HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-06-13, Page 5THE TJMES.APVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSPAY MORNING, JUNE 13ft, IMS Church Support CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Rev, Kenneth MacLean, Minister Mrs, J. G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m,—-Sunday School. 11 a.m,—Public Worship. Thurs., June 13, 8.3'0l ,p,m.—TL= teachers and officers of the Sun­ day School will meet in the school room, Mon., June 17, 4,15 Mission Band Picnic. Thurs,, June 20, 8 p.m.—The regu­ lar meeting of the Cavejp W.M.S. will be held at the home of Mrs, H, H, Strang. -The p.m,—The MAIN STREET UNITED Rev. N. J. Woods, M.A., Minister Mrs, A, Y, Willard, Organist 11 a.in.—Public Worship and Church School, the minister. 7 p.m,—Public Worship, the minister. Thurs., 3 p.m.-—W,M.S. at church. 4 p.m.—Baby Band meeting. THAMES ROAD Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gardiner visited ou Sunday last- with Mr. and Mrs, Murray Gibson at Hen­ field, Miss Helen Morgan, of London, is ^pending a few weeks at her home. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mr, and Mrs. Alex Duncan in the passing of Mrs. Duncan’s mother, Mrs. Sillery on Tuesday of this week, Mrs, Wm. Hodgert, of Exeter, is visiting this week with Mr, and Mrs. Roy Coward, Mr, and Mi’s. C, Miller, Mr, Milf ler <Sr., and Miss LiJIie Miller at­ tended Zion anniversary on Sunday and visited with Mr. and Mrs, Ev­ erett Miller, Mr, and Mrs. P. Alice attended Zion Sunday and visited Mrs. James Earl, Mr. Bert Gardiner and Miss Margaret Allison, both of London, visited with their parents over the week-end. Rev. air service Sarnia last R. Peters, one of his Borland accompanied Mr. his trip. Mr.' MacMurray, Mayor ton, spoke at Thames Road, Elim- ville and Roys on Sunday last in interest of the Pension Fund of the United conducted Road with. Sunday vices will June 16th morning at 11.15 Hugh Wilson, guest speaker and in the at 7.30 p.m. with Rev. A. Duffield, Death and Murrlnge are inherited free of Card of Thanka ftffic, In i in No Hees 50c for single Hirth, Announcement; charge. .Hembrla r ___„...... .. verse, Me extra for each addi­ tional verse. Ensjasi'iii entu 50c a ffl ffl? JAMES STREET UNITED Page 5 Passmore and anniversary on with Mr, and BIRTHS CARROLL—and Mrs. Carroll,. Lucan, are happy to an­ nounce the arrival of their son, Wayne Clifford, at Victoria Hos­ pital, Saturday, June 8, 1946; a brother for Ronald. DIXON- •on Thursday, June 6, 1946 Mr, and Mrs, Orville Dixon Ailsa Craig, a son, MARRIAGES Harry -At Dy Fletcher’s Hospital to of CREDITON SCHOOL PICNIC — The annual school picnic will b© held 'Friday, at two grounds ■ T TRIVITT MEMORIAL Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choirmaster, Esme Howard Trinity Sunday 10 a.m.—'Sunday School. 11 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Ser­ mon. 'The Blessed Trinity”. Anthem, “God is Love?’ Choir Rehearsal, Friday, 8-9 p.m. Irwin, B.A. A, Wein Choir Leader School and Bible Rev. A. B. Lam’ence Organist and L(X a.m.—'Sunday Class.- 11 a.m.—Morning Worship, Rev. C. W. Down. . 7 p.m.—Evening Worship. Rev. C. W, Down, Thurs., June 13th, 3 p.m.—After­ noon Auxiliary. W.M.'S. Speaker, Mrs. Wm. Mair. Baby Band members and mothers will be guests of the W.M.S. ZION EVANGELICAL Crediton M. E. Reuber, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. F. W. Morlock. Organist 10 a.m.—Children’s Day Message. 11 a.m.—iChurch School. 7.30 p.m.—{Alnnual Children’s Program. Sponsored by the Church School. Fri., 8 P-m-—'E.Y.F. Day Thames ,Ro.ad Sunday School PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE H. T. Kendrick, Pastor Special services nightly with and Mrs. L. Miller. Wed., 8 p.m. Thurs., 2.30 p.m.—W.'M.G Speaker, Mrs. E. Miller. Thurs., 8 p.m. Fri., 8 p.m. Sat., 9 p.m.—(Open air service. Sun., 10 a.m.—Sunday School. Supt. ,Mr. E. Cudmore. Sun., 11 a.m.—Rev,t L. Sun., 7.30 p.m.—-Song mony. Sun., 8 p.m.—A great Rev. Miller, and testi- rally. Come and hear this fine young speaker. Sunday, June 16th at 1,1.15 a.m. anil 7.30 p.m. DST Morning Service: Rev. Hugh Wilson, of Brussels Evening Service: Rev. A. E. Duffield, of Lambeth Special music by the choir. Children’s Choir at Morning Service A cordial invitation to all. i Mail’ took a special open at Port Lambton, near Sunday for the Rev. J. of Sornbra, this being appointments.Mr. Bert Mair on Church. Mr. H. Jones, the service at Thames Mr. MacMurray. ■School anniversary ser- be held this Sunday, at Thames Road. In the a.m. with Rev. of Brussells, as evening HALL—HICKS—On Saturday, June 8, 1946, in Centralia United Church, by Rev. G. W. Weir, Horothy Essery Hicks, daughter of Mrs, Hicks and the late Byron E. Hicks, Centralia, to Frederick • Earl Hall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles M, Hall, Toronto. RYCKMAN — KERSLAKE — At James Street Parsonage on Sat­ urday, June 8, 1946, Josie Leona daughtei’ of Mr. Chas. Kerslake and the late Mrs. Kerslake, Mahlon A, Ryckman, son of and Mrs. Archie Ryckman, Rev. A. B. Irwin. DEATHS to Mr. by of Lambeth.Children’s choir in the morning and adult choir in the evening.Rev.Mair will ex- change pulpits with these men for the day. Sunday School will be KIRKTON ■S. 0. Switzer is holidaying home oT Mr. and Mrs. John at Rannoch. Mrs. at the Brown Messrs. Gerald and Lee Paul as- sited the Anderson, choir • at their morning Sunday school anniversary Mr. Frank Routly visited his wife, who is still a patjent at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. Russell Morrison, of Brant­ spent the week-end at his DASHWOOD Messrs. Harry Hoffman, Glen Walper and Gordon Hess, of Zur­ ich, attended a telephone conven­ tion in London last week. Mr. Herb Gaiser, of Detroit, spent the week-end with his broth­ er, Chester Gaiser. Col. and Mrs. E. E. Tieman and family, of days with Tieman. Mr. Sam , _ ited with his mother, Mrs. Witzel the beginning of the week. Mrs. McDonald who has been at­ tending Mrs. D. Tieman since she had her hip fractured, has return- to her home1 in Crediton. Her daughter, Mrs. Streets, of Clinton, will now assist in attending her for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Wildfong, of London, were Sunday visitors with her mother, Mrs. Hamacher. Cpl. Ray Guenther, who has been overseas returned home on Tues­ day, Mrs. Edith Mason, who is suf­ fering from the effects of a stroke is in a very critical condition. iMrs. Currie, of Clarksburg, and Mr. and Mrs. .Breadner, of Heath­ cote, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Currie. Children’s Day was observed in th© Evangelical Church last Sun­ day evening when the children gave a very good program. The congregation of the Luther­ an Church are holding a picnic on Wednesday, June 12th, at Grand Bend. Dr, and Mrs. Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. .Milton Webb spent the week­ end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. A. Ward (the for­ mer Betty Mclsaac) and Mr. Har­ old Hateley, all of Windsor, were week-end visitor with Mrs. Lucin­ da Mclsaac. Miss Florence Mclsaac who has been visiting here return­ ed ihonte with them on Sunday. Mr. and .Mrs, Harry Cook. Windsor Mi’, i Mr and family, of London, spent day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. Restemeyer, Miss Onieda RbStdnie^er of London, is visiting with her parents kt present. Mr ' ‘ ‘ tawa, Oluf London, spent a .few his mother, Mrs. Mary Witzel, of Toronto, vis- and Mrs. Harry Cook, of r, were Sunday visitors with and Mrs. D. Tieman. r, and Mrs. Hubert Restemeyer Sun- R.N. and Mrs. I-Iedegard, of Ot- visited with Mr. and 'Pedersen last week. Mrs, A mail was running along streets, shouting voice A policeman said 'Ho! No! Here, you, “It’S all right, reply. “I’m a ‘Yes' the hisat the top of Certainly not! stopped him and what’s the idea?” officer,” was the i’ man on holiday?’ •w Mr. ford home in the village. Mr. Case Allen of London, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Allen. Miss Helen McNaughton, accom­ panied by her father, Mr. Roy Mc­ Naughton, spent the week-end , at ■Newliskard in the North Country where the intend making their home in the near future. Mr. Walter Hazelwood had . the telephone installed in his home in the village this past week. Miss Mary Dick, of spent part of this week with Mrs. Ross Marshall. Mr. and ‘ Mrs. Robert of Varna, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. John Cluff. Mr. and Mrs. ' Eric Humphreys and daughters, Jean and Helen spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brock at Burgesville. Miss Norma Tufts, of London, spent the week-end at her home and also Monday day. Mr. and Mrs. have returned to ing spent some time this past week with' friends in London. The Young People’s Union of the Kirkton United annual picnic bank Park. All Birthday Party Mrs. Lome tained all the village children and the mothers to a birthday party in honor of her little daughter, Jane, who celebrated her fifth birthday Jund 4th. The evening was spent with sports and games. Prizes were awarded to the winners and a short program followed. The host­ ess served a dainty lunch assisted by Mrs. L. Coley. The party closed by - all singing “Happy Birthday” little Jane. Mitchell, Robinson, the King’s Birth- Millar McCurdy their home hav- Church held their Monday at Spring­ report a good time McNaughton elater­ to ELIMVILLE and Mrs. 'Samuel Hannah.ofMr Seaforth , and Mr, Lachlin McAllis­ ter, of Yellowgrass, Sask., visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bell with the latter remaining foij the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hurd and Douglas, of Anderson, visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sparling. Mrs, A. McFalls, of Exeter, visit­ ed for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Westoil Horne. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Gould and family, of Hay, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Wesley Heywood, Miss Irene Johns, of spent ents, Mr. doll, home, Mr, aid and Murray, the Week-end parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry ‘ Sparl- The CKNX Ranch Boys and Cora ■are coming to Elimville Church Irene Johns, of Exeter, the week-end with her par- Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Johns. Murray spent the Stephen, of Lon- WeOk-end at his and Mi’s,Earl Parrish> Ron* of London, spent with the latter’s withdrawn for these services. Both services are on Daylight Saving Time. During the game of soft ball be­ tween Elimville and* Thames Road last Friday night Donald Bray had the misfortune to injure his knee We all wish him a speedy recovery A large crowd attended the re­ ception at Farquhar Hall last Fri­ day evening for Mr. and Mrs. Or­ land Squire. They were the reci­ pients of a purse of money social evening was spent in ing. Russeldale played Thames softball at the park Monday the score being 1H9-12 in favor of Thames Miss Sound, Duncan Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Acheson, of Winni­ peg visited with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Miller, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Sunday London. Mrs. Russell, Mr. and day. W.M.S. and W.A. Meeting The regular , monthly meeting of the W.M.S. and W.A. met at the home of Mrs. Robert Maver on Wednesday afternoon of last week with Mrs Percy Passmore in charge of the meeting. The devotional ex­ ercises were used from the mis­ sionary monthly with Mrs. C. Al­ lison Mrs. C. .Borland, Mrs. Pass- more and Mrs. Wiseman taking part. “ Minutes and roll call was taken and6 business discussed. 'Any­ one having used clothing of auy kind for • the overseas relief were asked to leave same at the manse. It was decided by the W.A. to hold a strawberry supper in the church basement, June 21st with a pro­ gram from outside talent. Program consisted of Presbyterial report giv­ en by Mrs. Stanley Coward and Mrs... Wiseman; a reading by Mrs. Melvin Gardiner. A contest was en­ joyed and the meeting closed with a hymn followed with prayer. HARLTON — In Clandeboye, Sunday, June 9, 1946, Margaret Ann Hodgins, beloved wife of the • late Robert Hart'lon, in her 86th year. PARK—At Sarnia General Hospit­ al, on Wednesday, June 5, 1946, Abraham Park, beloved husband of Susanna Lowry, in his 77th year. Interment in Sylvan Ceme­ tery. on and a danc- Road night Road. Grace Franklin, of Owen visited with Miss Roberta last week. Chas. Fletcher, of Guelph, Wm. .Smith spent with ’ Mrs. Heatherly, of Thos. Hodgert, Bill and of Seaforth, visited with Mrs. Jas. Hodgert on Sun- shed on July 2nd. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Stephen, Wanda and Betty Ann, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bell visited on Sunday with Mr. Samuel Miller and family, of Dashwood. Mr. W. J. Routly is attending the Assessor’s Convention in Toronto this week. The Elimville Boys’ softball team played at Thames Road lasij Friday night with Elimville leading in score of 2 741)5 Miss Florence Bell, Miss Mildred Miller, of spent the week-end with Mrs. Thomas Bell. Mr. spent Mr. Ruth, with Mr Zion on Sunday. This Sunday is Thames Road an­ niversary so there will service. Sunday >at 12.30 ,p.m. Mr. and Mrs, on Sunday with Earl, of Zion. Mr. and Mrs Harry Sparling, Harvey and Hazel, Mr, and MrS. Earl Parrish, Ronald and Murray attended the Humble picnic at St. Marys oh Saturday. boys andR.N., London, Mr. and Harvey -Sparling, of the week-end at his and Mrs. Everett London, home. Skinner, Laverne and Elgin visited and Mrs. Ward Hern, of “When inquired Vpon asked, that?-” “No,’ “there train!’ ■School be no church will be held Johns visitedPhilip Mr. and Mrs. Janies does the next train go? a prospective passenger, being advised, she “Isn’t there one again before is agent,replied the testy no train before the next SILLERY —- In Usborne Township on Tuesday, June 11, 1946, Henrietta Norris, beloved wife of Robert Sillery, in her 79th year. Resting at the Hopper-Hockey Funeral Chapel where service will -take place Thursday, June 13, .D.S.T. Funeral private, SCHROEDER — Samuel Schroeder, beloved husband of Selina Schroeder, died June 4th, 1946, aged 76 years. CARDS OF THANKS is with .great pleasure I opportunity to Trouble-FreeJune 14th, commencing o’clock, at the school Everybody welcome, Decoration Day service was held at the Evangelical cemetery on Sun­ day afternoon with a large crow<3 in attendance. Rev. Mr, Burn, of Dashwood, was the special speaker and two selections were sung by the male chorus, The Star class of 24 boys frorq the Evangelical Church School to­ gether .with their teacher Mr. Alvin Finkbeiner, enjoyed a motor trip to Owen Sound and H, returning cm Sunday by way of Toronto. Congratulations to Kienzle who on Sunday will cele­ brate his 92nd birthday- Mr, Kienzle claims title of the oldest resident of town and is still very active for a man of his years. Mr. Harry Dale, of Brampton, who spent the week-end at the home of Mr, and Mrs, F, W. Clark, returned on Sunday accompanied by Mrs. Dale and sons, Donald and Ted, who had spent a week here and Mr. and Mrs. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wolfe, of Exeter, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wolfe. Mrs, Lydia Mclsaac is visiting with relatives in Detroit. Misses Ada Musgrave and Marj­ orie Carter, of Clinton, visited over the week-end with the former’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Musgrave, Mrs, Mary Roeszler, who has been ill at her home here, is some­ what improved although still con­ fined to her home. Miss Gladys Schenk left Mon­ day for Huntsville where she has secured a position. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Blackwell, of Listowel, ■visited over the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. .S. Wuerth. Mrs. C. Berg, of Detroit, is visit­ ing with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Fahrner. Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Schenk and daughter, Jeanette and Mrs. Mac­ Donald spent a few days at Simcoq and Port Dover. While at Simcoe they attended the funeral of the latter’s brother, Mr. Job Church­ ill. Mrs, MacDonald is remaining‘in Simcoe for a time. Mrs. Laura Routledge, of 'Chat­ ham, is visiting her sister, Mrs. A: M. Berry. Misses Minnie and Gladys Kestle of Exeter, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Trevethick Mr. Lewis Faist, of London, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Faist. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Jones, ot Kippen, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Parsons and son, Bobby, .of Cromarty, visit­ ed on Sunday with the Misses Finkbeiner. Dr. Lula Gaiser, .of McMaster University, is visiting with . father, Mr. Wm. Gaiseer. Mr. Eugene Finkbeiner, who sed his Upper School Exams 2nd class honors .in London, gone to Hamilton where he continue his studies as a Lab. tech- General Hospital many friends wish T II ruck Operation 4 at keeping Lake Mr, Simcoe Chas, Our Preventative Maintenance service is aimed your truck in good condition by correcting minor troubles. Let us check your truck regularly—for an ounce of j>reven« tion will often save a pound of cure. See Us Today About PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE Snell Bros. & Co. Chevrolet, Pontiac, Oldsmobile, Buick, Case Tractors and Implement Sales EXETER WINCHELSEA Mrs. Wm. Walters and Margaret spent Monday with Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Clarke, of Farquhar. Miss June Walters visited on Saturday with Miss Aldeen Pym, of Elimville. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Johns and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Batten spent Sunday with friends of Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haynes, of Rannock, visited with friends in the community on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Don. Pcnhale and Sheridan visited on Sunday with Mrs., W. J. Veal, of Exeter. Rev. and (Mrs. Wm. Mair and family, of Thames Road, spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. C. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. George Davis visit­ ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hern, of Zion. Mr. 'Frank Brock is visiting this week with relatives at Aylmer. Quite munity Thames a number from this com- attended the ball game Road Friday night. at PHONE 100 I GRAND BEND Decoration Day The Grand Bend United Church Cemetery Board are holding their Annual Decoration Day on Sunday, June 23rd 3.30 p.m. at the Cemetery Grounds, special program is being prepared Everybody Welcome A Jones at- at Grand returned take the It this friends and neighbors of S. S. No. .2, Hay, and also the Township of Hay for the two lovely gifts that I have received which are_gratefully appreciated. We wish to thank all those who so kindly assisted in helping to ex­ tinguish the fire? in our hatchery last week. Also”,-liSwd would like to pay special tributes to the firemen for their prompt response to the alarm and the efficient manner’ in which they handled the situation. Mr. and Mrs. ,R. E. Pooley and family* thank Alvin W. Rowe.* Mr. and Mrs. iPaul Gregus, re­ cently married, .wish to express their sincere thanks and apprecia­ tion to all the friends and neighbors of the community for the lovely gift of a table lamp. We are very sorry that we were not able to be present gift. for the presentation ENGAGEMENTS Myrtle Krueger, of her pas- with lias will of the* Zurich, of herMrs. announces the engagement eldest daughter, 'Shirley Frances, to Emerson Calvin Holden, young­ est son of Mr. and Mrs. 'Leroy Holden, Price street, London, the wedding to take place in Zurich Evangelical Church, at 8 p.m., on June 28. ■ * Mr. and Mrs. M. R. McNaughton, Clandeboye, announce the engage­ ment of their only daughter, Helen Frances, to William James Walkon, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Walkon, Toronto. Wedding is June 2i2- at Colborne Church, London. The engagement is to take place Street United * The engagement is announced of Margaret Gloria, daughter of Mrs. Hartley, Toronto, and the late J. G. Hartley, to Joseph William Bradt, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bradt, London, the wedding to take place at Wesley United Church, London, on June 14. * Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cooper wish to announce their eldest Pearl, to Del The marriage 29. the engagement of daughter Charron, to take Phyllis of London, place June * Jaques, ofand Mrs. Allan announce the engagement of only daughter, Erlma 'Lorene, “ “ “ “ r, son of Mr. of Dashwood. Mr Zion, their to Milton Karl Keller and Mrs. A. Keller, i The marriage Will take place in the near future. * nician in the there. Eugene’s him success. Mr. Helen, Aimer visited and Ortonville, Mich. Ladies’ Aid and W.M.S. The monthly meeting of- Ladies’ Aid and W.M.S. of Evangelical Church was held at home of Mrs. Ed. Hendrick Thursday evening with an attend­ ance of thirty-five. Mrs. R. Krueger presided for the devotional period, giving the call to worship and the hymn, “Take Time to .be Holy” was sung. Mrs. L. Wein read the scrip­ ture lesson, John 10: 11-16, which was followed by prayex* by Mrs. E. Fahrner, Mrs. F. Morlock and Mrs. A. Gaiser. Mrs. R. Krueger and Mrs. Ray Morlock gave a review of chapters five and six of the Study Book, “The Cross over Africa,” stressing the Africa affords as The hymn, “Take it be,” was sung, Lord’s Prayer in Gaiser conducted was decided that donate two dollars instead of -hav­ ing the usual strawberry supper. The Secretary was instructed to acknowledge the receipt of a be­ quest of fifty dollars to the W.M.'S. from the estate of the late John Roeszler. -Mrs. H. Schenk reported sale of auction dollars. Mrs. A. reports held at her ed also tees Wellington Haist, Mr. and Mrs. Myrtle and Maurice, (Passmore and Lloyd Jones over the week-end with Mrs. Murray Holtzman, Mr. of the the the on Cross ___ _____ opportunities which a mission field, my Life and let closing with the unison. Mrs. A. the business. It each member meals at Mr. Oestreicher’s sale amounted to sixty-five Mrs. D. Finkbeiner and Amy gave very interesting of the recent convention St. Jacobs. Mrs. H, Mrs. W. Schwartzand appreciation of these to the hostess and the in charge of the meeting, K. Eil- express­ reports; commit- HARPLEY Gordon Whiting, of Centen- a “ The engagement is announced of Marion Mae Mousseau, only daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mousseau, Exeter, to Harry Desjardine, London, son of Mr. Mrs, Leesome Desjardine. Bend. The quietly the latter part of June, IN MEMORIAM D, M. and Grand marriage to take place * ofHIARNESS--In loving memory Pte. I. L. Harness, who passed away in'England, June 15, 1943, In life, loved and honored, ■In death, remembered. —‘Ever remembered by wife add daughters, * Mr ary, his W. Love. Mr. aiid Mrs, and family, of Sunday at the ' Hodgins. Mr. Albert and Mr. Win. B. J. Hodgins The Love re-union wai celebrated at Grand Bend on Monday, June 10. Miss Jean Ridley is hick with Measles. is spending grandparents, few days with Mr and Mrs. Clarence Hardy ! LU can, home of visited on Mr Mansell ofEnglish, Hicks called on Sunday. London, on Mr Harry-—-‘‘What, tool gets sharper the more you Use it?” Jerry—“Okay. I give up,” Harry—“A tongue?’ KIPPEN ' The June Meeting of W.M.S. ’ The June meeting of the W.M.S. of 'St. Andrew’s United Church met on Wednesday afternoon, June 5th, at the home of Mrs. James Finlayson with a good attendance. The meeting opened with “O Canada’’ played softly by Mrs. J. Henderson and the call to worship by -Mrs. W. W. ■ Cooper who presid­ ed. Hymn No. 16 was sung and Mrs. Cooper read the Scripture and Mrs. J. W. McLean lead in prayer. Hymn No. 510 was sung. Mrs. J. Montieth had charge of the study and was assisted by Mrs. A. McMurtrie, Mrs. Herbert Jones, Mrs. Thomas Kay and -Mrs^ John Anderson. Hymns No. 157 and 509 were sung. The meeting closed by repeating the Lord’s Prayer in unison. A dainty lunch was served by Circle No. 1. Mrs. J. Linden, of Denfield, spent a few days last week with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons. Mr. and Mrs. Harold tended the ‘Love Reunion Bend on Monday. Mrs. Archie Parsons home on Sunday after spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Linden, of Denfield. Rev. Mr. Hinton was removed to Scott’s Memorial Hospital on Monday last. Mrs. )A. MacGregor and baby daughter returned to their home on Saturday from 'Scott’s Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. E. McBride, Wayne and Sharon visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. Beattie in Wing­ ham and also attended Flower Sunday in the United Church there. The Young People’s Union of St. Andrew’s United Church are hold­ ing their anniversary on Sunday next, June 16th. The guest speaker will 'be^Rev. R. A. Brook, of Hen- sall. Special music will be furnished by the’ choir assisted by Mrs. Hess and Mrs. Hedden, of Hensail. BaBCpeaBMMWMMMWBiiiwiiin finn i i irmi Sudden Death To the Bug Sudden Death Bug Killer has proven itself an outstanding finisher of pests on garden plants, flowers and bushes. It comes to you with an absolute guarantee that it is an effect­ ive and quick killer. The economy of this bug killer lies not only in the fact that it kills quickly, it also sticks rigidly to the leaf giving poison to the bug several weeks after application. —Kills —Easy Sudden Death Means New Life Quickly —Sticks to the Leaf to Apply 1 —Does not Deteriorate —Does not Burn the Leaf Protect Crops '— Rotate Pastures — Cut Fence CoSts Use Shur-Shock Electric Fencing on your Farm For Better Chicks I Feed Them on Purina Give those June chicks a “flying start”-—they need it even more than the early ones. Purina Chick Startena has won a great reputation for livability and fast growth. After chicks have eaten 2 pounds apiece then SWITCH TO GROWENA Don’t fall down on your pullets. It’s been proven time and time again that it pays to grow them on Purina Growena. When high fall prices come you’ll be glad you did when you get those extra profits. Traquair’s ........... .... Hardware One Door South of Po&t Office I