HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-05-23, Page 7THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 23rd, 194S Rase 7 «»»K*X4 WHEN YOU PLACE a Long Distance Call THEN, the telephone number of your party ... THEN, when the operator asks it, your own telephone number. th/M iN atB ago we w«e serT' J tag9W -1M000 m»rc tc pbon^anlasare o UnS Mtuany *; though ^ ^;snowabout 100% volume of ea g begao. WgbW *an . hdpfvl w'icn why W » 60 -*** sequence? aS :ona Di»- yoU ob6« yog Long diown below. ,n tance caW ani new Bwitcbboard^« meanuave standing? delayed. FIRSj, give the operator the name of the distant city ’’T* ©specialty your ^•X-^VA •fc If you don’t know the distant telephone number, please make a note of it for future use when you hear the operator repeat it* i Phorie 266Exeter, Oht, ware present from Alymer, London and L. V. HOGARTH J. M. GOODWIN Manager Mangel and Turnip Seed Limited Supply of Hybrid Com Poultry Supplies, Peat Moss Howard’s Poultry Medicine Hayfork Cable and Rope Buy at your local Co-op Store. A few more orders needed for Car of Barley Phone 287 ------------------------------ -— ....■■■—-—•— ;i ....... In May and June? Chickens cun get cecal coccidiosis at almost any age or time of year. Watch your chicks closely at all times for symptoms such as BLOODY DROPPINGS, paleness, droopy wings, loss of appetite^ loss of weight, and ruffled feathers. rv Dr. Salsbury’s new drinking water medicine REN-O- $AL is the result of years of laboratory and research faun experimentation. It has proven highly effective throughout the country in preventing the spread of cecal coccidiosis and provides tonic benefits as well. We will be glad to explain the use of this amazing new’ two-fold medicine in detail. Stop in today. Dickins-Squire In an attractive ceremony at Whalen United Church at high noon on Wednesday, May 15th, Shirley Elvina, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Squire, became the bride of John JR. Dickins* younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Dickins, of Lucan. Rev. Gordon Weir, of Centralia, was the officiat­ ing minister at the double-ring ceremony during which soft music was played by Mrs. Bert Duffield. Miss iSara Fitzgerald, of London, sang “O Promise Me” before the ceremony and “Because” during the signing of the register. Miss Fitz­ gerald wore a floor-length blue sheer gown with a corsage of Talis­ man roses. Given in marriage by "her father neath a Gothic arch of Spruce, the bride was lovely in a gown of white satin with lace panels, long fitted sleeves forming points over her hands and a sweetheart neckline. Her finger-tip veil was held in place by a bustle of white velvet flowers and she carried a shower bouquet of red roses. Miss Jean McDougall, of London, as maid*of- honor, wore a floor-length gown of Romance blue taffetta with net skirt, drop shoulders with ne.t inset. Miss Mayrene Atkinson, of London, as bridesmaid, wore a floor-length gown of pink taffetta with net skirt and a sweetheart neckline. Both attendants wdre matching shoulder length headdresses and carried pink carnations. Ronald Squire, of the bride, was best man, as ushers were Grafton brother of the bride, and Caldwell, of St. Thomas. The reception was held at London. Mrs. Squire, mother bride, assisted in receiving guests. She wore a navy blue Amer­ ican net dress with matching acces­ sories and a corsage of red roses. The .groom’s mother chose a grey dress with Fuschia accessories and a corsage of sweet peas. Later Mr. and Mrs. John R. Dickins left on. a motor trip, the bride going away in a dark browh suit with brown accessories and a lapel watch, the gift of the groom. She also wore a corsage of Talisman roses, Guests Thomas, ter. brother Acting Squire, Eldon Hoohs, of the the St. Exe* Exe*Two Carloads of ladies from ter motored to Hamilton Friday of last week and enjoyed dinner and afternoon bridge at the home of MK and Mrs, M. F, QIadman. hensall, Mrs. Violet Schwalm visited thia week in Rondon, The annual spring show will be held at the Bark in Hensall on Fri* day, June 7th. Misses Margaret MacGregor and Edna Saundercock spent the week­ end with friends In Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, Edgar 'Allen, of Cromarty, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs, Roy MacLaren and Don­ ald. Miss Mary Buchanan, of Niagara Falls, JL.Y» spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Andrew Buchanan. Mrs, Catharine Hedden visited last week with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W, Carter ’ in Clinton,. The many friends of Miss Ema- line Johnston will be pleased to hear she is .improving following her recent illness. At a recent meeting in Wingham of the W.O.Q.A., Hensall entered a ladies' softball team in the series for this season. Miss Lillian Fulton, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Miss- Han­ nah and Mr. John Craig as well as other friends here, Mr, and Mrs. Merv. Schwalm and family, of Stratford, visited with the former’s mother, Mrs, Violet Schwalm over the week-end, Mr, and Mrs. Barrie Williams and Michael, of Kitchener’, visited re­ cently with Mrs. William’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'G. M. Drysdale, Mrs. W. B. Cross and daughter, Miss Goldie Cross, R.N., of London, returned home last week after a very enjoyable trip to Victoria, B,C. Mr.'and Mrs,, Ray Lammie and Bobbie, of Centralia, visited recent­ ly with the former’s mothei* and sister, Mrs, Lammie and Miss Greta Lammie. Pte. James Westlake, of Brook­ ville, and Miss Leona Westlake, of London, spent the week-end at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Westlake, near Cromarty. Mrs. C. Ballantyne, Miss Katie Scott and Mr. Lorne 'Scott attended the wedding of Mrs, Ballantyiie’s granddaughter, Miss Susan Dobbs, at Shelby, Ohio, last week. They also visited with Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Ballantyne and family in De­ troit. Dr. D. iG. Steer, formerly of Hen­ sall, will receive his Master of Science (Faculty of Medicine) de­ gree at the graduation of Wednes­ day, May 22, at the University of Western Ontario, when the largest class in history received degrees and diplomas. There were 36 8 graduates. The District Annual of South Huron-will be held in Egmondville United Church on Wednesday, May 29 th. Morning and afternoon ses­ sions. The morning session begins at 1'0' a.m. standard time. A large representation of members from each Branch is asked for. Hensall Institute Members please make a special effort to attend this Conven­ tion. All tho,Se having cars, also those desiring; .^transportation are requested to meet at the Town Hall Wednesday, May 29 th at L'O’.JIS a.m. Daylight .Saving Time or 9.15 a,m. Standard Time- The Evening Auxiliary of the Hensall United Church will hold the May meeting at the home of Mrs. H. Hyde on Monday evening, May 27th, Mrs. Kyle will assist the hostess. Roll Call—A Canadian Patriot. The Devotional exercises will be conducted by Mrs. C. Pass- more. Mrs. Hedden will present the topic. The social committee will consist of the following members: Mrs. Hyde, Mrs. Kyle, Mrs. Cowan and Mrs. Buchanan. Mrs. B. Mac­ Kay, travelling field secretary for Ontario W.C.T.U., will be the guest speaker. You are asked to make a special effort to attend this inter­ esting meeting. Addresses Institute The Hensall Women’s Institute held their citizenship meeting at the home of Mrs. Albert Shirray on Wednesday evening with Mrs. Frank Wright, co-hostess. The pres­ ident, Mrs. A. Kerslake presided and opened the meeting with the “Ode” followed by “O Canada”. The motto, “'Success is But Doing the Best to the Best of Your Abil­ ity,” was very ably taken by Mrs. Robt. Elgie, The roll call was an­ swered by “My Responsibility to the Community in Which I Live?” , The business followed "and arrange­ ments were made to attend the Dis­ trict Annual to be held .in Seaforth i May 29th. Rev, P. A. Ferguson was ' the guest speaker and gave a very ‘ interesting address on “Canada and the Church’s Advance?’ Miss Greta ‘ Lammie favored with a violin solo : accompanied by Miss Gladys Luker ' at the piano. Mrs. Stewart Bell gave ; a very interesting demonstration on “Sewing.” Mrs. A. E. Munn moved ; a vote of thanks to the hostess and . those who took part. The annual ' picnic will be held in June at the home of Mrs. Robt. Elgie with Mrs. E. Chipchase, co-hostess. The meet­ ing closed by singing the National ; Anthem. Lunch was served. i Arnold Circle Evening Auxiliary The regular meeting of the Arn- ■ old Circle Evening Auxiliary was . held oil Tuesday evening at the ' home of Mrs. A. Orr with Mrs. I Stewart Bell, co-liostess. Mrs. Mel­ vin Moir presided and opened the . meeting with prayer, after which > “Whore Cross the Crowded Ways of i Life” was sung. Miss Jean McQueen i gave a reading entitled “'Sayings • My Mother Used to Say.” „The Scrip* i titre lesson 42*52, aild • was read by • which Mrs. Prayer. The en up. The Reign Victorious/1 after which Mrs. Roy BOH led in prayer. Refresh- menu were served by the hostess, Cawnei pyesbytferian Anniversary The 8 8th anniversary of Carmel (Presbyterian Church, Hensall, was observed on Sunday with Rev, Scot Duncan,. B.A., of st. Marys, in charge of the services delivering most inspiring discourses at both services, assisted at the. evening service by Rev, Kenneth MacLean, of Caven Presbyterian Church, Exe­ ter, and Rev, R. A. Brook, of Hen­ sall United Church, their services being withdrawn. At the morning service the choir sang two anthems, “’Great is the Lord” and “The Earth is the Lord’s.” The obligato solo •was taken by Mrs. Harold C.„Bell. A mixed quartette comprising Mrs. A, Shell, Miss Mae Taylor, Mr, O. Taylor and Mr. Jas. Bengough sang “Dear Spirit, Lead Me On.'* At the evening service, Mrs. J, W, Bonth- rop sang a. solo entitled “My Cath­ edral?' The choir sang two anthems “Lift up your Heads’’ and “Even­ ing and Morning.” Mr. Jas. Ben- gough, soloist, Mrs, Malcolm Doug- all, organist and leader, presided at the organ for the services. Special Council Meeting A. special meeting of the village council was held Friday, May 17th, at 8 p.m,, in the Council Chamber with the following members pres­ ent: Reeve R, E, Shaddick, Coun­ cillors E, Fink, A, W. Kerslake, M. Moir; Councillor H, Hyde being absent. The following members of the Hensall School Board were also present: Chairman, PlHI ton, E. L. Mickle, A. Clark, G. R. Hess, V. Flynn and Saunders, to consider cerning the High School Several members of the Board of Education were namely J. M. Southcott, ... Creech, J. H. Jones and /Principal H. L. 'Sturgis. Mickle and Clark: That Reeve Shaddick act as chairman for the meeting; carried, Mr. Shaddick re­ ported re the consultative commit­ tee stating that as far as he knew nearly all districts had been prac-’ tically formed. Considerable discus­ sion took place as regards the ac­ commodation offered by Exeter. About 10.45 p.m., the Exeter Board retired to anothei* room and the Council and School Board met amongst themselves and the follow­ ing motion passed. A. W. Kerslake and E. Fink, ‘Resolved we request Huron County Council to set up a High School District including this Municipality along with the Village of Exeter, Township of Stephen, Usborne and Hay and any other municipality which signifies a de­ sire to be included,” Carried. E. Fink and M. Moir: That we now adjourn. Carried. J. A. Paterson, Clerk. yni ip nm i a pc Buy at Cann's Mill Ltd. >■'OUR MOTTO Lower Costs Fewer Faults * Greater Profits Our Feed Bins are now completed and working satisfactor­ ily. We carry a complete line of SHUR-GAIN Feeds—you supply the bags—we supply the feed at a discount of 20c which amounts to $4,00 a. supply the bags-—we supply the cwt. (the full price of .new bags) ton. Why keep on buying new bags refilled? This is a real saving! We also give additional dis­ counts on quantity purchases! We now have sufficient help to give good service. Let us serve you with SHUR-GAIN. SH UR-GAIN saves you money. ■when you can have them These Are Our Prices! Look Them Over and Compare! L. McNaugh- Principal M. matters con- District. Exeter present, R. N. 15% Grow Mash New Bag $2.50 Out of Bin ............ $2.30 18% Lay Mash New Bag ....... Out of Bin .......... .. $2.65 .. $2.45 18% Hatching Mash New Bag .......... ’Out of Bin .......... .. $2.85 .. $2.65 18% Pig Starter New Bag .,......... Out of Bin ........ .. $2.80 .. $2.60 15% Hog Grower New Bag .......... . Out of Bin ........... 12% Hog Fatener New Bag .............. Out of Bin ............. $2.20 $2.00 15 %* Sgw Ration New Bag .............. Out of Bin ............ $2.35 $2.15 18% ,Chick New Bag Starter ............... $3,00 Ask for Our Quantity Discounts. It Will Save You Money. We may be able to help you with your 'Feeding Problems. ’Drop in and discuss them with us. from (acts 13, verses Acts 14, verses 8*11, Mrs. Stewart Bell after Chas. Forrest led in business was then talc­ roll call, minutes and offering were taken. The study on “Christian Approaches to the Peo­ ples of Africa," Was very ably taken by Mrs. W. hrowm The meeting closed by sihging Zion’s King Shall WhalenExeter deo irp—Pawif wp ** P/<mf op■— Beautify yovr community Many an over-expanded household has endured the ’'bathroom prob­ lem", but lack of ADEQUATE ELECTRIC WIRING is a more subtle irritation. Having to move the chesterfield to plug in the vacuum cleaner, for instance, just because the only wall outlet is back there. *» with all the lamps and the radio hooked up to if. And then there is the new range or water heater you would like to have if the main wiring would only stand the strain. That is where the real rub comes ... when you can’t use some new electrical convenience until now wiring is installed for it. Many homes are hot wired for modern demands. As more appli­ ances become available, the Use of electricity keeps right on climbing, and makeshift wiring adjustments lead to trouble* That is why it is so necessary for you to insist on adequate wiring for your heme# be it old or new. Hydro rates have been reduced until they are h6w among the lowest in the world. Enjoy full benefit of low-cost electrical SetVarttS by having your home adequately wired. A good electrical contractor knows how to Wire adequately, and your loeal Hydro will gladly give you information If you are improving or building a home, asfcyour Hydro for the book* let/ "Adequate Wiring for the Postwar Electric Homes of Canada?’ THE HYDRO-ELECTRIC MOWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO