo. , only daughter of Mr. James Albert Traquair, was united in marriage Christie, only son of John Christie, of bride REAL ESTATE and Exe, to Mr. and Calgary, was the was attired in a gown of ivory bodice with a at the back. The i in marriage by her father, gown of ice- fashioned with fitted sweetheart .neckline, full ,o match, bouquet She carried a of Sweetheart baby mums. The TO THE ELECTORS OF USBORNE TOWNSHIP Ladies and Gentlemen: Having been nominated ag a candidate for trustee of the Usborne Township school area, I take this of solicitin; ence at elected, Area to promise school Board. Wishin. and prosperous New Year. VICTOR JEFFERY .g your vote the polls next I promise to the best of my special attention not represented g you all opportunity and influ- Monday. If serve ability to on a happy the and any the REMEMBER ELECTION DA1T JANUARY 6th, 1947 Elect the man of your -choice by going to the Polls and .marking your (ballot on Monday. Be sure to vote for A. J. Sweitzer the man with; two years of Council experience behind him and who has the interests of Exeter at heart—a careful spender—a wise investor (your fire engine for ex ample). If elected this year I will make every effort to have a COMFORT STATION something that Exeter really needs. Season’s Greetings to all. A. J. SWEITZER FOR SALE—One li h.p. used gas oline engine; -one used hand ■ washing machine. Apply to Rufus Turnbull, Dashwood. 2* FOR SALE — Set of heavy duty sleighs, cutter, (harness, collars, and extra long single lines, 3- section harrows. DeLaval cream separator. No. 12. Apply to R. McInnis, Gidley /St., Exeter. 2* FOR SALE—100 acres in Usborne with full set of buildings, silo, water in ibarn, sugai* bush. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. 2* FOR SALE—-100 acres, mostly till able, bank barn, silo, hogpen, frame housq, Dashwood, spring possession; bargain for cash. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. 2* of j non, as bridesmaids, were dressed i alike in gowns of white moira taf- J feta with white finger tip veils falling from coronets of quilted fuschia taffeta carrying muffs of the same shade with corsages blue and white mums. Schlimme, of Byron, was best Mr. A. Engles, of Listowel, Mr. C. Snell were ushers. Elva Coates sang “Because” ing the signing of the register. A reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents. For travelling the bride wore a powder blue wool jersey dress with black coat, neck piece of Russian squirrel with black accessories and a corsage of yellow baby mums. Telegrams of congratulations were received from the bride's grandmother in Van couver and from her uncle and aunt in Windsor. On their return they will reside in Exeter. ■ o— of H.Mr. man. and Mrs, dur- TO THE ELECTORS OF HAY TOWNSHIP Ladies and Gentlemen: I am again a candidate for the office of Reeve and I respectfully solicit the vote and influence of the electors at the ©oils on Monday next. If re turned to office I will again en deavour to serve the municipality to t'he best of my ability. To one and all I extend the .Season’s Greet ings. c WM. HAUGH TO THE ELECTORS OF EXETER Ladies and Gentlemen: It takes an old horse for a long road. J. W. Hern needs your support for the Council at the polls Monday next. Cars will be provided. Yours for a prosperous New Year. * FOR SALE — 19 29 Chrysler panel truck, serial number M127W; motor in good condition; tires nearly new; one spare tire; new heater; price $285.00. R. S. Hodgson, Granton, phone 29r9 Granton. 2* I FOR SALE — session, ' J' brick house all modern conveniences, wood floors and garage. Apply to Mrs. W. A. Balkwill, John St. Terms if desired. — For immediate pos- 1 % storey brown rug on William Street, hard- FOR SALE—-Hard wood. Phone 13r88, Zurich. 2c FOR SALE—In Exeter, two houses with modern conveni ences. Spring possession. C. V. Pickard, Exeter. FOR SALE—’Philco cabinet battery radio in excellent condition. Phone evenings, 83rl8 Zurich. 12:19:26c (Dr.) Murray Abel. Downs, Miss Tad London, and Mrs, of Hensall, friends Leavitt’s Theatre announces that the first show on Satmrday dwelling j Will commence at 6 p.m. » Wein-Raison At St. Lulce’s-in-the-Garden. Byron, on Thursday, December 26, a marriage was solemnized by Rev. J. S. Burn, of Dashwood, when Audrey Mae Raison, daughter of Mrs. Raison, Albion street, London, and the late Robert Raison, became the bride of Kenneth Harry Wein, of Exeter, son qf ML ana Mrs. John Wein, Dashwood. 'Charles Lose was the soloist. The (bride, who was given in marriage by 'her brother- in-law, J. C. Traher, London, wore a powder blue street-length crepe dress, matching feather hat and python shos. She carried a cascade bouquet of gardenias. Mrs. J. C. Traher attended her sister as mat ron of honor, -wearing a dove gray dress and matching accessories. Her shower bouquet was composed of (pink Delight roses. Bonnie Healey, of London, niece oif the bride, was flower girl in peach crepe, carry ing a colonial bouquet. The best man was Sheldon Wein, of Exeter, brother Of the groom. Following the ceremony a reception was held at Lynn Lodge and afterwards guests Were eiitertaitted at the bride’s home, The couple left by TO THE ELECTORS OF HAY TOWNSHIP Ladies and Gentlemen: As a can didate for Reeve I solicit your vote and influence on Monday next. Your interests are my interests and if elected I will serve you to the best of my ability as I have in the past. Season’s Greetings to all. c GEORGE ARMSTRONG TO THE ELECTORS OF THE VILLAGE OF EXETER Having again been nominated to your village council after having served you to the best off my ability for one year, I once more solicit your vote and influence for my elec tion to the 1947 council and. if elected, will serve you to the best of my ability. I will not be able t.o ■call on you all personally, so take this opportunity of doing so. and wishing you all the compliments of the season. I am sincerely Yours for prosperity, JOHN CALDWELL FOR SALE—Large heavy duty coal heater, in good condition. Apply to Bierling’s General Store, Exe ter North. 12tfc FOR SALE'—We have just receiv ed a Royal Delux Vacuum cleaner with attachments. Wm. J. Thomson. Phone Kirkton 481’4. 19tfc FARMS FOR SALE—In Mt. Car mel district, 100 acres with good brick house and barn. Buildings in good condition. Hydro passes. Immediate possession. On third concession of Stephen Twp., 5 0 acres of land. The greater part under cultivation. In Hay Twp., 150 acres, all in grass, good water supply, good bush with some timber. Most of land is tillable. C. V. Pickard, Main Street, Exeter, Realtor. PERSONAL TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE MUNICIPAL ELECTION Public Notice is hereby given that more candidates having quali- fed (for the Usborne Township Area School Board than j?eqiuired. an election will be held on MONDAY, JANUARY 6tlv, 1947 when ©oils shall be opened from 9 o’clock a.m. until 5 o’clock p.m. at the following places with the un- ‘dermentioned officers in charge as fixed by the Township by-law viz: Poll No. 1, School House No. 4, Eden, J. G. Hunter, D.R.O., Fred Ford, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 2, House of Lloyd Stew art, C. B. Allison, D.R.O., Chas, Jeffery, Poll Clerk. poll No. 3, (School House No. 1, Hurondale, Wm. Sims, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 4, Public Hall, Farqu har, Leonard Harris, D.R.O., Roy Ballantyne, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 5, Township Hall, Elim- ville, Lloyd Johns, D,R.O., Weston Horne, Poll Clerk. 'Poll No. 6. House of Ross Hern, .Ross Hern. D.R.O., Norman Brock, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 7, House of Russell Morrison, Oliver McCurdy, D.R.C., Ray Mills, Poll Clerk. Voters in Blanshard and Biddulph will vote No. 6. Ana all quested to themselves Wm. Jeffery, D.R.O., at Polling Sub-Division i BABY CHICKS Robert Sillery The funeral of the late Robert Sillery. who passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Alex. Duncan, 12th concession of Us borne, on Saturday, December 28 th was held from their home Monday afternoon with interment in the Exetei’ cemetery. Mr. Sillery lived in Hibbert and in 189 8 moved to Usborne. Following their retire ment Mr. and Mrs. Sillery resided in Exeter for a number of years. Deceased was in his 81st year and had been ailing for some time. He is survived by three sons and -one daughter, William and Ed., Of Us borne, Norris, Mrs. Duncan, children Wm. Sadler, Mrs. Robt. Sadler and Mrs. David Bruce, of funeral was -conducted J. Woods, of Maid St. sisted by Rev. Alex TO THE ELECTORS OF EXETER Having the best interests of our town at heart, I would solicit your support for election to the council for 19 47. Yours with best wishes for a 'Prosperous New Year,' c R. B. WILLIAMS FOR PRODUCTION, QUALITY ■buy Big-4 (Chicks. That’s what cus tomer W.m. Archer, Paisley, says. ORDER CHICKS NOW No matter when you want delivery, but especially for Jan.-Feb. .delivery. Wide 'choice breeds, crosses. CANADA APPROVED, BREEDERS PULLORUM TESTED A big year ahead for poultrykeepers, Order now. Agent here is J. Earl Burr, R.R. 1, Dashwood Phone collect Dashwood 3 2r4 PH 1 IJLflJLflM' (blood) tion. Try Bunkers Herbal Pills to t^eat the cause at its source. Money back if the first bottle does not satisfy. At Drug Stores. generally from a conges- TENDERS WANTED of Brucefield, also nine g and three sisters, Wm, Berryhill sang and Good Morning.” Messrs. John Sadlerwere Bruce, Ross Hogarth, son, Harry Norris, Jr. Norris, Jr. and •and- Mrs. TheStaffa, ■by Rev. N. church, as- Mair, Mrs. 'Good Night The bearers Frank Hugh But* and Hugh ■plane for New Ydtk and will reside in Exeter on their returii. For traveling the bride wore a winter white dress and black (Persian paw codt with black hat ahd accessories. electors are hereby re take notice and govern accordingly. A. W. Morgan, Clerk. R.R. 1, Hensall, Dec. 10, 1946. AUCTION SALES TO THE ELECTORS OF EXETER Ladies and Gentlemen: Having been nominated for the Council of the Village of Exeter I respectfully solicit your vote and influence. I was born in Exeter 28 years ago and have lived here all my life. Over a year ago I took over the ■furniture and funeral (business that has been in the family for three generations. For three years I serv ed -with the R.C.A.F., most of which was spent overseas. With the best interests of Exeter elected, I will endeavour to serve the municipality to the best interest of all concerned. Yours for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Robert c. diNney 'First twice now Sealed tenders for caretaker of the Hensall United Church will be received by the official board up to Jan. 8th, 1947, (duties to com mence Jan, 15th, 1947. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accept ed. Send applications marked “Tender” to Geo. Hess or Peter L. McNaughton, Hensall. th at heart, if TO THE ELECTORS OF EXETER Ladies and Gentlemen: As a can didate for the council, I respect fully solicit your vote and influence on my behalf. Yours for a success ful 1947. W. G. COCHRANE NEUHAUSER CHICKS hatch January 5th. Hatching weekly thereafter. Order and get them early. Twenty breeds to choose from. All leading trap-nest pedigree strains from the best breeding farms in the U.S.A, and Canada. Phone your order in to-day. LONDON MET. 7482 NEUHAUSER HATCHERIES, LONDON, Ontario. NEUHAUSER RHODE ISLAND REDS Two pure strains from farms the greatest in the U.S.A., and Crooks two breeders imported direct Red Breeding Harco Orchards Farms. have been con-These sistent winners in egg laying con tests. Bred for production only. Wonderful egg size. Own a flock of good feds this years. Get them early and they Will .make you a pocketfull of money. Chicks now hatching, $16.00 ©er hundred. Pullets $<26.00. Phone today. LONDON—MET. 7482. NEUHAUSER HATCHERIES, LONDON, Ontario. in NOTICES VILLAGE OF EXETER ESTABLISHMENT OF BAND FUND By-law Exeter vote of on money by-laws upon the follow ing question; “Are you in favour of providing for the establishment and maintenance of a Band Fund from may The year Dollars,” GARBAGE COLLECTION 1946, Village of for taking the entitled to vote ■upon the fol- No. 9, 1946, Village To provide for taking the electors entitled to vote of the which annual or Other grants be made to the Exeter Band, amount .provided in any one not to exceed Five Hundred By-ldw1 No. 10, Exeter. To provide vote of the electors on money ky-laws AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The undersigned has received in structions to sell by public auction at Huron Street, Exeter, 1 block west of Main Street, on SATURDAY, JAN. 4th, 1947 at 1.30 p.m., the following: 8-piece dining room suite, fumed oak; studio couch, almost new; radio; rug; 12 wall mirrors; 4 small tables; lamp; double bed; set of springs; single mattress; spring filled mattress; heavy quilt; pair of pillows; 2 wardrobes, 1 cedar- lined with mirror and drawers; heater, new this winter; small rocking chair, oak; 4 other chairs; porcelain top kitchen table; two- burner hot plate; steel kitchen stool,’ medicine cabinet; roasting pan; kitchen steps; bread box; lawn mower and other tools; cook ing utensils and odd china; 3 pieces' of linoleum; runner; dressers; wrench; lined with heater, door 'mat; linoleum (bed, springs, mattress,- 2 brace and bit; level; pipe spade; shovel. TERMS — CASH E. NEILSON, Drop. GEO. ILAWSON, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. Junior: “Dad, do you, say, 'It is me, nr it is I’?” Father; “Always remember the rhyme; ‘It is 1/ said the spider to the fly.” Junior; “I see—but couldn’t you say, ‘It id- me, said the spider to the ifleA’P*