HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-06-13, Page 8Page 8 'in pn!' I? r* Scenes from the South Huron Agricultural Society’s Annual Stock Show at Hensail Last Friday THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 13th, 1946 Canadian J. H. Hensail Council Asked to Consider The Ontario Minister of Agricul­ ture, Col. T. L. Kennedy (1) took the microphone at Hensail spring stock show Friday afternoon to con­ gratulate the executive of the South Huron Agricultural Society on the quality of the beef cattle and horses entered in the show. Members of a group of pure bred Hereford cattle put up for auction at‘the show, (2) this mother and son brought by Howard Wright, of Cromarty, wait their turn to go on the auction block. A well-matched express team (3) shown ;by William Decker, of Zurich, won their owner a first prize. Championship in the draught and agricultural classes was awarded to Peter Graham, of Ilderton for the horse with which he is shown in (4). General ap­ plause froin. .the .crowd greeted an exhibition''"drive put on by Fred Roney, Mitchell (5) with his four- horse hitch. The champion Short­ horn aged bull (6) was shown by John Ostrom, of Varna, a newcom­ er to1 the ranks of breeders of Shorthorns. The baleful bullseye in (7) belongs to a seven-year-old auctionHereford sire put up for by G. B. Walker, of London. The animal sold at $215. — (Beacon-Herald Photos and Engr­ aving) 1,700 in Hensail Annual Stock Show the said had auc- (Continued from page 1) a spectator at ringside during auction; Miss Advance Tone, Mr. Rodanz, was the animal he come to see. Other prices at the Hereford tion; Top Notch Ellis D. 3rd, year­ ling .bull, consigned by R. H. Evi­ son, of Strathroy, bought by John M. Craig, of Blyth, at $245; Top Notch Lass 2nd, consigned by R. H. Evison, bought by R. G. Thomp­ son, of Clinton, at $250; Prime Lass Domino, five-year-old cow, consign­ ed by R. H. Evison, bought by Bert Holmes, of Wingham, at $245; Princess -Patricia 24th, 10-year-old cow, consigned by E. R. O’Neil, of Denfield, bought by John Bell, of London, at $205; Rose Domino, 5- year-old cow, consigned by G. A. O’Neil, of Denfield, bought by Frank Levy of -St. Marys at $215; Phoebe Rupert, heifer, consigned by Fred Sands, of Tupperville, bought by Hirtzel Brothers, of Crediton, at $310; Jarvis Domino Lad 43rd, 7- year-old bull, consigned by G. B. Walker, of London, bought by War­ ren Brock, of Granton, at $215. Judging Results Judging results were as follows: Horses Aged Stallion, Clydesdale—Bean Bros., Ailsa Craig; O. L. Switzer, Clinton. Draft Team—Fred Roney, Mitchell. Agricultural team—Huron County Home, Clinton; P. L. Gra­ ham, Ilderton; Fred Roney, Mit­ chell. Wagon or Express Horses, team in harness—(William Decker, Zurich; Harry Beaver, Exeter. Single Wagon Horse — William Decker (first and second); Harry Beaver, Exeter. Roadster, single, open class—Wallace Munroe, Em- bro; Louis Thibedeau, Markdale; Munroe; Thibedeau. Roadster, team Embro. Single, Munroe, (first, Carriage team (first and sec­ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Relief From Summer Complaints To get t quick relief from diarrhoea, intestinal pains, sea­ sickness Or summer complaint, Use DOCTOR IWLEB’S EXTRACT OF WILD STRAW- berry. This dependable family remedy is one of the most effective^and best known mediCnles for bowel complaints. Insist on DOCTOR FOWLER’S EXTRACT OF. WILD STRAWBERRY—sold by druggists everywhere. Price 50c a bottle. Tit® & Milburn. 6®., Ltd.. Toronto Ontario —Wallace Munroe, Carriage—W allace second and third). —Wallace Munroe ond). Carriage, champion—Wallace Munroe. Champion class, draft mare or gelding, any age—Fred Roney, H. McEwen, Clinton; Fred Roney. Grand Champion, draft or agricul­ tural filly or gelding, any age—P. L. Graham, Ilderton. 'Saddle Horses —Margaret McGregor, Hensall; Howard Dayman, Kippen, Alvin McGee, Goderich; William Merner, Zurich; Alvin McGee. Hurdle Jump­ ers—William Merner, 'Alvin .McGee, Howard Dayman. Three horses from one township—-Fred Roney, Wallace Munroe. Gentleman’s Turnout—Lou Thibodeau, Wallace Munroe. Lady driver-—Mrs. Miller, driving Wal­ lace Munroe’s horse; Mrs. Thibed­ eau. Four-horse team, driven by one man-—Fred Roney. Agricultural mare or gelding, any age—P. L. Graham, Ilderton; Huron County Home; Fred Roney. Cattle Aberdeen Angus: Bull under one year—F row; Aged der Cow, (first Heifer, Bros,; third). Todd; Shorthorns: Bull under one year —Roy Pepper, Seafdrth; Parker and Soil,.Watford. Aged bull—John Ostrom, Varna; Dr. stapleton, Sea­ forth, Bull under two—Dr. Staple­ ton; Barker and’ Son (second aiid third). Cow, any age—Barker and N-Joy-U-AII The N-Joy-U-All picnic was held on Monday, June 10th with a good attendance, about eighty being present. After supper a good game of softball was played between the Love family reunion and the N-J-oy- U-All young men. The results of 'the sports are as follows: peanut scramble; boys 7 and under, Jackie Triebner, Ronald Preszcator; girls 10 and under, Irvine Ford, Jack Jensen; girls 13 and under, Leona Davey, Melba King; boys 13 and under, Bob Preszcator, Clifford Penhale; young ladies race, Helen Shapton, Doreen Triebner; young men’s race, .Winston Shapton, Ger­ ald Dearing; soap race, May Schroeder’s side; coat race, Allen Richards and Jean King, Russ. Heaman and Helen Shapton (tied); lunch men man; ard’s ton’s Les. Richard’s side; ladies, Mrs. George Walkes; stepping 50 yds., dropping clothes pin in jar, Lorrain Preszcator; guessing peanuts in jar, Mrs. Fred Preszcator. The officers for the 1947 picnic are: president, Wm. Parker; sec.-treasurer, Wm. Schroeder. Picnic , Mrs. Wes Dearing’s side; stepping 50' yds., Russ. Hea- passing orange, Les. Rich­ side; egg contest, Ed. fihap- side; passing the life-savers, spot race for ladies Helen Shapton; apers Annual Convention in London •F. G. Todd and Son, Luek- Edwards ' Bros., bull- two any age —- 1 aiid second); under two years—-Edwards F. G. Todd (second and Heifer under one year—- Edwards Bros. Watford. ■Edwards Bros. Bull un­ years—-Edwards Bros. Edwards Bros.. F. G. Todd. Son. Heifer, under two years—Par­ ker and Son (first and second). Heifer under on year-—Parker and Son (first and second); Dr, Staple­ ton. Hereford: Bull under one year— Howard Wright, Cromarty; G. Ken­ nedy. Aged bull—W. S. O'Neil, Den- field; Howard Wright; G. Kennedy. Bull under two years—W. S. O’Neil; E. Brand, Forest; J. Evison, Strath- roy. Cowr any age, O’Neil; Kennedy, EvisOn. Braud; Helfer, Wright; Wright. Market: Butcher, steer or heifer, over 750 pounds-—F. G. Todd; W. S. O’Neil (second and third); Par­ ker and Son, Baby Beef, under 750 pounds — Edwards Bros.; Parker and Son; Edwards Bros.; Todd. Get of sire, three animals, any herd— Edwards Bros,; Parker and •Son; F, G. Todd; W. S. O’Neil. Herd ex­ hibit, one bull and three females of all breeds—Edwards Bros.; W. Ek O’Neil; Barker and $on; F. G. TOdd, G. Kennedy. Heifer, Under two years-— O’Neil (second and third), under one year-—Howard W. S. O’Neil; Howard Members of the, Ontario and Quebec division of the Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association held their first post-war convention at the Hotel London Friday and Sat­ urday of last week with over 200 delegates in attendance. The mem- mbers were accompanied by their ladies. Business sessions were held in the morning and afternoon. In addition to the business ses­ sions a very fine program of enter­ tainment was provided. Friday noon the party was entertained to lun­ cheon at the University of Western Ontario when Prof. Fred Landon gave a short address and spoke of the growth of the. university. The new course of journalism inaug­ urated by the university was first suggested by the weekly newspapers in view of which Hugh Templin, of Fergus, president of ‘the National Association was given the honorary degree of LLD. at the recent con­ vocation. From the university the ladies were taken for a trip through the plant of the McCormick Biscuit Company and were each presented with two half pound boxes of bis­ cuits. From there they were taken to the Woodeden Camp for crippled children where they were surprised and delighted with what the Rotary Club have provided for the crippled children of Ontario in an all-the- year-round program. The association -dinner was held at Hotel London in the evening when an address was given by Hon, Paul Martin, Secretary of State for Canada. The address Was broadcast over CFPL and in a masterly and impressive manner Le appealed for unity in matters of rhee, religion ahd politics to assure Canada her rightful place among the nations. He spoke of the place Canada had gained among the nations in her war effort and appealed -for her to take her* place in helping to relieve the distressed conditions overseas. Members of the association were guests at breakfast of the whole­ sale paper Companies of London and was presided over' by F. W* Halls, Mr. A. R. Alloway# of the Times Publishing Co., oshawa, Whose company has recently taken over the London Echo, was the guest speaker, |At lunchoen the members were guests of the city of London, pre­ sided over by the acting mayor, Mr. E. W. Curtis. The speaker was Hugh Templin, L.L.D., who urged for a greater knowledge and. a greater appreciation of what Can­ ada is and what Canada has done. He urged a closei’ relationship with the various provinces and for a national unity. The Times-Advocate editor had the privilege of express­ ing thanks to the city and to the speakei’ and referred to the fact that London’s former mayor, W. J. Heaman, had been introduced into municipal politics in Exeter and that on two occasions of the present mayor, Mr. McAllis­ ter had twice been Exeter and influenced t< Miscellaneous Shower A miscellaneous shower for Miss Josie Kerslake, a bride-elect of last week, was held at the home of Miss Mary Johns on Wednesday last. The bride-to-be took her place in a decorated chair opposite which a prettily decorated sprinkling showered down its streamers a similarly decorated 'wedding which concealed the gifts. After Josie had opened and thanked the girls the joyed a couple of contests favoured by Miss Anna Brock. Lunch was served. can upon cake giftsthe group en- and were by an appropriate reading the parents stationed in thereby. Subjects under discussion during the business sessions included such as ‘Local pictures and their value to the weekly paper,” “Modernizing the plant,” “National Advertising,” “Building an all-round Weekly,” “Subscription Rates and Commercial Printing Prices.” John Eedy, of St. Marys Journal-Argus and ' John James, of the Bowmanville States­ man, gave their impressions on re­ turning to the job after service with the Canadian forces. The officers sociation were president, C. B. president, W. Watford- vice-presidents, S. Curry, Tweed, and C. E. Bond, New Lis- keard; secretary-treasurer, R. A. iGles, Lachue, Que., and directors, W. Kenneth Walls, Barrie; J. M. Southcott, Exeter; D. R. Wilson, Shawinigan Falls; Jack Pickell, Paris; Liaitd Miller, Jarvis; W. H. McFarlane; E. A. Spence, Strath- roy, and Charles Nolan, Stouffville. elected for the as- as follows: Hon. Smith, of creemore; C. AylesWorth, of Not At All One man was buying some meat lii the .butcher shop when another entered in a great hurry and rudely interrupted. “Give me some dog meat, quick,” he said to the butcher. Then, turn­ ing to the other customer, “I hepe you don’t mind my cutting in?” “Not at all,” said the other, acidly, “Not if you’re that hungry.” a I Clerk—“Here’s a pretty card with lovely sentiment: ‘To the only girl ever loved.’ ” Sailor—“That’s fine. Give, me a dozen.” The regular meeting of the Vil- je Council was held Tuesday evening, June 4 th, immediately after the Court of Revision on the 1946 Assessment Roll at 9 p.m., with all members present. The min­ utes of the previous regular and special meeting were read. Kers­ lake and Moir; that the minutes be adopted as read, Carried. A request was received from the Hyde Tractor and Combine Co., for permission to install a gasoline pump and tank at the corner of Queen and Wellington on their property, along with a petition signed by the gasoline dealers fav­ oring the same. Fink and Kerslake: that we grant Hyde Tractor and Combine Co., permission to erect a gas .pump on north side of property on corner of Queen and Welling­ ton. Carried. A delegation Passmore, O. re By-Law No. an amendment elude garages as well as gas pumps and tanks, same to be considered at the next meeting when a petition is likely to be presented. H. Dinnen appeared asking for a license for a taxi. Moir and Kers­ lake: that Harry Dinnen be granted a taxi license. Carried. N. Jones appeared asking about drainage for his property recently purchased, advised to tap into the drain at Queen and Nelson and that the Village would bear the cost of the tile along the street. T. Kyle reported an enquiry for a band horn from an outsider; no action to be taken; also asked about the mower for cutting grass on the streets and stated the present mow­ er in very bad shape.. Correspondence was read as fol­ lows: W. R. Dougall, secretary­ treasurer -Seed and Stock Show; Dept. • of Agriculture; Imperial Oil Ltd; Liquor Control Board; W. R. Golding, M.P.; J. A. Supt, of Agricultural and tural Societies; r Dept, of Health; County, Treasurer; pensation Board; and filed. Hyde and Kerslake: that and Fink be appointed to the Board. Lost. Amendment, Moil’ and Fink: that we appoint H. Hyde and A. Kers­ lake as members of .the Park Board. Carried. •Fink and Moir: that we appoint W. R. Davidson, George Armstrong, Elgin Rowcliffe, Frederick Smalla- combe and Lloyd Cook to the (Park Board. Carried. Hyde and Fink: that By-law No. 3 Community Park, and By-law No. 4 Borrowing money Bank of Mont­ real be given first and second read­ ing. Carried. Kerslake and Moir: That By-laws Nos. 3 and 4 be given third and final reading and finally passed and be signed by the Reeve and Clerk and sealed. Carried. Bills and accounts were follows: Huron Expositor, $2.45; L. Noakes, trucking 41.60; R. Todd, labor, 6.40; -K. Noakes, labor, 3.60; ‘ _ R. Moir, labor, garbage 10.40 Walff, labor, England, labor, Madge,, garbage disposal 1(3.00, Pfaff, ’ teaming “ ' McBeath, labor, streets 1.60; Hen- sall School Board, current expenses salary 73.80; Board, of J. Reid, C. W. Twitchell appeared 3, 1937, asking for to the same to in- and service stations Carroll, Horticul- Legion; Kinkead, Workmen’s Com- same considered Moir Park read as printing garbage garbage garbage ; R. •K. . _ R. Dick, labor, garbage 10,40; ’ * ‘ ..................H. M. W. J. J. garbage garbage streets 1.20'; 5.20; 12.30; 1,000.0.0; T. Kyle, Workmen’s Compensation assessment 69.64; iProvincial Treas., insulin, Miss Mitchell .58; Hydro Commission, hydro, hall. Fink and Kerslake: that accounts as read be paid. Carried. Hyde Carried. and Moir: that we adjourn. I change these pants at“Can this counter?” “Well, I’ll tell you lady, we have quite a few men shoppers, so maybe you’d better go into the dressing room.” Phone 299 or 59 w Is your refrigerator working satisfactorily? Besides being an annoyance it’s costly, too, if it isn’t, especially these days when new ones are so hard to get. For expert repair service give us a call. G. K. CROCKER Authorized • Kelvinator Sales and Service Phones 299, 59w Opposite Cann’s Mill Main Street, Exeter Itching, Burning, Stinging Eczema or Salt Rheum Eczema, or salt rheum as it is commonly called, is one of the most painful of all skin troubles. The intense burning, etching and smarting, espe­ cially at night, or when the affected part is exposed to heat, or the hands placed in hot water are most un­ bearable, and relief is gladly welcomed. ", The relief offered by Burdock Blood Bitters is based on the knowledge that such ailments, as eczema, and other skin troubles, are caused by an impure blood condition. Bring, about inner cleanliness by using B. B. B. to help cleanse the blood Of its impurities, ,Ask at any drug counter for B. B. B. Price $1.00 a bottle. The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. t 6 >