HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-05-30, Page 5Support Church THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETEB, ONTABio, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 3Q&, 1H6 T? a.m.—Sunday School, a.m.'—‘Worship, 3, 4,15 p,m,—Mission CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Rev, Kenneth MacLean, Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane. Organist Sunday, IQ Sunday, 11 Mon«r June Band.*" Tues., June gregational Circle will meet at the home of Mrs. David Millar, 4, 3 p.m.'—Caven Con- MAIN STREET UNITED Rev, N. J. Woods, M.A., Klinister Mrs, A. Y, Willard, Organist 11 a.m,—Public Worship and Church School: the minister, . 7 p.m,—Public • minister, Wed,, May 29, er service in Rev. Grigg. Fri., 8 p.m.—Trustee meeting at the church. Worship: the 8 p.m.'—Union Pray- Ti’ivitt Parish Hall:. CREDITON NOTICE A meeting of the ratepayers S.S. No. 5, stephen will be held Crediton on Friday, May 31st 8.30 p.m, p.S.T in the interests the school area, Mr, Kinkead, spe.ctor, and Dr. R, M.ty.A. will speak. Trustees, Finkbeiner, chairmau, Lome beiner and Sylvester Wperth, H. of kt at of |n* Taylor, , Irvine Ffnk- 30c KIRKTON TRIVITT MEMORIAL Rector, Rev, M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choirmaster, Esme Howard Sunday After Ascension Day Expectation Week 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—Holy Communion and ■Sermon. “A Season of Retreat and Prayer.” Quartette: “Dream of Paradise”, Misses P. Doyle, H. Leslie, J. Bierling, C. Gibson. Thurs., 8 p.m.—The Guild will meet in the Parish Hall for a devotion­ al meeting. Fri., 7.3 0 p.m.—‘Choir rehearsal. The spring deanery will meet Wed­ nesday, June 12th. JAMES STREET UNITED Irwin, B.A. A. Wein Choir Leader School and Bible worship conduct- Rev. A. B. Lawrence Organist and 10 a.m.—Sunday Class. 11 a.m.—Morning ed by the minister, '“The Marks of a ’Living Church. 7 pan.—Evening worship, Rev. G. C. Weir, B,A., of Centralia, Wed., May 29th, 8 p.m.—Mid-week service in Trivitt 'Memorial ^Par­ ish Hall, Rev. Ernest Grigg. ZION EVANGELICAL Crediton M. E. Reuber, B.A., B.D., Minister Sirs. F. W. Morlock. Organist 10 a.m.—“The Dynamic of Evan­ gelism”. 11 a.m.—Church School, 7.30 p.m.—“Except Ye Abide in Me” Thurs.,. 8.15 p.m.—Monthly meeting of W.M.S. and L.A. at the home of .‘Mrs. Edward Hendrick. Fri., 8 p.m.—E.Y.'F, all PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE M H, T. Kendrick, Pastor Wed., 8 p.jn.—Mid-week prayer meeting. A call to prayer to Christians. Come, Fri., 8 p.m.—Y.P.S., Special speak­ er, Miss L. Morrison, from To­ ronto Pentecostal Bible School. A real lively Young People’s ser­ vice. Sun., 10 a.m.—Sunday School. Supt. Mr. E. Cudmore. Missionary Sun­ day. Come and bring a friend. You are welcome. Sun., 11 a.m.—Communion Service. Sun., 7.30. p.m.—Song and Testi­ mony. Sun., 8 p.m.—Death Holds no Pear for Children of 'God. Road Accidents . ‘ . like other diseases will react to counter-measures. Drive Carefully W. H. AGENT “If It’s Insurance We Have It” Exeter - Ontario Telephones: Office 34 Res. 162J son ■ Jensen & Co. (Successor to. S. M. Sanders) Woodworking Specialists Custom Furniture and General Millwork Your Patronage Solicited ■a CROMARTY The recent rains have improved the .gardens and made a change in appearance of growth. The rains were very welcome. , Mr. to the ments Storey will be the proprietor of the chopping mill aftei’ June 1st. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Storey to the village. Mr. Wilbur Batten and daughter. Gladys, of Winchelsea, visited with Mrs. S. A. Miller on .Sunday last and also with Mr. Albert Cann, of Fort Erie. The Post Office is now undergo­ ing a new coat of paint which adds greatly to its appearance. Mr. Jas. Scott is able to be out and around for a not being so well Mrs. Chalmers well ,at present. Mr. Cline McDonald,, of Mitchell, was a visitor with his mother oi) Sunday last and also Mrs. Olive Speare. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Robinson and family, of Listowel, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr; inson and John Robertson. and Mrs. Storey have moved village and taken up apart- With Mr. Ernest Allen. Mr. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Burgih little daughter, of London, the week-end with Mr, G. H, Burgin. Miss Mary Hnnna, of London, spent the week-end with her*par­ ents, Mr and Mrs, Hiram Hanna.Mr. “ ----- ford, home Mr. the past week with his daughter, (Rev.) Mrs. W. D. Goodger. At the morning service in tliq Kirkton United church a class oi teen age girls and boys joined with the church by profession of faith and some adults joined by removal of letter, this numbered some 25 new members into the which were all welcomed session and Pastor of the Rev. W. D. Goodger. Miss Ruby McPhadden and her sister, Norma and brothers of Pais­ ley, spent the week-end with their cousins, Mr and Mrs, Robert Ross. Miss Shirley Holmes, of London, spent the week-end with friends irj the village. Mr, and Mrs. W. N. Gunning, of Granton, were Sunday guests with Mr and Mrs. I. N. Marshall. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Whan, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr and Mrs. John Cluff. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Passmore, of Exeter visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Cluff this week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hiscock and son of Cleveland are holidaying with the latter’s mother, Mrs A. E. Doupe. Mr. and Mrs. W. McNicol, of London, visited their daughter Mrs. Lorne McNaughton this week. Rev. and Mrs. A. W. Brown, of Sarnia, called on a number of old friends in Mr. and Sunday at ’ Mr. and chell, visited with Roy Francis this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Sawyer holidaying with their son, Dr. Sawyer, of St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Batten spent the past week with Mr, and Mrs. John Pym, at London. KirlctOn WX Meeting On Thursday, May 23rd the Wo­ men’s Institute -met at the home of Mrs.- jS. Shier, 4th line Blanshard, with the president, Mrs. A. Bickell, in the chair. Appointed delegates to the District Annual Tavistock are M1’©- Mrs. iN. Watson. The Bickell, and District M. Dobson will and spent and Mrs, Russell Morrison, of Brant­ spent the week-end at his in the village. J. Graham, of Toronto, spent church by the church the village this week. Mrs. Harold Davis spent Niagara Falls. Mrs. H. Stewart, of Mr. and Mit- Mrs. are Glen DASHWOOD Mr. and Mrs. W. Soldon and Mr. H. spidon of Pontiac, Mich., yjslt* ej with Mr* aud Mrs. E. stdck last week. Mr, and Mrs, Melton Walp©r, of Ingersoll,. spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, P, Pas- sold. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kellerman, of Chatham, are spending a few days here, Mr, and Mrs, Norman Scott, of Bowmanville, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Kleinstiver, Mr, Scott returned Monday and Mrs. Scott and family will spend the week here, Mr. Rowland Hill, of London, will be the guest speaker in the Evan­ gelical church Qn Sunday evening, June 2nd, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Clemas and family, of London, spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs. T. Harry Hoff­ man. Mr, and Mrs. Glen Brown, of Lon­ don, were Sunday visitors with Mr, and - Mrs. Bill Wein. Mrs. Bertha Hayter returned home on Sunday after spending the past two weeks with her daughter in Windsor, Mr, and Mrs. Joe Bruce returned with her and spent Sun­ day here. Murray Wolfe, of Toronto, the week-end holiday at his here. Mr. and Mrs. Harold family spent Sunday in El ora. Mr. and Mrs. Walter London, were visitors here over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Kimpel, of Kitchen­ er, spent er, Mrs. Misses Betty and Edith Spicer, of Komoko, over the Mr; and Mrs. Mervyn Stelck, of Bradford, visited with his parents, Mr. and ’Mrs. E. Stelck over the holiday. Keith Wildfong, of London, spent the 24th with his parents. A number from here are attend­ ing the W.M.S. Convention at St. Jacobs this week. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Wein and family attended the graduation ex­ ercises of their daughter. Dorothy, at Convocation Hall on Tuesday of last week at Western University, London. Mr. Wein who has spent the week at his home here has returned to Detroit. Mrs. Cowan, of Hanover, is visit­ ing with her daughter, Mrs. Harold Kellerman. Mr, Harry Hoffman is all smiles over spent home Weber and Fergus and Fassold, of a few days with her moth- Becker. visited with friends here week-end. the arrival of a son. KIPPEN and Mrs.. Bernard Keyes and Suggestions —Magazine Racks —Hassocks —Wall Brackets 1—Sandwich Trays —Lamps —Mirrors —Waste Paper Baskets R. C. Dinney Furniture and Funeral .Service short spell after for a time. is not quite so 's.Rob­ to be held at E. Paton and president, Mrs. Director, Mrs. M. Dobson will also attend this meeting. Canon James reviewed the life of the .Indian with a fine dis­ play of Jndian relics which proved very interesting. Mrs. G. Hall con­ tributed a solo and Mrs. W. Hard­ ing gave current events. A skit entitled “Old Grandmother’s Time” was .presented with Mrs. N. Watson as grandmother; Mrs. Bickell rep­ resenting the clock; Mrs. C. .Switzer the calendar; Mrs. W. Harding the pedometer; Mrs. E. Watson’ the the candle and Mrs. Stewart Shier as lovely day. The meeting closed with the National Anthem and .the Benediction. Mrs. mar- KHIVA Congratulations to Mr. and Jerome Denomme who were ried on Saturday. Misses Doris and Marie Denom­ me, of Detroit* and London, respec­ tively, spent the week-end with their parents and attended the Denomme —- Ducharme wedding on Saturday. Mr. Leo Regier and Miss Reta Regier spent the week-end at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Regier. ■ Misses Theresa Sullivan, of Wal­ laceburg and Catharine, of Strat­ ford, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Sullivan. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gelinas and Arthur, of Zurich, called on rela­ tives in this vicinity on Sunday. Cpl. H. J. Ziler, of London spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ziler. The Classified Department is yours—use it. GREENWAY Sunday School Anniversary be held in the United Church on Sunday at 2.45 p.m. Rev. C. E. Beacom, of Mount Brydges, a form­ er minister will be the guest speak­ er. «* We extend our sympathy to the relatives of Mrs. T. Gardner who passed away on Sunday morning.Mr. ------ -- Mrs. spent the week-end with relatives. Mr. Dawson Woodburn, . __ to, spent the week-end with his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Chid Woodburn. Mr. John Allister, of Detroit, vis­ ited last Monday with his sister, Mrs. Albert Pollock* Miss Lillian Ulens, of Windsor, and Mr. Dorman Ulens, of London, spent the week-end with Mrs. W. T. Ulens. Miss Leona Woodburn returned home from the hospital on Saturday after being a patient there with a knee injury. Mr. and Mrs. W. Curts and fam­ ily and Miss Viola Curts, of Lon- with Mr. J. B'. Nichol, and W. Wilson, will „ Mr. and of Hamilton, of Toron- z. don, visited on. Sunday and Mrs, ChaS. Curts. Mr, and Mrs. Russell of Ferndale, Mich, spent end with relatives here. Mrs. W. T, UlOns, Miss Lillian Ulens and Mr. Dorman Ulens at­ tended the wedding of iMiss Ula Ulens and Mr. Jack Murray in Lon­ don on Saturday. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Turnbull and Donna, of Grand Bend, and Mrs. Albert Pollock visited on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Carman Woodbuvn and 'Marion, ■Mr. Russell Foilock, of London, spent th© week-ond with -Mr. and Mrs. Milton Pollock and family, Miss Eunice Ourts,' of London, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. ahd Mrs, LawrOnce Curts. We extond our sympathy to the relatives of the late Mr. Chas. Mason who passed away last Thurs* day. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. McPherson and Jean, of Toronto, called on rel­ atives her© over the Week-end. McIntosh, the week* Mr. Marlene, of Varna, visited on Sun­ day with Mr.&knjl. Mrs. H. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons and family visited Oh Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Ferguson, of Chisel­ hurst. Mrs. Watson, of Londesboro, spent a few days recently with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sinclair. Mr. and’ Mrs. W. Horney, Miss Mary Westlake and Miss Irene Johns all of Exeter, visited recently with Mr., and Mrs. A. Gackstetter. Mrs. Wilmer 'Ferguson and Don­ ald, of Elginfield, and Mrs. Nor­ man Ferguson and. Patricia, of Ex­ eter, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Schilbe. *3> Miss Etta Jarrott, of Toronto, and Dr. Gilbert Jarrott, of Strat­ ford, spent the holiday with their mother, Mrs. I. Jarrott. Mr. Glen Summers, of Seaforth, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Butt. We are pleased to report Rev. Mr. Hinton was able to return home from Seaforth Hospital -but is con­ fined to his bed. Rev. and Mrs. J. Richardson vis­ ited recently with the latter’s sis­ ter, Mrs. W. Sinclair, who is ill at her home here. Friendship Circle Hold Last Meeting for 1946 Friendship Circle met on Monday evening in the Sunday School, room of St. Andrews United Church with 7<0> mejnbers and 25 visitors present. It was decided by the committee not to have any more meetings until next fall and so the attendance con­ test closed with Mrs. Harold Jones’ group leading. A picnic will be ten­ dered to that group in Seaforth Lions Park on June 14th. The meet­ ing was in charge o-f Mrs. Harold Jones’ group with Mrs. Allan John­ son presiding and dpened with the singing of “The day thou gaves Lord is ended” and the Lord’s Prayer was repeated in unison. Mrs. Jbhn An­ derson read the scripture lesson. “In Christ there„ is no east noi’ west” was then sung. An interest­ ing program followed consisting of a duet by Edith and Jimmy Love, piano instrumental by Miss Helen Love, “Long Long Ago” was sung by all; a novelty duet was sung by Mrs. Harold Jones and Mrs. A. Gackstetter; a humorous recitation was then given by Gerald Parsons; a motion Song was sung by Marilyn Anderson, Ilene McLean, Carol Mc- Murtrie and Wayne McBride; a trio consisting of Miss Ellen Love, Mrs. Harold Jones and Mrs. A. ’Gackstet­ ter sang accompanied by Mrs. Har­ old Jones’With the guitar. This was followed by a spelling contest for the Juniors led by Mrs. Allan John­ son. A humorous Contest followed led by Mrs. Archie Parsons at which Clinchey was the winner, A luck impersonation Mrs. Carl lunch was served. Me* pot SHIPKA Miss Ruth Rati; accompanied bi Mr. and Mrs, Bawdon, of Parkhill spent the week-end in Windsor. THAMES ROAD Mr, Charlie Harris, off London* Spent th© holiday .week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leopard Harris, Mr, visited end.Mr. .. ... . ......................... by motor last week with Mr. and Mrs. M. Madge for a six in the west. Mr, and Mrs, Norman and baby and Mr. and Ferguson and $oy spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Wilmer Fer­ guson in London Township, ’ Misses ’ “ son and week-end Mr, and Mrs. Frank Gollings, of Granton, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Percy Passmore over the week-end < Holiday visitors with Mr. Mrs. A. Gardiner and Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Gardiner were Mr, and Mrs Reid and Bill, Mr, and Mrs, Ted Roberts, Mr, and Mrs. Dick Dobson of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. H. Rodhe spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Rodhe in Mitchell. The many friends of Morgan regret to know has been confined to her past week, Rev. Mail* is attending Conference this week in London. The regular monthly meeting of the W, A. and W.M.S. will meet at the home of Mrs Robert Maver Wednesday afternoon, June 5 al 2.3'0! p.m. sharp. Miss Margaret Allison, of London spent the week-end with her par­ entis. Misses Helen and, Anne Morgan, spent the week-end here. Mrs. Kenneth Johns ’Graduation General Hospital Bert Gardiner, of London, at Jiis home ever the week- and Mrs. Wm* Elford left week visit Ferguson Mrs. Wm. Jean Cann, Eleanor Haw* Ruth Dawson spent the holiday at Grand Bend. and Mrs. A, that she bed this London of London, their home Mr, and tended the the this week. . Sunday School and Church ser­ vices will be withdrawn at Thames Road on Sunday morning as it is Roys Anniversary. Rev. Carman Armstrong, of London, will speak at the morning service and Rev. Beecroft, of Wingham, at ning service. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Doris and Roberta visited day with Mr. and Mrs. A. Exeter, Mission Circle Meet The regular monthly meeting of the Mission Circle met at the home of Miss Doris Duncan on Saturday afternoon. Roberta Dun­ can, vice-president, presided. The meeting opened with hymn followed with prayer by the president. Roll call and minutes were treasurer’s report business discussed, consisted of; reading .by Elsie Bray instrumental by DaloreS" Allison; reading by June Borland; -temper­ ance reading by Mrs. Mair,; instru­ mental by Betty Mair and Ina ris gave the topic. Collection taken and the meeting closed a hymn and the Benediction. Mission Band Meet The regular monthly meeting of the met in the church basement dur­ ing children assembled in the Church auditorium for the opening exer­ cises and before .going to the base,' ment for their gave them the gal Son by meeting opened president, presiding. Hymn 341 was sung followed by the Mission Band Purpose. Marion McLeod then led in prayer. Roll call was taken ans­ wered by naming a tree. Collection was taken and scripture lesson was read by Betty Allison. Minutes were read by Joanne Mair, secre­ tary. Business was discussed. Hymn 35 8 was sung. The program con­ sisted of; recitation by Marion Lamport; instrumentad by Jane Morgan; reading ’ by John Pym. The. topic was taken by Miss Mary Gardiner. Hymn 405 was sung and the meeting closed with the Nat­ ional Anthem. Thames church at at- at Sarnia Exercises in the eve- Duncan, on Sun- Ford, of read. The was given and The program Har- waa with Road Mission Band service hour. The meeting Rev. Mair story of the Prodi- Flannelgraph. The with Jane Morgan. ZION Mrs. Elsie McGuffin, Wesley and Margaret, of Brynston, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Brock. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock vis­ ited on Sunday with relatives in St. Thomas and Port Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Westcott and Linda, of Exeter, visited on Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Eph. Hern. School has been closed this week due to the illness of the teacher, Miss Marion Kemp, who is confin­ ed to her home. Mr. Warren Brock was in Mich­ igan .during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Johns, of Elimville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. B. Miller. Mrs. L. Kyle, of Exeter, spent Wednesday with relatives in the community. Rev. and Mrs. Risdon, of Staffa. visited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Merton and Earl, Mr. Ivan Culbert, of Lucan, Sunday with Mr. Hern. Mr, and Mrs. Et on .Friday with George Hopkins, of Miss Jean Brock day with Mr, and inson, of Denfleld. Mrs. Sahl Bowers, of Exeter, visited on Tuesday with Mr, and Mt'S. Wes, Jaques, Culbert and Mrs. __, visited Oh and Mrs. Ross Eph. Hem visited Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell, visited oh Fri* Mrs. Tom Dick* The perfect soldier doesn’t drink doesn’t smoke, doesn’t borrow money, doesn’t hand out a line— doesn’t exist, ELIM VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Howard Qtis> of London, spent .the week-end the latter’s parents, Mr. Lloyd Johns, Holiday visitors with Mrs. John Herdman were man Herdman, Mr. and Mrs, Hilson Whiteford, of Ingersoll, Mr.. and Mrs. Wm. Bradshaw and David, oi Seaforth, Quite ‘a number took in the Gar­ den Brpg. Circus in London during the past week. Miss Wilma Veal, of Exeter spent the holiday with Miss Marion Murch, Mrs. Everett Bkinner and Ruth attended the shower for Miss Lois Hunter at the home of Eli Simms at Crediton this week, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Ford have moved into their new home south of Winchelsea. Miss Wanda Stephen spent the week-end withMiss Mildred Miller, of London. Mr. and of London, of Exeter, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs, Delmar Skinner, Sunday visitors with Mr. Mrs, Chas, Stephen were Mr, Mrs. Wm, Stephen and family, Woodham, Mr. and Mrs, John Heck­ man and Doreen, Mrs. Stephen, -Sr., of Dashwood. The Elimville Boys played their first game of baseball with Russel- dale last Wednesday night with the former winning. On Monday night Elimville team went to Kirkton and played against Woodham with Elimville winning with a score of 117-8. Mrs. iSparling, Sr., of Anderson, is spending a few days with Mr. and Mi's. Harry Sparling. Mr. Clarence. Ford spent the week-end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bell and Noel spent the week-end with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Hurd, of Toronto. Mr., and Mrs. Wm Elf ord have gone to Alberta with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Madge for a few weeks. Mr. James Sinclair spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jack- son Woods. Mr. Earl Coultis spent Wednes­ day last with his parents, Mr. Mrs. Nelson Coultis. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lamont daughter, of Parkhill, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johns. and Mr. Mr- with Mrs. and Car- I Mrs. Maynard Margison and Mrs. Edward Johns and and of and and on Laboring fitfully upon the fourth act of his play, “The Belle of the West,” the whimsical Harry B. Smith suddenly paused and turning ■to his friend, Victor Herbert, com­ plained despairingly: “Victor, this act slumped dreadfully. What am I to do?” Herbert' studied the unfinished script with some care and; then said “Harry, why don’t you put a new idea into the act.” “A new idea?” snorted the play­ wright. “Why, if I had a new idea I’d write another play!” Know-How Service On All Makes of Cars and Trucks Ypor ekr or truclc meeds "know-*how” service—-“Factory*- Specified” Service designed to ensure efficient, economical per-* formance and long life ! We have • Trained Technicians • Approved Tools S Factory-Approved Parts See us for "Know-How” Serve­ ice and Save Time, Trouble, Money! Snell Bros. & Co EXETER Painting Exterior Decorating Work Guaranteed. Apply- D. L. MacArthur % C. L. WILSON Plione 56 Exeter, Nothing is hard to get if you use a Want-to-Buy Want Ad. Local Office for Hospitalization Insurance I W. H. Hodgson | AGENT = = “If It’s Insurance We Have It” ; i Exeter - Ontario ; = Telephones: Office 34 = Res. 162J ; •Tin ii tiiHnimtHinnmiiiifiiHiiii iihhiih nun MiiiiiiinnMiin" Made to Drop Right Into Your Kitchen It takes just one glance to see that the Findlay Condor is much more than just an ordinary coal and wood stove. It represents a new perfection in household comfort and con­ venience. The modern streamlined appearance is matched by cooking precision and ease of operation. A limited num­ ber of these models are now being produced. Choose a Findlay for modern cooking improvements backed by dependable workmanship and design. We Have the New Green Cross 2-4-D Weed Killer A 1OO-LB. BAG OF PURINA GROWENA $ W PVlttTS Purina Powder Rid animals or poultry of lice by giving them a dust bath with Purina Lice Powder. Watch for first sign of lice and get right after them. That's all it takes when you feed GROWENA on the Purina Plan. Built for fast growth and vigor.«» Gets 'em' on the nest early! Traquair’s —-----___—* Hard ware One Door South of Post Office