HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-06-20, Page 4• t THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 20th, 1846 WEDDINGS, SHOWERS, ANNIVERSARIES, ANP SCHOOL GRADUATIONS You can always choose a gift of distinction for any occasion, at $nelgrove’s, such as:—- Table Lamps Boudoir Damps Pin-up Kamps Electric Heaters Electric Hot-plates Trilite Lamps Radios and Record Players Decca Records Electyic Irons and Toasters Glass Coffee Makers and Sets Nu-tone Door Chimes Bridge Ramps I Snelgrove Tire & Electric I Tires, Vulcanizing and Household Appliances PHONE 18 EXETER, ONTARIO CROMARTY This community was visited by a beautiful shower op Sunday last, which was a great benefit to the vegetables and crops at large. There was a decided change in the tem­ perature which was very noticeable to the growth in. the gardens. Mr. Jas. Scott is at present not quite so well. We hope for a decid­ ed change for the better. A few of the citizens attended the services at Thames Road on Sab­ bath last. The Cromarty quartette went to Constance to take part in anniversary services on Sunday last. We are proud of our quartette and we know the people of 'Constance were not disappointed when they heard them sing. The Ladies’ Aid have taken it upon themselves to renovate the interior of the basement of the Church, with a coat of paint. They intend sometime in the near future to hang out their shingle. It certain- s /* i Vi K|NMW ft Work Guaranteed. Apply D. L. MacArthur % C. L. WILSON Phone 56 Exeter. Mr, and in Toronto companied Mrs. Art. the week-end here. Rev, pulpit of the James church Rev. A. B. Irwin was away ducting anniversary services. Jim Whyte, of the Royal Cana­ dian Navy, sailing out of Vancou­ ver on the S.S. Uganda, spent a few days with his parents at Lucan and visited friends in Exeter. Jim has had some fine experiences since joining the navy. Mrs. G. A. Cann were last week and were ac- home by their daughter, Whilsmith, who spent C. W. Dawn on Sunday. occupied the Street United The pastor, con- McCormick-Deering Farm Equipment Place an Ad Here and Watch Results They are read by more then MOO Times-Advocate readers every week Phone 31 w for fin ad taker ;g FOR SALE FEMALE HELP WANTED AUCTION SALES FOR SALE—A blue rug 6x9. Apply Mrs. Otten, Andrew Street. 20c FOR SALE — Hydro poles of all kinds, Apply to Box F, Times- Advocate. 20:27* FOR SA BE—A quantity of used brick. Phone 16, Crediton. 20 ly is a great improvement and is a.‘for SALE- great credit to their efforts as am­ ateurs—it won’t be long before will be professionals. ■Two one-man rolling i hay racks and hay loader, Apply they j f-0 stap Coward, phone 37r8, Kirkton. 20.* KIRKTON Mr. and Mrs. Lester McCurdy, Detroit, spent part of this week with friends in and around the vil­ lage. Miss veiuia voupe spent the past week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. B, Doupe. Mrs. Jas. Gardiner, Sr,, Mrs. Geo. Allen and son Ward, attended the Gardiner-Hudgin wedding at King- ton Saturday. This is Hon Jas. Gardiner’s youngest son Wilfred. They also spent the week-end with Mrs. Gardiner’s granddaughter in Picton. Mrs. L, Funnel and son Danny, of Woodstock, spent the week-end with the* former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Truman Tufts. Mrs. Jas. Kemp and Mrs. Geo. Sherman, of London, were guests this week with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Switzer. Patsy Marshall is holidaying with her aunt, Mrs, Lome Hodge, at Staffa. Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Fletcher and family, of London, were week-end guests with Mt. Harry Fletcher and Mrs. Edith Foley, Anniversary Services Large congregations attended services at the Kirkton United Church Sunday, June 16th, when Rev. W. E. .Aidworth, of St. Marys, preached two very fine sermons. The Church Sunday School of some So voices led the singing and ren­ dered special numbers. The Church was decorated in ferns and cut flowers. of V. L. Becker and Sons Phone GOW, Dashwood Farmers are advised to go over their Harvesting Machinery at an early date and secure any parts needed. WE HAVE A FEW 7-FOOT BINDERS NOW IN STOCK Expert Service on all machines. TENDERS WANTED i, i A SALUTE TO YOU Chatham Yours sincerely, W. J. McGregor, President. Of the Soil Progress has been the watchword of Ontario farmers from the days they broke the first ground with hand-forged ploughs. Each year as advancements have been made in the form of improved crop methods, better fertilizers, and newer farm machinery, the farmer has kept pace with science. Today, in a logical, up-to-date manner he is making his land produce more abundantly the food a hungry world is calling for. For example, in sugar-beet culture be has adopted the use of mechanical equipment as rapidly as it has become available; and is awake to the research work being done for the constant improvement of this important cash crop* We are all proud of the job he Walla ceburg THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA offers you PERMANENT POSITIONS as FOR SALE—A small calf. Apply to Lyman B. Moore, Exeter North. 20* FOR 'SALE—Two good roan calves well started. Apply to Simon Greb, Exeter, 20* FOR SALE—'Frost & Wood mower, 5-foot cut, in good condition; 1,000 uded white brick. Allen Fletcher, R.R, 1, Kirkton, phone 34rl2 Kirkton, • 20c FOR SALE—A good red young ■Shorthorn bull, also a tractor. Apply to W. C. F. Oestriclier, Crediton, 20:27c FOR SALE—Baby stroller. Apply at Times-Advocate. i20c FOR SALE — Ivory baby buggy (pram style); also cistern pump with 12 ft. piping. Apply at Times-Advocate. 20* FOR SALE—Buck rake mounted on, a 28 year Buick Master, tires like new, Al condition. Phone Hen­ sail 14 J. \c FOR SALE—Pure bred stock Short­ horn bull, red, 18 months old. Apply Reg, Knight. 20 FOR SALE—iys horse Fairbank’s gas engine; Coleman lamp, fancy shade; oil hanging lamp; gent’s bicycle in good repair. Apply- to Ray Fletcher, Woodham. Phone 33rl2 Kirkton 20* FOR SALE—Seed buckwheat $1.25 a bus. Cann’s Mill, Exeter and Whalen. FOR SALE — Wheelbarrows, oak ■frame, pine and spruce box at $9,00. S. M. Sanders, Exeter. 9, 23; 6, 20; 4* FORRENT FOR RENT—A cottage at Grand Bend for four people for the season, hydro and running water. Apply Victor J. H. Snell, 539 Emery St., London, phone Lon­ don, Met. 6866 or Met. 6194W. 20:* LOST AND FOUND LOST—Hub cap for Mercury car. F, A. May, Exeter. '2 0* BABY CHICKS Order your July chicks to-day. We can give prompt delivery on many of the popular pure breeds and hybrid crosses in non-sexed, .pul­ lets or cockerels in day old and two and three week old started. Also eight week old to laying pullets. Prices greatly reduced for July. Last hatch July 12th. Twaddle Cluck Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. 20:27c TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN Drain Tenders Wanted Sealed tenders will be received by, the undersigned up until Tues­ day, July 2nd, at 10 a.m., for the repair of the John F. Smith drain. To include 2,400 cubic yards of ex­ cavation. Plans, profile and speci­ fications may be seen at the office of the clerk at Centralia. A marked cheque for $200.00 must accom­ pany each tender. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accept­ ed. L. B. HODGSON, Clerk of the TWp. of Stephen, Centralia, Ontario. TENDERS FOR GRAVEL Blainly marked tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12 O’clock noon, June 29th, 1946 for the hauling in September or October of 5,000 yards (more or less) of pit run gravel at flat rate per yard, anywhere as directed on McGillivray Township roads. Tenders to be accompanied by a marked cheque for $200. The low­ est or any tender not necessarily accepted. FRED J. NEIL, Road Supt. R.R, 3, Ailsa Craig, Ont, HURONDALE OLD BOYS’ REUNION Invitations have been sent __ for the Hurondale Old Boys Reun­ ion which is to be held at the school on July 1st. In compiling the list of former students no doubt some persons have been Inadver­ tantly overlooked. If so it is hoped that they will accept this invitation to be present and renew old acquaintances. ■out Pay TELEPHONE OPERATORS While Training—$15 Week Per Scheduled Wage Increases EXTRA PAY For Sunday and Evening Work • Apply to THE BELL TELEPHONE CO. EXETER - ONTARIO 20:27 WANTED— Housekeeper foi’ work­ ingman’s home,' 2 adults, sleep in, references. Apply to A, Bar- low, 85 8 Queens Avenue, London Ontario. <13:20c FEMALE HELP WANTED—Gen­ eral cook, average 35 per meal; also a laundress. Apply Box 50, Grand Bend.20* WANTED — Responsible girl for light housework and minding children. Full or part time. Apply Box B, Times-Advocate. 20c WANTED WANTED—15 head of cattle to •pasture; good highland grass, river water. G. J. Dow, Exeter 20* WANTED 5 c to plate, switch. Telephone 4 6r2. $5.00; 2 or Box Cash register, also an 3 burner, 32, Grand prefer electric 3-way Bend. WANTED—‘Good alfalfa hay or al­ falfa meal. Apply at Cann’s Mill. IStfc WANTED TO BUY—k used two- wheel trailer in good condition without stock rack. Apply Box 276 Exeter. 13:20* WANTED—10 0 horses, any kind of a cheap horse. Will pay good prices for them. Frank Taylor, Exeter tfc STRAYED STRIATED3—'Onto lot 17, Con. 4, Usborne, a red heifer. Owner may have same by proving prop­ erty and paying expenses. Amforos Koricina, R.R. 3, Exeter. 20* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—Some vacant lots in Exeter suitable for building sites. W. O. Pearce. * FOR SALE — 55 acres rich level land, reasonably good buildings, equipped with electricity. Extra well situated. Equipped if de­ sired. W, C. Pearce, Exeter.* FOR SALE—Brick residence on N. Sanders street. Apply to Wm. Welsh. tfc FOR SALE—Good 68 close to Exeter, house, .good bank chicken house. This place. Possession Pickard, Exeter. acre farm, comfortable barn and is a tidy soon. C. V. FOR SALE — 120-acre farm, well- located on paved road, comfort­ table house, good bank barn; hydro and water. Productive soil, 12 acres bush; also 50 acres cul­ tivated land without buildings, near Exeter. C. V. Pickard, Exe­ ter. MISCELLANEOUS SEE the new buck rake for the Ford-Ferguson tractor now • at the Ford Garage. CASH FOR FOX HORSES — Dead animals removed. Two-hour serv­ ice, day or-night. Phone Crediton 47rl5, collect. Jack Williams. 9tfc JESNEY SHOE REPAIR — Now open for business. Repairing neatly and promptly attended to, Crediton. tfp A Treat for yOur Feet! Corn and Callous prompt relief. 50c at and all druggists, Use Lloyd’s Salve for Robertson’S AN OPPORTUNITY Established Rural Watkins District available, If you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55 —have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get es­ tablished in a profitable business of your own. For full particulars write today to The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. O-EJ-6, 2177 Mas* son st., Montreal* Que. 4tc AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS AMD OF REAL ESTATE The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by lie auction at residence of Aaron Ireland, in Grand on JUNE 23, p.m. has pub- latethe Bend 1946 (D.S.T.), the SATURDAY, at two o’clock following; HOUSEHOLD chen cupboard couch; single cot. bake board; clothes horse rocking chairs; 2 leather upholster­ ed rocking chairs; 2 stools; elect­ ric floor lamp? flower stand; square table; sewing- machine; stove; one new and one used congoleum rug, 9x12; single electric hot-plate; odd mirrors; fruit cupboard; lantern; cupboard; garden tools; electric iron; small ordinary table; 3 odd chairs; dresser; cot and mattress; 4 feather ticks; large bureau; single iron bed with spring and mattress; iron three-quarter bed with spring and mattress; full size iron bed, spring and three-quarter wooden bed, and mattress; wooden bed, and mattress; 15 foot clothes line and pulley; of haidwood in poles; dry hardwood, approx. 20 cords; other articles too numerous to tion. REAL ESTATE: Parcel No. 1—S% lot IS, 18, Township of Stephen, 50 more or less. Splendid pasture and good rock well; Parcel No. 2—Easterly portion of lot IS, con. 19, Township of phen, 65 acres more or less, half of which is good tillable the remainder in bush. Parcel- No. 3- Township of Stephen, 100 more or less, house, bank barn 40x60, shed 3 6x4 0; drive shed age; good rock well, bush well drained. Parcel No. 4—Pt. lot 1, con. Sables, Township of Stephen, quarter of an acre more -or less. Parcel No. 5—Village Lot 5 on the east side of Ontario Street, Vil­ lage of Grand Bend. Lambton, 1 % storey, phalt sided with garage well. The above for sale subject, to a reserved bid. TERMS: On household effects: Cash. On Real Estate: cash for Parcel No. 5. Immediate possession; other parcels, 10% cash and the balance in 30 days each of which is subject to the rights of present tenants. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer, G. W. DAWSON, Clerk, R. H. IRELAND, Georgetown, Ont. SIM IRELAND, 14 Ray wood Ave., London. Executors of Aaron Ireland Estate, t 13:2'0 — Kit­ board; EFFECTS ironing garden tools three mattress; spring spring ladder; quantity split and men- Con. acres Ste- one- and 19.■Lot 19, Con. acres, 1% storey frame straw- and and gar­ land Aux one- AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received in* structions to sell by public auction at CDANDEBOYE on TUESDAY, JUNE 25th, 1946 i at 1.30 p.m., the following: HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS'—Com­ bination heater and cooker; 2 heaters; 3 double beds; single bed; couch; 5 rockers; glass cupboard; 3 tables; electric radio; electrie toaster; electric iron; 2 burner plate. REAL ESTATE—On Hodgins St. North at Clandeboye, Part Lot 2, 1 acre; 7 rooms; kitchen and work good well; cement tern; good orchard: highway. Estate of the late Mrs. TERMS O.F SALE - cash, known on day of sale. MRS. N. R. HORNING, Executrix G. LAWSON, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer. cellar; shop; soft ; 20 summer hydro; water cis- rods from R. Harlton - Chattels, Terms of Real Estate made 1 I, County of /, frame, as- house; ’ hydro; stable combined and good parcels will be offered AUCTION SALE OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY There will be offered for sale, subject to a reserve bid and other conditions of sale, on MONDAY, JUNE 24th, 1946 at 1.30 o’clock in the afternoon, at ELIMVILLE, ONTARIO the residential property of the late Sarah Cornish. This consists of a two-storey frame house, and barn, all good state of repair, and a of land more or Ideal way. For further particulars apply to undersigned. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer, F. FINGLAND, K.C., Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for Sarah Cornish Estate. consisting of 2% less. situation on paved in a parcel acres Higli- sideboard; bed 4 rocking chairs; toilet set; day bed Belle oak heater; ; small cook stove; table 2 beds and ; kitchen cup­ fruit sealers; carpet; bed COMMUNITY SALE AT CREDITON on SATURDAY, June 29th, 1946 in the Church She<l at Crediton at 1.30 p.m., the following: Extension table springs; stand; commode chair; and mattress; small box stove dining-room springs; 3 mattresses board; wash stands; tapestry rug; hail screen; electric washing machine; screen doors; garden tools; shovels?; hoes; .rake. 6 pigs, 6 weeks old. 13-hoe M.H. fertilizer drill; mow- low steel wagon; walking plow;er double set harness; single harness. I will algo sell a Chrysler sport ’coupe, 1930 model, good tires, freshly painted; of other merchandise. Come and buy and sell, reasonable. TERM,s—CASH WM. H. SMITH* Auct. ‘Phone 43-2 Crediton. E, SMITH, Clerk, r AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The undersigned received instructions lie auction on .FRIDAY, JUNE at 2 o’clock p.m., household effects at the residence of W. S. Cole, Huron. Street West Living and dining-room furni­ ture; china cabinet; buffet; rugs; linoleums; dressers; stands; brass beds; mattresses; springs; pictures; electric table lamps; clocks rockers; bed-room pillows; mattress; books; electric parch crocks; and many other articles too num­ erous to mention. TERMS CASH W. S. COLE, Proprietor, FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioner, GEORGE LAWSON, Clerk. auctioneer has to sell by pub- 2Sth, 1046 (D.S.T.), the chairs; vacuum cleaner; tables; china sets; commode; couch with springs and silverware, china, dishes; kitchen chairs; two-burner plate; flat irons; benches; porch garden tools; pots, pans quilts;, swing; NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of LILLIE WAN- LESS, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Lillie Wanless, late of the City of Duluth, 'State of Minnes­ ota, U.S.A., widow, deceased who died on or about the first day of April, A.D., 1943, are required to file particulars of same with Elmer D. Bell, solicitor, of Exeter, Ont.,, by the 24th day of June, 1946, af­ ter which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Dated the 3rd of June, A.D., 1946. ELMER D. BELL, Solicitor for the Administrator 6:13:20 overhauled,; plenty j Terms, 20:97 TENDERS FOR ■Federal Buildings— Ontario SEALED TENDERS addressed to th© undersigned and endorsed ’’Tender for Coal,” will be received until 3 p.m. (E.D.S.T.), Friday,. June 28, 1946, for the supply of coal and coke for the Dominion Buildings throughout the Province- of Ontario. Forms of tender with specifica­ tions and conditions attached can be obtained from the Purchasing Agent, Department of Public Works,. Ottawa, and the Supervising Archi­ tect, 36 Adelaide St. East, Toronto, Ont. Tenders should ,be, made on the- forms supplied by thov. Department and in accordance with department­ al specifications and conditions at­ tached thereto. Coal dealers’ licence’ numbers must be given when tend­ ering. The Department reserves the- right to demand from any success­ ful tenderer, before .awarding the order, a security deposit in form of a. certified chartered bank in payable to the order able the Minister of equal to 10 per cent of the tender, or Bearer Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or of the Canadian National Railway Com­ pany and its constituent companies- unconditionally guaranteed as to principal and interest by the Dom­ inion of Canada, or the aforemen1- tioned bohds and a certified cheque, if required to make Up an odd amount. SUCli security Will serve as a, guarantee for the proper fulfilment of the contract. By order, J. ,M. SOMERVILLE,. Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, June 7, 1946. COAL AND COKE •Province of the- cheque on a Canada, made of the Honor- Public Works, ■of the amount I I i z X J, J, A 4 4 »■ J „•/ C < V J > $ 1 x. <i w ■t