HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-06-13, Page 4Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 13th, 1946 * I WBOTlNqSi, SHOWERS, ANNIVERSARIES, AND SCHOOL GRADUATIONS You cap. always choose a gift of distinction for any occasion, at Snelgrove's, such as:-—1 i Table Lamps Boudoir Lamps Pin-up Lamps Electric Beaters Electric Hot-plates Trilitc Lamps Radios and Record Players Decca Records i Electric Irons and Toasters Glass Coffee, Makers and Sets Nu-tone Boor Chimes Bridge Lamps Snelgrove Tire & Electric j Tires, Vulcanizing and Household Appliances PHONE 18 EXETER, ONTARIO i________________________________________________________________________,_____________ _ ___________________________V..-i.inl..nr'n, i .r nn„■✓ HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR YOUR POULTRY Experience in Culling e Phone 96, Exeter Kestle and Reid Wood Limited Supply of Wood. Orders filled as received. Only sold on cash terms. Place orders with R. G. Seldon Fireside Card Tables smart These tables ,ta WOODHAM We have some very fireside card tables, sturdily constructed with their attractively de­ signed tops can be folded into an attractive ornament for your home when not in use. i vci*s in ry t oi*s Quite a number (West) Sunday last. Woodham attending and who spent the day with friends were: Mr Mrs. Edgar Rodd and Audrey Mr. and Mrs, Allen Jaques; Harvey Parkinson and family Mr. and Mrs, Melville Hern; ivir. and Mrs. Wm. Thomson (Sth line) with Mr. and Misses Lorene Florence Kirk and Irene Brock; phens and Muriel with Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Hern, Visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Johns were Misses Alice Passmore, of Thames Road, Audrey Scott, of Farquhar, Jean Stephens, Evelyn Connard, of St, Marys, Mr. Mervin McCoy, of London. Miss Marjie Laing, of Galt, spent the week-end with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Laing. Gunner Russel] Laing received his discharge from the army last week. Miss .Gladys 'Shier, of Hespeler, and Mr. Roy Shier, of Westminster Hospital, London, spent the week­ end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Shier. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lancaster, of St. Marys, spent and Mrs. Wesley Mr, and Mrs. and family spent and Mrs. Ray Mills and’ family. Miss Jean Copeland, of the staff of the Bank of Montreal,' St. Marys, is holidaying at her home* and in London. Mr. Mitchell Willis attended the Hensail spring fair last week. Mr. David Parkinson, Monc­ ton, N.B., is visiting at his. home here. Wedding bells are ringing in community. attended Zion anniversary services on Among those from Melville Hern; and with Mr. with Mr. Mrs. Edgar Baker; and Viola Jaques, with Misses Anna Mrs. Dave Ste- Sunday with Mr. Shier. George Wheeler Sunday with Mr. the Milleri*DciYis Pink and white snapdragons a- gainst a background of palms ami ferns, and tall tapers in candelabra were effective decorations in Cem tennial United Church Saturday last for the marriage of Audrey Jean- only daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Clif­ ton Davis, Lome avenue, London, to Norman Albert Millen, son of Mrs. Millen and the late William Millen, of Peterboro. Rev. Dr, R. T, Richards performed the cere­ mony. Mi's. John Payne was soloist accompanied by Theodore R- 'Gray who played the wedding music. The bride, -given in marriage by her father, wore a floor-length gown of white organza over taffeta ■ with ruffled bodice, full skirt and long sleeves frilled over the hands. Her headdress trimmed with spring flowers held in place an embroider­ ed floor-length veil, and she carried) Briarcliff roses touched with white _ carnations and lily of the valley i and tied with white lace showered * with forget-me-nots. i Her matron of honor, Mrs. Nel­ son Goldsmith wore a gown of pink lace with scalloped neckline and bouffant skirt, long lace .gloves and headdress similar to that of the bride, 'She carried an arm bou­ quet of mauve and yellow carna­ tions snapdragons and mauve sweet peas. Bridesmaids Miss Rose Hodgkin­ son and Miss Marilyn Tuckey were gowned in corresponding pastel shades, Miss Hodgkinson wearing a flooi’ length blue lace torso gown with ruffled neckline and full skirt and gloves and headdress to match. She carried an arm bouquet of yellow snapdragons and pink car­ nations. Miss Marilyn Tuckey wore a floor length frock of yellow or­ ganza with full shirt and sweet­ heart neckline and a headdress of yellow organza. She carried a bou­ quet of baby yellow snapdragon and mauve sweet peas tied with mauve and yellow streamers. The groomsman was Gordon Mil­ len, brother of the groom, were Allan Davis, bride and Bill the groom. A reception church parlors, ing in a blue crepe dress with black accessories and a corsage of pink Pinocchio roses. Mi’s. Millen also chose a dress of blue crepe, with matching accessories and wore a corsage of pink roses and pastel peas. As her going away costume the bride wore a gray suit with a cor­ sage of red bachelor carnations and furs which were a gift of the groom. The couple left by motor on a trip to Wig-a-Mog in the Hali- burton district and upon their re­ turn will reside in Peterboro. Guests at the wedding included Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tuckey, Mari­ lyn Darol and Kenn, Charles Tuck­ ey, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Tuckey, Miss Wanda Tuckey, Mr. and Mrs. Benson Tuckey, Joseph Davis and Charles Davis all of Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. John Payne, Strathroy; Mrs. Ted Burkhart, Cleveland; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Davis Davis, Toronto. Ushers brother of the Millen, brother of was held in the Mrs. Davis receiv- and Donald Hassocks of various designs and colors now in stock. WHALEN R. C. Dinney Furniture and Funeral Service EKM Better Results Whole grain feed and our min­ eral are proving to give better results. Fattens pigs quick. Cows produce milk at a much higher profit. Your problems are our specialty. The W.M.S. and W.A. will meet at the home of Mrs. Geo Arksey on Thursday ^afternoon. Mrs. Atkinson, Mrs. Duncan Clif­ ford and <Sandra, of Anderson, Miss Lane and Mrs. Mills, of Cali­ fornia, were Thursday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Baillie. Mr. and Mrs. Maedel, of Toronto were recent visitors with Mrs. Lav­ erne Morley. Mrs. Archer, of London, spent a few days with Mrs. Thos. Morley. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Duffield Betty spent Sunday with Mr. Mrs. Warren Brock, of Zion. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Brock, of ion, visited on Saturday with and. Mrs. Geo. Squire. Mr. and Mrs, Milne Pullen Donald were Sunday visitors with Norman Brock, of and and Un­ Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Zion. Mr. and Mrs. Windsor, were with the former’s _ Hodgson arrived from England re­ cently. Mrs. Wm. Morley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brock and family at Burgessville. David Hodgson, of week-end visitors parents, Mrs.Your drugs at /wmarnnffa Who wouldn’t look lovelier , . , with hair so silken soft and shiny ... so beautifully waved . . . thanks to a ZOTOS Cold Permanent! Make an appointment for a really satisfactory permanent this spring! Ask for a ZOTOS IMPERIAL CREAM COLD PERMANENT or a ZOTOS REGULAR CREAM COLD PERMANENT Developed * *. by the makers of thefamove Mctchineless Permanent Wave. Tomlinons*s Hairdressing a FOR SALE Place an Ad Here and Watch Results 1' They are read by more than 8,400 Times-Advocate readers every week 1 ; Phone 31w for an ad taker i I..................... ................................................ ~~..........”............. .■—!■■■■■«■..............................'.!■ ---------- -------------------------------------------T—--------------------- ------- -------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------—J HELP WANTEDSTRAWBERRY FESTIVAL A strawberry festival will be held st iSt, Marys church, Brinsley -on Friday, June 28th. Program by the Happy Cousins Concert Com­ pany, of Elmira, GRAND BEND — W’onian wanted for plain cooking, no laundry. Coronation Lodge, phone Dash­ wood 43r22, 13c Stephen Council WANTED—Some strawberry pick­ ers for next week. W. F. Abbott, phone 30. 13* FOR 'SALE—White pine brooder house, 10’xl(2’, double flepr, barn frame 30x45, pure-bred Angus bull, Charlie McCaffery, Clande.-, boye. . 6; 13* Interested in WANTED— Housekeeper for work­ ingman’s home, 2 adults, sleep in, references. Apply to A. Bar- low, 858 Queens Avenue, London Ontario. - <Li3:20c FOR SALE—Girl’s new navy blazei’ size 14; bathing suit, raincape, coat and other clothing, sizes 10 to 14 years, in good condition. Mrs. E. Pym, Simcoe Str. 6:13* FOR SALE—Several used battery and new electric radios Ballantyne, Exeter, Ont. Of Of WANTED Conservation The regular monthly meeting the Council of the Township Stephen was held in the Council Chambers, Crediton, on Tuesday June 4tli, 194 6, at one o’clock. The following members of the -Council were present: Ro^y Ratz, Reeve; A. J. |Amy, Deputy Reeve, and Coun­ cillors J. H. Dalton, Elmer Lawson and Jno. A. Morrissey. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted on motion of J. H. Dalton and A. J. Amy. Carried. Moved by A. J. Amy, seconded by J. Morrissey that Union S;S. No. 13 and No. 15 foe added to the Township Area in Hay Township and Union S.S. No. 17 and No. IS be added to the Township Area in the Township of McGillivray. Car­ ried. Mr. Dave Morley, Reeve of Mc­ Gillivray Township, waited on the Council and explained the conser­ vation scheme for the watershed of the Sauble River. Moved by James Dalton, that the Stephen Minister­ meeting WANTED TO BUY—Insulated oven for use on hydro plate. Phone 158. ■ 13* Lloyd 13c --- ■ ■■ I- FOR SALE—A new Perfection 3- burner coal oil stove, used two years; also a small building suit­ able for colony house, Apply at Times-Advocate. 13* new and one used congoleum rng, 9x12; single electric hpt-plate; odd mirrors; fruit pupboard; lantern; cupboard; garden tools; electric iron; small ordinary table; 3 Odd chairs; dresser; cot and mattress; 4 feather ticks; large bureau; single iron bed with spring and mattress; iron three-quarter bed with spring and mattress; full size iron bed, spring and mattress; three-quarter wooden bed, spring and mattress; wooden bed, spring and mattress; 15 footr ladder; clothes line and pulley; quantity of haxdwood in' poles; dry hardwood, approx, 20 cords; other articles too numerous’to tion. REAL ESTATE: Parcel No. 1—Sy2 lot 18, 18, Township of Stephen, 50 split and men- WANTED—'Good alfalfa hay or al­ falfa meal. Apply at Cann’s Mill. IStfc WANTED TO BUY—A used two- wheel trailer in good condition without stock rack. Apply Box 276 Exeter. 13:20* FOR SALE'— Leather windbreaker tweed topcoat and overcoat, all size 38. Reasonably priced. See at Traquair’s Hardware. 13c FOR SALE — Purebred -Yorkshire hog ready for service. G. W. Miners, R.R.3, Exeter, phone Kirkton 3’2r9. 13* Con. io, luwuouijj ui. uv acres more or less. Splendid pasture and good rock well; Parcel No. 2—Easterly portion of lot 18, con. 19, Township of phen, 65 acres more or less, half of which is good tillable the remainder in bush. Parcel No. 3—Lot 19, Con. Township of Stephen, 100 more or less, 1 % storey frame house, bank barn shed 36x40; drive shed and gar­ age; good rock well, bush and land well drained. Parcel No. 4—Pt. lot 1, con. Aux Sables, Township of Stephen, -one- quarter of an acre more or less. Parcel -No, 5—Village Lot 5 on •the east side of Ontario Street, Vil­ lage of Grand Bend, County of Lambton, 1% sto'rey, framje, phalt sided with garage well. The above for sale subject to a reserved bid. TERMS: On household effects: Cash. On Real Estate: cash for Parcel No. 5. ‘Immediate possession; other parcels, 10% cash and the balance in is subject tenants. FRANK G. W. DAWSON, Clerk, R. H. IRELAND, Georgetown, Ont. SIM IRELAND, 14 Ray wood Ave., London. Executors of Aaron Ireland Estate. 13:20 Ste- one- and 19. acres, straw-40x60, FOR 'SALE—A Massey-Harris 11 hoe fertilizer drill in good con­ dition. Percy Campbell, R.R.l, Exeter. 13* LOST AND FOUND LOST—In Usborne on Monday, June 3rd an end board, approx­ imately 3 ft. 9 in. square oak. Finder please phone 34r23 Kirk­ ton. 113* FOUND—In ’Exeter,, a gold Red Cross Blood Donors button. Own­ er may have same by paying for advt. Apply at Times-Advocate. 13c FOUND—At Grand Bend school area picnic, a pair of child’s white and brown oxfords were left in a car. For information apply at Times-Advocate. 13c WANTED—10 0 horses, any kind of a cheap horse. Will pay good prices for them. Frank Taylor, Exeter tfc FOR RENT ROOMS TO RENT — -Furnished or unfurnished. Apply at Times- Advocate. 13* FOR JRENT—A 4-room apartment, furnished or unfurnished. Sandy Elliot. 13* PERSONAL Lloyd’s Corn and Callus Salve gives immediate relief from corns and callouses. 501c at Robertson’s and all druggists. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—Brick residence on N. Sanders street. Apply to Wm. , Welsh. tfc FOR SALE—Good 68 acre farm, close to Exeter, comfortable house, good bank barn and chicken house. This is a tidy place. Possession soon. C. V. Pickard, Exeter. FOR SALE—'Small frame cottage with electricity, town water, some extra land; sufficient coal and wood included in the deal. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. * FOR SALE — 50 acres -rich level land, close to cheese factory, school, church; good buildings; could be bought equipped with Holstein herd, pigs, hens, trac­ tor, implements. W. C. Pearce. * FOR SALE — 120-acre farm, well- located on paved road, comfort­ table house, good bank barn; hydro and water. Productive soil, 12 acres bush; also 50 acres cul­ tivated land without buildings,' near Exeter. C. V. Pickard, Exe­ ter. MISCELLANEOUS ANYONE wanting painting done, apply at Times-Advocate. 13* FOR SALE—Collie pups. Phone Howard Kerslake, 175r21 Exeter. 13* FOR SALE—Seed buckwheat $1.25 a bus. Cann’s Mill, Exeter and Whalen. . ’ as' house; ’ hydro; 'stable combined and -goodseconded - by Arthur |Amy Council of the Township of request the Honorable the of Public Works to call a for the establishment of a conservation area authority for the watershed of the Sauble River situated in the Counties of Huron, Lambton and Middlesex. Carried. Moved by J. H. Dalton, seconded by A. Amy that the Council give a grant of $15.00 to the South Huron Agricultural Society. Car­ ried. Moved by Roy Ratz, seconded by J. Morrissey: that the Road Ac­ counts foe passed for the following amounts, Township $810.42; Grand Bend $1,584.17. Moved by A. Amy, _ J. H. Dalton that the following gen­ eral accounts be paid: L. B. Hodg­ son, telephone account $1,3.0 8; Canadian National jRy., freight on wood 74.48; A. -McKillop & 'Sons, car of wood 253.13; L. B. Hodgson, H. Hodgson, in- 49.00; Reuben foxes 8.00; Gar­ on foxes 6.00; bounty on foxes FOR SALE—Ansco folding camera; roll top oak desk; kitchen stove; electric rangette; heavy maple flooring. R. E. Balkwill, Exeter. 13* FOR SALE—Chesterfield and chair, rug 6x9, coal oil heater. Apply at Times-Advocate. 13* FOR SALE — Hereford cow, will freshen 18th of June. Roy Gibson, Exeter. 13* NOTICES parcels will be offered 3 0 days each of which to the rights of present TAYLOR, Auctioneer, of Stephen P.V. 773.75; seconded by stamps IO'.00; W. J surance premium I Davey, bounty on net Hill, -bounty Gregory Fleming, 4.00; Joseph McCann, bounty on foxes 8.00; Joseph Hartman, bounty on foxes 6.00; L. B. Hodgson, maps of Stephen Township .65; Vernon Schatz, relief 22.00;-. Restemeyer & Miller, relief 4.00'; Wellington Haist, relief 25.00; M. C. Sweitzer, balance of salary 10.00.; W. Edig- hoffer, assistant to the assessor 10.00; M. G. Sweitzer, re-assessing 10.00; M. C'. Sweitzer, stamps 1.00; Hydro Commission, town hall and council rooms 12.15; R. G. 'Seldon, coke for council rooms 23.00; G. A. Love, relief 8.00; Department of Health, insulin 3.40; Exeter Times-Advocate, supplies '5'.64; County Clerk, hospitalization 33.75; Bart Holt, ambulance service 20.00; South Huron Agricultural Society, grant 15.00; South munity Park, grant $950.28. At 2 o'clock p.m. Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Township of Stephen was held. After each member of the Council had subscribed to the affi­ davit the appeals against the as­ sessment were read of after which there ther appeals it was Morrissey, seconded that the Court of closed. Carried. Adjourned to meet on July 2, 1946, at one o'clock. L. B’_ Hodgson, Clerk. Minutes of Special Meeting A special meeting of the Coun­ cil of the Township of 'Stephen was- jheld in the Council Chambers, Crediton, on Tuesday evening, May 14, 1946, at eight o’clock with all members of the Council present. Moved by A. Amy, seconded by J. H. Dalton that we accept the offer of Mr. Wm. Ratz of $25.00- for two used tires from the Road Grader. Carried. Moved by Jno. Morrissey, second­ ed by A. Amy that the work of [moving the Telephone Poles on the [Crediton Road be left over for. the [present time on account of the ex­ cessive cost, and the Clark to advise District Boy Scout Rally i the Telephone company of the de- Icision Of the Council. Carried.A district Boy Scout Rally was L. Moved by Jno. Morrissey that held in when Guides Exeter Trivitt Special tor, Rev, M< |A, Hunt, delivered a very fine address for the occasion. Special music was furnished by the choir with solos being sung by Mrs. Geo, Wright and Allan Elston. Scouts were present from Wingharm Goderich, Parkhill and (Hand Bend* •o— the guest of pre-nup- Miss Davis was of honor at' a number tial parties. Miss Rose Hodgkinson, her* bridesmaid and Mrs. Nelson Goldsmith, the matron of honor, entertained at the latter’s home at a miscellaneous shower. Mrs. Leslie Rafuse and Mrs. E'lmer Tuckey, aunts of the bride-elect, a joint shower home, McKenzie avenue, niece. A number of friends of the bride-elect were' hostesses at a shower in her honor at the home of Miss Mary Geddes, Queens ave. Attractive prelude to the wedding was a trousseau reception at which the mother of the bride-elect, Mrs. Clifton Davis, entertained. Those) presiding at the supper table were Mrs. Bruce Tuckey, aunt of the bride-elect, Mrs. Arthur Millen, sis­ ter-in-law of the bridegroom assist­ ed by Mrs. Elmer Tuckey and Mrs. Leslie Rafuse. The trousseau and wedding gifts were displayed by Mrs. Ross Gilkes, Mrs. Victor Hor­ ner, Mrs* Nelson Goldsmith, and Miss Rose Hodgkinson. The door attendant was Miss Marilyn Tuckey junior bridesmaid. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, commencing Tuesday, June 18th, at 2 p.m. All accounts, notices of deputa­ tions and other business requiring the attention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, June 15th. N. W. MILLER, County Clerk, Goderich, Ontario. 6:13c NOTICE TO CREDITORS BABY CHICKS arranged at the former’s for their Huron Com- 300.00; total the Court of "Thar’s money in them thar green­ grass ranges, Mister” and a flock of Tweddle chicks will gather it up and put it right in your pocket. Prompt delivery of your Tweddle chicks now will assure bigger prof-, its because plentiful grass range will do a lot to lower feed costs. Tweddle prices are reduced again after June 15th. Fuel costs are lowei* at this time of the year and the market demand for eggs and chicken meat is practically unlim­ ited. It is good business judgment to order extra Tweddle chicks now. No waiting, prompt delivery. Free catalogue. Also older pullets, eight weeks to 20 weeks. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Ltd., FERGUS, Ontario. ■"6:13c In the Estate of LILLIE WAN- LESS, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Lillie Wanless, late of the City of Duluth, 'State of -Minnes­ ota, U.S.A., widow, deceased who died on or about the first day of April, A.D., 1943, are required to file particulars of same with.. Elmer D. Bell, solicitor, of Exeter, Ont., by the 24th day of June, 1946, af­ ter- which date the estate will foe distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has- been received. Dated the 3rd of June, A.D., 1946. ELMER D. BELL, Solicitor for the Administrator 6:13:20 James St. Evening Auxiliary The’ James Street Evening Aux­ iliary were hosts to the Main Street auxiliary" in the church parlors Monday evening of last week, the occasion being the visit of Mrs. Childs, Of London, who gave a very inspirational address on “Lesson I Learned in the Garden.” Miss Stella Southcott presided for the meeting. Mrs. Irwin welcomed the guests. Mrs. Batten read the scripture lesson* A quartette was .sung by Elva Coates, Alice Sturgis, Reta Rowe and Margaret McFalls. Miss May Jones led in prayer. A solo was sung by Helen Penhale. Mrs. J. M* Southcott introduced the speaker, and a vote of thanks was tendered to Mrs. Childs and the James Street auxiliary - by Mrs. G. W. Layton. Lunch was served and a social houi’ enjoyed. i and disposed being no fur- moved by J. by k Amy Revision be Bargains in Barred Rock and As­ sorted Heavy Breed chicks for this week sexed 9.75. sexed 9.50 ment to receive __ _ Shipped C.O.D. anywhere. Top Notch Chiekeries, GUELPH, Ontario. and next. Barred Rocks: non- 9.95, pullets 11.95, cockerels Assorted Heavy Breeds: non- 8.95, pullets 10.95, cockerels pei* hundred. This advertise- must accompany your these special order prices. I AUCTION SALES SEE the new buck rake for the Ford-Ferguson tractor now at the Ford Garage. NOTICE—Anyone wanting scuffling done, phone ~ Morley, 176rl2, Exeter. power Russel 13* CASH FOR FOX HORSES — Dead animals removed. Two-hour serv­ ice, day or night. Phone Crediton 47rl5, collect. Jack Williams. 9tfc JESNEY SHOE REPAIR —- Now open for business. Repairing neatly and promptly attended to. Crediton, tfp irici jouy Scout it ally was Moved Jjy Jno. Morrissey that Exeter on Sunday .morning the Council give a donation of $400 about 150 Scouts, Girl Uo /he South Huron Agricultural and Cubs assembled at the Arena and paraded to the Memorial Church where a service Was held. The Rec- Society. This motion was not sec­ onded. Moved by A. Amy, seconded, by Roy Ratz that the Cbunell give a donation of $3 00 to the South Huron Agricultural Society* The vote— Yeas, Roy Ratz, A, Amy, J. H. Dal­ ton; Nays, Jno, A. Morrissey; El­ mer Lawson refused to vote. The meeting was theii adidtifhecL L, B, Hodgson, Clerk, AN OPPORTUNITY Established Rural Watkins District available. If you are aggressive.* and between the ages of 25 and 66 —have or can secure travel outfit,' this is your opportunity to get es­ tablished in a profitable business of your own. For full particulars write today to The J. R. Watkins Company. Dept O-E*6, 2177 Mas­ son Sto Montreal, Que. 4tc There is nd substitute for news­ paper advertising. COMMUNITY SALE at CREDITON If you have anything to sell get in touch with WM. H. SMITH, Auctioneer, Phone 43-2 Crediton. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS AND OF REAL ESTATE The undersigned auctioneer has pub- late received instructions to sell lie auction at residence of Anron Ireland, in Grand on JUNE 22. p.m. ( by the Bend SATURDAY, ■ at two o’clock following.* HOUSEHOLD chen cupboard; couch; single cot; bake board; clothes horse; rocking chairs; 2 leather upholster­ ed rocking chairs; 2 stools; elect­ ric floor lamp; flower stand; sijuave table; sewing machine; stove; One 1946 TENDERS FOR COAL AND COKE: Federal Buildings—Province of Ontario SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned and endorsed “Tender for Coal,” will be received until 3- p.m. (E.D.S.T.), Friday,. June 28, 1946, for the supply of Coal and coke for the Dominion Buildings throughout- the Province- of Ontario. Forms of tender with specifica­ tions and conditions attached can be obtained from the Purchasing Agent, Department of Public Works,. Ottawa, and the Supervising Archi­ tect, 36 Adelaide St. East, Toronto, Ont. Tenders should ,be made on the' forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with department­ al specifications and conditions at­ tached thereto. Coal dealers’ licence numbers must be given When tend­ering. # The Department reserves the right to demand from any success­ ful 'tenderer, before awarding the order, a security deposit in the form of a certified cheque on chartered bank in Canada, payable to the order of the' Honor­ able the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 per cent >of the amount of the tender, or Bearer Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or of the Canadian National Railway Com­ pany and its Constituent companies, unconditionally guaranteed as to principal and interest by the Dom­ inion of Canada, or the aforemen- a made (D S.T 1 thp itioiied bonds and a certified cheque, thei^required to make lip an odd Such security will serve as a guarantee for the proper fulfilment of the contract. By order, J. M. SOMERVIDLEJ,. Secretary. Department of .Public Works, Ottawa, Julie 7, 1946. - Kit-1 “XT ironing board; garden tools; three