HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-05-23, Page 10'■ .....................................................
FRIDAY and SATURDAY — May 24th, 25th
Town Topics *
Bailey for a. week.
Venetian Blinds
Made to Measure
2 features
A Western Feature
A Good D inner
Co., at Iro-
Furniture and Funeral Service
of Toronto
Mrs. T. O,
At Lamport’s Coffee
Shoppe. We specialize
taste and ..nutrition.
Items of Personal. Interest , , . Ip and Around Town.
The Times-Advocgte is always pleased to publish items of personal interest.
We q,nd our readers are interested in,you and your friends- . . Phone 31W
Boris Penhale, nurse-in-
at Sb. Joseph’s Hospital,
is spending two weeks
The first show commences at 7.30
Exeter, Ontario
W. H. Hodgson
“If It’s Insurance We Have It”
Exeter Ontario
Telephones: Office 24
Res. 162J
• / .
‘Riverboat Rhythm’
The Municipal Council of the
Village of Exeter has proclaimed
---------Coffee Shoppe
Dinner served 11.30 to 1.30
“Bells of St. Marys” — June 26th to 29th
“Spellbound” “Adventure”
“A Walk in the Sun”
The Times-Advocate
Exeter Markets
Wheat, $14Q
Oats, 51c.
Barley, 70 c,
Creamery Butter, 45c,
Eggs, A Large 31c
Eggs, A Medium 29 e
Eggs, Bullets 22c
Eggs, B 25c
Cracks 22c
Leavitt s Theatre
Previews Its Coming Attractions
WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY — May 22nd, 23rd
LPhone 135
Wednesday May 29th
To Open Fair
Hon. T. L. Kennedy, Ontario
minister of agriculture, will open
the South Huron Agricultural So
ciety's annual stock show 'at Hen
sail on June 7 th.
— Music by —
Murdoch's Orchestra
- Everybody Welcome —
And Then It Rained
The frequent rains . of the
week have meant much
growth on the farm and in
gardens. The rains came
after a
fairly long dry spell when farmers
began to get anxious. Blossoms are
out and the country is looking
C.G.I.T. Meets -
The C.G.I.T. met Monday evening
in James Street church, opening the
meeting with the C.G.I.T. purpose.
Minutes and roll call were followed
by business. Miss Johns led the
worship service. Joan Hopper read
the story of Samuel. The Lord’s
Prayer was repeated, ' Mrs. Fraser
taught us how’ to put an arm in a
sling. Taps was sung.
Trousseau Tea
■Mrs. Otto H. Brown, of Centralia,
entertained at a delightful trous
seau reception on Saturday after
noon, May 18th, in honor of her
only daughter, Bernice Alice, whose
marriage to Orland W. Squire takes
place in Centralia United Church on
May 22nd. Mrs. Brown was assisted
in receiving the guests by her
daughter and Mrs, N. .Squire, moth
er of the groom. The door attendant
was Mrs, -F. Hicks. Presiding at the
tea table which was attractively
arranged with a lace cloth and a
centrepiece of pink roses and white
sweet-peas flanked by tall pink
tapers, were Mrs. R. Morlock and
Mrs. J. Galloway, cousins of the
bride and Mrs, !A. Kuntz and Mrs.
of the bride.
room were
Honored Before Leaving
On Monday evening of this week
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wright and fam
ily moved from Exetei- to their farm
in Stephen. On Saturday evening
Mrs. WrighBs near neighbors, Mrs.
C. Frayne, Mrs., M. Horton, Miss
McTaggart, Mrs. M. J. Horney and
Mrs. J. B. McLean, surprised her at
the home of Mrs. McLean and. pre
sented her with a lovely china raw
fruit dish. Mrs. Wright was taken
entirely by surprise but thanked the
friends in a few well-chosen words
for the gift. A social hour was spent.
Unearth Den of Foxes
Observing the actions of
G. McFalls, aunts
Assisting in the tea __
Misses Donna Bowden, Jean, King,
Hazel Buswell and Helen Essery.
Showing the gifts and trousseau
were Misses Marian Francis, Virla
Jones, Euoieen Kuntz, Dorothy
Squire and Myrtle Haist, Over one.
hundred, and twenty guests regis
tered during the day.
couple of foxes on the 'side of a
hill at the rear of their neighbor’s
barn Wesley and Howard Johns of
the 6th Con. of Usborne, decided
to investigate ‘•and discovered a
fox-hole, With the aid of Mr, Les,
Robinson, Kenneth Johns and Ed
win Miller the men with shovels
started to dig and after two hours
came upon the lair and there they found nine little foxes and the lair
stocked with two chicken and a
groundhog. As Hdward Johns is
raising a goodly number of chicken
he now figures he is going to have
more for market than he otherwise
would. A keen watch is being kept
for the older foxes,
We Have
. . » « ■» a few early Boxed Plants ready mow —* Tomatoesj
Cauliflower Cabbage, Pansies, Snapdragons^ Petunias^
Salvia ami Asters.
* We will have a latter supply after June 1st.
Closed all day, Friday, May 24th.
Have us measure your win-
xlows for Venetian Blinds,
Besides being practical they
help to decorate your
rooms. Slats are made of
steel in eggshell with tapes
of harmonizing colors. The
high gloss baked enamel
finish makes them easy to
clean. — Phone 20W
Local Office for
and I hereby call upon all
citizens to observe the day
as such.
B. W. Tuckey, Reeve
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Mrs. W. E. Cavers, Prop.
Exeter . Phone 245
V’s Beauty Shoppe
Cold Wave and Eugene Machine
Arrange NOW for your Spring
Hairdressing Needs
Tel. 112 Exeter
Vera C. Fraser, Proprietress
Round the Clock Service
Phone 155w Exeter
SPECIAL—-For Men and Women
100 pairs of Oxfords, black and tan.
To go at greatly reduced prices.
Values ranging from $3.25 to $4.-00
Gearing at $2.19 per pair.
Men’s and Boys’
splendid selection to choose from
Prices ranging from $2.25 to $6.75
per pair,
Repairing promptly and neatly
attended to—spot service.
All Welt soles machine stitched.
Friday, May 24th, will be a Pub
lic holiday,
Miss Beverley Myers has accepted
a position with, Beavers Hardware.
John Batteii. has taken a position
as apprentice with the Times-Advo*
Miss Emily Wildman, of London,
spent the week-end at her home
Mrs. Delight Gordon,
is visiting her sister,
Mrs. J. G. Davis, of
spent a few days with Mr,'and Mrs.
Clark Fisher,
Mrs. Robt. Sillery is ill at ‘the
home of her daughter, Mrs. A. Dun
can, of Usborne.
Mrs. Elmore Harness, Mrs. Max
Harness' and Miss Barbara spent
Tuesday in London,
Miss Dorothy Hooper, of Exeter,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,
Wm. Elford, of Elimville.
Mr, E, J, Wetbey, who was ill in
hospital for a. number of weeks and
who has been recuperating at the
home of his son in London, returned
to his home here last week.
Mr. David Anderson, of Lucknow,
is visiting for 'a few days with Mr.
and Mrs. H, K. Eilber. Mr. (Ander
son recently returned from overseas
and before returning took a univer
sity course.
Mr. and Mrs. Nplson Hill return
ed to Toronto Saturday after a visit
with the former’s mother, Mrs.
Grace Aldworth. The latter is now
visiting at the home of her daugh
ter, Mrs. Mos’e Beckler and Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Moore, of
Toronto, are yisiting with relatives.
Murray has just completed a course
in forestry at the University of To
ronto and has accepted a position
with the Abitibi Paper
quois Falls.
Mr. and Mrs, Wm.
and Mrs. Allan Fraser
day in Port
Mrs. Elmer
Decker, of
them. as far
spent the day.
Warrant Officer W. E. Balkwill
and Mrs. Balkwill, of Brantford are
visiting in Exeter. They were ac
companied by the former's mother,
Mrs. W. A. Balkwill, who has re
turned to her home after spending
the winter with them.
Mr. and Mrs. J, L. Hendry have
moved into, the new apartments re
cently fitted up oyer the Bank of/
Montreal. Dr. Milner will move into
the residence vacated by • Mr. Hen
dry and Mr. Payette, of the Bank
of Montreal staff, will move intoj
the residence vacated by Dr. Milner.
Visitors with Mrs. Alice Mitchell
during the week-end were her sis
ter, Mrs. Tillie McFarlane, formerly
Tillie Evans, of Centralia, and her
son. Herb and his wife and daugh
ter Alice. The week before visitors
were her son, Earl Mitchell, of To
ronto, June and Murray Mbore and
baby Beverley Sandra,
The excavation for the basement
of the new theatre and bowling al-'
leys just east of the Bossenberry
Hotel at (Grand Bend has been com
pleted prior to the erection of the
new building. There is considerable
building operations in progress at
this popular resort.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarise Snell and
Mr.' Orville. Snell attended the grad
uation exercises of the 19 46 class
of nurses from Victoria Hospital
held in Convocation Hall at the
University of Western Ontario
Tuesday evening. Miss Jean 'Snell'
was one of the nurses that gradu
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Madge and
daughter, Helen, of Milk River,
Alta., visited for a few days with
relatives and friends in this com
munity. Mr. and Mrs. Madge came
down by airplane to attend the"
graduation • of their daughter at.
McMaster University, Hamilton, and
are returning with a new automo
Mr. and Mrs. Hector Taylor‘were
in London Wednesday attending
the graduation exercises of their
son Grant who has received his B.A.
degree in chemistry at Western
University. Grant was a, student at
Western before enlisting for over
seas and on,his return.resumed his
studies. He 'has accepted a position
with the Polymer Rubber Company
at Sarnia.
Mr. Donald Holmes, of Dresden,
just returned from overseas, is vis
iting with his aunt, Mrs. A. Kers-
Miss Patricia Crawford, of Bel
mont, is visiting with her grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
Mrs. May Pomeroy, of Loudon,
spent the week-end at the home of
her father, Mr. W. D. Sanders and
Mrs. Sanders.
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Green and Mr,
and Mrs. Albert Keyes spent Sun
day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Sid
Baker, of Dashwood, **
Miss Iva Fisher, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Rowe and Bob Blair spent
■Sunday in Pt, Huron with Mr. and
Mrs. Amos Warwick.
Pte. and Mrs. J. E. E. Wildman
haye returned, to London after
spending a few. days with Mr. and
Mrs. Luther Bissett, of Lopdou, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Sanders, of
is visiting her daughter, Mrs., Ralph jpoudoh* were week-end visitors
with relatives, hero and in Kippen.
Mrs. Luther Bissett, of London,
Mrs. F. M. Wildman.
Congratulations t0 Mr. Alf Hicks
of Usbprne, who on Wednesday
quietly observed' his 76th birthday
at home with his family.
’ Miss
vacation at her home here,
Mr. Charles Monteith and sister,
Miss Ella visited with the former’s
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Ted Goddard at Ilderton on
Fraser, Mr.
visited Sun-
Huron with Mr. and
Caulkett. Mrs. Clara
Zurich, accompanied
as Forest where she
Teacher Resigns
Miss K. Jordan, who’for the past
two years has
teacher at the
has tendered
take .effect at
Miss Jordon,
from Toronto, has been a successful
teacher and has made many friends
been the commercial
Exeter High School,
her resignation to
the end of the term,
who came to Exeter
Severely Burned
Mrs, Carnet McFalls was .In 'Lon
don Pver the week-end visiting with
her sister-in-law, MrS. Robt, Bilyea,
Of that city, who Is critically ill in
Victoria Hospital sufferihg from
severe burns. Mrs. Bilyea while en»
gaged with her household duties
and dressed in a housecoat had
turned on an electric heater to warm
the chill morning air. While passing
the heater, the houseboat, being of
inflammable material, caught fire
vzithout coming in contact with the
heater, Her husband assisted her
in putting out the flames but not
before she was severely burned
from the ankle to the waist,
We would rather have a better quality to offer you but are
Boy s Tweed Suits
Five. Dozen
These are outstanding quality tweed suits. They are smart
in appearance and the cloths are the best wearing we .know
of for boys. Shades of blue, brown or green. Each $19.95
glad to have something for you as shirts are
Each $1.59
New Curtain Materials
Wc have been fortunate in securing some
new lines in curtain and drapery material.
These lines are very scarce.
Values at $1.00 to $2.50 per yard
Stair Treads
There’s no need for a neck
tie inferiority complex. You
can’t go wrong when 'you
select from our Currie ties.
Bold modernistic or neat
conventional patterns
Plastic Curtain Material
■ Ideal for curtains for kitchen, bathroom
and shower curtains. You do not have to
wash and iron, just clean with a damp
cloth; comes in four shades, per yard 45c
A new composition to replace
rubber, waterproof, non-skid and
> washable. Each 30c
Room Lots of
at Bargain Prices’
New Dinner Ware
Several very good'patterns in 66 or’97 pieces. These
have been on order for two years. Prices range from
$30.00 to $60.00 *
Traverse Rods
For all widths of windows. This rod is. ideal for heavy
curtain materials, as it will not sag. Sold in any length.
Phone 276 Wuerth’s Cash Shoe Storep
Exeter Flower Shop
Ralph Bailey and Family
ExeterPhone 16