HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-06-13, Page 9THE TIMES-ADVQCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 13 th, 1946 Page S
The story thus far; Sue Francis
has fallen in love with Michael
Burke, who in turn falls in love
with. Sue’s older sister, Cynthia,
Cynthia has been married before,
but is divorced. Sue learns . that
Michael has not been told of this
marriage and tells him herself,
Then, ashamed of her jealousy, she
decides to run away. She is knocked
down by a caY driven 'by a strange
young man—but is not injured. The
young man, as Sue has yet to learn,
is the cousin of Michael, in town to
be ,best man at the wedding. Sue
returns home before hex- family
learn of hex- attempted flight.
Sue snapped on the light in hex’
bedroom. There we're -the foux’
familiar walls, creamy-pale and
cool, The quiet grays and .blues in
the plaid rug, the vivid, startling ,
blue of the slipper chair, the etch
ings oxx the wall that her fathex; had
given her so long ago. With along
and- weary sigh, she dropped onto
the bench before the dressing table,
and scrutinized hex’ tired face in
the mirror.
“Oh, what a dreadful day,” she
mu'rmured to that haggard reflec
tion, “Thank goodness it’s- over,
But tomorrow. Tomorrow is Cyn
thia’s announcement party!” And
she wondered dully where
would get the strength to
through with it.
“.Sue!” Cynthia came to the bed
room door. She had been combing
her hair a different way; it
parted low on the side and
makeup was smudged. The
eyes and the 'blue frowned at
other. “It was sweet of you,
very kind, to go -to Michael ......
that story of my past life! As if I
hadn’t intended telling him! Oh, I
know your idea; You thought you’d
turn hixn. against me! Well, you
“That wasn’t it, Cynthia. Really,
it wasn’t. I’nx sorry. I know it was
a silly thing to do, but
worked up about—”
“You were all worked
his loving me instead of
if you think it made any
to him— He was provoked that I
hadn’t told hixn. But he said he’d
defy his mother and marry me any
way. She’ll relent about giving him
his share of the money; I know she
will. He’s her only child,
you ever meddle in my
“Don’t worry!” said 'Sue
sister’s retreating back.
She swung around on the low
bench, and winced as the bed'roonx
door swung to with an. angry crash.
There was a series of staccato
taps down the hall. Anothex’
banged; then silence.
Early the next afternooxx
I was all
up about
you! And
And if
to lier
____ .... Sue
hurried through (Aunt Sally’s lovely
Beverly Hills home, seeing that the
iced drinks with their green sprigs
of mint were being properly mixed,
that the bridge tables were correct
ly placed on the wide verandah,
that the tennis net was adjusted,
and even that the swimming pool
Was filled to the proper depth.
"You never know what an an
nouncement party will turn into,
this close to Hollywood,” Aunt Sally
had prophesied gloomily. “If we
ask them to tea, they come in sport
clothes and bathing suits; if it’s a
swimming party, they appear in
cocktail dresses and tuxedoes. So
let’s just be prepared for anything.”
Free Pick-up and Delivery
Stratford Upholstering Co.
(Successors to the Clifford -
Upholstering Company)
42 Brunswick Street
Phone 579
Enquire at
Furniture Store
of Constipation
t Those who keep a mass of
impurity pent up in their bodies,
day after day, Instead of having it
removed as nature intended, at least
Once in every twenty-four hours, in
variably stiffer from constipation,
The use of cheap, harsh purgatives
will never get you any where as tliey
Only aggravate the trouble and in
jure the delicate mucous lining of the
bowels, and are very liable to cause
If constipated take Milburn’s
Laxa-Livcr Fills and have a natural
movement of the bowels. They do
not gripe, weaken and sicken as
many laxatives do.
T. Milburn Co., Lid., Toronto, Ont.
And prepared they were. Aunt
Sally—who was really not an aunt
at all, but an old and deax* school
friend of Mom’s—with hex’ limp and
fluttering bands, hex’ unexpected vo
cabulary, hex* smartly groomed
white hair, was receiving in palest
ice-green. Mom was gowned in her
best black satin, with a .pleased
smile oxx her small thin face, Peo
ple poured in,, a chattering, continu*
ous stream ' of them, swarming
ajxout Michael and Gyn, who was a
lovely vision in white ruffles and a
picture hat. The party was being
a success.
So, thankfully, Sue rested from
hex' labors, in a small side garden
that luckily no strolling couples had
yet discovered. She could hear .the
distant shouts of the five lusty
youngsters who had invaded the
swimming pool; and of the' four
others who had taken possession of
i the tennis court.
“Four o’clock, and all’s well,”
murmured Sue to herself, and
'leaned hex’ smooth brown curls
against a pillar of the arbor.
As she leaned there with her eyes
half closed, so that.the long, black
laslxes made tangled shadows again
st hex* pale cheeks, she looked like
a lovely old-fashioned lady posing
for hex* portrait. Her blue gown
was gloriously puffed as to sleeves,
and the rxxching of the neckline was
high about hex’ slender throat, while
the wide and ruffled hem was
brushing the g'rass at her feet.
"Sue!” called an impatient mas
culine voice from somewhere
hind the hedges, “;Sue! Where
“That,” said Sue bitterly to
self, “is what I get fox’ speaking out
of turn. ‘All’s well’! Whexx here
comes Tod!”
Through a break in the hedge
she could see the top of his head,
with the pale, thin .hair revealing a
pink scalp. Tod Galloway, walking
firmly and heavily, lifting a color
less voice to carol: “Sue! Oh
Involuntarily she shrank against
the leaves of the arbor and wished
she were wearing green, the bettex’
to avoid being seen. Tod’s persist
ent suitor-like attitude was the last
thing ixx the world she waned to
face now. Then she slipped inside
the protection of the arbor, peered
thankfully through the vines. He
hadn’t seen her—.
“Playing a game?” said someone
behind her companionably. “'Let me
play, too. I’ll be it.”
Sue whirled swiftly, lost hex
breath. Oh, she had seexx that dark
face before, that wide and flashing,
grin, those mocking eyes. Fox’ an
instant the two eyed each other.
“Hey!” cried the man unbeliev
ingly. “Haven’t we met before, Miss
—er—Miss Lane, isn’t it?”
“Is it?” said Sue with ominous
calm. Hex’ irises darkened as she
met the "teasing gaze of the lanky,
sober-faced young man. She pulled
herself erect and slid both hands
into the beruffled pockets of hex’
frock where they curled into two
pink fists. “Sorry not to remembei-
you,” she added politely.
“Don’t femenxbex* xhe?” The young
man had one eyebrow that moved
independently of the other. It shot
up quizzically. “A- dark night . . .
a lonesome road. I knocked you
down . . . remember?”
Sue was still calm, But hex’ .brain
was wo'rking feverishly. This was
the weak link in hex’ chain. Michael
wouldn’t tell, but this was the sort
of man who would. He’d go around
throwing subtle darts .at her, until
everyone would know. Why did he
have to conxe here? Who was he,
“I had no idea the drinks they’re
serving were so ‘ strong.” ‘Sue
perched on the arm of a bench and
looked, at him levelly. “Aren’t you
confusing me with someone? I’m
Sue Francis. What’s your name?”
“Carey Andrews, It’s always been
that. I nevex- change it—I’m funny
that way. H’nx . . . Sue Francis . . .
Then you must be Cynthia’s sister,
Mike told me about you.”
“M-Michael?” said Sue fea'rfully.
“Yes, I came from Oregon to be
his best man.”
• “Then—you must be Michael’s
“Check. |And now that we’ve got
that all straightened out, Suppose
we go back to that night. ’Member
that dark night I was talking about?
Here was I bowling merrily along
in my car—”
“Oh, lxaVe you a car? I always
say that a car is almost indispens
able nowadays. Have you seeix “
Galloway anywhere?”
“Yes—only a moment ago,
may I point out—so did
Through the hedge, Want to see
him about something impQrtant?”
“Yes,” said Sue. “I want to ask
him how he likes my dress.”
She rose precipitately, and fled
through the vine-draped doorway
out into tlxe sunlight.
“Wait!” begged Carey Andrews,
and was after her. He overtook hex*
on the gi’aveled path, and strode
along beside her, “Lovely party,
don’t you think?” he remarked
“Yes. It was, I thought,” Sue’s
voice Was cool and polite,
“Oh, listen—” skid Carey. “Let’s
not go on with this, I mean—
whatevex* it is that I do to make
you angry, I won’t do it any more,
And can’t we be friends? After all,
you know—”
“I suppose you are going to point
out/’ said Sue coldly, “that we are
sooix to be relatives; at least, a form
of distant relatives by marriage.
And as such, we should be friends.
Is that your argument?”
The election of officers for the
Zurich Lions Club resulted as fol-
lows: President, L-. Yungblut; vice-
presidents, T, Haberer, Dr. W. B‘.
Coxon, J. W. Merner; secretary*
treasurer, W» A. Siebert; directors,
V, Dinnln, G, Deiqhert, J. Haberer
and H. G. Hess; tail twister, Orville
Witmer; lion tamer, M, A, Qesch,
Five new members were admit*
ted; H, Stade, E. Weido, L. Willert,
0. Thiel and G, G. Sewell, Dr, P,
j, O’Dwyer, the retiring president,
presided ovex* the meeting.
(Lion H. Hess presented the
with an enlarged photo of
Lions Minstrels who recently
on the show on seven occasions of
which approximately $650 was real
“Uh—Something like that,” Carey
was beginning to lose his temper,
“'Sorry not to be interested.” Sue
turned and walked quickly around
the corner of the walk. She didn’t
expect him to follow, but he did.
His footsteps were sounding along
the walk behind her, so Sue darted
across the rose garden in the vain
hope of reaching the sanctuary of
the side porch.
A short warm gust of afternoon
breeze swooped down. It caught the
pale-blue ruffles, and tossed them
against a rose bush; and the jagged
thorns that seemed to have been
lying in wait for just such an oc
casion as this, reached out
There was a soft rip! and
ped, stock-still.
“Oh, .heavens!” . she
“My dress—it'll ,be all
“Is the lady by any chance in
distress?” Carey’s bland tone seem
ed to hold no malice. He strolled
up indolently. “If I could be of
“No, thank you!” said Sue rude-
snatched at the ruffles, and
her finger badly. “Oh,
she said, and thrust the
Sue stop
torn to
ly. She
“Especially when you realize that
if I should scratch myself and get
blood-poisoning, it would be such
a relief to the lady in question.”
“Don’t rush in and commit sui-
side on my account,” said 'Sue cold
ly. “I hate funerals. Thank you.
It was very kind. And now—are
you going to continue to follow
“Follow you? Never,” said Carey
in surprise. “I was merely find
ing ' my way back to the pa'rty.
Quite amusing, over there.’-’ And
he strolled away, humming in his
tuneless ‘but wholly merry way.
Then h^ halted, stepped off the
narrow .path, and bowed courteous
ly. “Ah! .Mr. Galloway,” he greet
ed the heavy-set figure hastening
towa'rd him. “We were just speak
ing of you, a lady and I. In fact,
the lady seemed quite anxious to
see you. Charming creature, too, in
a blue dress, and her name-—H’m
. . . what was the' name, now? I
can’t have forgotten—”
“Sue Frances?”
loway eagerly. “A
Brown hair?”
“The very one.
into her snxall
Farm Production Costs Increasing Faster Than Returns
Farm production costs have in
creased faster than farm prices
and consumers must be prepared
to pay more for farm produce in
the near future. Ontario Agricultur
al Minister Kennedy said In an ad
dress .prepared for delivery at the
opening .of the Hensall Spring Fair
on Friday of last week. Col'. Ken
nedy praised producers for their
constant effprts to improve quality
of eggs, buttex* and whole milk,
Butter quality had improved by 25
per cent between 1944 and 1945
and the butter quality competitions
being conducted this year would
result in further improvement, The
poultrymen had done a magnificent
job in breeding and feeding to
produce better quality eggs apd by
their active interest in prompting
better marketing methods had giv
en the consumers a much fresher
and better quality product. Milk
standards have improved steadily,
and the stress laid on sanitation
and health conditions -on dairy
farms, supplying the whole milk
trade had not improved milk quai-
ity, but added considerably to the
costs of production,
Eggs Vp Q Cents
However, ,the price of eggs had
advanced only nine cents a dozen
since 1938, the price of butter by
only eight or nine cents a pound,
and the retail price of milk was
exeatly the same today as it was
in the yeax* prior to the outbreak
of war. But labor costs were just
.about double what they were iq
1938. Machinery and everything
else the farmer has tp buy had in
creased in cost.
“The farmers must .have their
cost of production and a reason
able margin of profit on what they
produce or they will go out of
business,” said Col, Kennedy, “I
believe that today the consumers
are willing to pay a proper price
for high quality food products such
as our farmers are placing on the
markets, and' with no indication
that production costs are going to
remain at the present price levels,
but will probably go higher still,
the consumers must face the fact
that they are going to have to pay
higher prices fox- farm products in
the not too distant future and par
ticularly when controls and subsid
ies aye entirely removed by the
Federal Government. This is inevit
able, .because if we have to depend
on oux' farmers to produce oui- es
sential food then the consuming
public will have to pay a price
that will enable the farmers to
earix a decent living.
Don’t Waste Feed!
FEED is scarce^ this season, Don’t waste, it! Make
the most of what you have,
Here are two ways to do that. First; make sure you
buy chicks with a real reputation for living, thriving,
growing, making economical use of their feed- Second,
raise them on short tender green pasture, That cuts
your feed costs, and raises you better, stronger chicks.
We have the chicks with the reputation for living.
Hundreds, yes, thousands—of farm poultry raisers
will tell you that Bray Chicks have “what it takes’'. If
you have the feed to raise them, that’s the kind of
chicks to start!
Fred W. Bray, Limited
Bray Chick Hatchery, Exeter Phone 246
real'Iy a
on the
man’s job,”
and began
filmy blue
asked Tod Gal-
tiny little girl?
You’ll find her
lurking among the roses,” said
Carey gravely and continued on his
“I say there!” called Tod after
him. “You’re sure er—You're posi
tive it was blue?”
Blue it is!” sang back Carey
from beyond the hedges, .and Tod
glanced about him dubiously. There
was no use looking for Sue now,
unless that othex- chap was color
blind. The blue dress would do
something to Tod; blue always did.
Sapped his morale. It was no good
proposing agaixx today. Luck’ was
against him. Always was,, for that
matter. Sadly he shook his head
and hastened away in the general
direction of the punch bowl.
On the side po'rch, Sue was stand
ing with hex’ hands pressed to her
flaming cheeks. “Did you ever be
fore see such a disagreeable xhan?!’
she asked herself in a sort of deep
wonder, thinking of brown eyes and
a wide and mocking grin.
'Slowly the c'rowd began to thin;
cocktail parties and dinnex’ engage
ments were beckoning.
Sue found Aunt Sally fluttering
her hands at the .butlei- and giving
vague directions about clearing
away. “Where’s Morn?” she asked.
“I haven’t been seeing her.”
“Oh, Emma went home.. About
an hour ago. Ox- perhaps longer.
I meant to tell you—” '
A dull presentiment gathered
about Sue’s heart. “Sick?”
“Just a headache, dear,
don’t worry. I sent her lxonxe
“Then I’ll run along home
take care of her,” said Sue
“Thank you, so much, Aunt 'Sally.
Yiour party has been lovely. Good-
The plump hands waved limply.
“But Sue dear, why don’t yoxx wait
fox* Cyn and Michael?”
“Tell them I’ve gone on ahead,”
called back Sue, and rushed away.
The presentiment accompanied
here to her own front door. Hex
trembling fingers tumbled with the
latch, and the doox’ ’ swung open.
There in the hall was the dark-
clothed figure of the family doctor.
“Dr, Reynolds!” she cried in a
fearful, little-girl voice.
“Now, don’t get excited, Steady
now, I’nx sorry, Sue, but your
mother is' very ill,”
(Conthmcd next wcolc)
Next Wook: Mrs. 'Francis’ illness
makes a change Of plans necessary.
Carey Andrews looxns larger in
Sue’s lifts; sho continues to treat
him Coldly.
in a
Classified Ads Bring Results
Bray Hatcheries will be hatching right through June. We
expect to have plenty of vigorous, husky, thrifty chicks for
prompt shipment. Your order will receive prompt, courteous
attention. If interested, do it now!
Your car will give you more miles with more
pleasure when you use Supertest gasoline. It’s double
checked, as are all products that bear the famous
Supertest name-—once at the refinery and again at
the laboratory—to make sure you get the best
that money can buy.
Super-Duty motor oil makes a fitting companion to
Supertest gasoline. Every drop is packed with pro
tection— the ideal lubricant that helps keep your car
in first-class running Condition.