HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-01-02, Page 2Cxeter <ime^^bbocate
Tinies established 1873; Advocate established 1881
. amalgamated November 1924
An Independent Newspaper devoted to the interests
ot the Village of.Exeter and Surrounding District
Member of the CanmHan Weekly
Newspapers' associa*>mn; Member
of the OntariOfQuebee Division of
the CWNA
All Advertising Copy Must be in Our Hands Nor
Later Than Noon on Tuesdays
$2.00 a year, in advance; six months. Sl.oo
three months 60c
Forward Into 1947
It is a man’s all time job to move for
ward, Nations must sweat for it if they are not
to be listed among the dying. Lord Salisbury
saw this in the early days of the present cen
tury. Mr. Churchill saw this last week and made
his impassioned appeal against the dismember-
ship of the British Empire. Salisbury spoke to
unheeding ears. It looks aS if Mr. Churchill
will be disregarded. Nor is the outlook bright
er when we turn to the relations between man
agement and labor. Many union leaders con
tinue to be as self-seeking as ever. Too many
men in white cqllar and overalls still play at
their interests as little children play at follow
the leader. Every so often in social life the
face of the weather of fashion has more in
fluence than the urge of common sense. Move
forward we must or be numbered with Nineveh
and Tyre. This good village cannot escape this
universal law. We keep our village neat and
for the most part orderly. Here and there we
observe signs of enterprise but when we com
pare the Exeter of today with the Exeter of
five years ago we are compelled to own that
our advance has been painfully slow. Roads
and sidewalks are much the same as they were
a decade ago. We have not gone forward as
we should in enterprises that keep our people
working in the village. True, our village com
pares favorably with that of any other village
in the province. But that standard is not high
enough. We are no friend of sk-rocketing in
business but we stand for determined, steady
expansion and advance. The old motto, "It
suits me,” is not good enough for the people
of a village such as this. Let us make bold
and forward step in this fine hiew year.
« * » 4
Two Important Questions
On Monday next the ratepayers of Exetex*
are going to be asked to express their opinion
on two rather important questions. The one
question in effect is: Are you in favor of mak
ing an annual grant to the Exeter Band, the
amount provided in any one year' not to exceed
five hundred dollars ? To approve of this grant
will not increaes the taxes one cent as the
council have been making such a grant each
year. Exeter now has an investment of over
two thousand dollars in band instruments and
with the new uniforms on order will increase
this investment to $3,500. During the war the
ranks of the band were considerably depleted,
16 members having joined the forces in one
day. Recently reorganized with a committee
appointed by the council to supervise the band,
splendid progress has been made by the band
as was demonstrated by the band concert, Dec.
22nd. Back them up by voting “yes” on the
question next Monday.
The question of garbage collection for
Exeter has been oft discussed. Garbage dispos
al confronts every housewife and the collection
of garbage is considered essential in all large
■centres. It is one more advanced step that Exe
ter might make in keeping with its reputation
■ of being one of the finest places of its size in
“Western Ontario. Your vote next Monday will
advise the council as to the wishes of the,,.rate
payers only, the cost and details to be worked
out only if a favorable vote is polled. Vote for
progress by voting “yes.” i
* * ■» #
That Submarginal Farm Investigation
In Britain they have a government body
whose duty it is to ascertain why certain far
mers are not able to make their occupation
anything like prosperous. This is a move of
which everyone will approve. Certain farms
in England are a disgrace or a menace to the
countryside. They barely yield the farmer a
mean living. The government is going to in
quire of the individual farmer why he is not
getting on better. Next the government is go
ing to show the farmer the way to better things
to give him a year in which he may improve
Failing to improve, the farmer will be removed
from his holdings and a better farmer put in
his place. But why stop with the farmer? Why
not look into the doings of the butcher and
baker and candlestick maker, the grocer and
teacher and doctor and all the rest of us?
While we welcome the move to look unto the
affairs of the submarginal farmer^ we see dan
gers in the enterprise. After all, the discipline
of consequences, does a fair job. Public opinion
wields a severe lash. These two forces may
appear to operate slowly put they operate. We
ate not in favor of overgovernment though we
do see the wrong in men’s using roads grid
schools and churches that they do not adequate
ly support, there’s a broad hint in the British
cold-clogged uppi
es, relieve muscula
Hensail Counci
•H. McLar
in dge T.
years since our
. shirts and having
no u gh the wrong side
a family of six!
is revealed to us
the wickedness in
leave the store,
courage we
Nelson Hill, of, Goderich
been critically ill for six
Alexandra Hospital, God-
returned to his home for
meetings 4.50; T. Kyle,
J. A. Paterson, voters’ list
registrations 7.75, O.A.P.
B.O.H. meetings 4.50, total
government's action, in this particular, It is a
xixqvexiient that we cannot afford merely to
note and then to forget about. A great deal is
implied therein that does not lie on the surface.
~ »
We Listened
We listened with more than usual delight
to radio’s rendering of Mr. Pickwick’s Christ
mas. When it comes to real fun Dickens is hard,
to equal. We hope that we’ll hear Pickwick’s
experience in the court room. It is a healthy
sign of the times when our entertainers turn
to men like Scott and Dickens. There’s a big
place for the entertainers who will give the
public “The Combat” from Sir Walter Scott's,
’’The Lady of the Lake.”
* # * #
Congratulations, gentlemen of the council,
on doing a good year’s work. Congratulations,
merchandisers —- you have kept us supplied
with a fine line of goods. The high prices we.
had to pay are not of your setting—that is, not
altogether, Congratulations, church leaders —
you have supplied us with a lot of good preach
ing and singing. The preaching and singing and
teaching beai* favorable comparison with the
practise of the average parishioner. Congratu
lations, druggists—you have kept us supplied
with a fine line of liniments for bruises, con
tusions and leasions and general soreness in
evitable because of slippery sidewalks. Con
gratulations to those who believe that little
painting now and then is practiced by the
wisest men. But why enlarge on this delightful
theme? All over this fine village there are
scores and scores of fine folk who have kept
the town clean and smart. We wish you all the
best of success in the coming year.
* * * *
It Begins At Home
Very properly we have had a good deal to
say about the necessity for co-operation among
the nations. That ideal is drawing yearly nearer
if almost imperceptibly. Admitting this, there
is a bit of co-operatioxx that this fine village
should exemplify. We refer to the state of oui'
sidewalks. Those passage ways are designed
for the citizens of this town and their friends
to use in going to and fro about their lawful
business in safety. As things have been since
the middle of the month those sidewalks are
a menace to the safety and the comfort of all
who have ventured to use them. First there
was the period when the walks were covered
with ice that all might see. Then came the. per
iod when this ice was covered thinly with snow.
And by the way, both snow and ice seemed
greased, so perilously slippery were they. And
was ever there harder ice? Surely not! And
that is where the co-operation comes in. Every
citizen is required to keep his walks clean oi
ice and snow. Why should he not do so? There
are citizens who do so without premature decay
from muscle labor. Of course there is the vacant
lot to be considered. A. by-law covers this situ
ation. Those lots are to pay for their sidewalk
cleaning, the expense for this work being added
to the lot owner’s tax bills, Along with this
should go the sanding of the sidewalks when
Jack Frost and his allies make the streets slip
pery. Let us be the right sort and vie the one
with the other in making Exeter a safe town
as far as sidewalks are concerned. It will pay
to do so. Doctor’s bills and payment of accident
damages mount quickly.
* * *
A Bit of Fine Work
We have just heard of a school where the
youngsters were accustomed to giving each
other Christmas presents. This year the young
sters voted to discontinue this delightful custom
and to devote the cash outlay to sending food
to Britain. Each youngster prepared a parcel
of food doing his own wx-apping and choosing
of food, under the discriminating eye of the
teacher., of course. The result ? Three hundred
pounds of the best of food are on their
to the hungry children of brave and very
old England.
* ** *
Note and Comment
If only everybody
would sweep his
How about providing the powers that be
with, a little hint about the matter of enforcing
by-laws ?
Broom handle exercise
taken on a snowy sidewalk
number of good things.
< * *
when practise is
is conductive to a
During the latter half of last week a num
ber of fine people regretted that they had had
so much to do with turkey.
U 4 * *
O happy is the man who heeds
The by-law’s warning voice,
And who a shining shovel makes
His early morning choice.
* * * *
Welcome home all you who are getting
your shins under dad’s table once more! Let
us have your names. You know they would
adorn the columns of any great family journal.
, * * «■ *
Last January we noted the Conduct of
some citizens that gave us a great deal of pleas
ure, These fine people reinstalled their Christ
mas trees in tile back yard. As soon as the
snow covered the ground lots of suet and other
dainties dear to the bird's heart were fastened
to the trees. The birds accepted the food
alacrity and during the summer rewarded
the destruction of many a garden pest,
Ten years ago life must have
been very humdrum. When one
went shopping all that was needea
was a list Of the desired articles
and the “filthy lucre” with which
to pay for them. Such is decidedly
not the case today and we speak
from experience.
For some time now we have been
skimping here and slicing our bud
get there and had saved what we
considered quite a substantial sum
for Christmas shopping- So last
Thursday afternoon, being in need
of some staple articles also, we
sallied forth to shop.
Since the inner man must be fed,
Christmas presents notwithstanding,
we entered the grocery department
of a general store. Being approach
ed by a red-haired clerk we took
out our list and began to read:
“Flour, butter, raisins—<”
" Sorry, Madam, we have no
raisins. We would be glad to put
your name down and save you some
from our next shipment.”
We have our name put down and
continue: ‘’Oatmeal, vanilla, 3 bars
of laundry soap—”
“Sorry, Madam, just one bar to
a customer.”
One bar foi'
Suddenly there
the reason for
the world about which we read and
hear so much. From our youth up
(which is quite some distance) we
have been taught that "cleanliness
is next to godliness.” The shortage
of soap, “then, is the reason for so
much ungodliness.
Feeling quite humble that so
great an inspiration should come
to us, we continue our order:
“Bread, sugar, dates-—”
“Sorry, Madam, we have no dates
but would be glad to put your name
down 'for some when they come in.”
Just then we are attracted by a
pantomine taking place b’eside ns.
The customer leans over and speaks
softly to the clerk. The clerk ducks
behind the counter, brings up a
parcel which he lays before the
lady. Now after months of searching
for things our eyesight has 'become
very keen and we are ready to swear
that that parcel contained dates’
.Bewildered, we continue with pur
order: “Oranges, celery, shorten
“Sorry, Madam, no shortening,
but we would be glad to take your
We notice that the little lady
from the office who had been hover
ing near goe1
but in a nv
to us: “H
brand o'
he sat' ■ ■
A’ .
It is . ■
menfolk a
found that,
is again looking better than the
right side, it is not possible to turn
a collar twice,. He had decided to
buy them shirts for Christmas. W|e
walk over to the dry goods depart-
metn and are asked our wants.
“Two men’s fine shirts, size 15 1/^.
For Relieving Miseries of
■back to her cubicle
*• returns and says
*>und of a certain
if that would
she kept was
The last regular meeting of the
19 46 Council of the Village of Hen
sail was held December 16th in the
Council Chamber, with all members
being present except Councillor H.
Hyde. The minutes of the previ
ous meeting were read. Bink and
Kerslake: that the -minutes foe
aodpted -as read. R. J- Paterson re
ported as to the tax collections to
date as 'being good, all being 'paid
except $461.92. T. Kyle reported
that G. Beer was enquiring about
renting the rink and was referred
to the 1947 Council. J. A. Pater
son, Treasurer, reported as to the
probable cash balance at the end
of t'he year and stated that there
would be approximately $3,500.00,
plus the $1,000.00' laid aside for
the test drilling which was suppos
ed ter have been started before
now; also reported for the Park
Board stating that the fence was
finished. Reeve Shaddick reported
a request as being received from G.
Mitchell asking permission to leave
t'he County Home over the holiday.
R. J, 'Paterosn also reported as hav
ing received an anonymous letter
from a ratepayer complaining about
neighbor’s dog; no action taken.
Correspondence was read as fol
lows; Dr. A. E. Berry, Dept, of
Health; Workmen’s Compensation
Board; A. J. B. Gray, Deputy Min
ister Municipal Affairs;
non; Village of Exeter
M. Costello; Dept, of Municipal
Affairs; Hospital for Sick Child
ren; Monteith & Monteith; Glad
man , <& Cochrane, re deed of land
donated by T. Welsh; same consid
ered anu filed. Kerslake and Moir:
that the deed of the land fox1 park
purposes donated 'by Thomas Welsh
to the Village be accepted, and a
letter thanking the don.br be for
warded to him; also the account
for the transfer be paid. Carried.
Bills and accounts were read as
follows: County of Huron, rebate
on hospitalization $36.0.0
Hall 6.59;
mower, etc., . . . .
Club, meals reception 20.00; Mrs.
J. Murdoch, orchestra reception
28.00‘; Huron County, county rates
2,528.45; Hensail School Board,
school rates 4,000.00; Hensail pub
lic Library, library rates 235.65;
J. A. Paterson, returnlhg officer
election 7.00; G. H. Follick, jJ.R.O.
W. R.
coal, hall 11.65; Drys-
Mardwafe, supplies, hall
Brown’s Hardware, supplies,
Moore Bros., repairs
streets 14.35; 500
But what can be the matter with
this usually unruffled person? He
grips the edge of the •counter until
his knuckles are white.’ His Adam’s
apple somersaults. The pupils of his
eyes dilate. Surreptitiously we
glance under his coat, He wears a
shirt so they can’t have become en
tirely extinct. He has by this time
gained sufficient control of himself
to gasp, “Madam, it is almost past
the memory of man since we had
a shipment of shirts but we woula
be glad to put your name down on
our waiting list.’
Hurriedly we
Then bolstering oux*
cross the street and enter another
We had been feeling chilly lately
so we decided to buy some under
wear. Remembering the technique
of the lady who obtained the dates
we decided to try it—apparently it
is efficacious for dates only, for our
clerk says; “Sorry, Madam, but if
you would care to leave your name
we will do our best for you.”
Friend Husband needs a pair of
“second-best” pants so we are es
corted to the men’s department. The
choice is not large but one pair is
suitable, so we enquire the price.
“But, Miss,” we hurriedly ex
plain, “we didn’t want gold-lined
“These have just the ordinary
cotton lining, Madam.”
Since it has supposedly foeexx man’s
prerogative through the ages to
wear the pants who are we to
change such a time-honored cus
tom? We buy a pair.
Coming back from the men’s de
partment we are confronted by a
large crowd seething around a
short counter. Has someone fainted
oi- committeed murder? Being
. blessed with long legs, back and
| neck we peer..,over the heads of the
crowd. There displayed on the
countei’ in full view are several
boxes of knitting wool. We glance
at the crowd. Some have that
haunting, far-away look in their
eyes, others a gleam of triumph
an'd still others that certain glint
which authors use to describe the
look of a "character about to com
mit a foul deed.”
W;e don’t want wool anyway but
we would like some candy so we
cross the street and go down to the
store where they keep it in a show
case near the door. But what is
this in the showcase? 'Certainly
not candy! Again we hear, “Sorry,
Madam, put we are expecting some
in. Would you care to have youi'
name .pxit down?”
Seai’ching for our list we are
startled to find that our money
is practically gone. But that can
not 'be—we have so few parcels.
W emust have been robbed. But
after some hdsty mental arithmetic
we find that, although oixx* pur
chases are few, it is true, our mon
ey is all accounted for,
We are feeling very weary any
way, so we might as well go home.
Trudging along we realize that,
although we .’have nevex* made much
of a name for ourselves, we have
certainly left it behind us in a
good many places this day.
election 5.00; H. Horton, D.R.O.
election 5.00; G. M. Brown, poll
clerk election 4.50; I. Kiptfer, poll
clerk. election 4.50; Municipal
World, supplies 6.32; J. Passxnore,
supplies hall 2.9 8; 'County of Huron,
hospitalization 40.50; Gladman &
Cochrane, transferring deed 10.00,
I. J. Paterson, revising voters’ list
5.00; “ ' “ ’ ................
80.00; Dr. J. C. Goddard, M.O.H.,
B.O.H. • _ “ ’
B.O.H. meetings 4.50; N. E. Shad
dick, B.O.H. meetings 4.50; G. R.
Hess, printing >21.75; W. Allan,
trucking and gravel 8.00; .Hudson
Book Store, supplies 8.75; total
$7,10 8.6 8. Fink and Moir: that the
bills and accounts as read foe paid;
carried. Moir and Kerslake: that
By-law No. 9-1946 appointing E.
)L. Mickle as a membei’ to the Exe-
tei> District High School Board foe
given first and second reading; car
ried. Fink and Kerslake: that By
law No. 9 be given third and final
reading and finally passed; carried.
Fink and Kerslake: that we now
adj ourn; carried.
Henry England D ies ;
Henry England, 86, well-known
resident of Dashwood, died at his
residence Christmas Day after a
four-month illness. He had resided:
ill Dashwood for the past 29 years
but had farmed on the 14th con
cession of Stephen Township be
fore moving to Dashwood. He was
born oxx the Goshen line in Hay
Township and was a member of
the Evangelical Church. His wife, I
the formex* Nancy Ehlers, prede
ceased him six years ago. Surviv
ing • are two daughters, Mrs.
Win. Devine, of Stephen Township,
Mrs, Rlxeinard Willert, Dashwood;
and one son. Wesley, of 14th con
cession, Stephen Township. The
body rested at the T, Marry Hoff-
maix funeral home, Dashwood,
where the funeral service Was
held on Saturday at 2 p.m. Inter
ment followed in the Dashwood
Evangelical Cemetery. Rev. J, S.
Btltn officiated.
who has
Weeks in
ericli, .. .. . _ .. ..
Christmas. A. H. Erskine, treasur
er of Huron County, has also re
turned home after a serious illness
in the liespitaL
More than two generations ago—in
grandmother’s day—-mothers first dis
covered Vicks VapoRub. Today it is
the most widely used home-remedy for
relieving miseries of children’s colds.
And here is the reason .,.
The moment you rub VapoRub on
the throat, chest and back at bedtime
jit starts to work two ways at once—
and keeps on working for hours—to
ease coughing spasms, help clear con
gestion in cold-clogged upper breath
ing passages, relieve muscular soreness
or tightness. It promotes restful sleep.
Often most of the misery of the cold
is gone by morningl That’s w
VapoRub is so good to use when co
strike. Try it 1
Please return empty beer bottles to
your nearest Brewers’ Retail Store or phone for
pick-up service. Refund price Is 72^ for 2 doz.
pints, 60d for 1 doz. quarts.
Only Repentent Sinners Are Found There.
“I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repent
ance.” Matt. 9:13
“There is none righteous, no, not one.” Rom.
To qualify for heaven you must recognize yourself as a sin
ner and repent of your sins. Then Christ can save you.
“Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be
saved.” Rom. 10:13
Tune. In:
PILGRIM’S HOUR 7 - 7.30 E.D«S.T. Sunday evenings
Local Station — CKLW, Windsor
Old-fashioned Revival Hour—rebroadcasts on many station at
varfbuB times.
Chas. E. Fuller P.O. Box 123;
iOS Angeles S3, California
Lo! In the Valley where the ifurple orchid grows;
[Where ambrosial fragrance rjiSe from the petals of the rose.
In the East the shafts of morinng light arise, and soon
To dim the amber beams of the romantic moon.
The sun looks o’er the .mountain. The dewy nectars rise
In vapoured mists, to hang, and linger in the skies.
On her nest upon the hillside, ’mong the cedar’s mantling boughs
An oriole calls unto his mate, from her slumbers to arouse.
The mountain to the West, where the daylights disappear,
Returns the echo, the stillness of the early morn to cheer.
Sweet violets, and daffodils, and tulips debonaire;
And clover blossoms lend ther pungent fragrance to the air.
With life’s arousing melodies carried on the ibreeze
Through Natur’s varied tasselled canopy of trees.
The shades of life are found in the valley of Content;
Wherein the trustful years of quiescent loves are spent,
Within its covert bowers is found the blissful day;
Nor flush of pride or folly rnarrs life’s even way,
’Mid the mountains of dispirit, to tread the verdant sods
In the Valley, ’mid ambrosia, and the nectar of the gods.
Within the Lap of Barth Jehovah’s angels spread
Enmantled bowers of seclusion, where whispering lovers tread.
Prank W. K. Tom
When someone called Will Rog
ers’ attention to the ungrammatic
al use of the word “ain’t”, he re
“Maybe ain’t ain’t so correct, but
I notice a lot of folks who ain’t
usin’ ain’t ain’t eatin’/’
"I’m sorry that other engage
ments prevents my attending your
charity concert but I shall be with
you in spirit.”
“That’s fine!
like your spirit
tickets for half
and two dollars.'
Where would you
to Sit? We have
a dollar, a dollar
Feel Sluffed and Upset
Alter Enjoying a leal?
If you suffer from dyspepsia, dour stomach,
biliousness, headaches, minor liver or kidney com-
plaints—use Burdock Blood Bitters#
This is a popular preparation that will help tone
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bring quick relief from indigestion and constipation.
Safe, effective and dependable, B.B.B. contains no harmful ingredi
ents nor habit-forming drugs.
You’ll bO agreeably surprised how quickly B.B.B. aids digestion,
assimilation, elimination, and now much better you feel.
Ask for it by name—Burdock Blood Bitters-—On sale at drug counters
every where. Price $1.00 a bottle.
Tho T< Milburn 06., Liinited, Toronto, Ont.